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Dietary Reference Intakes: Applications in Dietary Planning

by Subcommittee on Interpretation Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for apparently healthy people. This volume is the second of two reports in the DRI series aimed at providing specific guidance on the appropriate uses of the DRIs. The first report provided guidance on appropriate methods for using DRIs in dietary assessment. This volume builds on the statistical foundations of the assessment report to provide specific guidance on how to use the appropriate DRIs in planning diets for individuals and for groups. Dietary planning, whether for an individual or a group, involves developing a diet that is nutritionally adequate without being excessive. The planning goal for individuals is to achieve recommended and adequate nutrient intakes using food-based guides. For group planning, the report presents a new approach based on considering the entire distribution of usual nutrient intakes rather than focusing on the mean intake of the group. The report stresses that dietary planning using the DRIs is a cyclical activity that involves assessment, planning, implementation, and reassessment.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D: For Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, And Fluoride (Dietary Reference Intakes Ser.)

by Institute of Medicine

Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for the human body. Establishing the levels of these nutrients that are needed by the North American population is based on the understanding of the health outcomes that calcium and vitamin D affect. It is also important to establish how much of each nutrient may be "too much." Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D provides reference intake values for these two nutrients. The report updates the DRI values defined in Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride, the 1997 study from the Institute of Medicine. This 2011 book provides background information on the biological functions of each nutrient, reviews health outcomes that are associated with the intake of calcium and vitamin D, and specifies Estimated Average Requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances for both. It also identifies Tolerable Upper Intake Levels, which are levels above wish the risk for harm may increase. The book includes an overview of current dietary intake in the U.S. and Canada, and discusses implications of the study. A final chapter provides research recommendations. The DRIs established in this book incorporate current scientific evidence about the roles of vitamin D and calcium in human health and will serve as a valuable guide for a range of stakeholders including dietitians and other health professionals, those who set national nutrition policy, researchers, the food industry, and private and public health organizations and partnerships.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium (Dietary Reference Intakes Ser.)

by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine

As essential nutrients, sodium and potassium contribute to the fundamentals of physiology and pathology of human health and disease. In clinical settings, these are two important blood electrolytes, are frequently measured and influence care decisions. Yet, blood electrolyte concentrations are usually not influenced by dietary intake, as kidney and hormone systems carefully regulate blood values. Over the years, increasing evidence suggests that sodium and potassium intake patterns of children and adults influence long-term population health mostly through complex relationships among dietary intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. The public health importance of understanding these relationships, based upon the best available evidence and establishing recommendations to support the development of population clinical practice guidelines and medical care of patients is clear. This report reviews evidence on the relationship between sodium and potassium intakes and indicators of adequacy, toxicity, and chronic disease. It updates the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) using an expanded DRI model that includes consideration of chronic disease endpoints, and outlines research gaps to address the uncertainties identified in the process of deriving the reference values and evaluating public health implications.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate

by Panel on Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes Water

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for healthy people. This new report, the sixth in a series of reports presenting dietary reference values for the intakes of nutrients by Americans and Canadians, establishes nutrient recommendations on water, potassium, and salt for health maintenance and the reduction of chronic disease risk. Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate discusses in detail the role of water, potassium, salt, chloride, and sulfate in human physiology and health. The major findings in this book include the establishment of Adequate Intakes for total water (drinking water, beverages, and food), potassium, sodium, and chloride and the establishment of Tolerable Upper Intake levels for sodium and chloride. The book makes research recommendations for information needed to advance the understanding of human requirements for water and electrolytes, as well as adverse effects associated with the intake of excessive amounts of water, sodium, chloride, potassium, and sulfate. This book will be an invaluable reference for nutritionists, nutrition researchers, and food manufacturers.

Dietary Supplementation in Sport and Exercise: Evidence, Safety and Ergogenic Benefits

by Jay R Hoffman

Dietary Supplementation in Sport and Exercise removes the myths associated with many dietary supplements. It provides an evidence-based approach to the physiological mechanisms related to popular supplements and examines the ergogenic benefits in both competitive and recreational athletes. <P><P> This text covers a variety of supplements, including vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, protein and amino acids, beta-alanine, creatine and guanidinoacetic acid, caffeine and probiotics, as well as emerging ergogenic aids. Information on dosage, ceiling effects and washout periods is discussed, along with safety and legality for different sporting organizations. The book also offers an insight into the efficacy of certain dietary supplements in unique populations, like children and the elderly. Dietary Supplementation in Sport and Exercise is an important resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students on exercise science, health and nutrition courses, as well as strength coaches, athletic trainers, nutritionists and personal trainers, and medical professionals who consult with patients on dietary supplementation.

Dietary Supplements for the Health and Quality of Cultured Fish

by Heisuke Nakagawa Minoru Sato Delbert M. Gatlin III

This book addresses current information on the effects of micronutrients and other efficacious substances from plants, animals and bacteria, with regard to quality and health of cultured fish. Each chapter contains tables, figures and is packed with many new references to help expand your knowledge of various aspects of fish culture technology.

Dietas que Sanan: Dietas que Curan Cómo Curar Enfermedades y Dolencias para Estar más Sano

by Doug Fredrick

Dietas que curan por Doug Fredrick Cómo curar enfermedades y dolencias para estar más sano, bajar de peso y reducir el dolor Cómo curar enfermedades y dolencias para estar más sano, bajar de peso y reducir el dolor Dietas Que Curan ¿Sufre de dolor crónico, enfermedad o una enfermedad debilitante? Si es así, entonces este libro podría ayudarle a sentirte mejor que nunca. Introduciendo técnicas secretas que los profesionales de la salud han estado utilizando durante décadas. ¡Este libro electrónico le mostrará la manera más rápida y efectiva de usar la curación natural para beneficiar su bienestar! Usted aprenderá a aumentar su bienestar en tan sólo unas semanas. No sólo eso, sino que mejorará literalmente todos y cada uno de los aspectos de su vida. - Combatir enfermedades crónicas - Bajar de peso - Superar las dolencias - Curarse a si mismo - Sentirse mejor que nunca - Cómo obtener una nutrición adecuada para ayudar a su curación + ¡MUCHO MÁS! ¡Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página para acceder instantáneamente! Descargo de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o propietario(s) de derechos no hace reclamos, promesas o garantías con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y expresamente niega responsabilidad por errores y omisiones en el contenido de este libro. Este producto es sólo para uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de tomar acción sobre cualquiera de los contenidos que se encuentran dentro.

Diète faible en glucides: Low Carb Régime)

by Catherine F. Jason Thawne

Il s'agit d'un livre de recettes succulentes qui sont faibles en glucides. Dites adieu à cette graisse du ventre têtue pour de bon avec ces recettes délicieuses et un plan de repas changeant votre vie! Prenez-vous une copie de ce livre dès aujourd'hui! Faites défiler vers le haut et cliquez sur «acheter» pour profiter de ces délicieuses recettes faibles en glucides aujourd'hui.

Diète faible en glucides: Low Carb Régime)

by Thierry Lévesque Tony Wilson

Vous êtes à la recherche d'un moyen facile, rapide et efficace de perdre du poids? Arrêtez de chercher dès maintenant parce que vous l'avez trouvé! Diète faible en glucides: Des recettes délicieuses faibles en glucides est le dernier livre de régime que vous aurez à télécharger! Si vous avez été à la recherche d'un livre de régime faible en glucides pour vous aider à suivre un régime, alors c'est le livre parfait pour vous. Une des causes les plus courantes de gain de poids est la trop grande consommation de glucides; En suivant un régime sain, faible en glucides, vous pouvez perdre ces livres en trop. Dites adieu à cette graisse du ventre têtue pour de bon avec ces recettes délicieuses et un plan de repas changeant votre vie! Prenez-vous une copie de ce livre dès aujourd'hui! Faites défiler vers le haut et cliquez sur «acheter» pour profiter de ces délicieuses recettes faibles en glucides aujourd'hui.

The Dieter's Prayer Book: Spiritual Power and Daily Encouragement

by Heather Harpham Kopp

Friendly Support. Daily Encouragement. Spiritual Empowerment. Diets and diet books have never been more popular. At the same time, recent studies show that Americans have never been more overweight. It's no wonder, then, that women who are trying to lose weight--be it 10 or 100 pounds--are among the most frequently discouraged people around. Every day we are faced with fridge wars, bad mirror moments, diets that don't work, skinny friends who can eat whatever they like, and husbands who reminisce about the size 8 they married. Yet victory can be yours. Increasingly, scientific studies are indicating that in health matters, prayer works--and inThe Dieter's Prayer Book, you'll find that daily ounce of spiritual encouragement you need. Not tied to any one particular diet,The Dieter's Prayer Bookcan be used in conjunction with any healthy-eating program, or on its own. Each day, these upbeat prayers will remind you what really matters, make you feel less alone, and empower you to achieve your goal of healthful living.

Dieting for Dummies (2nd edition)

by Jane Kirby

Does the world really need another book on dieting? More important, do you? Plenty of diet books make promises that this one doesn't. Lots tell you that losing weight and keeping it off is easy when you know their secrets. Well, here's a secret that the other books won't tell you: Dieting gimmicks, like banning pasta, don't work. And that's precisely why you need this book. It's not about fad plans or take-it-off-quick schemes. It's about balancing healthful eating and exercise for a lifetime. This second edition of Dieting For Dummies is for anyone who has eaten too much and wants to lose weight. The information presented here is appropriate for someone wanting to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds. You can use it as a guide for eating healthfully, and not only a way to lose weight. Because, when you discover how to eat the healthy way, you will lose weight. The material in Dieting For Dummies is grouped so that you don't have to start at the beginning - although that's a nice place to start. If you'd rather, you can flip right to the chapter that contains the information you need. You'll discover information on Understanding what a healthy weight is and how to find yours Getting over overeating Formulating a plan for healthy eating Shopping, cooking, and dining out to make eating healthy easier Finding and working with health-care professionals you can trust, for when you can't seem to go it alone People come in a wide range of heights, weights, and girths. One is not better than another. But staying within your healthiest weight range can help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Let this book help you see through the fog of fads and myths. Then read on and find out how you can stop dieting and start living healthfully.

Dieting Makes You Fat

by Geoffrey Cannon

Dieting Makes You Fat is the explosive, authoritative answer to the multibillion-dollar dieting industry. The dieting industry is booming. So is obesity, in children as well as adults. Obesity causes diabetes, heart disease and cancers, as well as misery for those who suffer. The experts are baffled and the dieting industry is no use - because dieting makes you fat. Geoffrey Cannon explains the science and the global politics that are making the world fat. Including seven golden rules for achieving life-long good health and wellbeing - as well as to shed body fat - Dieting Makes You Fat is also a handbook for anyone committed to good quality, delicious food and drink, fairly traded and socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. If you want to lose body fat, if you or anyone you know is or has been on a diet, if you care about the obesity crisis, then this is the book for you.

The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications

by Reed Mangels Virginia Messina Mark Messina

The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications, Fourth Edition provides the most up-to-date information on vegetarian diets. Evidence-based and thoroughly referenced, this text includes case-studies, sample menus, and counseling points to help readers apply material to the real world. Written for dietitians, nutritionists, and other health care professionals, the Fourth Edition can be used as an aid for counseling vegetarian clients and those interested in becoming vegetarians, or serve as a textbook for students who have completed introductory coursework in nutrition.


by Elisa Escorihuela

El método que nos demuestra que comer bien es la mejor medicina. La alimentación es una parte fundamental de nuestro día a día. Lo que comemos y lo que dejamos de comer tienen una incidencia esencial en nuestra salud y nuestro desarrollo físico. Tanto es así que a través suyo podemos prevenir e incluso ayudar en el tratamiento de algunas enfermedades. Esta práctica es lo que se conoce como dietoterapia. La dietoterapia no ofrece nada parecido a dietas milagrosas: se trata de una aproximación estrictamente científica que relaciona los componentes nutricionales con causas y síntomas. Afecciones tan comunes como las intolerancias, las alergias, la diabetes, el colesterol, la endometriosis y la hipertensión arterial pueden combatirse en parte gracias al conocimiento y la práctica de hábitos alimenticios específicamente pensados para ello. Así, a través de los consejos y las recetas y menús semanales que nos propone la dietista y farmacéutica Elisa Escorihuela, aprenderemos a cuidar de nuestra salud de una forma específica y natural. Reseña:«Si somos lo que comemos, con este libro aprenderás a ser tú, sin aditivos ni artificios.»Dr. Julio Mayol

Diets and Dieting: A Cultural Encyclopedia

by Sander L. Gilman

Diets and dieting have concerned – and sometimes obsessed – human societies for centuries. The dieters' regime is about many things, among them the control of weight and the body, the politics of beauty, discipline and even self-harm, personal and societal demands for improved health, spiritual harmony with the universe, and ethical codes of existence. In this innovative reference work that spans many periods and cultures, the acclaimed cultural and medical historian Sander L. Gilman lays out the history of diets and dieting in a fascinating series of articles.

Los diez mandamientos del cavernícola: Reprograma tus genes para perder peso y recuperar tu salud (Colección Vital #Volumen)

by Mark Sisson

Del autor bestseller de The Wall Street Journal, Mark Sisson y con más de 300,000 ejemplares vendidos en Estados Unidos, Los diez mandamientos del cavernícola nos ofrece un plan sencillo y flexible para ayudarnos a vernos y sentirnos como siempre soñamos.Mark Sisson, líder indiscutible del movimiento paleo, con miles de seguidores alrededor del mundo, nos presenta una premisa extraordinaria: es posible reprogramar tus genes para la pérdida de peso, la salud y la longevidad a través de diez mandamientos inmutables.Aprende que perder peso es cuestión de moderar tu producción de insulina por medio de la eliminación del azúcar y los granos. Hacer esto también mejorará tu nivel de energía, reducirá la inflamación y eliminará el riesgo de padecer enfermedades. También descubrirás que comer carne, huevos y una dieta alta en grasa no sólo es saludable sino que es la clave para la pérdida de peso sin esfuerzo, un sistema inmunológico saludable y energía sin límites. Asimismo, verás que bajar el ritmo de tus entrenamientos cardiovasculares diarios e incorporar sesiones breves e intensas de fuerza, así como carreras pequeñas a gran velocidad, puede producir beneficios de salud muy superiores a los entrenamientos largos y sumamente agotadores.En síntesis, Mark Sisson te ofrece un decálogo validado por dos millones de años de evolución que mejorará tu vida:1. Come plantas y animales2. Evita cosas venenosas3. Muévete con frecuencia, pero despacio4. Levanta objetos pesados5. Corre a toda velocidad de vez en cuando6. Duerme lo suficiente7. Juega8. Incrementa tu exposición al sol9. Evita los errores estúpidos10. Usa el cerebro

Diez secretos para el éxito y la paz interior

by Wayne W. Dyer

El autor del manual de autoayuda más leído en el mundo, Tus zonas erróneas, le regala al lector diez consejos bellamente escritos, para conseguir una vida en plenitud. Wayne W. Dyer nos ofrece aquí un libro que busca provocar la reflexión de aquellos que han decidido seguir con plena consciencia el camino de la vida. Los diez secretos para el éxito y la paz interior presentados aquí se aplican tanto en los comienzos de ese camino como en cualquier punto del mismo. El doctor Dyer sugiere leer estos diez secretos con el corazón abierto, para aprender a sentir la paz que determina el verdadero éxito.

Different after You: Rediscovering Yourself and Healing after Grief and Trauma

by Michele Neff Hernandez

A Life-Affirming Process That Provides Transformative Support No one who lives and loves will be immune from grief and trauma. While this suffering is universal, living through a devastating event often leaves people feeling alone and even alienated. Michele Neff Hernandez experienced this when her thirty-nine-year-old husband died after being hit by a car while riding his bicycle. Her most transformative realization was that grief changes us. There is no going back or bucking up. Life is now different. In Different after You, Michele presents easy-to-digest steps based on her work with thousands of widowed people and her innovative grief support programs. Through this process, anyone who has experienced life-altering trauma will discover a map for grieving what they’ve lost, identifying what they’ve gained, and learning to embrace the person they’ve become.

A Different Existence: Principles of Phenomenological Psychopathology

by J. H. van den Berg

Psychological classic.

A Different Game (Orca Young Readers)

by Sylvia Olsen

In this sequel to Murphy and Mousetrap, Murphy and his three friends, Danny, Jeff and Albert, are making the transition from the tribal elementary school to the community middle school. They are all trying out for the middle school's soccer team, and they're pretty confident that The Formidable Four will all make the team. But once the tryouts begin, Albert, the tribal-school superstar, plays like a second-stringer. Murphy's new friend, Molly, is determined to help the boys find out what's wrong with Albert, but when they discover the truth, they realize that Albert is playing a whole different game.

The Different Girl

by Gordon Dahlquist

Veronika. Caroline. Isobel. Eleanor. One blond, one brunette, one redhead, one with hair black as tar. Four otherwise identical girls who spend their days in sync, tasked to learn. But when May, a very different kind of girl-the lone survivor of a recent shipwreck-suddenly and mysteriously arrives on the island, an unsettling mirror is about to be held up to the life the girls have never before questioned. Sly and unsettling, Gordon Dahlquist’s timeless and evocative storytelling blurs the lines between contemporary and sci-fi with a story that is sure to linger in readers’ minds long after the final page has been turned. .

A Different Kind of Health: Finding Well-Being Despite Illness

by Blair Justice

In this book, Blair Justice, Ph.D., a Professor of Psychology, draws on his own research as well as other findings from both scientific and spiritual literature to present the ways that such people can "get out of themselves" and transcend pain and distress. In doing so, they find a core health deeper than the physical. Along with telling the moving stories of people with this different kind of health, the book gives evidence on how those with chronic illness or physical impairment, though "sick" by medical standards, can experience themselves as "well, " based on the deeper sense of well-being they achieve. Dr. Justice, who is among the "sick but well himself, clearly explains a wide spectrum of useful health-related findings, including how the sick but well get beyond their illness and pain by identifying with something bigger than themselves and their problem; what five ways there are to find a subjective health and an abiding sense that life is good despite pain and illness; how getting rid of old conflicts, hurts, and anger relieves physical pain; why subjective health - one's own sense of well-being despite physical infirmity - is a more powerful predictor of longevity and quality of life than are physical examinations by a doctor and laboratory tests; how finding some benefit or value in adversity positively affects the cardiovascular and immune systems as well as makes life better; and why religion is protective for the chronically ill and injured by reducing the risks of becoming disabled.

Different Strokes: An Intimate Memoir for Stroke Survivors, Families, and Care Givers

by Jie Mao Steven Boorstein

"Strokes are the third-leading cause of death in America, and for the 'lucky' stroke victims who don't die, about half will spend the rest of their lives trying to recover." Roughly 700,000 American suffer a stroke each year and around 140,000 of them are fatal. Different Strokes is an in-depth look at what surviving, or not surviving, a stroke can mean. And Steven Boorstein should know-at age fifty-two, he suffered a stroke after a hit on the ski slopes of Vail. Part-memoir, part-how-to, Steven Boorstein's book will help you to recover from a stroke, whether you were the victim of one or had to watch a loved one suffer.Dividing the book into three distinct sections, Boorstein first focuses on his personal experience with a stroke, how he recovered, and his controversial use of medical marijuana to help resurrect his damaged mind and wracked body. The second part of this book explores how others have dealt with a stroke. Hear first-hand from stroke survivors and their loved ones about what effect a stroke had on their marriage, sex life, careers, relationships (with children, relatives, strangers), and more. The finale of the book covers tools and helpful resources-therapies, therapeutic tools, and exercises; organizations for survivors; and key words-for people who have had a stroke, been diagnosed as being at risk, or for those whose loved ones are at risk or are recovering. This is an essential book for anyone who's ever had, or been hurt by, a stroke.

Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Chiropractor: Protocols and Algorithms

by Thomas A. Souza

The Fifth Edition of this best-selling reference is a compendium of evidence-based approaches to the most common presenting complaints. Covering both musculoskeletal and visceral complaints, this text is intended to direct the chiropractor toward an appropriate plan of approach in both diagnostic evaluation and care. Highlighting these approaches are flowcharts (algorithms), relevant historical questioning, and summaries of common conditions related to the presenting complaint. What's New in the 5th Edition?* Additional disorders added to Selected Causes at the conclusion of chapters* Addition of Likelihood Ratio graphics * Addition of approximately 500 new references * New Appendix: Evidence Based Approach to the Literature* Expanded Appendix: Pharmacology for the Chiropractor includes newer drugs and further explains the classifications of medications mechanisms* Translation into Practice Summary (TIPS) for most of the orthopedic chapters* Updated Algorithms: Cervical spine, Lumbar spine, Shoulder, Knee

The Difficult Hair Loss Patient

by Ralph M. Trüeb

You could read every textbook available on hair growth and disorders, and still not be able to treat hair loss effectively. In every art, there are many techniques, but few principles. The only way to achieve success is to have a firm foundation of principles to build upon, and the right attitude about how to achieve your goals. This book offers a detailed guide that goes beyond the technical aspects of trichology and evidence based medicine, providing specialists and primary care physicians experienced in the basic management of hair loss with the additional know-how they need to master the ultimate challenge of difficult hair loss patients. First, the prerequisites for successful management of hair loss are reviewed - basically, making a diagnosis and understanding the patient and his or her problem. Then, guidelines on the management of difficult dermatologic conditions and of psychopathological disorders associated with hair loss are provided. Lastly, important aspects of follow-up are covered-specifically the problems of adverse effects, patient non-compliance, and their management-before concluding with exemplary case studies of successful treatment of alopecia and related conditions.

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