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La venganza de las cajas
by Víctor AlmazánUn abuelo cascarrabias y una adolescente descubrirán el mayor fraude de la televisión española. Premio Jaén de Novela Juvenil 2011. Cuando Eva sale de su primera clase en la universidad, encuentra seis llamadas perdidas de Porto, su compañero de piso. Ella acaba de llegar a Madrid para estudiar, conocer gente y sacar partido de la gran ciudad. Él es un anciano cascarrabias obsesionado con la tele. Preocupada, Eva vuelve a casa para asegurarse de que el hombre esté bien; pero él la espera sentado tan tranquilo en el sofá y le dice que han intentado matarle. En realidad, que el mismísimo José Luis de Morterone, gran magnate de las comunicaciones, quiere deshacerse de él porque no deja que manipulen su audímetro, el aparato para registrar las audiencias televisivas. ¿Quién se creería un cuento como este? Eva, seguro que no: a ella nunca le han gustado ni las bromas pesadas ni las historias policíacas, no se las acaba de creer#
Veni, Vidi, Video: The Hollywood Empire and the VCR
by Frederick WasserA funny thing happened on the way to the movies. Instead of heading downtown to a first-run movie palace, or even to a suburban multiplex with the latest high-tech projection capabilities, many people's first stop is now the neighborhood video store. Indeed, video rentals and sales today generate more income than either theatrical releases or television reruns of movies. This pathfinding book chronicles the rise of home video as a mass medium and the sweeping changes it has caused throughout the film industry since the mid-1970s. Frederick Wasser discusses Hollywood's initial hostility to home video, which studio heads feared would lead to piracy and declining revenues, and shows how, paradoxically, video revitalized the film industry with huge infusions of cash that financed blockbuster movies and massive marketing campaigns to promote them. He also tracks the fallout from the video revolution in everything from changes in film production values to accommodate the small screen to the rise of media conglomerates and the loss of the diversity once provided by smaller studios and independent distributors.
Venue 2
by BrenkmanFirst Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Venus’s Palace: Shakespeare and the Antitheatricalists (Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama)
by Reut BarzilaiThis book lays bare the dialogue between Shakespeare and critics of the stage, and positions it as part of an ongoing cultural, ethical, and psychological debate about the effects of performance on actors and on spectators. In so doing, the book makes a substantial contribution both to the study of representations of theatre in Shakespeare’s plays and to the understanding of ethical concerns about acting and spectating—then, and now. The book opens with a comprehensive and coherent analysis of the main early modern English anxieties about theatre and its power. These are read against 20th- and 21st-century theories of acting, interviews with actors, and research into the effects of media representation on spectator behaviour, all of which demonstrate the lingering relevance of antitheatrical claims and the personal and philosophical implications of acting and spectating. The main part of the book reveals Shakespeare’s responses to major antitheatrical claims about the powerful effects of poetry, music, playacting, and playgoing. It also demonstrates the evolution of Shakespeare’s view of these claims over the course of his career: from light-hearted parody in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, through systematic contemplation in Hamlet, to acceptance and dramatization in The Tempest. This study will be of great interest to scholars and students of theatre, English literature, history, and culture.
Vera Gran: The Accused
by Agata TuszyñskaThe extraordinary, controversial story of Vera Gran, beautiful, exotic prewar Polish singing star; legendary, sensual contralto, Dietrich-like in tone, favorite of the 1930s Warsaw nightclubs, celebrated before, and during, her year in the Warsaw Ghetto (spring 1941-summer 1942) . . . and her piano accompanist: W³adys³aw Szpilman, made famous by Roman Polanski's Oscar-winning film The Pianist, based on Szpilman's memoir.Following the war, singer and accompanist, each of whom had lived the same harrowing story, were met with opposing fates: Szpilman was celebrated for his uncanny ability to survive against impossible odds, escaping from a Nazi transport loading site, smuggling in weapons to the Warsaw Ghetto for the Jewish resistance. Gran was accused of collaborating with the Nazis; denounced as a traitor, a "Gestapo whore," reviled, imprisoned, ultimately exonerated yet afterward still shunned as a performer . . . in effect, sentenced to death without dying . . . until she was found by Agata Tuszyñska, acclaimed poet and biographer of, among others, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel laureate ("Her book has few equals"--The Times Literary Supplement).Tuszyñska, who won the trust of the once-glamorous former singer, then living in a basement in Paris--elderly, bitter, shut away from the world--encouraged Gran to tell her story, including her seemingly inexplicable decision to return to Warsaw to be reunited with her family after she had fled Hitler's invading army, knowing she would have to live within the ghetto walls and, to survive, continue to perform at the popular Café Sztuka.At the heart of the book, Gran's complex, fraught relationship with her accompanist, performing together month after month, for the many who came from within the ghetto and outside its walls to hear her sing.Using Vera Gran's reflections and memories, as well as archives, letters, statements, and interviews with Warsaw Ghetto historians and survivors, Agata Tuszyñska has written an explosive, resonant portrait of lives lived inside a nightmare time, exploring the larger, more profound question of the nature of collaboration, of the price of survival, and of the long, treacherous shadow cast in its aftermath.
Verbatim Theatre Methodologies for Community Engaged Practice: Perspectives from Australian Theatre
by Sarah Peters David BurtonVerbatim Theatre Methodologies for Community-Engaged Practice offers a framework for developing original community-engaged productions using a range of verbatim theatre approaches. This book's methodologies offer an approach to community-engaged productions that fosters collaborative artistry, ethically nuanced practice, and social intentionality. Through research-based discussion, case study analysis, and exercises, it provides a historical context for verbatim theatre; outlines the ethics and methods for community immersion that form the foundation of community-engaged best practice; explores the value of interviews and how to go about them; provides clear pathways for translating gathered data into an artistic product; and offers rehearsal room strategies for playwrights, producers, directors, and actors in managing the specific context of the verbatim theatre form. Based on diverse, real-world practice that spans regional, metropolitan, large-scale, micro, independent, commercial, and curriculum-based work, this is a practical and accessible guide for undergraduates, artists, and researchers alike.
Verdad, Mentiras y Propaganda
by Lucinda E Clarke José A Herrera REste libro describe la primera parte de mi viaje desde ser maestra de escuela primaria, pasando por anunciante en radio, luego escritora de libretos para radio hasta llegar a producir para televisión. Todas las historias son verídicas, aunque algunos nombres han sido cambiados para proteger a los personajes más interesantes. Si alguna vez se han preguntado qué ocurre detrás de las cámaras, este libro les brindará algunos secretos y les explicará cómo se hacen los programas de TV. ¿Cómo se siente trabajar con gente famosa, o entrevistarles cuando no les interesa hablarte? No se dejen engañar con eso de que trabajar en televisión es glamoroso. No lo es. Yo pasé más tiempo en baños y husmeando entre montañas de basura que en salas de banquete. Hacer cualquier tipo de programa de TV es un trabajo de equipo, y yo he trabajado con los mejores equipos de grabación y el mejor personal de estudio en Sudáfrica. Sin ellos y sin su pasión, no podría orgullosamente recordar nada de lo que produjimos. Este libro es para ellos y los clientes que nos dieron la confianza de relatar sus historias. Es también para mi esposo que sufre desde hace tiempo y cuya paciencia mientras escribo este libro ha resistido nuevos límites. No hay dos días que sean iguales en el mundo de los medios de comunicación y yo me siento privilegiada de haber sido parte de ello. Pero no crean todo lo que ven en la televisión. Probablemente, ¡es más sabio no creer en absolutamente nada! España 2014
Verdades, Mentiras e Propaganda
by Lucinda E Clarke Talita Mahfuz AdamoEmbora Lucinda sonhasse ser escritora, obediente, ela estudou para ser professora e obter um emprego “adequado”. Seu primeiro contato com a mídia foi através do trabalho no Serviço de Língua Inglesa em Benghazi, na Líbia. Infelizmente, depois disso, ela voltou às salas de aula. Ela não imaginava que perder o emprego de professora e fazer fiasco numa audição para a SABC a teria levado a escrever roteiros de rádio sobre gado doméstico, sobre o qual ela não sabia absolutamente nada. Assim, começou a sua jornada através da escritura, pré-produção e direção de programas sobre diversos assuntos. O que você vê na televisão, às vezes tem pouca relação com a verdade. Esta coleção de acontecimentos far-lhe-á rir e chorar. Ela retira a máscara da mídia e revela a verdade.
Verdi: His Music, Life and Times
by George MartinThis book relates the life and experiences of composer Giuseppe Verdi, from his birth in 1813 to his death in 1901. Besides documenting Verdi's life and the music he created, it also goes further in discussing the times and culture in which he was living in 19th century Italy, both socially and politically.
Verhüllung und Entblößung: Vom erzählenden Text:il zur filmischen Haut als Erfahrungsraum affektiver Identitätsentfaltung
by Anke SteinbornDieses Buch enthält eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung zum identitätsbildenden Wechselspiel von Text, Textilem und der Haut im und über den Film. Kernthese ist die Überlegung, dass sich im Film über den Wechsel zwischen Textilem und nackter Haut ikonische Verdichtungen zugunsten eines assoziativen Erfahrungsraums entfalten. Dabei weicht der Stoff – der erzählerische gleichermaßen wie der textile – dem Sinnlichen, der Affizierung über die Haut. Die Untersuchung beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen filmischer Rezeption und Selbstreflexion der Zuschauenden, aber auch einer Gesellschaft sowie des Films selbst im jeweils zeitlichen Kontext. Die Filmsehenden erfahren nicht nur das Geschehen und die Protagonist*innen, sondern vor allem auch sich selbst im Spiegel des Anderen – der anderen Figur, der anderen Geschichte, der anderen, filmischen Welt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, unter symbolische Hüllen zu schauen und das Wesentliche darunter zu entdecken. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Arbeit werden nicht nur Interessierte der Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, sondern auch der Soziologie, der Psychologie, des (Mode-)Designs, der Kunstgeschichte und der Architektur angesprochen. Das Buch regt zu Perspektivwechseln und interdisziplinärem Austausch auf der Basis der für uns alle existenziellen Haut an. Mit diesem Alleinstellungsmerkmal werden Grenzen überwunden und Kollaborationen angeregt.
Verschwörungsideologien in Filmen und Serien: Erklärungsansätze und Chancen zur Intervention
by Denis Newiak Anastasia SchnitzerCorona als inszeniertes Unterdrückungsinstrument, geheim gehaltene Impftote oder kinderbluttrinkende Politiker: Spätestens seit dem Ausbruch der Covid-19-Pandemie haben Verschwörungsideologien Hochkonjunktur und schaden durch ihren Dogmatismus dem sozialen Frieden und der demokratischen Willensbildung. Sogenannte Verschwörungstheorien (conspiracy theories) erzeugen systematisches Misstrauen gegenüber den legitimierten politischen Institutionen und können zu gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung, gefährlichem Populismus und extremistischer Eskalierung beitragen. In Kinofilmen und Fernsehserien waren Verschwörungsideologien schon immer Thema, setzen sie sich doch durch ihre filmischen Mittel seit jeher mit der Beziehung zwischen Realität und Illusion, Wahrheit und Fiktion, Wirklichkeit und Traum, Sinn und Wahnsinn auseinander. Serien und Filme dienen dabei nicht nur als Diskursraum gesellschaftlicher Selbstverständigung, sondern unterbreiten auch durch ihre komplexen Narrative, Figurenkonstellationen und Ästhetiken eingängige Erklärungsansätze für das Entstehen und die Verbreitung von Verschwörungserzählungen. Zugleich unterbreiten sie dabei zum Teil erstaunlich konkrete Vorschläge zur Handhabung solcher kollektiver Wahnvorstellungen. Was können wir aus den fiktionalen Welten von Serien und Filmen für den Umgang mit diesem ganz realen Gegenwartsphänomen lernen?
Vertigo: The Temptation of Identity
by Andrea CavallettiReading philosophy through the lens of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, Andrea Cavalletti shows why, for two centuries, major philosophers have come to think of vertigo as intrinsically part of philosophy itself.Fear of the void, terror of heights: everyone knows what acrophobia is, and many suffer from it. Before Freud, the so-called “sciences of the mind” reserved a place of honor for vertigo in the domain of mental pathologies. The fear of falling—which is also the fear of giving in to the temptation to let oneself fall—has long been understood as a destabilizing yet intoxicating element without which consciousness itself was inconceivable. Some went so far as to induce it in patients through frightening rotational therapies.In a less cruel but no less radical way, vertigo also staked its claim in philosophy. If Montaigne and Pascal could still consider it a perturbation of reason and a trick of the imagination which had to be subdued, subsequent thinkers stopped considering it an occasional imaginative instability to be overcome. It came, rather, to be seen as intrinsic to reason, such that identity manifests itself as tottering, kinetic, opaque and, indeed, vertiginous.Andrea Cavalletti’s stunning book sets this critique of stable consciousness beside one of Hitchcock’s most famous thrillers, a drama of identity and its abysses. Hitchcock’s brilliant combination of a dolly and a zoom to recreate the effect of falling describes that double movement of “pushing away and bringing closer” which is the habitual condition of the subject and of intersubjectivity. To reach myself, I must see myself from the bottom of the abyss, with the eyes of another. Only then does my “here” flee down there and, from there, attract me.From classical medicine and from the role of imagination in our biopolitical world to the very heart of philosophy, from Hollywood to Heidegger’s “being-toward-death,” Cavalletti brings out the vertiginous nature of identity.
The Very Best of Fesshole: Britain confesses anonymously
by Rob Manuel'Puerile, reprehensible and very, very funny' Adam Kay'I love Fesshole. Every single one is a masterclass in storytelling' Jay Rayner'Hilarious! The only guide any alien would need to find out what humans are really like' David Schneider'The wild, the wonderful, the frankly unbelievable and the downright disgusting. Under the anonymity of the internet people confess their most embarrassing secrets and it might not be good for their souls, but it's great for the readers!' Richard K Herring It's confession time, folks! Things have been building up inside of you for too long. Secrets you thought you'd never share with another soul are bubbling to the surface begging for release.And where better to let it all out (/laugh at someone else's misfortune) than on the internet.Fesshole is a Twitter account (@fesshole) which allows people to anonymously confess their innermost thoughts, deepest, darkest secrets, and their most outrageously funny faux pas - but will the online world absolve you of your sins?This book contains the greatest confessions to date, and a whole heap of new ones.After all, if you can't confide in strangers on the internet, who can you tell?
The Very Best of Fesshole: The New Fesstament
by Rob Manuel'A ridiculously reliable source of joy, shock and horror' - James O'Brien 'I sometimes read one of those fesses and wonder if I submitted it myself the night before, after a few beers' - James May The anonymous voices of the internet are back, ready to spill their deepest, darkest secrets and side-splitting faux pas.In this eagerly anticipated second coming, Rob Manuel has once again compiled the most jaw-dropping, knee-slapping, and cringe-inducing confessions out there.Prepare to immerse yourself in the seedy underbelly of human nature, where no secret is too taboo, no embarrassment is left unexplored, and laughter knows no bounds. Once again, the online world becomes an unexpected arena of collective catharsis, and this riotous read is an addictive deep dive into our shared guilt.This must have book contains favourite viral confessions, and a whole heap of new ones. After all, if you can't confide in strangers on the internet, who can you tell?
The Very British Problems Quiz Book
by Rob TempleWhat does 'custard and jelly' mean in cockney rhyming slang?Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?We Brits can't get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it - quiz.This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British - you'll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).***ANSWERS: Telly, Hobnob, buy the book and find out!***Praise for Very British Problems'Had us guffawing into our Earl Grey tea' Bella'My favourite twitter account at the moment is Very British Problems (@soverybritish) . . . it makes me laugh out loud' Tom Hiddleston'Hilarious' Daily Express'Temple pays affectionate and comic homage to the sheer quirkiness of being British' Good Book Guide
The Very British Problems Quiz Book
by Rob TempleWhat does 'custard and jelly' mean in cockney rhyming slang?Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?We Brits can't get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it - quiz.This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British - you'll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).***ANSWERS: Telly, Hobnob, buy the book and find out!***Praise for Very British Problems'Had us guffawing into our Earl Grey tea' Bella'My favourite twitter account at the moment is Very British Problems (@soverybritish) . . . it makes me laugh out loud' Tom Hiddleston'Hilarious' Daily Express'Temple pays affectionate and comic homage to the sheer quirkiness of being British' Good Book Guide
The Very British Quiz Book: How d’you make a proper cup of tea? (and 720 other essential questions)
by Geoff TibballsWill you be flummoxed by this Great British distraction?Do you know queuing etiquette? Twenty-one different ways to describe rain? Then this quiz book might be just your cup of tea.Politely challenge yourself, your family and your friends with questions on British culture, language, etiquette, of course, the weather, as well as lots of other essential, quintessential British subjects. Each quiz comprises 21 questions and answers are based on the real results from national surveys and polls. Hours of brain-bamboozling fun for all the family!
A Very Courageous Decision: The Inside Story of Yes Minister
by Graham McCannA behind-the-scenes history of one of the most successful and admired British sitcoms of the 1980s.In 1977 the BBC commissioned a new satirical sitcom set in Whitehall. Production of its first series was stalled, however, by the death throes of Jim Callaghan’s Labour government and the ‘Winter of Discontent’; Auntie being unwilling to broadcast such an overtly political comedy until after the general election of 1979.That Yes Minister should have been delayed by the very events that helped bring Margaret Thatcher to power is, perhaps, fitting. Over three series from 1980—and two more as Yes, Prime Minister until 1988—the show mercilessly lampooned the vanity, self-interest and incompetence of our so-called public servants, making its hapless minister Jim Hacker and his scheming Permanent Secretary Sir Humphrey two of the most memorable characters British comedy has ever produced. The new prime minister professed it her favourite television programme—a ‘textbook’ on the State in inaction—and millions of British viewers agreed. In the years since Yes Minister has become a national treasure: Sir Humphrey’s slippery circumlocutions have entered the lexicon, regularly quoted by political commentators, and the series’ cynical vision of government seems as credible now as it did thirty years ago.Much of this success can be credited to its writers, Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, who drew on their contacts in Westminster to rework genuine political folly as situation comedy. Storylines that seemed absurd to the public were often rooted in actual events—so much so that they occasionally attracted the scrutiny of Whitehall mandarins. In A Very Courageous Decision acclaimed entertainment historian Graham McCann goes in search of the real political fiascos that inspired Yes Minister. Drawing on fresh interviews with cast, crew, politicians and admirers, he reveals how a subversive satire captured the mood of its time to become one of the most cherished sitcoms of Thatcher’s Britain.
A Very Crabby Christmas (Little Golden Book)
by Dave Aikins Tish RabeThe Cat in the Hat has just received a special invitation! He and Sally and Nick have been invited to Mervin the Crab's Crab Christmas Ball on Christmas Island. But soon after the Thinga-ma-jigger lands on the island, chaos ensues when Crab Nine (aka Sandy) goes missing. Is Sandy lost or injured? Will the ball go on as planned? Only readers of the book will find out! Loosly adapted from the one-hour prime-time PBS Kids special--The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!--this $3.99 Little Golden Book arrives just in time for the holidays and makes a perfect gift.
A Very Crabby Christmas (Little Golden Book)
by Tish RabeRead and listen along with the Cat in the Hat as he and the gang visit Christmas Island to attend Mervin the Crab's Crab Christmas Ball! But soon after the Thinga-ma-jigger lands on the island, chaos ensues when Crab Nine (aka Sandy) goes missing. Is Sandy lost or injured? Will the ball go on as planned? Only readers of the book will find out! Loosely adapted from the one-hour prime-time PBS Kids' holiday special—The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!—this ebook with Read & Listen audio narration arrives just in time for the holidays and makes a perfect gift. This ebook includes Read & Listen audio narration.
The Very Fairy Princess Sparkles in the Snow
by Julie Andrews Emma Walton Hamilton Christine DavenierThe Winter Wonderland Festival is just around the corner, and Gerry knows this is her moment to SHINE. She's the most enthusiastic singer around, so she's certain her music teacher will choose her to perform the solo. She takes every opportunity to show him her VERY best voice-during rehearsal, during lunchtime, and even during recess. When a professional singer is given the solo instead, Gerry is crushed...but as the snow begins to fall, she finds a way to get her SPARKLE back! The mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton adds a sparkly seasonal story to their #1 New York Times bestselling series.
The Very Fairy Princess Takes the Stage
by Emma Walton Hamilton Julie AndrewsEveryone's favorite fairy princess is back and just in time for her ballet recital in this new picture book addition to the Julie Andrews Collection. At first, when Gerry is cast as the Court Jester and not the Crystal Princess, she is dismayed -- nothing is pink and no one can see her crown under her silly jester hat! But just as the recital looks like it's headed for disaster, our ever-energetic very fairy princess swoops in to save the day!Gerry's sparkle radiates from the page once more through Christine Davenier's whimsically elegant illustrations in this spirited, ballet-themed follow-up to The Very Fairy Princess from the renowned mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton.
A Very Irregular Head: The Life of Syd Barrett
by Rob ChapmanSyd Barrett was the lead guitarist, vocalist, and principle songwriter in the original line up of Pink Floyd. During his brief time with the band (1966-68) he was the driving force behind the unit. After he left the band he made just two further solo albums which were both released in 1970, before withdrawing from public view to lead a quiet, and occasionally troubled life in Cambridge, the town of his birth. Rob Chapman's book will be the first authoritative and exhaustively researched biography of Syd Barrett that fully celebrates his life and legacy as a musician, lyricist and artist, and which highlights the influence that he continues to have over contemporary bands and music fans alike.
A Very Lizzie Summer
by Lisa PapademetriouA Very Lizzie Summer (Lizzie McGuire Super Special): Get ready to jump into summer with this super-sized, totally original Lizzie McGuire junior novel! It's summertime and the living is sweet. Er, well, it's going to be if Lizzie finishes at the top of her junior lifeguard class. Then she'll get to assist that hottie head lifeguard at the Hillridge Community Pool for the rest of the summer. There's only one snag-Queen of Mean Kate Sanders wants the top spot too. Hello! Can you say sabotage? Will Lizzie get sunk or will she get a summer job near a hunk? Meanwhile, Lizzie's best friend, Miranda, starts crushin' on an Internet chat pal. And her other bestie, Gordo, gets an extremely disturbing extreme makeover. Get psyched for a sizzling summer with Lizzie!
A Very Merry 90s Christmas
by J. T. KelliherCelebrate this holiday season with all your favorite 90s stars, icons, and pop-culture moments!'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house the only sound you could hear was the click of a mouse… This illustrated gift book is a perfect stocking stuffer for anyone who wants to relive the best decade of the twentieth century.