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Demystifying Academic Reading: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Reading Across Content Areas

by Zhihui Fang

Foundational and accessible, this book equips pre-service and practicing teachers with the knowledge, understanding, tools, and resources they need to help students in grades 4–12 develop reading proficiencies in four core academic subjects—literature, history, science, and mathematics. Applying a disciplinary literacy approach, Fang describes the verbal and visual resources, expert strategies, inquiry skills, and habits of mind that students must learn in order to read carefully, critically, purposefully, and with an informed skepticism across genres and content areas. He also shows how teachers can promote language learning and reading/literacy development at the same time that they engage students in content area learning. With informative synthesis and research-based recommendations in every chapter, this text prepares teachers to help students develop discipline-specific, as well as discipline-relevant, discursive insights, literacy strategies, and ways of thinking, reasoning, and inquiring that are essential to productive learning across academic subjects. It also provides teacher educators with approaches and strategies for helping teacher candidates develop expertise in academic reading instruction. In so doing, the book demystifies academic reading, revealing what it takes for students to read increasingly complex academic texts with confidence and understanding and for teachers to develop expertise that promotes disciplinary literacy. This state-of-the-art text is ideal for courses on reading/literacy methods and academic literacy and eminently relevant to all educators who want their students to become thoughtful readers and powerful learners

Denk Mal! Deutsch ohne Grenzen: Deitsch Ohne Grezen

by Tobias Barske Megan McKinstry Karin Schestokat

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Der Einfluss von Individuation, Suffigierung und Silbenbau auf das niederländische nominale Genus: Eine quantitative Untersuchung

by Davy Henri Mulkens

Wie in vielen anderen Sprachen auch verläuft die Genuszuweisung bei niederländischen Substantiven – im Gegensatz zu dem, was andere Forscher oft behaupten – nicht arbiträr, sondern wird von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst. Für die vorliegende Studie wurde aus mehreren Faktoren jeweils ein semantischer, ein morphologischer und ein phonologischer Faktor zur Analyse ausgewählt und empirisch gewonnene Daten mittels logistischer Regressionsanalyse ausgewertet. Der Einfluss von Individuation, Suffigierung und Silbenbau auf das nominale Genus konnte hierdurch eindeutig nachgewiesen und die Arbiträritätsthese verworfen werden. Somit stellt diese Arbeit nicht nur einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der niederländischen Genusforschung dar, sondern lädt auch zu weiteren Studien im nominalen Genusbereich ein

Der ursprüngliche Sinn der Himmelslehre: Joachim Bouvets (1656–1730) frühe Missionstheologie in China. Analyse, Transkription und Übersetzung der lateinischen Fassungen (Collectanea Serica. New Series #4)

by Claudia von Collani

The author focuses on one of the most fascinating texts of the 17th and 18th century China mission – the Tianxue benyi 天學本義 (The Original Meaning of the Heavenly Teachings) and the more elaborate Gujin jingtian jian 古今敬天鑒 (Mirror on the Worship of Heaven in Ancient Times and Nowadays), both written and compiled by the Jesuit Joachim Bouvet (1656–1730) with the assistance of Chinese converts. The two works were even translated into Latin in order to support the Jesuit position in the Chinese Rites Controversy in the Roman Curia. Through them, Bouvet presented the Jesuit missionary strategy of accommodation in a nutshell: He aimed at introducing Christianity in the terms of Chinese traditional culture. Thus, Bouvet’s approach can be characterised as an early attempt at a contextualized theology which is meaningful even for contemporary discussions. The present study offers an introduction to Bouvet’s thoughts and works and their respective historical and theological context, a transcription of the Latin texts – the Cœlestis Disciplinæ vera notitia and the De cultu cœlesti Sinarum veterum & modernorum – with an annotated German translation.

El desbarrancadero

by Fernando Vallejo

Fernando, un escritor colombiano que vive en México, vuelve a su patria de nacimiento para acompañar en sus últimos días a su hermano Darío, enfermo de sida. Darío se ha instalado en la casa familiar. Entre la abundancia de recuerdos sobresalen los dedicados a su padre que, junto a su hermano Darío, es el único miembro de la familia a quien Fernando quiere.

Describing and Explaining Grammar and Vocabulary in ELT: Key Theories and Effective Practices (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)

by Dilin Liu

Language description plays an important role in language learning/teaching because it often determines what specific language forms, features, and usages are taught and how. A good understanding of language description is vital for language teachers and material writers and should constitute an important part of their knowledge. This book provides a balanced treatment of both theory and practice. It focuses on some of the most important and challenging grammar and vocabulary usage questions. Using these questions as examples, it shows how theory can inform practice and how grammar and vocabulary description and explanation can be made more effective and engaging. Part I describes and evaluates the key linguistic theories on language description and teaching. Part II discusses and gives specific examples of how challenging grammar and vocabulary issues can be more effectively described and explained; each chapter focuses on one or more specific grammar and vocabulary. An annotated list of useful free online resources (online corpora and websites) for grammar and vocabulary learning and teaching, and a glossary provide helpful information.

Descubre: Lengua y cultura del mundo hispánico, [Level] 3

by José A. Blanco

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Descubre: Lengua y cultura del mundo hispánico (Level #3)

by José A. Blanco

Designing Multilingual Experiences in Technical Communication

by Laura Gonzales

As technical communicators continue advocating for justice, the field should pay closer attention to how language diversity shapes all research and praxis in contemporary global contexts. Designing Multilingual Experiences in Technical Communication provides frameworks, strategies, and best practices for researchers engaging in projects with multilingual communities. Through grounded case studies of multilingual technical communication projects in the US, Mexico, and Nepal, Laura Gonzales illustrates the multiple tensions at play in transnational research and demonstrates how technical communicators can leverage contemporary translation practices and methodologies to engage in research with multilingual communities that is justice-driven, participatory, and reciprocal. Designing Multilingual Experiences in Technical Communication is of value to researchers and students across fields who are interested in designing projects alongside multilingual communities from historically marginalized backgrounds.

Designing Research on Bilingual Development

by Monika S. Schmid Sanne M. Berends Christopher Bergmann Susanne M. Brouwer Nienke Meulman Bregtje J. Seton Simone A. Sprenger Laurie A. Stowe

This volume offers an in-depth description and discussion of research design for a large-scale investigation of bilingual development. It introduces and justifies a range of theoretical and methodological innovations, discusses some of the problems that come with these and proposes practical solutions. The present volume introduces a research design intended to capture a wide range of linguistic data, elicited by means of behavioral tasks, neuroimageing data and free speech from both second language learners and first language attriters of two languages (Dutch and German) representing a wide range of language combinations and ages of onset. Gathering and analyzing such a range of data comes with a multiplicity of problems, many of them linked to the fact that similar tests have to be designed across a range of languages and measurements will have to occur in various locations. The current volume presents a research design appropriate to these questions, discussing the methodological challenges of such a study. It offers advice on how to construct experimental materials which are parallel across different languages set up a protocol for additional measures which can be applied across a wide range of participants combine data from different labs when using different ERP equipment and different eyetrackers.

Desire in Dante and the Middle Ages

by Manuele Gragnolati

This volume takes Dante's rich and multifaceted discourse of desire, from the Vita Nova to the Commedia, as a point of departure in investigating medieval concepts of desire in all their multiplicity, fragmentation and interrelation. As well as offering several original contributions on this fundamental aspect of Dante's work, it seeks to situate the Florentine more effectively within the broader spectrum of medieval culture and to establish greater intellectual exchange between Dante scholars and those from other disciplines. The volume is also notable for its openness to diverse critical and methodological approaches. In considering the extent to which modern theoretical paradigms can be used to shed light upon the Middle Ages, it will interest those engaged with questions of critical theory as well as medieval culture.

Deutsch für Architekten und Bauingenieure: Ein Sprachlehrbuch zur Planung und Durchführung von Bauprojekten mit Vokabeln, Redewendungen und Übungen

by Felix Friedrich Sharon Heidenreich

Ein Sprachlehrbuch, das speziell für Architekten, Bauingenieure und verwandte Berufsgruppen aller Nationalitäten konzipiert ist, die ihre deutsche Kommunikationsfähigkeit im beruflichen Kontext verbessern wollen. Das Buch kann sowohl für das Selbststudium als auch kursbegleitend eingesetzt werden. Nachdem in der 1. Hälfte des Buches viele Grundlagen der Bauwirtschaft behandelt werden, orientiert sich die 2. Hälfte an den Leistungsphasen und der Abwicklung von Beispielprojekten. Pro Kapitel werden Fachvokabular, Redewendungen, Kommunikationsformen und auch Grammatik vermittelt. Übungen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen runden das Werk ab.Nach dem Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER) für Sprachen entspricht das Lehrwerk einem Niveau von B2/C1.

Deutsch in der Grundschule: Eine Einführung

by Ruth Hoffmann-Erz

Diese Einführung verbindet Themen der Sprachwissenschaft und der Sprachdidaktik und ist speziell auf das Grundschullehramtsstudium Deutsch zugeschnitten. Fachwissenschaftliche Kapitel zu Semiotik, Phonologie, Graphematik, Textlinguistik, Grammatik sind verzahnt mit fachdidaktischen Kapiteln zu Sprechen und Zuhören, Schriftspracherwerb, Lese- und Rechtschreibdidaktik, Texte verfassen und Sprache untersuchen. So wird die Relevanz fachwissenschaftlicher Inhalte für die Lehrerprofessionalisierung ersichtlich. Der Band ist auch für die Fort- und Weiterbildung zu empfehlen. – Im zweifarbigen Layout, mit Definitionen, Beispielen und Aufgaben.

Deutsch typologisch: Eine Einführung

by Elke Hentschel

Typologie als die Einteilung von Untersuchungsgegenständen nach Typen basiert von Fach zu Fach auf unterschiedlichen Typen-Definitionen, die auch innerhalb eines Fachgebiets variieren können. In der Linguistik finden sich spezifische typologische Ansätze in den verschiedensten Teilgebieten, von der Lautlehre bis zur Dialektologie. Der Schwerpunkt der linguistischen Typologie und damit auch dieser Einführung liegt in den Bereichen Morphologie und Syntax. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das Deutsche, das anhand zahlreicher Beispiele im Kontext anderer Sprachen betrachtet wird.

Deutsche Grammatik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matthias Wermke

Ihr Wegweiser durch den Dschungel der deutschen Grammatik Mögen Sie Grammatik? Nein? Grämen Sie sich nicht. Sie sind nicht allein. Irgendwann wurden wir alle mit der Grammatik des Deutschen geplagt. Wir mussten Wörter rauf- und runterdeklinieren, absonderliche Verbformen bilden, Schachtelsätze in ihre Einzelteile zerlegen und nach Satzbausteinen suchen, die uns überhaupt nicht interessierten. Grammatik kann zwar wirklich ätzend sein, nützlich ist sie gelegentlich aber auch. Und damit die deutsche Grammatik für Sie eher nützlich als ätzend ist, finden Sie in diesem Buch die wichtigsten Themen leicht verständlich erklärt, jede Menge Beispiele, die Ihnen die Regeln veranschaulichen und viel Wissenswertes rund um die deutsche Grammatik und deren Bedeutung. Für den schnellen Überblick gibt es zahlreiche Tabellen. So verlieren die vielen Regeln ihren Schrecken und werden auch für Grammatikmuffel leicht verständlich.

Deutsche Grammatik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matthias Wermke

Mögen Sie Grammatik? Nein? Keine Sorge, damit sind Sie nicht allein. Die deutsche Sprache kann ganz schön kompliziert sein. So schwierig Grammatik ist, so nützlich ist sie aber gelegentlich auch. Und damit die deutsche Grammatik Ihnen ganz bestimmt kein Kopfzerbrechen mehr bereitet, finden Sie in diesem Buch die wichtigsten Aspekte leicht verständlich erklärt. Zahlreiche Beispiele veranschaulichen die einzelnen Regeln und nebenbei lernen Sie jede Menge Wissenswertes rund um die deutsche Grammatik und ihre Bedeutung. So verlieren die vielen Regeln ihren Schrecken und werden auch Grammatikmuffeln leicht verständlich.

Deutsche Verben (100 konjugierte Verben)

by Editorial Karibdis

Nachschlagewerk zur Konjugation der 100 wichtigsten Verben im Deutschen, besonders geeignet für elektronische Geräte. Zunächst wird in der Einleitung die Bildung aller deutschen Tempora erklärt, im Anschluss wird die Konjugation von 100 wichtigen Verben vorgestellt. Das Buch ist ohne Bildmaterial konzipiert, damit der Leser leicht entsprechende Textstellen finden kann.

Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages: Meaning With Power

by Mary J. Schleppegrell M. Cecilia Colombi

This book addresses the linguistic challenges faced by diverse populations of students at the secondary and post-secondary levels as they engage in academic tasks requiring advanced levels of reading and writing. Learning to use language in ways that meet academic expectations is a challenge for students who have had little exposure and opportunity to use such language outside of school. Although much is known about emergent literacy in the early years of schooling, much less has been written about the development of advanced literacy as students move into secondary education and beyond. Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages: Meaning With Power: *brings together work on first and second language acquisition and emphasizes the importance of developing advanced literacy in the first language, such as Spanish for bilingual students, as well as English; *spans a range of theoretical orientations and analytic approaches, drawing on work in systemic functional linguistics, genre theory, and sociocultural perspectives; *addresses the content areas of science, history, and language arts; *provides specific information about genres and grammatical features in these content areas; and *presents suggestions for teacher education. What unites the contributors to this volume is their shared commitment to a view of literacy that emphasizes both the social contexts and the linguistic challenges. The chapters collected in this volume contribute in important ways to research and pedagogy on advanced literacy development for the multilingual and multicultural students in today's classrooms. This book is particularly useful for researchers and students in language and education, applied linguistics, and others concerned with issues and challenges of advanced literacy development in first and second languages.

Developing Chinese EFL Learners' Generic Competence

by Liming Deng Qiujin Chen Yanyan Zhang

This work investigates the development of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' generic competence in reading, writing and translation within the particular Chinese classroom context. It provides a new perspective for the current teaching and research in reading, writing, translation within the EFL contexts and offers an insightful framework for pedagogical applications in language learning and teaching. Its findings will be extremely valuable not only in local situations, but also more generally in a wider regional and global context as well. The book employs a series of research tools, including pre-research and post-research questionnaires, pre-test and post-test of reading/writing/translation, multi-faceted writing portfolios (including reflection reports), textual analysis and in-depth interviews. It involves 209 participants from a primary university in Wuhan, among whom 171 are undergraduates and 38 are postgraduates. ​And it draws on the analysis of such varied multi-sourced data both qualitatively and quantitatively. Genre-based teaching is playing a critical role in initiating EFL learners into the discourse community of the target language. Developing EFL learners' generic competence is viewed as the ultimate goal in the process of teaching and learning. This monograph effectively demonstrates that like genre-based English for Specific Purposes (ESP) pedagogies, it is also possible to take advantage of already acquired genre knowledge for use in EFL learning contexts. It offers an impressive view of the direction in which genre-based applications are likely to take in the coming years.

Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes

by Helen Basturkmen

Presented in two parts, this book firstly introduces core considerations in ESP course development drawing on examples from a wide range of ESP and EAP courses. Secondly four case studies show how experienced ESP teachers and course developers went about developing courses to meet the needs of their particular learners.

Developing Critical Thinking in EFL Classes: An Infusion Approach

by Yue Lin

This book presents an innovative teaching experiment and an analytical study of critical thinking and the sociocultural theory of learning to illustrate the cognitive learning development mechanisms. It addresses the issues in developing critical thinking, including the controversy surrounding the definition, measurement and teaching of critical thinking, particularly in the L2 context.The book explains how infusion-thinking lessons can be structured to help students develop critical thinking along with language learning. Further, it uses a case study as a real-world example to examine the applicability and feasibility of infusion-thinking lessons in the EFL context and their effectiveness in developing students’ critical thinking and language learning.Packed with thinking activities and techniques, this practical, hands-on manual provides original ideas and empirical data, giving teachers everything they need to plan their lessons to improve students’ critical thinking within language courses and evaluate their teaching.

Developing Literacy in Second-Language Learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth

by Diane August Timothy Shanahan

This volume reports the findings of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. The formal charge to the panel—a distinguished group of expert researchers in reading, language, bilingualism, research methods, and education—was to identify, assess, and synthesize research on the education of language-minority children and youth with respect to their attainment of literacy. Funding for the project was provided to the Center for Applied Linguistics and SRI International by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences and the Office of English Language Acquisition, with additional funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development provided through the U.S. Department of Education. The authors review the state of knowledge on the development of literacy in language-minority children and youth, organized around five specific themes:*Development of Literacy in Second-Language Learners;*Cross-linguistic Relationships in Second-Language Learners;*Sociocultural Contexts and Literacy Development*Educating Language-Minority Students: Instruction and Professional Development; and*Student Assessment Each part begins with a synthesis chapter that spells out the research questions for the chapters in that part, provides background information, describes the methodology used, summarizes the empirical findings reported, addresses methodological issues, and makes recommendations for future research. The following chapters provide more detail on the individual studies reviewed for specific research questions. The volume includes two opening chapters, “Introduction and Methodology” and “Demographic Overview”; a closing chapter that summarizes the report, identifies cross-cutting themes, and makes recommendations for future research; and a CD-ROM providing a searchable database of research references. The audiences for this volume include researchers interested in the development of literacy in language-minority children and youth as well as those studying literacy more generally, and those concerned with improving the education of this population of students.

Developing Multilingual Education Policies: Theory, Research, Practice

by Elana Shohamy Michal Tannenbaum

Multilingual policies are increasingly important and required in educational settings worldwide, yet a solid experimental body of theory, research, and practice providing guidance for the development of policies is lacking. The Israeli context presented in this book serves as a case study or a model that could be used by bodies or entities seeking to devise a multilingual policy. The authors begin by addressing the general notion of a multilingual education policy with specific reference to the Israeli context. The book then focuses on specific challenges confronting the new policy that have been explored in empirical studies, and concludes with a proposed framework for a new multilingual education policy related to the core theoretical topics and empirical findings discussed in the previous chapters. This framework includes principles and strategies for implementing the process described in the book in other contexts, ensuring wide applicability and relevance. Developing Multilingual Education Policies: Theory, Research, Practice is an essential read for all involved in language policy and planning within applied linguistics and education.

Developing Writing Skills in French

by Graham Bishop Bernard Haezewindt

Designed for intermediate to advanced students, this text equips readers with the necessary skills to write confidently in French in a range of situations. Suitable for use as a classroom text or as a self-study course, it is carefully structured to ensure a better understanding of the effect of choice of words, register and style.Each chapter contains a selection of model texts, activities and clear notes on the format, style and language demonstrated. Every activity also has a model answer in the key, which also offers advice, explanations and further examples to support the student's learning. Features include:* key learning points clearly indicated at the beginning of each chapter* a rich selection of model texts from a variety of different media.Based on a well-reviewed Open University course and written by experienced teachers of the language, Developing Writing Skills in French has been trialled with non-native speakers of French to produce a valuable resource that will help students write appropriately for a variety of contexts.

Developing Writing Skills in German

by Annette Duensing Uwe Baumann

Developing Writing Skills in German, is a unique course designed to improve the reading and writing skills of intermediate students of German. Presenting a wide range of authentic written materials, the book aims to develop reading strategies and the ability to write texts of various types - essays, articles and reviews - while imparting an understanding of important aspects of German society. From the environment to consumerism, each chapter focuses on a different theme and concentrates on the advancement of particular skills; all the chapters conclude with a task appropriate to the skills focus of the section. Summary writing, note-taking, the use of mind-maps to collect ideas, and other strategies for successful writing in German are presented here. This course is suitable both for classroom use and independent study, with feedback and answer key supplied at the back of the book.

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