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Noel Coward: A Memoir of Noel Coward

by Philip Hoare

To several generations, Noel Coward was the very personification of wit, glamor, and elegance. There seemed to be nothing he couldn't do, and - as Philip Hoare shows in this definitive biography - he seems to have tried it all. The most remarkable thing, however, was that whatever it was that Coward undertook, it was done with supreme style and class. Coward was a master playwright: consider Blithe Spirit, Private Lives, and Design for Living; the composer/lyricist of songs such as "Mad Dogs and Englishmen," "If Love Were All," and "Mad About the Boy," from musicals and operettas such as Bitter Sweet, Conversation Piece, and High Spirits; he was a filmmaker: Cavalcade, In Which We Serve, and Brief Encounter; a novelist and diarist: Pomp and Circumstance, Present Indicative; and a talented actor and performer. In researching the book, Philip Hoare traveled far and wide, and interviewed dozens of Coward's surviving contemporaries - friends, as well as enemies. Most significant, however, was the cooperation he received from the Coward Estate. Given unprecedented access to the private papers and correspondence of Coward and of members of his family, as well as his many compatriots and numerous lovers, Hoare has produced what has been hailed widely as "the definitive book" about Noel Coward. One especially noteworthy aspect to Hoare's treatment of Coward's life is the fact that this book is the first to deal openly with Coward's homosexuality. It was, of course, a reality in his life, but despite the fact that it imbued his work, it was a subject Coward remained, to his death, wary of discussing publicly. But while Hoare deals frankly with the subject, he never oversteps the bounds of discretion and good taste. The result of all Philip Hoare's meticulous research and careful assessment is a biography that is both wide-ranging and intimate, a record of the public profile and private life of one of the twentieth century's most celebrated - and still controversial - figures, above all, a great story, as Coward progresses from a childhood middle-class respectability to the world's stage, and unparalled social success (his friends and lovers included some of the century's most glamorous and occasionally notorious figures from celebrities to royalty). --BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The Noel Coward Diaries: With a Foreword by Stephen Fry

by Sheridan Morley Graham Payn

'A gold mine of gossip with a cast of thousands' GUARDIANThe unexpurgated diaries of one of the greatest, most talented, and wittily flamboyant characters of the 20th century - with a new introduction by Stephen Fry'Compulsive reading' SUNDAY TIMES'19th February 1956. A A Milne has died. Lord Beaverbrook has not ... Larry is going to make a movie of The Sleeping Prince with Marilyn Monroe, which might conceivably drive him round the bend''28th February 1960 Princess Margaret has announced her engagement to Tony Armstrong-Jones ... He looks quite pretty, but whether or not the marriage is entirely suitable remains to be seen.'Noel Coward was a renowned actor, dramatist, director - and star. His incredible zest, versatility and unrivalled wit are revealed in these diaries, with a cast of characters ranging from The Beatles to the Queen, Churchill to Marilyn Monroe.Touching, funny and revealing, THE NOEL COWARD DIARIES is a superb account of one of the greatest entertainers of all time.

The Noel Coward Diaries: With a Foreword by Stephen Fry

by Sheridan Morley Graham Payn

'A gold mine of gossip with a cast of thousands' GUARDIANThe unexpurgated diaries of one of the greatest, most talented, and wittily flamboyant characters of the 20th century - with a new introduction by Stephen Fry'Compulsive reading' SUNDAY TIMES'19th February 1956. A A Milne has died. Lord Beaverbrook has not ... Larry is going to make a movie of The Sleeping Prince with Marilyn Monroe, which might conceivably drive him round the bend''28th February 1960 Princess Margaret has announced her engagement to Tony Armstrong-Jones ... He looks quite pretty, but whether or not the marriage is entirely suitable remains to be seen.'Noel Coward was a renowned actor, dramatist, director - and star. His incredible zest, versatility and unrivalled wit are revealed in these diaries, with a cast of characters ranging from The Beatles to the Queen, Churchill to Marilyn Monroe.Touching, funny and revealing, THE NOEL COWARD DIARIES is a superb account of one of the greatest entertainers of all time.

A Noise From The Woodshed

by Mary Dorcey

Vibrant short stories by Irish writer.

Nom de code Condor (L'\homme Du Président Ser. #1)

by John Simpson Laure Rine

L'Homme du Président, tome 1 Le candidat du Parti Démocrate pour la présidence des États-Unis, J. David Windsor, et les Américains sont choqués quand son adversaire, à six semaines des élections, divulgue son homosexualité. N'écoutant que son cœur, David choisit l'honnêteté sans penser aux retombées médiatiques, et surmonte l'obstacle pour remporter l'élection. Malgré ce succès, les forces obscures du monde entier commencent à comploter contre lui, et la sécurité du Président Windsor doit être renforcée. À l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur de la Maison-Blanche, l'Agent des Services Secrets Shane Thompson devient l'ombre du Président, présent, silencieux, et toujours vigilant. Alors que les deux hommes se rapprochent, Shane fait beaucoup plus que simplement son devoir ; il devient indispensable au bonheur de David, comme il l'est à la santé du Président. Ensemble, ils se rendent compte qu'ils doivent trouver un équilibre entre leur vie publique et leur vie privée avant que le stress et les responsabilités ne les déchirent.

Nomad's Dream

by August Li

Two men, each with a hidden destiny. Can they defeat a web of deceit and dark magic to ensure their fates intertwine? Bedouin Isra al-Grayjaab’s dreams lead him to Janan, an amnesiac beggar on the street of Qena—one who steals his heart and starts him on a seemingly hopeless quest. With only their wits, Isra’s knowledge of the desert’s secrets, and the aid of a mercurial djinn, they must recover Janan’s past. But neither can predict his true identity or the lengths others will go to see that his mind remains broken and his true power out of his reach. In a sweeping romantic adventure that takes them across the Eastern Desert to the modern streets of Cairo and on to the luxurious Red Sea Coast, Janan and Isra seek a truth that will either bring them into each other’s arms or tear them apart forever.

Non-Binary Gender Identities: The Language of Becoming (Gender and Sexualities in Psychology)

by Sebastian Cordoba

Non-Binary Gender Identities examines how non-binary people discover, adopt, and negotiate language in a variety of social settings, both offline and online. It considers how language, in the form of gender-neutral pronouns, names, and labels, is a central aspect of identity for many and has been the subject of much debate in recent years. Cordoba captures the psychological, social, and linguistic experiences of non-binary people by illustrating the multiple, complex, and evolving ways in which non-binary people use language to express their gender identities, bodies, authenticity, and navigate social interactions – especially those where their identities are not affirmed. These findings shed light on the gender and linguistic becomings of non-binary people, a pioneering theoretical framework developed in the book, which reflects the dynamic realities of language, subjectivities, and the materiality of the body. Informed by these findings, the text offers recommendations for policy makers and practitioners, designed to facilitate gender-related communication and decrease language-related distress on non-binary people, as well as the general population. This important book advances our understanding of non-binary gender identities by employing innovative methodologies – including corpus-based research and network visualisation – furthering and developing theory, and yielding original insights. It is essential reading for students and academics in social psychology and gender studies, as well as anyone interested in furthering their understanding of non-binary gender identities.

Non c’è due senza… te (Second Chances)

by Claudia Milani Susan Laine

Il quindicenne Addy Monroe, imbottigliato nel traffico insieme ai suoi zii, assiste a una scena che cambierà tutta la sua vita: sul sedile posteriore di un taxi bloccato accanto alla loro auto ci sono due ragazzi che gli rivelano l'esistenza di un altro mondo. Sei anni dopo, in un locale di Los Angeles, Addy incontra il cantante rock Zak Roscoe, l'uomo che, involontariamente, gli aveva mostrato chi fosse veramente, e non si lascia sfuggire l'occasione di assaggiarlo. Da quella persona riservata e circospetta qual è, Zak trova le avances determinate di Addy sia fastidiose che divertenti, e alla fine acconsente a lasciarsi sedurre per una notte di piacere. Sfortunatamente, le brutte abitudini sono dure a morire, e gli atteggiamenti post-coitali di Zak lasciano molto a desiderare. Addy si trova così a capire che qualche volta il sogno e la fantasia non hanno proprio nulla in comune. Ma se i desideri fossero seconde occasioni...

Non è Shakespeare

by Martina Volpe Amy Lane

Il professore universitario James Richards è prigioniero della routine e sente il peso dei suoi anni. Si è trasferito nella California del Nord per sfuggire al dolore e all'umiliazione, ma finora l'unica cosa buona che gli è capitata è stato il suo Boston Terrier, Marlowe. Poi, la sua studentessa più tosta gli combina un appuntamento con il suo migliore amico. Rafael Ochoa è a un mondo di distanza da James, cronologicamente, culturalmente e filosoficamente, ma è anche bellissimo e gentile: un'ondata di adrenalina per il cuore non ancora di mezza età di James. Assieme forgiano un ponte tra la sensibilità East Coast di James e la semplicità West Coast di Rafael, ma il loro venirsi incontro potrà superare la mancanza di fede di James nel lieto fine?

Non si sa mai

by Sara Linda Benatti Mary Calmes

Hagen Wylie ha dei progetti: vivere nella sua città natale, essere in rapporti amichevoli con tutti, esplorare nuove relazioni, e ricostruire la sua vita dopo gli orrori della guerra. Niente complicazioni, questo è il piano. Sta andando tutto bene… finché non scopre che il suo primo amore è tornato a casa. Lui pensa che non sia un grosso problema, ma un incontro casuale con i due adorabili figli di Mitch Thayer lo mette proprio sulla strada dell’unico uomo che non è mai riuscito a togliersi dalla testa. Mitch è tornato per tre ragioni: crescere i figli dove è cresciuto lui, trasferire la sua ditta di mobili e farla prosperare, e riconquistare Hagen. Anni di distanza hanno reso chiaro che il ragazzo che ha amato al liceo è l’unico che conta per lui. Qual è il problema? Da quando lui ha lasciato la città, non si sono più parlati. Se vuole che Hagen si fidi di nuovo di lui, Mitch gli deve dimostrare che è maturato e che stavolta non intende mollare. Potrebbero avere un’altra occasione per amarsi, ma Hagen non vuole sentire ragioni: non intende ricominciare una relazione con Mitch. Però… non si sa mai.

Non succede mai nulla

by Fran Macciò Sue Brown

La vita di Andrew è una farsa: è un gay intrappolato in un matrimonio senza amore, per colpa di una madre religiosa e prevaricatrice. Poi, una nuova coppia si trasferisce in fondo alla strada e Andrew si innamora follemente di Nathan: un uomo sposato, eterosessuale e che, per giunta, sta per diventare padre. Ma dopo una fatidica serata trascorsa insieme in un club, anche Nathan si rende conto che ciò che prova per Andrew va ben oltre la semplice amicizia per un vicino di casa. Quando la moglie di Andrew chiede il divorzio, le vite dei due uomini precipitano nel caos. Iniziano le discussioni sulle responsabilità nei confronti delle mogli e dei figli, dubitano dei loro sentimenti e del loro rapporto e alcune sconvolgenti bugie li separano inevitabilmente... ma nessuno dei due riesce mai a smettere di pensare all'altro.

Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity

by Micah Rajunov Scott Duane

What happens when your gender doesn’t fit neatly into the categories of male or female? Even mundane interactions like filling out a form or using a public bathroom can be a struggle when these designations prove inadequate. In this groundbreaking book, thirty authors highlight how our experiences are shaped by a deeply entrenched gender binary.The powerful first-person narratives of this collection show us a world where gender exists along a spectrum, a web, a multidimensional space. Nuanced storytellers break away from mainstream portrayals of gender diversity, cutting across lines of age, race, ethnicity, ability, class, religion, family, and relationships. From Suzi, who wonders whether she’ll ever “feel” like a woman after living fifty years as a man, to Aubri, who grew up in a cash-strapped fundamentalist household, to Sand, who must reconcile the dual roles of trans advocate and therapist, the writers’ conceptions of gender are inextricably intertwined with broader systemic issues. Labeled gender outlaws, gender rebels, genderqueer, or simply human, the voices in Nonbinary illustrate what life could be if we allowed the rigid categories of “man” and “woman” to loosen and bend. They speak to everyone who has questioned gender or has paused to wonder, What does it mean to be a man or a woman—and why do we care so much?

None Like Us: Blackness, Belonging, Aesthetic Life (Theory Q)

by Stephen Best

It passes for an unassailable truth that the slave past provides an explanatory prism for understanding the black political present. In None Like Us Stephen Best reappraises what he calls “melancholy historicism”—a kind of crime scene investigation in which the forensic imagination is directed toward the recovery of a “we” at the point of “our” violent origin. Best argues that there is and can be no “we” following from such a time and place, that black identity is constituted in and through negation, taking inspiration from David Walker’s prayer that “none like us may ever live again until time shall be no more.” Best draws out the connections between a sense of impossible black sociality and strains of negativity that have operated under the sign of queer. In None Like Us the art of El Anatsui and Mark Bradford, the literature of Toni Morrison and Gwendolyn Brooks, even rumors in the archive, evidence an apocalyptic aesthetics, or self-eclipse, which opens the circuits between past and present and thus charts a queer future for black study.

None So Blind

by L. J. Maas

Torrey Gray hasn't seen the woman she fell in love with in college for 15 years. Taylor Kent, now a celebrated artist, has spent the years trying to forget, albeit unsuccessfully, the young woman who walked out of Taylor's life. Best friends forever, neither woman ever had the courage to speak of the passion they felt for one another. Now, an unusual but desperate request will throw the old friends together again. This time, will they be able to voice their unspoken desires, or has time become their enemy?

Nora and Liz

by Nancy Garden

When her rental car has a flat tire Liz reluctantly stops at the old Tillot farm to borrow a jack. Walking out to the barn together two women unknowingly take the first steps on a path that will change both of their lives forever. But when their tender friendship turns passionate, Nora and Liz's happiness is shattered by accusations and rumors. Trying desperately to rise above the tumult, they silently wonder if their love can survive.

The Normal Bar: The Surprising Secrets of Happy Couples and What They Reveal About Creating a New Normal in Your Relationship

by Pepper Schwartz Chrisanna Northrup James Witte

Based on data obtained from nearly 100,000 respondents, here is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to learn the relationship-tested ways couples can achieve satisfaction and contentment in areas such as communication, sex, affection, and financial cooperation.What constitutes "normal" behavior among happy couples? What steps you should take if that "normal" is one you want to strive for? To help answer those questions, wellness entrepreneur Chrisanna Northrup teamed with two of America's top sociologists, Yale Ph.D. Pepper Schwartz and Harvard Ph.D. James Witte, to design a unique interactive survey that would draw feedback from around the world. What has resulted is the clearest picture yet of how well couples are communicating, romancing each other, satisfying each other in the bedroom, sharing financial responsibilities, and staying faithful - or not. Since the Normal Bar survey methodology sorts for age and gender, racial and geographic differences and sexual preferences, the authors are able to reveal , for example, what happens to passion as we grow older, which gender wants what when it comes to sex, the factors that spur marital combat, how kids figure in, how being gay or bisexual turns out to be both different and the same, and -regardless of background -- the tiny habits that drive partners absolutely batty.The book is dense with revelations, from the unexpected popularity of certain sexual positions, to the average number of times happy - and unhappy -- couples kiss, to the prevalence of lying, to the surprising loyalty most men and women feel for their partner (even when in a deteriorating relationship), to the vivid and idiosyncratic ways individuals of different ages, genders and nationalities describe their "ideal romantic evening."Much more than a peek behind the relationship curtain, The Normal Bar offers readers an array of prescriptive tools that will help them establish a "new normal." Mindful of what keeps couples stuck in ruts, the book's authors suggest practical and life-changing ways to break cycles of disappointment and frustration.

Normal Enough

by Marie Sexton

2nd EditionA Wrench Wars StoryWhat is "normal"? When Brandon Kenner shows up at Kasey Ralston's garage with a 1970 Chevelle SS 454, Kasey is smitten by both the man and his car. But Kasey is hiding an embarrassing secret: his love for old muscle cars goes beyond what most would consider normal. His unusual fetish has kept Kasey isolated--estranged from his family and even distant from his coworkers. But when Brandon figures out the hot mechanic's secret, he's not repulsed. In fact, he finds Kasey intriguing, and he's determined to have him for himself. Everything about Brandon revs Kasey's engine, and he's more than willing to get down and dirty with the charming man. What worries Kasey is what will happen after. Is there any chance of a future for them? In the past, expecting anything long-term has only led to heartbreak. But Kasey can't help hoping that, despite Kasey's fetish, Brandon will be the exception. First Edition published by Amber Allure, 2014.

Normal Family: On Truth, Love, and How I Met My 35 Siblings

by Chrysta Bilton

This riveting, nuanced memoir about unforgettable individuals thrown together by chance and DNA tells a story of nature, nurture, and coming to terms with one's true inheritance. What is a &“normal family,&” and how do you go about making one? Chrysta Bilton&’s magnetic, larger-than-life mother, Debra, yearned to have a child, but as a single gay woman in 1980s California, she had few options. Until one day, while getting her hair done in a Beverly Hills salon, she met a man and instantly knew he was the one she&’d been looking for. Beautiful, athletic, artistic, and from a well-to-do family, Jeffrey Harrison appeared to be Debra&’s ideal sperm donor. A verbal agreement, a couple of thousand in cash, and a few squirts of a turkey baster later, and Chrysta was conceived. Over the years, Jeffrey would make regular appearances at the family home, which grew to include Chrysta&’s baby sister. But how much did Debra really know about the man she&’d chosen to father her daughters? And as a single mother torn between ferocious independence and abject dependence—on other women, alcohol, drugs, and the adrenaline of get-rich-quick schemes—what secrets of her own was she keeping? It wasn&’t until Chrysta was a young adult that she discovered just how much her parents had hidden from their daughters—and each other—including a shocking revelation with far-reaching consequences not only for Debra, Chrysta, and her sister, but for dozens and possibly hundreds of unsuspecting families across the country. After a lifetime of longing for a &“normal family,&” can Chrysta face the reality of her own, in all its complexity? Bringing us into the fold of a deeply dysfunctional yet fiercely loving clan that is anything but &“normal,&” this emotional roller coaster of a memoir will make you cry, laugh, and rethink the meaning of family. Named a 'Best Book of the Summer' by LA Times, People, USA Today, Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, Amazon, Apple, Cup of Jo, Kirkus, Parade, & Today

The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me: Two Plays

by Larry Kramer Tony Kushner

The Normal Heart, set during the early years of the AIDS epidemic, is the impassioned indictment of a society that allowed the plague to happen, a moving denunciation of the ignorance and fear that helped kill an entire generation. It has been produced and taught all over the world. Its companion play, The Destiny of Me is the stirring story of an AIDS activist forced to put his life in the hands of the very doctor he has been denouncing.

Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law

by Dean Spade

Revised and Expanded EditionWait--what's wrong with rights? It is usually assumed that trans and gender nonconforming people should follow the civil rights and "equality" strategies of lesbian and gay rights organizations by agitating for legal reforms that would ostensibly guarantee nondiscrimination and equal protection under the law. This approach assumes that the best way to address the poverty and criminalization that plague trans populations is to gain legal recognition and inclusion in the state's institutions. But is this strategy effective? In Normal Life Dean Spade presents revelatory critiques of the legal equality framework for social change, and points to examples of transformative grassroots trans activism that is raising demands that go beyond traditional civil rights reforms. Spade explodes assumptions about what legal rights can do for marginalized populations, and describes transformative resistance processes and formations that address the root causes of harm and violence. In the new afterword to this revised and expanded edition, Spade notes the rapid mainstreaming of trans politics and finds that his predictions that gaining legal recognition will fail to benefit trans populations are coming to fruition. Spade examines recent efforts by the Obama administration and trans equality advocates to "pinkwash" state violence by articulating the US military and prison systems as sites for trans inclusion reforms. In the context of recent increased mainstream visibility of trans people and trans politics, Spade continues to advocate for the dismantling of systems of state violence that shorten the lives of trans people. Now more than ever, Normal Life is an urgent call for justice and trans liberation, and the radical transformations it will require.

Normality: A Critical Genealogy

by Peter Cryle Elizabeth Stephens

The concept of normal is so familiar that it can be hard to imagine contemporary life without it. Yet the term entered everyday speech only in the mid-twentieth century. Before that, it was solely a scientific term used primarily in medicine to refer to a general state of health and the orderly function of organs. But beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, normal broke out of scientific usage, becoming less precise and coming to mean a balanced condition to be maintained and an ideal to be achieved. In Normality, Peter Cryle and Elizabeth Stephens offer an intellectual and cultural history of what it means to be normal. They explore the history of how communities settle on any one definition of the norm, along the way analyzing a fascinating series of case studies in fields as remote as anatomy, statistics, criminal anthropology, sociology, and eugenics. Cryle and Stephens argue that since the idea of normality is so central to contemporary disability, gender, race, and sexuality studies, scholars in these fields must first have a better understanding of the context for normality. This pioneering book moves beyond binaries to explore for the first time what it does—and doesn’t—mean to be normal.

North Star

by Posy Roberts

Hugo and Kevin were best friends and secret lovers in high school, but a chance meeting years later proves that the spark that drew them together before is still there. In Spark, Hugo and Kevin must try to put together a relationship while overcoming the obstacles of coming out, divorce and children. In Fusion, an unexpected illness may tear apart all they've been building. And in Flare, though they've finally settled together happily, outside forces are working hard to upset their family.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

North to the Future

by Andrew Grey

Jim Kulik is giving a ranger talk as part of his job at Denali National Park, but his eyes keep wandering to an attractive blond man, who to Jim's surprise, seems to be looking back. Dave Roberts recently moved to Alaska on a business transfer, and after mourning his lover for two years, he's looking to begin again. It is amidst the glory and beauty of the Alaskan wilderness that the two men will find love in each other's arms.

North to Zombieville

by Meg Bawden

The year is 2028, and Dallas and Raleigh Jenson are torn apart when a worldwide zombie apocalypse ravages their home of Townsville, Australia. After a year of searching, Dallas, a former Australian Army rifleman, finally reunites with Raleigh, but it's not like old times. Not only do they have zombies to contend with, but they also have to deal with other humans changed by desperation and willing to do anything to survive. Dallas and Raleigh have changed too. So much so that Dallas struggles with the idea that Raleigh no longer needs or wants his protection. But they will have to rely on each other and find strength in their love as they are forced to evade zombies and watch their friends die. As they fight for their lives in a brutal landscape where every supply and every step toward a potential cure is a battle to the death, only their trust in each other can keep them from perishing.

Northern Blue

by Tracey Richardson

At the top of her class in the Ontario Police Academy, Miranda McCauley is an athletically gifted, intensely ambitious young woman. Angry for allowing herself to be seduced and dumped by her predatory physical training instructor, Miranda resolves not to let anything stand in the way of her career. When Miranda falls for fellow recruit Miki Paxton, their love affair ignites a firestorm of searing passion. But even Miki can't melt Miranda's ambitions to be a police chief by the time she's forty, and the two-part company on graduation day. Years later, in line for a big promotion and engaged to the mayor's son, Miranda seems well on the way to achieving her goals. No one would suspect that this outstanding policewoman is haunted by an emptiness that no amount of success can fill. Then Miki transfers to Miranda's town...

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