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Lesbian Step Families: An Ethnography of Love

by Ellen Cole Esther D Rothblum Janet M Wright

Lesbian Step Families: An Ethnography of Love explores five lesbian step families’definitions of the step parent role and how they accomplish parenting tasks, cope with homophobia, and define and interpret their experiences. An intensive feminist qualitative study, the book offers guidelines for counselors and lesbian step families for creating healthy, functioning family structures and environments. It is the first book to concentrate exclusively on lesbian step families rather than on lesbian mothering in general.In Lesbian Step Families: An Ethnography of Love, you’ll explore in detail the different kinds of step relationships that are developed and what factors may lead to the different types of step mothering in lesbian step families. The book helps you understand these relationships and parent roles through in-depth discussions of: how a step mother and legal mother who live together negotiate and organize parenting and homemaking tasks how members of lesbian step families define and create the step mother role strategies family members use to define and cope with oppression how sexism is transmitted within the family and how mothering may limit and/or contribute to female liberation the opinions and viewpoints of the children of these families The findings in Lesbian Step Families: An Ethnography of Love challenge traditional views of mothering and fathering as gender and biologically based activities; they indicate that lesbian step families model gender flexibility and that the mothers and step mothers share parenting--both traditional mothering and fathering--tasks. This allows the biological mother some freedom from motherhood as well as support in it. With insight such as this, you will be prepared to help a client, a loved one, or yourself develop and maintain healthy family relationships.

Lesbian Utopics

by Annamarie Jagose

In Lesbian Utopics, Annamarie Jagose surveys the construction of the lesbian and finds her in a cultural space that is both everywhere and, of all places, nowhere. The "lesbian", in other words, is symbolically central, yet culturally marginal.

Lesbian Widows: Invisible Grief

by Victoria Whipple

The unseen issues of grief and discrimination-lesbians becoming widows The death of a life partner poses unique challenges for lesbians. Lesbian Widows: Invisible Grief reveals the touching and very personal stories of twenty-five women, including the author, who were widowed at a young age and forced to create a new life without their life partners. The book follows the widows from the time the couple met, to the time when one of the partners died, and beyond, to show how the surviving partner coped with her loss.Many lesbians feel that the intimacy felt between two women in love goes deeper than what can be experienced by heterosexual partners. Lesbian Widows: Invisible Grief reveals themes common to all these women&’s experiences while offering practical advice about coping techniques and resources for support. The widows discuss their efforts to create funerals and memorial services, give their accounts of the overwhelming grief throughout the first two years, and explain the legal and financial discrimination they encountered. The author provides a chapter specifically for caring family and friends, another chapter for professionals working with this sensitive population, and a bibliography of helpful coping resources.Lesbian Widows: Invisible Grief explores the topics of: caregivers/caretaking death and dying grief journeys the similarities and differences between lesbian and married widows the lack of support services for lesbian widows the legal and financial discrimination against lesbian widows the effect of being "in" or "out" on grief recovery the issues faced by widows in starting new relationships spirituality gay marriageLesbian Widows: Invisible Grief provides an insightful look into the grieving and recovery process, inspiring hope with the knowledge that others have survived this tragedy. This moving book is an essential resource for lesbians, friends and family of lesbians, mental health professionals, medical professionals, psychiatrists, LGBT health providers, feminist and lesbian organizations, and anyone involved with grief training programs such as hospice.

Lesbian Women and Sexual Health: The Social Construction of Risk and Susceptibility

by R Dennis Shelby Kathleen Dolan

Interviewer: Where did you find out how to have safe lesbian sex?Val: I found out in jail.Why do so many lesbian women engage in sexual behavior that puts their health, even their lives, at risk? Many know they&’re at risk, yet somehow feel safe enough to behave as if there is no reason to practice safe sex. Lesbian Women and Sexual Health: The Social Construction of Risk and Susceptibility examines how lesbian women perceive their level of risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It describes how their perceptions of risk and susceptibility are shaped by factors such as sexual identity, cultural themes, and community knowledge-and how those perceptions impact on the very real HIV/STI risks that lesbian women face. The genesis of Lesbian Women and Sexual Health: The Social Construction of Risk and Susceptibility lies in Kathleen Dolan&’s exploratory study of this under-researched area, in which 162 structured interviews and 70 in-depth interviews were conducted with women who self-identify as lesbians. What these women have to say will inform, educate, and probably surprise you. Tables and figures make complex data easy to access and understand.Lesbian women construct and label their identities and actions in complex ways that may lead to risky behavior. In the words of the women surveyed-and in Dr. Dolan&’s insightful commentary-this book explores the ways in which lesbian women construct their perceptions of risk and susceptibility to seek answers to questions that include: Do many lesbian women see themselves, to an extent, as immune to HIV contraction? How does their self-constructed sense of risk and susceptibility lead to making dangerous choices? Why, in spite of their professed willingness to engage in protective actions, do many lesbians not actually do so? Why do many lesbian women, and some of the health care professionals who serve them, feel that pap smears are not necessary for women who have sex only with other women-and what are the consequences of this opinion? What is the relationship between drug/alcohol use and risky sexual behaviors in lesbian women?Lesbian Women and Sexual Health: The Social Construction of Risk and Susceptibility is an important resource for women&’s/lesbian health advocates, health care professionals, and courses in gay/women&’s/medical studies. It addresses gaps in the existing research to enhance our understanding of the physical and mental health status of lesbian women, of risk factors and protective actions regarding HIV and STIs, and of the conditions for which protective actions actually reduce risk. Use it to update your knowledge of this under-studied area at the intersection of physical, emotional, and sexual health.

Lesbiana: ofrecida y abierta

by Ester García Gibert Kathleen Hope

Su mano cálida contra mi cara hizo que sintiera esa simple caricia por todo mi cuerpo. Quería estirar el brazo y atraerla hacia mi regazo y hacer todas esas cosas con las que había soñado pero esta era su primera vez con una mujer y no pretendía asustarla. Tenía que hacer las cosas con delicadeza y sensibilidad si tenía la esperanza de tener algo real y duradero con ella. Así que me senté y esperé a que ella diera el siguiente paso.

Lesbiana: Reina de las sábanas

by Angélica Zetina González Kathleen Hope

–¿Quién eres? –la miré–. ¿Eres un ángel o algo así? –estaba bromeando, pero el desconcierto en mi voz era real. Comenzó a reir. «Lo dudo mucho. Solo… tenía ganas de hacer un muy buen trabajo, por ti». –¿Qué vas a hacer después de que terminemos? Bueno… supongo que ya no hay nada abierto. –¿Cómo qué se te ocurre? –respondió. Se desató el cabello y...

Lesbiana: Su Primera Vez

by Kathleen Hope

Este libro cuenta la historia de Cindy, una mujer felizmente casada. Pero todo está a punto de cambiar, su esposo le da la sorpresa de su vida. Su vida da un giro inesperado siendo flechada por un amor casi imposible. La historia nos cuenta por todo lo que tuvo que pasar para poder encontrar al amor de su vida, un tanto prohibido envolviendo a los personajes en una erótica y excitante historia de amor.

Lesbiana: un sueño hecho realidad

by Kathleen Hope

Mía amaba su trabajo. Escribir una columna de consejos para personas con problemas sexuales era una tarea hecha especialmente para ella. Tenía un título en terapia y una extraña habilidad para ponerse en los zapatos de otras personas. Todos los días, su bandeja de entrada la recibía con un nuevo desafío. El lunes por la mañana no fue una excepción. Mía leyó el correo electrónico segundos después de arrastrarse fuera de la cama. Todavía no había tomado su café, pero el contenido explosivo del correo electrónico la despertó por completo.

Lesbiana: Sirviendo pasión

by Kathleen Hope

Había sido un día largo para Joni. Después de horas de práctica en la cancha, no podía esperar para llegar a casa y relajarse. Se tomó algunas fotos con los fanáticos, subió al auto con su entrenadora, la señora Wiggins, y se recostó sobre su asiento. —Wow, pensé que ese día nunca terminaría—dijo Joni. La señora Wiggins le daba el aspecto de una maestra de escuela severa. —No sé cómo decirte esto, querida, pero los días de práctica extra son muy importantes. ¿Cómo crees que Anna Sánchez se mantiene en la cima? Rodando los ojos, Joni dijo—: Sí, lo sé, señora Wiggins. Práctica, práctica, práctica. —Eso es correcto. ¿Dónde estás clasificada entre las tenistas del mundo, querida? —Segunda —gimió Joni. —¿Y cómo llegarás al número uno? —Práctica, práctica, práctica. La señora Wiggins sonrió. Joni también lo hizo, pero solo una de sus sonrisas era sincera. En ocasiones como éstas, ella lamentaba haber elegido la vida de un profesional del tenis. Pero, de nuevo, a menudo no parecía una opción en absoluto. Desde que tenía la edad suficiente para sostener una raqueta, la pusieron en la cancha mientras sus orgullosos padres sonreían.

Lesbiana: Canción del Deseo

by Kathleen Hope

Mindy había estado esperando este concierto durante meses. Entonces, cuando el locutor se acercó al altavoz y dijo: "Damas y caballeros, ¡denle la bienvenida a Tammy Sweet!", casi saltó de su piel con alegría. Cuando Tammy ocupó el centro del escenario bajo la mirada del centro de atención, la gigantesca multitud se volvió loca, pero nadie gritó más fuerte o con más entusiasmo que Mindy. —¿No es increíble, Danny? —le gritó a su cita. Danny asintió robóticamente. —Sí, simplemente genial. Por doscientos dólares por boleto, es mejor que sea ​​increíble. —Mindy se echó a reír, luego volvió su atención al escenario, observando cada movimiento de su cantante favorita, el baile en forma de serpiente que hacía al comienzo de la canción, el movimiento de sus caderas y, por supuesto, esa voz suave y seductora. Tammy era todo lo que Mindy quería ser. Durante el resto de la noche, todos los demás en la arena desaparecieron en lo que respectaba a Mindy. Incluso su cita, Danny se desvaneció cuando Tammy Sweet pareció apuntar su voz dolorosamente bonita hacia ella y solo a ella. Al final del espectáculo, ella estaba rebotando, gritando por más. Su cita fue un poco menos entusiasta. En el viaje en coche a casa, puso los ojos en blanco cuando Mindy solo podía hablar de una cosa: Tammy Sweet. —Lo que más me gusta de su música es que sus canciones tienen que ver con tomar el control de tu vida en lugar de ser una víctima pasiva, ¿sabes a qué me refiero? —Sí, eso es genial —gruñó Danny—. Mindy, te gustaría— —Y otra gran cosa acerca de ella es que tiene tanta confianza en su belleza y su fuerza. Te digo que si tuviera una hija, me gustaría que creciera como Tammy Sweet. Danny sonrió y la miró fijamente. Mindy estaba tan embelesada en su conversación sobre Tammy que ni siquiera se había dado cuenta de que el auto de Danny se había detenido

Lesbiana: Coger el ramo

by Kathleen Hope Anggena Beberaggi

Inclinándome, cerré mi boca sobre su piel. Debajo de mí, Juliana jadeó y abrió un poco más las piernas. Saboreé el sabor ligeramente salado de ella y comencé a lamerla como siempre, me había gustado que me hiciera, aunque nunca lo hizo. Juliana se movió, casi quitándomela. Pero aguanté y continueé explorandola con mi lengua. Después de un momento, me di cuenta de que todo lo que estaba haciendo, ella estaba haciendo a mí. Y me envió al límite ...

Lesbiana: El Knockout de Cassandra

by Kathleen Hope Diego

Jett puso su dedo en las partes de su amante, enviándolo a presionar dentro despacio, pero con la suficiente firmeza como para alzar la espalda de Lilly del colchón. Cassandra apenas podía mantener amortiguados sus gemidos. Pero Jett sólo estaba precalentando. Tomó a Lilly por las caderas y tiró a la pequeña dama en un riesgoso nuevo arreglo: cara contra el colchón, culo alto en el aire. Gruñendo como un oso pardo hambriento, Jett llevó sus labios a la resbaladiza alegría de Lilly por detrás. Y cualquier remilgo que la cocinera coreana hubiera tenido se desparramó inmediatamente. Con piernas moviéndose en espiral fuera de control y brazos que manoteaban todo lo que estuviera al alcance, derribó por accidente una lámpara. Entonces una muñeca errante se fue contra una pared, golpeándola con fuerza con la palma para luego deslizarse de arriba abajo mientras Jett se reacomodaba para poner sus coños en acalorado contacto...

Lesbiana: La verdadera pasión de Theresa

by Kathleen Hope Natalia Hermosillo

Theresa felizmente obedecía las ordenes, mirando con ojos ensanchados como el cuerpo debajo de ella se retorcía en ondas espásticas. Con su propio coño convirtiéndose en un torrente, bajó su boca y lamió el mojado desastre que se formaba entre las temblorosas piernas de Frieda. “Mmmmmm”, gimió Theresa, tomada por sorpresa por el dulzor, la delicadeza. Lamió más fuerte y los gritos de Frieda subieron de volumen. Miró como clavaba las uñas en la alfombra, luego se estiró y tiró de sus oídos. “¡Siiii, llegué! ¡Estoy dónde quiero estar! ¡Siiii!” El espectáculo era casi demasiado. Theresa realineó su cuerpo encima de Frieda de modo que…

Lesbiana: Tentada a Tocar

by Kathleen Hope Sonia Jurado

"Cicely se acercó y levantó la barbilla de Amy. 'Nunca dejaría de decirte lo bonita que eres.' Un crujido en la distancia le indico a Amy que los chicos estaban de regreso en el lugar." Creo que será mejor que regrese con los chicos. Probablemente piensen que me he perdido o algo así. Cicely asintió, luego colocó su mano cálida en el rostro de Amy y lo sostuvo con una mirada amorosa. -No temas tanto a tus impulsos, Amy. Te sorprendería ver hasta dónde pueden llevarte. Amy regresó a la fogata, aun sintiendo de alguna manera la mano de Cicely sobre su mejilla mientras se sentaba y miraba el sol que se arropaba detrás de la montaña lejana. 'No temas a tus impulsos. Te sorprendería saber hasta dónde pueden llevarte'... "ADVERTENCIA: este libro contiene escenas románticas llenas de vapor y no es adecuado para todas las edades. OBTENGA SU COPIA AHORA MISMO !!

Lesbiana: Bicuriosa Tentación

by Kathleen Hope Rodrigo Ponce

Me tomó un instante echarle una mirada. Ella era hermosa con su enérgica y rubia cabellera. Sin embargo no era rubia natural y yo me preguntaba cuál sería su color de pelo original. Sin embargo la miré directo a sus ojos. Dos piscinas de un verde y azul brillante. Una niña podría ahogarse en ellas. Permití que mi mirada viaje a través de su cuerpo. Ella tendría que tener más o menos mi edad pero se podría pensar que tenía alrededor de dieciocho por cómo se veía su cuerpo. Era delgada, esbelta aunque con ua musculatura de años de barras de equilibrio y caballete. Su cintura era pequeña y sus piernas largas. De golpe se me venían a la cabeza esas piernas largas y esbeltas alrededor de mi cuello mientras yo...

Lesbianas de Pies a Cabeza

by Kathleen Hope Mauricio Falconi

Priscila se puso de pie en un salto y caminó de un lado a otro de la habitación, agitada pero silenciosamente, intentando convencerse a ella misma. No soy lesbiana. No soy lesbiana. ¡Esto fue solo una fantasía de una sola vez! Y nunca había hecho nada ante estos deseos. ¡Nunca! No soy lesbiana. No soy lesbiana.


by Sybille Mauricio Falconi

Una abogada casada con hijos, Judy disfruta ligar mujeres jóvenes… hasta que una la transforma en una bebe-lesbiana adulta y la viste con panties de encajes rosados y pañales. Judy y Sam salían de manera regular desde el universidad, y planearon su vida futura juntos, como una exitosa abogada y un médico. Judy nunca rompió su compromiso hacia Sam incluso después de descubrir los placeres del sexo lésbico en los brazos de la novia del mejor amigo de Sam, Dora. Ahora una exitosa abogada, esposa de Sam, y madre de dos niños vivían en los suburbios, llevando una vida de clase media alta. Judy tiene una vida secreta. Cuando es posible, ella se da gusto con su “adicción” de tener chicas de edad universitaria. Una noche de viernes después de terminar su trabajo de abogacía de la semana, Judy se escapa a un antro del centro de la ciudad, aunque ella no aparenta ya menos de veinticinco, conoce a Sarah. Cara de ángel Pequeña, delgada, con pequeños y delicados senos. Sarah—la imposible combinación de inocencia infantil y de puta entrenada. Al dia siguiente, Judy despierta en el departamento de Sarah---con sus manos atadas a los postes de la cama. Vestida en un babydoll negro, Sarah alimenta a Judy con leche en una mamila. Después le puso unos panties de encaje rosa. Judy aprende como usar pañales. Ella y su estilo de vida suburbano de clase media alta, parece ya no ser importante. No comparado con servir como la beba esclava sexual de Sarah. Así que, ¡desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón de compra e inicia hoy! Porque quieres ser parte de la lujuria al rojo vivo de dos mujeres en esta corta historia de lesbianas. Advertencia, contenido sexual: juego de edades. Bebe adulto. Lesbiana. Mujeres mayores, mujeres jóvenes. Sexo oral. Esclava sexual. Infantilización. Pañales. Dominación y sumisión. Anal. Sexo con dildo. Entrenamie

The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School

by Sonora Reyes

A sharply funny and moving debut novel about a queer Mexican American girl navigating Catholic school, while falling in love and learning to celebrate her true self. Perfect for fans of Erika L. Sánchez, Leah Johnson, and Gabby Rivera.Sixteen-year-old Yamilet Flores prefers to be known for her killer eyeliner, not for being one of the only Mexican kids at her new, mostly white, very rich Catholic school. But at least here no one knows she’s gay, and Yami intends to keep it that way. After being outed by her crush and ex-best friend before transferring to Slayton Catholic, Yami has new priorities: keep her brother out of trouble, make her mom proud, and, most importantly, don’t fall in love. Granted, she’s never been great at any of those things, but that’s a problem for Future Yami. The thing is, it’s hard to fake being straight when Bo, the only openly queer girl at school, is so annoyingly perfect. And smart. And talented. And cute. So cute. Either way, Yami isn’t going to make the same mistake again. If word got back to her mom, she could face a lot worse than rejection. So she’ll have to start asking, WWSGD: What would a straight girl do? Told in a captivating voice that is by turns hilarious, vulnerable, and searingly honest, The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School explores the joys and heartaches of living your full truth out loud.

Lesbianism, Cinema, Space: The Sexual Life of Apartments (Routledge Advances in Film Studies)

by Lee Wallace

In this cutting edge volume, Wallace identifies a unique trend in post-Production Code films that deal with lesbian content: stories of lesbianism invariably engage with an apartment setting, a spatial motif not typically associated with lesbian history or cultural representation. Through the formal analysis of five lesbian apartment films, Wallace demonstrates how the standard repertoire of visual techniques and spatial devices (the elements of mise-en-scène, favoured locations and sets, classical systems of editing, and the implied story world itself) are used to scaffold female sexual visibility. With its sustained focus on the filmic syntax surrounding lesbian representation on screen in the post-Production Code era, the book comprises an original contribution to queer film studies. In addition, Wallace also deploys its discussion of lesbianism and cinematic space to critique a number of tendencies in contemporary social theory, particularly the theoretical identification of public sex cultures as the basis for a queer counterpublic sphere.

Lesbianism in Swedish Literature: An Ambiguous Affair

by Jenny Björklund

Here, Björklund shows that Swedish literary discourses on lesbianism provocatively contrast with a widely accepted view that attitudes toward homosexuality have gradually become more tolerant. The lasting power of negative discourses upends the assumption that Sweden's progressive laws reflect progressive attitudes toward homosexuality.

Lesbianism Made Easy

by Helen Eisenbach

The essential guide to enjoying modern lesbianism These days, lesbians are everywhere you turn, streaming for your entertainment or commenting on the important political movements and hairdos of the day. Yet as more doors open on this often-misunderstood world, who hasn&’t found him- or herself wondering how he or she might uncover the secrets, experience the glamour, enjoy the special advantages of lesbianism? Helen Eisenbach&’s hilariously irreverent guide provides a front-row seat to a largely female universe where love, lust, and forbidden laughter are just a fingertip away. Sharing hard-earned truths with sly insight and wit, Eisenbach reveals the fascinating inside story of a growing culture and shows how anyone can acquire the skills and state of mind to be a lesbian. From flirting to family values, from work to play, from enlightening friends, relatives, or strangers to figuring out how to have sex with women or choose a pet, Lesbianism Made Easy answers all your questions—and some you didn&’t know you had.

Lesbians and Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Theory and Practice

by Judith M. Glassgold Suzanne Iasenza

Psychoanalytic theories of lesbian development epitomize the difficulty in liberating psychoanalysis from the past. Psychoanalytic theory has traditionally adopted a clear position that a lesbian orientation represented some form of psychological abnormality. Thankfully-- but only very recently-- some influential feminist leaders have begun to rethink issues of gender and sexual orientation, removing heterosexuality from its privileged position as normal. In "Lesbians and Psychoanalysis", Judith M. Glassgold and Suzanne Iasenza bring together twenty-six of these pioneers in the field of lesbian psychoanalytic theory. Through insightful chapters based on years of clinical experience, each author helps to redefine psychoanalytic theory by reinventing its foundations from an affirmative perspective so that it better represents all peoples. "Lesbians and Psychoanalysis" addresses several topics of emerging concern including multicultural diversity, self-disclosure, homophobia, transference/countertransference issues, bisexuality, and the changing nature of lesbian sexuality. In addition, the authors examine the influence of stigma on human development. In three sections-- Past, Present, and Future-- the authors in turn critique past theory, discuss current issues in therapy, and describe new directions in theory and practice. This is a book that is sure to appeal not only to members of the psychoanalytic community but also to all those who are interested in gay and lesbian studies, feminism, and psychology.

Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave

by Judith Glassgold Suzanne Iasenza

Get a feminist perspective on important changes in psychoanalysis! Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave examines recent changes in psychoanalysis that have opened the door for new perspectives on same-sex desire. Authors from a variety of disciplines and theoretical orientations combine feminism with psychoanalytic and postmodern theories to celebrate diversity in gender and sexual experience. This collection of lesbian-affirmative writings addresses transference and countertransference, gender subjectivities, privilege and racism, therapist homophobia, and violence in lesbian relationships. In the past decade, psychoanalysis has undergone changes in clinical theory that have led to views on human sexuality that are less focused on what is "normal" and therapy practices that resist attempts to fit individuals into prescribed developmental models. Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis presents a variety of backgrounds (psychiatry, psychology, and social work), analytic training (formal institute training, study groups, supervision), and theoretical perspectives (self-psychology, object relations, relational psychoanalysis, feminist theory, queer theory, postmodernism, Lacanian theory) unified by the healing power of psychoanalytically informed theory and practice. The book is divided into three sections-"Community: Personal and Political," "Ongoing Clinical Issues," and "New Thinking on Sexuality and Gender," addressing lesbian tomboy development, the queering of relational psychoanalysis, how attachment theory and intersubjectivity can contribute to newer gender theory, and including: interviews with lesbian psychoanalytic foremothers Joanne Spina, Lee Crespi, and Judy Levitz Dr. Darla Bjork&’s account of her journey to becoming an openly lesbian therapist contrasting views on transference and countertransference from gay and lesbian therapists and much more! Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave is an essential practical resource for clinicians and a vital classroom tool for academics working in psychology, social work, psychoanalysis, gender and women&’s studies, queer studies, and lesbian and gay studies.

Lesbians in East Asia: Diversity, Identities, and Resistance

by Julie Garrison A

Discover the courageous, vibrant similarities and differences of lesbians in East AsiaHow are same-sex relationships similar or different in the cultures of East Asia? "Lesbians" in East Asia: Diversity, Identities, and Resistance is a unique examination of research and vital issues involving lesbians and lesbianism in East Asia, using perspectives by academics and activists who typically are rarely published in English. Contributing experts from Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan, and Korea discuss a variety of topics, including solidarity and conflicts between lesbians and feminists, identities and identity politics, lesbian lives and families, and representation in mainstream culture.Asia, because of its inherent language and cultural differences from Western society, is a location of a vast unrealized fount of knowledge about same-sex relationships and the societies in which they interact. "Lesbians" in East Asia: Diversity, Identities, and Resistance begins to fill this gap in knowledge, going beyond "East-West" divisions by gathering in one volume studies in Asia lesbian/queer studies of both the West and Asia. The text&’s emphasis is on points of connection and cooperation across the cultures within Asia and between this region and other areas of the world. Diverse viewpoints and research on lesbians in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan are presented showing issues and concerns that may be different-and often are very similar-to regions beyond those borders.Topics in "Lesbians" in East Asia: Diversity, Identities, and Resistance include: lesbian rights and feminism in Korea emotional damage suffered in family, work, and school contexts, including self-denial analysis of Internet exchanges in China, highlighting those feeling that they should maintain a low profile and others showing disdain toward the lesbian lifestyle gender inequality and discrimination and their effects on self-sufficiency the effects of expectations of marriage or remaining single on economics, legal standpoints, and in school ignorance and intolerance in Korean and Japanese societiesidentity politics conflicts of ideas between lesbians and feminists and much more! "Lesbians" in East Asia: Diversity, Identities, and Resistance is important, illuminating reading for academics and students in women&’s studies, gender studies, queer/sexuality studies, East Asian studies, and activists in feminist movements.

Lesbians of Color: Social and Human Services

by Hilda Hidalgo

Broaden your understanding of lesbians of color, their perspectives, and their needs from a human services point of view. Lesbians of Color: Social and Human Services helps you understand the ways in which lesbians of color perceive important issues related to their oppression and discrimination by the dominant social service community. The authors’personalized accounts graphically depict the deep-seated impacts of society’s racism, sexism, and homophobia. This insightful book suggests effective ways of changing detrimental practices and agency policies that perpetuate oppression and discrimination, and it enhances your interactions with lesbians of color. Chapters build on “feminist standpoint theory,” a theory of inquiry enlightened by authors’firsthand knowledge that helps you move from an intellectual to an empathic grasp of the points made by each author. The use of standpoint theory gives you a different way of gaining insight and understanding of the experiences of lesbians of color. It acts as a springboard for valuing and celebrating the experiences and perspectives of lesbians of color so you can, in turn, provide more sensitive and effective services to members of this population. Among the topics explored in Lesbians of Color are: specific ways white practitioners should behave to demonstrate their sensitivity and respect for lesbians of color insight as to how “need perceptions” and “problem diagnosis” varies when the practitioner listens to and understands lesbians of color specific identity issues that affect the emotional well-being of adopted lesbians visibility and activism as contributors to the mental health of lesbians of color how visibility and activism are essential in creating positive changes in policies and practices for lesbians of colorThis volume is useful for professionals involved in direct service practice with lesbian clients and for administrators of social service agencies. The book is also a helpful guide for educators in professional preparation programs who must introduce students to issues related to lesbians of color.

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