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Exploring Spanish

by Joan G. Sheeran

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Exploring the French Language

by R Lodge Jane Shelton Yvette Ellis Nigel Armstrong

Do you know what 'verlan' or French 'backslang' is? Was President Mitterand 'câblé'? The French language is more than just a tool for communication; it has a crucial role to play in how native speakers of French think about the world and about themselves and their culture. This book helps students develop a systematic 'linguistic' approach to French. It covers the core topics, ranging from the structure and sounds of the language to discourse and everyday conversation. No previous knowledge of linguistics is assumed and a glossary of technical terms and many exercises and activities help reinforce key points. Students will find that their understanding and enjoyment of the French language is greatly enhanced by this book.

¡Exprésate! Holt Spanish 2 (¡Exprésate! Ser.)

by Nancy Humbach Stuart Smith Sylvia Velasco

NIMAC-sourced textbook

¡Exprésate! Holt Spanish 2, Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática

by Holt, Rinehart and Winston Staff

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Expressions of Time in Ancient Greek

by Coulter H. George

How did Ancient Greek express that an event occurred at a particular time, for a certain duration, or within a given time frame? The answer to these questions depends on a variety of conditions - the nature of the time noun, the tense and aspect of the verb, the particular historical period of Greek during which the author lived - that existing studies of the language do not take sufficiently into account. This book accordingly examines the circumstances that govern the use of the genitive, dative, and accusative of time, as well as the relevant prepositional constructions, primarily in Greek prose of the fifth century BC through the second century AD, but also in Homer. While the focus is on developments in Greek, translations of the examples, as well as a fully glossed summary chapter, make it accessible to linguists interested in the expression of time generally.

Expressive Morphology in the Languages of South Asia

by Jeffrey P. Williams

Expressive Morphology in the Languages of South Asia explores the intricacies of the grammars of several of the languages of the South Asian subcontinent. Specifically, the contributors to this volume examine grammatical resources for shaping elaborative, rhyming, and alliterative expressions, conveying the emotions, states, conditions and perceptions of speakers. These forms, often referred to expressives, remain relatively undocumented, until now. It is clear from the evidence on contextualized language use that the grammatically artistic usage of these forms enriches and enlivens both every day and ritualized genres of discourse. The contributors to this volume provide grammatical and sociolinguistic documentation through a typological introduction to the diversity of expressive forms in the languages of South Asia. This book is suitable for students and researchers in South Asian Languages, and language families of the following; Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Sino-Tibetan and Austro-Asiatic.

Eyewitness Travel Guides: French Visual Phrase Book (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

Do you need to learn French for an upcoming trip? The Eyewitness Travel Guide: French Visual Phrase Book can help you start learning today. Whether you're visiting France for business or pleasure, learn how to speak French with essential words and phrases for hundreds of illustrated everyday objects. Find key phrases fast with galleries of words and pictures that make it easy to find key basic vocabulary at a glance and help you remember what you've seen. No prior knowledge required so you can learn phrases to help you find your way around, eat out, shop and go sightseeing. An easy-to-follow pronunciation guide, detailed menu overview, and two-way dictionary for quick reference make learning a language easier than ever before.Combining the best of DK's visual and audio approaches to learning languages, DK's Visual Phrase Books teach phrases that are essential for successfully navigating a foreign country.

Eyewitness Travel Guides: Italian Visual Phrase Book (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

Planning a trip to Italy? The Eyewitness Travel Guides: Italian Visual Phrase Book can help you start learning Italian today. Whether you're visiting Italy for business or pleasure, learn how to speak Italian with essential words and phrases for hundreds of illustrated everyday objects. Find key phrases fast: galleries of words and pictures make it easy to find key basic vocabulary at a glance and help you remember what you've seen. Learn phrases to help you find your way around, eat out, shop and go sightseeing. An easy-to-use pronunciation guide for every word and phrase will help you speak like a native. Perfect for business travelers, students, or tourists.Combining the best of DK's visual approaches to learning languages, DK's Visual Phrase Books teach phrases that are essential for successfully navigating a foreign country.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book French (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

A favorite travel series for millions of people, this DK book contains all the key words and phrases that you may need in everyday situations when visiting France.Go beyond just saying Bonjour (hello) and Au revoir (goodbye) and converse with ease with the locals in France. Each chapter in DK&’s Eyewitness Phrase Book French covers a different theme to provide essential language skills in every kind of situation. The sentences are divided into short phrases to help readers understand the language better and build a variety of sentences as needed. Illustrated vocabulary lists will help you remember key words. The &“You may hear&” box lists some common questions you are likely to hear in different situations in France. Look up common words in the 2,000-word two-way dictionary at the end of the book or use the menu guide containing about 500 food terms to order your meal in French.Along with a pronunciation guide, DK&’s Eyewitness Phrase Book French also gives you access to an audio app that has more than 1,300 essential French words and phrases, making pronunciation simple.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book German (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

A pocket dictionary with vital vocabulary, phrases, and information for travelers.Filled with common German phrases and everyday vocabulary, this is an easy-to-transport dictionary that is perfect for vacations or business trips.Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book German is organized by subject, making it is easy to find relevant information including transportation, food, shopping, sports, and health care. Each word has a pronunciation guide to ensure proper communication. From the always useful "What time is it?" question to more complex business vocabulary, this guide has everything you need to communicate in a foreign language. This book also comes with a 2,000-word mini dictionary for quick reference during conversations.Essential packing for travelers, Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book German ensures they will never be at a loss for words.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Italian (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

This phrasebook is the ultimate guide to get you talking in the local language on your next trip to Italy. A favorite language aid of millions of travelers, this phrasebook by DK contains all the key words and phrases that you will need. Each chapter in Eyewitness Italian Phrase Book covers a different theme to provide essential language skills in every kind of situation. The sentences are divided into short phrases to help readers understand the language better and build a variety of sentences as needed. The vocabulary listed is illustrated to aid learners in remembering new words. The &“You may hear&” box lists some common questions you are likely to hear in different situations in Italy. You can also look up common words in the 2,000-word two-way dictionary at the end of the book, or use the menu guide containing more than 500 food terms to order your meal in perfect Italian.Along with a pronunciation guide, DK&’s Eyewitness Italian Phrase Book also gives you access to an audio app that has more than 1,300 essential Italian words and phrases, spoken by native speakers.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Mandarin Chinese (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

A pocket dictionary with vital vocabulary, phrases, and information for travelers.Filled with common Chinese Mandarin phrases and everyday vocabulary, this is an easy-to-transport dictionary that is perfect for vacations or business trips.Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Chinese is organized by subject, making it is easy to find relevant information including transportation, food, shopping, sports, and health care. Each word has a pronunciation guide to ensure proper communication. From the always useful "What time is it?" question to more complex business vocabulary, this guide has everything you need to communicate in a foreign language. This book also comes with a 2,000-word mini dictionary for quick reference during conversations.Essential packing for travelers, Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Chinese ensures they will never be at a loss for words.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Spanish (EW Travel Guide Phrase Books)

by DK

A favorite language aid of millions of travelers, this phrasebook by DK contains all the key words and phrases that you may need in everyday situations.Go beyond just saying Hola (hello) and Adiós (goodbye) and converse with ease with the locals on your next trip to Spain. Each chapter in DK&’s Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Spanish covers a different theme to provide essential language skills in every kind of situation. The sentences are divided into short phrases to help readers understand the language better and build a variety of sentences as needed. The vocabulary listed is illustrated to aid learners in remembering. The &“You may hear&” box lists some common questions you are likely to hear in different situations in Spain. You can also look up common words in the 2,000-word two-way dictionary at the end of the book or use the menu guide containing more than 500 food terms to order your meal in Spanish.Along with a pronunciation guide, DK&’s Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book Spanish also gives you access to an audio app that has more than 1,300 essential Spanish words and phrases, spoken by native speakers.

Ez zen diruagatik

by Ana Jaka García

?Sos bat bera ere ez niola pasako esan nion. Beti berdin. Faena kaskarra antzeko esaldiekin errematatzen du aldiro: emadazu zerbait, larri nabil, lana kobratu bezain pronto itzuliko dizut. Erromantikoa gizona! Pelikuletan bezala. Normalean, ondo aukeratzen zuen unea: larrua jo eta berehala, egin berri duzuna maitasuna dela sinesteko gogorik handiena daukazunean. Prakak jantzi izan balitu sikiera... Baina goiko aldetik janzten hasia zegoen, bere hankatxo meheak airean, zigarreta ahoan, ilea nahasita, begi-zulo handiekin eta asebeteta utzia nuela pentsatzeko urduriegi.?Emakume zakar eta zabar samarra da Olga, ez lanik, ez dirurik, gaztarotik urruntzen eta etorkizunik gabeko harreman erdipurdiko batean kateatua dagoena. Pisukidea du Dani, etxetik ihes egin eta zerbitzari gisa lan egiten duen gaztetxoa. Eta hiruki atipikoa osatzera dator Mikel, bizimodu normalagoa daraman adin ertaineko gizasemea, baina iraganetik dakarren zamatik askatu ezin duena. Pertsonaien harremanetan, haien psikologian eta sentimenduetan oinarrituriko eleberria dugu hau, baina ez inola ere sentimentala eta gozoa. Adiskidetasunaren balioa, leialtasunaren zentzua, bikotekide bati zer eskatzen ahal diogun, diruak eta diru ezak sortzen dizkiguten katramilak? horra orri hauetan topa daitekeen koktelaren zenbait osagai.

F*ck You, I'm Italian: Why We Italians Are Awesome

by Tony DiGerolamo

An entertaining, page-turning overview of Italian-American history and cultureFrom ancient Rome to modern America, we Italians have always been the friggin&’ best in art, science, culture and—Madonn&’—food! Now, this fascinating collection of Italian history, people, facts and trivia will make you proudly say, &“F*ck you, I&’m Italian,&” including...Culture(from the Renaissance to The Godfather)Music(from Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga)History(from gladiators to Rocky)Food(from sauce to cannoli)Family(from Sunday mass to Sunday dinner)

Face The Issues: Intermediate Listening And Critical Thinking Skills

by Carol Numrich National Public Radio (U.S.) Staff

Face the Issues: Intermediate Listening and Critical Thinking Skills, Third Edition, by Carol Numrich, in cooperation with NPR®, helps intermediate students develop critical thinking skills as they gain insight into American attitudes and values. Each thought-provoking unit is based on an authentic radio broadcast from National Public Radio®. Students develop essential listening strategies such as predicting, looking at language, understanding main ideas and points of view, and focusing on details. Language and concepts are integrated through follow-up critical thinking activities including discussion, debate, values clarification, survey, role play, case study, inteview, and simulation.

Face[t]s of First Language Loss

by Sandra G. Kouritzin

This book contributes to the understanding of first-language loss in both immigrant and indigenous communities in (at least) three ways. First, it provides insight into the process of language loss and the factors contributing to it. Second, it attempts to define, from an insider perspective, what it means to "lose" a language. Third, it analyzes the perceived consequences of first language loss in terms of social, academic, emotional, and economic factors--an approach previously lacking in research on language loss. Most studies of first language loss are impersonal, even when they tell emotional stories. This polyphonic book about language loss and imperfect learning of heritage languages tells the inside story. Easy to read and yet academic, it gives voice to five different storytellers who relate the histories of their first language loss and analyzes themes from 21 life-history case studies of adults who had lost their first languages while learning English. The stories in this book make a compelling argument that heritage languages should be preserved, that ESL should be about developing bilinguals not English monolinguals. Important reading for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in ESL and bilingual education, multicultural education, cultural studies, and sociology, this book will also interest qualitative researchers as an example of a unique form of both doing and writing research.

Facon de Parler 1

by Angela Aries Dominique Debney

Fa?on de Parler 1 is the first of a two-volume, communicative course, specially designed for the adult beginner. Angela Aries and Dominique Debney guide you step by step through all the basic language skills you need for holiday, business or exams and there is plenty of opportunity to practise what you have learned as you go along. Each of the units contains the following: - lively, illustrated dialogues and comprehension questions - structured pair-work and group-work activities - basic vocabulary and useful expressions - grammar notes - listening comprehension (for work with the recordings, sold separately) There are also regular revision sections to consolidate the main topics and grammar points, while a useful reference section is followed by a French-English end vocabulary Fa?on de Parler 1 is ideal for group work and can also be used for individual study and revision purposes. This ebook contains the content from the course book. If you wise to purchase the audio component of the course it is available separately in the form of an Audio and Support Book Pack (9781444168457), a pack which contains three CDs featuring dialogues, passages and exercises from the coursebook, and a support booklet which includes an answer key and recording transcripts.

The Fairy Tales in Verse and Prose/Les contes en vers et en prose: A Dual-Language Book

by Charles Perrault Stanley Appelbaum

Based on the folkloric tales told by the widowed author to his motherless brood, this collection of traditional stories first appeared under Charles Perrault's name in the 18th century. In the fine tradition of Aesop, the fables enlighten as well as entertain, imparting practical moral advice. This dual-language edition features accurate new English translations on the pages facing the original French, in addition to an informative introduction and annotations. It opens with a trio of tales in verse: "Grisélidis," the legend of a patient wife, derived from Boccaccio's Decameron; "Peau d'Ane" ("Donkey-Skin"), the story of a beauty in disguise; and a familiar farce known as "Les souhaits ridicules" ("The Ludicrous Wishes"). Well-known and much-loved prose tales follow: "Sleeping Beauty," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Puss in Boots," "Cinderella," and others. This is the most complete edition available in English, comprising the verse tales as well as those in prose, plus all the original prefaces, letters, introductions, morals, and more. Any student of French language or literature will welcome this comprehensive edition.

The Fall of Language in the Age of English

by Minae Mizumura translated by Mari Yoshihara Juliet Winters Carpenter

Minae Mizumura was born in Tokyo, moved to New York at the age of twelve, and studied French literature at Yale University. Acclaimed for her audacious experimentation and skillful storytelling, Mizumura has won major literary awards for all four of her novels--one of which, A True Novel, recently was published in English. She lives in Tokyo.

Familia Romana (Lingua Latina #Book One)

by Hans H. Ørberg

Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is the world's premiere series for learning Latin via the Natural Method. The Natural Method encourages students to learn Latin without resorting to translation, but instead by teaching them to think in the language: students first learn grammar and vocabulary inductively through extended contextual reading and an ingenious system of marginal notes. Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is also the most popular series for those teachers at both the secondary and collegiate levels who wish to develop Latin conversational skills in the classroom. <p><p>Familia Romana (the main book of Pars I of the Lingua Latina per se illustrata series) contains thirty-five chapters and describes the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D. It culminates in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text for a millennium. Each chapter is divided into two or three lessons (lectiones) of a few pages each followed by a grammar section (Grammatica Latina) and three exercises (Pensa). Hans Ørberg's impeccable Latin, humorous stories, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations, reproduced in full color, make this work a classic. The book also includes a table of declensions, a Roman calendar, and a word index (index vocabulorum). <p><p>The Lingua Latina series incorporates the following features: <p><p>The most comprehensive treatment of Latin grammar available in an elementary textbook. <p><p>A vocabulary of almost 1,800 words, reinforced by constant and creatively phrased repetition, vastly expands the potential for later sight reading. <p><p>A complete line of ancillary volumes, exercises, and readers both in print and online.

Familia Romana (Lingua Latina #1)

by Hans H. Ørberg

Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is the world's premiere series for learning Latin via the Natural Method. The Natural Method encourages students to learn Latin without resorting to translation, but instead by teaching them to think in the language: students first learn grammar and vocabulary inductively through extended contextual reading and an ingenious system of marginal notes. Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is also the most popular series for those teachers at both the secondary and collegiate levels who wish to develop Latin conversational skills in the classroom.Familia Romana (the main book of Pars I of the Lingua Latina per se illustrata series) contains thirty-five chapters and describes the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D. It culminates in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text for a millennium. Each chapter is divided into two or three lessons (lectiones) of a few pages each followed by a grammar section (Grammatica Latina) and three exercises (Pensa). Hans Ørberg's impeccable Latin, humorous stories, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations, reproduced in full color, make this work a classic. The book also includes a table of declensions, a Roman calendar, and a word index (index vocabulorum). The Lingua Latina series incorporates the following features:The most comprehensive treatment of Latin grammar available in an elementary textbook.A vocabulary of almost 1,800 words, reinforced by constant and creatively phrased repetition, vastly expands the potential for later sight reading.A complete line of ancillary volumes, exercises, and readers both in print and online.

Family Language Policies in a Multilingual World: Opportunities, Challenges, and Consequences (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)

by John Macalister Seyed Hadi Mirvahedi

Through case studies from around the world, this book illustrates the opportunities and challenges facing families negotiating the issues of language maintenance and language learning in the home. Every family living in a bi/multilingual environment faces the question of what language(s) to speak with their children and must make a decision, consciously or otherwise, about these issues. Exploring links between language policy in the home and wider society in a range of diverse settings, the contributors utilize various research tools, including interviews, questionnaires, observations, and archival document analysis, to explore linguistic ideologies and practices of family members in the home, illuminating how these are shaped by macro-level societal processes.

Family Language Policy: Maintaining An Endangered Language In The Home

by Cassie Smith-Christmas

The Farm to Table French Phrasebook: Master the Culture, Language and Savoir Faire of French Cuisine

by Victoria Mas

DINE, DRINK, CONVERSE, INDULGE À LA FRANÇAISE Whether you're spending a semester in Paris, vacationing in the Riviera, dining at a local bistro or mastering the French culinary art in your own kitchen, The Farm to Table French Phrasebook opens a bountiful world of food that you won't find in any textbook or classroom. Navigate produce markets, charcuteries Prepare meals the French way with delicious, authentic recipes Speak the lingo of Paris's top restaurants and bistros and pâtisseries Pair regional wines with delightful cheeses Master the proper table etiquette for dining at a friend's house

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