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Acsquidentally in Love: Acsquidentally in Love DE (Kraken-Krimi der Anderen Dimension)

by K.L. Hiers

Nichts bringt zwei Männer – oder einen Mann und einen alten Gott – so zusammen wie Rache. Privatdetektiv Sloane hat seine Karriere bei der Polizei aufgegeben, um den Mörder seiner Eltern zu finden. Wie sie ist er ein Anhänger längst vergessener Götter, praktiziert ihre Magie und betet sie an ... nicht, dass er jemals eine Antwort erhalten hätte. Bis jetzt. Azaethoth, der Geringere, mag der Schutzpatron der Diebe und Betrüger sein, aber er kümmert sich um seine Anhänger. Er ist auf die Erde gekommen, um den Mord an einem seiner Lieblinge zu rächen, und vielleicht auch, um den süßen Detektiv zu verzaubern, den das Schicksal ihm in den Weg gelegt hat. Wenn es nach ihm ginge, würden sie viel mehr tun, als nur einen Mörder vor Gericht zu stellen. Denn er ist sich ziemlich sicher, den Mann gefunden zu haben, mit dem er sein unsterbliches Leben verbringen möchte. Sloanes Entschlossenheit bröckelt angesichts Azaethoths überraschender Anmut, und die Tentakel, die er manchmal erspähen kann, wenn sie aus der sterblichen Gestalt des Gottes hervorkommen, regen seine Fantasie an. Aber ihre Ermittlungen werden immer seltsamer und tödlicher. Um zu überleben, brauchen sie ein wenig Vertrauen … und viel mystische Feuerkraft.

Act Cool

by Tobly McSmith

A trans teen walks the fine line between doing whatever it takes for his acting dream and staying true to himself in this moving, thought-provoking YA novel from the acclaimed author of Stay Gold. Aspiring actor August Greene just landed a coveted spot at the prestigious School of Performing Arts in New York. There’s only one problem: His conservative parents won’t accept that he’s transgender. And to stay with his aunt in the city, August must promise them he won’t transition. <p><p> August is convinced he can play the part his parents want while acting cool and confident in the company of his talented new friends. But who is August when the lights go down? And where will he turn when the roles start hitting a little too close to home?

ACT for Gender Identity: The Comprehensive Guide

by Alex Stitt

Increasingly adopted by therapists and mental health professionals, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) helps clients to cope with social, emotional and mental health issues by using the six core ACT processes: Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Being Present, the Self as Context, Values and Committed Action.This is the go-to-guide for evidence-based ACT techniques to be used by professionals to help their transgender, genderqueer, genderfluid, third gender and agender clients. It provides the tools to help these clients develop emotional processing skills they can implement throughout their life, from coping with mental health issues and substance abuse, to navigating prejudice and social pressure, to building a career and developing a family.

An Act of Generosity

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Is sex enough? Can it evolve into love, or will a generous act return to kick Rob where it hurts?Robert may be gay, but he's a responsible adult and a dedicated businessman. He hesitates to hire Lee, the man who's applied for the position of PA at his firm, knowing how hard it will be to deny his attraction to the younger man. What's worse, his business partner's pressing Robert to rent a room to the new hire.But Lee hasn't been entirely honest with his new employers. He's trying to unravel the mysteries of his past, but instead, he falls for Robert.Lee knows Robert has feelings for him, but can he get the proper English gentleman to admit they might share more than lust? And what will happen when Robert discovers they share a past?

Acte deux (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #33)

by Ariel Tachna

L’amour suit une courbe d’apprentissage abrupte. Proviseur adjoint au lycée Henry Clay, Blake Barnes a tout ce qu’il désire : une chance d’aider des étudiants en difficulté et un exutoire à sa passion pour le théâtre. Enfin, presque tout – personne ne l’attend chez lui. Et voilà que son béguin du lycée fait un retour explosif dans sa vie en la personne du tuteur inattendu de deux garçons qui se trouvent sous sa responsabilité. Thane Dalton a toujours été un bad boy pur et dur. Peu de choses ont changé depuis l’époque du lycée, y compris la méfiance qu’il éprouve envers les représentants de l’autorité, et aucune bureaucratie institutionnelle ne l’empêchera de protéger ses neveux des petits caïds qui les terrorisent. Si cela veut dire se prendre la tête avec Blake, ainsi soit-il. Blake et Thane ont chacun des leçons à apprendre et notamment qu’ils ont tous les deux les intérêts des garçons à cœur, mais aussi que la tension qui couve entre eux n’est pas seulement conflictuelle et que des étincelles peuvent voler lorsque les contraires s’attirent.

Acting Out

by Tibby Armstrong

Jeremy Ash, out-and-proud Hollywood hopeful, has all the makings of a mega-star. If only someone would give him a chance to finally shine. One failed audition away from leaving Tinsel Town forever, he’s given an unexpected shot at the buzz project of the year—a gay coming of age story by a famed directorKit Harris, former child actor, was once an industry darling. Now 21, he’s lucky if his own mother remembers his name. So, when he’s offered the chance to star opposite newcomer Jeremy in an edgy indie flick that promises to jumpstart his failing career, Kit’s onboard. Theoretically. That is until he meets his too-attractive co-star. The film has an astonishing lack of wardrobe, and neither actor must dig very deep to find the searing passion the director demands.During six months of filming and fame chasing, Kit gives Jeremy a crash course in Superstar-101. Jeremy, in return, gives Kit a dose of the normalcy he’s never known. Pursuing a long-term relationship is hardly the way to salvage Kit’s career. But when being with Jeremy feels so right, how long can Kit continue to pretend he’s only acting out?

Acting Out

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Can a kiss really change everything?Having made a very successful film together, friends and actors, Nick and Alex have to decide whether to take on another joint venture or go their separate ways creatively. Then the perfect manuscript arrives, offering financial security and the opportunity to one day run their own production company.The film is Nick’s dream, incorporating amazing effects, a wonderful script, a character every actor aspires to play with the director everyone’s begging to work with. There’s one snag: Nick and Alex will have to get rather personal on set.Nickhasto refuse but much to his surprise, Alex isn’t willing to take no for an answer. Nick eventually agrees, despite a nosy reporter and his brother turning against him. After all, it’s just pretence. It’s not as if he’s gay and wants to make out with his friend...not until Alex kisses him. Then it really gets interesting.

Acting Out

by Scotty Cade

After one very long tour of duty in Afghanistan and an honorable discharge from the USMC, Elijah Preston comes home to nothing. He barely scrapes up enough money for a cheap motel in Quantico, Virginia, with no money-making opportunities in sight. A chance encounter in a local Walmart finally gives Eli hope for employment. Elijah is ready to sign on with Royce Mackey&apos;s proposition... until he hears what's required. Royce operates a gay military porn site and wants Eli as his next star, never mind that Eli isn't gay. Desperate and broke, Eli grudgingly accepts Royce's offer and soon finds himself immersed in a strange new world. Hamish Turner's been there before. Taking Eli under his wing, he teaches him everything he can about Royce's operation. The two quickly become friends, easing the way for their first scene together. Awkward at first, they both ease into it and find there is more of a connection between them than either expected. Curious to see where their mutual attraction takes them, they begin a relationship off-screen. But life gets complicated when a crazed fan of Hamish's starts sending threatening letters demanding the scenes between the two men stop. Or else....

Acting the Part

by Scarlet Blackwell

It's two days before Christmas and actor Jaden Grey gets his big break playing a firefighter on a prime time TV show. He expects little more than to read the script before breaking for the holidays, but the director has a better idea -- filming a love scene with his hot male co-star five minutes after meeting him.Jaden isn’t gay, but the moment Carlos kisses him, he re-evaluates his whole life ...

Acting the Part

by Z.R. Ellor

This delightfully tropey teen romance perfect for fans of Ashley Poston and Lyla Lee follows a queer teen actor navigating their gender identity—while pretending to date their co-star. Queer actor Lily Ashton has found fame playing lesbian warrior Morgantha on the hit TV show Galaxy Spark. Lily knows how little representation queer girls have, so when the showrunners reveal that Morgantha’s on-screen love interest, Alietta, is going to be killed off, Lily orchestrates an elaborate fake-dating scheme with the standoffish actress who plays her, to generate press and ensure a happy ending for the #Morganetta ship.But while playing a doting girlfriend on- and off-screen, Lily struggles with whether a word like “girl” applies to them at all.Lily’s always been good at playing a part. But are they ready to share their real self, even if it means throwing everything they’ve fought for away?

Acting Up

by John Inman

It’s not easy breaking into show biz. Especially when you aren’t exactly loaded with talent. But Malcolm Fox won’t let a little thing like that hold him back. Actually, it isn’t the show-business part of his life that bothers him as much as the romantic part—or the lack thereof. At twenty-six, Malcolm has never been in love. He lives in San Diego with his roommate, Beth, another struggling actor, and each of them is just as unsuccessful as the other. While Malcolm toddles off to this audition and that, he ponders the lack of excitement in his life. The lack of purpose. The lack of a man. Then Beth’s brother moves in. Freshly imported from Missouri of all places, Cory Williams is a towering hunk of muscles and innocence, and Malcolm is gobsmacked by the sexiness of his new roomie from the start. When infatuation enters the picture, Malcolm knows he’s really in trouble. After all, Cory is straight! At least, that’s the general consensus.

Action=Vie: A History of AIDS Activism and Gay Politics in France

by Christophe Broqua

Act Up-Paris became one of the most notable protest groups in France in the mid-1990s. Founded in 1989, and following the New York model, it became a confrontational voice representing the interests of those affected by HIV through openly political activism. Action=Vie, the English-language translation of Christophe Broqua’s study of the grassroots activist branch, explains the reasons for the group’s success and sheds light on Act Up's defining features—such as its unique articulation between AIDS and gay activism. Featuring numerous accounts by witnesses and participants, Broqua traces the history of Act Up-Paris and shows how thousands of gay men and women confronted the AIDS epidemic by mobilizing with public actions. Act Up-Paris helped shape the social definition not only of HIV-positive persons but also of sexual minorities. Broqua analyzes the changes brought about by the group, from the emergence of new treatments for HIV infection to normalizing homosexuality and a controversy involving HIV-positive writers’ remarks about unprotected sex. This rousing history ends in the mid-2000s before marriage equality and antiretroviral treatments caused Act Up-Paris to decline.

Active Duty: Gay Military Erotic Romance

by Neil Plakcy

These fierce stories of love on the front lines grab and hold readers' attention as they travel the world with these soldier on Active Duty. In the wake of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act getting repealed, Neil Plakcy brings the two issues together into heart-pounding vignettes of men of action who put their lives on the line to protect and serve. The heat of battle only amps up the level of excitement knowing that this tryst might be the last. These heroic hunks fight for love and honor and will have readers begging for their next debriefing!

Active Duty: Gay Military Erotic Romance

by Neil Plakcy

These fierce stories of love on the front lines grab and hold readers' attention as they travel the world with these soldier on Active Duty. In the wake of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act getting repealed, Neil Plakcy brings the two issues together into heart-pounding vignettes of men of action who put their lives on the line to protect and serve. The heat of battle only amps up the level of excitement knowing that this tryst might be the last. These heroic hunks fight for love and honor and will have readers begging for their next debriefing!

Activism and Marginalization in the AIDS Crisis

by Michael A Hallett

Activism and Marginalization in the AIDS Crisis shows readers how the advent of HIV-disease has brought into question the utility of certain forms of “activism” as they relate to understanding and fighting the social impacts of disease. This informative and powerful book is centrally concerned about the ways in which institutionally governed social constructions of HIV/AIDS affect policy and public images of the disease more so than activist efforts. It asserts that an accounting of the power institutional structures have over the dominant social constructions of HIV disease is fundamental to adequate forms of present and future AIDS activism. Chapters in Activism and Marginalization in the AIDS Crisis demonstrate how, despite what is thought of as the “successful activism” of the past decade, the claims of the HIV-positive are still being ignored, still being marginalized, and still being administratively “handled” and exploited even as the plight of those who find themselves HIV-positive worsens. Although chapters reject the assertion that activism has been a highly effective remedy to HIV-positive voicelessness, authors do not deny that activists have been vocal, but that they continue to be ignored despite their vocality.Contributors in Activism and Marginalization in the AIDS Crisis offer numerous examples of institutional control and demonstrate that institutional structures, and not activists, are controlling the public meaning of HIV-related issues. Readers learn how messages about HIV/AIDS are produced, negotiated, modified, and sustained through institutional mechanisms that serve mostly institutional interests rather than those of the HIV-positive. In gaining an understanding of these issues, readers will begin to learn how to modify and strengthen activist efforts with valuable insight on: the lack of HIV-positive voices in mainstream news portrayals of HIV/AIDS research on constructions of HIV-disease at the state government level social constructions and how they affect HIV/AIDS policy the political construction of AIDS and interest-based struggles the emergent “bio-politics” of HIV and homosexuality in the U.S. how institutional power works to govern public understanding of HIV diseaseInstitutional structures are defined in this book as groups engaged in and defined by the production of various “truths” which sustain them. Institutional power may be defined as the capacity to regulate, constrain, and disseminate versions of “truth.” Activism and Marginalization in the AIDS Crisis reveals how HIV activist groups have been outmaneuvered when it comes to the production and dissemination of various “truths” about HIV/AIDS by institutional structures more deeply steeped in social legitimacy and which have a superior capacity for message dissemination.HIV/AIDS activists, HIV-positive persons and those with AIDS, HIV/AIDS educators, public and institutional policymakers, health professionals, and the general public will find this book essential to understanding the social constructions of HIV/AIDS, how these affect HIV/AIDS-related policy and public opinion, and how to begin to cipher through the plethora of information to find and promote the “truth.”

The Actor and the Earl (The Crofton Chronicles #1)

by Rebecca Cohen

2nd EditionThe Crofton Chronicles: Book OneElizabethan actor Sebastian Hewel takes his bow at the proscenium only to embark on the role of a lifetime. When his twin sister, Bronwyn, reneges on the arrangement to marry Anthony Redbourn, Earl of Crofton, Sebastian reluctantly takes her place. At nineteen, Sebastian knows his days as a leading lady are numbered, but with this last performance, he hopes to restore his family's name and pay off his late father's debts. Never mind the danger of losing his head should he be discovered. He didn't expect Anthony to be so charming and alluring--not to mention shrewd. While he applauds Sebastian's plan, Anthony offers a mutually beneficial arrangement instead. Sebastian will need every drop of talent he has to survive with both his head and his heart intact, because this is the best part he's ever had.A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.1st edition published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2012. Winner in the 2013 Rainbow Awards.Sixth: Best LGBT Cover - Illustration

The Actor's Guide To Adultery

by Rick Copp

They say bad news comes in threes. Jarrod Jarvis is about to test that theory. Bad news item #1. Former child actor Jarrod Jarvis fails to convince the California parole board not to release Wendell Butterworth, the stalker who has followed him since his first Oscar Mayer commercial. #2. Jarrod's NBC pilot flatlines before it even hits the air. #3. His agent/best friend Laurette decides to marry gorgeous, talent-free, and dubiously shady soap actor Juan Carlos Barranco. But things are about to get worse. During Laurette's drive-thru wedding at the Hearst Castle, one of the guests has a heated scene of his own with Juan Carlos--just before crashing into the three-tier wedding cake, poisoned by a glass of champagne. Jarrod is convinced that Juan Carlos is connected to the murder, and he's determined to get the goods on Laurette's new husband, even if it means trailing him to the set of his latest movie, a low-budget horror film, and taking a (gasp!) supporting role. It isn't long before Juan Carlos exposes himself not as a murderer, but as a Viagra-fueled player who is simultaneously bedding his sexy, older leading lady, his young female co-star and a hot Latin man he meets on the QT. Now, trapped in surreal South Florida, home of early bird specials, neon thongs, and, God forbid, his own parents, Jarrod is living out his worst nightmare, keeping an eye on his best friend's cheating husband, fighting his own attraction to a butch P. I. , playing opposite a child star who makes Linda Blair's "Exorcist" turn seem charming, and running from the mob. But while Jarrod has been following Juan's every salacious move, someone else has been tailing Jarrod. Someone who thinks he knows too much for his own good. Someone with the power to turn a cheesy slasher movie into cinema verite. . . and give Jarrod his final screen credit. . . "Wickedly amusing. . . This light confection is certain to tickle readers who appreciate Copp's flair in mixing mystery with a Hollywood Confidential wackiness. "--Publishers Weekly

The Actor's Guide To Greed

by Rick Copp

Getting butchered at the hands of a serial killer in the "high concept" slasher film, Creeps, was supposed to revive former child star Jarrod Jarvis's career. Instead, it's a celluloid Titanic. While nursing his wounds at the post-premiere party at a Starbucks on Beverly Boulevard, Jarrod runs into Wallace Goodwin, one of the former writers on Go to Your Room, the beloved eighties show that made Jarrod a star. He's shocked to discover that the neurotic, egotistical Wallace has penned a play bound for London's West End, with a scene-stealing part for Jarrod. Faster than he can say his catchphrase, "Baby, don't even go there!" Jarrod's hitting the boards in London. . . and the boards are hitting back, big time. As much as the actors all seem to loathe one another, they truly resent Jarrod. The hotshot young director with a thing for girls named Kate berates him at every turn. British legend Dame Sylvia Horner is so sloshed she can barely read her lines. Bollywood beefcake Akshay Kapoor's one facial expression seems to be handsome glowering--when he isn't making eyes at Jarrod's hunky LAPD boyfriend, Charlie. And since coming out has made him hot again, Sir Anthony Stiles wastes no time "tutoring" every young actor in a twelve-mile radius. Jarrod's only friend in the cast is the formidable Claire Richards. The sexy, forty-something, champagne-swilling, Oscar-winning actress is the undisputed star of the show. No one can play a death scene like La Claire. Except that this time, the diva isn't faking it. She's been poisoned, and the last person to see her alive was Jarrod himself. . . Outrageous, wild, and absolutely fabulous, Rick Copp's The Actor's Guide to Greed skewers everything in its path and serves it up with mango chutney--proof positive that when the tart-tongued Jarrod Jarvis is on the case, the buzz is very, very good.

Acts of Disclosure: The Coming-Out Process of Contemporary Gay Men

by Marc E. Vargo

Confronting the psychological, social, sexual, legal, and political issues at stake in the coming-out process, Acts of Disclosure: The Coming-Out Process of Contemporary Gay Men uses research findings and first-hand accounts to help gay adolescents and men accept and embrace their sexual identity as an integral part of their being. Offering helpful advice and specific suggestions that will guide you through the coming-out process, this text also teaches family, friends, and colleagues how they can support and encourage you in this challenge.A roadmap through the confusing process of coming to terms with your sexuality both privately and publicly, Acts of Disclosure walks you step-by-step through the stages of coming out, the emotions involved, the potential pitfalls, and the kinds of receptions you may meet. It points out both healthy and self-destructive coping strategies and teaches you how to take responsibility for your sexuality. You will find its discussions straightforward, honest, and direct, as it broaches the following topics: coming out in American schools expressing your sexual identity on the job the harmful effects of involuntary public exposure why some parents adjust better than others to the fact that they have a gay child the damaging effects of social myths attached to homosexuality the emotional and behavioral reactions wives have after discovering that their husbands are gay how to anticipate a possible “outing” against oneself and the advantages of coming out to prevent such an act compulsory social programming that may be deeply injurious to gay adolescents disclosing your sexual identity after the onset of AIDSGay males of all ages, parents, friends, children, therapists, psychologists, social workers, and educators who read Acts of Disclosure will realize their error in treating gay sexual identity as undesirable, shameful, or second-rate. As you turn the last page of this comprehensive and enlightening book, you will likely find yourself with an appreciation of gay male sexuality as well as with a better understanding of the complexities of human nature.

Acts of Passion: Sexuality, Gender, and Performance

by Nina Rapi Maya Chowdhry

The first volume to focus exclusively on lesbian performance work, Acts of Passion: Sexuality, Gender, and Performance draws on the experiences and expertise of a wide range of lesbian practitioners and theorists to explore the impact and influences of sexuality and gender on performance. It examines essays, dialogues, and performance texts from theater directors, performers, theorists, playwrights, and performance writers against social and cultural constructs and performance theories to produce a diverse and challenging portrait of lesbian live performance art. The book’s penetrating scope covers drag queens, lesbian vampires, representations of lesbian sex, solo artists, the art of collaboration, lesbian aesthetics, and lesbian playwrights writing straight and illustrates why live performance is one of the most dynamic forums in which women can create, control, and produce their work without artistic constraint.Acts of Passion explodes binary definitions of gender and sexuality by destabilizing familiar notions of the ‘real’and creating new production values and aesthetics in the process. The relationships between experience and expression, sexuality and cultural placing, context and artistic control, representation and self-representation become clearer as the book discusses: the manner in which women are represented as absent in the signifying system of patriarchal society how questions of purity, ‘authenticity,’and self-definition complicate the field of representation the power of lesbian dance performance to make the lesbian body culturally visible several ‘new wave’performers--creating work, getting seen, showing flesh, doing politics, and making money the projections, preconceptions, expectations, and general baggage attached to the performing lesbian body what the term ‘lesbian playwright’means within contemporary culture ‘It’s Queer Up North’--a British National Arts Organization the arguments for and against mainstreaming lesbian performanceAnyone interested in theater and performance, cultural studies, gender issues, and the politics of ‘positive representation’--whether playwright, performer, director, writer, academic, student, or theatre goer--will find Acts of Passion a powerful step in wrenching the power of representation away from the dominant culture. Defiant, saucy, sexy, and smart, the contributors appropriate their own spaces, identities, crafts, and languages, both within this book and without.

Acts of Service: A Novel

by Lillian Fishman

ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOKS OF 2022—BuzzFeed, Vogue, Electric Lit, The Millions, Lit HubA provocative debut of sex and sexuality—&“depicting the liquid frequencies of need and power with a thoughtful, savage eye&” (Raven Leilani, author of Luster)—as a twentysomething New Yorker pursues a sexual freedom that follows no other lines than her own desire.&“Radical, daring, and bracing . . . for me, it made the human creature feel like something new.&”—Sheila Heti, author of How Should a Person Be? and Pure ColourI had been going around for years trying to figure out what sex meant to other people. . . . Eve has an adoring girlfriend, an impulsive streak, and a secret fear that she&’s wasting her brief youth with just one person. So one evening she posts some nudes online. This is how Eve meets Olivia, and through Olivia the charismatic Nathan. Despite her better instincts, the three soon begin a relationship—one that disturbs Eve as much as it enthralls her. As each act of their affair unfolds across a cold and glittering New York, Eve is forced to confront the questions that most consume her: What do we bring to sex? What does it reveal of ourselves, and one another? And how do we reconcile what we want with what we think we should want? In the way only great fiction can, Acts of Service takes between its teeth the contradictions written all over our ideas of sex and sexuality. At once juicy and intellectually challenging, sacred and profane, Lillian Fishman&’s riveting debut is bold, unabashed, and required reading of the most pleasurable sort.

Acts of Service

by Jessie Pinkham

Tom can’t catch a break when it comes to his love life. He isn’t good with romance, as his exes told him in uncharitable terms, and he’s starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with him. So when he finds himself attracted to his temporary roommate, he’s afraid of being called inadequate all over again.Alex has serious anxiety which make his life a challenge and his dating prospects slim to nonexistent. He assumes Tom isn’t interested in him because men never are. It’s a pleasant surprise to start a friends-with-benefits relationship, so Alex goes out on a limb in an attempt to impress Tom. When it backfires spectacularly, he thinks all hope is lost.Both men are held back by past rejections. Will a minor crisis bring them together ... or tear them apart?

The Actual Star: A Novel

by Monica Byrne

David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas meets Octavia Butler’s Earthseed series, as acclaimed author Monica Byrne (The Girl in the Road) crafts an unforgettable piece of speculative fiction about where humanity came from, where we are now, and where we’re going—and how, in every age, the same forces that drive us apart also bind us together."A stone-cold masterpiece."—New ScientistThe Actual Star takes readers on a journey over two millennia and six continents—telling three powerful tales a thousand years apart, all of them converging in the same cave in the Belizean jungle.Braided together are the stories of a pair of teenage twins who ascend the throne of a Maya kingdom; a young American woman on a trip of self-discovery in Belize; and two dangerous charismatics vying for the leadership of a new religion, racing toward a confrontation that will determine the fate of the few humans left on Earth after massive climate change.In each era, a reincarnated trinity of souls navigates the entanglements of tradition and progress, sister and stranger, and love and hate—until all of their age-old questions about the nature of existence converge deep underground, where only in complete darkness can they truly see.

Actually, I also Have Plug-ins: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Yin Ya

[Savage Melting VS Magical False Benevolence]Ezra Continent was a world where magic and martial arts prevailed. After death, they accidentally witnessed the murder scene and were forced to bind to the Child of Fate.Who said that the heart of the child of destiny must be filled with money? The one he met was a black bag, he thought he had found a thick leg, but who knew that this person was not only black-hearted, even the leg he hugged was black, and his conscience was also a passerby.

Actually, I also Have Plug-ins: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Yin Ya

[Savage Melting VS Magical False Benevolence]Ezra Continent was a world where magic and martial arts prevailed. After death, they accidentally witnessed the murder scene and were forced to bind to the Child of Fate.Who said that the heart of the child of destiny must be filled with money? The one he met was a black bag, he thought he had found a thick leg, but who knew that this person was not only black-hearted, even the leg he hugged was black, and his conscience was also a passerby.

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