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Showing 79,701 through 79,725 of 79,774 results

Zeit des Wandels und der Initiative: Änderungen unterstützen - Gewohnheiten stabilisieren

by Klaus Konrad

Dieses Buch betrachtet Veränderung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und unterstützt in seinen Erläuterungen Menschen, die im beratenden sowie pädagogischen Kontext arbeiten. Im Zentrum stehen Theorien, Anwendungen und Beispiele rund um Veränderungen und Neu-Anfänge. Wir fangen immer wieder neu an. Wandeln, verwandeln, modellieren, modernisieren, ersetzen, variieren, fluktuieren sind Synonyme dafür, die uns im Alltag immer wieder begegnen. Sich wandeln und dynamisch zeigen liegt im Trend. Dazu passt das weithin sichtbare Bestreben nach Selbstoptimierung. Ungeachtet von Lebensalter und Ausbildung versuchen viele Menschen jederzeit ein neues Bild von sich zu entwerfen, und sei es auch nur virtuell.

Zeit in der Bildung zwischen Anthropozentrik und Verzweckung von Wissen: Eine Analyse historischer, bildungstheoretischer und soziökonomischer Entwicklung

by Josefine Gobl-Kralovics

Zeit als unverzichtbare Bedingung für personale Bildungsprozesse wird heute durch sogenannte effiziente, ökonomisch orientierte Beschleunigungskonzepte, als strategische Klammer der Verzweckung von Wissen instrumentalisiert. Selbstbestimmte Bildung im Rahmen adäquater Zeithorizonte gerät immer mehr in Gefahr verstellt zu werden. Josefine Gobl-Kralovics zeigt anhand dieser kritische Situation, auch mittels Einbeziehung und Analyse des Begriffs Anthropozentrik pädagogisch beleuchtet, die Beschleunigung im Widerspruch zur Bildungsaufgabe des Menschen auf, genauso wie drohende Entfremdung als Folge von Fremdbestimmung. Beschleunigung avancierte zum Lebenstempo – Muße scheint dagegen obsolet.

Zeitdimensionen des Biographischen: Narrative Identität – Lern- und Bildungsprozesse – Dritte Lebensphase im Längsschnitt-Design (Lernweltforschung #37)

by Heide von Felden

Das Buch gibt Antworten auf die Frage, wie Menschen ihre Identität in Lebensgeschichten darstellen und welche Lern- und Bildungsprozesse damit biographisch forciert werden. Auf theoretischer und empirischer Ebene analysiert die Autorin, welche Rolle biographische Zeitdimensionen wie narrative Identität, biographisches Lernen, dritte Lebensphase und das methodische Längsschnitt-Design dabei spielen.

Zeitmanagement bei der Abschlussarbeit: Perfektes Timing für die Bachelor- und Masterthesis (essentials)

by Kristina Folz

Dieses essential richtet sich an alle Studierenden, die ihre Abschlussarbeit – oder vielleicht auch ihre nächste Seminararbeit – ohne Zeitnot meistern möchten. Die Autorin gibt praktische Tipps und Anregungen zum Zeitmanagement, die sich leicht und ohne aufwendige Einarbeitung im Studienalltag umsetzen lassen. Sie erfahren unter anderem, wie Sie Ihren persönlichen „Thesisfahrplan“ aufstellen, wie Sie die Arbeitsbedingungen so optimieren können, dass Sie Zeit und Energie sparen, welche Zeitfresser beim wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten weit verbreitet sind und wie Sie sie vermeiden. Verständlich geschrieben, übersichtlich gestaltet und mit zahlreichen Übungen und Beispielen hilft Ihnen dieses essential dabei, die Abschlussarbeit erfolgreich und fristgerecht zu schreiben.​Die Autorin:Kristina Folz ist freie Redakteurin, Autorin und Lektorin für verschiedene Kunden und beschäftigt sich als solche regelmäßig mit Zeitmanagementmethoden sowie der Frage, wie man Zeitfresser aus dem Alltag verbannt. Zudem hat sie zwei Ratgeber zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten verfasst.

Zeitmanagement für Führungskräfte: Wie arbeite ich als Führungskraft effektiv und effizient? (essentials)

by Alexander Häfner Sophie Hofmann

Mehr als 300 E-Mails im Posteingang, Teammitglieder, die auf dringendes Feedback warten, und wichtige Aufgaben, die seit Wochen liegen bleiben. So kann der Alltag von Führungskräften aussehen. Ohne einen effektiven und effizienten Umgang mit der eigenen Arbeitszeit wird Führung nicht gelingen. Das Buch gibt wissenschaftlich fundiert konkrete Anregungen für die tägliche Praxis.

Zeitmanagement für Juristen: Strukturiert durch den Tag - mehr Effizienz - mehr freie Zeit

by Jochen Theurer

Dieses Buch stellt Zeitmanagement-Strategien speziell für Juristen und Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer vor. Diese Berufsgruppen sind Standesregeln und hohem wirtschaftlichen Druck ausgesetzt und klagen häufig über Zeitprobleme. Doch die üblichen Ratschläge zum Thema Zeitmanagement helfen ihnen aufgrund der besonderen beruflichen Anforderungen meist nicht weiter. Zudem sind die Zeitprobleme so individuell, dass eine „allgemeine“ Strategie nicht passt. Hier setzt dieses Buch an: Es vermittelt Juristen und Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Wirtschaftsprüfern das Wissen und die Werkzeuge, um selbstständig Strategien für ihre persönlichen Zeitprobleme zu entwickeln und diese erfolgreich in ihrem beruflichen Alltag umzusetzen. Die überarbeitete 4. Auflage wurde um Erfahrungen aus der Corona-Pandemie und ein Kapitel über Gesundheit und Körper erweitert.

Zeke Meeks vs. the Putrid Puppet Pals

by D. L. Green

Puppet Pals are out to get Zeke! Puppet Pals are taking over the third grade. Zeke doesn't understand what the excitement is all about. The silly finger puppets are just plain boring. Will Zeke ever learn to love these putrid pals?

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography

by David Ulrich

Zen Camera is an unprecedented photography practice that guides you to the creativity at your fingertips, calling for nothing more than your vision and any camera, even the one embedded in your phone. David Ulrich draws on the principles of Zen practice as well as forty years of teaching photography to offer six profound lessons for developing your self-expression. Doing for photography what The Artist’s Way and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain did for their respective crafts, Zen Camera encourages you to build a visual journaling practice called your Daily Record in which photography can become a path of self-discovery. Beautifully illustrated with 83 photographs, its insights into the nature of seeing, art, and personal growth allow you to create photographs that are beautiful, meaningful, and uniquely your own.You’ll ultimately learn to change the way you interact with technology—transforming it into a way to uncover your innate power of attention and mindfulness, to see creatively, and to live authentically.

Zen Doodle Unleashed: Freeform Tangle Art You Can Draw and Color

by Tiffany Lovering

If you're looking for an easy, relaxing outlet for your creativity, you've come to the right place. Zen Doodle Unleashed features the same fun, free and soothing style that has made Tiffany Lovering a YouTube favorite! Express yourself with freeform tangles that are not confined within an outer boundary or "string." Instead, you create abstract patterns that flow and build off each other to fill the whole page. It's almost magical the way simple patterns add up to complex and beautiful results. Plus you'll learn a variety of shading and coloring options to up the wow-factor even more!Inside you'll find:4 simple steps you need to build an original freeform tangle from scratch50 original patterns broken down into easy-to-follow steps including basic, intermediate, advanced, organic and gridline patternsCool coloring techniques with permanent markers, colored pencils, oil pastels and watercolorA cut-out reference booklet of 101 patterns by TiffanySimple lettering techniques, different pen strokes for variety and lots more expert advice!From quick-start basics to inspiration galore, Zen Doodle Unleashed is a liberating guide for beginners and more experienced artists. It's never been easier to get started. But fair warning--once you start, you may find it hard to stop!

Zen Doodling (Idiot's Guides)

by David Williams

Doodling isn't necessarily a mindless pursuit. There's hidden discipline, order, and joy behind artful scribbles. Idiot's Guides: Zen Doodling gives readers beautiful, full-color instruction and all they need to start using ordered, repeated "tangle" designs that are great creative expressions and works of art unto themselves. The book includes step-by-step instructions for drawing more than 20 doodle forms and patterns.

Zen Guitar: The Zen Way To Play Guitar, Book And Cd

by Philip Toshio Sudo

Unleash the song of your soul with Zen Guitar, a contemplative handbook that draws on ancient Eastern wisdom and applies it to music and performance.Each of us carries a song inside us, the song that makes us human. Zen Guitar provides the key to unlocking this song--a series of life lessons presented through the metaphor of music. Philip Sudo offers his own experiences with music to enable us to rediscover the harmony in each of our lives and open ourselves to Zen awareness uniquely suited to the Western Mind. Through fifty-eight lessons that provide focus and a guide, the reader is led through to Zen awareness. This harmony is further illuminated through quotes from sources ranging from Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix to Miles Davis. From those who have never strummed a guitar to the more experienced, Zen Guitar shows how the path of music offers fulfillment in all aspects of life--a winning idea and an instant classic.

Zen in the Art of the SAT

by Matt Bardin Susan Fine

How do you prepare for a test? Study the material, of course. But studying for the SAT is different-knowing facts is not enough. On the SAT, basic information is presented in tricky new combinations, and getting the right answers depends less on what you know than on how you think.Zen in the Art of the SAT, written for those in grades 9-12, can help you achieve your highest score on the new SAT. Learn to let go of worries and fears, calm your mind, and bring your attention to the present moment. Explore the main obstacles actual students have faced and how they overcame them. Assess yourself: know what role anxiety plays in your test-taking and learn how to change reading habits that may be limiting your success. Create a study plan that will work for you. Find out how your parents can support you best. Discover your mind's hidden natural ability to solve problems.The techniques in Zen in the Art of the SAT were developed through years of work with students in New York City, one of the most competitive test-prep markets in America.

Zen Telegrams

by Paul Reps

Zen Telegrams is a collection of Reps's picture-poems," works of calligraphic art and minimalist poetry that first fascinated Japanese,then attracted Western viewers. A lesser artist trying to combine English text and Eastern art might have failed, but Reps was a rare talent, accomplished in a wide variety of literary genres and art forms and his unique work appeals to a universal audience.

Zentangle Untangled: Inspiration and Prompts for Meditative Drawing

by Kass Hall

Unwind, Tangle and Relax! In Zentangle Untangled, Kass Hall introduces you to the fun and relaxing "doodling" process of Zentangle©--an engaging art form that uses repetitive patterns to create striking works of art that anyone can achieve regardless of age or artistic ability. Following an explanation of the Zentangle© process, inside you will find 12 step-by-step demonstrations showing you how to create enticing tangle patterns, followed by several examples of how to add eye-popping color to your pieces, as well as fun ways to use tangles in your art journals. Captivating pieces from Kass and a slew of other artists will further satisfy your craving for inspiration! Inside you will find: 12 step-by-step demonstrations of tangle patterns to make getting started easy! Different ways to introduce color, a variety of art materials, photography, and much more to your pieces. How to take your pen-and-ink tangles to the next step by enhancing them digitally!

The Zentangle Untangled Workbook: A Tangle-a-Day to Draw Your Stress Away

by Kass Hall

"Life is short, certainly too short to be concerned too much with rules about drawing." --Kass Hall In Zentangle Untangled, Kass Hall introduced you to the relaxing, innovative art of Zentangle. Now in The Zentangle Untangled Workbook, you'll get enough Zentangle instruction and inspiration to last all year long. Filled with dozens of new tiles and four never-before seen tangles designed especially for this book, you'll be using Zentangle in ways you never dreamed. Create shapes, letterforms, borders, even Zendalas as you master each new tangle, all while reducing stress through the intentional act of creating repetitive patterns. Perfect for artists of all levels, this workbook will immerse you in a daily meditation of Zentangle. Insides you'll find: Seven step-by-step demonstrations to help you get started. Inspiration and guidance on how to use those tangles to create unique and beautiful tiles throughout the year. More than 400 blank or partially started tiles so you can practice all year inside this book and without the fear of the blank page. It's time to tangle!

The Zero Degree Zombie Zone

by Patrik Henry Bass Jerry Craft

In the spirit of Tony Abbott's UNDERWORLD books, comes the new kid on the block - Barkari Katari Johnson! Shy fourth-grader Bakari Katari Johnson is having a bad day. He's always coming up against Tariq Thomas, the most popular kid in their class, and today is no different. On top of that, Bakari has found a strange ring that appears to have magical powers--and the people from the ring's fantastical other world want it back! Can Bakari and his best friend Wardell stave off the intruders' attempts, keep the ring safe, and stand up to Tariq and his pal Keisha, all before the school bell rings? Media celebrity and Essence Magazine entertainment producer, Patrik Henry Bass delivers adventure, fun, fantasy and friendship in this illustrated action-packed adventure starring an African American boy hero and his classmates.

Zero to Hero (Ghost Buddy #1)

by Henry Winkler Lin Oliver

A hilarious new series from Henry Winkler & Lin Oliver, authors of the bestselling HANK ZIPZER books! Billy Broccoli is new to the neighborhood, and wants cool friends and a spot on the baseball team more than anything. But the one thing he never wanted is his own personal ghost. So imagine his surprise when he ends up sharing a room with Hoover Porterhouse, a funny ghost with a whole lot of attitude. When an obnoxious school bully sets out to demolish Billy, the Hoove comes up with a plan for revenge. It's all in the Hoove's Rule Number Forty-Two: Stay cool. And like it or not, Billy and the Hoove have to stick together if Billy ever wants to get in style, get even, and conquer the school.

Zero to Maker

by David Lang

Are you possessed by the urge to invent, design, and make something that others enjoy, but don't know how to plug into the Maker movement? In this book, you'll follow author David Lang's headfirst dive into the Maker world and how he grew to be a successful entrepreneur. You'll discover how to navigate this new community, and find the best resources for learning the tools and skills you need to be a dynamic maker in your own right. Lang reveals how he became a pro maker after losing his job, and how the experience helped him start OpenROV--a DIY community and product line focused on open source undersea exploration. It all happened once he became an active member of the Maker culture. Ready to take the plunge into the next Industrial Revolution? This guide provides a clear and inspiring roadmap. Take an eye-opening journey from unskilled observer to engaged maker-entrepreneur Enter the Maker community to connect with experts and pick up new skills Use a template for building a maker-based entrepreneurial lifestyle Learn from the organizer of the first-ever Maker Startup Weekend Be prepared for exciting careers of the future

Zero Tolerance

by Claudia Mills

Seventh-grader Sierra Shepard has always been the perfect student, so when she sees that she accidentally brought her mother's lunch bag to school, including a paring knife, she immediately turns in the knife at the school office. Much to her surprise, her beloved principal places her in in-school suspension and sets a hearing for her expulsion, citing the school's ironclad no weapons policy. While there, Sierra spends time with Luke, a boy who's known as a troublemaker, and discovers that he's not the person she assumed he would be--and that the lines between good and bad aren't as clear as she once thought.

Zerrüttete Beziehungen – Verletzte Kinderseelen: Das Erleben von Trennung und Scheidung der Eltern aus der Perspektive der Kinder

by Nathalie Sabas

Nichts scheint mehr für die Ewigkeit. Getrennt ist das neue Zusammen. In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten ist die Scheidungs- bzw. Trennungsrate erheblich gestiegen und steigt stetig an. Der Personenkreis, der dem am schlimmsten ausgeliefert ist, sind die Kinder. Dieses Buch möchte dabei helfen, sich in die Gedanken der betroffenen Kinder hineinzuversetzen, um deren Perspektive einzunehmen und verständlich zu machen, wie sehr ein solches Erlebnis mit schmerzhaften und wut- bis hasserfüllten Emotionen einhergehen kann. Nicht immer gelingt es Eltern und Fachkräften, das Verhalten der kleinen „Rebellen“ zu deuten. Anhand von Praxisfällen und Bewältigungsstrategien werden die „Herzensangelegenheiten“ der verletzten Kinderseelen aufgedeckt.

Zeus On The Loose (Zeus #1)

by John Dougherty

I am the great and mighty Zeus, mortal- give me one good reason why I shouldn't smite you here and now!'Alex's class are learning about the Ancient Greeks. That's why Alex makes a temple (out of loo rolls and a cornflakes box) for the Greek god Zeus. He doesn't expect the god himself to turn up, borrow his mum's nightie and demand a sacrifice at half-past five in the morning. Even worse, Zeus reckons it's time for another Trojan War - in the school playground! Zeus is on the loose-

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination (Rape Culture, Religion and the Bible)

by Joachim Kügler

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination is a critical assessment of the biblical concepts of gender hierarchy and the intersection of sex/gender, power, and religion. Starting with #MeToo and the abuse of religious power in the Catholic Church, it also presents a concise selection of historical case studies. In doing so, the book demonstrates how a specific construction of the relationship between sex/gender, power and religion not only excludes women and every person conceived as feminine or effeminate from power but also produces – almost automatically – a rape culture, which uses and excuses violent sexuality as an appropriate manifestation of masculine power. Biblical studies is increasingly interdisciplinary and frequently focuses on contextualising the reading of biblical texts. This volume focuses on how: The Bible is intertwined with other religio-cultural traditions in the Mediterranean world Biblical and extra-biblical ancient concepts of gender hierarchy have left traces in the cultural memory, particularly of the Western world The Bible is received and applied in the contemporary world, above all in the politics, news media, and churches of Western post-Christian societies and African Christianity Throughout this text, religious history and biblical tradition are linked with recent conflicts to show how traces of these concepts continue to resonate and influence the world of today even in post-Christian societies.

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