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75 consejos para sobrevivir a los profes (Serie 75 Consejos #9)
by María Frisa¡¡Por fin llega el volumen número 9 de la exitosa serie «75 consejos», el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE JAMÁS ESCRITO!! Un completísimo manual cargado de consejos para soportar hasta a los profes más pelmazo. <P><P> ¿Tu vida es superestresante porque tu profe es un viciado de los deberes y los exámenes? ¿Abre la boca y le sale la palabra «castigo»? ¿Te coge manía, aunque tú no hagas ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA? ¿Es un amargado total? Está claro... <P><P>¡¡Necesitas este libro!! Aquí descubrirás cómo sobrevivir a sus millones de rarezas. ¿A qué esperas?¡¡Empieza a leer YAAAAAAAAA!!
75 consejos para sobrevivir en el campamento (Serie 75 Consejos #Volumen 2)
by María Frisa¡¡Por fin llega la segunda entrega del DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE jamás escrito!! Más CONSEJOS, más CHIBIS y el BLOG de Sara... ¡NO VAN A PODER CONTIGO! ¡¡LA VIDA A LOS 12 AÑOS PUEDE SER BASTANTE DIFÍCIL!! Tus padres toman todas las decisiones importantes sin consultarte y, muchas veces, te obligan a hacer cosas absurdas: besar a alguien a quien te ponen delante, jugar con los hijos de sus amigos, llevarte bien con tus hermanos, obedecer a cualquiera solo porque es un adulto (incluso a monitoras del comedor)... Pero el colmo es que ni siquiera te dejan elegir qué hacer en ¡¡¡tus vacaciones!!! Y deciden que el mejor regalo por unas buenas notas es un campamento de inglés. ¿No podrían regalar Tuenti, que es más barato? Pero no te preocupes que aquí está Sara, otra vez, para darte nuevos consejos que te ayudarán a sobrevivir en el campamento: cómo preparar la mochila "perfecta", cómo ser popular desde el primer día, cómo aplicar "la estrategia de todo lo contrario" con los monitores, cómo sobrevivir a la comida del comedor y conseguir provisiones... y muchos más... hasta 75 consejos. Léete este libro. Descubrirás un montón de chibis nuevos y verás qué bien te lo pasas, aunque estés en un ¡campamento de inglés! ¡NO TE OLVIDES DE VISITAR EL BLOG DE SARA! www.consejosparasobrevivirenelcolegio.blogspot.com
75 Consejos para sobrevivir en el colegio (Serie 75 Consejos #Volumen 1)
by María Frisa75 consejos para sobrevivir en el colegio es probablemente el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE jamás escrito. ¡Y además está pensado para hacerte la vida más fácil! La vida a los 12 años puede ser bastante difícil: tu madre te castiga sin razón, tu mejor amiga se enfada contigo, te enamoras de un chico que no te conviene, metes la pata con las populares... Por eso he patentado este manual, que te ayudará a sobrevivir en los malos momentos. ¡Ah! Y mira al final del libro. Allí he puesto lo mejor: unos consejillos para aprender a dibujar chibis. ¡No van a poder contigo!
75 Consells per celebrar el teu aniversari en gran (Sèrie 75 Consells #3)
by María FrisaA la fi arriba el tercer volum d'aquesta exitosa sèrie! Vols celebrar l'aniversari on tu desitgis i que els teus pares et diguin que sí# (Ep! Tampoc no ens passem, no s'hi val a demanar Eurodisney!). Doncs, corre, obre el llibre! Si la teva mare comença un PLA D'ESTALVI just quan s'acosta el teu aniversari, segueix els meus consells. Ja veuràs com te'n sortiràs amb la teva i tindràs un GRAN DIA.
75 consells per sobreviure a las extraescolars (Sèrie 75 #Consells 4)
by María FrisaPer fi arriba la quarta entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai! Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS... NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU! «Quan els teus pares et "convencen" perquè t'apuntis a una extraescolar, la vida pot ser força penosa. El problema és que tots els pares del món (fins i tot els milionaris) estan convençuts que les seves vides són molt més dures que les nostres. <P><P> Es pensen que és facilíííííííííííííííííííssim sobreviure a cinquanta mil hores de classe fent veure que escoltes el professor i no adormir-te, o sense que t'enxampin xerrant; o que és tan senzill no matar-te en les acrobàcies que t'obliguen a fer a gimnàs (ai, perdó, Educació Física), o pitjor encara: sobreviure a l'hora del pati, als populars, als milions d'exàmens, a tenir un mòbil marca-no-t'hi-fixis, a la gasòfia del menjador... Com que els teus pares pensen que és súper senzill i mai no en tenen prou, pretenen que en acabar les classe t'apuntis a una extraescolar!!! Tu mires d'explicar-los que l'única extraescolar que vols fer és estirar-te al sofà amb el mòbil, la tablet i la tele, però ells se les saben totes per ser molt però molt convincents.» Si els teus pares tenen un atac de «ganes irresistibles que facis alguna cosa útil» i s'encaparren a apuntar-te a una extraescolar... <P> Ràpid, obre aquest llibre. No tens temps per perdre!!! Dins hi ha un munt de consells i trucs perquè no t'enganyin i acabis en un rotllo o, encara pitjor, en una de les que posen deures per a casa.
75 consells per sobreviure a l'escola: Manual patentat per mi mateixa per fer-te la vida més fàcil (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 1)
by María FrisaEl diari més graciós mai escrit. Un manual divertit i irreverent que t'ajudarà a sortir sana i estàlvia dels embolics de l'escola. Ningú no podrà amb tu! La vida als dotze anys pot ser bastant difícil: la teva mare et castiga sense raó, la teva millor amiga s'enfada amb tu, t'enamores d'un noi que no et convé, fiques la pota amb les populars... Per això he patentat aquest manual, que t'ajudarà a sobreviure en els mals moments. Ah!, i mira al final del llibre; hi he posat el millor: uns consellets per aprendre a dibuixar chibis.
75 consells per sobreviure al campament (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 2)
by María FrisaPer fi arriba la segona entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai!Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS i el BLOG de la Sara...NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU!LA VIDA ALS DOTZE ANYS POT SER BASTANT DIFÍCIL!! Els pares prenen totes les decisions importants per tu i no et consulten res de res. T'obliguen a fer coses absurdes cada dos per tres com ara fer un petó a una persona que et planten al davant, jugar amb els amics dels seus fills, portar-te bé amb els teus germans, obeir una persona qualsevol només perquè és adulta (fins i tot els monitors de menjador)... Però el pitjor del cas és que ni tan sols et deixen decidir què vols fer amb les teves vacances!!! I decideixen que el millor regal per a unes bones notes és un campament d'anglès. No et podrien regalar Tuenti, que és molt més barat? Però, no et preocupis. La Sara ha tornat per donar-te nous consells que t'ajudaran a sobreviure en el campament: com preparar la motxilla «perfecta», com ser popular des del primer dia, com aplicar «l'estratègia de tot el contrari» amb els monitors, com sobreviure a l'hora del menjador i aconseguir provisions... i molts més consells, fins a 75! Llegeix aquest llibre. Hi descobriràs un munt de chibis nous i t'ho passaràs d'allò més bé, encara que estiguis en un campament d'anglès! I NO T'OBLIDIS DE VISITAR EL BLOG DE LA SARA!
75 Consells per sobreviure als examens (Sèrie 75 #Consells 5)
by María FrisaEstàs fart d'estudiar? No t'angoixis! El diari més divertit que mai s'ha escrit et porta 75 solucions per fer-te més suportable el mal tràngol dels exàmens Si estàs cansat d'estudiar, si el teu profe és un "motivat" dels exàmens, si vols treure bones notes sense haver d'esforçar-te gaire... ¡Aquí tens la solució! D'acord, de fer els exàmens no te'n lliuraràs, però de ben segur que amb els meus 75 consells aconseguiràs un munt de temps lliure per dedicar a les coses importants de veritat: Internet, la Nintendo, el mòbil, ser popular... Què no t'ho creus? Doncs va, obre aquest llibre i al·lucina!!
75 Quick and Easy Solutions to Common Classroom Disruptions
by Bryan Harris Cassandra GoldbergThis very well organized book is packed with practical solutions to the most common classroom problems – side talk, rude behavior, calling out, students losing focus, and students refusing even to try. Every solution is classroom-tested, highly effective, and quick and easy to implement! Use this book to help make your classroom a happier, more productive learning environment – one in which your students thrive and everyone benefits!
75 Readings: An Anthology
by Santi V. Buscemi Charlotte Smith75 Readings introduces students to a range of classic and contemporary essays. The text also exposes them to a variety of rhetorical strategies, writing styles, themes, and topics. At the same time, it retains maximum flexibility for the instructor. These essays provide good structural models for rhetorical techniques and raise complex questions about current and enduring issues.
75 Readings: An Anthology (Eleventh Edition)
by Santi V. Buscemi Charlotte Smith75 Readings offers an outstanding collection of the most popular essays for first-year writing. The readings represent a wide variety of authors, disciplines, issues, and interests.
75 Ways to Be a Better Teacher Tomorrow: With Less Stress and Quick Success
by Annette Breaux Todd WhitakerHighly effective teachers have something in common: They do simple things extraordinarily well—simple, uncomplicated things on a daily basis. In this new book by bestselling authors and presenters Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker, you’ll learn the secrets of these tried-and-true techniques that will help to improve your teaching, your students’ learning, and your students’ behavior. Annette and Todd, who have years of experience working in schools across the globe, reveal 75 easily-implemented strategies that will improve teaching and instruction, classroom management, student motivation, student achievement, parent communication, and more--with no new programs! Each tip provides practical takeaways that can be used immediately and with remarkable success.
77 Things You Absolutely Have to Do Before You Finish College
by Halley Bondy James LloydCollege is about way more than just frats and finals: It's also a time when students can learn new skills, encounter different cultures, test out potential careers, and take a stab at something new just because it sounds cool. And in order to leave college a better, smarter, and more interesting person than you were when you started out, all you need is an open mind, a willing spirit, and (of course) this book! The 77 entries included here cover everything from negotiating the terms of an apartment rental to attending a school-sponsored lecture event to hosting a movie marathon - and supplemental sidebars provide bonus tips for doing everything cheaply and well. (Oh, but remember: The most important thing to do? Graduate!)
78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might
by Pat WalshFor the hundreds of thousands who buy writers’ guides every year, at last there’s one that tells the ugly truth: writers who can’t get published are usually making a lot of mistakes. This honest, often funny, book shows them how to identify their own missteps, stop listening to bad advice, and get to work. Drawing on his experience as founding editor of MacAdam/Cage, Pat Walsh gives writers what they need—specific, straightforward feedback to help them overcome bad habits and bad luck. He avoids the optimistic, sometimes misleading directions often found in publishing how-to books and presents the industry as it is, warts and all. Here is the first guide that tells writers just what the odds against them are and gives them practical tips for evening them.
7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2014) Proceedings: Educate to Innovate
by Chan Yuen Fook Gurnam Kaur Sidhu Suthagar Narasuman Lee Lai Fong Shireena Basree Abdul RahmanThe book comprises papers presented at the 7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT) 2014, which was hosted by the Asian Centre for Research on University Learning and Teaching (ACRULeT) located at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia. It was co-hosted by the University of Hertfordshire, UK; the University of South Australia; the University of Ohio, USA; Taylor's University, Malaysia and the Training Academy for Higher Education (AKEPT), Ministry of Education, Malaysia. A total of 165 papers were presented by speakers from around the world based on the theme "Educate to Innovate in the 21st Century. " The papers in this timely book cover the latest developments, issues and concerns in the field of teaching and learning and provide a valuable reference resource on university teaching and learning for lecturers, educators, researchers and policy makers.
8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = CHAOS
by Vivian Vande VeldeTwitch, the school yard squirrel, has really gotten himself into a bind this time. While trying to escape from a hungry owl, he roused the principal's dog and got chased into the school. Now he's locked in for a dangerous and disastrous night. Can Green Eggs and Hamster, Sweetie the library rat, and the other school pets save Twitch from the crazed dog, Cuddles? In this uproarious chapter book, a group of small animals manages to turn an elementary school into a real zoo.
8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = Chaos
by Vivian Vande Velde Steve BjörkmanTwitch, the school yard squirrel, has really gotten himself into a bind this time. While trying to escape from a hungry owl, he roused Cuddles, the principal's dog, and got chased into the school. Now he's locked in for a disastrous and hilarious night. Can Green Eggs and Hamster, Sweetie the Library rat, and the other school pets save Twitch from the crazed Cuddles? In this laugh-out-loud funny chapter book, a group of small animals manage to turn an elementary school into a real zoo.
8 Practice Tests for the ACT: 1,700+ Practice Questions (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan Test PrepKaplan's 8 Practice Tests for the ACT gives you realistic printed practice tests and expert explanations to help you score higher. Face the test with confidence knowing that Kaplan Test Prep is the Official Partner for Live Online Prep for the ACT. For more information visit kaptest.com/onlineprepliveWe are so certain that 8 Practice Tests for the ACT offers the practice you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll score higher on the ACT—or you'll get your money back.The Most PracticeEight full-length practice exams with detailed answer explanationsMore than 1,700 practice questions help you increase speed and accuracy with all the different ACT question types More than 500 English questionsMore than 400 Math questionsMore than 300 Reading questionsMore than 300 Science questionsEight essay prompts updated for the revised Writing Test, complete with model essays and a self-grading guideExpert Guidance9 out of 10 Kaplan students get into one or more of their top choice collegeWe know the test: Our experts have put tens of thousands of hours into studying the SAT – using real data to design the most effective strategies and study materials.We invented test prep. Kaplan has been helping students achieve their goals for over 80 years. Learn more at kaptest.com.
8 Practice Tests for the SAT: 1,200+ SAT Practice Questions (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan Test PrepKaplan's 8 Practice Tests for the SAT provides printed practice exams and expert explanations to help you face the SAT with confidence. More than 1,200 realistic practice questions help you get comfortable with the exam format so you can avoid surprises on Test Day.We are so certain that 8 Practice Tests for the SAT offers the practice you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll score higher on the SAT—or you'll get your money back.The Most PracticeEight realistic full-length practice testsMore than 1,200 practice questions help you increase speed and accuracy with all the different SAT question types More than 450 Math Grid-Ins and Multiple-Choice questionsMore than 400 Evidence-Based Reading questionsMore than 350 Writing and Language questionsEight Essay Prompts, complete with model essays and a self-grading guideDetailed answer explanations written by our experts help you determine your strengths and weaknesses and improve your performance.Expert Guidance9 out of 10 Kaplan students get into one or more of their top choice collegeWe know the test: Our experts have put tens of thousands of hours into studying the SAT – using real data to design the most effective strategies and study materials.We invented test prep. Kaplan has been helping students achieve their goals for over 80 years. Learn more at kaptest.com.
8 Practice Tests for the SAT 2017: 1,500+ SAT Practice Questions
by KaplanPractice makes perfect!Prep Smarter. Now that the College Board's redesigned SAT is in effect, there's nothing like a lot of practice to help build the necessary edge to increase your score. 8 Practice Tests for the SAT 2017 provides more practice tests than any other guide on the market.8 Practice Tests for the SAT 2017 features: * 8 realistic full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations * 450+ Math Grid-Ins and Multiple-Choice questions * 400+ Evidence-Based Reading questions * 350+ Writing and Language questions * 8 Essay Prompts, complete with model essays and a self-grading guide * Detailed answer explanations written by test experts to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses and improve your performance.Prepare for the SAT with confidence! With more than 75 years of experience and more than 95% of our students getting into their top-choice schools, Kaplan knows how to increase your score and get you into your top-choice college! Kaplan guarantees that if you study with 8 Practice Tests for the SAT 2017, you will score higher on the SAT--or you'll receive a full refund.
8 Practice Tests for the SAT 2018: 1,200+ SAT Practice Questions
by Kaplan Test PrepA Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.
8 Steps to Paying Less for College: A Crash Course in Scholarships, Grants, and Financial Aid (College Admissions Guides)
by Princeton ReviewFINANCIAL AID MADE EASY! This concise, easy-to-follow guide breaks the confusing college financial aid process down into 8 simple steps to help you afford your education.Alas, not everybody started saving for college when their kid was in diapers. But there’s still hope—and help! This friendly guide distills the confusing financial aid process into 8 clear, actionable steps you can take RIGHT NOW to help afford college.The underlying message is simple: Parents and students who understand how to apply for financial aid get more financial aid. Armed with the checklists, timelines, and info in this book, you’ll be able to:• Figure out what colleges actually cost• Understand grants, loans, work-study, and other forms of aid• Get to know the FAFSA® and CSS Profile(TM)• Research scholarship opportunities• Quickly compare financial aid offers from different schools• Find creative ways to lighten your debt loadNote: This book is designed to be a quick primer covering the most useful core finanicial aid information. For students and parents looking for comprehensive, A-Z guidance—including long-term strategies and step-by-step help on the forms—check out Paying for College, The Princeton Review's classic and definitive guide to the A-to-Zs of financial aid.
The 8 Truths About Jesus: Facts That Give Us Hope
by Danilo H. GomesThe vast majority of Christians do not know the eight fundamental truths about Jesus Christ. Do you know them? Who is Jesus? We will hardly find anyone who has not heard of Jesus, but the question is: how many really know him? We must urgently abandon superficiality in relation to our knowledge of Christ in order to dive deeply into His person. As much as there are differences within Christianity, there are eight biblically unquestionable truths about the Savior. The book THE 8 TRUTHS ABOUT JESUS deals with these facts that are the basis of the Christian faith. It is not a sum up or a reflection, but an edifying insight into the life and work of Jesus Christ. Renew your faith and fall in love with the only Son of God the Father. Learn about: Christ's eternity, His life as a man in the world, His miracles and wonders, His holiness, His death on the cross, among other subjects.
Las 8 verdades sobre Jesús: Hechos que nos dan esperanza
by Danilo H. GomesLa gran mayoría de los cristianos no conoce las 8 verdades fundamentales sobre Jesucristo. ¿Y tú… las conoces? ¿Quién es Jesús? Difícilmente encontraremos a alguien que no haya oído hablar de Jesús, pero la pregunta es: ¿Cuántos lo conocen realmente? Debemos abandonar urgentemente nuestra superficialidad en el conocimiento sobre Cristo para sumergirnos en su persona. Por mucho que haya divergencias dentro del cristianismo, hay 8 verdades bíblicas incuestionables sobre el Salvador. El libro LAS 8 VERDADES SOBRE JESÚS trata sobre estos 8 hechos que son la base de la fe cristiana. No es un resumen ni una reflexión, sino una visión edificante sobre la vida y la obra de Jesucristo. Renueva tu fe y enamórate del Hijo unigénito de Dios Padre. Aprende sobre: La eternidad de Cristo, su vida como hombre en el mundo, sus milagros y maravillas, su santidad, su muerte en la cruz, y otros temas.
80/20 Daily: Your Day-by-Day Guide to Happier, Healthier, Wealthier, and More Successful Living Using the 8020 Principle
by Richard KochFrom the bestselling author of THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE, a book of daily advice to help you live better for less effortTHE UNIVERSE IS WONKY! Out of 300 movies released over 18 months, just 4 of them took 80% of box office receipts. Daily life is full of relationships like this. When you discover asymmetries in your own life, you can find ways to multiply results with much less effort, stress, time or money.80/20 DAILY is million-copy bestselling author Richard Koch's most accessible exploration to date of the potential of 80/20 to transform your life. It features a year's worth of powerful daily insights to inspire you identify the 20% in your life that works so brilliantly you should be doing more of it - and far less of the 80% that is taking you nowhere.80/20 IS LIFE-ENHANCING The essence of 80/20 is identifying activities that have a high ratio of results to effort. In this day-by-day guide you'll discover how:--A small proportion of your time generates most of your results.--Fewer than 10 decisions in life are truly important.--Four factors influence your happiness more than anything else. 80/20 is an invitation to share in delights without downsides; success as you define it, with as little or as much effort as you want to put in. Discover the magical power of intelligent laziness one day at a time with 80/20 DAILY.