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Showing 26,251 through 26,275 of 41,569 results

Un mundo sin jefes: Aprendizajes de una ejecutiva que salió a matar patos para calmar su frustración

by Marina Díaz Ibarra

Con humor cautivante y honestidad brutal, la autora desmenuza su derrotero profesional. Y revela qué aprendió en el camino para poder sortear la pandemia de apatía laboral de nuestra época y recuperar las ganas de comerse el mundo. ¿Sabías que a la gran mayoría de la gente no le gusta (o simplemente detesta) su trabajo? ¿Y que casi el 90% de aquellos que dejan sus empleos lo hacen a causa de la relación con su superior directo? ¿Es que hay una epidemia de jefes sádicos torturando a empleados abnegados ahí afuera? Esta es la historia de cómo, después de cruzarse con jefes y jefas "horribles", de vivir escenas de oficina que ruborizarían al Marqués de Sade, de atravesar noches de angustia sin poder pegar un ojo y de reprimir las ganas de salir a matar patos con una escopeta, la autora, desde la cúspide de la pirámide corporativa y atrapada en el famoso "desastre disfrazado de éxito", pudo patear el tablero y delinear un proyecto propio que la realizaba. Experta en disrupción digital, directora independiente en varios boards, inversora y meditadora, Marina cuenta, con humor cautivante y honestidad brutal, cómo fue su derrotero profesional, por qué eligió la metáfora de los patos para hablar de los miedos y prejuicios que no nos dejan salir a "volar", y qué aprendió en el camino para poder sortear la pandemia de apatía laboral de nuestra época y recuperar las ganas de comerse el mundo. • Por qué una vida escindida es una vida en crisis• Cómo están diseñados los buenos líderes• Estadísticas y estudios sobre desmotivación laboral (y algunas claves para sentir motivación)• Por qué hay tantas mujeres y hombres sintiendo que sus trabajos son un castigo... • De qué modo un buen equipo brinda seguridad interna Un libro sobre la vida corporativa, la autoridad y los jefes; sobre el dolor de los fracasos, el cambio y la huida de la inercia; sobre el despertar y la ambición de inventarnos. Y sobre la motivación y la capacidad que todos y todas tenemos de convertirnos en quienes anhelamos ser.

Mundos ocultos (Investigación Abierta)

by José Juan Revenga

Recorra junglas y desiertos en busca de rituales chamánicos secretos o ceremonias inexplicables. Desde la selva amazónica, Perú o las Antillas hasta el corazón de África, descubra un escalofriante mundo de magia, hechicería y vudú.

Mura Solwata Kosker: We Saltwater Women

by Ellie Gaffney

Throughout her lifetime, Ellie Gaffney has been a strong advocate both within Australia and internationally of the interests and welfare of Torres Strait Islanders. She has been particularly committed to advancing the rights of Indigenous women. Her interests have spanned a wide spectrum of concerns. As an administrator, Ellie Gaffney played a significant part in the development of hostel accommodation and primary health care for all Torres Strait Islanders. Ellie's work in establishing the Mura Kosker Sorority as a platform for change is widely recognised. At all times she has been an eloquent and determined presenter of the real situation of Torres Strait Islanders. In recognition of her contribution to the Torres Strait and its people, Ellie was appointed a Member of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. This memoir covers the period since the publication of her first book Somebody Now some twenty fours years ago. In doing so she shares with us and future generations her personal journey, a task she has undertaken at a time of failing health. It is a fitting reminder of the work and stature of a dedicated woman. Readers of this manuscript will be inspired by Ellie Gaffney's efforts on behalf of Torres Strait Islanders and all Indigenous people.

Murder, Madness and Mayhem: Twenty-Five Tales of True Crime and Dark History

by Mike Browne

Mike Browne, host of the popular Canadian podcast Dark Poutine, chronicles some of his all-time favourite stories of true crime and dark history from Canada and around the world.Divided into four sections —Murders with a Twist, Perpetual Puzzles, The Madness of Crowds and Notable Disasters — all the stories in this collection (except two) are brand new and haven’t been covered by the podcast.In Murders with a Twist, Browne recounts seven true crime stories with atypical elements, including weird motives, unusual perpetrators and bizarre murder weapons. In one case, we meet a man who is willing to kill to possess a human voice. In another, two women play a deadly game to prove their love to each other.Perpetual Puzzles covers six stories that remain unresolved and will leave you with more questions than answers. They include the archaeological find of the century, which turns out to be something far more sinister, as well as the discovery of a dead man on the beach with a mysterious clue in his pocket.The Madness of Crowds reveals that murder and mayhem are sometimes a group effort. We meet two young Canadians who leave home one summer to find work and instead end up on a murder spree, and a bizarre California cult that asks its members to topple the Mormon church.The book concludes with Notable Disasters, which describes some of the most tragic and deadly events in history, including the deadly tsunami in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004, as well as the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in London in June 2017.The book includes a foreword by Alan R. Warren, bestselling true crime author and host of the House of Mystery Radio Show.

The Murder of Moses: How an Egyptian Magician Assassinated Moses, Stole His Identity, and Hijacked the Exodus

by Rand Flem-Ath Rose Flem-Ath

An investigation of how Moses was deceived and murdered by his father-in-law, Reuel • Shows how the magician Reuel staged the Burning Bush that spoke to Moses and assumed Moses’ identity after his murder • Explains how early scribes edited the Exodus story to cover Moses’ assassination and replacement and fabricated Moses’ origin story • Builds upon the Moses research of Goethe, Christopher Marlowe, and Sigmund Freud--who spent the last 40 years of his life obsessed with solving Moses’ murder The life of Moses, the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, has always been shrouded in mystery. The Bible mentions no witnesses to Moses’ death, no funeral, and no indication of his burial place, and the story of Exodus paints a very contradictory picture of this man so important to both Judaism and Christianity. At times, he is depicted as a meek, stuttering figure and at others his tyrannical commands and fits of rage terrorize the children of Israel. And, for the last years of his life, he chose to hide behind a veil. What is the explanation for these extreme shifts in character? Was Moses mentally ill? As Rand and Rose Flem-Ath reveal, the evidence points to something much more sinister: Moses was murdered and replaced by an impostor. The result of a decade-long investigation, this book continues and builds upon the research of Goethe, Christopher Marlowe, and Sigmund Freud--who spent the last 40 years of his life obsessed with solving Moses’ murder--and reaches a startling but well-evidenced conclusion that Moses was deceived and murdered by his father-in-law, Reuel. The authors show how Reuel was a skilled magician trained at Egypt’s prestigious House of Life and they reveal his motive: He was the son of Esau, from whom Jacob stole his birthright, the leadership of the Hebrew people, a role that Moses was now assuming. The authors explain how the magician Reuel used his sophisticated skills of manipulation and illusion to fake the Burning Bush that spoke to Moses as well as conceal his assumption of Moses’ identity after the murder. They reveal how the early scribes of the Old Testament inserted lags of time into the Exodus story to cover Moses’ assassination and replacement, fabricated Moses’ origin story, and changed the location of the “Mountain of God” from Edom, where Reuel was a prince, to Sinai. Unveiling the enigma of Moses’ real story--and his murder and replacement--the Flem-Aths dramatically challenge the time line and details of biblical history, exposing a cover-up at the very origins of Western religion.

Murderous Minds: Neurological Imaging and the Manifestation of Evil

by Dean A. Haycock

Is there a biological basis for evil? From neurological imaging to behavioral studies, Dean Haycock's account of the groundbreaking research reveals what scientists are learning about the psychopaths living among us. How many times have you seen a murder on the news or on a TV show like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and said to yourself, "How could someone do something like that?" Today, neuroscientists are imaging, mapping, testing and dissecting the source of the worst behavior imaginable in the brains of the people who lack a conscience: psychopaths. Neuroscientist Dean Haycock examines the behavior of real life psychopaths and discusses how their actions can be explained in scientific terms, from research that literally looks inside their brains to understanding how psychopaths, without empathy but very goal-oriented, think and act the way they do. Some don’t commit crimes at all, but rather make use of their skills in the boardroom. But what does this mean for lawyers, judges, psychiatrists, victims and readers--for anyone who has ever wondered how some people can be so bad. Could your nine-year-old be a psychopath? What about your co-worker? The ability to recognize psychopaths using the scientific method has vast implications for society, and yet is still loaded with consequences. 8 page color insert

Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder

by Samuel Wilson Fussell

From skinny scholar to muscle-bound showman. &“Easily the best memoir ever written about weight training, steroids and all&” (Men&’s Journal). When blue-blooded, storklike Samuel Wilson Fussell arrived in New York City fresh from the University of Oxford, the ethereal young graduate seemed like the last person on Earth who would be interested in bodybuilding. But he was intimidated by the dangers of the city—and decided to do something about it. At twenty-six, Fussell walked into the YMCA gym. Four solid years of intensive training, protein powders, and steroid injections later, he had gained eighty pounds of pure muscle and was competing for bodybuilding titles. And yet, with forearms like bowling pins and calves like watermelons, Fussell felt weaker than ever before. His punishing regimen of workouts, drugs, and diet had reduced him to near-infant-like helplessness and immobility, leaving him hungry, nauseated, and prone to outbursts of &“ &’roid rage.&” But he had come to succeed, and there was no backing down now. Alternately funny and fascinating, Muscle is the true story of one man&’s obsession with the pursuit of perfection. With insight, wit, and refreshing candor, Fussell ushers readers into the wild world of juicers and gym rats who sacrifice their lives, minds, bodies, and souls to their dreams of glory in Southern California&’s so-called iron mecca.

Muscle: A Writer's Trip Through a Sport with No Boundaries

by Jon Hotten

Bodybuilding is the wildest, wierdest sport in the world, but it's more than just a sport. It's a whole way of life for the supermen who scale its Olympian heights. Muscle is a journey through a land of giants, men for whom life is given meaning by the pursuit of the perfect pec and who worship at the shrine of Schwartzenegger.Jon Hotten has a 40-inch chest and 12-inch arms. Undaunted, he fights his unpromising genetics to hitch up with the bodybuilding circus, hanging out with the stars and legends, the casualties, gym rats and iron junkies. As his forbidding subjects open up, he discovers a story of unregulated excess, chemical mayhem and hard-won glory, a story for anyone who's ever looked in the mirror and wanted more...

Muscle Beach: Where the Best Bodies in the World Started a Fitness Revolution

by Marla Matzer Rose

The Story Behind America's Iconic Patch of Sand--Muscle Beach, CaliforniaAlmost half a century before health clubs, fitness videos and weight training became American obsessions, a pioneering enclave in Santa Monica, California, started the physical culture boom. In the 1940s, Jack LaLanne, Vic Tanny, Joe Gold, Les and Pudgy Stockton and others like them drew thousands of visitors to the beach to watch their feats of strength and acrobatic displays. As more viewers became participants, body building and fitness became a part of the mainstream culture.Muscle Beach by Marla Matzer Rose is full of rich, new material about the original Muscle Beachers, many of whom are still alive and testaments to the benefits of a life devoted to fitness. With its fresh anecdotes and thirty-two rare and wonderful photographs, this history brings a legendary stretch of beach into focus.

Muscle Energy Techniques, Second Edition: A Practical Guide for Physical Therapists

by John Gibbons

Revised and updated: a fresh new look to an established best-seller--an essential tool for physical therapists that offers unique insights into the versatile and highly effective technique of muscle energy techniques.Muscle Energy Techniques is a must-have for any student or practitioner of physical therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, or massage therapy. This practical guide--packed with full-color photographs and illustrations--fully explains the theory and practice of a range of muscle energy techniques.The book is broken in 5 parts. In part I, John Gibbons examines the theory and principles behind muscle energy techniques, with chapters that explain the technique, muscle imbalances, myofascial slings, and core muscle relationships. Parts II to IV break down the technique by body area--upper body, lower body, trunk, and pelvis--with clear descriptive explanations of the techniques. Accompanied by color photographs with directional arrows, each shows the practitioner how to maximize treatment benefits. Clear drawings allow the reader to understand the basic anatomy of each muscle. A concluding part V shows two applications of muscle energy techniques: self-lengthening techniques for the shoulder complex and muscle weakness testing of the gluteals.

The Muscle & Fitness Cookbook

by Shawn Perine the Editors of Muscle & Fitness

The greatest collection of muscle-building, fat-shredding, super-nutrition meals ever created are all here in this e-short from Shawn Perine, editor in chief of Muscle & Fitness. As an author, editor, competitive body builder, and leading figure in the world of fitness and nutrition, Shawn Perine has been at the cutting edge of nutritional science for more than 20 years. Now, he's muscled his way into the archives to uncover the simplest, tastiest, most effective fitness recipes ever created. Make these easy recipes staples of your diet, and see how quickly you can: * Open your testosterone tap and unleash your muscle-building hormones. Your body is never stable. You're either gaining or losing muscle every day, 24 hours a day. Discover the nutrients that keep your hormones at their peak so you're building muscle, even while you sleep! * Find the perfect balance of protein, carbs, and micronutrients for maximize growth. Training breaks down muscle tissue. To rebuild, you need to rush nutrients into your body quickly with perfectly calibrated muscle meals that keep you gaining all the time. * Resculpt your body with the 100-calorie secret. Discover the shocking new research that unveils the real determining factor between men who stay lean and those who grow soft. You won't believe how easy it is to keep fit! * Enjoy thick, juicy steaks, delicious burgers, creamy pasta dishes and more! No chalky "diet" foods here. This is real, satisfying and indulgent food for guys who love to eat well and look good doing it. * Discover the secret of perfect meal timing, and make your food do the heavy lifting! Learn how eating the right food at the right time will make every workout twice as effective. * Whip up a muscle-building dessert! We're not kidding! Muscle-feeding and indulgent snacks like Banana Chocolate-Chip Ice Pops, Dark Chocolate Bark, and even Protein Popcorn will keep you fueling your gains while others wonder, How does he do it? * Never feel hungry, confused, or deprived! Love your food, love your body, love your life--and always know (and look forward to) what you're eating next! These meals are so delicious, you'll want to cook them for your date! With The Muscle & Fitness Cookbook, you'll turn your body into a muscle-building machine, and your kitchen into the world's greatest gym.

Muscle for Life: Get Lean, Strong, and Healthy at Any Age!

by Michael Matthews

Imagine watching pounds of fat melt away without ever feeling like you&’re on a diet. Imagine adding lean muscle to all the right places by doing just a few workouts per week that make you strong. And imagine realizing that your health and fitness goals—even the ones you&’ve all but given up on—are finally within your reach. Muscle for Life will show you how.From the bestselling fitness author of Bigger Leaner Stronger and The Shredded Chef, Muscle for Life reveals a science-based blueprint for eating and exercising that anyone can follow at any age and fitness level. Based on time-proven principles produced by decades of hands-on experience and thousands of hours of scientific research, Muscle for Life will give you a plan for transforming your body faster than you ever thought possible, including: -Conquering the &“mental game&” of fitness. Learn to hack your habits, willpower, and mindset so your fitness regimen feels like it&’s on autopilot. -Harnessing the science of &“flexible dieting.&” A whole new paradigm for eating that empowers you to forever break free of fad dieting, crash dieting, and yo-yo dieting. -Unlocking the power of strength training. The &“secret&” to optimizing your body composition, which is far more important for your health and image than your body weight. Whether you&’re a beginner looking for a lifestyle change, a lifelong athlete looking to reach the next level, or somewhere in between, Muscle for Life will show you how to look, feel, and perform your best. And frankly, it may be the last fitness book you&’ll ever need to read.

The Muscle Ladder: Get Jacked Using Science

by null Jeff Nippard

The Only Guide You Will Ever Need to Build the Ultimate Physique!The Muscle Ladder: Get Jacked Using Science is the best all-in-one science-based guide for building a strong and muscular physique. Jeff Nippard, professional natural bodybuilder and coach, has developed a clear blueprint for anyone at any level to achieve their fitness goals. Having architected tens of thousands of programs for athletes and gym-goers, Jeff possesses a mastery of the scientific mechanisms that will help you unlock your hypertrophic potential.Jeff&’s 12 ladder-style fundamentals are specifically designed so that you can work your way up confidently and quickly! Using a &“rail&” and &“rung&” format to define each fundamental, his model explains where to start, how to follow through, and how to apply each principle to your unique lifting goals. The Muscle Ladder is a cut above the rest, explaining not only the how but also the why behind each fundamental. In addition to accessible-yet-comprehensive explanations, The Muscle Ladder provides sample training programs, a full section on techniques with corresponding visuals, along with a bonus chapter on nutrition and supplementation. The Muscle Ladder includes· 20 programs for all experience levels, from beginner to advanced· Time-saving programs for those looking for quick and effective workouts· Flexible workouts that can help you reach your goals in 2 days per week or up to 6 days per week based upon your schedule· A chapter on nutrition, supplements, and cardio that gives you everything you need to achieve your goal physique· Detailed photo demonstrations for more than 80 fundamental exercises· Simple and practical explanations of science-based training principlesAfter reading The Muscle Ladder, you will· Become your own fitness expert with Jeff&’s easy-to-follow explanations of the science behind achieving gains.· Discover what works best for you as Jeff guides you in prioritizing and customizing these principles to match your specific fitness goals.· Build muscle and strength quickly and effectively!· Master your diet with Jeff&’s insights on nutrition, enabling you to create a flexible diet plan that enhances your workout results.· Eliminate mistakes by learning how to identify and correct common errors, ensuring steady progress without setbacks.· Access 20 complete training programs designed for various goals, experience levels, and schedules.

Muscle Logic: Escalating Density Training

by Charles Staley

Trainers and Olympic athletes agree that Escalating Density Training (EDT) really works. Now everyone who works out can learn how to benefit from this superbly effective, time-efficient system.Your muscles will get bigger when you force them to do more work in the same period of time. That's the breathtakingly simple concept behind Charles Staley's innovative training system, EDT. Over 300 people participated in coach Staley's first-ever EDT Fat Loss Challenge, with spectacular results. This is because EDT is a program that adjusts to the individual. Here's how: EDT designates timeframes (called PR Zones) where as many repetitions as possible are completed. Every workout becomes more effective than the one that preceded it, making each session a personal record. More reps equal bigger muscles and improved health-a simple premise that delivers amazing results.In Muscle Logic: Escalating Density Training Staley provides:· Beginner, intermediate, and advanced programs for athletes interested in maximum performance at any level· A 2-hour-per-week program for serious recreational bodybuilders · Simple, effective ways to apply EDT to develop power, speed, and endurance · Techniques that cut recovery time to train more intensely and frequently to reach goals faster

Muscle Medicine

by Bryan Kelly Rob Destefano Joseph Hooper

Muscle and joint injuries are not just for sports superstars anymore. Back, shoulder, hip, and knee problems impact more of us than ever before, sometimes making even routine activities seem impossible. Now, two of America's top experts on muscle and joint health have teamed up to create a program that anyone can easily follow to feel great. Muscle Medicine offers: A SELF-TREATMENT, STRETCH, AND STRENGTH REGIMEN FOR THE BODY'S MAJOR TROUBLE SPOTS A NUTRITION PROGRAM TO GIVE MUSCLES AND JOINTS THE HEALTHY FUEL THEY NEED FOR TOP PERFORMANCE DOZENS OF ILLUSTRATED EXERCISES FOR FITNESS, INJURY PREVENTION, AND RECOVERY ADVICE ABOUT WHEN SURGERY IS NECESSARY AND WHAT TO ASK A DOCTOR IN ANY CONSULTATION Care for your body and enjoy a pain-free, active life, no matter what your age or activity level! the coauthors, whose A-list clients have included John McEnroe and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Featuring more than 100 illustrations that show the basics of muscle mechanics, along with various stretching, strengthening, and self-treatment exercises, Muscle Medicine will help readers enjoy pain-free, active lives no matter what their age or activity level.

Muscles Testing and Function with Posture and Pain (5th Edition)

by Florence Peterson Kendall Elizabeth Kendall Mccreary Patricia Geise Provance Mary Mcintyre Rodgers William Anthony Romani

This book intends to provide rehabilitation professionals with a wealth of knowledge and background in the all-important aspect of the patient/client examination process.

Muscular Retraining for Pain-Free Living

by Craig Williamson

Here's an innovative and practical approach to eliminating chronic muscle pain, written by a popular occupational therapist with thirty years of experience freeing people from the discomfort of tendonitis, lower back pain, and neck and shoulder tension. These types of chronic pain can be caused by a number of factors, including old injuries, habitual movement patterns, problems with body alignment, psychological causes, and inability to sense your own body movements accurately. Muscular Retraining for Pain-Free Living clearly and concisely explains the causes of persistent muscle pain and offers a therapeutic exercise program to address these problems and end pain. This book explains the basic principles behind Williamson Muscular Retraining, which helps people to use their bodies more efficiently and gracefully, in a way that is practical and easy to understand. The problems of poor posture, muscle tension, and stress-caused pain are corrected by seeing them through the lens of kinesthetic awareness. The importance of kinesthetic awareness is typically overlooked precisely because it is lacking in so much of our population, including health care practitioners. Retraining for Pain-Free Living presents case examples of how people have used body awareness to improve how they sit, stand, and move - to rid themselves of ongoing muscular pain.

Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and Muscle Testing (Third Edition)

by Hazel M. Clarkson

A comprehensive textbook that contains the principles and methodology of joint Range of Motion (ROM) and manual muscle strength evaluation in one volume.

Musculoskeletal Health in Women

by Elinor Mody Elizabeth Matzkin

Recent research indicates that gender differences in anatomy and physiology, endocrinology, hand eye co-ordination and motor development have an effect on the kinds of injuries incurred as a result of sporting activities. Since men and women have different responses to exercise; strength and conditioning programs should be modified for these differences. Musculoskeletal Health in Women was born out of a need to provide fitness advice tailored to women. For example, research has focused on correcting neuromuscular imbalances in women to prevent injuries. Increased abduction moment at the knee and balance problems have been found to be predictors of ACL injury. Muscle strengthening with special emphasis on the terminal knee extensors and hip abductors can improve these neuromuscular imbalances. Additionally, taping and bracing at the ankle may be helpful, particularly in women prone to certain injuries. Any discussion of women's sports injuries is only complete if it includes the Female Athlete Triad: energy availability (which is affected by eating disorders), osteoporosis, and menstrual function. Musculoskeletal Health in Women provides a fully-illustrated and comprehensive overview of all of these aspects and its multidisciplinary approach ensures that expertise is provided from disciplines such as psychiatry, physiatry, endocrinology, nutrition, rheumatology, orthopedics, physical therapy and radiology. These authors have worked with women athletes of all ilks and are well equipped to address a full spectrum of issues related to the musculoskeletal health of women. Musculoskeletal Health in Women will be of primary interest to women athletes and women embarking on a fitness regimen. Health professionals working in this area would also invariably benefit from the advice and guidance provided within these pages.

The Musculoskeletal System (Peate's Body Systems)

by Ian Peate

PEATE’S BODY SYSTEMS THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM A CONCISE, ILLUSTRATED, AND ACCESSIBLE GUIDE TO THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Each of the twelve volumes in Peate’s Body Systems series is rooted in the belief that a deep and thorough understanding of the human body is essential for providing the highest standard of care. Offering clear, accessible and up-to-date information on different body systems, this series bridges the gap between complex scientific concepts and practical, everyday applications in health and care settings. This series makes for an invaluable resource for those committed to understanding the intricacies of human biology, physiology and the various systems that sustain life. The Musculoskeletal System is the perfect companion for students and newly registered practitioners across nursing and allied health fields with an interest in musculoskeletal care, providing a comprehensive yet easy-to-digest guide for both academic and clinical application. Equips healthcare students and practitioners with the necessary information to provide safe and competent care Features colourful illustrations to aid comprehension, clarify complicated concepts, and render content more engaging and accessible Empowers readers to adapt to a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, preparing them for the future of healthcare delivery Contains information necessary for effective patient care of those with osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, bone cancer, and other musculoskeletal diseases and conditions

The Muse in You: Embracing Creativity to Overcome Life's Difficulties

by Lynn Newman

Everything we do is creative: the way we think, the way we problem solve, the way we make the most of our lives. But when we experience challenging times, difficult life transitions, or grief from a loss, it’s easy for creativity to vanish and disquiet to settle in. In this guidebook to your emotional health, creativity expert Lynn Newman sends a powerful message: it is possible for you to remake your life into something extraordinary. Through personal stories, exercises, meditations, and inspired questions, learn to create a life on purpose by transcending conflict to find peace and happiness, unleashing the truest parts of yourself to experience more passion and ease, enjoying more fulfilling relationships, and following curiosity to jumpstart your creative journey. If you’re ready to shine more brightly, these lessons are your loving reminders that you are a creative being ready to accomplish your dreams! There is a muse in you!

The Museum of Witchcraft

by Diane Purkiss

Every sense is tingling. Strange symbols loom out of the darkness, and incantations whisper through the air. It's cold and quiet, so why don't you feel completely alone? Welcome to The Museum of Witchcraft, a collection of 100 artefacts where a history of secret wisdom, female power and occult objects comes to life. Wander through its pages to discover why cooking is magic, which trees are most enchanted, how to create an amulet, where to find a witch mark and why bad weather could have you burned at the stake.With each page a beautiful display cabinet containing esoteric illustration and authoritative text, it's time to discover the shadowy world of witches.

The Museum of Witchcraft

by Diane Purkiss

Every sense is tingling. Strange symbols loom out of the darkness, and incantations whisper through the air. It's cold and quiet, so why don't you feel completely alone? Welcome to The Museum of Witchcraft, a collection of 100 artefacts where a history of secret wisdom, female power and occult objects comes to life. Wander through its pages to discover why cooking is magic, which trees are most enchanted, how to create an amulet, where to find a witch mark and why bad weather could have you burned at the stake.With each page a beautiful display cabinet containing esoteric illustration and authoritative text, it's time to discover the shadowy world of witches.

Museums and Well-being (Routledge Guides to Practice in Museums, Galleries and Heritage)

by Rose Cull Daniel Cull

Museums and Well-being outlines the historical development of well-being within museums and offers a critical engagement with this field from a museum studies perspective. The essential thesis of the book is that well-being is a collective action. The book utilises the Five Ways to Well-being as a model: Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give and Take Notice. Each of these Ways are explored through a specific museum object illustrating the important role collections can play in museum well-being. The book considers how museum well-being, and the austerity project became entwined, and how the COVID-19 pandemic supercharged growth in this field. The book explores such diverse topics as walking, slow art, social capital, Virginia Woolf, body positivity, collective joy, identity, art therapy, yoga, Squid Game, Effective Altruism, mindfulness, gift exchange, the Preston model, the limits of data, sketching, photography, inclusive spaces, and workplace well-being. The book signposts a vast array of existing information, and offers a critical engagement with current practices. Museums and Well-being is aimed initially to students of museum studies programmes, it is also an ideal book for museum staff who need to add a well-being component to their existing programming; or to reconsider existing programming from the perspective of well-being.

Mushroom Essences: Vibrational Healing from the Kingdom Fungi

by Willoughby Arevalo Robert Rogers

In this innovative contribution to the field of energy medicine, experienced mycologist and herbalist Robert Rogers offers an extensive guide to healing a range of physical, emotional, and psychological conditions with mushroom essences. Similar to flower essences, but made under a lunar cycle, mushroom essences work subtly to bring deep healing to the mind and body; they are particularly well suited for working with the "shadow" or unintegrated parts of the psyche. The book is organized as an easy-to-use alphabetical reference, with entries that outline how to create each essence, indications for usage, and healing effects. Along the way, Rogers provides enlivening stories of his personal experience using these remedies in clinical practice. A profound exploration of both the practical and mythopoetic qualities of the mushroom, this is a must-have for anyone interested in plant medicine, mycology, personal healing, or depth psychology.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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