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You've Gotta Have Heart in Your Writing (4th Edition)
by James L. BrimeyerThis book, a combination writing guide and handbook written for both English Composition I and II, offers students strategies that will serve them in developing the types of written communication and thought essential to academic, working world, and personal success. The book focuses on writing as process and is intended to help students identify and refine their own personal writing processes. The chapters are divided into three parts: a composition section based on writing projects, a stylistic section for writing improvement, and a portfolio section to support ongoing learning.
The Yuanpei Program in Peking University: A Case Study of Curriculum Innovation
by Wanying WangThe Yuanpei program is an institution wide curriculum innovation, modeling on the core curriculum in Harvard which is committed to carrying out general education. This research investigated the major conflicts that arose in the process of initiation and implementation of the Yuanpei program, how these conflicts evolved during the process, and what were the sources of these conflicts. The conflict model, primarily derived from conflict theory, was adopted to interpret and analyze the process of curriculum innovation in this context. The study employed a qualitative case study approach. Data were collected primarily through interviews, observations and document analysis. The administrators, teachers and students were interviewed to gain insight into major conflicts arose, their processes and sources in process of the curriculum innovation. The researcher primarily observed program practices and operations, including program setting, the human, social environment (how participants interact and communicate), and program activities and participant behaviors. The researcher distinguished between conceptual conflicts and practical conflict in light of the different stages in which conflicts emerged. The researcher mainly identified three conceptual conflicts that represent the focus of debates: first, the two opposing opinions on how to balance between general education and specialized education; second, potential incongruence in the idea of the Yuanpei program; third, conflict between the changing need of society and traditional system of training. The researcher summarized four categories of practical conflicts in light of various issues: free-course selection, free-major selection, faculty advisor as well as general education elective courses, in each of which sub-themes were identified and analyzed. The researcher described how both conceptual and practical conflicts evolved. Each major conceptual conflict seems to go through similar stages based on the data, involving issue, confrontation and integration of claims of both sides. For practical conflicts, factors contributing to the escalation and de-escalation, moderation of conflicts were found by the researcher. The research identified different roles, incompatible values, contested resources and structural constraints as the main sources of conflict. Any conflict may involve more than one category or may be mainly due to one category. As such, the study is exploratory and contributes to the scholarship on educational change through its analysis of the curriculum innovation for general education in Peking University.
Yukon Madness
by L. Ron HubbardExplore this uncharted and larger-than-life tale. Itauk the Madman has spread death to the Yukon, throwing the bodies of his victims to his sled team of twelve wolves. Tracking him down are Canadian Mountie Tommy McKenna and his partner Simmons. But when the pair separate to hunt for food, Itauk attacks Simmons and lets his wolves make an unmentionable feast that Tommy later discovers on his return to camp.Enraged, Tommy follows the maniac's trail to a village and en route he meets an enchanting Eskimo woman named Kaja. Of course, the route's a trap set by Itauk, and the only one who can save Tommy is Kaja--engaged to be wed to the ruthless killer, who plans to serve the Mountie as the next meal for his personal wolf pack. ALSO INCLUDES THE ADVENTURE STORIES "THE COSSACK" AND "THE SMALL BOSS OF NUNALOHA." "A spectacular degree of realism. For anyone enjoying adventures."--Library Journal
Yuletide Ice Cube Fair (Big Idea Books / VeggieTales)
by ZondervanThis vibrant holiday book featuring the Veggietales characters uses a fun story to highlight the true meaning behind Christmas. Children will discover that Christmas isn&’t about what is the grandest, or biggest, or best—it&’s about Jesus!This picture book with Larry the Cucumber, Bob the Tomato, and all your favorite VeggieTales characters features:An original story told through rhyming text and bright illustrationsA message about the reason for the season perfect for kids ages 4-8A sheet of included full-color stickersIt's that time of year again—the Yuletide Ice Cube Fair! Each veggie had carved an ice sculpture of what Christmas means to them. But between the giant ice angels, holiday feasts, and shopping malls is Junior Asparagus&’s tiny stable with a kneeling shepherd, which shows everyone what is really important.Yuletide Ice Cube Fair:Makes a great stocking stuffer and Christmas gift for boys and girls ages 4-8, grandchildren, and nieces and nephewsIs perfect for fans of VeggieTalesCan be used throughout the holiday season to remind kids why we celebrate Christmas each year, and help kids think about what Christmas means to them
yuwak bharti class 11
by संपादक मंडल महाराष्ट्र राज्य माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षण मंडलBased on the national policy of education, the Maharastra government has made this book to suit the needs of the students of Maharstra. This book contains the language and literature of Hindi for class eleventh of Maharastra Education Board.<P><P>
Z is for Moose
by Kelly BinghamZebra thinks the alphabet should be simple. A is for Apple. B is for Ball. Easy! But his friend Moose is too excited to wait his turn, and when M isn't for Moose (Mouse gets the honor), the rest of the letters better run for cover. Exuberant and zany storytelling brings to life two friends and one laugh-out-loud comedy of errors that's about friendship, sharing, and compromise. The incomparable Paul O. Zelinsky's artwork is bursting at the seams—literally—with child appeal. Breaking the borders of the page, and creating the art both digitally and traditionally, Zelinsky turns convention on its head. The result is a picture book that is innovative, hilarious, and begging to be read over and over again.
Zach King: My Magical Life (Zach King Trilogy)
by Zach KingAward-winning digital media star Zach King brings his unique brand of magic to the first installment of a lively, fun-filled trilogy about Zach, a middle schooler in search of his magical powers while navigating the crazy, confusing world of public school.Big Nate meets DanTDM in a debut middle grade adventure by social media superstar Zach King. The book comes complete with a code for a downloadable app that brings Zach’s vibrant world to fully animated, three-dimensional life. Zach King: My Magical Life is also coming to theaters soon, as the project has been picked up by Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment.Everyone in Zach King’s family has a magical power. His father can turn back time, his sister can turn invisible, and his mother can transform any object into something else. And Zach…well, he hasn’t found his magical power yet and his family is growing worried that he’s been “skipped.”So his parents decide to stop homeschooling him in magical arts and send him instead to a regular middle school with regular kids. To Zach, it’s the worst news ever. Who wants to be ordinary when everyone around them is extraordinary?But Zach quickly learns that going to regular school with regular kids isn’t all that bad. Who knew having real friends would be so much fun? And just when Zach least expects it, he discovers a pair of magical snapbacks that might just be the magical thing he’s been looking for his whole life. The only thing standing in his way is the school bully, Tricia Stands. She’s determined to make sure Zach doesn’t get more popular than she is, and so she plans a prank so awful, so evil, it could cause the biggest disaster Horace Greeley Middle School has ever seen.For fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Timmy Failure, and DanTDM: Trayaurus and the Enchanted Crystal and anyone who’s ever wondered where they belong, this is the perfect book for you.
Zach King: The Magical Mix-Up (Zach King Trilogy)
by Zach KingAward-winning digital media star Zach King brings his unique brand of magic to the second installment of a lively, fun-filled trilogy about Zach, a middle schooler trying to figure out what his magical powers are while navigating the crazy, confusing world of middle school.Zach’s back for another adventure at Horace Greely Middle School. Long homeschooled, Zach’s finally comfortable at public school. Even though he’s missing his magical powers, he’s got a best friend, a super-popular YouTube channel, and a crush on Rachel, the prettiest girl in school.Zach is confident enough to muster up the courage to ask Rachel to the big school dance. Just as he’s just about to do it, Hogan, the new kid from Australia, shows up and steals his thunder. But when Zach learns that Hogan is just using the dance as a way to embarrass Rachel and ruin her chances of becoming class president, Zach knows he has to stop him somehow. Now Zach’s on a mission to recover his magical powers in order to stop Hogan before he can sabotage Rachel’s chances. For fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Timmy Failure, and DanTDM: Trayaurus and the Enchanted Crystal and anyone who’s ever wondered where they belong, this is the perfect book for you.
Zachary's Zoo: Biblical Values (I Can Read! #Level 1)
by Mike NappaWelcome to Zachary's Zoo … Where a tiger, a bear, and a crocodile are among the ferocious beasts masquerading as lovable house pets! Only a smart, responsible zookeeper like Zachary can tame their savage nature by seeing that their needs are met. This MOPS Kid book is designed to meet the developmental needs of children ages 4 to 6. Children will learn that letting he cat out, feeding the shark (oops, fish!)… it's all part of taking care of the animals God made.
Zack Packs a Snack (Word Family Readers)
by Liza CharlesworthZack has a knack for making zany snacks! Check out his latest concoction in this kooky tale that teaches lots and lots of -ack words. Let's Learn Readers boost key literacy skills through engaging, easy-to-read stories. Jump-start phonics learning with these super-fun books! For use with Grades K-2.
Zack the Buzzy Bee: Targeting the z Sound (Speech Bubbles 2)
by Melissa PalmerZack just wants to find other bees that look like him – and he meets some interesting and different kinds of bees along the way. This picture book targets the /z/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.
Zack's Alligator and the First Snow (I Can Read Level 2)
by Shirley MozelleZack and Bridget are back for more gator-ific fun! Join these special friends as they embark upon an exciting winter wonderland adventure together. At first Bridget is only the size of a key chain. But when she gets soaked from the wet snow, she grows into a full-size alligator. It’s Bridget’s first real winter, and the zany gator embraces the experience—from ice-skating to sledding to making a “gator angel” in the snow.This hilarious Level Two I Can Read is geared toward kids who can read on their own but still need a little help.
Zahlen und Algebra: Ein Kurs im Lehramtsstudium
by Johanna Frischauf Tim NetzerDas vorliegende Buch liefert eine gründliche Einführung in den Aufbau der Zahlensysteme und grundlegende Konzepte der Algebra. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf Anwendungen und Beispielen, besonders mit Bezug zum Schulunterricht. Im ersten Kapitel werden ausgehend von der leeren Menge die natürlichen, ganzen, rationalen, reellen und komplexen Zahlen sowie die Quaternionen konstruiert. Trotz formaler Exaktheit werden alle Konzepte und Ergebnisse so elementar wie möglich erklärt. Das Kapitel kann deshalb im Lehramtsstudium, aber auch für die Unterrichtsvorbereitung in der Schule herangezogen werden. Das zweite Kapitel beinhaltet einen Zugang zu abstrakteren algebraischen Konzepten wie Gruppen, Ringen und Körpern. Mit Hinblick auf schulrelevante Konzepte werden viele wichtige theoretische Grundlagen formuliert und bewiesen, stets mit Bezug auf die konkreten Zahlbereiche aus dem ersten Kapitel. Auch moderne Anwendungen wie fehlererkennende Codes und Kryptographie werden erklärt. In der Springer Nature Flashcards-App stehen zahlreiche Multiple-Choice-Fragen zur Verfügung, mit der die erworbenen Kenntnisse überprüft werden können.
Zahlen und Operationen am Übergang Primar-/Sekundarstufe: Grundvorstellungen aufbauen, festigen, vernetzen (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)
by Axel Schulz Sebastian WarthaWelche arithmetischen Kompetenzen sollen Lernende am Ende der Primarstufe aufgebaut haben, um ein fundiertes Weiterlernen zu ermöglichen? Welche Hürden gibt es dabei und wie können sie überwunden werden? An welchen Modellen können Grundvorstellungen aufgebaut werden und wie können sie im weiteren Lernprozess aufgegriffen werden? Wie können Lehrkräfte den Übergang Primar- zu Sekundarstufe bestmöglich gestalten? An der Schnittstelle stehen zentrale arithmetische Inhalte, die hier aus der Perspektive der Primarstufe (welche Kompetenzen sind unverzichtbar und wie können sie aufgebaut werden) und der der Sekundarstufe (welche Aspekte gilt es zu wiederholen, woran kann und soll angeknüpft werden) diskutiert werden:„Große“ Zahlen: Grundvorstellungen aufbauen, Zahlen als Mengen und Positionen darstellen und vorstellen, Stellenwertverständnis erweitern, Beziehungen aufbauen und nutzenAddition und Subtraktion im Zahlenraum über 100: Operationsvorstellungen aufbauen, Rechenstrategien diskutieren und darstellen, schriftliche Algorithmen anschaulich besprechenMultiplikation und Division: Operationsvorstellungen aufbauen, Zusammenhänge zwischen beiden Operationen nutzen, Rechenstrategien im Zahlenraum bis und über 100 anschaulich diskutieren, schriftliche Verfahren an Modellen verstehenZahlen in Bruch- und Dezimalschreibweise: Grundvorstellungen aufbauen, Zahlbeziehungen verstehen und nutzen, Stellenwertverständnis ausbauen, Zahlen in Kontexten verwenden Alle Inhalte werden unter dem Aspekt der Prozessorientierung behandelt. Hierzu werden Impulse zur Kommunikation über Rechenwege, Zahlen und Zahlbeziehungen vorgeschlagen,Ideen für Argumentationsanlässe beim Arbeiten mit Zahlen und Operationszeichen vorgestellt,nur wenige, dafür sehr tragfähige Modelle thematisiert, die das Darstellen und Vorstellen von Zahlen und Operationen ermöglichen. Insbesondere wird aufgezeigt, wie die Verwendung von vielseitig einsetzbaren, konkreten Arbeitsmitteln und daraus entwickelten mentalen Modellen eine Konstante im Lernweg der Kinder und Jugendlichen am Übergang zwischen den Schulstufen sein kann.
Zakboek ziektebeelden Psychiatrie
by Karin LindenVan angststoornissen tot en met schizofrenie: met dit Zakboek Ziektebeelden heb je altijd alle essenti#65533;le informatie over de meest voorkomende psychiatrische ziekten binnen handbereik. De ontwikkelingen in de medische wetenschap en de verpleegkunde gaan erg snel. Het is als verpleegkundige of praktijkondersteuner dan ook onmogelijk om volledig op de hoogte blijven van alle ins en outs op jouw vakgebied. Maar het is wel noodzakelijk om bij te blijven binnen je eigen deelspecialisatie. De makers van het bekende Verpleegkundig Vademecum hebben daarom nu een reeks zakboeken ontwikkeld met een medisch #65533;n verpleegkundig deel: Zakboeken Ziektebeelden. Handzame boekjes met praktische informatie over de belangrijkste ziektebeelden in jouw werkveld. De zakboeken hebben een overzichtelijke medicatietabel en zijn goed leesbaar. Alle informatie is bovendien snel en gemakkelijk te vinden, omdat alle ziektebeelden volgens hetzelfde stramien zijn beschreven: ziektedefinitie, oorzaak, verschijnselen, diagnostiek, behandeling, complicaties en prognose.
Zamimolo’s Story, 50,000 BC: Book Three of Winds of Change, a Prehistoric Fiction Series on the Peopling of the Americas (Winds of Change, a Prehistoric Fiction Series on the Peopling of the Americas #3)
by Bonnye MatthewsThe Winds of Change novel series examines a few issues: * When people came to the Americas, * Who came to the Americas, and * From where did they come? The Winds of Change novel series views the peopling of the Americas primarily from research over the last 15 years. The series takes the "what if" perspective. What might it have been like if the Americas abounded in human life long before 12,000 years ago? The first book in the series, Ki'ti's Story, 75,000 BC (2012), is the foundation for the novel series, and it takes place in what is today southern China. The second book in the series, Manak-na's Story, 75,000 BC (2013), involves an adventure from China/Mongolia to Mexico and return. The third book in the series, Zamimolo's Story, 50,000 BC (2014), involves migration to the Americas, the disappearance of Olomaru-mia, and Zamimolo's quest to rescue Olomaru-mia, the woman who will be his wife in the new land. In this book read to discover (1) how the People adjust to the new land and (2) whether Zamimolo is successful in his quest, locating and returning safely with Olomaru-mia to the People.
by Catharina ValckxAchille LeBlab, special correspondent, knocks at Zanzibar’s door. He wants to write an article about an exceptional character. Is Zanzibar exceptional? The lizard seems to doubt it. “Aside from your poetic name, I’m afraid you’re a very ordinary crow.” That night Zanzibar decides: “I haven’t done anything remarkable yet, but it’s never too late!” He comes up with an idea for an incredible feat. First he must find a camel...
Zealotry and Academic Freedom: A Legal and Historical Perspective
by Neil HamiltonZealotry and Academic Freedom began with the author's personal experience with suppression of academic speech and obstacles to the pursuit of academic quality. Using his own tumultuous experience as a starting point, Hamilton explores how significant efforts to create an autonomous space for academic speech within the university over the past 125 years have been thwarted.Hamilton charges that a fundamentalist academic left in some humanities and social science faculties views the exercise of standards of academic quality and merit-based performance evaluations as tools of oppression and bigotry. Academic zealots ferret out and oppose hidden structures of so-called oppression in our "Eurocentric" culture. Any faculty member overtly supporting academic quality is thus suspected of bigotry and subject to investigations.The opening portion of the book locates similarities with the religious fundamentalism of the nineteenth century in waves of zealotry in American higher education. The first part covers student activism in the 1960s through the emergence of a radical academic left in the early 1990s. The second part examines the meaning of academic freedom and the protection of expression that should be secured. The third and final portion shows how targets of the coercive tactics of the zealots in any period of zealotry can, and have been effectively rebuked, and ultimately overcome.Neil Hamilton's book will generate controversy, particularly the chapters that inquire into the current wave of academic suppression. Hamilton warns that "history instructs that it can happen here." This candid look into the politics of higher education will be gripping reading for all those concerned with the future of education: professors, administrators, students, and parents. There has been a growing literature on this subject, but none cover the legal-political aspects of political correctness with such precision.
The Zealous Zebecs from the Midnight Ocean's Zenith
by Lisa Baker-KingSleep is the last thing on the minds of this sister and brother who are about to meet some strange, beautiful and quite questionable characters!Follow them and the clues as they look for Annie the Amazing Angelfish while weathering winds, summoning superpowers, forging friendships and fending off foes fathoms below the foamy surface of the surging seas."The Zealous Zebecs from the Midnight Ocean's Zenith" joins an imaginative story with intense alliteration, and engages children in a seek-and-find to celebrate the spoken sound of the written word. Each letter of the alphabet creates a humorous symphony of sounds and encourages the child and their loved ones to experience language together. Zebecs.com
Zebra Can Cope - A book about resilience (Behaviour Matters)
by Sue GravesZebra Can Cope offers a gentle introduction to the concept of resilience, and keeping trying, for young children.This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children the concept of reslience, giving them tools to help them cope in everyday situations. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand their behaviour.Zebra often worries about things. She worries whether she will cope if things don't go to plan. Then, when she is out on a canoeing trip, she really does need to find a way to manage her worries and work out a solution. Will she be able to cope?The Behaviour Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of discussing emotions, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss values. Suitable for children under 5.
The Zebra Code: A Step-By-Step Guide to Mastering Career Skills That Make You a Standout Professional
by Andrew LaCivitaAchieve remarkable growth and fulfillment through The Zebra Code—a transformative roadmap of skills, lessons, and actionable wisdom designed to keep you on a path of constant career advancement.Have you ever found yourself lost in the maze of professional growth? Have you ever felt stuck, unsure of which skills to prioritize or how to chart your career path effectively? These are common challenges many people face and result in unrealized potential and missed opportunities.The Zebra Code is your answer. In a post-academic world, where traditional guidance is scarce and you&’re left to figure it out on our own, this book becomes your experienced mentor. The Zebra Code offers a structured syllabus of the most impactful, professional skills and sequenced lessons to help navigate the intricacies of career development. No more wandering aimlessly only to blend in with the herd. Now, you can craft and implement your own personalized, effective, strategic, career growth plan to stand out and get ahead.Imagine a future where your career aligns perfectly with your abilities—where you consistently achieve success and satisfaction. It's within your grasp, and it starts with The Zebra Code!
Zee Zee Does it Anyway: A Story About Down Syndrome And Determination
by Dr Vona B. ShodjaZee Zee Does It Anyway is a story about a determined girl who happens to have Down syndrome. But does she let that stop her? No way! First, she introduces readers to the meaning of Down syndrome, and how it is not anything to fear. It is easy to fall in love with her fun-loving personality as she proves that even though her disability makes her seem different from other kids her age, she is actually quite a bit like them. She describes her favorite foods, participates in her hobbies, and declares her goals and dreams. Readers will learn that, just like other kids, with a little help from a few special people, Zee Zee can do anything she sets her mind to!
Zeely Zebra: Long Vowel E (Let's Read Together ®)
by Barbara deRubertisLet&’s Read Together books merge rhyme and vowel sounds in delightfully zany stories kids will want to read again and again. Each of the 15 books in this classic series by award-winning author/educator Barbara deRubertis will give your child a jumpstart on reading success."Story lines are silly and inventive, and recall Dr. Seuss&’s Cat in the Hat for the building of rhythm and rhyming words." —School Library JournalZeely Zebra dreams of making the All Star Racing Team; how will she achieve her goal? (This easy-to-read story features the long &“e&” vowel sound.)
Zehou Li and the Aesthetics of Educational Maturity: A Transcultural Reading (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education)
by Flora Liuying WeiThis book articulates a unique conception of aesthetic educational philosophy and its relation to the Chinese world, drawing on the works of the prominent contemporary Chinese philosopher Zehou Li. The book outlines an aesthetics approach to educational maturity that recognises both the contributions of Western Enlightenment ideals and Chinese traditions, paving the way for an inclusive and post-comparative philosophy. It offers a nuanced discussion of Zehou Li’s thought and how his work can be framed at the border between traditional and modern China, between China and the West. The book combines a discussion of aesthetics with educational theory and considers their combined implications for educational practice (in particular in the first-person perspectives of students, parents, and teachers), in both local and global contexts. Providing a way of doing philosophy of education that carefully considers interactions and overlaps between Western and Chinese civilisation, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the fields of educational philosophy, educational theory, Chinese and cross-cultural philosophy.
Zeichnen für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Brenda HoddinottAuf die Stifte, fertig, los! Immer wieder ist es faszinierend, wie schnell manche Menschen die schönsten Zeichnungen aufs Papier zaubern. Ein paar Striche und Linien und auf wundersame Weise entstehen Gegenstände, Landschaften und Gesichter. Sehr beeindruckend. »Zeichnen für Dummies« beginnt mit den Grundlagen und arbeitet sich dann vor zu immer komplexeren Techniken und Darstellungen. So lernen Sie, wie Sie den Stift führen müssen, damit Sie Ihre Motive mit einem Schuss Persönlichkeit aufs Papier bringen können. Sie erfahren Wie Sie ein Motiv richtig erfassen Wie Sie Perspektiven darstellen Wie Sie ein Bild gut organisieren Wie Sie Emotionen zeichnen