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Aaron Copland: A Reader: Selected Writings, 1923-1972
by Richard Kostelanetz Steve SilversteinThis book presents a selection of the best writings, of the American composer and music legend Aaron Copland, on a wide variety of topics. It features excerpts from his correspondence and recommendations he wrote for other composers.
Aas-Pass class 3 - NCERT - 23: आस-पास ३री कक्षा - एनसीईआरटी - २३
by Rashtriy Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishadआस-पास ३री कक्षा पुस्तक में विषय-वस्तु बाल-केंद्रित रखी गई है, जिससे बच्चों को स्वयं खोजकर पता करने का अवसर मिले। पाठ्यपुस्तक में यह प्रयास किया गया है कि रटने की प्रवृत्ति कम हो। अतः परिभाषाएँ, वर्णन, अमूर्त्त प्रत्यय आदि को स्थान नहीं दिया गया है। पाठ्यपुस्तक में जानकारी देना बहुत ही सरल कार्य है। वास्तविक चुनौती है कि बच्चों को मौका दिया जाए, जिससे वे अपने विचार प्रकट करें, उत्सुकता को बढ़ा सकें, करके सीखें, प्रश्न करें तथा प्रयोग कर सकें। बच्चे पाठ्यपुस्तक से खुशी-खुशी जुड़े, इसके लिए पाठों का प्रस्तुतीकरण विविध तरीकों से किया गया है, जैसे- किस्से-कहानियाँ, संवाद, कविताएँ, पहेलियाँ, हास्य खंड, नाटक, क्रियाकलाप आदि। बच्चों में कुछ बातों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता विकसित करने के लिए अकसर किस्से-कहानियों का इस्तेमाल महत्त्वपूर्ण माना गया है, क्योंकि बच्चे कहानी के पात्रों से अपने को आसानी से जोड़ सकते हैं। पुस्तक में प्रयुक्त भाषा भी ‘औपचारिक’ नहीं है, बल्कि बच्चों की बोल-चाल की भाषा है।
Aas-Pass class 4 - NCERT - 23: आस-पास ४थीं कक्षा - एनसीईआरटी - २३
by Rashtriy Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishadआस-पास ४थी कक्षा पुस्तक में विषय-वस्तु बाल-केंद्रित रखी गई है, जिससे बच्चों को स्वयं खोजकर पता करने का अवसर मिले। पाठ्यपुस्तक में यह प्रयास किया गया है कि रटने की प्रवृत्ति कम हो। अतः परिभाषाएँ, वर्णन, अमूर्त्त प्रत्यय आदि को स्थान नहीं दिया गया है। पाठ्यपुस्तक में जानकारी देना बहुत ही सरल कार्य है। वास्तविक चुनौती है कि बच्चों को मौका दिया जाए, जिससे वे अपने विचार प्रकट करें, उत्सुकता को बढ़ा सकें, करके सीखें, प्रश्न करें तथा प्रयोग कर सकें। बच्चे पाठ्यपुस्तक से खुशी-खुशी जुड़े, इसके लिए पाठों का प्रस्तुतीकरण विविध तरीकों से किया गया है, जैसे- किस्से-कहानियाँ, संवाद, कविताएँ, पहेलियाँ, हास्य खंड, नाटक, क्रियाकलाप आदि। बच्चों में कुछ बातों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता विकसित करने के लिए अकसर किस्से-कहानियों का इस्तेमाल महत्त्वपूर्ण माना गया है, क्योंकि बच्चे कहानी के पात्रों से अपने को आसानी से जोड़ सकते हैं। पुस्तक में प्रयुक्त भाषा भी ‘औपचारिक’ नहीं है, बल्कि बच्चों की बोल-चाल की भाषा है।
AAUP Policy Documents and Reports (9th edition)
by B. Robert KreiserFor eighty-five years the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has been engaged in developing standards for sound academic practice and in working for the acceptance of these standards by the community of higher education. The Association has long been viewed as the authoritative voice of the academic profession in this regard. The AAUP's Policy Documents and Reports (widely known as The Redbook because of the color of its cover) presents in convenient format a wide range of policies, formulated at times in cooperation with other organizations. The current edition, the ninth (the first was published in 1968), includes basic statements on academic freedom, tenure, and due process; professional ethics; research and teaching; discrimination; academic governance; collective bargaining; students' rights and freedoms; and accreditation. Among the new documents not found in previous editions are statements on post-tenure review; tenure in the medical school; access to university records; the assignment of course grades and student appeals thereof; institutional responsibility for legal demands on faculty; distance education; intellectual property; and collegiality as a criterion for faculty evaluation. An appendix lists selected judicial decisions and scholarly writings that refer to AAUP standards. The documents in The Redbook offer guidance to all components of the academic community--trustees, administrators, faculty, and students--for the development of institutional policy and for the resolution of concrete issues as they arise.
„Ab heute bist du Ausbilder“: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Rekonstruktion des Übergangs in die Tätigkeit des hauptamtlichen Ausbildungspersonals (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)
by Clarissa PascoeIn diesem Buch wird der Übergang aus einer Tätigkeit als gewerblich-technische Fachkraft in die hauptamtliche Ausbildungsfunktion in einer betrieblichen Ausbildungswerkstatt untersucht. In einem fallrekonstruktiven Forschungsansatz wird das Erleben und Bewältigen von typischen Herausforderungen während und infolge dieses Übergangs nachgezeichnet. Hierzu wurden hauptamtliche Ausbilder*innen in den industriellen Metall- und Elektroberufen zu ihren Übergangserfahrungen befragt. Ergebnis ist eine empirisch fundierte Beschreibung von fünf typischen Entwicklungsaufgaben, mit denen Ausbilder*innen während und infolge des Übergangs konfrontiert werden und die sie in Abhängigkeit von subjektiven Ressourcen und Orientierungen unterschiedlich deuten und bearbeiten. Die Fallrekonstruktion führt zu vier Typen von Bewältigungsstrategien, die sich hinsichtlich ihres Umgangs mit Erfahrungswissen, ihrer pädagogischen Überzeugungen sowie ihres Reflexionswissens unterscheiden. Darauf aufbauend wird mit Hilfe des Sozialweltkonzeptes die Frage nach der Rolle und Funktion einer übergeordneten kollegialen Bezugsgemeinschaft als potentielle Wissens- und Kompetenzgrundlage der Akteure der beruflich-betrieblichen Bildung vor dem Hintergrund der strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen und Systemspezifika diskutiert.
The ABA Visual Language: Applied Behavior Analysis
by Makoto ShibutaniThis book describes various ABA terms with examples and illustrations. It is good for students who study ABA, people who are pursuing BCBA®, BCaBA®, or RBT®, people who use ABA for their profession, parents who are raising children with Autism and other related disorders, and anyone who is interested in learning ABA.
¡Abajo el cole! (¡Abajo el cole! #1)
by María FrisaDiviértete y aprende de los consejos, travesuras, bromas y chistes de Hugo, el protagonista de la nueva serie «¡Abajo el cole!». ¡La selva del colegio nunca había sido tan divertida! Cuando eres Hugo: 1.- Eres, ejem, ejem, un poco bajito. A tu amigo Javi y a ti os llaman Pin y Pon. 2.- A la chica que te gusta le mola tu archienemigo. Encima, como es mutonto, no se entera y cree que sois amigos. 3.- Además de obligarte a ir al cole, te obligan a apuntarte a un torneo de baloncesto. 4.- Los de tu equipo son unos mantas y creen que la pelota tiene dientes y les va a morder. 5.- Los matones supremos del cole van a por vosotros y es como si sobre tu cabeza se activara una cuenta atrás. 6.- Y todos creen que estás obsesionado con hacer listas aunque, evidentemente, es mentira. Definitivamente... ¡VIVA EL COLE! Porque, aunque seas un pringado y un soso, tu amigo Javi (¡YO!) es un crack, y va a mejorarlo todo con sus chistacos para que este libro sea el MÁS DIVERTIDO del MUNDO.
The Abandoned Mission in Public Higher Education: The Case of the California State University
by Benjamin P. BowserThe debate about how higher education is failing to play a role in reducing inequality often centers on elite colleges, while ignoring the numerous public colleges and universities that educate the majority of our students. This book adds to the discussion by exploring an in-depth case study of the largest public higher educational system in the United States, The California State University, with implications for other state systems as well. Benjamin P. Bowser, experienced faculty member and author, discusses higher education reforms in response to increasing tuition, underprepared graduates, and declining academic standards. Focusing on the faculty perspective, this text examines how these reforms can threaten the mission of a public institution, only exacerbating the crisis of higher education and inequality.
Abbotsholme: 1889-1899
by Cecil ReddieOriginally published in 1900 As well as being a history of Abbotsholme School this volume also examines the general question of the English national education at the turn of the last century. The material includes: The foundation of Abbotsholme, 1889 Answers to the Royal Commission on "Secondary" education, 1894 British, French, and German press reports on the progress of the school Planned schools on Abbotsholme lines in England, Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland.
Abby's Owl
by Maureen AshAbby wanted to be a penguin in the school play, but she's cast as an owl instead! After getting a lesson on the importance of barn owls on farms, Abby realizes how amazing owls can be.
ABC de la crianza
by Annie De AcevedoDespués de más de 36 años de trayectoria, Annie de Acevedo reúne por primera vez en un glosario práctico los conceptos más importantes para una crianza feliz y exitosa. ¿Cómo detectar un Apego emocional? ¿Qué es el Bulliying y cómo afrontarlo? ¿Cómo manejar la Tecnología en casa? ¿Cómo educar hijos Millenials? En este libro la sicóloga Annie de Acevedo explica de una manera clara y entretenida todos los conceptos que caracterizan una crianza exitosa y feliz y reúne todos los aprendizajes y las vivencias que han surgido a lo largo de su amplia trayectoria.
ABC of Clinical Leadership
by Tim Swanwick Judy MckimmThis new title in the ABC series is written by clinical educators involved in running leadership programmes for doctors and other healthcare professionals, and defines the scope of clinical leadership, emphasising its importance in the clinical context. It develops and explores the key principles of leadership and management, and outlines the main leadership theories that have influenced healthcare practice.Through the use of short illustrative case studies, the book considers the challenges and skills in leading multi-disciplinary health care teams as well as the key factors involved in the leadership and management of change both at an individual and organisational level. It explains the running of departments, units and practices and considers the healthcare system as part of wider social systems and structures.The ABC of Clinical Leadership is written with reference to the Medical Leadership Competency Framework - co-developed by the NHS and all UK Medical Royal Colleges - and considers a systematic approach to leading clinical services, strategic planning, and the management of people and resources. It also covers educational leadership, collaborative working and the importance of leading ethically and with integrity. The book concludes by asking the all important question - does leadership development make a difference?
ABC of Clinical Resilience (ABC Series)
by Anna Frain Sue Murphy John FrainProfessional burnout remains a constant and increasing concern. With ABC of Clinical Resilience, you’ll learn how to connect with those impulses that motivated you to become a healthcare professional in the first place. You’ll rediscover that ‘joy of practice’ that nourishes and replenishes your energy even as you do the hard work of caring for your patients, and practice the self-care necessary to maintain a positive and consistently productive outlook. ABC of Clinical Resilience delivers a concise and perceptive treatment of what it means to be a resilient healthcare professional. The book describes the concept of resilience and how organisations and healthcare teams can use intelligent kindness to help their team members maintain their efficacy and avoid burnout in the long term. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the concept of resilience and why it’s important at this moment in time in the healthcare profession An exploration of the emotional impact of working in healthcare Practical discussions of resilience and how it affects cognitive performance, as well as organisational kindness and the teaching of resilience and compassion Treatments of self-care, the physiology of resilience and well-being, and an examination of intelligent kindness in healthcare teams Perfect for healthcare professionals, especially mental healthcare professionals, ABC of Clinical Resilience will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals who treat healthcare workers and readers interested in the psychology and prevention of burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue.
An ABC of Early Childhood Education: A guide to some of the key issues
by Sandra SmidtThis unique and engaging resource describes, critiques and analyses the significance of a wide range of contemporary and classic ideas about how young children learn. Organised in a handy A – Z format, best-selling author and early years expert Sandra Smidt: Traces back each idea to the roots of how it was first conceived Explores its implications for the early years classroom in accessible terms Makes connections where relevant to other strands in the field of early childhood education Provides examples from her extensive classroom experience and international literature Draws on a range of ideas from both developing and developed countries giving the material a truly global focus Uses a sociocultural view of learning to underpin the choice or analysis of each idea Students on early years education courses at a range of levels will find this an essential and enlightening companion text, for use throughout their studies.
ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine (ABC Series #176)
by Peter Cantillon and Diana WoodThe ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is a fully revised, succinct resource for both novice and experienced medical teachers. It is an excellent introductory text for doctors and other health professionals starting out in their careers as well as offering teaching tips and new perspectives for busy practitioners wishing to keep abreast of developments in medical education. The ABC emphasises the teacher’s role as a facilitator of learning rather than a transmitter of knowledge. It is designed to be practical and accessible and will support good teachers in becoming even better at what they do. Each chapter seeks to explain how different aspects of learning and assessment work (the theory) as well as providing descriptions of educational approaches that work (the practice). This fully updated new edition features core medical education topics such as course design, assessment, learning in groups, feedback, and the creation of learning materials. It also includes invaluable new chapters that address many of the challenges of medical education such as dealing with students in difficulty, the teaching of professionalism in clinical settings, and how to support the development of teachers. Together, these chapters represent an authoritative guide written by a team of educational experts of international renown and is suitable for all health professional educators.
ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine
by Diana Wood Peter CantillonThe ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is a fully revised, succinct resource for both novice and experienced medical teachers. It is an excellent introductory text for doctors and other health professionals starting out in their careers as well as offering teaching tips and new perspectives for busy practitioners wishing to keep abreast of developments in medical education.The ABC emphasises the teacher's role as a facilitator of learning rather than a transmitter of knowledge. It is designed to be practical and accessible and will support good teachers in becoming even better at what they do. Each chapter seeks to explain how different aspects of learning and assessment work (the theory) as well as providing descriptions of educational approaches that work (the practice).This fully updated new edition features core medical education topics such as course design, assessment, learning in groups, feedback, and the creation of learning materials. It also includes invaluable new chapters that address many of the challenges of medical education such as dealing with students in difficulty, the teaching of professionalism in clinical settings, and how to support the development of teachers. Together, these chapters represent an authoritative guide written by a team of educational experts of international renown and is suitable for all health professional educators.
The ABC of Relativity (Routledge Classics Ser.)
by Bertrand RussellThe Nobel Prize winner offers &“an ideal introduction to the theories of special and general relativity&” in clear, comprehensible language(Nature). A renowned mathematician and philosopher, and as well as recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Bertrand Russell was acclaimed for his ability to address complex subjects in accessible ways. In this classic reference book, Russell delves into physics and relativity, helping everyday readers grasp the genius and implications of Albert Einstein&’s theory. When originally published in 1925, The ABC of Relativity brought science to a more general audience—and it continues to do so in the twenty-first century. &“A mind of dazzling brilliance.&” —The New York Times
ABC School's for Me!
by Susan B. KatzGet ready for school with this clever, rhyming alphabet story illustrated by bestselling artist Lynn Munsinger!Alphabet from A to Z.Books that are just right for me.Crayons for coloring in my hand.Dump trucks playing in the sand.Cuddle up with your little bear and enjoy this rhyming read-aloud chock-full of the ABCs of school. There's so much alphabet to explore!
ABCs of Beautiful Light
by Rosanne Olson"Light is a language, it takes practice to become fluent". This is the premise of the ABCs of Beautiful Light. In this book, Rosanne Olson presents lessons and insight from her many years both in the photographic industry and as a teacher. These are time-tested techniques that leave her clients and students pleased time and time again. Presented in a format that allows the reader to progress at their own pace, this book is sure to leave a lasting impact on any photographer who dives in. The book begins with the fundamentals of photography. Olson leads the reader through the basic functions of the camera, from metering & exposure, to the uses of the digital files and how to manage them. Laying out this groundwork puts the reader in the right position to proceed with the lessons in the book. From there, the importance and concepts of design are explained. While the book focuses on lighting, the understanding of design is essential to creating compelling, memorable photos.
ABCs of Beautiful Light
by Rosanne OlsonEverything we see is lit by one source or another. The questions are: what and how? That is what this book is designed to teach you. Through Roseanne Olson's tried-and-true course on lighting principles for photography, video, and art in general, you will discover how the angles and heights of your light sources affect your pictures. You will learn how to work with light modifiers to change the quality of your light, and how to control light to create a feeling of depth and dimension--whether you're shooting with natural light, continuous artificial light, studio strobes, dedicated flash, or a combination of sources. Assignments are included to help you put each concept into practice as you perfect your skills and train your eyes to see the subtleties of light. You will never look at a photograph or painting in the same way after you read this book!
The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-based Measurement (The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Ser.)
by Michelle K. Hosp John L. Hosp Kenneth W. Howell<P>Michelle K. Hosp, PhD, is Associate Professor of Special Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.<P> A nationally known trainer and speaker on problem-solving and the use of progress monitoring data, she has served as Director of the Iowa Reading Research Center and as a trainer with the National Center on Progress Monitoring and the National Center on Response to Intervention, and is currently on the technical review committee for the National Center on Intensive Intervention.
ABCs of Christianity: An Outline for Living in the "Now" and Relating to God
by Terdema UsseryTHE ABCs OF CHRISTIANITY is a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the religion of Jesus, presented so today's generation will understand the Bible and experience the gift of knowing God. Yes, this is Grandma's religion. The underpinnings are the same rock solid concepts taught for 2,000 years. But this book is what texting is to ancient scrolls with each concept presented in concise, almost outline, form. Every doctrine is further referenced by Scripture, allowing readers to use the Bible translation of their choice-whether it be a leather-bound King James Version on onion-skin paper, a Biblical translation app, (on phone or tablet), or favorite spirituality Internet site. Stripped of anecdotes, wordsmithing, and other mechanics used to communicate biblical truth, this handbook is meant to serve all who wish to live in the now and experience the gift of actively knowing God.
The ABCs of Christmas
by Jo ParkerThis year celebrate Christmas with the entire family as the traditional story of Jesus Christ's birth is told from A to Z!A is for Angel...B is for Bethlehem... C is for Christ...Read along with your young child as we travel on a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem--with Mary and Joseph and the Three Wise Men--to witness the Christmas Miracle...all while learning the ABCs!
The ABC's of Classroom Management: An A-Z Sampler for Designing Your Learning Community
by Madeline Kovarik Pamela Kramer ErtelCo-published with Kappa Delta Pi The ABCs of Classroom Management equips teachers with a repertoire of expert strategies to develop classroom expectations and manage student behaviors. The second edition of this practical, alphabetical guide includes expansions on time-honored topics such as relationship building, communication, discipline, and behavior management, with the addition of new topics such as cyberbullying, violence prevention, social media, and substitute teachers. The newest quick reference to managing a classroom offers tried-and-true tips and specific examples of practical applications in the classroom. Educators who purchase the second edition also can access ABC’s Online to find downloadable forms, samples and checklists, and links to related resources. This edition of The ABC’s of Classroom Management gives future and new educators practical and informative tips and tools for managing their classrooms to apply right away so they can focus on student learning. Underlying the nuts-and-bolts entries of the book are the themes of teacher professionalism, leadership, and empowerment. Armed with a proactive attitude and the right tools that are applied purposefully and consistently, novice teachers develop their craft to become masterful educators.
The ABCs of Educational Testing: Demystifying the Tools That Shape Our Schools
by W. James PophamAmplify your assessment literacy. Formative, data-driven, high-stakes—we all know the buzzwords surrounding educational testing. But we often shelve our understanding of these because they are overwhelmingly complex. Those who care about our schools and students—teachers, administrators, policymakers, parents, citizens—will discover how and why testing should be taken upon ourselves to advance. Using a nontechnical approach, this book offers fundamental knowledge to free you from testing fogginess—all framed around practical actions you can take to strengthen your assessment literacy. Inappropriate tests are leading to mistaken decisions, and this book provides everything you need to know to change that, including Reasons for tests Reliability/validity Fairness Test-building