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Muchas Vidas, Muchos Sabios (Many Lives, Many Mast: (Many Lives, Many Masters)

by Brian L. Weiss

El doctor Brian Weiss -- psiquiatra del hospital Mount Sinai de Miami, EE.UU. -- relata en este libro su experiencia con Catherine, una paciente a quien trato bajo hipnosis, luego de intentar sin exito durante un ano la terapia convencional. En estado de trance profundo -- solo un 15% de los hipnotizados logran llegar a este -- Catherine recordo sus vidas anteriores y revivio sus traumas que eran la clave de sus constantes pesadillas y su ansiedad, comenzando cuando se llamaba Aronda, en Egipto, 18 siglos antes de Cristo. El escepticismo del doctor comenzo a diluirse cuando Catherine empezo a dar muestras de la existencia de "espacios entre una vida y otra," con sorprendentes acerca de la familia del Dr. Weiss y de su hijo fallecido. Al utilizar una terapia de "vidas pasadas" el Dr. Weiss pudo curar a esta paciente y avocarse a una nueva y mas significativa fase de su carrera.

Mud and Water

by Bassui Tokusho Arthur Braverman

The fourteenth-century Zen master Bassui was recognized as one of the most important Zen teachers of his time. Accessible and eloquent, these teachings cut to the heart of the great matter of Zen, pointing directly to the importance of seeing our own original nature and recognizing it as Buddhahood itself. Bassui is taking familiar concepts in Buddhism and recasting them in an essential Zen light. Though he lived centuries ago in a culture vastly different from our own, Zen Master Bassui speaks with a voice that spans time and space to address our own modern challenges - in our lives and spiritual practice. Like the revered Master Dogen several generations before him, Bassui was dissatisfied with what passed for Zen training, and taught a radically reenergized form of Zen, emphasizing deep and direct penetration into one's own true nature. And also like Dogen, Bassui uses powerful and often poetic language to take familiar Buddhist concepts recast them in a radically non-dual Zen light, making ancient doctrines vividly relevant. This edition of Mud and Water contains several teachings never before translated.

Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality

by Frank DeMarco

"One of the precious gifts of my father's legacy was his insistence that people can turn beliefs into knowns, finding out for themselves through direct experience that they are indeed more than their physical bodies. In that spirit, this book is a fine example of another explorer's journey into profound self-discovery, and particularly to the realization that "love is the only thing in life that counts." —Laurie A. Monroe, President, The Monroe Institute <p><p> This book was written specifically for those people for whom the question of "what is real" is the most important thing in life. It is for those who have a hard time concentrating on career or family—or anything—for fear it will turn out to be illusory. It is for anyone whose life is haunted by lack of meaning. The entire point of Muddy Tracks is that the author went out searching. He trusted, and sincerely looked, and found that his trust was rewarded. And, he says, as his trust was rewarded, so will yours be. <p><p> Muddy Tracks tells some of the things that happened to him, and at every step he says to you, "Here's a resource; try this. Here's a resource; try that. When I did this, this happened. When I did that; that happened." Keeping strictly to what he has experienced, DeMarco shows how many aids we may find in life. He shows how his life was enriched by selected reading, and by dream analysis, and by interaction with friends and so-called strangers. He describes some of the unusual resources he has discovered and used, particularly in connection with out-of-body explorer Bob Monroe and The Monroe Institute. <p><p> More intimately, he tells of some of the nearly unbelievable things he has learned to do—things, he points out, that are natural human abilities, available to all. As noted British author Colin Wilson says in his introduction, "Frank's experience has been in many ways remarkable, and he has a natural gift for making it come alive." <p><p> The net result is to provide the reader with firsthand, informed reassurance that we all have our own internal guidance, which is reliable and is willing and able to come forth when welcomed. DeMarco cites his own experiences to argue that if you come to the quest in faith, the faith will be rewarded. The meaning of your life can be found, but it can only be found by you yourself. And, having found it, you will find it meaningful precisely because it will be your meaning, and not someone else's. <p><p> The age of gurus is over. It is time for us each to come into our own. Muddy Tracks will help you—and encourage you—to learn to do that.

Mudras for Modern Life: Boost your health, re-energize your life, enhance your yoga and deepen your meditation

by Swami Saradananda

Transform your life through the power of mudras - subtle but highly effective hand gestures that boost health and wellbeing. With easy-to-follow instructions, inspiring artworks and informative photographs throughout, this is the definitive illustrated guide to mudras, ideal for experienced yogis and newcomers alike.Increase your inner strength and vitality, relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue, cultivate joy, peace and creativity, enhance concentration and clarity, and much more!Discover the meditations, visualizations, breathing exercises (pranayama), mantras and yoga poses (asana) that enhance the power of the mudras.Benefit from a range of specially designed mudra routines for specific health issues, from stress and insomnia to arthritis and headaches.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Mudras of India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance

by Revital Carroll Cain Carroll David Frawley

For thousands of years hand mudras have been used in India for healing, storytelling, emotional expression, and to evoke and convey elevated spiritual states. For the first time, the elaborate system of mudras-as applied in yoga and Indian dance-has been organized into a comprehensive, fully-indexed and cross-referenced format that allows readers access to this still esoteric body of knowledge. Mudras of India presents over 200 photographed hand mudras each with detailed instructions on technique, application, health and spiritual benefits and historical background. The authors have extensively researched the usage of mudras and their significance in the larger context of Indian spiritual systems, and taken painstaking efforts to ensure each mudra is rendered with correct Sanskrit name, transliteration and translation to English. The book will appeal to spiritual seekers, students and teachers of yoga and Indian Dance, scholars and lay people, and anyone interested in the rich cultural heritage of Indian mudras, and the transformative effects of these powerful hand gestures.

Mudras of Indian Dance: 52 Hand Gestures for Artistic Expression

by Revital Carroll Cain Carroll

Drawn from two of the most important ancient texts on the subject, the Natya Shastra and the Abhinaya Darpana, this attractive set of user-friendly cards shows the 52 fundamental hand mudras used in Indian dance and theatre. These gestures provide the basis for an entire language of hand articulation. Each card presents a full-colour image of the mudra with Sanskrit name, transliteration and English translation, as well as concise information on origins and applications. The cards are arranged in the traditional order with 28 single-hand and 24 joined-hand gestures, as described in the Abhinaya Darpana. From storytelling to representations of human emotion to spiritual symbolism, hand mudras are one of the most potent and expressive features of Classical Indian Dance. This card set will enrich the practice of students and teachers of Classical Indian Dance and theatre, and will be invaluable to anyone interested in Indian mudras. This eBook is best viewed on a colour device.

Mudras of Yoga: 72 Hand Gestures for Healing and Spiritual Growth

by Revital Carroll Cain Carroll

Hand mudras have been used for centuries in yogic traditions to promote health and wellbeing, and they are considered valuable tools on the path of spiritual awakening. This card set provides 72 of the most important hand mudras used in yoga. The gestures presented support mental and spiritual development, and have a wide range of health benefits. Each card presents a full-colour image of the mudra with the Sanskrit name, transliteration and English translation. The back of each card includes concise information on technique and applications as well as the physical, energetic and spiritual benefits of the mudra. The accompanying booklet contains background information on the mudras, how to practice them at home, and details on how each of the 72 mudras can be used to address a variety of common health complaints. This card set will enrich the practice of students and teachers of yoga, and will be of interest to anyone looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of hand mudras.

The Mueller Report

by John Edwards

The Mueller Report is the report from special counsel Robert Mueller

Mug cakes veganos: 20 recetas rápidas, sanas y deliciosas para hacer en microondas

by Miranda Gázquez Haro Kelli Rae

¿Solo tienes 5 minutos para saciar tus ansias de dulce? Este libro contiene 20 recetas diferentes de mug cakes. Para la mayoría de las recetas solo necesitas entre 5 y 8 ingredientes, como por ejemplo bayas, avena, chocolate, mantequilla de cacahuete, proteína en polvo, calabaza... Todos estos ingredientes son baratos, saludables y fáciles de encontrar en cualquier supermercado. Además, son perfectos si no tienes tiempo para largas cocciones y solo quieres algo rápido y dulce. Solo necesitarás, como mucho, unos 4 o 5 minutos para preparar cada receta, por lo que son la mejor opción si estás muy ocupado y nunca paras en casa. No tienes por qué comértelos en el mismo momento, puedes meterlos en una bolsita y tomártelos como picoteo durante el día. Aquí os dejo una receta como ejemplo: El mug cake básico 1 cucharada de proteína en polvo 1/4 de cucharadita de aceite 1/4 de cucharadita de bicarbonato 1 paquetito de stevia Canela Pasos a seguir 1. Añade la proteína, el aceite, el bicarbonato y la stevia en una taza de café de tamaño estándar. 2. Mézclalo con agua poco a poco y remueve. Repite las veces que sea necesario. Debería quedar como una masa espesa. 3. Espolvorea con canela. 4. Mételo al microondas durante 2 minutos. 5. Déjalo reposar 1 minuto. ¡Compra este libro AHORA y mata el gusanillo comiendo sano!

La mujer de mi hermano

by Jaime Bayly

In Jaime Bayly's latest novel, Zoe wishes to escape from her monotonous marriage. She is attracted to her brother-in-law's passionate lifestyle and soon becomes attracted to him physically. A conflict of emotions between a woman and two brothers turns into a heated love triangle. Text copyright 2003 Lectorum Publications, Inc.

Mujer, deseo y placer: Por una nueva sexualidad femenina

by Mireia Darder Luana Salvadó Eugènia Gallifa

Una guía imprescindible para las mujeres que quieran abordar su instinto y mejorar su vida a través de una nueva sexualidad más consciente. La revolución sexual fue uno de los estandartes del movimiento feminista de los años sesenta del siglo XX, pero la sexualidad femenina es, todavía hoy, un tema tabú. Por ello, Mireia Darder, con la colaboración de dos especialistas en el tema, nos brinda un libro en el que las mujeres encontrarán la manera de mejorar su nivel de satisfacción con la vida en general y con su vida sexual en particular. Estructurado en cuatro bloques temáticos, que van de la incidencia de la historia del patriarcado al aspecto biológico del sexo femenino, pasando por las creencias y la experiencia sexual tántrica; en este libro, repleto de propuestas prácticas, las lectoras encontrarán respuesta a un sinfín de aspectos fundamentales de su sexualidad.

Mujer, deseo y placer: Por una nueva sexualidad femenina

by Mireia Darder Luana Salvadó Eugènia Gallifa

Una guía imprescindible para las mujeres que quieran abordar su instinto y mejorar su vida a través de una nueva sexualidad más consciente. La revolución sexual fue uno de los estandartes del movimiento feminista de los años sesenta del siglo XX, pero la sexualidad femenina es, todavía hoy, un tema tabú. Por ello, Mireia Darder, con la colaboración de dos especialistas en el tema, nos brinda un libro en el que las mujeres encontrarán la manera de mejorar su nivel de satisfacción con la vida en general y con su vida sexual en particular.Estructurado en cuatro bloques temáticos, que van de la incidencia de la historia del patriarcado al aspecto biológico del sexo femenino, pasando por las creencias y la experiencia sexual tántrica; en este libro, repleto de propuestas prácticas, las lectoras encontrarán respuesta a un sinfín de aspectos fundamentales de su sexualidad.

La mujer renovada: Una visión nueva y radicalmente positiva de las mujeres en la madurez

by Louann Brizendine

Un libro para descubrir las increíbles posibilidades del cerebro femenino y repensar la mediana edad como una etapa de abundante vitalidad, confianza y sabiduría, por la aclamada autora de El cerebro femenino. Louann Brizendine nos ofrece un mensaje revolucionario: durante la menopausia, el cerebro de las mujeres se remodela, creando un nuevo poder y un sentido de propósito único. Las mujeres pueden aprovechar esta transición y elegir su camino en la segunda mitad de la vida. Con pasos prácticos, Brizendine responde las dudas más comunes y brinda información especializada sobre tratamiento hormonal, ejercicio físico, descanso saludable, fuerza mental y salud cerebral. Escrita con el rigor de la psiquiatría y la neurociencia, pero con el cuidado y empatía con que se aconseja a un ser querido, La mujer renovada es una guía para navegar por la perimenopausia y la menopausia, así como una ruta hacia un nuevo estado del cerebro y sus increíbles posibilidades. La crítica ha dicho:«Un libro importante. Me gustaría que todas las mujeres lo leyeran. Ojalá lo hubiera leído hace años».Jane Fonda «Un relato novedoso y audaz sobre cómo mejora el cerebro de las mujeres a partir de la mediana edad. Combinando el rigor académico con el carácter práctico de la autoayuda, Louann Brizendine nos ofrece unavisión optimista y muy perspicaz de los beneficios de la segunda mitad de la vida para las mujeres».Publishers Weekly «Al igual que hizo en The Female Brain (una biblia para todas las mujeres), la doctora Brizendine escribe con claridad y alegría, esta vez explicando por qué, en general, somos más felices a medida que envejecemos [...] Una lectura absorbente, rica en ciencia, psicología y esperanza».Leslie Stahl, 60 minutes«Este excelente libro integra información de muchos campos de estudio. Es holístico, lleno de ideas útiles e inspirador. Brizendine es uno de los grandes educadores culturales de Estados Unidos».Mary Pipher, autora de Women Rowing North, best-seller de The New York Times

La Mujer Y Su Practica de los Doce Pasos (A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps

by Stephanie S Covington

Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words.Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words. La recuperación no es un mundo exclusivo de los hombres, pero, a veces, para una mujer parece serlo. Este libro pensado específicamente para esa mujer, trae una perspectiva femenina al programa de los Doce Pasos, descubriendo los mensajes de sanación detrás de las palabras orientadas para los hombres. Basado en una exploración abierta y una interpretación flexible de los Doce Pasos, esta nueva perspectiva toma en cuenta el desarrollo psicológico de las mujeres en lo relacionado a la adicción y a la recuperación, así como también los factores sociales y culturales que afectan a las mujeres en particular. Reconociendo que la recuperación plantea cuestiones sobre temas especiales para la mujer—desde preguntas sobre relaciones sexuales, relaciones, y sobre la vida diaria, a ansiedad para hablar en situaciones donde hay personas de ambos sexos-- La Mujer y su Práctica de los Doce Pasos se enfoca directamente en la experiencia femenina de la adicción y la sanación. El autor explora los Doce Pasos uno por uno, reiterándolos en su language tradicional, explicándolos y mostrándolos para destacar la experiencia de la mujer—capacitando al lector a ser “dueño” de su propio proceso de recuperación así como también de su crecimento como mujer.

Mujeres... les amo

by Asma Elferkouss

Enterarse de que hay un secreto en la familia durante años y que condiciona la vida de varias personas en las siguientes generaciones, no es fácil... Un relato apasionante que pretende comprender el pasado para enderezarlo...

Mujeres. La sexualidad secreta: La Sexualidad secreta

by Patricia Politzer

Un libro para entender la sexualidad femenina sin prejuicios nieufemismos ¡Qué fácil ha sido ignorar la sexualidad femenina durante siglos! Razones sobran. La más obvia es, sin duda, la biológica: a diferencia de los genitales masculinos, los femeninos están ocultos, y bien ocultos. Así se inicia esta obra imprescindible, un acercamiento abierto y sin prejuicios a la sexualidad femenina, en la que la psicoterapeuta Eugenia Weinstein y la periodista Patricia Politzer se unen para derribar los tabúes a los que todavía estamos acostumbrados: conceptos como frigidez, multiorgasmo, la falta de deseo, el ojo erótico del hombre y el oído afrodisíaco de la mujer, entre otros, son abordados con gran conocimiento y naturalidad.Mujeres: la sexualidad secreta -un éxito editorial con miles de ejemplares vendidos- es una lectura indispensable para jóvenes y adultos de todos los géneros que buscan entender el mundo íntimo de la mujer sin ambigüedades ni eufemismos.

Mujeres visibles, madres invisibles

by Laura Gutman

En este libro, la autora que más ha contribuido a amplificar la mirada femenina explica por qué las mujeres son visibles en el trabajo, la profesión, la política o el ámbito social, y cuando devienen madres ingresan en un lugar totalmente invisible a los ojos de los demás. Al hablar de la crianza, Laura Gutman aborda temas como la conexión con el bebe, por qué es tan difícil ser madre, el instinto de apego hacia la criatura, lactancia versus libertad personal, el puerperio, las madres que trabajan, los estragos de la falta de amor materno, el poder destructivo de los secretos, violencia escolar y bullying, los niños y el derecho a la verdad, el mundo desde el punto de vista del niño, niños estresados, niños hiperactivos, los berrinches, la llegada de un hermanito, la vuelta a casa con un bebe prematuro, el destete, la regulación del hambre, cuando el bebe no quiere dormir solo, el llamado del niño que desea ser adoptado, entre otros. Como en todos sus libros, la autora está atenta a las conflictivas de la mujer en tanto madre y reflexiona sobre la represión sexual y los partos en cautiverio, el maltrato y la deshumanización en la atención de los partos, la maternidad después de los 40, sexualidad y puerperio, fertilizaciones asistidas, las doulas y las redes de apoyo entre mujeres, madres solas, las mujeres sabias, abuelas maduras o inmaduras, el vínculo entre la madre mayor y la madre joven. En lo que hace a la vida en pareja, toma nota del punto de vista femenino respecto de la paternidad, "los tuyos, los míos, los nuestros", los divorcios controvertidos, niños como rehenes de los divorcios o las nuevas compañías de los ex cónyuges. Y brinda notas originales y ricas sobre los regalos de Navidad, la Madre Tierra, la felicidad responsable, o un mundo mejor.

Mujerón: Conquístate, ámate y enciende tu poder femenino

by Ingrid Coronado

MUJERÓN es el regalo que puedes darte para transformar tu vida, descubrir tu poder personal y construir relaciones sanas y amorosas. ¡El trabajo depende de ti y, para empezar, debes reconocerte como el mujerón que eres!¡Manos a la obra! Ingrid Coronado nos comparte en este hermoso, divertidoy ameno libro sus experiencias desde la juventud en temas del amor, de su búsqueda como persona, sus inseguridades y caídas que la han llevado a descubrirse, a trabajar en ella misma, a aceptarse y a amarse para ser un MUJERÓN.En este trayecto, nos invita:A detectar a hombres ratón, lobo, sanguijuela y a distinguir al señorónA curar las heridas del corazón maltratadoA construirnos como mujerONesA tener citas poderosas como el sexo DévilA encender y trabajar nuestro ÓNA descubrir nuestro ¡Yei!A seguir los INGRIDientes para mantenernos fuertes, saludables y en amorA pactar con nosotras mismas y reconocernuestra grandeza “Este libro nos invita a ser nuestra mejor pareja, a trabajar en nosotras mismas, crecer, nutrir nuestro interior, apasionarnos por lo que hacemos, amar la vida y contagiar el entusiasmo por ella. Convertirse en un MUJERÓN es crear un espacio simbólico para que el amor, la prosperidad y la salud fluyan con mayor facilidad.” Gaby Vargas “En este nuevo registro, usando la gran maravilla de la palabra escrita, [Ingrid] nos implica y convence de que somos capaces de entender que tenemos todas las capacidades y madera para ser un MUJERÓN.” Paulina Vieitez “En cada página, [Ingrid Coronado] imprime con honestidad su auténtico interés por que descubras el MUJERÓN que vive en ti.” Tamara Vargas “Este libro es un regalo para el alma, te hace sentir muy acompañada en el camino.” Rossana Nájera “Ingrid ha llevado las dificultades más allá y las ha convertido en herramientas valiosas para ser, en toda la extensión de la palabra, ¡un MUJERÓN!” Ximena Ugarte “Este libro […] rompe con silencios para ayudar a conectar con los motores de cambio personal: la magia, el poder ilimitado y el amor propio.” Alejandra Rosillo “Lo que más admiro de Ingrid es cómo se ve a sí misma de manera irreverente. Esa capacidad le ha permitido escribir este libro autorrevelándose y autodescubriéndose.” Mónica Schapira

Mules of Love (American Poets Continuum)

by Ellen Bass

Balancing heart-intelligent intimacy and surprising humor, the poems in Ellen Bass’s Mules of Love illuminate the essential dynamics of our lives: family, community, sexual love, joy, loss, religion and death. The poems also explore the darker aspects of humanity—personal, cultural, historical and environmental violence—all of which are handled with compassion and grace. Bass’s poetic gift is her ability to commiserate with others afflicted by similar hungers and grief. Her poem "Insomnia" concludes: "may something/ comfort you—a mockingbird, a breeze, rain/ on the roof, Chopin’s Nocturnes, the thought/ of your child’s birth, a kiss,/ or even me—in my chilly kitchen/ with my coat on—thinking of you."Marketing Plans: • National advertising • National media campaign • Advance reader copies • Course adoption mailingAuthor Tour: • Berkeley • Boston • Minneapolis • San Francisco • Santa CruzEllen Bass is co-author (with Laura Davis) of the best-selling The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (HarperCollins 1988, 1994), which has sold more than one million copies and has been translated into nine languages. She has also published several volumes of poetry, and her poems have appeared in hundreds of journals and anthologies, including The Atlantic Monthly, Ms., Double Take, and Field. In 1980, Ms. Bass was awarded the Elliston Book Award for Poetry from the University of Cincinnati. Last year, she won Nimrod/Hardman’s Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, judged by Thomas Lux. She was nominated for a 2001 Pushcart Prize. She lives in Santa Cruz, where she has taught creative writing for 25 years. She has also taught writing workshops at many conferences nationally and in Mallorca, Spain.

Mules of Love

by Ellen Bass

Balancing heart-intelligent intimacy and surprising humor, the poems in Ellen Bass's Mules of Love illuminate the essential dynamics of our lives: family, community, sexual love, joy, loss, religion and death. The poems also explore the darker aspects of humanity--personal, cultural, historical and environmental violence--all of which are handled with compassion and grace. Bass's poetic gift is her ability to commiserate with others afflicted by similar hungers and grief. Her poem "Insomnia" concludes: "may something/ comfort you--a mockingbird, a breeze, rain/ on the roof, Chopin's Nocturnes, the thought/ of your child's birth, a kiss,/ or even me--in my chilly kitchen/ with my coat on--thinking of you."Marketing Plans: * National advertising * National media campaign * Advance reader copies * Course adoption mailingAuthor Tour: * Berkeley * Boston * Minneapolis * San Francisco * Santa CruzEllen Bass is co-author (with Laura Davis) of the best-selling The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (HarperCollins 1988, 1994), which has sold more than one million copies and has been translated into nine languages. She has also published several volumes of poetry, and her poems have appeared in hundreds of journals and anthologies, including The Atlantic Monthly, Ms., Double Take, and Field. In 1980, Ms. Bass was awarded the Elliston Book Award for Poetry from the University of Cincinnati. Last year, she won Nimrod/Hardman's Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, judged by Thomas Lux. She was nominated for a 2001 Pushcart Prize. She lives in Santa Cruz, where she has taught creative writing for 25 years. She has also taught writing workshops at many conferences nationally and in Mallorca, Spain.

The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know

by Mantak Chia Douglas Abrams

At last, simple physical and psychological techniques that allow men to fulfill their dreams and women's fantasies. Learn to Separate Orgasm and Ejaculation! Enjoy Increased Vitality and Longevity! Become Multi-Orgasmic Now!

Multicultural Counselling: A Reader

by Stephen Palmer

`The book contains comprehensive coverage of issues relating to multicultural counselling, still current ten years after the first of the collected papers was published. The discussion points after each chapter give the whole book a text-book feel, which belies its more general significance as a professional 'Raising cultural awareness and challenging assumptions, this book will be essential reading' - Stress News Race is a complex and sensitive subject which has a direct and significant bearing on counselling. Multicultural Counselling provides insights and provokes debate about the impact of race and ethnicity on counsellors, their clients and the therapeutic process. Edited by Stephen Palmer, this collection of 20 articles represents the multiplicity of issues raised by counselling in a multicultural society. It examines topics which affect all counsellors, including the dynamics of mixed and same race counselling relationships and the dilemmas which confront counsellors in how to address issues related to racism which are raised in counselling. The book covers both theory and practice, outlining different approaches to multicultural and transcultural counselling, highlighting the racism implicit in some counselling theory and providing examples of multicultural counselling practice. The Reader also presents fresh perspectives on counselling from beyond the predominantly white, Western culture in which it evolved and discussion issues at the end of each chapter further encourage the reader to take a critical and questioning approach to the subject. Multicultural Counselling brings to the fore the key issues involved in multicultural counselling and captures the full complexity of the subject. Essential reading for trainee and practising counsellors, psychotherapists, counselling psychologists and others involved in therapeutic relationships with clients, the book aims to raise cultural awareness and challenge assumptions.

Multicultural Health

by Lois A. Ritter Donald H. Graham

Fully updated and expanded, the Second Edition of Multicultural Health serves as a comprehensive guide for healthcare workers in any cultural community. Focusing on differences in cultural beliefs about health and illness, and models for cross-cultural health and communication, this text helps students and professionals learn effective ways to implement health promotion programs and program evaluation across cultures.

Multicultural Human Services for AIDS Treatment and Prevention: Policy, Perspectives, and Planning

by Marcia Bok Julio Morales

This much-needed book presents an introduction and overview of multicultural AIDS issues in social work practice. In a culturally diverse nation, it is essential that professionals look at AIDS within a cultural context in order to find the most effective treatment and prevention strategies for everyone. Emphasizing this need for a culturally sensitive approach, Multicultural Human Services for AIDS Treatment and Prevention increases social workers’often limited knowledge and experience with various social and ethnic groups. It provides specific suggestions and recommendations for program development and acts as a foundation upon which to build new strategies for policy, research, and practice. Multicultural Human Services for AIDS Treatment and Prevention emphasizes the importance of encouraging and sharing research that addresses AIDS and minority populations and assessing prevention, education, and behavioral change strategies from culturally specific and relevant perspectives. It includes chapters focusing on African Americans, Native American Indians, Hawaiians, Puerto Ricans, and Mexican prostitutes--groups that often suffer disproportionately from poverty and its myriad effects. Some topics discussed in the book are: helping clients reduce cultural dissonance how to enhance behavior change child welfare and permanency planning empowerment of clients and health care models knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding HIV/AIDS cultural contradictions and ambivalence in response to AIDSMulticultural Human Services for AIDS Treatment and Prevention is an extremely useful and informative book for all professionals in social work and human services who want to be better prepared to help all groups of people. The book is also an ideal text for upper-level social work students studying topics such as multicultural issues in social work practice, AIDS in a cultural context, and health policy and health care systems.

Multicultural Psychology: Understanding Our Diverse Communities (Third Edition)

by Jeffery Scott Mio Lori A. Barker Jaydee Santos Tumambing

Multicultural Psychology: Understanding Our Diverse Communities, Third Edition, combines quantitative and qualitative research with anecdotal material to examine an array of multicultural issues and capture the richness of diverse cultures. The text focuses on such compelling topics as differences in worldviews, communication, racial and cultural identity development, racism, and immigration. Other issues covered in the text include gender, sexuality, age, and ability. The authors provide a strong, vivid, and personal voice to the text, richly populating it with anecdotes from themselves, their students, and other contributors, and using them as central points around which to build their case for multicultural issues based on science.

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