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Más allá de tu cerebro (Colección Vital): El método integral para sanar en mente, cuerpo y espíritu

by Kristin Loberg David Perlmutter

Del autor de Cerebro de pan y Alimenta tu cerebro. La guía oficial del revolucionario enfoque médico que ha roto todos los paradigmas de salud y ha transformado la vida de millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Incluye un efectivo plan de alimentación de 14 días, exámenes de autodiagnóstico y programas especiales para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en lactancia. Por el autor de los grandes bestsellers Cerebro de pan y Alimenta tu cerebro, llega Más allá de tu cerebro: un programa práctico e integral para toda la familia que detalla cómo disminuir el riesgo de enfermedades cerebrales, bajar de peso, revertir condiciones crónicas -como el cáncer, el colesterol elevado o la diabetes- y rejuvenecer nuestras células por completo. Basado en los estudios científicos más recientes yesperanzadores, Más allá de tu cerebro condensa y expande la filosofía médica que el doctor David Perlmutter ha compartido en sus libros previos e introduce nueva información sobre los beneficios de comer más grasa, menos carbohidratos y nutrir el microbioma. Con recetas inéditas, consejos y trucos para sobrellevar los obstáculos más comunes que debemos enfrentar cuando modificamos nuestra dieta, rutinas de ejercicios, suplementos alimenticios recomendados y mucho más, este libro corona espléndidamente el ciclo de la obra del doctor Perlmutter y nos enseña a vivir felices y saludables para siempre. Otros especialistas han opinado: "Este libro es el manifiesto de la nueva medicina: un mapa para vivir más, sentirte mejor y optimizar tu salud cerebral" -Dr. Mark Hyman, autor de Come grasa y adelgaza-

Más Platón y menos Prozac

by Lou Marinoff

Un libro diferente que, con sencillez, nos acerca al pensamiento de grandes filósofos como Platón, Sócrates o Kant y demuestra que la filosofía puede ser una opción para lograr una vida más satisfactoria. ¿Puede la filosofía combatir los problemas y dificultades cotidianos? Esto es precisamente lo que propone Más Platón y menos Prozac: aplicar la filosofía a nuestro sistema de vida para alcanzar un mayor equilibrio interior. Se trata de considerar la filosofía como una forma de vida más que como una disciplina, idea que existe desde Sócrates. Más Platón y menos Prozac se inspira en los más importantes filósofos de la historia para enseñarnos a afrontar los principales y más habituales aspectos de la vida, el amor, la ética, prepararse para morir o simplemente enfrentarse a un cambio de trabajo.

Masaje: Más que un buen masaje (Como hacer... #124)

by Owen Jones

Masaje Más que un buen masaje Hola y gracias por comprar este libro electrónico llamado "Masaje". Espero que encuentre la información válida, útil y rentable. La información en este libro electrónico sobre varios aspectos de las técnicas de masaje, estilos y temas relacionados está organizada en 15 capítulos de aproximadamente 500-600 palabras cada uno. Espero que les interese a quienes disfrutan de un masaje o les gustaría entrar en la floreciente industria del masaje. Como beneficio adicional, le doy permiso para usar el contenido en su propio sitio web o en sus propios blogs y boletines informativos, aunque es mejor si los reescribe en sus propias palabras primero. También puede dividir el libro y revender los artículos. De hecho, el único derecho que no tiene es revender o regalar el libro tal como se le entregó. Si tiene algún comentario, déjelo en la compañía a la que le compró este libro. También encontrará más libros como este allí Gracias de nuevo por comprar este libro electrónico, Saludos, Owen Jones

Masala: Recipes from India, the Land of Spices [A Cookbook]

by Anita Jaisinghani

Go inside the mind of a chef to learn the fundamentals of Indian cuisine and decode the secrets to cooking with spices in this beautiful collection of over 100 timeless recipes. &“This book will exhilarate your senses and invite you to explore the richness of Indian cuisine.&”—Deepak ChopraAward-winning chef Anita Jaisinghani of Pondicheri restaurant in Houston, Texas, shows just how easy, delicious, and healthy Indian food can be in this stunning and accessible debut cookbook. Born and raised in Gujarat, India, Anita&’s approach to cooking is simple: Following the tenets of ancient Ayurveda, food is seasonal, texture and color are celebrated, and spices are used to enhance, not overwhelm. As the star of Indian cuisine, spices are used from morning to night, in simple infusions, such as cinnamon water for a warming start the day, while cilantro and mint add a cooling balance to a fiery grilled corn salad, and cardamom lends an aromatic sweetness to mango rice pudding. Masala will teach you to think like an Indian chef, revealing the wisdom and techniques to cooking with fresh whole spices: identifying warming versus cooling, what order they should be used, how to temper in hot oil, and much more. Drawing inspiration from every corner of India, these recipes include fermented dosas, sweet and savory chutneys, fragrant chicken, fish, and pork curries, samosas, pakoras, and naans, and pay homage to one of the oldest and most diverse cuisines on the planet. Expect to be wowed with new flavors and combinations, such as Saffron Citrus Pilaf, Coconut Lassi, Jackfruit Masala, Vindaloo Ribs, Avocado Mushroom Chilla, and Smoked Eggplant Raita. Masala will change the way you think about Indian cooking and the way you use spices in the kitchen.

Máscaras Médico-Cirúrgucas Comuns e Manufaturadas em Casa: Guia da Manufatura

by Valerie D. Hering

Surgiu uma necessidade imperial para todos - amigos, familiares, amigos, nós próprios, a comunidade em geral - de nos protegermos através de práticas de responsabilidade cívica e de prevenção individual e coletiva. O uso de uma máscara facial é uma das formas mais significativas de alcançar esse objetivo, muito em particular depois do mundo inteiro ter sido afetado pela atual pandemia infecciosa viral. Estamos, atualmente, a experienciar os efeitos devastadores provocados por um surto epidémico que resultou num número considerável de casos infetados e tem conduzido o mundo inteiro a uma escassez de materiais vitais no combate a esta pandemia, logo a adesão em massa à produção de máscaras médico-cirúrgicas tornou-se uma necessidade acrescida. A produção de máscaras faciais não significa somente dar um passo importante em direção a um fururo promissor. Traduz-se num ato refletido em prol da proteção de toda a humanidade contra vírus e bactérias nocivas à saúde populacional. Esta não é uma missão impossível, é uma prevenção que poderá assegurar através da produção de máscaras eficazes, ao recorrer a um processo que pode ser realizado em apenas alguns minutos. Este livro faculta determinados detalhes, extremamente valiosos, relativamente à manufatura das máscaras cirúrgicas e fornece instruções simples, com ilustrações, para que qualquer pessoa possa aprender a fazer a sua própria máscara em casa. Salienta, ainda, dados importantes acerca dos principais surtos virais transmitidos por via respiratória, respetivas formas de prevenção e outros pontos relevantes acerca do uso correto e adequado das máscaras faciais médico-cirúrgicas, com ou sem acessório respirador. As máscaras cirúrgicas comuns minimizam o risco de contágio contra infeções virais e bacteriológicas transmitidas por via respiratória. Note porém que o uso das máscaras faciais caseiras não protege contra infecções respiratórias vi


by Antony John

This witty, heartfelt story about perseverance in the face of adversity is perfect for fans of R. J. Palacio, Cammie McGovern, and John David Anderson.Noah Savino has been stuck in a wheelchair for months. He hates the way people treat him like he’s helpless now. He’s sick of going to physical therapy, where he isn’t making any progress. He’s tired of not having control over his own body. And he misses playing baseball—but not as much as he misses his dad, who died in the car accident that paralyzed Noah.Noah is scared he’ll never feel like his old self again. He doesn’t want people to think of him as different for the rest of his life. With the help of family and friends, he’ll have to throw off the mask he’s been hiding behind and face the fears that have kept him on the sidelines if he ever wants to move forward.

Mascotas naturalmente saludables

by Alma Edith Garcia Julie Massoni

"Mascotas naturalmente saludables" es una guía introductoria de naturopatía para perros y gatos que incluye información sobre una dieta natural y suplementos alimenticios para mejorar la salud de sus animales, al igual que sobre cómo utilizar hierbas, homeopatía y esencias florales para apoyar su salud y bienestar. Se detallan alternativas naturales para el control de pulgas, la desparasitación y para aliviar el dolor. También incluye información sobre la alimentación vegetariana para perros. Está escrito por una naturópata de animales calificada que ha ayudando a miles de animales a raíz de variedad de problemas de salud agudos y crónicos. Si quisiera saber más sobre cómo utilizar terapias naturales y cómo evitar muchos problemas de salud de sus mascotas, entonces este libro es una gran referencia.

Masking Up: Guide du dermatologue à Maskne

by Wan Lin Teo

Masking Up - A Dermatologist's Guide to Maskne est écrit par le Dr Teo Wan Lin, l'un des éminents dermatologues de Singapour et directeur médical du TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre. Masquer l'acné ou « maskne » en abrégé est un nouveau terme inventé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 de 2020, plus précisément connu sous le nom d'acné mécanique ou d'acné d'occlusion pour les dermatologues. Ce livre est écrit comme un guide du phénomène, avec des soins de la peau, des conseils de maquillage pour la « nouvelle normalité » du port du masque, ainsi que des informations sur la façon de choisir le bon masque en tissu. Le Dr Teo dirige le développement d'une branche de recherche en science des matériaux, Dr.TWL Biomaterials, qui se concentre sur de nouveaux biomatériaux écologiquement durables pour les applications cutanées. En tant que première entreprise textile cosméceutique dirigée par des dermatologues, la branche biomatériaux développe une technologie de pointe pour les textiles biofonctionnels de nouvelle génération. Dermatologue pionnier dans le domaine du développement de textiles biofonctionnels, la lettre de recherche originale du Dr Teo « Considérations de diagnostic et de gestion de Maskne à l'ère du COVID-19 » a été publiée par le Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, classé le premier* journal de dermatologie à l'international, en octobre 2020. *Classement des facteurs d'impact 2019 publié par le Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Web of Science Group.

The Masks Of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups about the Man Believed to be God

by Lynn Picknett Clive Prince

This book is not intended as an attack on Christianity of the Christ of faith, but is an assessment of all the historical evidence about Jesus Christ.Although there is a huge literature on the subject - theological, historical, mythical, New Age and speculative - almost all of it is aimed at a niche market. The Masks of Christ is very different, being a mainstream book aimed at everyone. For the first time, all the various theories and facts about Jesus are considered between the covers of one accessible book.As the phenomenal sales of The Da Vinci Code continue to fuel a growing global appetite for questioning the old certainities and assumptions about Christianity and what it says about its founder, never has there been a more perfect time to launch The Masks of Christ.

Mason Jar Lunches: 50 Pretty, Portable Packed Lunches (Including) Delicious Soups, Salads, Pastas & More

by Jessica Harlan

Make your lunchtime easier and more delicious with these recipes for amazing meals in a jar.Discover the coolest way to pack a healthy, on-the-go meal! With tasty recipes and full-color photos, Mason Jar Lunches will show you how to combine fresh produce and whole foods into fun meals packed in adorable jars, including:• lasagna in a jar• poke sushi bowl• buffalo chicken salad• layered yogurt parfait• farro and roasted vegetable bowl• ramen with egg and broccoli• miso udon soup• charcuterie stack

The Masonic Magician

by Robert L. D. Cooper Philippa Faulks

The Masonic Magician tells Cagliostro's extraordinary story,complete with the first English translation of his Egyptian Riteof Freemasonry ever published. The authors examine the case made against him, that he was an impostor as well as a heretic, and find that the Roman Church, and history itself, have done him a terrible injustice.

Massage: Meer dan gewoon wat wrijven (Hoe moet je... #124)

by Owen Jones

Massage Meer dan gewoon wat wrijven Hallo en bedankt om het e-boek ‘Massage’ te kopen. Ik hoop dat je deze informatie als nuttig, handig en winstgevend zal beschouwen. De informatie in dit e-boek, over allerlei aspecten van massagetechnieken, -stijlen en verwante onderwerpen, is opgebouwd uit 15 hoofdstukken van ongeveer 500-600 woorden elk. Ik hoop dat dit interesssant zal zijn voor mensen die weten te genieten van een goede massage of voor zij die ervan dromen om deel uit te maken van de groeiende sector die massage is. Als extra bonus geef ik je toestemming om de inhoud te gebruiken voor je eigen websites of blogs en nieuwsbrieven, hoewel het beter is om het eerst zelf in je eigen woorden te herschrijven. Je mag het boek ook opsplitsen en de artikels verkopen. Het enige recht dat je in feite niet hebt is om het volledige boek door te verkopen. Gelieve alle feedback te richten naar het bedrijf waar je dit boek hebt gekocht. Je zal daar ook meer boeken zoals dit vinden. Nogmaals bedankt om dit e-boek te kopen, Gegroet, Owen Jones

Massage Anatomy: A Comprehensive Guide (Anatomies of)

by Abigail Ellsworth Peggy Altman

Massages energize, revitalize, and renew both body and spirit, and have even been proven to restore and promote good health. But to safely practice massage, you need to understand how the body works.<P><P> Everyone from new students to experienced massage therapists can benefit from this unique book dedicated to the practice of massage. The world of massage at your fingertips! This comprehensive book explores seven of the world's best-known styles of massage: Swedish, Fusion, Shiatsu, Thai, River Stone, Reflexology, and Reiki. Massage Anatomy uniquely combines an understanding of the human body with different massage styles, making it an excellent resource for practitioners of all levels. Detailed anatomical illustrations and approachable text demonstrate body planes, muscle groups, and crucial areas like the nervous and lymphatic systems. There is also a helpful reference section on massage terminology and a glossary of muscles. Discover the ancient secrets practiced by Native Americans and Egyptians using warm stones that are applied to the body. Feel the "spirit life force" of reiki, a centuries-old Japanese technique used to promote peace and well-being. And find out how to combine Swedish, deep-tissue, and sports massage techniques for a fabulous massage fusion.

The Massage Deck: 50 Soothing Massage Techniques

by Mark Busacca Katy Dreyfuss

This deck features 50 easy-to-follow, artfully illustrated techniques for giving and receiving the perfect massage. Coded by body region, these portable cards include detailed instructions, tips for when to use aromatic oils and lotions, and suggested sequences for ten- and twenty-minute massages. Learn how to soothe away stress and tension, relieve headaches and muscle pain, and share the language of touch with The Massage Deck.

Massage for Busy People

by Dawn Groves

Do you feel stressed, tired, depleted? Do you hold tension in certain parts of your body because of your busy lifestyle -- or extended time in one position, such as working at your computer or sitting in a car commuting? Muscle pain, back spasm, and a host of anxiety-related disorders seem inevitable in today's overproductive world. However, there's a simple way to rebuild and counteract the damage inflicted by this grueling lifestyle: self-massage. With clear instructions and 30 photographs, this books describes various types of self-massage techniques for relieving stress and relaxing. By learning about intention and focus, timing, practice, and a "balanced" approach, you can maximize the benefits of quick massage and create a personal massage routine tailored to the demands of your just a few minutes a day. You'll learn to: strengthen your posture, diminish aches and pains, replenish your energy, and target specific conditions such as headaches or stiff neck. In a practical and inspiring way, Massage for Busy People takes the practice of massage and personalizes it for all environments -- at home, at the office, in the car, or on a plane.

Massage For Dummies

by Steve Capellini Michel Van Welden

Sooth away stress, banish pain, and share the language of touch with the healing powers of massageWhat reduces pain, enhances athletic performance, job efficiency, improves the circulation, raises immune efficiency, promotes the healing of tissues, increases the functioning of the skin, enhances focus and emotional balance, and improves appearance? Right, massage! So what are you waiting for?Discover how to knead your way to relaxation and wellness with this fun guide to the art of massage. With the help of numerous step-by-step hands-on photos and illustrations, Massage For Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you, move by move, how to harness the healing power of touch. In no time you'll master the basics and learn how to give and receive a therapeutic massage.25% new and expanded content in this editionCovers an array of techniques, from Swedish to Deep Tissue and sports massage to self-massageThe newest strokes and techniques that can relieve specific painful conditionsHands-on and extremely practical, Massage For Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you how to integrate massage and its benefits into your everyday life.

Massage For The Hospital Patient And Medically Frail Client

by Gayle Macdonald

This is an essential, one-of-a-kind resource for gaining the skills and knowledge you need to provide safe, effective massage therapy to patients in acute care settings and private practice clients who are medically frail. As demand grows for massage therapy in acute care, many bodyworkers seek to broaden their ability to meet this important need. To paraphrase the author: For many touch therapists, massage is more than a job or a profession--it's a calling. With the knowledge gained from this expertly written book, you will be able to confidently provide massage therapy in the hospital, other care settings, and for clients affected by health problems. It's the ideal guide for student bodyworkers and practitioners, educators, hospital administrators, and a wide range of medical professionals.

Massage for Pain Relief

by Peijian Shen

This fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to simple pain relief covers everything from headaches to back pain to tennis elbow, all using Oriental massage and pressure techniques. Full-color illustrations and diagrams throughout.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond: Simple, Soothing Touch for Before and After Baby

by Michele Rosa Morrison

Soothing massage to support a mother before, during, and after birth Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time, and expectant mothers need all the physical and emotional support they can get. A massage from a partner or loved one can be a beautiful way to offer that support. Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond is your how-to guide for safe and comforting massage techniques that can be used by anyone looking to do something helpful and healing for a mom-to-be. You'll learn the basics of effective massage therapy, including simple sequences to relieve everything from sore feet and hip tension to supporting a woman through the remarkable event that is birth. Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond features: Advice for the entire journey—Understand the changes mom's body is undergoing during each trimester of pregnancy, as well as labor and the postpartum phase. No experience required—Simple instructions ensure you can easily learn techniques to soothe, calm, and support a pregnant loved one. A closer connection—Discover the beauty of healing touch to provide comfort, safety, and bonding for mom, baby, and partners. Learn how pregnancy massage can help loved ones connect on the journey of bringing a new life into the world.

Massage Mastery: From Student To Professional

by Anne Williams

This comprehensive introductory massage text is organized into 24 chapters that cover the key areas addressed in massage programs of 500 to 1200 hours in length. Topics inside the chapters are structured to allow for manageable reading assignments that build a student's sense of accomplishment and motivation. Written and designed for today's adult learner, the book offers a broad discussion of foundation massage with appropriate depth for a beginning student progressing to an entry-level professional. It also contains new topics that are necessary to prepare today's adult learners for successful massage careers. (Note: It does not cover anatomy and physiology, as A&P is best thoroughly covered in a separate textbook. ) A helpful appendix on health care terminology, a comprehensive massage glossary, and a robust set of ancillary materials complete the package. The companion Study Guide contains topic-specific Rubrics, Learning Contracts, and a variety of exercises and activities for students.

Massage Test Prep - Complete Study Guide For MBLEx, Fourth Edition

by David Merlino

New for 2016, the Fourth Edition of Massage Test Prep's Complete Study Guide for MBLEx! Not only does Massage Test Prep offer the BEST, most current study guide to date, it offers the most quality of ANY MBLEx study guide.

A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology

by Ruth Werner

Set a solid foundation with the new edition of LWW''s bestselling pathology text for manual therapists! This cornerstone book of the massage curriculum is the most comprehensive, visually appealing, and respected title to cover the pathologies that massage therapists must be familiar with. In the fifth edition, Ruth Werner''s A Massage Therapist''s Guide to Pathology the focus on not only explaining the disease, but also its applicability and indications in massage therapy This text offers detailed information on the etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatment of more than 500 diseases and conditions, and also helps students discover how massage therapy influences the healing process Organized by body system, the text features case histories in which people living and coping with many of the disease conditions covered in the text share their stories. Key Features · An enhanced art program, featuring illustrations that capture the reader''s attention and make difficult concepts easier to grasp · A new Conditions at a Glance appendix to provide concise information on an additional 34 diseases · There''s also a new table at the end of each disease condition summarizing the benefits, risks, and options for massage therapy · Case histories share stories of people living with conditions covered in the text to draw a real-world connection between the classroom and the clinic · Research literacy appendix addresses the need for evidence-based massage therapy · Compare and contrast charts present similar conditions side-by-side to help students discern the differences This book provides comprehensive, yet concise, information on the etiology, signs, symptoms, and standard treatment approaches for more than 500 diseases and conditions. At the end of each condition, a "Risks, Benefits, Options" table provides guidance on the implications for massage. For this 5th edition, the author has throroughly researched and updated each condition in the text. She has streamlined the information to focus on what is most useful to the massage therapy student, while maintaining the friendly and accessible style that this text is known for Included with each book is a code for access to a host of games, exercises, quizzes, videos, and animations, all developed or selected by the author.

Massage Therapy: Principles and Practice

by Susan Salvo

Covering massage fundamentals, techniques, and anatomy and physiology, Susan Salvo's Massage Therapy: Principles and Practice, 5th Edition brings a whole new meaning to the word 'comprehensive. ' This student-friendly text boasts expanded sections on neuroscience, research, and special populations. It makes the essential principles of massage therapy more approachable and prepares you for success in class, on licensing and board certification exams, and in a wide range of therapeutic practice settings. Clear, straightforward approach simplifies complex content for easier understanding. Complete anatomy and physiology section, in addition to material on techniques and foundations, gives you all the information you need in just one book. Certification Practice Exam on Evolve mimics the major certification exams in format and content, builds confidence, and helps increase pass rates. Case studies challenge you to think critically and apply your understanding to realistic scenarios, foster open-mindedness, and stimulate dialogue. Profile boxes provide an inspirational, real-world perspective on massage practice from some of the most respected authorities in massage and bodywork. Clinical Massage chapter focuses on massage in clinical settings like hospitals, nursing homes, and medical offices to broaden your career potential. Two business chapters loaded with skills to make you more marketable and better prepared for today's competitive job market.

Massagem: Mais do que apenas uma boa massagem (Como fazer... #124)

by Owen Jones

Massagem Mais do que apenas uma boa massagem Olá e obrigado por comprar este ebook chamado "Massagem". Espero que você ache as informações prestativas, úteis e lucrativas. As informações contidas neste e-book sobre vários aspectos das técnicas de massagem, estilos e assuntos relacionados estão organizadas em 15 capítulos com cerca de 500 a 600 palavras cada. Espero que seja do interesse de quem gosta de uma massagem ou gostaria de entrar no sector de massagens em expansão. Como um bónus adicional, concedo-lhe a permissão para usar o conteúdo no seu próprio site ou nos seus próprios blogs e newsleters, embora seja melhor se antes você os reescrever com as suas próprias palavras. Você também pode dividir o livro e revender os artigos. De facto, o único direito que você não tem é revender ou doar o livro como ele lhe foi entregue. Se você tiver algum comentário, deixe-o na empresa onde você comprou este livro. Você também encontrará mais livros como este por lá. Agradecemos novamente por adquirir este ebook, Saudações, Owen Jones

Masseur & Massage Therapist (Earning $50,000 - $100,000 with a High S)

by Connor Syrewicz

For many high school graduates, college is a way to get ahead, but going to college is not the only way for young adults to succeed. Many people choose to enter the workforce after high school to start earning money and gaining experience right away. These motivated young workers can have rewarding jobs without ever having to earn a 4-year college degree. If you're interested in making others feel good and don't know that you want to--or can--go to college, a career in massage therapy might be for you. Young people need only a high school diploma or equivalent to start in massage, and they can eventually earn more than $50,000 a year. In Masseurs & Massage Therapists, you'll learn how to start a career in massage therapy and what you need to succeed in the field. Find out about the prospects for massage careers in the future, how much masseurs can make each year, and whether your path to success includes a career as a masseur or massage therapist.

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