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El gran chisme (Drama en la secundaria)

by Louise Simonson

Allie's world is turned upside down when she's diagnosed with diabetes. Her over-protective parents are driving her crazy, and she's desperate to keep her condition a secret from her friends. But her secretive ways are awfully suspicious and soon the rumors are flying. Is Allie's reputation ruined for good? With a glossary, discussion questions, and writing prompts, this Junior High Drama story builds reading skills in interpretation and analysis. Fully translated Spanish text.

El gran libro de los sueños

by Rex Lund

Hay sueños blancos y negros, que presagian el bien y que anuncian el mal. ¿A cuáles pertenecen los tuyos? Muchos libros se han escrito sobre la interpretación de los sueños; sin embargo, pocos se han preocupado por abordar con profundidad el tema. Este libro resolverá cualquier duda que tengas con respecto a la interpretación de tus sueños, tú serás quien descubra, en esta obra, la respuesta a las interrogantes que te agobien después de cada sueño. La seriedad de las interpretaciones que aquí se exponen está garantizada por la amplia experiencia del autor en el conocimiento de la mente humana, así como por sus estudios a propósito de la relación que existe entre los sueños y los hechos subsecuentes ocurridos a muchas personas.

El libro de la luz

by Alexandra Solnado

"Ámame dentro de ti. Porque yo estoy dentro de ti. En cada parte de ti, en cada célula, yo estoy ahí. Y solamente cuando entras en contacto profundo contigo mismo es que entras en contacto profundo conmigo. Y solamente cuando te amas eternamente es que consigues amarme eternamente. Yo estaré siempre aquí." -- Jesús ¿Estás buscando una guía espiritual? ¿Tienes problemas personales y no sabes qué hacer? ¿Te preguntas si estás haciendo lo correcto? ¿No estás seguro si tus oraciones son escuchadas? Por medio de un mensaje inspirador canalizado directamente a Alexandra Solnado desde el Cielo, El libro de la luz te ofrece una sabiduría simple pero profunda. Estos mensajes de luz son un intento del cielo para darte consuelo e inspiración. Para encontrar las respuestas sobre las cosas que te preocupan, simplemente haz una pregunta y toma dos letras Arameas de las diecisiete incluidas en el libro. La tabla referencial que se encuentra en el interior te guiará hacia el mensaje indicado que Jesús ha enviado para ti. Los mensajes de luz de este libro están relacionados con temas de la vida como el perdón, amor incondicional, sentimiento de culpa, pérdida, abundancia, riesgo, protección, propósito y muchos más. Utiliza esta guía divina a diario en cualquier momento en que necesites ayuda o sabiduría. Más que un libro, El libro de la luz es una guía para toda la vida.

El libro de los hechizos (The Book of Spells): 150 rituales para conseguir lo que deseas

by Ella Harrison

- Aprende 150 hechizos, recetas y prácticas diferentes para crear cambios, conectar con la magia y llamarla a tu vida. - Poderosos rituales inspirados en la magia popular: meditaciones, elaboración de runas y sigilos, protección y destierro. - Estructurado en secciones, facilita encontrar la mejor solución mágica para cada situación.Descubre el arte de los hechizos y añade un poco de magia a tu vida diaria.Aprende cómo dirigir tu energía y conseguir tus deseos con 150 rituales sencillos. Desde hechizos de protección y destierro, hasta encantamientos potenciadores y amuletos populares para la buena fortuna; cada página te enseña cómo mejorar un aspecto diferente de tu vida, y te permite conectar con tu magia interna. Bellamente ilustrado, este libro incluye una introducción a la magia, utensilios, hierbas, cristales, así como una guía sencilla para crear tus propios hechizos y rituales.—------------------ Learn how to successfully set your intentions, raise and direct energy, and manifest your desires with 150 simple rituals. - From protection and banishment spells to empowering incantations and folk charms for good fortune. - Organized in a way you can take the practice into your own hands and connect to the magic withinEach spell is set out in simple, easy-to-follow steps, ideal for those beginning their witchcraft journey. Beautifully illustrated throughout, this book includes an introduction into witchcraft, the tools you may want to include, and an extensive correspondence of herbs and crystals as well as a simple guide to create your own unique spells and rituals.

El mètode per viure sense por: Com han superat milers de persones l'ansietat, el TOC, la hipocondria i qualsevol por irracional

by Rafael Santandreu

Des de la publicació de Sense por i el seu famós mètode de quatre passos, Rafael Santandreu va començar a recopilar en el seu canal de YouTube històries meravelloses de superació de l'ansietat, el trastorn obsessivocompulsiu (TOC) i la hipocondria. Avui dia aquests testimonis ja superen el centenar (i la xifra continua creixent). El mètode per viure sense por recull una selecció d'aquests testimonis, els passos que van seguir els seus protagonistes i les dificultats que es van trobar en el camí de curació. Es tracta de joves i adults de tota mena (metges, empresaris, estudiants…) que tenen en comú haver fet el treball de desenvolupament personal més potent que hi ha. Aquesta selecció d'històries, juntament amb l'explicació de l'autor del mètode i de cada cas en particular, té la poderosa intenció de convence't d'una cosa que tots ells repeteixen: «Si jo ho puc fer, tu també pots».Van ser ells i només ells els que van aconseguir el seu èxit, i així t'ho expliquen en aquestes pàgines i en els vídeos de YouTube associats. No hi ha gat amagat en el que van fer per recuperar-se. Només els va caldre un mètode ben clar i molt d'esforç i perseverança. La sortida és aquí, al teu abast.

El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietetica del Dr. Atkins

by Robert C. Atkins Veronica Atkins

Usted puede tenerlo todo: ¡Sabrosísimas recetas bajas en carbohidratos, rápidas y fáciles de hacer! Baje de peso -- y no vuelva a aumentar -- mientras disfruta de deliciosas comidas bajas en carbohidratos que puede servir en su mesa en diez minutos. He aquí sólo una muestra de los suculentos y super rápidos platos que puede saborear cuando hace la dieta Atkins: Comience el día con desayunos que le satisfacen y le dan energía -- Frittata de queso ricota y puerro; Tostadas francesas con almendra; Waffles de naranja. Disfrute de sopas reconfortantes como aperitivo o junto a nuestras refrescantes ensaladas -- Pimiento asado; Crema de berro; Espárragos y puerro; Aguacate; Verduras mediterráneas. Ofrézcales a sus invitados -- y a usted mismo -- elegantes aperitivos -- Rollitos de salmón ahumado; Corazones de alcachofa envueltos en tocino; Natillas de queso de cabra horneado y queso ricota; Huevos rellenos al curry. Pruebe un océano de platos de pescado y mariscos de rápida preparación -- Atún con jengibre y salsa de soya; Aguja con corteza de avellanas y pimienta; Tortas de salmón; Ensalada de camarones al estragón; Bacalao horneado con ajo y tomate. Déle un nuevo aspecto a la carne de ave tradicional -- Pollo Satay con coco y cilantro; Pollo con especias de la India; Ensalada de pollo con hinojo y pesto; Pollo a la crema con champiñones; Pechuga de pato en salsa de vino tinto. Sirva platos principales para toda la familia -- Chuletas de cerdo con naranja y romero; Albóndigas de ajo y eneldo; Cordero al curry; Saltimbocca de ternera; Chevapchichi; Bistec de costillar en salsa de vino tinto. Prepare una variedad de platos principales y acompañantes hechos de vegetales -- Chícharos (guisantes) con avellanas; Pimientos asados en aceite de ajo; Espárragos a la vinagreta; Chiles rellenos; Calabacitas salteadas con nuez moscada. Hornee panes al estilo casero -- Pan de queso cheddar; Muffins de mantequilla y ron; Pan de maíz Atkins. Dése gusto con decadentes dulces y deliciosos postres -- Zabaglione; Crema de mantequilla de chocolate; Bizcocho de limón y ajonjolí; Pasteles Verónica con un beso de ron; Bayas con ganache de chocolate. ¡ADEMÁS, muchos, muchos otros platos principales y acompañantes, meriendas y delicias culinarias que darán un buen gusto!

El Nuevo Sugar Busters!

by Luis Balart Morrison Bethea Sam Andrews H. Leighton Steward

La nueva edición 18 capítulos nuevos imprescindibles* Baje de peso y reduzca su colesterol* Los estudios médicos y las pruebas clínicas* Consejos para prevenir la obesidad infantil* La dieta para los diabéticos (¡y todo el mundo!)* Nuevas recetas de los mejores restaurantes Cuando ¡SUGAR BUSTERS! fue publicado hace cinco años llegó rápidamente al número uno de la lista de bestsellers del New York Times y fue adoptado por millones de personas a través de los Estados Unidos. Los que siguen el plan ¡SUGAR BUSTERS! descubren que con solo elegir los carbohidratos adecuados y reducir su consumo de azúcar, pueden bajar las libras que no podían perder con otras dietas. Ahora el libro ha sido revisado y actualizado-incorporando los últimos descubrimientos nutritivos, estadísticas sobre la salud, y estudios científicos, incluyendo lo ultimo sobre los índices glicémicos. Basado en principios dietéticos sensatos, ¡SUGAR BUSTERS! es un programa muy efectivo que enseña cómo reducir el azúcar (sin sentirse privado) a través de recetas y planes de alimentación fáciles de seguir. En este libro usted descubrirá:·Asombrosos testimonios de hombres y mujeres que están bajando de peso y sintiéndose bien con el plan ¡SUGAR BUSTERS!·Una sección sobre la obesidad infantil-cómo se mide y qué hacer al respecto.·Lo ultimo sobre la diabetes-y cómo ¡SUGAR BUSTERS! puede ayudar a prevenirla.·Un índice de masa corporal (IMC) y una formula para calcular si usted está obeso o tiene sobrepeso.·Datos esenciales sobre las mujeres, el bajar de peso y la nutrición. Nuevos consejos, figuras y recetas, y sugerencias prácticas para los ejercicios.. From the Trade Paperback edition.

El Plan de 17 dias para detener el envejecimiento

by Dr Mike Moreno

Cada año, cada mes, cada día, cada hora, cada minuto que estás vivo, estás envejeciendo. No importa la edad que tengas, tu cuerpo está pasando por cambios que tienen que ver con el envejecimiento y que pueden llevarte a sentir menos energía, dolor en las articulaciones, tener piel flácida, arrugas y una salud general en declive. Pero ¿qué pasaría si alguien te dijera que el hecho de hacerse mayor y el proceso de envejecimiento no necesariamente tienen que ir de la mano? ¿Qué pasaría si tuvieras la habilidad de reducir la velocidad con la que tu cuerpo está envejeciendo para que puedas vivir y disfrutar la vida hasta los 100 años o más? El Dr. Mike Moreno, autor del bestseller #1 La dieta de 17 días, explica que está en tu poder prevenir y hasta revertir los síntomas del envejecimiento. El plan de 17 días para detener el envejecimiento es un sistema de 4 ciclos, diseñado para ayudarte a empezar a sentirte más sano y joven. Atrévete a imaginar no solo una vida de 100 años, sino la posibilidad de vivirlos todos saludablemente. ¡Empieza ahora mismo!

El Plan de 17 dias para detener el envejecimiento

by Dr Mike Moreno

Cada año, cada mes, cada día, cada hora, cada minuto que estás vivo, estás envejeciendo. No importa la edad que tengas, tu cuerpo está pasando por cambios que tienen que ver con el envejecimiento y que pueden llevarte a sentir menos energía, dolor en las articulaciones, tener piel flácida, arrugas y una salud general en declive. Pero ¿qué pasaría si alguien te dijera que el hecho de hacerse mayor y el proceso de envejecimiento no necesariamente tienen que ir de la mano? ¿Qué pasaría si tuvieras la habilidad de reducir la velocidad con la que tu cuerpo está envejeciendo para que puedas vivir y disfrutar la vida hasta los 100 años o más? El Dr. Mike Moreno, autor del bestseller #1 La dieta de 17 días, explica que está en tu poder prevenir y hasta revertir los síntomas del envejecimiento. El plan de 17 días para detener el envejecimiento es un sistema de 4 ciclos, diseñado para ayudarte a empezar a sentirte más sano y joven. Atrévete a imaginar no solo una vida de 100 años, sino la posibilidad de vivirlos todos saludablemente. ¡Empieza ahora mismo!

The Elasticity of Life: From Tissues to Humans

by Pascal Sommer Romain Debret

Elasticity is absolutely necessary for living a normal life. This fact is cruelly revealed when respiratory, cardiac, digestive, sensory, motor, reproductive or aesthetic problems appear following the inexorable decline of our elastic capital. The protection and maintenance of this capital is one of life’s priorities since this declination begins at the age of twenty and accelerates in times of crises and pandemics. However, there are no therapies yet designed to remedy it. The first part of the book explains the consequences surrounding a lack of elasticity in the skin, the most visible decline, and then other defects in elasticity throughout our bodies, exploring places rarely mentioned. The second part describes the research fighting against elasticity anomalies and examines useful behaviors to protect our elastic capital (e.g. our diets and physical and cognitive activities). This last point is at the heart of current social debates on nutritional, behavioral, environmental and even ethical levels.

Elder Care Made Easier: Doctor Marion's 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One

by Marion Somers

If you are caring for an aging parent, spouse, or other loved one, you are not alone. Statistics show that nearly 25 percent of all households in the United States are providing care for an elderly person. Although you may be willing to help, you may find the task comes with unexpected challenges. Matters you never thought about are now your responsibility—healthcare, housing, financial and legal matters, as well as day-to-day issues involving nutrition, medications, and personal safety. You may find yourself worried, overworked, and exhausted. Over the past forty-five years, Doctor Marion Somers, a leading geriatric specialist, has helped thousands of individuals and their families with these matters. In Elder Care Made Easier, she draws from those decades of experience to offer 10 practical steps to help you navigate your caregiver's journey: • Communicate openly • Put safety first • Improve the lifestyle • Make life easier with adapted equipment • Manage financial issues • Take care of legal matters • Find mobility in disability • Find the right housing • Hire help when it's needed • Learn to let go Doctor Marion Will Save You Time, Money, and Heartache

The Elderberry Book: Forage, Cultivate, Prepare, Preserve (Homegrown City Life)

by John Moody

Your go-to guide for everything from cultivation to wine-making with one of humanity's oldest plant friendsSpanning history and geography, The Elderberry Book takes you on an adventure, deepening your appreciation of a plant that has played a crucial role across the world for thousands of years. Through this fun, inspirational, and educational resource, discover:Elderberry's amazing historyCultivating and foraging, from the balcony to the backyardVarious traditional food and medicine preparationsSimple wine-making techniquesTraditional crafts and tools.This is the definitive guide to the many uses of elderberry. No matter where you are, one of humankind's oldest plant friends can provide you with anything from syrup, to wine, to dyes, to so much more!Once a staple in homes across the world, and found along every highland, highway, and hedgerow, the forgotten elderberry is making a comeback. Its popularity as medicine is surging, its choice as an edible landscaping plant is growing, and its use for wine-making and crafts is being rediscovered.

Elderly Population in Modern Russia: Between Work, Education And Health

by Irina Grigoryeva Lyudmila Vidiasova Alexandra Dmitrieva Olga Sergeyeva

This book compares the wellbeing of older Russian adults in the EU, USA, China, Japan, and Russia. Through providing a general overview of population ageing, social, economic and IT-literacy among older Russian adults, it fills the gap in quality of life research in developing and transition societies. The topic is revealed in the context of the modern elderly’s changing identity, their life plans, and intergenerational relations. The connection between ageism and sexism are identified and interpreted, thereby using comparative materials on different countries. The book discusses the issue of educating the elderly in a new direction—namely, the use of ICTs. It also presents the result of studies on pension reform discussions over social networks, which illuminate the social response to the political, social, and economic agenda. As such this book will be a valuable read to researchers specialized in aging, gender studies, quality of life studies, Russian studies, ICT adoption studies, and to those studying the social transformation of Russia, Eastern Europe, the BRICS countries, which face similar problems with aging.

Electric Body, Electric Health: Using the Electromagnetism Within (and Around) You to Rewire, Recharge, and Raise Your Voltage

by Eileen Day McKusick

Tap into the extraordinary power of electricity to heal your body and empower your lifeEverything is electric. This seemingly simple observation has transformational repercussions on the way we think about and approach physical, mental, and emotional health. Electric Body, Electric Health is a manifesto for personal empowerment based on an electrical view of life.Author of Tuning the Human Biofield, Eileen Day McKusick is an expert in the emerging field of electric health and has taught thousands how to transform effortlessly through learning to “think electrically.” By illuminating the biological nature of our electrical bodies, McKusick empowers readers to clear the static, noise, and resistance from this system and experience greater energy, clarity, and order.Electric Body, Electric Health makes use of simple, easy-to-implement practices such as:- Awareness practices- Perspective shifts- Breathing practices- Simple lifestyle changes- Improved emotional management- and order to help readers improve their health and enhance their daily lives. It will give you the tools to transform your relationship with your body, your mind, your emotions, and the electrical world around you.

The Electric Jesus

by Jonathan Talat Phillips Graham Hancock

When Jonathan Talat Phillips experiences a devastating loss as a countercultural media activist, he unwittingly starts on a mystical journey marked by underground ayahuasca ceremonies, kundalini awakenings, prankster spirit guides, extraterrestrial encounters at the Burning Man festival, and miraculous energy healings that reshape his skeptical worldview. Along the way, he chronicles the rise of an international movement that is trailblazing visionary ways to address our current planetary crisis through raised consciousness. To better understand his spiritual journey, Jonathan delves into his own Christian background, discovering the lost rites of the mystery schools. Uncovering secret "electric" meanings behind biblical symbols like the serpent, dove, and tree of life, he reveals how early Christians utilized a radical initiation process for harnessing divine energy in order to achieve gnosis, direct knowledge or experience of the divine. Jonathan suggests that these mystical symbols, which appear in spiritual traditions across the globe, offer a profound energetic roadmap and alchemical message for personal transformation, as well as a potential evolutionary shift for our world.About the Imprint: EVOLVER EDITIONS promotes a new counterculture that recognizes humanity's visionary potential and takes tangible, pragmatic steps to realize it. EVOLVER EDITIONS explores the dynamics of personal, collective, and global change from a wide range of perspectives. EVOLVER EDITIONS is an imprint of North Atlantic Books and is produced in collaboration with Evolver, LLC.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Electrical Neuroimaging

by Christoph M. Michel Thomas Koenig Daniel Brandeis Jiří Wackermann Lorena R. R. Gianotti

Electrical neuroimaging is based on the analysis of brain electrical activity recorded from the human scalp with multichannel EEG. It offers enormous potential for the dynamic mapping of brain functions, and for the non-invasive diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric conditions. This authoritative reference gives a systematic overview of new electrical imaging methods, with a sound introduction to the basics of multichannel recording of EEG and event-related potential (ERP) data, as well as spatio-temporal analysis of the potential fields. The book enables researchers to measure valid data, select and apply appropriate analysis strategies, and avoid the most common mistakes when analyzing and interpreting EEG/ERP data. Importantly, it informs the research communities of the possibilities opened by these space-domain oriented approaches to the analysis of brain electrical activity, and of their potential to offer even more powerful diagnostic techniques when integrated with other clinically relevant data.

Electrical Nutrition

by Shelly Heistand Denie Hiestand

Completely revised and updated, this groundbreaking self-published book has sold more than 15,000 copies through limited exposure and distribution. Electrical Nutrition outlines the authors' revolutionary theories on health and nutrition based on an electrical model. Everything we think, feel, eat, and do triggers electrical responses in our bodies. Each of our cells is electrically charged, and therefore the electrical availability of what we eat has a profound effect on our health, vitality, and well-being. Instead of focusing on the chemical reactions that occur in every system of the human body, the authors contend that there is a simultaneous electrical reaction that has an equally, if not even more, important impact on our ability to digest and benefit from the food we consume. Any interruption to the flow of the body's natural electrical circuitry will have a negative effect on a cellular level which, in turn, will promote disease. Electrical Nutrition offers a practical program that includes menu plans and a listing of the best "electrically available" foods-a plan that will dramatically increase stamina, vitality, and even libido. By eliminating foods that are "electrically dead," we can rid the body of toxins that promote obesity and a host of illnesses, from chronic fatigue to heart disease, while boosting the body's natural energy and immune function.

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design

by Yunhe Hou

Today, there are various textbooks dealing with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering. Some of them are considered to be classics. However, they do not particularly concentrate on topics dealing with electric power transmission. Therefore, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, as a textbook, is unique; it is written specifically for an in-depth study of modern power transmission engineering. Written in the classic, self-learning style of the original, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition is updated and features: HVDC system operation and control Renewable energy (including wind and solar energy) Detailed numerical examples and problems MATLAB® applications This book includes a comprehensive and systematic introduction of electric power transmission systems, from basic transmission planning and concepts to various available types of transmission systems. Written particularly for a student or practicing engineer who may want to teach himself or herself, the basic material has been explained carefully, clearly, and in detail with numerous examples, which is also useful for professors. In addition to detailed basic knowledge of transmission lines, new components enabling modern electronics and renewable penetrated transmission systems are emphasized. The discussion goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis to cover overall aspects of transmission system analysis and design.

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman’s Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun, this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The OutrunIn August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped coping with everyday life; why motherhood had been so overwhelming and isolating, and why the world felt full of inundation and expectations she can't meet. Setting her feet down on the rugged and difficult path by the sea, the answer begins to unfold. It's a chance encounter with a voice on the radio that sparks a realisation that she has Asperger's Syndrome. The Electricity of Every Living Thing tells the story of the year in which Katherine comes to terms with her diagnosis. It leads to a re-evaluation of her life so far - a kinder one, which finally allows her to be different rather than simply awkward, arrogant or unfeeling. The physical and psychological journeys become inextricably entwined, and as Katherine finds her way across the untameable coast, she also finds the way to herself.What readers are saying about The Electricity of Every Living Thing:'This book showed a realistic view of how autism feels to some people, and it's explained so well''The astonishing sensitivity and awareness in her writing, both about the beautiful landscapes and nature around on her walks, and in relation to her family, friends and self put paid to many outdated myths about what it is like to be autistic''Compelling and transformative'

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Last summer, Katherine May was approaching 40, feeling overwhelmed by motherhood and lacking connection with others, lost in a world of inundation and expectation. She had always felt different but this feeling was new. She wanted to get out, get free and find herself again - and so set about walking the rugged 450 mile South West Coast Path. However, this journey uncovers more than she ever imagined. By chance, en route to the walk, Katherine hears a radio show and the guests are speaking about Asperger's Syndrome. Things begin to fall into place - could this explain the white-outs, the excruciating confusion around social contact, the electric feeling of every living thing?After a formal diagnosis, Katherine begins to unravel this new perspective of her life. Through her physical journey comes an emotional one - of accepting who she is and moving forward. It's not just about walking or Asperger's; this is one woman's journey to feel free within herself, something that everyone can relate to.Read by Nathalie Buscombe(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals

by Kathryn A. Booth Thomas E. O'Brien

Electrocardiography for Health Care Personnel provides ECG skills training for health care students as well as health care personnel who are interested in mastering additional skills. The text includes the essential skills needed to perform an ECG, including anatomy of the heart, basic characteristics, equipment, appropriate intervention, and other technical applications, such as Holter monitoring and stress testing. Emphasis throughout the text is placed on troubleshooting.

The Electromagnetic Brain: EM Field Theories on the Nature of Consciousness

by Shelli Renée Joye

An exploration of cutting-edge theories on the electromagnetic basis of consciousness • Details, in nontechnical terms, 12 credible theories, each published by prominent professionals with extensive scientific credentials, that describe how electromagnetic fields may be the basis for consciousness • Examines practical applications of electromagnetic-consciousness theory, including the use of contemporary brain stimulation devices to modify and enhance consciousness • Explores the work of William Köhler, Susan Pockett, Johnjoe McFadden, Rupert Sheldrake, Ervin Laszlo, William Tiller, Harold Saxton Burr, Sir Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Mari Jibu, Kunio Yasue, Karl Pribram, Alfred North Whitehead, and James Clerk Maxwell, as well as the author's own theories In this scientific exploration of the origin of consciousness, Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., explores 12 credible theories, each published by prominent professionals with extensive scientific credentials, that describe how electricity in the form of electromagnetic fields is the living consciousness that runs through the brain. Each of these theories supports the idea that the electromagnetic field itself is the basis of consciousness and that this source of consciousness peers out into the space-time universe through our human sensory systems, flowing with awareness throughout the bloodstream and nervous system. Following her exploration of electromagnetic-consciousness theories, Joye then examines practical applications, describing how electric fields might be manipulated and controlled to modify and enhance the operation of consciousness in the human brain. She explores the use of contemporary brain stimulation devices that offer benefits such as decreased addiction cravings and anxiety, reduced depression and chronic pain, enhanced mathematical abilities, accelerated learning, and greater insight during mindfulness meditation. Revealing the cutting edge of consciousness studies, Joye shows that consciousness is not an isolated function of the individual brain but is connected to the larger electromagnetic field that not only encompasses the entire physical universe but also is deeply involved in the creation of matter and the material world.

Electronic Health Records (Third Edition)

by Byron Hamilton Leesa Hamilton

Hamilton, Electronic Health Records, 3e is the top choice for training students using live and up-to-date SpringCharts EHR software. Electronic Health Records 3e builds transferable medical documentation skills with a variety of exercises that walk students through different facets of using an EHR in the medical office. As students progress through SpringCharts, they learn to gather patient information, schedule appointments, record examination information, process lab tests, select codes, and more. Students who complete this course will learn the appropriate terminology and skills to use any EHR software program with minimal additional training. The practical, systematic approach is based on real-world medical office activities.

An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System: A Tale in Four Lives

by Matt Richtel

A magnificently reported and soulfully crafted exploration of the human immune system–the key to health and wellness, life and death. An epic, first-of-its-kind book, entwining leading-edge scientific discovery with the intimate stories of four individual lives, by the Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times journalist.“An Elegant Defense by Matt Richtel is one of those rare nonfiction books that transcends the genre. On one level it is a fascinating and engrossing account of the latest, and quite astonishing, discoveries involving the human immune system and how it works. But it is also a story about people facing mortality, about the passion of scientists searching for truth, and a meditation on death and how all of us struggle with the ultimate mystery. Heartfelt and moving, full of compassion, love, and the human drama, this is the work of a writer of high ethical character who is grappling with big issues and deep humanistic problems. What an inspiring and wonderful read. I highly recommend this extraordinary book.” —DOUGLAS PRESTON, #1 bestselling author of The Lost City of the Monkey God

Elegy for Iris

by John Bayley

The declining years of Iris Murdoch.

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