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Selbstmanagement im Ruhestand: Coachingmodelle für mehr Resilienz und Gelassenheit im Alter

by Wolfgang Schiele

Dieses Buch übernimmt eine Doppelfunktion: Es stellt in leicht verständlicher Form erfolgreiche Coachingmodelle vor und fungiert zugleich als anwendungsorientierter Ratgeber für ein harmonisches und ausgeglichenes Leben im Übergang vom Beruf in den Ruhestand. Die in verdichteter Form vorgestellten Formate und Interventionen stehen in einem festen Bezug zum alternden Menschen. Sie geben dem Leser Werkzeuge an die Hand, um die Herausforderungen des fortgeschrittenen Erwachsenenalters im Selbstmanagement zu meistern und die psychische Widerstandskraft im Alter zu stärken. Die reiche Ausstattung des Werkes mit Grafiken, Arbeitsblättern und Testangeboten erleichtert dem Leser den Zugang zu den Modellen und macht Lust auf das Ausprobieren der vorgeschlagenen Übungen im Selbstversuch.

Selbstmanagement und Motivation für Wissenschaftler*innen: Methoden, Modelle, Tools

by D. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst Annette Mayer

In diesem Buch lernen Sie wissenschaftlich fundierte Modelle kennen, mit denen Sie Ihr Selbstmanagement als Wissenschaftler*in systematisch und langfristig gestalten können. Im Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens steht der Inhalt. Jedoch ist auch gutes Selbstmanagement hilfreich, um zum optimalen Ergebnis zu gelangen. Selbstmanagement meint zum einen, sich für unliebsame oder herausfordernde Aufgaben zu motivieren, wie das langwierige Recherchieren in Bibliotheken, das Verfassen von Papers, das Fertigstellen von Dissertationen etc. Zum anderen bezeichnet Selbstmanagement auch das Verringern von negativen Gefühlen, wie Lampenfieber vor Präsentationen des eigenen Forschungsvorhabens, Unsicherheit vor wichtigen Gesprächen oder Konflikte mit Kollegen und Vorgesetzten. Gerade in Zeiten der zunehmenden Digitalisierung und der Arbeit im Homeoffice wird die eigene Motivation umso bedeutender, da oft die persönliche Ansprache und die Motivation durch den Kontakt und den Austausch im Team vermisst werden. Die Kernfrage lautet, wie Selbstmanagement im Einklang mit der eigenen Persönlichkeit und der eigenen Situation gelingen kann. Die Autoren leiten Sie an, eigene Stärken und Möglichkeiten als Ressourcen zu erkennen, diese wertzuschätzen und systematisch zu nutzen. Hierdurch können Sie auf eine neue, ressourcenorientierte Art mit sich umgehen und sich selbst ein wenig besser kennenlernen. Sie stellen positive Auswirkungen auf sich und andere fest und erweitern Ihren Entscheidungsspielraum sowie Ihr Handlungsrepertoire, auch in schwierigen Situationen.

Selbstmanagement und Motivation für Wissenschaftler*innen – Eine Einführung (essentials)

by Georg Adlmaier-Herbst Annette Mayer

Dieses essential ist ein kompakter Leitfaden zum Selbstmanagement für Wissenschaftler*innen: Welche praxiserprobten Modelle und Instrumente gibt es, um sich kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln? Selbstmanagement und Motivation sind für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von zentraler Bedeutung: Ziele setzen und Energie freisetzen, um diese zu erreichen. Doch viele Wissenschaftler*innen stellt dies vor schwierige Herausforderungen: Unsicherheit durch befristete Arbeitsverträge, hohe Arbeitsbelastung und Erfolgsdruck. Viele zusätzliche Aufgaben in Lehre, Verwaltung und Selbstorganisation ziehen Zeit und Energie für die Forschung ab. Dieses Buch hilft, Ihre Ziele so zu entwickeln, dass diese im Einklang mit Ihrer Gesamtpersönlichkeit stehen und sich besser verwirklichen lassen. Den kostenlosen Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.

Selbstregulation spielerisch fördern: Ein Manual zur Unterstützung von Eltern

by Gitta Reuner Kim Angeles Erdmann Verena Vetter Michaela Schäferling Silke Hertel

Das Elterntraining ist als präventives Unterstützungsangebot für Eltern früh- und reifgeborener Kinder im Alter von 2-3 Jahren konzipiert. Es behandelt in 6-8 Sitzungen die Entwicklung der Selbstregulation und die co-regulatorische Funktion der Eltern. Das Programm EL-KIDS zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, wie Eltern spielerisch, stressfrei und in liebevoller Atmosphäre die kindliche Entwicklung der Selbstregulation unterstützen können. Im Manual werden der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund und Evaluationen vorgestellt. Der praktische Teil umfasst Zeit- und Sequenzpläne, Durchführungsmaterial und Problembehandlungen, so dass Fachpersonen an Frühfördereinrichtungen, Sozialpädiatrischen Zentren oder in der Praxis das Programm anwenden können.

Selbstverwirklichung als pädagogische Aufgabe: Untersuchung zu einem impliziten Konzept der Pädagogik zwischen Individualisierung und Gemeinsinn (Soziale Arbeit in Theorie und Wissenschaft)

by Pia Katharina Metzler

​Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft von Selbstverwirklichungssubjekten. Dem spätmodernen Individuum wird Selbstbestimmung versprochen, während es zur Selbstoptimierung angehalten wird. Dieser Trend hält auch in der Pädagogik Einzug: Das Bildungsideal der Selbstorganisation verdrängt den Gedanken der Sozialintegration. An den Grenzen dieses Narrativs kommt die Grundfrage der Sozialpädagogik, wie Individualisierung und Gemeinsinn zusammengedacht werden können, neu auf und verlangt nach einer pädagogischen Lesart von Selbstverwirklichung. Ausgehend von dieser Fragestellung folgt die Arbeit einem dreischrittigen Vorgehen: Einführend wird der Begriff Selbstverwirklichung einer Diskursanalyse unterzogen. Anschließend wird eine Theorieanalyse basierend auf den Werken der Theoretiker:innen Natorp, Dewey, Montessori und Freire durchgeführt. Basierend auf diesen zwei Analyseschritten wird ein pädagogisches Konzept von Selbstverwirklichung aufgestellt, welches im dritten Schritt konkretisiert und geschärft wird. Die Arbeit zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie pädagogische Leitvorstellungen offenbart, systematisiert und diskutiert und damit zur stiefkindlich behandelten Diskussion über die Ziele und die Ausgestaltung von Erziehung vor dem Hintergrund eines Selbstverwirklichungsanspruchs beiträgt.

Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen angehender und praktizierender Lehrkräfte zum Unterrichten von Gesellschaftslehre: Messung – Ausprägung – Prädiktoren (Empirische Forschung in den gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken)

by Marcel Grieger

Kann ich ein Fach unterrichten, das ich nicht studiert habe? Vor dieser Herausforderung stehen Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkräfte in nicht weniger als 13 Bundesländern, in denen Verbundfächer wie Gesellschaftslehre auf dem Stundenplan stehen. Statt die (Un-)Möglichkeiten des fächerübergreifenden Unterrichtens theoretisch gegenüberzustellen, wird empirisch mit einem eigens für das Fach Gesellschaftslehre entwickelten Messinstrument den Fragen nachgegangen, inwiefern Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkräfte von ihren fachdidaktischen und fachwissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen überzeugt sind. Erstmals werden in einer breit angelegten quantitativen Untersuchung zentrale Facetten der professionellen Handlungskompetenz von (angehenden) Lehrkräften in den Blick genommen. Die Ergebnisse überraschen: Angesichts der Herausforderung, in weiten Teilen fachfremd unterrichten zu müssen, verfügen die Befragten insgesamt über hohe fachdidaktische Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen und schätzen ihr Fachwissen als fundiert ein. Genauere Analysen verraten aber auch, dass der Glaube an die eigenen Fähigkeiten abnimmt, je weiter sich die Herausforderungen von der eigenen Expertise entfernen.


by Mark Van Vugt Anjana Ahuja

A groundbreaking, evolutionary science-based exploration of the history of leadership that explains how and why some men and women evolve into good or great leaders, and some do not.We are all leaders or followers -- or both. We can recognise leadership in almost every area of life: in the workplace, among friends, within families, in politics and religion. But what makes a good or bad leader, and what makes an outstanding one? Selected examines how and why leadership has evolved over tens of thousands of years, and presents a bold and compelling new "mismatch hypothesis": the slowness of evolution means that there is a mismatch between modern leadership and the kind of leadership that our Stone Age brains are still wired for. This makes for all sorts of tendencies, problems and solutions that no author has yet discussed but that affect all aspects of our lives.Full of fascinating examples drawn from a diverse range of spheres, from politics and commerce to sport and culture, Selected explains why taller political candidates usually win, why women chief executives attract such hostility, why we like it when the boss asks after our children and what prime ministers and presidents can do to improve their chances of electoral success.This is the first book of its kind -- reaching into business, psychology, politics and current affairs -- to explore how leadership affects us all. It also offers the first truly scientific theory of leadership: where previous books have provided anecdote, it details empirical evidence. Selected provides deep insight into our personal and professional lives at a time when the world urgently needs to acknowledge great leadership.From the Hardcover edition.

Selected Aspects of Mentoring: Advice Assumptions Challenges and Approaches

by Benson Cooke Schuyler Webb William B. Talley Ramar Henderson Edwin J. Nichols Nichols And Associates Inc. Staff

The publication captures the concept and application of mentoring as an age-old method of training and learning that has existed in all societies throughout recorded history and continues to impact virtually everyone across their life span. Moreover, it illuminates how mentoring has been indelibly institutionalized, embedded, wrapped and weaved, and advanced throughout our past and contemporary history and culture. <P><P> Selected Aspects of Mentoring: Advice, Challenges, and Approaches: As experience best measures knowledge, not necessarily by years, the authors contend that time alone does not make individuals more knowledgeable, but learning does. Therefore, mentoring is a learning vehicle for personal development for the mentor, mentee, as well as their respective organization’s development. <P><P> The book examines the mentoring relationship and experience across a spectrum of organizations. It may provide a type of “stimulus package” for engaging in the mentoring process on a higher level, improving the mentoring processes across the organization or discipline, and facilitate progressive, positive outcomes. <P><P> The authors offer a timely, diverse, and thought-provoking book to assist mentors and mentees in the world of work or any organization – administration, education, training, research, non-profit, corporation, youth programs, military, sports – to understand the dynamics, application, and benefits of mentoring. The authors also advocate for the transformational benefits attributable to the dyadic relationship between mentors and those being mentored. <P><P> It offers provocative paradigms about the utility of mentoring and mentoring programs as well as timeless, inspiring quotes and insightful anecdotes and experience of the dynamic process. <P><P> The book encourages sharing the advantages of mentoring tools and methods that effect trajectories toward more positive outcomes across diverse groups.

Selected Folktales/Ausgewählte Märchen: A Dual-Language Book

by Jacob Grimm Wilhelm Grimm Stanley Appelbaum

The 27 world-famous tales in this collection have inspired countless adaptations in many languages. Included are such favorites as "Hänsel and Gretel," "The Brave Little Tailor," "Cinderella," and "Little Red Riding Hood," as well as the less familiar tales such as "The Danced-Out Shoes," "The Golden Bird," and "The Six Swans."

Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education

by Sung Je Cho

This book comprises the full selected Regular Lectures from the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 4700 experts from 100 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. These selected Regular Lectures present the work of fifty-one prominent mathematics educators from all over the globe. The Lectures cover a wide spectrum of topics, themes and issues and aim to give direction to future research towards educational improvement in the teaching and learning of mathematics education. This book is of particular interest to researchers, teachers and curriculum developers in mathematics education.

Selecting A College Major: Exploration And Decision Making

by Virginia N. Gordon Susan J. Sears

This innovative text simplifies the process of choosing a major from a sometimes overwhelming array of majors and related career fields. It will assist not only the "undecided" student with selecting a major, but also the "major-changer" who is exploring alternative options. A step-by-step process leads students through personal and academic assessment as well as occupational information searches. Through thought-provoking activities, they can explore their academic, career, and personal interests and goals. Students can investigate academic majors from many perspectives, including a search of majors in general, majors on their campus, and majors based on their academic and occupational interests. Highlights of this text include: *A Natural Decision-Making Progression. Students are directly and personally involved in activities that involve exploration, reflection, and choice. *Extensive Major Exploration. Three distinct approaches help students narrow their list to realistic alternatives. *Incorporation of Academic and Career Interests, Abilities, and Values. Self-assessment gives students information on which to base their choice of a major. *Formulation of a Graduation Plan. Students use their academic transcripts to summarize all they have learned and develop a plan for the future. Features include: *Majors Exploration *Career Advice *Web Links *Tips from Successful Students *Student Bulletin Boards *Faculty Resources

Selecting Instructional Materials: A Guide for K-12 Science

by National Research Council

The National Science Education Standards set broad content goals for teaching grades K-12. For science teaching programs to achieve these goals&mdash;indeed, for science teaching to be most effective&mdash;teachers and students need textbooks, lab kits, videos, and other materials that are clear, accurate, and help students achieve the goals set by the standards. Selecting Instructional Materials provides a rigorously field-tested procedure to help education decisionmakers evaluate and choose materials for the science classroom. The recommended procedure is unique, adaptable to local needs, and realistic given the time and money limitations typical to school districts.This volume includes a guide outlining the entire process for school district facilitators, and provides review instruments for each step. It critically reviews the current selection process for science teaching materials--in the 20 states where the state board of education sets forth a recommended list and in the 30 states where materials are selected entirely by local decisionmakers.Selecting Instructional Materials explores how purchasing decisions are influenced by parent attitudes, political considerations, and the marketing skills of those who produce and sell science teaching materials. It will be indispensable to state and local education decisionmakers, science program administrators and teachers, and science education advocates.

Selecting, Preparing And Developing The School District Superintendent

by Shirley M. Hord David S.G. Carter Thomas E. Glass

Growing discontent with the performance of educational institutions is common in the USA today and little is being done to address the real problem - that of the need to reform and restructure the entire educational system. A key issue in this reform is the training and development of leaders in educational administration; as experienced "leaders" retire, so new professionals are called to assume the mantle of the "old hands" and vital new opportunities exist for those willing to take up the challenge.; This vitally practical text is about the selection, preparation and professional development of aspiring school leaders over the course of their careers, concentrating on ways to increase their overall effectiveness - particularly in changing times. It looks at changes that have been made and considers what can be adapted from existing systems in order to make radical improvements for those in leadership positions.; It is intended for use by postgraduate students in education, teacher trainings, heads of education faculties and teachers in leadership positions, school board members and aspirant superintendents.

Selections from Alice in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll John Tenniel Molly Smith

Alice in Wonderland is a classic work of children's literature. The charming, nonsensical story of Alice, along with the bizarre characters she encounters, has been retold countless times in film, television, and theater. Every day new children are introduced to the magic of falling down the rabbit hole.

Selections from The Cotton Kingdom by Frederick Law Olmsted

by John Inscoe

Selections from The Cotton Kingdom by Frederick Law Olmsted

Selective Mutism In Our Own Words: Experiences in Childhood and Adulthood

by Carl Sutton Cheryl Forrester Donna Williams

An eye-opening and enlightening collection of stories from people living with Selective Mutism (SM), this book provides a much-needed platform for people with SM to share experiences of the condition in their own words. Exploring all aspects of SM, from symptoms and diagnostic criteria, to triggers and the consequences of being psychologically unable to speak, the stories in this book dispel the myths around this often misunderstood condition. Far from refusing to talk, or choosing not to, the contributors offer genuine insights into why they simply cannot speak in certain situations or in front of certain people. Children, teens and adults from the UK and US share experiences of feeling isolated, struggling at school, and finding ways to communicate. Letting people with SM know that they are not alone with the condition, the book will also help family, friends and professionals to understand what it is like to live with SM.

The Selective Mutism Resource Manual: 2nd Edition

by Maggie Johnson Alison Wintgens

For anyone who needs to understand, assess or manage selective mutism, this is a comprehensive and practical manual that is grounded in behavioural psychology and anxiety management and draws on relevant research findings as well as the authors' extensive clinical experience. Now in its second edition and including new material for adolescents and adults, The Selective Mutism Resource Manual 2e provides: an up-to-date summary of literature and theory to deepen your understanding of selective mutism a wealth of ideas on assessment and management in home, school and community settings so that its relevance extends far beyond clinical practice a huge range of printable online handouts and other resources case studies and personal stories to illustrate symptoms and demonstrate the importance of tailored interventions. This book is essential reading for people who have selective mutism as well as for the clinicians, therapists, educators, caseworkers and families who support them.

The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps, Big Changes

by Maggie Johnson Junhua Reitman

This workbook provides hands-on Activities, Strategies, planning sheets and progress trackers for use with children with selective mutism at home, at school and in the wider community. Written by selective mutism expert Maggie Johnson and parent coach Junhua Reitman, the workbook includes first-hand accounts of how children can overcome SM successfully using the Activities and Strategies described in this book. Activities are organised around the daily routines of school and family life and each Activity is broken into a progression of small steps with appropriate Strategies and an accompanying record sheet to track progress. Activities include: • Using the toilet at school • Attending social gatherings • Organising a successful playdate • Initiating conversation • Talking in the classroom • Eating with peers This workbook is essential reading for parents, professionals and anyone who is looking for a toolkit for selective mutism. It also provides a useful extension to The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, 2nd edition, focusing on the ‘how’ to complement the manual’s ‘what’ and ‘why’. Small steps really do lead to big changes but taking the first step can be the most difficult. This book helps you make that first step.

Selena the Sleepover Fairy (Rainbow Magic Early Reader #8)

by Daisy Meadows

These cheerful and inviting Early Readers bring the blast of colour that Rainbow Magic's youngest fans have been waiting for!Selena the Sleepover Fairy makes sure that sleepovers are full of fun and games for everyone! But when Jack Frost's naughty goblins steal her magical sleepover objects, all sleepovers are in danger of being ruined, including the giant sleepover that Rachel and Kirsty are attending!'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Self: Setting the Example (SCOPE of Leadership Book Series #2)

by Mike Hawkins

How to cultivate character and mental fitness to run the show. Second in the “most comprehensive treatment of leadership I’ve ever seen by one author” (Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge).Self: Setting the Example sets the foundation for the ability to lead others by developing the competencies of great self-leadership. Effective leaders possess intrinsic passion, character, courage, and confidence that others respect and want to follow. When you lead yourself well, operate productively, and think strategically, others notice and are motivated to attain the higher standards you demonstrate.The SCOPE of Leadership book series teaches the principles of a coaching approach to leadership and how to achieve exceptional results by working through people. You will learn a straightforward framework to guide you in developing, enabling, exhorting, inspiring, managing, and assimilating people. Benefit from the wisdom of many years of leadership, consulting, and executive coaching experience. Discover how to develop the competencies that align consistently with great leadership.

Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts

by Kenneth I. Mavor, Michael J. Platow and Boris Bizumic

This innovative volume integrates social identity theory with research on teaching and education to shed new and fruitful light on a variety of different pedagogical concerns and practices. It brings together researchers at the cutting edge of new developments with a wealth of teaching and research experience. The work in this volume will have a significant impact in two main ways. First and foremost, the social identity approach that is applied will provide the theoretical and empirical platform for the development of new and creative forms of practice in educational settings. Just as the application of this theory has made significant contributions in organisational and health settings, a similar benefit will accrue for conceptual and practical developments related to learners and educators – from small learning groups to larger institutional settings – and in the development of professional identities that reach beyond the classroom. The chapters demonstrate the potential of applying social identity theory to education and will stimulate increased research activity and interest in this domain. By focusing on self, social identity and education, this volume investigates with unprecedented clarity the social and psychological processes by which learners’ personal and social self-concepts shape and enhance learning and teaching. Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts will appeal to advanced students and researchers in education, psychology and social identity theory. It will also be of immense value to educational leaders and practitioners, particularly at tertiary level.

Self and Story in Early Childhood: Children’s Developing Minds Revealed by Parent-led Research

by Hugh Crago

Our children grow up into a world of stories—in books, on screens—but what do they make of the stories we offer them? What do they think and feel as they listen to a parent read a picture-book? What if a story confuses or upsets them? Over the past fifty years, several intelligent, committed mothers undertook the onerous task of recording exactly what their children said and did in response to the stories they shared. Some of their records extended over five years, or even longer. Their research, done without funding or academic supervision, offers us unparalleled insight into children’s minds long before they learn to speak—let alone learn to read. In Self and Story in Early Childhood, Hugh Crago draws on his unusual combination of expertise in literary studies, developmental psychology and psychotherapy to re-examine the startling implications of this neglected body of evidence. He highlights how much children can achieve without formal teaching, but with the supportive presence of a trusted adult who will participate with them in the story experience. This book will be of great interest to scholars of developmental psychology, early literacy and narratology, as well as to professionals working with preschoolers. Most of all, it will fascinate parents who themselves share stories with their child.

Self and Wisdom in Arts-Based Contemplative Inquiry in Education: Narrative, Aesthetic and the Dialogical Presence of Thomas Merton (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Giovanni Rossini

By foregrounding a first-person perspective, this text enacts and explores self-reflection as a mode of inquiry in educational research and highlights the centrality of the individual researcher in the construction of knowledge. Engaging in particular with the work of Thomas Merton through a dialogical approach to his writings, Self and Wisdom in Arts-Based Contemplative Inquiry in Education offers rich examples of personal engagement with text and art to illustrate the pervasive influence of the personal in reflective, narrative, and aesthetic forms of inquiry. Chapters consider methodological and philosophical implications of self-study and contemplative research in educational contexts, and show how dialogic approaches can enrich empirical forms of inquiry, and inform pedagogical practice. In its embrace of a contemplative voice within an academic treatise, the text offers a rich example of arts-based contemplative inquiry. This unique text will be of interest to postgraduate scholars, researchers, and academics working in the fields of educational philosophy, arts-based and qualitative research methodologies and Merton studies.

Self as Coach, Self as Leader: Developing the Best in You to Develop the Best in Others

by Pamela McLean

Become a more effective leader by discovering the resources you already have Pamela McLean, CEO and cofounder of the Hudson Institute for Coaching, has been at the forefront of the field for the past three decades, using clinical and organizational psychology to provide the highest-quality coaching and development training to professionals in organizations and solo practice worldwide. Now, Pamela is teaching readers to cultivate their leadership potential through “use of self as instrument,” a key dimension of developmental coaching that emphasizes the whole person. Her holistic methods give coaches and other leaders a clearer framework for getting to know themselves, exploring their multiple layers, and fostering their latent abilities so that they can foster the abilities of others. Self as Coach guides you along a path that interweaves six broad dimensions of your internal landscape into the fabric of great coaching. This creates lasting improvements, unlike more common remedial, tactical, or performance-based programs, which often only function as short-term solutions. Develop leadership skills using internal resources you already possess Achieve real improvements with long-lasting benefits Based on methodology proven successful in business and personal settings Includes useful practices and exercises for self-reflection and brainstorming Whether you’re an emerging or experienced coach, whether you want to grow your own leadership skills or develop them across an entire organization, Self as Coach can help. With its innovative approach, proven methods, and near-universal applicability, this book will not only provide effective instruction but also help you uncover lasting insights that will benefit you long after you’ve turned the last page.

The Self-Aware Leader: Play to Your Strengths, Unleash Your Team

by John C. Maxwell

What&’s the single greatest obstacle leaders face in their development, effectiveness, and advancement? Lack of self-awareness! Dr. John C. Maxwell's The Self-Aware Leader will help any leader become more self-aware, focused, and confident. In this short yet insightful volume, you will learn how to:gauge your effectiveness as a leader,make better choices that lead to success,discover and correct your own mistakes,improve your leadership with the team, andmake the right trades in your career.With fifty years of leading and teaching experience, Maxwell, the most influential leadership expert in the world, can help you become your best leadership self. The Self-Aware Leader is great for:men and women of all and seasoned leaders who want to avoid micro-managing, handle criticism with grace, and give others the credit they and seasoned managers looking to identify their strengths, become a better learner, and improve listening skills.When leaders don&’t see themselves clearly, understand their strengths and weaknesses, or recognize their negative interactions with their team, they limit their influence and undermine their own effectiveness. What&’s the solution? Become a self-aware leader.

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