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Obesity Prevention for Children: A Program for Toddlers & Preschoolers

by Alvin Eden Sari Greaves

The Definitive Program for Maintaining Healthy Weight for ChildrenObesity Prevention for Children is the definitive guide for parents and caregivers to put their children on the path to a happy and a healthy life, protected against childhood and adult obesity. Written by Dr. Alvin N. Eden, a well-known pediatrician and authority on childhood nutrition and obesity together with expertly crafted recipes and meal plans provided by Sari Greaves, Obesity Prevention for Children is a practical and authoritative resource for parents and caregivers.A child's early years are critical. Both in terms of forming lifelong healthy habits and proactive mindsets, the decisions that parents make for their children today will continue to shape them for the rest of their lives. By focusing on these early years, Obesity Prevention for Children puts the knowledge in your hands--the power to positively affect your children's health and well-being for years to come.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less And Exercise More But Still Struggle To Lose Weight

by Kristin Loberg Bruce Blumberg

An eye-opening account of the landmark research into the hidden chemicals that are endangering our health and keeping us fatBeing overweight is not just the result of too many cheeseburgers or not enough exercise. According to leading-edge science, there are silent saboteurs in our daily lives that contribute greatly to our obesity epidemic: obesogens. These weight-inducing offenders, most of which are chemicals, disrupt our hormonal systems, alter how we create and store fat, and change how we respond to dietary choices. Because they are largely unregulated, obesogens lurk all around us-in food, furniture, plastic products such as water bottles and food storage containers, and other surprising exposure points. Even worse: research has shown that the effects of some obesogens can be passed on to future generations by irreversibly interfering with the expression of our genes. The good news is we can protect ourselves by becoming more informed consumers. In THE OBESOGEN EFFECT, Dr. Bruce Blumberg describes how obesogens work, reveals where they are found, and offers a practical three-step solution for reducing exposures. He explains why one size does not fit all in a weight loss program, what hides in our household goods, and how we should shop for items we buy every day-from vegetables and meats to canned soup as well as household cleaners, air fresheners, and personal care products. THE OBESOGEN EFFECT is an urgent call to action to protect your body, clean up your life, and set a straight course for better health.

Obesogenic Environments: Complexities, Perceptions and Objective Measures

by Amelia A. Lake Tim G. Townshend Seraphim Alvanides

In a world where obesity has now reached epidemic proportions, a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of the problem is essential if society, public health initiatives and government policies are to successfully address the issue. The obesogenic environment describes all the possible influences that our environment presents which encourage overweight and obesity in individuals and populations. Beginning with an overarching introduction to obesity and its implications for health and wellbeing, the book will move on to consider such crucial areas as eating behaviours and food environments, physical activity and the environment, the urban environment, methods, policy and future research directions. Brings together expertise from across a range of disciplines Written by a truly multidisciplinary team of international authors Presents some of the most innovative thinking in the battle against obesity This groundbreaking book brings together for the first time the knowledge of experts with backgrounds in nutrition and dietetics, policy, epidemiology, environmental sciences, medical sciences, town planning and urban design, transport, geography and physical activity in order to offer a multidisciplinary approach to public health, suggesting new and exciting ways to shape our environment to better support healthful decisions.

Obí: Oracle of Cuban Santería

by Ócha'Ni Lele

• The first book to provide complete, specific instructions for casting the obi oracle of the Santería faith. • Uses the shell of a coconut, which embodies the spirit of Obí, as a divination tool. • Includes a detailed “mojuba” or prayer that awakens the orishas and invites them to speak. • Examines in depth the five basic patterns that appear when obí is cast and explains how to interpret the oracle's answer. • Explores the fifty additional patterns and meanings contributed by ten orishas closely associated with the orisha Obí One of the paths to the spirits within Santeria is through a divination technique known as obi, the coconut oracle, which gives the petitioner access to the orisha of the same name. The orisha Obí began as a mortal human who ascended to become an orisha as a reward for good deeds done on Earth, then fell from grace because of excessive pride. When he descended back to Earth, his spirit was embodied in the coconut palm. Though he no longer has a tongue, he can answer questions posed to him through the patterns made by four pieces of coconut shell cast as a divination tool. Obí: Oracle of Cuban Santería is the first book to fully explore the sacred body of lore surrounding Obí, as well as his particular rituals and customs, including opening considerations, casting and interpreting the oracle, and employing advanced methods of divination. Also explained are the previously unpublished secrets of closing the oracle properly so that any negative vibrations will be absorbed by the coconuts and permanently removed from the diviner's home.

Obiettivi - Segreti e tecniche per ottenere ciò che desideri davvero

by Maria Antonietta Ricagno John P. Baumgarten

Sai in che modo impostare degli obiettivi e realizzare i tuoi sogni? Molti sono i modi attraverso cui è possibile raggiungere il successo, ma la costante alla base di tutto resta sempre la necessità di impostare un obiettivo. Per realizzare i tuoi obiettivi, sono fondamentali strategie quali annotarli e individuare quelli che possono aggiungere valore alla tua vita. Nel perseguire il successo, occorre procedere un passo alla volta e al contempo stabilire delle scadenze ben precise. Scopri come delineare alcuni punti importanti su come realizzare i tuoi sogni. Definire e impostare degli obiettivi è importante nella realizzazione dei propri sogni, che possono essere al tempo stesso grandi e piccoli. Tuttavia, vi sono determinate cose da fare se si desidera realizzare i propri sogni. Fra queste, possiamo citare ad esempio un desiderio profondo di tali sogni e l'immaginare di viverli in prima persona. Inoltre, è importante sviluppare un piano su come intendi raggiungere tali sogni e così via. Come impostare in modo semplice gli obiettivi Scopri come impostare obiettivi chiari ed effettivamente raggiungibili. Gli obiettivi devono essere specifici e raggiungibili entro un determinato periodo di tempo. Mentre imposti questi obiettivi, devi trovarti nella condizione mentale giusta e realizzare un esame esaustivo degli obiettivi della tua vita. Una volta stabiliti gli obiettivi, devi dare loro un ordine di priorità in base alla loro importanza e ai piani di azione specifici delineati. Obiettivi: Segreti e tecniche per realizzare ciò che davvero desideri è un ottimo lavoro, strutturato in modo chiaro pensando a lettori di vario tipo. I contenuti del libro sono importanti e applicabili a chiunque desideri progredire nella propria vita. Grazie a un linguaggio semplice e comprensibile da chiunque, questo libro offre alcuni punti ben definiti su come una persona possa realizzare il proprio potenziale reale. <b

The Object of My Affection is in My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists

by Rokelle Lerner

Narcissists suffer from a personality disorder that began in the early stages of childhood. They are stuck in an early development stage where there is tremendous self-interest, excessive self-absorption, and extreme entitlement. Their behavior is a consequence of early childhood abandonment and abuse. ''The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection'' will help you understand the complexities of this disorder and arm you with the coping mechanisms to navigate through this type of relationship.

Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory

by Jay R. Greenberg Stephen A. Mitchell

Examines the theories of Freud, Sullivan, Fromm, Jacobson, and other psychologists regarding interpersonal relationships.

Objectivity and the Language-Dependence of Thought: A Transcendental Defence of Universal Lingualism (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy #22)

by Christian Barth

Does thought depend on language? Primarily as a consequence of the cognitive turn in empirical disciplines like psychology and ethology, many current empirical researchers and empirically minded philosophers tend to answer this question in the negative. This book rejects this mainstream view and develops a philosophical argument in favor of a universal dependence of language on thought. In doing so, it comprises insights of two primary representatives of 20th century and contemporary philosophy, namely Donald Davidson and Robert Brandom. Barth offers an introduction to the debate concerning the language-dependence of thought and lays the methodological foundation for the subsequent argument in favor of a universal dependence of thought on language, presenting an account and defense of the transcendental method in reference to the writings of Peter F. Strawson. He then offers a transcendental argument in favor of a universal language-dependence of thought, beginning with a reevaluation of a basic idea for an argument originally presented by Donald Davidson. Later, two main objections to the conclusion of this transcendental argument are addressed and rejected using Robert Brandom’s inferentialist and normativist account of thought and language. In the course of doing so, the recent debate on Brandom’s work is addressed extensively, and main objections to Brandom’s work are presented and answered.

Observar las estrellas

by Grupo Astrófilo Lariano

* Una verdadera guía del cielo, que se extiende (si es necesario) hasta el hemisferio austral, el más explorado en la actualidad. * Estrellas, nebulosas, galaxias, supernovas, estrellas variables y dobles, etc. Conozca las maravillas del universo no sólo por el hecho de haber leído su descripción, sino por haberlas visto con sus propios ojos, siguiendo las precisas indicaciones que encontrará en el texto y en los mapas. * El origen de las constelaciones: la historia de los más famosos grupos de estrellas * Los diversos objetos celestes: sus orígenes y características físicas. * Las características del cielo en las diversas estaciones del año. * Las constelaciones y los objetos visibles en los meses primaverales, veraniegos, otoñales, invernales y en los cielos australes. * Los alineamientos estelares: un instrumento indispensable para orientarse en el cielo. * Las fotos de los objetos celestes más espectaculares. Con tablas y datos para reconocerlos. * Un libro que amplía sus horizontes desde la Tierra hasta el infi nito, desde su ventana hasta los abismos del universo. El Grupo Astrófilo Lariano de Como, en Italia, recoge desde hace veinticinco años las observaciones de más de cien socios apasionados por la astronomía. Estas experiencias han llevado a la organización de innumerables encuentros de carácter divulgativo en escuelas, bibliotecas, círculos culturales y universidades. Además de la edición de un boletín, algunos de sus socios colaboran de forma periódica en revistas especializadas y periódicos. En Editorial De Vecchi ha publicado Curso de astronomía práctica, un manual que complementa cuanto se explica en este libro.

The Observing Self: Mysticism and Psychotherapy

by Arthur J. Deikman

Understanding the mystical tradition from the perspective of modern developmental psychology and psychodynamic theory.

Obsessed: America's Food Addiction--and My Own

by Mika Brzezinski

Mika Brzezinski is at war against obesity. 'On Morning Joe,' she is often so adamant about improving America's eating habits that some people have dubbed her "the food Nazi. " What they don't know is that Mika wages a personal fight against unhealthy eating habits every day, and in this book she describes her history of food obsession and distorted body image, and her lifelong struggle to be thin. She believes it's time we all learned to stop blaming ourselves, and each other, and look at the real culprits-the food we eat and our addiction to it. Mika feels the only way to do this is to break through the walls of silence and shame we've built around obesity and food obsessions. She believes we need to talk openly about how our country became overweight, and what we can do to turn the corner and step firmly onto the path of health. So Mika made a deal with her very close friend Diane: they would work together on this book and on their personal goals, to help Diane drop 75 pounds and to break Mika's obsession with staying superthin. As she did in her bestseller 'Knowing Your' 'Value,' Mika has packed each chapter with insights from notable people in medicine, health, business, the arts, and politics. Singer Jennifer Hudson, the late writer and director Nora Ephron, TV host Gayle King, New Jersey governor Chris Christie, and many others open up to Mika about their own challenges and what works for them when it comes to food and diet. It's time we stopped whispering the F-word ("fat") the way we used to shun the C-word ("cancer"). This book-with its trademark Brzezinski smarts, honesty, and courage-launches us into a no-holds-barred conversation with family and friends, in schools and kitchens, in Congress and the food industry, to help us all find ways to tackle one of the biggest problems standing between us and a healthier America.

The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness

by Kim Chernin

The Obsession is a deeply committed and beautifully written analysis of our society's increasing demand that women be thin. It offers a careful, thought provoking discussion of the reasons men have encouraged this obsession and women have embraced it. It is a book about women's efforts to become thin rather than to accept the natural dimensions of their bodies--a book about the meaning of food and its rejection.

Obsession: A History

by Lennard J. Davis

We live in an age of obsession. Not only are we hopelessly devoted to our work, strangely addicted to our favorite television shows, and desperately impassioned about our cars, we admire obsession in others: we demand that lovers be infatuated with one another in films, we respond to the passion of single-minded musicians, we cheer on driven athletes. To be obsessive is to be American; to be obsessive is to be modern. But obsession is not only a phenomenon of modern existence: it is a medical category -- both a pathology and a goal. Behind this paradox lies a fascinating history, which Lennard Davis tells in "Obsession". Beginning with the roots of the disease in demonic possession and its secular successors, Davis traces the evolution of obsessive behavior from a social and religious fact of life into a medical and psychiatric problem. From obsessive aspects of professional specialization to obsessive sex and nymphomania, no variety of obsession eludes Davis's graceful analysis. "Obsession" also considers the clinical definition of the condition: Davis investigates the huge increase (estimates suggest up to 600-fold) in diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder over the past thirty years. Surveying the many ways in which doctors today treat OCD, he points out the limitations of and contradictions within the biological definitions of the disease. Impassioned, witty, and learned, "Obsession" is for anyone -- from compulsive hand washers to professional psychologists -- who has been fascinated by, struggled with, or cultivated obsession.

Obsolete Spells: Poems & Prose from Victor Neuburg & the Vine Press

by Justin Hopper

A collection of rare pagan poetry and purple prose from the heart of the 1920s counterculture.Victor Neuburg is most famous for two things: discovering Dylan Thomas, and being the man that Aleister Crowley once turned into a camel. Obsolete Spells offers another side of Neuburg, through his own poems and the strange books of Vine Press, the hand-operated imprint he ran from his West Sussex cottage between 1920 and 1930. Neuburg's youth involved terrifying-yet-farcical years as Crowley's lover, victim, and magickal sidekick. His later period, as editor of the influential "Poet's Corner" column for the Sunday Referee, found him a key figure in London's literary scene. But in between, Neuburg acted as a conduit for bohemian writers, arts luminaries, and the sexually adventurous: Peter Warlock set his words to music, singer Marian Anderson lived in his spare room, and he was a fixture at utopian community, the Sanctuary. Through it all, he turned the handle on the Vine Press: books of nature writing and anonymous song; poems and artwork worthy of The Wicker Man, side-by-side with a book on cricket. Obsolete Spells offers a selection of Neuburg's work and others from Vine Press books--over-the-top hymns to the Old Gods, tales from a utopian landscape, and more, most of which has been out of print for a century.

Obstacle Fit

by Pete Williams

Do you want to climb walls, shiver under barbwire, shimmy through culverts, negotiate monkey bars and ropes, plunge into dumpsters of ice water, and run miles through dirt, mud, and water - all the while testing your mental and physical limits with a body you've chiseled into the best shape of its life?If so, you're an aspiring obstacle racer. And you're not alone.In Obstacle Fit, Pete Williams gets you ready to tackle Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Warrior Dash, and the dozens of other obstacle races that have become the fastest growing segment of participatory sports.More than 2 million people annually compete in obstacle races, pushing their bodies to extremes and posting images of themselves muddy and triumphant via social media.Athletes typically train for an obstacle race with either an anaerobic, strength-based program featuring little running or with a regimen of heavy running and little core conditioning. As a result, they're ill prepared for alternating tests of running and obstacles and can even risk injury.Williams, a competitive obstacle racer, NASM-certified personal trainer, and co-author of seven fitness books, shows you how to train efficiently for obstacle races with an integrated, six-week program of core conditioning and interval training that mirrors the obstacles, rhythms, and challenges of an actual race.Obstacle Fit, which requires little equipment, can be used as a stand-alone program or adapted to complement your existing training. Performed indoors or outdoors, Obstacle Fit focuses on flexibility, strength, stability, and speed, helping you navigate any obstacle race quickly and powerfully.

Obstacle Race Training

by Margaret Schlachter Hobie Call

The beauty of obstacle course racing is that it gets you out of your everyday routine and lets you experience life. If you are stuck in a cubicle or trapped in an urban jungle-congested traffic and crowds are your daily obstacles. Running an obstacle course race gives you the chance to get back to nature-to roll in it, get dirty, and tap into your primal self so you can experience life-in the raw, unedited and real.Margaret Schlachter is one the foremost competitors in obstacle course racing today. She put together this simple guide to make your obstacle race experience everything it's supposed to be-a test of your true self. She describes first-hand her personal training methods in learning to climb a rope, scale a wall, flip a tire, throw a spear, and carry a sandbag. More importantly, she provides guidance on how to get yourself mentally and spiritually prepared for the big day-and how to dig deep within yourself during a race to find the last ounce of strength to carry you across that finish line.Every weekend thousands of competitors run obstacle races all over the world. Winning or losing is secondary. More important for them is the ability to meet the physical and mental challenges and achieve personal success by completing the race. Obstacle Race Training is an invaluable resource that enables each and every competitor to experience the maximum level of success that they are capable of.

Obstacle Race Training Bible: The #1 Resource to Prepare for and Conquer Any Course!

by James Villepigue

The first how-to guide to help readers prepare for and conquer a new and growing form of distance racing popping up all over the country, written by bestselling fitness author James Villepigue. Obstacle Race Training Bible provides readers with one-stop access to everything you need to know to prepare for and successfully complete a Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Warrior Dash, or any of the other international or regional obstacle races that are taking the world by storm. All of these races combine running various distances and terrain with hard-core obstacles that are both physically and mentally challenging: climbing through pitch-black flooded tubes and over walls, carrying logs uphill, traversing monkey bars, crawling through mud and under barbed wire, leaping over burning hay bales, swimming in ice cold water, navigating through live wires, and more. This combination of running and obstacles is what gives participants a very different kind of challenge than they get with a 5K, marathon, or triathlon. It's a combination that also requires a very different approach to training and preparation, and that's what this book provides. Coverage includes: Profiles of all the major races: running distance, obstacles involved, completion percentage, fitness level required, etc. Obstacle overviews, including photos of what they look like, the mental and physical challenges involved, and the most effective strategies for completing them Obstacle-specific exercises that condition participants for the strength, stamina, flexibility, and mental toughness needed to complete the obstacle 8-week training programs designed for complete novices, elite athletes, and everyone in between Important information on what to wear, nutrition during training, and race day strategies

Obstetric Violence: Realities, and Resistance from Around the World

by Angela N. Castañeda;Nicole Hill;Julie Johnson Searcy

In this book, we make space to interrogate obstetric violence; from its historical and legal roots and contemporary realities, to responses of advocacy and resistance. Through the lens of obstetric violence, we are able to see overlap in structural vulnerability across continents as well as recognize the ways in which obstetric violence is symptomatic of larger global problems including systemic injustices related to reproductive health. Combining the perspectives of care providers, birthing people, advocates and researchers, our volume seeks to include both a systematic and structural understanding of obstetric violence. We bring together diverse voices, from practitioners, to activists, to academics, and provide a global perspective on obstetric violence with research from around the world, including indigenous communities from North America (Canada and Hawaii), examples from Latin American and Caribbean countries as well as country-specific cases from Argentina, Australia, Egypt, Mexico, Portugal, and the United States. The range of disciplinary perspectives and global experiences presented in this book demonstrates that obstetric violence is neither bound to one discipline, nor site specific. Together the chapters of this volume work to understand obstetric violence, moving beyond static definitions towards a spectrum of lived experiences that highlight three main areas: Legislation and Policy, Experiencing Obstetric Violence, and Advocacy, Resistance and Reframing. The time for a global recognition of obstetric violence – of the larger structural forces embedded in systems that cross cultures and violate bodies in acutely vulnerable life moments – is now. By naming it and saying it out loud we recognize obstetric violence exists and can together begin the process of systemic change necessary to prevent it.

Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More

by Julie A. Lamppa Kerry Schwalbach

Giving birth can be — and should be — an exciting, positive experience. While every labor and delivery has unique challenges, you can help to make it the best possible experience through a combination of comfort techniques, education and an understanding of options. This concise guide to pregnancy and childbirth brings you the expertise of a certified nurse-midwife at Mayo Clinic and a certified doula. It&’s packed with information based on the most current evidence, yet rooted in long-trusted natural methods of caring for laboring women. With a unique spiral-bound flipbook format, the book&’s 100+ bite-sized topics can be perused one page at a time while lying in bed, eating breakfast or riding a stationary bike. The front pages offer the most important information for setting up a satisfying childbirth experience, while the back pages add more empowering details, tricks and medical information. Inside you&’ll find tips for: • Creating healthy habits during pregnancy • Recognizing what&’s normal as baby grows • Planning and preparing for the birth — mentally and practically • Managing labor pain, including natural techniques and medical options • Providing crucial support as a labor partner • Keeping focused on the ultimate goal: a healthy mom and baby You&’ll also get the messy truth of what to expect postpartum, advice for enjoying the early days with a newborn and more. Obstetricks equips parents with confidence and an expert toolkit as they prepare for the main event — welcoming baby to the world.

Obstetrics and Gynecology (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series)

by Susan Stephenson Julia Dmitrieva

Part of the highly regarded Diagnostic Medical Sonography series, Susan Raatz Stephenson and Julia Dmitrieva’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th Edition, thoroughly covers the core content students need to master in today’s rigorous sonography programs. Careful, collaborative editing ensures consistency across all three titles in this series: The Vascular System, Abdomen and Superficial Structures, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, providing the right content at the right level for both students and instructors.

The Obvious Diet: Your Personal Way to Lose Weight Without Changing Your Lifestyle

by Ed Victor Nigella Lawson Larry King

At last, a diet so obvious, it works! Literary agents are famous for lunching, and there is no more famous agent than Ed Victor. If Ed can lose twenty pounds in three months without changing his lifestyle, so can everyone! The Obvious Diet recognizes that the rules you make yourself are the rules you are most likely to stick to. It shows you how to devise an eating regimen that is based on avoiding your own particular weakness, whether that is carbohydrates, animal fats, or sugar. It works because, rather than imposing a rigid plan from on high, it allows you to mix and match elements from different diets to suit your own lifestyle. If you have tried many diets over the years but found they didn't work, than this is the book for you. With ideas and advice from Ed Victor's celebrity friends and clients, the book provides anecdotes and inspirational tips to help you stick to your plan. Mel Brooks, Anne Bancroft, Tina Brown, Sidney Sheldon, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and many more contribute their recipes and words of wisdom. Dieting has never been this interesting! Millions of Americans are overweight and want to do something about it. If a gourmand like Ed Victor can do it, so can you!

The Occasional Human Sacrifice: Medical Experimentation and the Price of Saying No

by Carl Elliott

Shocking cases of abusive medical research and the whistleblowers who spoke out against them, sometimes at the expense of their careers. The Occasional Human Sacrifice is an intellectual inquiry into the moral struggle that whistleblowers face, and why it is not the kind of struggle that most people imagine. Carl Elliott is a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota who was trained in medicine as well as philosophy. For many years he fought for an external inquiry into a psychiatric research study at his own university in which an especially vulnerable patient lost his life. Elliott’s efforts alienated friends and colleagues. The university stonewalled him and denied wrongdoing until a state investigation finally vindicated his claims. His experience frames the six stories in this book of medical research in which patients were deceived into participating in experimental programs they did not understand, many of which had astonishing and well-concealed mortality rates. Beginning with the public health worker who exposed the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and ending with the four physicians who in 2016 blew the whistle on lethal synthetic trachea transplants at the Karolinska Institute, Elliott tells the extraordinary stories of insiders who spoke out against such abuses, and often paid a terrible price for doing the right thing.

The Occult

by Colin Wilson

Colin Wilson's great classic work is a comprehensive history of mystery and "magic". His genius lies in producing a skilful synthesis of the available material; clarifying without simplifying, seeing the occult in the light of reason and reason in the light of the mystical and paranormal. It is a journey of enlightenment - a wide-ranging survey of the whole subject and an insightful exploration of Man's latent powers. Republished two years after the author's death and with a new foreword by bibliographer Colin Stanley, Wilson brings his own refreshingly optimistic and stimulating interpretation to the worlds of the paranormal, the occult and the supernatural. "The Occult is the most interesting, informative and thought-provoking book on the subject I have read" --Sunday TelegraphFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

The Occult: The Ultimate Guide For Those Who Would Walk With The Gods

by Colin Wilson

"The author of THE OUTSIDER has written a fascinating history of magic through the centuries." —The Washington Post "This most interesting, informative and thought-provoking book on the subject I have read..." —Arthur Calder-Marshall, The Sunday Telegraph Colin Wilson’s bestselling classic is an essential guide to the mind-expanding experiences and discoveries of the occult in the 20th century. He has produced a wonderfully skillful synthesis of the available material—one that sees the occult in the light of reason and reason in the light of the mystical and paranormal. The result is a wide-ranging survey of the subject that provides a comprehensive history of magic, an insightful exploration of our latent powers, and a journey of enlightenment.

Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation

by Mitch Horowitz

Horowitz is the editor in chief of Tarcher/Penguin and a voice for occult and esoteric ideas based in New York City. He describes how mystical and occult ideas and practices have been present in North America since nearly the beginning of European settlement, and have often and constantly been crucial in the development of the US into what it is today. He recounts the history in a series of stories, generally chronological, that include the ouija and the selling of spiritualism the mail-order prophet, the rise of magic in Afro-America, the return of the Secret Teachings, politics and the occult during the New Deal, secrets for sale, and Aquarius rising at the dawn of the New Age. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

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