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Showing 476 through 500 of 4,820 results

Blended Language Program Evaluation

by Paul Gruba Mónica S. Cárdenas-Claros Ruslan Suvorov Katherine Rick

Advocating an argument-based approach, Blended Language Program Evaluation presents a framework for planning, conducting, and appraising evaluation of blended language learning across three institutional levels, and demonstrates its utility and application in four case studies carried out in diverse international contexts.

Boccaccio and the Book: Production and Reading in Italy 1340-1520

by Rhiannon Daniels

As a new digital era increasingly impacts on the 'age of print', we are ever more conscious of the way in which information is packaged and received. The influence of the material form on the reading process was no less important during the gradual shift from manuscript to early print culture. Focusing on the physical structure and presentation of manuscripts and printed books containing texts by one of the most influential authors of the medieval period, Rhiannon Daniels traces the evolving social, cultural, and economic profile of Boccaccio's readership and the scribes and printers who laboured to reproduce three of his works: the Teseida , Decameron , and De mulieribus claris . Rhiannon Daniels is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Italian at the University of Leeds.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 1

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage! Clearly the best choice! Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom. Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisite National Geographic Society panoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 1 (Florida)

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice!Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for success with exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisite National Geographic Society panoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 2

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Level 2continues with chapters 13 and 14 from Level 1 as chapters 1 and 2. Révision A-F reviews vocabulary, conversation, and structure. Teachers have the flexibility to review what their students require.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for success with exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisite National Geographic Society panoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 2 (Florida)

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice!Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Level 2continues with chapters 13 and 14 from Level 1 as chapters 1 and 2.Révision A-Freviews vocabulary, conversation, and structure. Teachers have the flexiblity to review what their students require.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisiteNational Geographic Societypanoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 3

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice!Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisiteNational Geographic Societypanoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 3

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

With this text, teachers can select the material they present in depth based on the abilities, needs, and interests of their students. The text is divided into eight chapters that adhere to a very general theme as indicated in the chapter title--Les voyages, La santé, etc. Each chapter contains short lessons on Culture, Conversation, Language, Review Grammar, Journalism, Advanced Grammar, and Literature.

Book 1 of Plato's Republic: A Word by Word Guide to Translation (Vol. 1: Chapters 1-12)

by Drew A. Mannetter

Volume 1 of this new grammatical reader on the first 12 chapters of Book 1 of Plato’s Republic is the most thorough of available resources, designed for students who have only basic skills as well as those at a more advanced level. The text is complete and not adapted; no difficult passages are excised. The running vocabularies are complete, providing the reader context specific meanings. The text is broken down into sentences, providing a manageable amount of material, and space is provided for translation after each sentence. Every construction and word is discussed in detail and referenced to Smyth’s Greek Grammar for further explanation. The details of the text, accents, conjunctions, adverbs, and particles, are not minimized but receive thorough treatment as well. The presentation allows for beginning students to make thorough use of the notes while more advanced students are able to consult the notes only when necessary and thus build up speed in translation.°Special features include:°°1) Complete, unadapted text.°2) Full running vocabulary; no words are omitted.°3) Every word is discussed; none are omitted.°4) Every construction is discussed; none are omitted.°5) All particles are explained; none are omitted.°6) Every word and construction is cross referenced to Smyth’s Greek Grammar for further explanation.°7) Room is provided after each sentence for translation.°8) Accentuation, where challenging, is discussed.

Book of Poems: A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language Spanish)

by Federico García Lorca Stanley Appelbaum

The passionate life and violent death of Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) retain an enduring fascination for readers around the world. Murdered by Nationalists at the outset of the Spanish Civil War, Lorca died at the peak of his creative powers. He remains his country's most widely translated writer, surpassed only by Cervantes in terms of critical commentary.This selection includes 55 of the 68 poems that comprised Lorca's 1921 Libro de poemas, all of them in their entirety and in their original sequence. Imbued with the spirit and folklore of the poet's native Andalusia, these verses feature the most complex spiritual content of any of Lorca's works. Editor Stanley Appelbaum provides sensitive, accurate English translations on the pages facing the original Spanish, as well as an informative introduction to the author's life and oeuvre, plus notes on the individual poems. An outstanding resource for students and teachers of Spanish language and literature, this compilation will enchant any lover of poetry.

Books and Periodicals in Brazil 1768-1930

by AnaClaudiaSurianiDa Silva

Before the Portuguese Royal Court moved to its South-American colony in 1808, books and periodicals had a very limited circulation there. It was only when Brazilian ports were opened to foreign trade that the book trade began to flourish, and printed matter became more easily available to readers, whether for pleasure, for instruction or for political reasons. This book brings together a collection of original articles on the transnational relations between Brazil and Europe, especially England and France, in the domain of literature and print culture from its early stages to the end of the 1920s. It covers the time when it was forbidden to print in Brazil, and Portugal strictly controlled which books were sent to the colony, through the quick flourishing of a transnational printing industry and book market after 1822, to the shift of hegemony in the printing business from foreign to Brazilian hands at the beginning of the twentieth century. Sandra Guardini Vasconcelos is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Sao Paulo.

Boozhoo: Come Play With Us

by Fond Du Lac Head Start Program Staff

This is a delightful picture book which invites children to play together. It also includes a pronunciation guide.

A Bordo: Get Ready for Spanish

by Spanish Course Team

Ideal for near beginners, A bordo takes learners up to the equivalent of GCSE level Spanish. The course is accompanied by three audio-cassettes which include drama and dialogue. Features include:* focus on both Spanish and Latin-American culture* emphasis on communicating in everyday situations* varied exercises, with answer key and progress resumé at the end of each unit.A bordo is the preparatory course for En rumbo, also devised by the Open University Spanish team (see below).

The Borrowers Afield (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在人类的大搜捕中逃离了地板下的家 开始了颠沛流离的野外生活 他们打算去投奔住在獾洞里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家 但到那里时 亲戚们已不知去向 他们捡到一只破靴子 把它拖到河岸的洞里搭建了一个临时的家 阿瑞埃蒂结识了从吉卜赛人那里借东西的男孩斯皮勒 斯皮勒时常用自己的打猎收获接济这些初到野外的同类 冬天来了 住在靴子里的波德一家弹尽粮绝 喝光最后一点酒后沉沉睡去 醒来发现到了一辆吉卜赛人的大车上 这是怎么回事呢 他们能从吉卜赛人那里逃脱吗 斯皮勒又是怎么帮他们和亨德瑞利舅舅一家团聚的呢 雪貂男孩汤姆是他们的福星还是杀手

The Borrowers Afloat (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在斯皮勒的带领下成功脱险 来到小男孩汤姆的住处 与生活在墙里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家会合 但不久 汤姆和爷爷就离开了这里 没有人迹的地方不可能支持两家小人的生活 所以波德不得不又带领家人走上流浪之旅 寻找新的家园 他们从地下管道出走 来到小河边的水壶中安顿下来 但一场突来的大雨将水壶冲到了河水中 小人开始了一场水上漂流冒险 他们最终能找到新家吗

The Borrowers Aloft (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.退休的老珀特先生童心灿烂 闲来无事在家里建起了一个微型村庄 波德一家人迁居来到这里 过起了安逸生活 好心的孟奇思小姐看到了他们 并和阿瑞埃蒂成为好朋友 时常暗中帮助他们 但好景不长 一天 他们被一对贪婪的夫妇抓到自己家的阁楼上 准备到春天就把他们关到玻璃笼子里招徕游客 波德一家人再次陷入绝境 他们在阁楼上度过了漫长的被囚禁的冬天 终于在春天到来前想到了逃走的办法 他们学着报纸上人类制作热气球的技术 制作了一个逃生的气球 再次回到了野外

The Borrowers Avenged (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家逃离了阁楼里的囚禁生活 回到了模型村庄里的家 因为害怕普拉特夫妇再度前来 他们在斯皮勒的带领下搬迁到了教区长住宅 并遇到了一直居住在那里的博学多才的小人皮尔格林 在大家的帮助下 他们重新找到了适合居住的家园 和亨德瑞利舅舅一家比邻而居 普拉特夫妇心有不甘地继续到处搜寻小人的下落 复活节快到了 阿瑞埃蒂吃惊地发现普拉特夫妇来到了教堂 小人能逃过他们的追捕吗 那贪婪残酷的一对是如何受到惩罚的呢

The Borrowers (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

The Borrowers--the Clock family: Homily, Pod, and their fourteen-year-old daughter, Arrietty, to be precise--are tiny people who live underneath the kitchen floor of an old English country manor. All their minuscule home furnishings, from postage stamp paintings to champagne cork chairs, are "borrowed" from the "human beans" who tromp around loudly above them. All is well until Pod is spotted upstairs by a human boy! Can the Clocks stay nested safely in their beloved hidden home, or will they be forced to flee? The British author Mary Norton won the Carnegie Medal for The Borrowers in 1952, the year it was first published in England. 一个患病的英国小男孩被送往乡间姑婆的老宅中休养 寂静中他发现了在古宅里的一个秘密 借东西的小人 借东西的小人只有铅笔一般高 他们把家安在房子的地板下 靠从楼上的"巨人"那里"借"东西为生 他们最害怕的就是被"看见" 借东西的小女孩阿瑞埃蒂在门外草丛里被小男孩看见 好心的小男孩开始帮助这一家小人借东西 还充当信使 为他们和住在别处的亲戚送信 但好景不长 女管家也发现了小人一家 她关住小男孩 找来警察,猫和捕鼠专家对付小人 万分危急之际 小人一家是如何成功逃脱人类的追捕的呢

Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Essential Grammars)

by Željko Vrabec

Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian: An Essential Grammar is intended for beginners and intermediate students who need a reference that explains grammar in straightforward terms. It covers all the main areas of the modern single BCMS grammatical system in an accessible way, and free from jargon. When linguistic terminology is used, it is explained in layman’s terms, the logic of a rule is presented simply and near parallels are drawn with English. This book covers all the grammar necessary for everyday communication (reaching B1 and B2 of the CEFR, ACTFL Intermediate-Intermediate- Mid). The book comprises of extensive chapters on all parts of speech, the creation of different word forms (endings for cases in nouns and adjectives, case forms for pronouns, tenses, verbal modes, verbal aspect etc.) and their uses in sentences. Each rule is illustrated with numerous examples from everyday living language used in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is a unique reference book in English aimed at this level of language study that treats BCMS as a single grammar system, explaining and highlighting all the small differences between the four variants of this polycentric language.

Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen (Adaptation in Theatre and Performance)

by Sanja Garić-Komnenić

Bosnian Literature on Stage and Screen aims to reconcile theoretical approaches with theatrical and cinematic practices by examining two adaptations based on works by the Bosnian author Meša Selimović. The book is informed by scholarship in film and theatre adaptation theories, and is grounded in a comparative approach that focuses on the interplay of sign systems and codes unique to screen and stage. The book looks closely at two adaptations: a screen adaptation of the novel The Fortress and a stage adaptation of the novel The Island.


by Judith A. Muyskens Linda L. Harlow Michèle Vialet Jean-François Brière

Regardless of your confidence with French, BRAVO! is a proven solution for success! The book's unique approach enables you to review first-year structures independently before you must master new material. BRAVO! helps you expand your linguistic and cultural knowledge through readings, audio recordings, specialized vocabulary development, and concise yet thorough grammar explanations. A variety of carefully crafted activities--all designed to build competence and confidence in using spoken French in and out of the classroom--help you on your way.

Brazilian Portuguese For Dummies

by Karen Jacobson-Sive

Language learning is easy with Dummies Brazilian Portuguese For Dummies can help you achieve your goals of learning another language. Traveling to Brazil? Taking a class in school? Want to meet people and pick up a new hobby? Just curious about the sixth most spoken language in the world? We&’ve got you covered, with easy-to-follow lessons on the basics, plus phrases and topics you need to know, like greetings, travel phrases, business phrases, numbers and measurements, and social media. Add speaking Portuguese to the long list of cool things you can do—with the help of Brazilian Portuguese For Dummies. Start from the beginning and learn the very basics of Brazilian Portuguese Practice authentic phrases for travel, business, and communicating online Perfect your pronunciation with bonus audio tracks, and discover fun facts about Brazilian culture Get recommendations for movies, travel tips, and moreWhether you&’re studying Portuguese for business, school, or pleasure, Dummies is the best guide for getting started with this beautiful language.

The Brazilian-Portuguese Slang Phrasebook: The Ultimate Soccer Fan's Guide to Slang, Music, Fun and Futebol

by Alice Rose Nati Vale Jadson Caçador

Learn to speak like a local before you hit the streets of Sao Paulo or beaches of Rio de Janeiro with this pocket-sized Brazilian Portuguese-English phrasebook.With this book in hand you can get off the sideline and join the local Brazilians as they party from the pitch to the beach. Chock-full of up-to-date slang phrases, after-hours expressions and insider information on futebol, this book will have you cheering, dancing, drinking and celebrating with the die-hard fans of the beautiful game. What&’s up, man? Iaí, cara? Can I join your pickup game? Posso bater uma pelada com vocês? Where is a cool bar to watch the game? Onde tem um barzinho legal pra assitir o jogo? Next round&’s on me. A proxima rodada é minha. We&’re all going to an underground dance club, wanna join? A gente vai pra um baile funk, tá afim? That girl in the VIP section is super hot. Aquela mina no camarote é muito gostosa. Let&’s sleep off our hangovers at the beach. Vamos curar a ressaca na praia.

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall: Essential Shifts for Multilingual Learners′ Success

by Margarita Espino Calderon Margo Gottlieb Ivannia Soto Sydney Cail Snyder Andrea Honigsfeld Joan R. Lachance Margarita Marshall David Nungaray Rubí Flores Lyn Scott

Your guide to culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in your dual language classroom and school. It’s time to set the record straight: Multilingualism is a tremendous asset that must be nurtured and valued and the most effective pathway to multilingualism is dual language education. Despite significant evidence attesting to the cognitive, social/emotional, and economic benefits of multilingualism, the majority of our classrooms and schools are monolingual. Encouragingly, recent shifts in state policies have increased the demand for dual language programming in our schools. This increased momentum brings new challenges, including the need for more bilingually authorized teachers, high-quality instructional resources, and accurate assessment and accountability in the target languages of instruction. With contributions from ten experts in multilingual education, Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall outlines the systemic and pedagogical approaches necessary for successful multilingual and dual language programs. The book supports educators to: Shift the paradigm from one that is subtractive and deficit-based to one that is additive and assets-based Embed culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in their instruction Understand how to promote multilingualism in the context of teaching academic content Develop assessments as, for, and of learning in multiple languages. Lead high-quality dual language schools and programs Recruit and retain highly qualified bilingual educators Offering a comprehensive overview of bilingual policies and historical context all educators should understand, Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall is an invaluable guide to creating dual language learning environments that build on the precious assets of our multilingual students and families.

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall: Essential Shifts for Multilingual Learners′ Success

by Margarita Espino Calderon Margo Gottlieb Ivannia Soto Sydney Cail Snyder Andrea Honigsfeld Joan R. Lachance Margarita Marshall David Nungaray Rubí Flores Lyn Scott

Your guide to culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in your dual language classroom and school. It’s time to set the record straight: Multilingualism is a tremendous asset that must be nurtured and valued and the most effective pathway to multilingualism is dual language education. Despite significant evidence attesting to the cognitive, social/emotional, and economic benefits of multilingualism, the majority of our classrooms and schools are monolingual. Encouragingly, recent shifts in state policies have increased the demand for dual language programming in our schools. This increased momentum brings new challenges, including the need for more bilingually authorized teachers, high-quality instructional resources, and accurate assessment and accountability in the target languages of instruction. With contributions from ten experts in multilingual education, Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall outlines the systemic and pedagogical approaches necessary for successful multilingual and dual language programs. The book supports educators to: Shift the paradigm from one that is subtractive and deficit-based to one that is additive and assets-based Embed culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in their instruction Understand how to promote multilingualism in the context of teaching academic content Develop assessments as, for, and of learning in multiple languages. Lead high-quality dual language schools and programs Recruit and retain highly qualified bilingual educators Offering a comprehensive overview of bilingual policies and historical context all educators should understand, Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall is an invaluable guide to creating dual language learning environments that build on the precious assets of our multilingual students and families.

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