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Scottish Set Text Guide: Tally's Blood for National 5 English (Scottish Set Text Guides)

by David Thomas

Exam Board: SQALevel: National 5 and HigherSubject: EnglishFirst teaching: September 2017 (N5) / September 2018 (Higher)First exams: Summer 2018 (N5) / Summer 2019 (Higher)Understand, analyse, evaluate, succeed. This study and revision guide takes you through every aspect of The Cone-Gatherers, with exam advice for the National 5 and Higher English Critical Reading papers.Fully up to date with SQA's latest exam requirements, this book is written by an expert who knows what exam success looks like.> Develop understanding of plot, structure, characterisation, themes and language. Clear explanations and detailed commentary are supported by definitions of key terms and unfamiliar words> Build critical and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to think more deeply about the text and consider the writers' ideas, choices and techniques> Receive advice on the Scottish Texts section of the exam. Sample questions with model answers and examiner-style commentary are supported by additional practice questions for students to do> Prepare for the Critical Essay section of the exam. With tips and examples for planning, structuring and writing a top-grade essay, plus practice essay questions for students to answer> Remember key quotations. A selection of quotes are highlighted throughout, so students can use them in the exam to make comparisons between different parts of the text> Review your learning. Quick questions at the end of each chapter check students' understanding of the text

Scottish Set Text Guide: Tally's Blood for National 5 English (Scottish Set Text Guides)

by David Thomas

Exam Board: SQALevel: National 5 and HigherSubject: EnglishFirst teaching: September 2017 (N5) / September 2018 (Higher)First exams: Summer 2018 (N5) / Summer 2019 (Higher)Understand, analyse, evaluate, succeed. This study and revision guide takes you through every aspect of The Cone-Gatherers, with exam advice for the National 5 and Higher English Critical Reading papers.Fully up to date with SQA's latest exam requirements, this book is written by an expert who knows what exam success looks like.> Develop understanding of plot, structure, characterisation, themes and language. Clear explanations and detailed commentary are supported by definitions of key terms and unfamiliar words> Build critical and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to think more deeply about the text and consider the writers' ideas, choices and techniques> Receive advice on the Scottish Texts section of the exam. Sample questions with model answers and examiner-style commentary are supported by additional practice questions for students to do> Prepare for the Critical Essay section of the exam. With tips and examples for planning, structuring and writing a top-grade essay, plus practice essay questions for students to answer> Remember key quotations. A selection of quotes are highlighted throughout, so students can use them in the exam to make comparisons between different parts of the text> Review your learning. Quick questions at the end of each chapter check students' understanding of the text

The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't

by Julia Galef

Winner of best smart thinking book 2022 (Business Book Awards)Guardian best books of 2021'Original, thought-provoking and a joy to read' Tim Harford'Highly recommended. It's not easy to become (more of) a scout, but it's hard not to be inspired by this book' Rutger BregmanWhen it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a 'soldier' mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalising in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.But if we want to get things right more often we should train ourselves to think more like a scout. Unlike the soldier, a scout's goal isn't to defend one side over the other. It's to go out, survey the territory, and come back with as accurate a map as possible. Regardless of what they hope to be the case, above all, the scout wants to know what's actually true.In The Scout Mindset, Galef shows that what makes scouts better at getting things right isn't that they're smarter or more knowledgeable than everyone else. It's a handful of emotional skills, habits, and ways of looking at the world - which anyone can learn. With fascinating examples ranging from how to survive being stranded in the middle of the ocean, to how Jeff Bezos avoids overconfidence, to how superforecasters outperform CIA operatives, to Reddit threads and modern partisan politics, Galef explores why our brains deceive us and what we can do to change the way we think.'With insights that are both sharp and actionable, The Scout Mindset picks up where Predictably Irrational left off. Reading it will teach you to think more clearly, see yourself more accurately, and be wrong a little less often' Adam Grant

The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't

by Julia Galef

Winner of best smart thinking book 2022 (Business Book Awards)Guardian best books of 2021'Original, thought-provoking and a joy to read' Tim Harford'Highly recommended. It's not easy to become (more of) a scout, but it's hard not to be inspired by this book' Rutger BregmanWhen it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a 'soldier' mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalising in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.But if we want to get things right more often we should train ourselves to think more like a scout. Unlike the soldier, a scout's goal isn't to defend one side over the other. It's to go out, survey the territory, and come back with as accurate a map as possible. Regardless of what they hope to be the case, above all, the scout wants to know what's actually true.In The Scout Mindset, Galef shows that what makes scouts better at getting things right isn't that they're smarter or more knowledgeable than everyone else. It's a handful of emotional skills, habits, and ways of looking at the world - which anyone can learn. With fascinating examples ranging from how to survive being stranded in the middle of the ocean, to how Jeff Bezos avoids overconfidence, to how superforecasters outperform CIA operatives, to Reddit threads and modern partisan politics, Galef explores why our brains deceive us and what we can do to change the way we think.'With insights that are both sharp and actionable, The Scout Mindset picks up where Predictably Irrational left off. Reading it will teach you to think more clearly, see yourself more accurately, and be wrong a little less often' Adam Grant

Scratch N' Snitch (White Lightning)

by Evan Jacobs

Cool girl Mia is perfection. And she knows it. She and her two besties rule the school. They declare what’s hot and what’s not. And the Scabs are definitely not. They are losers. One of the Scabs accidently cracks Mia’s phone. Mia loses her cool. She takes her popularity a step too far and uses her status to bully the girls who ruined her expensive phone. But being queen bee can change in an instant. And it does for Mia when a doctored Instagram post shows her making out with the school dweeb. Mia is floored at how fast she falls. Once the tables are turned, she learns how harsh she’s been. <p><p> White Lightning Books addresses a wide variety of themes and interests in a narrow range of reading levels, no higher than a 2.5. Middle school is a time of self-discovery, high energy, and hormonal change. It can also be a time of self-assertion and defiance. Students who struggle to read will often not recover from low reading achievement in elementary school if their particular interests are not addressed. Encouragement and finding the theme to “hook” them is key. There is a broad range of interest and abilities in this age group, even with struggling readers. These are not YA or elementary books—a fact younger teens will appreciate.

Scratch Programming Playground: Learn to Program by Making Cool Games

by Al Sweigart

Scratch, the colorful drag-and-drop programming language, is used by millions of first-time learners, and in Scratch Programming Playground, you’ll learn to program by making cool games. Get ready to destroy asteroids, shoot hoops, and slice and dice fruit!Each game includes easy-to-follow instructions, review questions, and creative coding challenges to make the game your own. Want to add more levels or a cheat code? No problem, just write some code.You’ll learn to make games like:–Maze Runner: escape the maze!–Snaaaaaake: gobble apples and avoid your own tail–Asteroid Breaker: smash space rocks–Fruit Slicer: a Fruit Ninja clone–Brick Breaker: a remake of Breakout, the brick-breaking classic–Platformer: a game inspired by Super Mario Bros.Learning how to program shouldn’t be dry and dreary. With Scratch Programming Playground, you’ll make a game of it!Uses Scratch 2


by Mark Shulman

"Scrawl" is a fabulous, riveting read. Tod Munn is probably the most interesting bad boy I've ever met in young adult fiction, and Mark Shulman is certainly one of its best new voices. --Nancy Werlin ("Impossible").

Scream School (Goosebumps Series 2000 #15)

by R. L. Stine

Jake's dad makes scary flicks like Scream School 1, 2 and 3, all starring Johnny Scream. The creepy star is just an action figure who lives on the big screen ... until Mr. Field begins filming Scream 4.

ScreeLing: handleiding

by Evy Visch-Brink M. van de Sandt-Koenderman Hanane Hachioui

Doel van de testMet de ScreeLing is screent men in korte tijd op afatische stoornissen op de linguïstische niveaus semantiek (woordbetekenis), fonologie (klankherkenning) en syntaxis (zinsstructuur). Het unieke van de ScreeLing is dat deze taalverwerkingsniveaus in één test verenigd zijn. Nog belangrijker is dat de ScreeLing al in de eerste week na een beroerte of een hersentrauma kan worden afgenomen. Door in een vroeg stadium de ScreeLing af te nemen, kan snel met gerichte therapie (bijvoorbeeld cognitief-linguïstische therapie) worden gestart. Zo wordt ingespeeld op het natuurlijke herstel van de neurale circuits die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de semantische, fonologische en/of syntactische taalverwerking. Het resultaat van de therapie verbetert daarmee. Daarnaast helpt vroegtijdig inzicht in het linguïstische patroon van de afatische stoornis patiënten en hun familie om beter om te gaan met moeilijke communicatieve situaties. In de eerste drie maanden na het ontstaan van het hersenletsel kan de ScreeLing worden gebruikt om herstelpatronen vast te stellen, al dan niet in samenhang met gegeven therapie. Ook in het chronische stadium van de afasie  kan de Screeling worden ingezet om snel een globaal beeld te krijgen van de aangetaste linguïstische niveaus.Toepassing• Screening: stelt stoornissen vast in de linguïstische niveaus semantiek, fonologie en syntaxis• Diagnostiek: geeft een eerste indicatie van de afatische stoornis, waarna de afasie uitgebreider kan worden onderzocht.• Behandeling: geeft een indicatie voor de te kiezen therapie• Evaluatie: brengt herstelpatronen in kaart en het effect van therapie.Wat meet de ScreeLing?De ScreeLing meet het functioneren van afatici op het gebied van de semantiek, fonologie en syntaxis. Voor een zo specifiek mogelijke diagnostiek zijn deze hoofdschalen steeds onderverdeeld in 4 subschalen (diagnostische taken) die de essentie weergeven van de taalverwerking op de drie gebieden.• Semantiek: 1. matchen woord/afbeelding 2. beoordeling semantisch goede en foute zinnen 3. woordassociatie 4. categoriseren (‘odd word out’)• Fonologie: 1. nazeggen 2. hardop lezen 3. foneemgelijkenis 4. foneemanalyse• Syntaxis: 1. matchen woord of zin met afbeelding 2. wie/wat/waar-vragen 3. beoordeling syntactisch goede en foute zinnen 4. invullen functiewoordenVoor wie?De ScreeLing wordt afgenomen door logopedisten en klinisch linguïsten. De test kan ook worden afgenomen door andere professionals met affiniteit voor afasie en taal, zoals neuropsychologen, klinisch psychologen of neurologen. Afname en scoringDe afnametijd van de ScreeLing is gemiddeld 30 minuten. In totaal bevat de ScreeLing 72 items. De test is aan het bed afneembaar.Belangrijk: u kunt deze test alleen afnemen indien u over de Screeling complete set beschikt. NormenVoor de interpretatie worden cut off-scores gehanteerd. Deze geven aan of zich in de linguïstische niveaus stoornissen voordoen en in welke mate. Materiaal• ScreeLing- complete set • ScreeLing- scoreformulieren (set van 25)• ScreeLing -handleiding

Screen Schooled: Two Veteran Teachers Expose How Technology Overuse Is Making Our Kids Dumber

by Joe Clement Matt Miles

Over the past decade, educational instruction has become increasingly digitized as districts rush to dole out laptops and iPads to every student. Yet the most important question, "Is this what is best for students?" is glossed over. Veteran teachers Joe Clement and Matt Miles have seen firsthand how damaging technology overuse and misuse has been to our kids. On a mission to educate and empower parents, they show how screen saturation at home and school has created a wide range of cognitive and social deficits in our young people. They lift the veil on what's really going on in schools: teachers who are often powerless to curb cell phone distractions; zoned-out kids who act helpless and are unfocused, unprepared, and unsocial; administrators who are influenced by questionable science sponsored by corporate technology purveyors. They provide action steps parents can take to demand change and make a compelling case for simpler, smarter, more effective forms of teaching and learning.

Screening for Children with Special Needs: Multidisciplinary Approaches (Routledge Library Editions: Special Educational Needs #36)

by Geoff Lindsay

First published in 1984. Screening and prevention are key issues in health, education and welfare, yet they are also extremely vague. Many professionals are unaware of what can be done and who should do it, particularly in the important area of screening young children for special educational or medical provision. This book considers the problem from the standpoint of a whole range of professionals involved in education, health or social provision. Each chapter focuses on a number of points: problems faced by the professional in question; the sort of job screening procedures that exist or are possible; the sort of tests and assessments that are used; referral; and the sort of intervention procedures that are possible. Case study material is included throughout and the book concludes with a review of the problems of collaboration and of establishing an effective screening system. The book should thus be of immediate interest to students and professionals in a wide range of work that involves children.

Screeningsinstrument voor Dysfagie bij mensen met een Verstandelijke beperking (SD-VB): Handleiding

by Marloes Schüller-Korevaar Susanna van der Woude Johanna Hovenkamp-Hermelink Alain Dekker

Dit screeningsinstrument helpt om een verhoogd risico op voedings- en slikproblemen (dysfagie) op te sporen bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Het maakt daarvoor niet uit wat de oorzaak is van de beperking, of wat het niveau van de cliënten is. Met behulp van het screeningsinstrument voor dysfagie bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking (SD-VB) wordt ondersignalering van dysfagie bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking voorkomen. Een verhoogd risico op dysfagie wordt tijdig in kaart gebracht waardoor adequaat diagnostiek en behandelbeleid kan worden ingezet. Dit leidt tot verlaging van risico’s en verbetering van de kwaliteit van leven.Deze handleiding bevat naast de verantwoording van de ontwikkeling en gebruikersinstructies (afname, scoring, interpretatie) ook een beschrijving van het cyclische dysfagiewerkproces waarin het SD-VB idealiter wordt ingezet. Dit proces, beginnend bij het moment van screenen op verhoogd dysfagierisico tot enmet het uitvoeren en evalueren van het logopedisch behandelbeleid, is onmisbaar voor goede dysfagiescreening, -diagnostiek en -behandeling in de praktijk.Het SD-VB bestaat uit 29 ja/nee-vragen over eet- en drinkgedrag. Zorgverleners kunnen dit gemiddeld in vier minuten invullen. Ze hebben hiervoor geen cursus nodig. De interpretatie van de scores is voorbehouden aan logopedisten.Marloes Schüller-Korevaar en Susanna van der Woude zijn beiden logopedist-onderzoeker, Ans Hovenkamp-Hermelink is senior onderzoeker. Zij zijn werkzaam bij de afdeling Praktijkgericht Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van Alliade, net als Alain Dekker die hoofd van deze afdeling is.

Screenplay: Children and Computing in the Home

by Keri Facer John Furlong Ruth Furlong Rosamund Sutherland

What are young people really doing on computers at home?Computers feature heavily in the lives of today's young people, and this book sets out to question commonplace assumptions about the use of technology by children at home. Bringing together research from the perspective of psychology, sociology, education and media studies, the authors ask whether we are really witnessing the rise of a new 'digital generation'.Drawing upon the results of their in-depth research project, the authors filter and assess their findings accessibly, offering fascinating reading on:* how computers are used in the home* how parents and children negotiate access to and use of the computer* what role the computer plays in the day to day lives of families.This book makes use of illuminating case studies, and highlights key issues of concern around issues of equality and access in a wider social context. This truly interdisciplinary perspective will be instrumental in reshaping the understanding of teachers, ICT advisors, policy makers and all involved in ICT for children.

Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World

by Devorah Heitner

Screenwise offers a realistic and optimistic perspective on how to thoughtfully guide kids in the digital age. Many parents feel that their kids are addicted, detached, or distracted because of their digital devices. Media expert Devorah Heitner, however, believes that technology offers huge potential to our children-if parents help them. Using the foundation of their own values and experiences, parents and educators can learn about the digital world to help set kids up for a lifetime of success in a world fueled by technology. Screenwise is a guide to understanding more about what it is like for children to grow up with technology, and to recognizing the special challenges-and advantages-that contemporary kids and teens experience thanks to this level of connection. In it, Heitner presents practical parenting "hacks": quick ideas that you can implement today that will help you understand and relate to your digital native. The book will empower parents to recognize that the wisdom that they have gained throughout their lives is a relevant and urgently needed supplement to their kid's digital savvy, and help them develop skills for managing the new challenges of parenting. Based on real-life stories from other parents and Heitner's wealth of knowledge on the subject, Screenwise teaches parents what they need to know in order to raise responsible digital citizens.

Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World

by Devorah Heitner

The second edition of Screenwise offers a refreshed, realistic, and optimistic perspective on how to thoughtfully guide kids in the digital age. Many parents feel that their kids are addicted, detached, or distracted because of their digital devices. Media expert Devorah Heitner, however, believes that technology offers huge potential to our children—if parents mentor them. Using the foundation of their own values and experiences, parents and educators can learn about the digital world to help set kids up for a lifetime of success in a world fueled by technology. Screenwise is a guide to understanding more about what it is like for children to grow up with technology all around them, and to recognizing the special challenges—and advantages—that contemporary kids and teens experience thanks to this level of connection. In it, Heitner presents practical parenting "hacks": quick ideas that you can implement today that will help you understand and relate to your digital native. The new edition includes updated material and additional strategies for parents and caretakers.

Scribble Art: Independent Process Art Experiences for Children (Bright Ideas for Learning #3)

by MaryAnn F Kohl

Enter the world of creativity where children's imaginations soar.Scribble Art is packed full of a broad spectrum of over 240 open-ended process art activities and ideas. Process art allows a child to participate in an individual and unique art experience using common household items and ordinary art supplies. The purpose of process art is to engage children in the process of creation, rather than focus on a finished product. Process art engages children, builds art confidence, and can be used to introduce art topics to all ages.

Scribble Witch: Book 2 (Scribble Witch Ser.)

by Inky Willis

A hilarious double-act like no other! Accidentally naughty nine-year-old Molly and Notes, the secret scribble witch who lives in her pen pot face friendship troubles, spelling championships and, of course, a few magical muddles along the way. When Molly finds out her best friend, Chloe, is moving schools, it feels like the end of the world. That's until she realises her secret paper witch, Notes, can fly letters between them. But then Molly receives a note from Chloe that mentions her new friends and the Inter-School Spelling Championship and her bubble bursts. In retaliation, Molly enters herself into the competition. Just one tiny problem: Molly absolutely HATES spelling.Meanwhile, Notes is up to her usual tricks and is determined to help Molly make new friends of her own. Of course, there are a few magical muddles along the way ... Can Molly and Chloe get their friendship back on track? Will Notes succeed in her mission? And who will win the dreaded Inter-School Spelling Championship? With a vibrant, unique voice, and amazing illustrations to match, Inky Willis conjures up magic for every reader!Have you read the first book in the series, Notes in Class?

Scribble Witch: Book 1

by Inky Willis

Welcome to the new magical series about a girl and her secret scribble witch, guaranteed to make 7-9s laugh out loud.When Molly's best friend announces that she's moving to a new school, a blue Wednesday becomes the Worst Wednesday Ever. That is until some unexpected magic brightens up Molly's day. Notes, a tiny paper witch who has been lurking in a pen pot, springs to life - and into action! Some of the things Notes does are absolutely NOT helpful and get Molly into trouble with her grouchbag teacher. But it's surprising what one tiny witch, armed with nothing more than a pencil, can achieve before the bell for home time rings... With a vibrant, unique voice, and amazing illustrations to match, Inky Willis conjures up magic for every reader!

Scribble Witch: Book 3

by Inky Willis

A hilarious double-act like no other! Accidentally naughty nine-year-old Molly and Notes, the secret scribble witch who lives in her pen pot discover all things ancient Egypt, including a mysterious new friend. Molly often experiences some magic to brighten up her school day - thanks to Notes, the tiny paper witch who lives in her pen pot. Notes loves to help her friends ... though her helping often gets Molly into trouble with her grouchbag teacher! And when Notes decides to go with Molly on their school trip to the local ancient Egypt exhibition, Molly knows Notes is bound to get up to her usual tricks. Will Notes use her magic powers to help Molly sort out her best friends' problems? Who is Notes's secret paper friend? And what ancient treasure is the class going to uncover back at school?With a vibrant, unique voice, and amazing illustrations to match, Inky Willis conjures up magic for every reader!Have you read the first two books in the series, Notes in Class and Magical Muddles?

Script Effects as the Hidden Drive of the Mind, Cognition, and Culture (Literacy Studies #21)

by Hye K. Pae

This open access volume reveals the hidden power of the script we read in and how it shapes and drives our minds, ways of thinking, and cultures. Expanding on the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis (i.e., the idea that language affects the way we think), this volume proposes the “Script Relativity Hypothesis” (i.e., the idea that the script in which we read affects the way we think) by offering a unique perspective on the effect of script (alphabets, morphosyllabaries, or multi-scripts) on our attention, perception, and problem-solving. Once we become literate, fundamental changes occur in our brain circuitry to accommodate the new demand for resources. The powerful effects of literacy have been demonstrated by research on literate versus illiterate individuals, as well as cross-scriptal transfer, indicating that literate brain networks function differently, depending on the script being read. This book identifies the locus of differences between the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, and between the East and the West, as the neural underpinnings of literacy. To support the “Script Relativity Hypothesis”, it reviews a vast corpus of empirical studies, including anthropological accounts of human civilization, social psychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, applied linguistics, second language studies, and cross-cultural communication. It also discusses the impact of reading from screens in the digital age, as well as the impact of bi-script or multi-script use, which is a growing trend around the globe. As a result, our minds, ways of thinking, and cultures are now growing closer together, not farther apart.

Scripted Bodies: Corporate Power, Smart Technologies, and the Undoing of Public Education (Critical Interventions)

by Kenneth J. Saltman

From drugging kids into attention and reviving behaviorism to biometric measurements of teaching and learning Scripted Bodies exposes a brave new world of education in the age of repression. Scripted Bodies examines how corporeal control has expanded in education, how it impacts the mind and thinking, and the ways that new technologies are integral to the expansion of control. Scripted Bodies contends that this rise in repression must be understood in relation to the broader economic, political, and cultural forces that have produced an increasingly authoritarian society. This book details how these new forms of corporeal control shut down the possibility of public schools developing as places where thinking becomes the organizing principle needed to contribute to a more equal, just, and democratic society.

Scripted Fantasy in the Classroom

by Eric Hall Alison Leech

Many teachers have tried simple relaxation techniques in their classrooms and been surprised by their success. This step by step guide to the technique of scripted fantasy shows how the forces of the imagination can be harnessed to improve the social skills and classroom performance of students of all ages and all abilities. It provides sample scripts to get the teacher started, and gives advice on classroom management and on processing the fantasy experience without compromising students' privacy.

Scripting Approaches in Mathematics Education

by Rina Zazkis Patricio Herbst

This book shows how the practice of script writing can be used both as a pedagogical approach and as a research tool in mathematics education. It provides an opportunity for script-writers to articulate their mathematical arguments and/or their pedagogical approaches. It further provides researchers with a corpus of narratives that can be analyzed using a variety of theoretical perspectives. Various chapters argue for the use of dialogical method and highlight its benefits and special features. The chapters examine both "low tech" implementations as well as the use of a technological platform, LessonSketch. The chapters present results of and insights from several recent studies, which utilized scripting in mathematics education research and practice.

Scripting Jesus: The Gospels in Rewrite

by L. Michael White

In Scripting Jesus, Michael White, famed scholar of early Christian history, reveals how the gospel stories of Jesus were never meant to be straightforward historical accounts, but rather were scripted and honed as performance pieces for four different audiences with four different theological agendas. As he did as a featured presenter in two award-winning PBS Frontline documentaries (“From Jesus to Christ” and “Apocalypse!”), White engagingly explains the significance of some lesser-known aspects of The New Testament; in this case, the development of the stories of Jesus—including how the gospel writers differed from one another on facts, points of view, and goals. Readers of Elaine Pagels, Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, and Bart Ehrman will find much to ponder in Scripting Jesus.

Scripting the Moves: Culture and Control in a "No-Excuses" Charter School

by Joanne W. Golann

An inside look at a "no-excuses" charter school that reveals this educational model’s strengths and weaknesses, and how its approach shapes studentsSilent, single-file lines. Detention for putting a head on a desk. Rules for how to dress, how to applaud, how to complete homework. Walk into some of the most acclaimed urban schools today and you will find similar recipes of behavior, designed to support student achievement. But what do these “scripts” accomplish? Immersing readers inside a “no-excuses” charter school, Scripting the Moves offers a telling window into an expanding model of urban education reform. Through interviews with students, teachers, administrators, and parents, and analysis of documents and data, Joanne Golann reveals that such schools actually dictate too rigid a level of social control for both teachers and their predominantly low-income Black and Latino students. Despite good intentions, scripts constrain the development of important interactional skills and reproduce some of the very inequities they mean to disrupt.Golann presents a fascinating, sometimes painful, account of how no-excuses schools use scripts to regulate students and teachers. She shows why scripts were adopted, what purposes they serve, and where they fall short. What emerges is a complicated story of the benefits of scripts, but also their limitations, in cultivating the tools students need to navigate college and other complex social institutions—tools such as flexibility, initiative, and ease with adults. Contrasting scripts with tools, Golann raises essential questions about what constitutes cultural capital—and how this capital might be effectively taught.Illuminating and accessible, Scripting the Moves delves into the troubling realities behind current education reform and reenvisions what it takes to prepare students for long-term success.

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