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Guía práctica de primeros auxilios

by Dra. Nuria Viver

El manual indispensable junto a tu botiquín de primeros auxilios A veces, cuando menos te lo esperas, eres testigo de una situación en la que alguien corre peligro, y reaccionar es clave para salvarle la vida. ¿Sabrías socorrer a una persona que está sufriendo un paro cardiaco o una convulsión? Pero los primeros auxilios no solo se aplican en casos tan extremos. En el día a día también se pueden dar accidentes (golpes, heridas, quemaduras, picaduras de animales) o malestares (dolores de cabeza, reacciones alérgicas) en los que es tan importante saber qué hay que hacer como qué evitar por todos los medios. Este manual te aportará las claves para proporcionar esa primera asistencia de la manera más adecuada, con las técnicas básicas y avanzadas de primeros auxilios, puestas al día.

Una guía rápida de vitaminas, minerales y suplementos

by Helen Pensanti

Hay miles de vitaminas, minerales y suplementos. ¡Todos dicen que mejorarán tu salud! Pero no todas esas cosas son buenas para ti. Tal vez tu cuerpo está tratando de enviarte un mensaje. ¿Lo estás escuchando? La doctora Pensanti ha investigado y ha hecho una lista en orden alfabético de los suplementos esenciales con información muy pertinente. Hasta podrás descubrir suplementos para enfermedades específicas al alcance de tus dedos y una fácil referencia con respuestas a preguntas como éstas:¿Cuáles son los cinco mejores suplementos para alguien que sufre de una enfermedad del corazón o de cáncer?¿Qué pasa si mi cuerpo no posee suficientes vitaminas y minerales?¿Qué alimentos proveen estas vitaminas y minerales de manera natural?¿Cuánto debo tomar y con qué frecuencia?¿Hay alguna contraindicación?

Guida Alla Cura e Alle Capacità Degli Empatici

by Emerald Spphire

Una guida completa alla gestione e alla cura del proprio benessere emotivo, psicologico e spirituale per individui ipersensibili. Ti senti esaurito dopo aver speso del tempo con altre persone? Ti sei sempre sentito un po' diverso dagli altri? Sei un empatico che sta cercando delle strategie per gestire la tua chiaroveggenza spirituale? Per gli individui altamente empatici la vita può essere difficile ed emotivamente stressante. Fortunatamente abbiamo creato una risorsa che può aiutarti. In questo libro troverai: - Un'introduzione agli empatici e alla percezione emotiva profonda. - In che modo opera l'empatia. - Come superare i problemi che pone e migliorare la propria connessione con l'universo. - Come gestire e curare la propria sensibilità spirituale. ---> Scorri fino in cima alla pagina e clicca sul carrello per acquistare subito <--- Avvertenza: L'autore e i detentori dei diritti non affermano, promettono o garantiscono in alcun modo l'accuratezza, completezza o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e respingono ogni responsabilità concernente errori od omissioni che possa contenere. Il testo è da intendersi soltanto come una presentazione generale.

Guida alla sopravvivenza degli illuminati empatici

by Lucille T. Fryar

È il desiderio del tuo cuore quello di scoprire e sviluppare i tuoi doni empatici? Trovi difficile affrontare le tante emozioni che vivi quotidianamente? Conoscere e mettere sotto controllo queste emozioni ti regalerà una vita di pace e tranquillità. Quando ti sarai fatto carico delle tue emozioni e ti sarai aiutato, sarai una fonte di assistenza e gioia per coloro che ti circondano. È necessario che tu faccia i conti con come la tua vita quotidiana è influenzata dalle tue emozioni prima di poter progredire verso il loro sviluppo. Con un corretto sviluppo e gestione delle tue emozioni, sarai in grado di adattarti a nuove situazioni e, allo stesso tempo, essere aperto al flusso di energia che abbonda tutto intorno. Chi è un empatico? L'empatico è dotato della capacità di percepire le emozioni degli altri e di accettare quelle emozioni come loro. L'empatia è il più delle volte in sincronia con le energie delle persone sia all'interno che all'esterno del loro ambiente circostante. La maggior parte degli empatici che non sono consapevoli dei propri doni soffrono di confusione e depressione poiché trovano difficile separare le proprie emozioni da quelle degli altri. Questo libro è progettato per portarti a patti con i tuoi doni unici e capire come prevenire le energie negative che smorzeranno la tua psiche. Svilupperai e migliorerai la tua vita spirituale, sarai a tuo agio con le persone intorno a te e diventerai illuminato a un livello cosmico che ti differenzia dalla gente comune. La Guida alla sopravvivenza degli empatici illuminati tratta quanto segue: - Come riconoscere se sei un empatico - Fare i conti con l'essere un empatico - Tipi di empatici - Modi attraverso i quali puoi sviluppare le tue capacità - Le sfide quotidiane dell'empatico - Tecniche per evitare situazioni di consumo energetico - Gestione delle relazioni - Come affrontare i tuoi doni empatici Sono inclusi anche - Imp

Guida All'uso Delle Strisce Di Chetosi

by Katherine Aaron

La Guida completa su come misurare i livelli di chetoni nelle urine, nel sangue e come entrare più velocemente nella chetosi! Non siete troppo sicuri di essere in chetosi? Ma avete affaticamento, sete, influenza e boccaccia? Avete fatto una dieta chetogena per alcuni giorni! Siete alla ricerca di una guida completa su come usare le strisce reattive per la chetosi e su come entrare più velocemente nella chetosi entro 48 ore? Se questo è ciò che state sperimentando, continuate a leggere! Le strisce reattive per chetogeni o le strisce reattive per chetoni sono foglietti distintivi tagliati sottili su cui si fa pipì o su cui si fa cadere il sangue e che cambiano colore in caso di urina e forniscono dati in caso di sangue per mostrare i livelli di chetoni nel sistema. Queste strisce non solo controlleranno i chetoni nell'organismo, ma ci aiuteranno anche a capire quando abbiamo troppi chetoni che possono portare alla chetoacidosi (una condizione in cui il sangue diventa acido). Queste strisce sono state inizialmente create per gestire condizioni mediche come il diabete di tipo II, il cancro e l'epilessia. Tutte queste condizioni possono essere regolate se i chetoni nel corpo sono ben mantenuti. Questa guida "GUIDA PER L'USO DELLE STRISCE KETO: Guida rapida e facile all'uso delle strisce per misurare correttamente i livelli di chetoni nelle urine, nel sangue e per entrare più velocemente nella chetosi" farà luce su quanto segue: Come entrare in chetosi Entrare in chetosi Perché la necessità della chetosi Segnatevi che siete in chetosi Come gestire i sintomi scomodi dovuti alla chetosi Come entrare più velocemente nella chetosi Come misurare i chetoni Come funzionano le strisce di keto Tipi di strisce di chetosi Le strisce di keto sono precise? Come funzionano le strisce per il test del chetone Tempo di us

Guida per la Cura Della Pelle

by Laurie Larson

Le imperfezioni della tua pelle rappresentano una sfida? Vorresti migliorare la tua apparenza? Non perdere tempo con cosmetici costosi! Con questa guida imparerai i consigli più efficaci ed economici per un effetto degno di passerella! Questi metodi sono normalmente usati dai migliori e dalle migliori top model al mondo e possono essere usati anche da un principiante in soli pochi minuti. Ecco cosa otterrai: - Sembrarai più giovane che mai! - Consigli semplici - Metodi low cost - Cura per la tua pelle in soli pochi minuti tutti i giorni - Un look da top model

Guida per principianti Sapone fai da te Come autoprodurre un sapone fragrante, delicato e tutto naturale Con tante ricette per principianti: Come Autoprodurre Un Sapone Fragrante, Delicato E Tutto Naturale Con Tante Ricette Per Principianti

by April Brown

La cosa meravigliosa del sapone fatto in casa è che si può realizzare con gli ingredienti, i colori e le fragranze di propria scelta. Fare da sé il sapone è divertente ed emozionante. Hai sempre voluto provare a fare il sapone, ma non hai mai osato? Sperimenta subito con una delle ricette di questo libro e vedrai che non è poi così difficile come si pensa. Naturalmente è necessario attenersi strettamente alle misurazioni e ai pesi indicati, poiché ciò determinerà il risultato del prodotto finale. Gli ingredienti per la saponificazione (soda e grassi/oli) attraverseranno infatti un semplice processo che li legherà chimicamente in un nuovo composto, appunto il sapone. Per saponificare i grassi occorrono assolutamente la soda o la potassa caustica (idrossido di sodio o idrossido di potassio), quindi consiglio di non tentare di utilizzare lisciva o altro. Naturalmente nel prodotto finito non ne resteranno tracce. In questo libro ho delineato gli ingredienti di base necessari alla produzione del sapone e le attrezzature, illustrando in dettaglio i vari metodi corredati di immagini. Con questo libro, imparerai: - Fino a cinque metodi di saponificazione - Ricette per vari scopi - Storia della produzione del sapone - Terminologia del sapone - Ricette per principianti - Precauzioni da prendere durante la manipolazione della soda - Produzione di sapone liquido

Guidance for Establishing Crisis Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations: A Letter Report

by Institute of Medicine

The influenza pandemic caused by the 2009 H1N1 virus underscores the immediate and critical need to prepare for a public health emergency in which thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people suddenly seek and require medical care in communities across the United States. Guidance for Establishing Crisis Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations draws from a broad spectrum of expertise--including state and local public health, emergency medicine and response, primary care, nursing, palliative care, ethics, the law, behavioral health, and risk communication--to offer guidance toward establishing standards of care that should apply to disaster situations, both naturally occurring and manmade, under conditions in which resources are scarce. Guidance for Establishing Crisis Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations explores two case studies that illustrate the application of the guidance and principles laid out in the report. One scenario focuses on a gradual-onset pandemic flu. The other scenario focuses on an earthquake and the particular issues that would arise during a no-notice event. Outlining current concepts and offering guidance, this book will prove an asset to state and local public health officials, healthcare facilities, and professionals in the development of systematic and comprehensive policies and protocols for standards of care in disasters where resources are scarce. In addition, the extensive "operations" section of the book provides guidance to clinicians, healthcare institutions, and state and local public health officials for how those crisis standards of care should be implemented in a disaster situation.

Guide de Guérison et de Formation de L’empathe: Traits de survie émotionnelle, spirituelle & psychologique

by Emerald Spphire

Le guide complet pour gérer et guérir le bien-être émotionnel, spirituel et psychologique des personnes sensibles. Vous sentez-vous vidé de votre énergie après avoir passé du temps avec d’autres personnes? Etes-vous quelqu’un qui est différent des autres? Etes-vous un empathe à la recherche de stratégies pour gérer votre clairvoyance spirituelle? Vivre la vie en tant que personne fortement empathique peut s’avérer difficile et pénible sur le plan émotionnel. Heureusement, nous avons créé une ressource pour vous aider. Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez: - qui sont les empathes et ce qu’est le ressenti d’émotions profondes - comment fonctionne l’empathie - surmonter l’empathie et être davantage connecté à l’univers - comment faire face et gérer la sensibilité spirituelle

Guide de Jus de Céleri: nutrition, bienfaits, recettes, régime céto pour le diabète, régimes amaigrissants

by Shelly Style

Guérissez-vous et soyez en meilleure santé que jamais avec le jus de céleri! Aimeriez-vous pouvoir aider à éliminer les maladies, l'inconfort, l'inflammation, la douleur, la dépression et la douleur? Pendant longtemps, le jus de céleri a été utilisé pour traiter un certain nombre de maladies! L'utilisation de techniques de guérison naturelles contribuera également aux maladies chroniques, à l'inflammation, à votre système immunitaire, aux niveaux d'énergie, à la concentration, au bonheur général et bien plus encore! Présentation des secrets que les professionnels de la guérison naturelle utilisent pour se sentir en meilleure santé que jamais! Avec des décennies de stratégies testées, cet ebook vous montrera le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace d'utiliser vous-même la guérison naturelle avec du jus de céleri pour votre bien-être! Vous apprendrez comment augmenter votre bien-être en aussi peu que quelques semaines. Non seulement cela, mais vous améliorerez littéralement tous les aspects de votre vie. Vous voulez savoir comment les individus gèrent les maladies chroniques et les maux? Vous aussi, vous pouvez apprendre les secrets pour y parvenir, vous permettant d'être plus heureux et en meilleure santé. Ce guide vous enseigne des techniques éprouvées sans utiliser de suppléments ou de cours coûteux. Ce qui est inclu: - Remèdes au céleri. - Battre la maladie chronique. - Avoir plus d'énergie. - Mieux dormir. - Surmonter les maux. - Nutrition. - Ce que vous devriez savoir. + BEAUCOUP PLUS! Si vous voulez être en meilleure santé, guérir des maux ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guide est fait pour vous.

Guide de remèdes à base de plantes pour débutants

by Nancy Ross Agnes Ruiz

SOIGNEZ-VOUS NATURELLEMENT AVEC DES REMÈDES À BASE DE PLANTES ! Voici un aperçu de ce que vous apprendrez... Comment faire pousser vos propres plantes Des remèdes à base de plantes pour l’anxiété, la dépression et le stress Des remèdes à base de plantes pour soulager la douleur Des remèdes à base de plantes pour la perte de poids Des remèdes à base de plantes pour les maladies communes Des remèdes à base de plantes pour les affections cutanées Et beaucoup, beaucoup plus !

Guide des Soins de la Peau

by Steve Alita

Avez-vous une peau sensible? Souhaitez-vous améliorer votre apparence? Dans ce guide vous recevrez les conseils les plus efficaces et les plus économiques pour vous transformer en modèle! Ces méthodes sont couramment utilisées par les meilleurs modèles du monde et peuvent être appliquées même par un novice en quelques minutes seulement. Voici ce qui est inclus: - Sois plus jeune que jamais! - Astuces simples - Méthodes à faible coût - Prenez soin de votre peau en quelques minutes chaque jour. - Faites défiler vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément.

Guide des Soins de la Peau

by Laurie Larson

Avez-vous une peau sensible? Souhaitez-vous améliorer votre apparence? Dans ce guide vous recevrez les conseils les plus efficaces et les plus économiques pour vous transformer en modèle! Ces méthodes sont couramment utilisées par les meilleurs modèles du monde et peuvent être appliquées même par un novice en quelques minutes seulement. Voici ce qui est inclus: - Sois plus jeune que jamais! - Astuces simples - Méthodes à faibles coût - Prenez soin de votre peau en quelques minutes chaque jour. Faites défiler vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément.

A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed

by David L. Streiner Canadian Psychiatric Association

Do statistics-heavy research papers give you a headache? Are you baffled by bias, confused by correlation, or flummoxed by F-tests? A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed is here to help! This book is designed to assist students, clinicians, and researchers in becoming familiar with statistical and research techniques by covering the essentials of the topic and drawing attention to many common problem areas.Inspired to write on this topic in reaction to mistakes he encountered in actual papers, David L. Streiner uses his trademark sense of humour and light-hearted style to explain complex statistical concepts in lucid, jargon-free language. Streiner delves into topics such as presenting data (or, conversely, how not to), statistical techniques, and more advanced procedures. To help readers detect problems with research design and interpretation, he details important 'CRAP' (convoluted reasoning or anti-intellectual pomposity) detectors for which they should watch out.Even those with little or no background in statistics, measurement theory, or research will come out of A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed with a new understanding and appreciation of these topics.

Guide Me in My Recovery: Prayers for Times of Joy and Times of Trial

by John T. Farrell

Featuring original prayers by the author, John Farrell, Ph.D., Regimental Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministries at SUNY Maritime College, as well as prayers synthesized from common prayers and devotional writings, this book is intended to aid and inspire spiritual seekers.

Guide Pratique Sur Les Huiles Essentielles

by Sherry Styles

Guide pratique sur les huiles essentielles : des conseils et remèdes pour rester en bonne santé, soigner et traiter les maux tels que l’anxiété, les troubles du sommeil, les maux de tête, et les allergies.

A Guide to a Somatic Movement Practice: The Anatomy of Center

by Nancy Topf

An introduction to embodied movement through the work of a dance education pioneer In this introduction to the work of somatic dance education pioneer Nancy Topf (1942–1998), readers are ushered on a journey to explore the movement of the body through a close awareness of anatomical form and function. Making available the full text of Topf’s The Anatomy of Center for the first time in print, this guide helps professionals, teachers, and students of all levels integrate embodied, somatic practices within contexts of dance, physical education and therapy, health, and mental well-being. Hetty King, a movement educator certified in the Topf Technique®, explains how the ideas in this work grew out of Topf’s involvement in developing Anatomical Release Technique—an important concept in contemporary dance—and the influence of earlier innovators Barbara Clark and Mabel Elsworth Todd, founder of the approach to movement known as “ideokinesis.” Featuring lessons written as a dialogue between teacher, student, and elements of the body, Topf’s material is accompanied by twenty-one activities that allow readers to use the book as a self-guided manual. A Guide to a Somatic Movement Practice is a widely applicable entry point into the tradition of experiential anatomy and its mindful centering of the living, breathing body.

A Guide to Chinese Medicine on the Internet

by Ka Wai Fan

A Guide to Chinese Medicine on the Internet frees readers from having to sift through countless websites to find up-to-date, high quality, reliable information on all types of Chinese medicine. This handy resource provides an introduction to the terms and philosophies of Chinese medicine in addition to an extensive categorized listing of online sites related to Chinese culture and medicine, complete with a brief description of each site’s content. Guidelines are provided for searching, cataloging, and evaluating websites concerned with Chinese medicine, based on the author’s research and personal experience as a practitioner and user of Chinese medicines.

The Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine on the Internet

by M Sandra Wood Lillian R Brazin

Learn to identify Internet-based complementary/alternative medicine resources you can trust! This well-organized book takes a commonsense approach to getting the most out of the Internet when it comes to finding reliable information on complementary and alternative medicine. Author Lillian Brazin teaches classes on finding and evaluating health information on the Internet. In this book, she shares her years of experience in using and evaluating medical Internet sites to teach you to spot authoritative resources and avoid misinformation, sales pitches, and out-and-out quackery. In addition to showing you where to find the information you need, this book stresses the importance (the how and why) of working closely with your physician to get the best results from your complementary/alternative medical experience. More than 20 "screen shot" illustrations give you a preview of what to look for on various sites! The Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine on the Internet will show you how to separate the wheat from the chaff when confronted with hundreds of Web sites purporting to provide reliable information. This jargon-free book addresses vital questions, such as: How can I be certain that the information I find is correct? How can I locate a Web site that was recommended to me? How do I start out to research a particular health problem? What do Internet terms like .com, .edu, .gov, listservs, :), BTW, LOL, flames, "netiquette," etc. mean? This book will also help you understand controversial "hot topics" that include: the Pilates exercise method that Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis helped popularize in the 1960s is trendy again, with Pilates studios in most major cities supermarket supplements, such as St. John's wort, gingko biloba, and vitamins A-Z: how can I find out which, if any of them, are for me? the validity of celebrity endorsements for supplements and alternative therapies While providing you with the skills to find the information you seek, this book reflects the author&’s cautious perspective. The Internet can be frightening and overwhelming because there is so much information to sift through, digest, and evaluate. The Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine on the Internet (first in the new Internet Guides to Consumer Health Care series from The Haworth Information Press) will help you identify Internet resources for complementary and alternative medicine that you can trust.

Guide to Cooking for Children with Diabetes (The Everything®)

by Leslie Young Moira McCarthy

All parents want their children to eat well—but for children with diabetes, eating well is not just a preference, it’s a requisite. When to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat are critical considerations—all day, every day. But with a little knowledge and planning, you can whip up meals that are as good for your child as they are good to eat, including:Ultimate Grilled Cheeseburger SandwichMultigrain Pancakes and Vanilla SmoothiesBaked Potato Chips and Creamy Spicy DipTaco SaladGrilled Ranch ChickenLobster SaladChocolate Cheesecake MousseWith this cookbook, you can meet the dietary challenges of diabetes with delicious—and doable—meals. From bag lunches and after-school snacks to birthday treats and holiday feasts, children with diabetes can enjoy mealtime as much as kids everywhere—every day of the year!

A Guide to Crisis Intervention (4th edition)

by Kristi Kanel

Written for beginning paraprofessional counselors, this textbook on crisis intervention outlines skills and strategies that Kanel (crisis intervention, California State U., Fullerton) found useful as a psychotherapist. She describes what can be defined as a crisis, the history of the field, ethical and professional issues, cultural sensitivity, and the ABC model of conducting mental health interviews with clients, which consists of three stages: developing and maintaining contact, identifying the problem and providing therapeutic interaction, and coping. She then outlines crises that are dangers, including suicide, self-mutilative behaviors, and psychotic breakdowns, and discusses gravely disabled mentally ill persons. Types of crises associated with stages of development, loss, AIDS and HIV, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, disaster, and child, spousal, and sexual abuse are detailed. Indexes are divided by subject and name. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

A Guide to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Information and Advice for Teachers and Parents

by Janet Hoskin Kate Maresh Francesco Muntoni Veronica Hinton Lianne Abbot Victoria Selby James Poysky David Schonfeld Nick Catlin Celine Barry Jon Hastie Mark Chapman

The prognosis for individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is improving, with some men with DMD living into their 30s and 40s. More vital than ever, this book helps teachers and parents to support children and young people with DMD with their education and transition into adulthood. Leading experts on DMD explain Duchenne and its impact in easy-to-understand terms. Going beyond physical management, particular focus is put on learning and behavioural issues, including speech delay and difficulty learning to read, as well as common comorbid conditions, such as ADHD, autism and OCD. Raising aspirations, the book gives guidance on effective support in the classroom and advice on the transition to adulthood, employment and independent living.

Guide to Getting It On

by Paul Joannides Daerick Gross

Few people had heard of Bumble and Hinge when the last edition of the “Guide to Getting It On” went to press four years ago. No one would have guessed that Chaturbate would become the 28th most popular website in the US, or that women in college would pay for their tuition by selling pics and panties on a website called OnlyFans. And good luck to any guy who calls a woman to ask her for a date instead of texting, because she'll probably think he's a stalker. <p><p> Anyone who says “Why does a book on sex need a new edition?” needs to throw away their flip phone. Today's young adults are the first generation who began watching the most explicit porn in history on their phones in Middle School. They have very different expectations and needs from a book on sex, and those needs are changing as rapidly as technology is changing. There have been hundreds of studies done in the past four years on everything from female orgasms to how semen influences a woman's immune system to not kill sperm. You'll find it all in this new edition of The Guide. And the new chapter on consent will hopefully do a much better job of helping you understand what consent is and isn't than Title IX with its strange little slogans.

Guide To Getting It On! a book about the wonders of sex

by Paul Joannides Toni Johnson

The Guide To Getting It On! is a sexuality guide by research psychoanalyst Paul Joannides.

Guide to Healthy Fast-Food Eating

by Hope S. Warshaw

Here is the most complete and easy-to-use fast-food guide for people with diabetes, heart disease, and weight challenges. Along with nutrition information, this comprehensive book provides the skills and strategies you need to find healthy meals in the most popular fast-food restaurants in America. This book contains:Nutrition facts for calories, carbohydrates, fiber, fat, trans and saturated fats, protein, and moreExchange and serving sizes for every menu itemCommon pitfalls of fast-food eating and how to avoid themTips for making healthier fast-food choicesRealistic ways to deal with diabetes-related dining dilemma

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