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Showing 11,876 through 11,900 of 40,786 results

En mis propias palabras: Introducción A Mis Enseñanzas Y Filosofía

by Dalai Lama

El pensamiento de un icono espiritual de nuestro tiempo: una guía para la buena meditación y las enseñanzas básicas del budismo. El Dalai Lama ofrece aquí fundamentos budistas claves para aplicar en la vida cotidiana. Su Santidad define la noción de felicidad, de karma, habla del poder de la mente en la meditación y, finalmente, nos apela a tener un sentimiento de responsabilidad universal que guíe nuestras relaciones en este mundo cada vez más fragmentado.

En paz con la comida: Cómo me liberé de mis trastornos alimentarios y cómo tú también puedes hacerlo

by Jenni Schaefer Thom Rutledge

"El libro que tienes en tus manos es probablemente la mejor guía para la superación de la anorexia escrita por una ex paciente. Y es, sobre todo, una historia de éxito." Rafael Santandreu, autor del bestseller Sin miedo Jenni llevaba mucho tiempo conviviendo con su trastorno alimentario; un trastorno que distorsionaba la percepción de su propia imagen y le provocarle secuelas físicas. Sin embargo, gracias a la terapia descrita en este libro Jenni empezó a comprender sus trastornos alimentarios como una relación tóxica y a percibirlos como una entidad distinta de sí misma. Así pudo romper con esa relación devastadora para siempre. En paz con la comida es un libro inspirador, compasivo, acompañado de numerosos ejercicios prácticos que ayudarán al lector a romper con su personal trastorno. Un libro que proporciona esperanza a millones de personas con desórdenes alimentarios, combinando la perspectiva y experiencias de una paciente con los consejos del terapeuta para alcanzar una vida más sana.

En Route: A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death, and Everything in Between

by Steven Kelly Grayson

Stephen "Kelly" Grayson has seen the best of us at our worst. When hearts stop working, when blood alcohol levels exceed limits we shouldn't contemplate, when bodies are extricated from car wrecks, he's been there to pick up the pieces, save our lives, and watch us slip away. His touching stories of life and death and the hilarious ones of times in between are here to give us an insight of what happens after we call 911, the ambulance doors close, or even what happens inside the ER when the nurse shows the family to the waiting room.

En Sintonía con la Vida después de la Muerte: Cómo continuar comunicados con el Otro Lado

by Richard Martini

Este es el noveno libro del viaje de Richard Martini al Otro Lado. Comenzando con “El Otro Lado: Guía del turista para abrirse camino en la otra vida”, Richard ha filmado a personas que, bajo hipnosis, hablaban sobre la otra vida, y además ha filmado a personas que, sin estar bajo hipnosis, también hablaban de la otra vida. Ha realizado entrevistas con médiums que trabajan en colaboración con las fuerzas policiales en todo el país sobre casos de desaparición de personas (“Pase entre bastidores al Otro Lado” con Jennifer Shaffer, volúmenes 1, 2 y 3). Él y Jennifer llevan adelante un podcast donde semanalmente hablan directamente con personas que ya no se encuentran en el planeta. ( Su último libro es “Architectura de la Vida después de la Muerte” (“Architecture of the Afterlife”), en el cual utilizó el ejemplo de su padre, R. Charles Martini, arquitecto de Chicago quien le enseñó a leer anteproyectos. En este libro, él se concentra en el conocimiento que le impartió su madre, concertista de piano que solía actuar regularmente en Washington durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial, y a menudo invitaba a los principales músicos de la Sinfónica de Chicago, a su casa. Eso dio comienzo a una vida con la música, incluyendo actuaciones con bandas en Los Ángeles (“Imminent Disaster”), composición de música para largometrajes (“Point of Betrayal”, “Cannes Man”). En sus entrevistas con médiums (Jennifer Shaffer, Kimberly Babcock, Raylene Nuanes), diferentes músicos se presentaron para comentar cómo era para ellos estar en el otro lado. Al darse cuenta de que podía formular preguntas más detalladas a personas que ya no están en el planeta, se embarcó en este viaje musical hacia “la vida después de la muerte”. Tal como lo dijo Gary Schwartz PhD acerca de “El Otro Lado”: “Una vez que hayas leído este libro, nunca más volverás a ver el mundo de la misma manera”. Como autor de best sellers, Richa

En tiempos de contagio

by Paolo Giordano

Giordano nos obliga a coger aire ante la crisis del COVID-19 y reflexionar sobre nuestra responsabilidad colectiva, porque, «en tiempos de contagio, somos un solo organismo, una comunidad». Un nuevo virus irrumpe en un país lejano, aunque no tan lejano. La Tierra se ha vuelto pequeña. Día tras día, billones de impulsos digitales transportan la información a la velocidad de la luz de un punto a otro del planeta; infinidad de aviones surcan los cielos, borrando fronteras a su paso y trasladando sin pausa a millares de personas; y, a menor velocidad, miles de toneladas de mercancías se mueven en todas direcciones en un incesante intercambio mercantil que nutre la economía global. Y si los bienes materiales llegan hasta los lugares más recónditos con inusitada fluidez, con mayor celeridad aún se transmiten los elementos intangibles consustanciales al ser humano: la palabra, las ideas, los sentimientos, las emociones. Así pues, ante la amenaza de un virus letal de alcance universal, una miríada de opiniones, conjeturas y teorías de todo tipo -desde aquellas basadas en el rigor de la ciencia hasta las que brotan de la fértil imaginación de iluminados y charlatanes- nos envuelve como un sofocante alud que nos dificulta ver, pensar y decidir con sensatez. En este contexto tan especial, Paolo Giordano comparte con encomiable honestidad y valentía una serie de reflexiones y emociones que le provoca esta inaudita situación, poniendo de manifiesto otra vez una rara virtud para aunar dos mundos supuestamente irreconciliables: la contundente racionalidad del científico con la vulnerabilidad y las incertezas propias de un escritor sensible y comprometido.

En uke i det italienske kjøkken

by Claudio Ruggeri

Jeg bestemte meg for å skrive denne kokeboka etter å ha notert ned hva jeg spiste i løpet av en uke, alle rettene som moren min tilberedte og lagde til meg og søsteren min. Jeg håper å kunne gi litt veiledning til alle menneskene som har lurt på hva italienere faktisk spiser hver dag når de hører om det italienske kjøkken.

Enabling America: Assessing the Role of Rehabilitation Science and Engineering

by Edward N. Brandt Andrew M. Pope

The most recent high-profile advocate for Americans with disabilities, actor Christopher Reeve, has highlighted for the public the economic and social costs of disability and the importance of rehabilitation. Enabling America is a major analysis of the field of rehabilitation science and engineering. The book explains how to achieve recognition for this evolving field of study, how to set priorities, and how to improve the organization and administration of the numerous federal research programs in this area.The committee introduces the "enabling-disability process" model, which enhances the concepts of disability and rehabilitation, and reviews what is known and what research priorities are emerging in the areas of: Pathology and impairment, including differences between children and adults. Functional limitations--in a person's ability to eat or walk, for example. Disability as the interaction between a person's pathologies, impairments, and functional limitations and the surrounding physical and social environments. This landmark volume will be of special interest to anyone involved in rehabilitation science and engineering: federal policymakers, rehabilitation practitioners and administrators, researchers, and advocates for persons with disabilities.

Enactive Cognition At The Edge Of Sense-making

by Massimiliano Cappuccio Tom Froese

The enactive approach replaces the classical computer metaphor of mind with emphasis on embodiment and social interaction as the sources of our goals and concerns. Researchers from a range of disciplines unite to address the challenge of how to account for the more uniquely human aspects of cognition, including the abstract and the nonsensical.

Enactive Cognition in Place: Sense-Making as the Development of Ecological Norms (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science)

by Miguel A. Sepúlveda-Pedro

This book aims to enrich our understanding of the role the environment plays in processes of life and cognition, from the perspective of enactive cognitive science. Miguel A. Sepúlveda-Pedro offers an unprecedented interpretation of the central claims of the enactive approach to cognition, supported by contemporary works of ecological psychology and phenomenology. The enactive approach conceives cognition as sense-making, a phenomenon emerging from the organizational nature of the living body that evolves in human beings through sensorimotor, intercorporeal, and linguistic interactions with the environment. From this standpoint, Sepúlveda-Pedro suggests incorporating three new theses into the theoretical body of the enactive approach: sense-making and cognition fundamentally consist of processes of norm development; the environment, cognitive agents actually interact with, is an active ecological field enacted in their historical past; and sense-making occurs in a domain consisting of multiple normative dimensions that the author names enactive place.

Enamel the Camel

by Mike King Rick Ellis

Enamel wishes he were like all the other camels who live in Camel-lot, but his front teeth are bigger than anyone else's. And they stick out. He's the only camel who brushes his teeth—he has to because everyone can see them. Enamel is tired of getting teased about being different. Then one day the class gets caught in a terrible sandstorm . . . and his exceptional incisors save the day. This is an upbeat, humorous story about sticking out, stepping up, and the importance of good dental hygiene.

Encantado de conocerme: Comprende Tu Personalidad A Traves Del Eneagrama (Plataforma Actual Ser.)

by Borja Vilaseca

EDICIÓN AMPLIADA Y ACTUALIZADA Un título dirigido a personas que sienten una necesidad de cambio personal y/o profesional. Hay tantos caminos para conocerse a uno mismo como seres humanos hay en este mundo. Estar verdaderamente bien con nosotros mismos es una simple cuestión de sabiduría. Y aunque es cierto que puede aprenderse sin ayudas externas, existen algunas herramientas psicológicas que contribuyen a facilitar, profundizar y acelerar este proceso de autoconocimiento. El Eneagrama es una de ellas. Es como un manual de instrucciones de la condición humana mediante el que podemos comprender las motivaciones profundas muchas veces inconscientes que hay detrás de nuestras conductas y actitudes. A través de la descripción de nueve tipos de personalidad, nos ayuda a ir más allá del ego y a reconectar con nuestra verdadera esencia. Encantado de conocerme está inspirado en los más de 275 seminarios que el autor ha impartido desde 2006 sobre Eneagrama a más de 10.000 participantes en España y Latinoamérica, pudiendo verificar empírica y científicamente el impacto tan positivo que tiene en la vida de las personas conocerse y comprenderse a través de esta herramienta de autoconocimiento. Libro recomendado por la Asociación AEneagrama, filial en España de la Asociación Internacional de Eneagrama. «Las verdaderas batallas se libran en nuestro interior.»Sócrates

Encantado de conocerme (edición ampliada): Comprende tu personalidad a través del Eneagrama

by Borja Vilaseca

EDICIÓN AMPLIADA Y ACTUALIZADA Un título dirigido a personas que sienten una necesidad de cambio personal y/o profesional. Hay tantos caminos para conocerse a uno mismo como seres humanos hay en este mundo. Estar verdaderamente bien con nosotros mismos es una simple cuestión de sabiduría y hay herramientas psicológicas que contribuyen a facilitar, profundizar y acelerar este proceso de autoconocimiento. El Eneagrama es una de ellas: un manual de instrucciones de la condición humana mediante el que podemos comprender las motivaciones profundas muchas veces inconscientes que hay detrás de nuestras conductas y actitudes. A través de la descripción de nueve tipos de personalidad, nos ayuda a ir más allá del ego y a reconectar con nuestra verdadera esencia. Encantado de conocerme está inspirado en los más de 275 seminarios que el autor ha impartido desde 2006 sobre Eneagrama a más de10.000 participantes en España y Latinoamérica, pudiendo verificar empírica y científicamente el impacto tan positivo que tiene en la vida de las personas conocerse y comprenderse a través de esta herramienta de autoconocimiento. Libro recomendado por la Asociación AEneagrama, filial en España de la Asociación Internacional de Eneagrama. «Las verdaderas batallas se libran en nuestro interior».Sócrates

El encanto del Tarot: Las lecturas de la nueva era

by Jimena La Torre

La reconocida astróloga Jimena La Torre nos ofrece una descripción general de todos los elementos importantes de cada carta del Tarot, desde los distintos tipos de lectura, la interpretación de sus símbolos y colores, hasta sus vínculos con la astrología y la numerología. Con este libro aprenderás todo lo que necesitás saber para animarte a leer el Tarot. El Tarot es una herramienta mágica, que uso para comunicar lo que puede llegar a suceder en el corto o en el largo plazo. Un medio para responder preguntas, que me da tranquilidad. Uno de los instrumentos más poderosos que una mujer con intuición o dones de "bruja" debe conocer. Desde hace siglos, la humanidad ha tratado de predecir el futuro a través de distintas artes adivinatorias. Hoy esa curiosidad se mantiene intacta y el Tarot es una de las mancias más populares: consultamos qué nos dicen las cartas sobre nuestro porvenir, el amor, el trabajo y el dinero. Jimena La Torre, una de las más reconocidas astrólogas y especialista en Tarot, comparte su saber y nos introduce en el arte de tirar y leer las cartas. Nos enseña el significado de cada arcano, los distintos métodos de consulta, las estrategias para familiarizarnos con las diversas barajas, el paso a paso del proceso de una lectura, las opciones para adaptar el enfoque a un estilo único y los consejos para sacarle el máximo provecho. El encanto del Tarot es un libro personal y diferente, que no se parece a ninguno en su género: presenta el Tarot Oralterapéutico creado por la autora, brinda un curso completo sobre el Rider y el de Marsella, y permite aplicar todos los conocimientos aprendidos con cualquier mazo. Es una guía práctica, útil y completa, el punto de partida para un talento que, una vez adquirido, nos acompañará toda la vida.

The Enchanted Cat: Feline Fascinations, Spells & Magick

by Ellen Dugan

From the temples of ancient Egypt to the homes of modern Witches, cats have long been associated with magick and mystery. Examining cat mythology and folklore from around the world and sprinkled with enchanting cat quotes from famous feline admirers throughout the ages, The Enchanted Cat is a must-read for any magickal cat fancier.Witches, Pagans, and other magick-minded folks will love the dozens of charms, spells, and meditations included for working with feline power. A naming ceremony, lists of magickal cat names and correspondences, and spells and charms for your cat's collar are just a sampling of the feline-friendly magick inside. Cat astrology, tarot, and even a discussion of feline feng shui make The Enchanted Cat a uniquely magickal exploration of our enduring fascination with the feline mystique.Winner of the 2007 Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Magick/Shamanism Book

Enchanted Cross-Stitch: 34 Mystical Patterns for the Modern Stitch Witch

by Grace Isobel

Put the craft in witchcraft and infuse some magic into your stitching with this beautiful book of original cross-stitch patterns featuring crystals, tarot, astrology, and more. The world of magic offers us a way to find patterns and meaning in the mysteries of the everyday, whether that means mapping the movement of the stars and planets onto our lives through astrology or focusing our thoughts and intentions with the symbolism of crystals and candles. And cross-stitch is an embroidery art that's accessible, orderly, and easy to learn: With a little practice, anyone can bring the patterns to life. In this all-new collection of 34 patterns by Grace Isobel, the creator of Innocent Bones Cross-Stitch, you'll find playful, mysterious, and bewitching imagery rendered in Grace's signature lush color palettes. The book also contains step-by-step cross-stitch instructions and plenty of tips and tricks to empower you with everything you need to get started, whether you're a seasoned pro or a baby stitch witch.

Enchanted Foraging: Wildcrafting for Herbal Remedies, Rituals, and a Magical Life

by Ebony Gheorghe

Embark on your foraging journey and cultivate a more meaningful, magical relationship with nature. No matter where you live, natural resources are all around you. These pieces of nature hold inherent properties—and inherent magic—that could be useful to you, and they are often hiding in plain sight. In this book, divided into chapters by season, you'll find: Tips for foraging correctly, mindfully, and sustainably Instructions for teas, balms, decoctions, and other herbal remedies made out of foraged ingredients and materials Wildcrafts for rituals that usher in the new season, inspired by mystical folk practices around the world And more! With practical advice for novice foragers and sidebars on how different cultures have connected with the greatest mystic of all, Mother Earth, Enchanted Foraging explores plants and their various uses not just for consumption but for their intrinsic value. Readers will come away with a more complete knowledge of, and appreciation for, the world that lies just beyond their doors--its abundance, hidden applications, and how it makes enchanted beings of us all.

The Enchanted Formulary: Blending Magickal Oils for Love, Prosperity, and Healing

by Lady Rhea Eve Lefey

Make your own oils, blends, and fragrances--and make your dreams come true! The proper oils, blends, and fragrances are central to the practice of Wicca, and essential for many spells, candle magick, mojo bags, ritual bathing, incenses, floor washes, potpourri, anointing sacred objects, and much more. For over thirty years, Wiccan expert Lady Rhea has been creating her own special formulas that she supplies to some of the world's quintessential Pagan stores such as The Warlock Shoppe and Enchantments--and now she shares them with you! In The Enchanted Formulary, Lady Rhea gives you the recipes that she's perfected over three decades and also shows you where to get some of the harder-to-find ingredients. Some of the 300 blends included are formulas for love; money, luck, and success; healing and personal transformation; and uncrossing and protection. You'll also learn: * The magick of oils * Mixology (how to mix and blend) * Magical application (different uses of oils for magickal purposes) * Popular perfume fragrances today and the their role in magick * Astrological influences on when to blend your oils The Enchanted Formulary can be easily used on its own or with Lady Rhea's The Enchanted Candle, and each recipe comes with detailed information on the origins of the fragrance. The road to self-empowerment begins here!

Enchanted Herbal: Connect to Nature & Celebrate the Seasons

by Gail Bussi

An Herbal Journey of Self-Care and Healing Grow into a healthier and more authentic version of yourself with the gifts, lessons, and opportunities of nature and the seasons. This practical book invites you on a nourishing journey for both your body and spirit, providing dozens of recipes, meditations, rituals, and journaling prompts. You'll make and enjoy a wide variety of foods, drinks, and household products, including:Soups & SaladsCakes & CasserolesBody Scrubs & BalmsOils & LotionsTeas & TonicsJellies & SaucesMists & SpraysElixirs & Natural CleansersEnchanted Herbal helps you use herbs and flowers to their fullest potential. You'll learn how to grow your own herbs, incorporate essential oils into your practice, and celebrate nature's seasonal changes throughout the year. From creation and renewal remedies in spring to peace and reflection exercises in winter, this wonderful book guides you in becoming a more magical and joyful person year-round.

The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday

by Sharon Blackie

Taking as her starting point the inspiration and wisdom that can be derived from myth, fairy tales, and folk culture, Dr. Sharon Blackie offers a set of practical and grounded tools for enchanting our lives and the places we live, so leading to a greater sense of meaning and of belonging to the world. Enchantment. By Dr. Blackie’s definition, a vivid sense of belongingness to a rich and many-layered world, a profound and whole-hearted participation in the adventure of life. Enchantment is a natural, spontaneous human tendency — one we possess as children, but lose, through social and cultural pressures, as we grow older. It is an attitude of mind which can be cultivated: the enchanted life is possible for anyone. It is intuitive, embraces wonder, and fully engages the mythic imagination — but it is also deeply embodied in ecology, grounded in place and community.To live this way is to be challenged, to be awakened, to be gripped and shaken to the core by the extraordinary which lies at the heart of the ordinary.

The Enchanted Moon

by Stacey Demarco

A Guide to Australian Weddings helps you to plan the most important event in your life. And it's full of information for everyone involved in planning or taking part in a wedding—including your family, bridal party, and friends. All the finer details of getting married—the presents, invitations, organizing the ceremony and reception, how to handle the tricky problems that arise when parents are divorced, finding the right wedding gowns and suits, choosing flowers and selecting photographers, dealing with caterers, and how to make speeches—are explained in a helpful, practical way. A Guide to Australian Weddings unlocks all the mysteries of wedding etiquette and is packed with useful checklists and schedules so your marriage will go without a hitch. This is your complete guide to a perfect day.

Enchanted One

by Sheila Applegate

In Enchanted One, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for best book in the category of Spirituality (http://www. bookmarketingprofits. com/PinnacleAwardsSummer2013. html) and Honorable Mention in Inspirational category at the Book Contest 2013 (http://bookcontest2013. luckycinda. com/), Sheila Applegate provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. It gently reopens and reconnects readers' hearts with their minds and encourages surrender as they delve more deeply into their heart center to explore emotions. The Enchanted One supports the highest expression as readers find themselves resting in Divine Love. In this space you will remember that you are a beautiful reflection of Divine Love on earth. In her book, Applegate offers a message of love that weaves together channeled messages from the vibrations of Isis and Magdalene with her own personal experiences of embracing the full spectrum of emotions as a gateway to living in harmony with All That Is. In Enchanted One, Applegate turns to the Divine Feminine, the essence of which has always been with us, for guidance. She channels the spirit of Magdalene and Isis with an open heart and weaves together teachings from these two beautiful and loving Goddesses. Whether you are beginning your journey of exploring emotions and living in unconditional love, or you have journeyed deep within your soul and are on the verge of fully integrating Divine Love into every aspect of your life, this book will meet you where you are and gently guide you to the next level.

Enchanted Teatime: Connect to Spirit through Spells, Traditions, Rituals & Celebrations

by Gail Bussi

Make Any Occasion Magical with Tea Ceremonies, Rituals, and RecipesThis delightful book of teatime traditions, celebrations, and treats shows you how to surround every cup with great joy and intention. Gail Bussi provides more than thirty recipes for refreshments, such as Butterfly Cakes, Dreamy Moon Bars, and Coronation Chicken Tartlets, and over forty unique tea blends, including:Borage Tea Cooler • Dandelion Divination Tea • Faerie Flower Tea • ImmuniTea • Jasmine Joy Iced Tea • Mood Lifter TeaFeaturing comprehensive information on different varieties of tea and their properties, Enchanted Teatime teaches you everything about brewing the perfect cup. With insight on nearly a hundred herbs, you can confidently create your own custom infusions, learn to read tea leaves, and grow your own herbal garden. From seasonal rituals to astrological correspondences, you'll explore many ways to use tea in your magical practice.

Enchantments: A Modern Witch's Guide to Self-Possession

by Mya Spalter Caroline Paquita

A wise, witchy, and welcoming guide to living life magically Mya Spalter has spent years among candles, herbs, cats, and spells as an employee at New York City’s oldest occult shop, Enchantments. Since it would get crowded in there if all of you visited, this beautifully illustrated book will be your guide to its secrets and stories; in the process, Mya will introduce you to some mystical concepts you can use to build spells and rituals that resonate with your own personal style, including: • Create and maintain altars Even people who aren’t spiritually inclined seem to be able to get down with the beneficial function of an altar as a place to model beauty and balance in their lives. It’s aspirational. • Save your love magic for yourself Because casting a love spell on someone else is pushy and far too easy to mess up. • Clean your filthy apartment Fine, maybe you make your bed every day, but Mya’s talking about the kind of grime you can’t necessarily see. • Money magic for need, not greed Hint: It starts with tipping well; it doesn’t pay to be miserly when asking the universe for abundance. Mya reveals the power of colors (Louboutins wouldn’t have the same status if their soles were lavender), the keys to banishing unfriendly spirits (with cleansing rituals or even a dance party), and invaluable instructions in the timeless arts of astrology, tarot, and finding a parking spot downtown. Open up this book and enchant your own life!Advance praise for Enchantments“Hilariously conversational, deceptively deep, and phenomenally illustrated, Enchantments will blow your mind and make you laugh while imparting expert knowledge of witchcraft and why it’s so needed today.”—Natasha Lyonne, actress and producer“Imagine that your best friend, a supremely cool, funny, and irreverent person, is also a witch willing to educate and inspire you toward your own witchy practice with humor, sass, and intelligence. This book is magic—literally!”—Michelle Tea, author of Modern Tarot“Part memoir, part recipe book, and part poetry collection, Enchantments lets readers in on the great secret of all witchcraft—that being a witch is about being free to be yourself.”—Dorothea Lasky, author of Milk and co-creator of Astro Poets“We can all use more magic in our lives in these trying times, and Enchantments will help us get started.”—Kimya Dawson, singer/songwriter, The Moldy Peaches

The Enchiridion: A Stoic's Guide to Contentment and Tranquility

by Epictetus

This lovely hardcover keepsake offers the timeless precepts of one of the most important Greek Stoic philosophers. Epictetus (ca. 50–ca. 130 CE) was born into slavery and had a permanent physical disability. After attaining his freedom, Epictetus spent his career teaching philosophy and advising a daily regimen of self-examination. His pupil Arrian later collected and published the master’s lecture notes as The Enchiridion, or Manual. Full of practical advice, this volume offers guidance for those seeking contentment, happiness, and tranquility in the modern world. Through the principles found in The Enchiridion, we learn that true freedom can be achieved by taking control of our thoughts and actions through self-awareness rather than trying to change events beyond our power. This enduring counsel on how to live follows maxims that have set generations of readers on the path to happiness and makes a wonderful gift for any occasion.

Enciclopedia de plantas medicinales (Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine)

by Andrew Chevallier

Discover how to make and use natural remedies from home-grown herbs to improve your health and well-being.This expert advice book teaches you how to grow your herbs, harvest plants from the wild, and process ingredients to create natural remedies, all with safety in mind. In this updated, expanded, and redesigned edition of his best-selling classic, author Andrew Chevallier combines the latest scientific research with the traditional and folkloric use of plants to give detailed information about the benefits and constituents of more than 560 herbs.Clear imagery will help you identify different healing plants. At the same time, a detailed self-help section shows you how to treat more than 150 common ailments - with practical herbal remedies you can make at home, learn how to create delicate tea infusions, strong tinctures, infused oils, and more.Whether you're a natural health newbie or an experienced herbalist, the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine guides you toward natural healing with recipes and advice you can trust.--------------------------------Elabora remedios naturales con plantas de cosecha propia para mejorar tu salud y bienestar.¿No quieres depender de medicamentos farmacéuticos? ¿Buscas remedios caseros respaldados por la ciencia? Este libro de hierbas medicinales y curativas te enseña cómo cultivar tus propias plantas y a procesar ingredientes con los que preparar remedios naturales de manera segura y eficaz. Sigue los consejos de esta enciclopedia de plantas y deshazte de tu insomnio, de tus dolencias musculares o de tus resfriados con los remedios de toda la vida. En su interior, encontrarás: Información sobre más de 560 plantas y sus propiedades, así como listas de remedios para casi 150 dolencias comunes, desde estrés hasta problemas de piel.Imágenes de diferentes plantas curativas que te ayudarán a identificarlas.Texto fácil de entender para todos los lectores.Escrito por el Andrew Chevallier, herbolario experto y curandero médico.¡Aprende a crear deliciosos tés, tinturas, aceites de infusión y mucho más! Ya seas un novato en salud natural o un herbolario experimentado, la Enciclopedia de plantas medicinales te ofrece todas las herramientas y recetas que necesitas para curarte de manera natural.

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