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Ella Bella Ballerina and Cinderella (Ella Bella Ballerina #2)

by James Mayhew

Can the adorable Ella Bella Ballerina help Cinderella get to the Royal Ball?Alone on the stage after class, Ella Bella opens Madame Rosa's magical musical box and is whisked off into the world of the Cinderella ballet. But will Ella Bella be able to help Cinderella meet her perfect Prince Charming?

Ella Bella Ballerina and A Midsummer Night's Dream (Ella Bella Ballerina #5)

by James Mayhew

Everyone's favourite little dancer, Ella Bella Ballerina, steps out of fairytales and into the world of Shakespeare as she goes on a magical adventure in Fairyland, with Puck, King Oberon and Queen Titania. Who will the queen fall in love with when under the king's spell? And what will become of the hapless actor Bottom, transformed into a donkey?Beautifully illustrated and perfectly pitched for a young audience and all would-be prima ballerinas, and a wonderful very first introduction to the stories of the ballet and Shakespeare. From James Mayhew, the creator of the Katie series of books - featuring the hugely engaging Katie and making art an adventure for every child.

Ella Bella Ballerina and Swan Lake (Ella Bella Ballerina #3)

by James Mayhew

Can Ella Bella help the swan princess to be reunited with her prince? Will she help to break the wicked sorcerer's spell? Will true love conquer all? Young ballerinas will find the answer to all these questions and delight in the sheer charm of Ella Bella's world. James Mayhew has also included a page full of ballet facts to help even the keenest budding ballerina learn the story behind Swan Lake.

Ella Bella Ballerina and the Magic Toyshop (Ella Bella Ballerina #6)

by James Mayhew

Everyone's favourite little dancer, Ella Bella Ballerina, steps into an enchanted toyshop in this magical ballet adventure. Discover a world of fairytale toymakers and dancing dolls in in this beautiful introduction to classic ballet, La Boutique Fantastique. Look out for the other books in the series:Ella Bella and A Midsummer Night's DreamElla Bella Ballerina and Swan LakeElla Bella Ballerina and Cinderella Ella Bella Ballerina and The Sleeping BeautyElla Bella Ballerina and The Nutcracker

Ella Bella Ballerina and the Sleeping Beauty (Ella Bella Ballerina #1)

by James Mayhew

Ella Bella longs to be a beautiful ballerina, and so each week she goes to Madame Rosa's ballet class at the old theatre. As we all know, theatres are magical places where anything can happen, and sure enough, as soon as Ella Bella opens Madame Rosa's magical musical box on the empty stage, she's whisked off in a beautiful lilac light to Sleeping Beauty's palace. But will she be able to help the Lilac Fairy save Sleeping Beauty from the bad fairy's wicked spell?

Ella Fitzgerald: A Biography of the First Lady of Jazz, Updated Edition

by Stuart Nicholson

Stuart Nicholson's biography of Ella Fitzgerald is considered a classic in jazz literature. Drawing on original documents, interviews, and new information, Nicholson draws a complete picture of Fitzgerald's professional and personal life. Fitzgerald rose from being a pop singer with chart-novelty hits in the late '30s to become a bandleader and then one of the greatest interpreters of American popular song. Along with Billie Holiday, she virtually defined the female voice in jazz, and countless others followed in her wake and acknowledged her enormous influence. Also includes two 8-page inserts.

Ellen Terry, Spheres of Influence (Dramatic Lives #1)

by Katharine Cockin

In this essay collection, established experts and new researchers, reassess the performances and cultural significance of Ellen Terry, her daughter Edith Craig (1869–1947) and her son Edward Gordon Craig (1872–1966), as well as Bram Stoker, Lewis Carroll and some less familiar figures.

Ellie's Chance to Dance (The Royal Ballet School Diaries, Book #1)

by Alexandra Moss

Dear Diary, I can't believe I'm really here in London! It was hard to say good-bye to everyone in Chicago, but I promised to write. And I think it will be kind of fun to see what it's like to live in another country. The coolest part is that I'm going to audition for The Royal Ballet School's Junior Associate Program! The Royal Ballet School is THE BEST dancing school in England! If they accept me, my dream of becoming a famous ballerina just may come true. Wish me luck!

Elmer Iseler: Choral Visionary

by Walter Pitman

In a career that spanned five decades, Elmer Iseler proved himself pivotal to the development of choral music in Canada. After founding Canada’s first professional choir in 1954, he became artistic director and conductor of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. In 1979 he established Canada’s leading chamber choir, the Elmer Iseler Singers. He also enjoyed a long association with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, conducting more than 150 performances of Handel’s Messiah and premiering complex twentieth-century music.Under his baton, choirs achieved international stature for technical brilliance and artistic versatility. He has, in the estimation of many, created a vibrant, world-class choral infrastructure in Canada.The most decorated musician in Canada, honoured with many awards nationally and internationally, Iseler has made an impact that will continue undiminished through his many recordings, the Elmer Iseler Singers, the Elmer Iseler Chair in Conducting, and the Elmer Iseler National Graduate Fellowships in Choral Conducting at the University of Toronto.

Elmo Is Mindful (Sesame Street): How to Stay Focused, Calm, and Kind

by Random House

Elmo shares mindfulness tips to help his Sesame Street friends--and preschoolers everywhere--stay calm and focused.Just like kids everywhere, Elmo, Grover, Cookie Monster, and their Sesame Street friends sometimes have trouble controlling their emotions. This board book offers thoughtful suggestions as to what to do when you're scared, angry, frustrated, upset, and overwhelmed. Young children can learn simple techniques to stay calm and focused such as belly breathing, counting to 10, hugging yourself, and using a glitter jar. This oversized board book, filled with color photographs and illustrations of Elmo and the other Sesame Street muppets, is a perfect format for parents and caretakers to read with their children. Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.

The Elocutionists: Women, Music, and the Spoken Word

by Marian Wilson Kimber

Emerging in the 1850s, elocutionists recited poetry or drama with music to create a new type of performance. The genre--dominated by women--achieved remarkable popularity. Yet the elocutionists and their art fell into total obscurity during the twentieth century. Marian Wilson Kimber restores elocution with music to its rightful place in performance history. Gazing through the lenses of gender and genre, Wilson Kimber argues that these female artists transgressed the previous boundaries between private and public domains. Their performances advocated for female agency while also contributing to a new social construction of gender. Elocutionists, proud purveyors of wholesome entertainment, pointedly contrasted their "acceptable" feminine attributes against those of morally suspect actresses. As Wilson Kimber shows, their influence far outlived their heyday. Women, the primary composers of melodramatic compositions, did nothing less than create a tradition that helped shape the history of American music.

Eloquent Gestures: The Transformation of Performance Style in the Griffith Biograph Films

by Roberta Pearson

Between 1908 and 1913, D. W. Griffith played a key role in the reformulating of film's narrative techniques, thus contributing to the creation of what we now think of as the classical Hollywood cinema. This book is the only extensive treatment of a critical period in the history of film acting: the emergence of the realistic "verisimilar" style in Griffith's biograph films. Roberta Pearson shows how Griffith gradually abandoned the deliberately affected "histrionic" acting style derived from the nineteenth-century stage. No longer did actors mime distress by raising their arms to heaven or clutching their heads—a subtle facial expression, a slight change in posture would convey a character's extreme emotions instead.Pearson makes detailed comparisons of certain Biograph films and brings a freshness to her analysis by closely examining contemporary journalistic writing, acting manuals, and the recollections of actors of the time. Her work is important for anyone interested in early cinema and performance, and it will enliven the study of American cultural history and mass communications.

The Eloquent Screen: A Rhetoric of Film

by Gilberto Perez

A lifetime of cinematic writing culminates in this breathtaking statement on film’s unique ability to move usCinema is commonly hailed as “the universal language,” but how does it communicate so effortlessly across cultural and linguistic borders? In The Eloquent Screen, influential film critic Gilberto Perez makes a capstone statement on the powerful ways in which film acts on our minds and senses.Drawing on a lifetime’s worth of viewing and re-viewing, Perez invokes a dizzying array of masters past and present—including Chaplin, Ford, Kiarostami, Eisenstein, Malick, Mizoguchi, Haneke, Hitchcock, and Godard—to explore the transaction between filmmaker and audience. He begins by explaining how film fits into the rhetorical tradition of persuasion and argumentation. Next, Perez explores how film embodies the central tropes of rhetoric––metaphor, metonymy, allegory, and synecdoche––and concludes with a thrilling account of cinema’s spectacular capacity to create relationships of identification with its audiences. Although there have been several attempts to develop a poetics of film, there has been no sustained attempt to set forth a rhetoric of film—one that bridges aesthetics and audience. Grasping that challenge, The Eloquent Screen shows how cinema, as the consummate contemporary art form, establishes a thoroughly modern rhetoric in which different points of view are brought into clear focus.

Els homes clàssics: La Passió i la carn i altres històries de la música

by Albert Galceran Pedro Pardo

El món ha de saber el que es perd si no coneix l'univers sonor que ofereixen els compositors a través de les seves obres. I és per això que pren sentit aquest llibre: per mirar d'explicar sense pretensions la història de la música a través de les vivències dels artistes que l'han protagonitzat. El xarlatà que va operar Bach i Händel i els va deixar cecs, el carnissser de Leipzig on comprava Mendelssohn, el triomf del valencià Martín i Soler a la cort de Caterina II de Rússia, l'anhel de llibertat de Beethoven, Rossini i els tenors, la vida amorosa de Wagner, els camins divergents de Ravel i Viñes o el fatídic viatge de Granados a bord del Sussex són algunes de les històries que se succeeixen en aquest viatge apassionant de Moscou a París, de la cort de Viena al teatre alla Scala de Milà, a través dels secrets i les anècdotes que han conformat quatre segles de música clàssica. Unes històries fascinants, divertides i que permeten descobrir -acompanyades de les reveladores audicions de Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini,Verdi, Liszt i Stravinski que proposen els autors- l'univers de la música clàssica. Pedro Pardo, músic de formació, i Albert Galceran, divulgador musical i periodista, tenen dues maneres de veure la música: mentre el Pedro té la capacitat d'analitzar-la des del seu interior, l'Albert la descobreix des de la perspectiva de l'oient i la posa en el seu context històric. Així doncs, dues maneres d'entendre un món, però una mateixa manera de viure'l: des de la passió. Ressenya:«Aquest llibre és una demostració més del que poden fer dos quan comparteixen una manera de veure la puresa de la vida. No us quedeu amb la música, quedeu-vos amb el que en el fons us expliquen.»Ricard Ustrell

Els peripatètics de Merlí fora de l'aula: Confidències i fotos inèdites del protagonistes de Merlí

by Héctor Lozano

Un llibre creat especialment per als fans de Merlí. Un document impagable on queda recollit tot el que ha significat la sèrie per als actors i per a l'equip que li van donar vida. Què els preguntaries, als Peripatètics, si tinguessis l'oportunitat de parlar-hi? T'agradaria saber com eren els assajos o com van aconseguir fer que els personatges semblessin amics de tota la vida? <P><P>Vols veure les fotos que es feien els protagonistes? Héctor Lozano, el creador, guionista i productor executiu de Merlí, ja s'imaginava que tot això t'interessaria; per aquest motiu es va entrevistar amb els actors que donen vida als Peripatètics, va aplegar fotos personals i inèdites dels assajos i dels rodatges i, fins i tot, va recuperar curiositats dignes de col·leccionista per als més fans. Si Merlí t'ha fet trempar, aquest és el teu llibre!

Elsewhere, Within Here: Immigration, Refugeeism and the Boundary Event

by Trinh T. Minh-ha

Winner of the 2012 Critics Choice Book Award of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) World-renowned filmmaker and feminist, postcolonial thinker Trinh T. Minh-ha is one of the most powerful and articulate voices in both independent filmmaking and cultural politics. Elsewhere, Within Here is an engaging look at travel across national borders--as a foreigner, a tourist, an immigrant, a refugee—in a pre- and post-9/11 world. Who is welcome where? What does it mean to feel out of place in the country you call home? When does the stranger appear in these times of dark metamorphoses? These are some of the issues addressed by the author as she examines the cultural meaning and complexities of travel, immigration, home and exile. The boundary, seen both as a material and immaterial event, is where endings pass into beginnings. Building upon themes present in her earlier work on hybridity and displacement in the median passage, and illuminating the ways in which "every voyage can be said to involve a re-siting of boundaries," Trinh T. Minh-ha leads her readers through an investigation of what it means to be an insider and an outsider in this "epoch of global fear." Elsewhere, Within Here is essential reading for those interested in contemporary feminist thought and postcolonial studies.

Elton John by Terry O'Neill: The definitive portrait, with unseen images

by Terry O'Neill

"Looking at Terry's photographs is like gazing through a window at the most extraordinary and exciting moments of my life."ELTON JOHNElton John and iconic photographer Terry O'Neill worked together for many years, taking in excess of 5,000 photographs. From intimate backstage shots to huge stadium concerts, the photographs in this book represent the very best of this archive, with most of the images being shown here for the first time.O'Neill has drawn on his personal relationship with Elton John to write the book's introduction and captions."I'm so glad he was with us throughout the madness: in his evocative and stylish photos he captured those moments as no other photographer could."ELTON JOHN

Elton John by Terry O'Neill: The definitive portrait, with unseen images

by Terry O'Neill

"Looking at Terry's photographs is like gazing through a window at the most extraordinary and exciting moments of my life."ELTON JOHNElton John and iconic photographer Terry O'Neill worked together for many years, taking in excess of 5,000 photographs. From intimate backstage shots to huge stadium concerts, the photographs in this book represent the very best of this archive, with most of the images being shown here for the first time.O'Neill has drawn on his personal relationship with Elton John to write the book's introduction and captions."I'm so glad he was with us throughout the madness: in his evocative and stylish photos he captured those moments as no other photographer could."ELTON JOHN

Elvis '68 Comeback: The Story Behind the Special

by Steve Binder

A chronicle of the comeback performance that marked Elvis Presley&’s return from the screen to the stage. Includes exclusive content from the show&’s director, Steve Binder. The book contains a foreword by noted film director Baz Luhrmann, whose film credits include Strictly Ballroom, William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge!, The Great Gatsby, and the 2022 Warner Brothers feature film, Elvis.Take a tour behind the scenes at the NBC television special that relaunched Elvis Presley&’s career as a stage musician. Author Steve Binder—who directed the TV special—provides exclusive content that gives fans even more insight into the performance that many see as a high point in the King of Rock&’s reign of American music. Elvis &’68 Comeback includes full-color photographs and detailed commentary on the show&’s development and production, making this an excellent addition to the shelf of every Elvis fan. Foreword by film director Baz Luhrmann.

Elvis and Ginger: Elvis Presley's Fiancée and Last Love Finally Tells Her Story

by Ginger Alden

ELVIS PRESLEY'S FIANCÉE AND LAST LOVE FINALLY TELLS HER STORY "Elvis, you and I know the truth and unfortunately you're not here to set the record straight. With this book, I will try to..." Elvis Presley and Graceland were fixtures in the life of Ginger Alden, having been born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. But she had no idea that she would play a part in that enduring legacy--as Elvis Presley's fiancée, and his last great love. For over three decades Ginger has held the truth of their relationship close to her heart. Now she shares her unique story, and while a lot has been written about the King, the Elvis we meet in this long-anticipated memoir is a revelation. In her own words Ginger details their whirlwind romance--from first kiss to his stunning proposal of marriage. She details his exploration of Eastern religions, his perception of being a "legend," his devotion to family and friends, and her attempt to know the insular group surrounding Elvis. And for the very first time she talks about the devastating end of it all, and the 50,000 mourners and reporters who descended on Graceland in 1977, exposing Ginger to the reality of living in the spotlight of a short, yet immortal, life. Above it all, Alden rescues Elvis from the hearsay, rumors, and tabloid speculations of his final year by shedding a frank yet personal light on a very public legend. From a unique and intimate perspective, she reveals the man--complicated, romantic, fallible, and human--behind the enduring myth, a superstar worshipped by millions, and loved by Ginger Alden. INCLUDES PHOTOS

Elvis and Me

by Priscilla Presley Sandra Harmon

Elvis and Me is the unforgettable memoir of Elvis Presley. This New York Times bestseller reveals the intimate story that could only be written by the woman who lived it. It serves as a tribute to the man as well as the King of Rock n' Roll.

Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis

by Insight Editions

In 1956, photographer Alfred Wertheimer was asked to photograph the then twenty-one-year-old Elvis Presley just as his career was about to explode. This book features the collection of photos taken by Wertheimer, offering a snapshot of the young Elvis Presley&’s remarkable rise to fame and his permanent status as the &“King of Rock &’n&’ Roll.&” In 1956, Alfred Wertheimer was asked by Presley&’s new label, RCA Victor, to photograph Elvis Presley&’s budding career just as it was about to take off in a way the world had never seen. With unimpeded access to the young performer, Wertheimer captured unguarded and everyday moments in Elvis&’s life during that crucial year. It was a year that took him from Tupelo, Mississippi, to the silver screen, the verge of international stardom, and his crowning as the &“King of Rock 'n' Roll.&” As Wertheimer photographed Elvis during 1956, and again in 1958, he created classic images that are spontaneous, unrehearsed, and without artifice. A PIVOTAL YEAR: Dubbed the &“King of Rock &’n&’ Roll&” in 1956, 21-year-old Elvis, placed 17 songs on Billboard&’s Top 100 singles chart, including 3 singles that reached #1, appeared multiple prime-time TV variety shows, performed 143 times in 79 different cities, and released his first film, Love Me Tender EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Dive into the complete collection of Alfred Wertheimer&’s photos of the young Elvis Presley as he tours from New York to Memphis, Tennessee PERFECT FOR ALL ELVIS FANS: Fans of all ages will enjoy this exclusive deep dive into Elvis&’s early life as he builds his career and shakes up the world of music GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore intimate and candid images captured after Elvis has left the building—backstage, writing, or reading fan mail from his admirers RENOWNED PHOTOGRAPHER AND AUTHOR: Experience the King of Rock &’n&’ Roll through the lens of famed Alfred Wertheimer, the photographer who captured every moment of the young star&’s early career

Elvis, Hank, and Me: Making Musical History on the Louisiana Hayride

by Bill Sloan Horace Logan

In 1948, Horace "Hoss" Logan, a young radio producer in Shreveport, Louisiana, started booking talent for a new weekly music show called the Louisiana Hayride. Performed for a live audience and broadcast nationally over the CBS Radio network, the show became known as the "Cradle of the Stars." In this affectionate memoir, Hoss Logan recalls the Hayride's heyday with behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the dozens of musicians he knew and nurtured, including Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, George Jones, Willie Nelson, Elvis Presley, Jim Reeves, Kitty Wells, Slim Whitman, Hank Williams, Faron Young, and many more. As producer, emcee, and friend to the Hayride performers, Logan gives us a personal look into musical history - from Hank Williams's ups and downs to the teenage Elvis's first performance on national radio to the ways the Hayride's many emerging stars expanded our idea about what country music could be.

Elvis Ignited: The Rise of an Icon in Florida

by Bob Kealing

“A persuasive argument that Presley’s “moonshot” to fame could not have happened without Florida. . . . Deftly captures a pre-Interstate Florida where an anonymous Presley would be traveling for grueling hours down every two-laner in the state in his signature automobile.”—Palm Beach Post “I don’t think there was a better time and place to be a teenager than in Florida in the 1950s. It was such a magical place. Elvis is part of what contributed to that excitement.”—Bob Graham, former Florida governor and United States senator “Kealing tells us the story of what happened when Elvis arrived in Florida and what role the Sunshine State played in his life and musical career. This is a critical era in the Elvis Saga.”—William McKeen, editor of Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay: An Anthology “A Florida-centric look at his 1956 breakout state for people who thought they knew everything about Elvis.”—Joel Selvin, author of Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock’s Darkest Day “Presents a great picture of what it was like to be a touring musician in the 1950s and also of Florida at the time and how the culture was changed by the shock of Elvis.”—Joy Wallace Dickinson, author of Remembering Orlando: Tales from Elvis to Disney It was his most electric and influential time as a live performer. The young and hungry Elvis burst onto stages large and small—sexy, controversial, brimming with talent and ambition. One lightning-hot year in Florida fueled his rise from novelty act to headlining megastar. Elvis Ignited tracks the rising star through his tours of Florida, from 1955 when Presley was an unknown to 1956 when Presley played more concerts in Florida than in any other state. In only fifteen months, Presley toured Florida four times, becoming the object of worship, scorn, and controversy. Struck by a new kind of music and performances so different from anything they had known before, Floridians saw how special Elvis was before the rest of the world caught on. Before their very eyes, he transformed from Hillbilly Cat to the King of Rock and Roll. Bob Kealing interviews people who saw the King up close, recalling the time-stands-still memories of hearing his iconic songs for the first time. He speaks with Floridians who helped Elvis along the way: the late Jim Kirk from Ocala, who offered Presley his first headlining opportunity; former governor and U.S. senator Bob Graham, who saw the young rockabilly god at the dawning of Elvis mania; Steve Binder, who produced Presley’s ’68 Comeback Special; and Country Music Hall of Famer Charlie Louvin, who opened for Presley in Florida. Kealing follows Elvis after his return from the Army to his homecoming TV special in Miami with Frank Sinatra and through the filming of Follow That Dream in Florida in 1961, offering unique insights into the singer’s relationship with co-star Anne Helm, his controversial manager Tom Parker, and the beginnings of his melancholy as a prisoner of fame. This book is a roadmap to Elvis’s time in the Sunshine State, a guide to the many small and large venues he played up and down the peninsula, and a spotlight on the people who witnessed, supported, and even opposed his meteoric rise to fame. It was a turning point in American music history; it was the arrival of rock and roll.

Elvis in the Morning

by William F. Buckley Jr.

Orson is a young boy whose mother works at a U.S. Army base in Germany in the 1950s. There, he becomes a fan of a G.I. stationed at the base, one Elvis Presley, whose music is played over and over on the radio. When Orson is caught stealing recordings of Elvis's tunes from the PX, the attendant publicity catches the star's attention, and he comes to visit his young fan. Thus begins a lifelong friendship. As Elvis's career rockets ever higher and his behavior becomes ever more erratic, the two share many adventures. The sixties explode, and Elvis becomes the icon of the nation, while Orson, a college demonstrator, drifts away from regular life while looking for something of substance to believe in. Each man is an emblem of his time, as social conventions crumble, barriers fall, and the cultural landscape changes forever.

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