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Wirksamkeit einer Lehrkräftefortbildung: Integrierendes Rahmenmodell und empirische Befunde zur berufsbezogenen Interessenentwicklung
by Anja Heinrich-DöngesSchule ist ein Ort des Lernens der Schüler*innen, aber auch der Lehrer*innen. Professionelle Praktiker*innen verändern ihr unterrichtliches Denken und Handeln nicht aufgrund einmaliger Nachmittags-Fortbildungen, sondern in komplexen und vielschichtigen Reflexions- und Erprobungsprozessen, begleitet durch längerfristige umsetzungsorientierte Fortbildungen. Die bislang wenig befriedigende Befundlage der Wirksamkeitsforschung wird in dieser Arbeit in einem integrierenden Ansatz der Wirksamkeit von Lehrkräftefortbildung strukturiert und ein mehrdimensionales Rahmenmodell der Wirksamkeit von Lehrkräftefortbildung skizziert. Mit der berufsbezogenen Interessenentwicklung von Lehrkräften im Kontext von Fortbildung fokussiert die Arbeit bislang in der Wirksamkeitsforschung noch wenig berücksichtigte motivationale Orientierungen. Drei Fortbildungsszenarien differenzieren Zugänge wirksamer Lehrkräftefortbildungen zu Schulen mit unterschiedlichen Kooperationsformen in einer theoretisch rahmenden Konklusion der Arbeit. Eine konkrete Checkliste überführt diese drei Szenarien wirksamer Lehrkräftefortbildung in konkrete Planungs- und Reflexionshilfen für Praktiker*innen in der Fortbildung.
Wirkungsorientierung in der Jugendhilfe und die Teilhabe ihrer Adressat*innen (Soziale Arbeit als Wohlfahrtsproduktion #21)
by Stefanie AlbusDas Buch zeigt die zentralen gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen der sozialpädagogischen Praxis, Wissenschaft und Fachpolitik auf. Basierend auf der Kritik unterschiedlicher Lesarten von Teilhabe und Wirksamkeit in den Jugendhilfedebatten zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts werden Professionalisierungsperspektiven skizziert, die Wirkungsforschung, Organisationsgestaltung und die wohlfahrtsstaatliche Begründung der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe konsequent auf die Erweiterung der selbst bestimmten Verwirklichungsmöglichkeiten von jungen Menschen ausrichten.
Wirkungsvoll und überzeugend sprechen – der Rich-Impact-Speaking-Ansatz: Sprechkompetenz für Führungskräfte
by Constanze v. Rheinbaben A.Sprechen ist die direkteste, unmittelbarste und deutlichste Möglichkeit, mit seinen Mitmenschen in Kontakt zu treten. Constanze v. Rheinbaben A. zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die wichtigsten Elemente guten Sprechens trainieren, einen bewussten Umgang mit Ihrer eigenen Stimme entwickeln und so das Potenzial Ihrer Stimme bestmöglich ausschöpfen. Gerade wenn Sie in einer Geschäfts- und Führungsposition tätig sind, möchten Sie bei Besprechungen, Verhandlungen und Präsentationen Informationen erfolgreich vermitteln, mit Botschaften überzeugen und einen wirkungsvollen Eindruck hinterlassen. Durch gezieltes und individuelles Training von Stimme, Atmen und Ausdruck entwickeln Sie ein professionelles und überzeugendes Auftreten. Die Autorin erklärt, wie Sie eine hörbare und tragende Stimme erzeugen, was eine gute Atmung damit zu tun hat, wie Sie die Klangform Ihrer Sätze modulieren, das Tempo Ihrer Rede steuern und wie andere Ihre Stimme wahrnehmen. Zudem wird gezeigt, wie Sie überflüssige Worte vermeiden, Ihre Körpersprache verbessern und selbstbewusst und entspannt auftreten, auch wenn Sie sich zunächst nicht so fühlen. Das Buch möchte Sie ermuntern, auf die Suche nach Ihrer eigenen Stimme zu gehen. Zahlreiche Übungen und Beispiele aus der Praxis unterstützen Sie dabei. Der Inhalt Die Stimme – wie und wo sie entstehtSo klingt und wirkt unsere StimmeDie Stimme finden, wirkungsreich sprechenErfahrungen – Rich-Impact-Speaking in der Praxis
Wirtschaft und Sprache: Zusammenhänge und Einflüsse in Deutschland
by Andreas FornerDieses Fachbuch betritt mit dem Brückenschlag zwischen Wirtschaft und Sprache weitgehend interessantes Neuland. Zu Beginn werden wirtschaftliche und sprachliche Schwerpunktthemen vorgestellt und mit Ansätzen bisheriger Suche nach Schnittmengen verbunden. Hierauf bauen die anschließenden Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Wirtschaft auf Sprache und von Sprache auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft auf. Schließlich stellt der Autor Verbindungen zwischen Globalisierung der Wirtschaft und Globalisierung von Sprache her und bezieht dabei aktuelle Polemik ein. Das Buch lebt von seiner Kompaktheit und Verständlichkeit, von zahlreichen Beispielen und Praxisbezügen. Es bezieht Diskussionen um Gender-Sprache oder Anglizismen fachlich angemessen ein und positioniert sich. Angesprochen werden angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Sprachwissenschaftler, Führungskräfte mit Personalverantwortung in mehrsprachigen Unternehmen sowie alle Leser mit Freude am Wissenserwerb.
Wirtschafts- und Organisierte Kriminalität (essentials)
by Karlhans LieblDieses Bucherklärt, was man unter Wirtschafts - undOrganisierter Kriminalität versteht und welche Deliktstrukturen sich dahinter verbergen. Der Autor Karlhans Liebl stellt die gegenwärtige Situation der Wirtschafts- undOrganisierten Kriminalität in Deutschland umfassend dar und greift dabei auchBezüge zum Ausland auf.
Wirtschaftspsychologische Grundlagen für Personalmanagement: Fach- und Lehrbuch zur modernen Personalarbeit
by Michael TreierEine moderne Personalarbeit kann es sich in Anbetracht der Herausforderungen der Arbeit 4.0, des demografischen Wandels und Fachkräftemangels nicht leisten, Personal nur zu verwalten, denn der Mensch avanciert zum Potenzial- und Wertschöpfungsträger. Personalarbeit transformiert sich deshalb zum Gestalter mit dem erklärten Ziel, das organisationale Verhalten des Personals zielgerichtet zu beeinflussen. Personalmanagement und Wirtschaftspsychologie treten dabei als Gespann auf, um die knappen und wertvollen Humanressourcen im Spannungsfeld zwischen ökonomischen und sozialen Zielen zu erhalten und zu fördern. Viele „Nicht-Wirtschaftspsychologen“ im Personalbereich stehen vor der Herausforderung, psychologische Methoden und Instrumente in ihr Aufgabenportfolio zu integrieren. Dieses systematisch und didaktisch klar aufgebaute Fach- und Lehrbuch greift die Herausforderung auf, wirtschaftspsychologische Themen im Personalmanagement entlang der Wertschöpfungskette der Personalarbeit theoretisch fundiert und praxisnah zu platzieren. Auf jeder Station der Personalarbeit - von der Planung bis zur Freisetzung - werden Ihnen personalwirtschaftliche Grundlagen und wirtschaftspsychologische Bausteine vorgestellt, anschaulich erklärt und verknüpft. Zu den Herausforderungen der Zeit wie Digitalisierung, flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und Wertewandel bietet es Ihnen hilfreiche Beispiele und Tipps. Zusätzlich gibt es Arbeits- und Informationsmaterialien Online zum Download.Die Zielgruppen Personalverantwortliche, Führungskräfte und Berater sowie Wissenschaftler und Studierende im Bereich Personalmanagement und Wirtschaftspsychologie, die Personal als wertschaffende Ressource wertschätzen. Der AutorProf. Dr. Michael Treier lehrt an der Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW in den Bereichen Personal, Organisation und Psychologie. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Demografie- und Gesundheitsmanagement. Als Berater betreut er Unternehmen der Privatwirtschaft und Organisationen im öffentlichen Sektor.
Wisconsin Motorists' Handbook
by Wisconsin Department of Transportation<p>This manual is intended to inform the user of the rules of the road (Wisconsin state laws and Administrative Rules) and provide important safety tips. Information in this and other handbooks and manuals published by the Division of Motor Vehicles is not all-inclusive and is subject to change at any time due to new or revised laws. <p>This manual gives you information on driving rules and practices to help you become a safe driver of a car or light truck (Class D license). <p>If you want a Commercial Driver License (CDL) to drive a commercial motor vehicle (heavy truck, bus, Class A, B, or C), you should study the Wisconsin Commercial Driver's Manual. <p>If you want a license to operate a motorcycle (Class M license), you should study the Motorcyclists' Handbook.</p>
Wisconsin Motorists' Handbook
by Wisconsin Department of TransportationWisconsin Motorists' Handbook
Wisconsin Motorists' Handbook
by Wisconsons Department of TransportationThe Wisconsin Motorists Handbook gives you information on driving rules and practices to help you become a safe driver of a car or light truck.
The Wisdom and Wit of Diane Ravitch
by Diane RavitchIn this unique collection of her most important writings, Diane Ravitch provides remarkable insights into her seminal thinking on public education, and on the dangers to democracy of treating parents as consumers, students as products, and teachers as compliant followers of commercial scripts.
Wisdom-Based Business: Applying Biblical Principles and Evidence-Based Research for a Purposeful and Profitable Business
by Hannah J. StolzeMake Your Business Purposeful and ProfitableAt its best, business is both purposeful and profitable, dynamic and gainful, commercial and rewarding. Far from being opposites, good business and good behavior go hand-in-hand, and biblical principles can align with best practices. In Wisdom-Based Business, marketing and supply-chain professor Hannah J. Stolze draws principles from the Bible's wisdom literature and from evidence-based research to create a framework for business that is oriented toward excellence and sustainability. This book addresses import issues such as:The virtue of profitServant leadershipWisdom-based values, such as long-term over short-term, stakeholders, and qualityBeneficial outcomes of wisdom-based business, including reputation and comparative advantageThe ultimate outcome of eternal impactIntended for business students and working professionals alike, Wisdom-Based Business demonstrates how to pursue profitability to the honor and glory of God. Unique among Christian books on business, it helps readers make the right decisions in business by presenting:Biblical Principles. Drawing upon the Bible's wisdom literature, each topic addressed is undergirded by insights from Scripture.Evidence-Based Research. Recommendations are thoroughly grounded in the best and latest research in the field.Case Studies: Each chapter demonstrates how the principles can be lived out in the real world, amid the inevitable challenges and competition all business confronts. Any Christian who works in the marketplace or is training to work in the marketplace will benefit from Wisdom-Based Business' practical guidance on how to reflect Christian values in their corporate tasks and strategies--and on how those values can be not hindrances but keys to success.
The Wisdom Books: A Translation with Commentary
by Robert AlterFirst time in paperback: "One of the most ambitious literary projects of this or any age."--Adam Kirsch, New Republic Here in Robert Alter's bold new translation are some of the most magnificent works in world literature. The astounding poetry in the Book of Job is restored to its powerful ancient meanings and rhythms. The creation account in its Voice from the Whirlwind is beautiful and incendiary. By contrast, a serene fatalism suffuses Ecclesiastes with a quiet beauty, and the pithy maxims of Proverbs impart a worldly wisdom that is satirically shrewd. Each of these books addresses the universal wisdom that the righteous thrive and the wicked suffer in a rational moral order; together they are essential to the ancient canon that is the Hebrew Bible.
Wisdom Discourse in the Ancient World
by Sara De Martin Anna Lucia FurlanThis book moves beyond the debate on ‘wisdom literature’, ongoing in biblical studies, to demonstrate the productivity of ‘wisdom’ as a literary category. Featuring work by scholars of Egyptology, classics, biblical and Near Eastern studies, it offers fresh perspectives on what makes a text ‘wisdom’.This interdisciplinary volume widens the scope of the investigation into ‘wisdom literature’, chronologically, geographically, and methodologically. Readers are given insights into how the label ‘wisdom’ contributes to our understanding of diverse literary forms across time periods and cultural contexts. In the volume’s introduction, the editors consider ‘wisdom’ as a ‘discourse’, shifting the focus from the debate on whether ‘wisdom literature’ is a genre to the properties of the texts, namely exploring what makes a text ‘wisdom’. This offers a methodological backdrop against which the diverse approaches of the single authors productively coexist. The chapters examine texts that are the products of different ancient cultures, with several of them bridging diverse cultural, social, and chronological contexts. By sampling how different methodologies interact both within individual interpretative efforts and in wider attempts to understand cross-cultural literary phenomena, this volume also contributes new perspectives to the scholarship on ancient literary genres.Wisdom Discourse in the Ancient World will interest both students and scholars of the ancient Near East, Egyptology, classical studies, biblical studies, and theology and religious studies, particularly those working on wisdom literature in antiquity. It will also appeal to readers with an interest in comparative approaches and genre studies more broadly.
Wisdom for Faithful Reading: Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation
by John H. WaltonThe church has too often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack of sound principles of interpretation. When careless habits get us off track, we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying, derailing our own spiritual growth and even risking discredit to God’s word. We need a consistent approach to give us confidence as faithful interpreters. In Wisdom for Faithful Reading, the trusted Old Testament scholar John Walton lays out his tried-and-true best practices developed over four decades in the classroom. His principles are memorable, practical, and enlightening, including: The Bible is written for us, but not to us. Reading the Bible instinctively is not reliable and risks imposing a foreign perspective on the text. More important than what the characters do is what the narrator does with the characters and what God is doing through the characters. Not everything has a "biblical view." Along with identifying common missteps, Walton's insights point the way to stay focused on what the Old Testament text communicated to its original audience—and what it has to say for us today. When we submit ourselves to be accountable to the authors' intentions we experience the true authority of Scripture, and faithful reading fuels a faithful life. Using numerous examples across the breadth of the Old Testament and its genres, Walton equips thoughtful Christians to read more knowledgeably, to pay attention to God’s plans and purposes, to recognize good interpretations, and to truly live in light of Scripture. You may never read the Old Testament the same way again.
Wisdom for Today's Woman: Insights from Esther (Fisherman Bible Studyguide Series)
by Poppy SmithWomen in today's world face an onslaught of ever-changing challenges and circumstances. It's often hard to know how to respond. But centuries ago, one humble, extraordinary woman stepped into the limelight where she encountered great trials of her own--and became a model of godly living for all women to follow. As you study the dramatic life of Queen Esther you'll learn vital lessons about choices, personal trials, pride, faith, and control. More than that, you'll discover the essential, foundational truths upon which a wise woman builds her life and faith.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Wisdom from the Witch of Endor: Four Rules for Living
by Tikva Frymer-KenskyFour simple rules, amazing results—how wisdom from an overlooked biblical hero can change your life! Tikva Frymer-Kensky shows readers how a seemingly minor story in the first book of Samuel can teach them key lessons to dramatically improve their lives. Saul, abandoned by God, approaches a medium in the village of Endor to call up the spirit of Samuel. Though Saul had outlawed her craft, she helped him when he promised her safety. And after Samuel prophesied Saul&’s death, she showed the shaken king hospitality. Determination. Excellence. Caution. Benevolence. Four qualities of the &“witch&” of Endor will bring you success, even when the whole world stands against you. Are you ready to follow your dreams? To succeed when others tell you to give up? Embrace the wisdom of a little-known hero from the Bible—and see how it leads you to the life you were meant to live.
Wisdom in the University
by Ronald Barnett Nicholas MaxwellThis provocative and challenging book questions how people think about what universities should seek to do and how they should respond to the grave problems of our age. It addresses issues such as: What is wisdom? Ought universities to seek, promote and teach wisdom and what would this involve? Does it mean we need a revolution in the aims and methods of academic inquiry? What implications would the pursuit of wisdom have for science, for social inquiry and the humanities, for education? Is it reasonable to ask of universities that they take up the task of helping humanity learn how to create a wiser world? Is there a religious dimension to wisdom? What can non-academics do to encourage universities to take wisdom seriously? Would the pursuit of wisdom be possible given that universities are increasingly subjected to commercial pressures? With contributions from leading experts in various fields Wisdom in the University is essential reading for all those interested in the future of universities and philosophy of education.This book was previously published as a special issue of London Review of Education
The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind--A New Perspective on Christ and His Message
by Cynthia BourgeaultIf you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something remarkable happens: Jesus emerges as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness. Cynthia Bourgeault is a masterful guide to Jesus's vision and to the traditional contemplative practices you can use to experience the heart of his teachings for yourself.
Wisdom, Knowledge, and the Postcolonial University in Thailand (Postcolonial Studies in Education)
by Zane Ma RheaThis book examines Thai knowledge and wisdom from the perspective of postmodern, postcolonial globalization. Ma Rhea explores the ways in which the Thai university system attempts to balance old knowledge traditions, Buddhist and rural, with new Thai and imported knowledge. It traces the development of Thai university partnerships with outsiders, focusing on the seventy year relationship between Thailand and Australia. In comparison, it analyses the old Thai Buddhist wisdom tradition and in the final chapters proposes its worthiness as a pedagogical pathway for universities globally.
The Wisdom Literature: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series (Interpreting Biblical Texts)
by Richard J. CliffordIn this volume, Richard J. Clifford seeks to make the biblical wisdom literature intelligible to modern readers. It is easy to quote the occasional proverb, say a few things about "the problem of evil" in Job, or quote "vanity of vanities, " but far more rewarding to read the whole book with an appreciative and informed eye. Opening chapters of The Wisdom Literature comment on the striking similarities between ancient and modern "wisdom literature" and on the comparable literature from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Canaan. Thereafter, a chapter is devoted to each biblical wisdom book (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sirach, and Wisdom of Solomon), studying not only its content but also its rhetoric -- how it engages the reader.
Wisdom Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, and Esther (The Forms of the Old Testament Literature)
by Roland E. MurphyMurphy sees three of the six books (Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes) as being technically 'wisdom literature.' The others are either love poems or historical narrative that fit well within the context of the subject presented here. In this volume previous form-critical work is carefully evaluated, and the result is a thorough-going form-critical treatment of this part of the Old Testament. The work is enhanced by bibliographies for each Old Testament book and a glossary of general terms.
The Wisdom of Arthur W. Pink
by Arthur W. PinkArthur W. Pink was a minister and world traveler. During his life time he was a prolific author writing books on all aspects of Christianity. He was one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century. Collected her in this omnibus edition are The Holy Spirit, The Attributes of God. The Sovereignty of God.
The Wisdom of Balahvar: A Christian Legend of the Buddha (David Marshall Lang's Journey from Russia to Armenia via Caucasian Georgia #3)
by David Marshall LangOriginally published in 1957 and forming a companion volume to The Balavariani, this volume provides valuable research into the biography of Gautama Buddha and its influence on medieval Christian thought. This work, the romance of Barlaam and Josaphat, was included by Caxton in The Golden Legend and inspired the episode of the Caskets in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice; its heroes were venerated as Saints. Over a century ago, however, the legend was finally identified as an adaptation of episodes from the life and ministry of the Buddha. The first part of the book is devoted to tracing the development and migration of the Barlaam and Josaphat legend from its original Buddhist environment to the West. The second part is a translation of the Georgian text – the first published in any Western European language. The volume therefore gives one of the oldest Near Eastern versions of the story.
The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus)
by Washington Leslie GladdenThe Book of Sirach is a Jewish work, originally in Hebrew, of ethical teachings, from approximately 200 to 175 BC, written by the Judahite scribe Ben Sira of Jerusalem, on the inspiration of his father Joshua son of Sirach, sometimes called Jesus son of Sirach or Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira.In Egypt, it was translated into Greek by the author's unnamed grandson, who added a prologue. This prologue is generally considered the earliest witness to a canon of the books of the prophets, and thus the date of the text is the subject of intense scrutiny. The book itself is the largest wisdom book from antiquity to have survived.-Wiki
The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes
by Derek Kidner"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." In the Wisdom literature of the Bible we first hear the cool voice of a teacher calling us to think--to think hard and humbly. "How long will fools hate knowledge?" cries Wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Then in Job comes the anguished voice of the questioner, earnest enough to seek answers, honest enough to doubt easy ones. In Ecclesiastes the chastened tone of the Preacher warns of the vanity of all life under the sun. Sensitive to both literary form and theological content, Derek Kidner introduces Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes, explaining their basic character and internal structure. He also summarizes and evaluates the wealth of modern criticism focused on each book. Looking at all three books together, Kidner shows how their many voices compare, contrast and ultimately give a unified view of life. Kidner extends his analysis to include Ecclesiasticus and The Wisdom of Solomon from the Apocrapha, and he reprints excerpts from non-Israelite works that parallel the three major books treated.