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Un océan illimité de conscience

by Dr. Tony Nader

Des réponses simples aux grandes questions de l'existence. Prologue de David Lynch. «Dans ce livre qui fera date, les idées que développe le Dr Nader ont le pouvoir de changer le monde. Il apporte des réponses fondamentales aux questions qui ont fasciné et intrigué depuis longtemps philosophes et scientifiques. Qu'est-ce que la conscience, sommes-nous libres ? Comment réussir au mieux sa vie, réaliser ses désirs, susciter la paix et l'harmonie entre les êtres humains et les pays ? À toutes ces questions, il apporte des solutions fondées sur un paradigme fondamental et simple qui unifie l'esprit, le corps et l'environnement en un océan unique d'Être pur, de conscience pure. Un livre que toute personne à la recherche de la vérité ultime et absolue se doit de lire.»David Lynch «Je veux que toute le monde sache ce qu'est la conscience et comment la développer pour profiter du plein potentiel de la vie individuelle et sociale.»Dr. Tony Nader

Ocean of Yoga: Meditations on Yoga and Ayurveda for Balance, Awareness, and Well-Being

by Julie Dunlop MASc Vasant Lad

Explore the vastness of yoga through the art of meditation. This collection offers short readings on a variety of yoga-related themes, including the eight limbs, the seven chakras, and yoga's sister science, Ayurveda. Meditations for awareness and well-being are included, as well as guided relaxations and opening and closing meditations for yoga class and home practice. Weaving together the practical experience of yoga with its ancient oceanic depths, the series of meditations encourage a centering that directs attention to the breath, the present, and appreciating the gifts that each moment of life can bring. Providing nourishment for the heart, mind and body through awareness, let this book turn your attention to the essence of yoga and invite you to go within while remaining rooted in the present moment.

Ocean Oracle

by Michelle Hanson

Everyone remembers spending a day at the beach as a child collecting seashells, but what if those seashells were more than just pretty objects? What if those shells could actually tell you something about your hidden thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes? Ocean Oracle: What Seashells Reveal about Our True Nature is the bridge to learning this secret language. Simply put, seashells function as tools that enable us to speak with our subconscious, allowing the inner self to communicate the information it considers most valuable for our growth. By listening to the shells with the guidance of Ocean Oracle, you can tap into your own innate wisdom and joy. Included with the book are: 200 shell cards in full color 4 full color plates, 8. 25 x 16. 25" with all shell photos in full colorEnjoy exploring the language of shells by yourself or with a group of friends.

Un océano ilimitado de la conciencia: Respuestas sencillas a las grandes preguntas de la vida

by Dr. Tony Nader

Figura central de las fundaciones David Lynch y Maharishi, neurocientífico graduado en Harvard, reconocido erudito védico y referente mundial de la Meditación Trascendental™, el Dr. Tony Nader formula en este libro una serie de preguntas existenciales fundamentales (¿cuál es nuestro propósito en la vida?, ¿tenemos verdadero control sobre nuestros destinos?) y, a través del estudio de la Conciencia, nos acerca respuestas con beneficios prácticos que aspiran a darnos esclarecimiento, paz y plenitud. «En este libro histórico, el Dr. Tony Nader presenta ideas que pueden cambiar el mundo. Propone soluciones profundas a preguntas que han fascinado e intrigado durante mucho tiempo a filósofos y científicos. ¿Qué es la Conciencia, tenemos libertad? ¿Cómo sacar lo mejor de la vida, cumplir los deseos y crear paz y armonía entre los pueblos y las naciones? Ofrece estas soluciones, basadas en un paradigma subyacente simple, que unifica la mente, el cuerpo y el medio ambiente en un océano de Ser puro, Conciencia Pura. Una lectura obligada para cualquier buscador de respuestas a los misterios de la vida, a la verdad absoluta y última.» David Lynch «Quiero que todos sepan qué es la Conciencia y cómo desarrollarla para disfrutar de todo el potencial de la vida individual y social.» DR. Tony Nader ¿Hay algún propósito oculto en la vida, un diseño secreto, una lógica significativa, un objetivo que alcanzar? ¿De dónde venimos y adónde vamos después de irnos? ¿Por qué deberíamos estar luchando? ¿Podemos elegir? ¿Somos libres o esclavos del destino, de las leyes de la naturaleza o de Dios? Como seres conscientes que desean tomar el control de sus vidas, estas preguntas son fundamentales; y todos terminan haciendo suposiciones o suscribiéndose firmemente a las creencias sobre muchas de ellas. Esas convicciones se convierten en nuestra subyacente "visión del mundo" que influye en todo lo que hacemos. Me volqué al estudio de la medicina, la psiquiatría y la neurología para comprender por qué, si bien somos tan similares, podemos ser tan diferentes en nuestras opiniones, mentalidad y puntos de vista. Pero las respuestas a mis preguntas fundamentales eran demasiado complejas y abstractas para la investigación científica. Fue la Meditación Trascendental™ lo que me permitió explorarlas a través de la experiencia directa, en lugar del análisis y la deducción. Este libro está dedicado a todos los buscadores de conocimiento, científicos, filósofos, maestros, líderes sabios y guías que investigan los secretos del funcionamiento de la naturaleza y el esfuerzo por mejorar la vida en la Tierra.

Ochate. Realidad y leyenda del pueblo maldito

by Julio Corral Antonio Arroyo

Bienvenidos al misterio de Ochate, una exhaustiva investigación en la realidad y leyenda de este pueblo maldito. Desde hace más de un cuarto de siglo Ochate es considerado «el pueblo maldito». Centenares de curiosos visitan cada año sus ruinas tratando de desentrañar uno de los misterios más famosos de España y, al mismo tiempo, uno de los más insondables. Se dice que Ochate desapareció en el siglo XIII sin dejar rastro y que en el siglo XIX tres misteriosas epidemias volvieron a acabar con toda su población sin afectar a los pueblos vecinos, hasta el punto de que sus calles quedaron convertidas en un gran cementerio olvidado. Se dice también que el pueblo está rodeado de pequeñas tumbas de niños y que es el lugar de Europa con más plantas venenosas por metro cuadrado. ¿Qué hay de cierto en estas afirmaciones? Durante los últimos años se han referido casos de apariciones, luces extrañas, combustiones espontáneas,inquietantes psicofonías... De ese modo la vieja aldea se ha convertido en un punto de referencia ineludible para los amantes del misterio. En 1999 Iker Jiménez profundizó en la leyenda de Ochate y sacó a la luz una serie de casos realmente inquietantes, alguno de los cuales tuvo como protagonista al Ejército español. Desde entonces el misterio de Ochate sigue más vivo que nunca y decenas de personas afirman haber sido testigos de experiencias sin explicación aparente. Este libro es fruto de una larga investigación en archivos históricos y hemerotecas, de viajes y entrevistas, y profundiza, como nunca se había hecho hasta ahora, en la realidad y leyenda de este pueblo maldito. Julio Corral San Román nació en Madrid en 1969, aunque reside en Vitoria-Gasteiz desde los dos años. Investigador de temas relacionados con los misterios, enigmas y las curiosidades históricas, ha colaborado con diversos programas de radio y televisión, y publicado artículos en revistas como Más Allá de la Ciencia o Enigmas. Escribe su primer libro junto con Antonio Arroyo. Se trata de un ensayo sobre el pueblo abandonado de Ochate, que rápidamente se convierte en un referente para quienes quieran profundizar en los sucesos acaecidos en ese despoblado burgalés. En 2017 publica la novela Locos que no lo parecen en la que aborda, con extremo rigor histórico, la vida del asesino en serie Juan Díaz de Garayo, conocido como El Sacamantecas. Actualmente escribe una sección en el Diario de Noticias de Álava llamada Historias de Antaño y de Hogaño, que puede seguirse a través de su web Antonio Arroyo Verdugo nació en Málaga en 1968. Escritor, investigador y Community Manager de Webs como, ha colaborado con numerosos medios audiovisuales, escritos y de contenido digital.

OCR A Level PE Book 1

by John Honeybourne Sarah Powell

Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: PEFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2017Inspire, motivate and give confidence to your students with OCR PE for A Level Book 1. This reliable and accessible textbook will offer your students comprehensive support for both the academic and practical elements of the course.We are working in collaboration with OCR to produce this Student's Book- Key questions to direct thinking and help students focus on the key points- Diagrams to aid understanding- Summaries to aid revision and help students access the main points - Extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading to stretch, challenge and encourage independent thinking and a deeper understanding - Definition of key terms - again to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Activities to build conceptual understanding and sound knowledge and understanding, analysis, evaluation and application skills

OCR A Level PE Book 1

by John Honeybourne Sarah Powell

Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: PEFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2017Inspire, motivate and give confidence to your students with OCR PE for A Level Book 1. This reliable and accessible textbook will offer your students comprehensive support for both the academic and practical elements of the course.We are working in collaboration with OCR to produce this Student's Book- Key questions to direct thinking and help students focus on the key points- Diagrams to aid understanding- Summaries to aid revision and help students access the main points - Extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading to stretch, challenge and encourage independent thinking and a deeper understanding - Definition of key terms - again to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Activities to build conceptual understanding and sound knowledge and understanding, analysis, evaluation and application skills

OCR A Level PE Book 2

by John Honeybourne Sarah Powell

Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: PEFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018Inspire, motivate and give confidence to your students with OCR PE for A Level Book 2. This reliable and accessible textbook will offer your students comprehensive support for both the academic and practical elements of the course.We are working in collaboration with OCR to produce the following print resources that support the teaching and learning of the new A Level Physical Education specification- Key questions to direct thinking and help students focus on the key points- Diagrams to aid understanding- Summaries to aid revision and help students access the main points - Extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading to stretch, challenge and encourage independent thinking and a deeper understanding - Definition of key terms - again to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Activities to build conceptual understanding and sound knowledge and understanding, analysis, evaluation and application skills

OCR A Level PE (Year 1 and Year 2)

by John Honeybourne Sarah Powell

Boost confidence with our all-in-one textbook for OCR A Level Physical Education. This updated and accessible textbook combines Year 1 and Year 2 content with brand new assessment preparation to provide comprehensive support for both the academic and practical elements of the course. This book:- Develops conceptual understanding with full coverage of all topics on the OCR A Level specification together in one book- Includes updates to 'end of chapter practice' questions and assessment preparation- Contains summaries, diagrams and key questions to direct thinking and aid revision- Stretches, challenges and encourages independent thinking and a deeper understanding through extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading- Features definitions of key terms to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Builds sound knowledge and analysis, evaluation and application skills through activitiesThis Student Book is endorsed by OCR- This title fully supports the specification- It has passed OCR's rigorous quality assurance programme- It is written by curriculum experts

OCR A Level PE (Year 1 and Year 2)

by Sarah Powell John Honeybourne

Boost confidence with our all-in-one textbook for OCR A Level Physical Education. This updated and accessible textbook combines Year 1 and Year 2 content with brand new assessment preparation to provide comprehensive support for both the academic and practical elements of the course. This book:- Develops conceptual understanding with full coverage of all topics on the OCR A Level specification together in one book- Includes updates to 'end of chapter practice' questions and assessment preparation- Contains summaries, diagrams and key questions to direct thinking and aid revision- Stretches, challenges and encourages independent thinking and a deeper understanding through extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading- Features definitions of key terms to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Builds sound knowledge and analysis, evaluation and application skills through activitiesThis Student Book is endorsed by OCR- This title fully supports the specification- It has passed OCR's rigorous quality assurance programme- It is written by curriculum experts

Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, & Norse Magic

by Diana L. Paxson

“Paxson provides songs, rituals, magical exercises, and practical advice to help you develop your own personal relationship with the Lord of Runes.” —Judika Illes, author of Encyclopedia of 5,000 SpellsOdin is arguably one of the most enigmatic and complex characters in Norse mythology. Revered since the Viking Age, Odin has been called the greatest of the gods—the god of words and wisdom, runes and magic, a transformer of consciousness, and a trickster who teaches truth. He is both war god and poetry god, and he is the Lord of Ravens, the All- Father, and the rune master.Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, and Norse Magic is the first book on Odin that is both historically sourced and accessible to a general audience. It explores Odin’s origins, his appearances in sagas, old magic spells, and the Poetic Edda, and his influence on modern media, such as Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. Each chapter features suggestions for rituals, exercises, and music, so readers can comprehend and become closer to this complicated god.Author Diana Paxson, an expert on Viking-era mythology, provides a complete portrait of Odin and draws on both scholarship and experience to provide context, resources, and guidance for those who are drawn to work with the Master of Ecstasy today.“This remarkable book is at times ribald and reverent, worldwise and innocent, pragmatic and idealistic, as needed to masterfully show the ways of a very complex God.” —Ivo Domiguez, Jr, author of Keys to Perception

Odisha and Sports: A Story of Hope and Glory

by Boria Majumdar Vineel Krishna Ravella

For decades, Odisha was considered as one of India&’s most backward states. But under the leadership of Naveen Patnaik, it has made huge strides in every sphere, from human-development indices and disaster management to becoming the role model for India&’s future sporting programme. This book, co-authored by Boria Majumdar, one of India&’s best known sports scholars and commentators, and Vineel Krishna, Secretary Sports for the Government of Odisha, is an attempt to make sense of that transformation, especially in the sporting space. It is a tale of what can happen when a wealth of untapped talent is harnessed by proper administration and planning, and the creation of state-of-the-art infrastructure. It is the story of how a state stepped in at the last minute to stage a major event, and how its success turned into a springboard for future endeavours. It documents the sea change that has been witnessed in the past half-decade, with the creation of world-class stadia, high-performance centres and hostels to house the most talented kids from the relatively under-developed regions of the state. It&’s also testament to the resilience and determination of the athletes, many of whom have overcome colossal odds to shine on the world stage. Most of all though, it&’s a story of hope – of what can happen when a government prioritises its people and recognises the power of sport to bring about lasting and positive social change.

Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming

by Jonathan Shay

<p>In his acclaimed book <i>Achilles in Vietnam</i>, Dr. Jonathan Shay used the Iliad as a prism through which to examine how ancient and modern wars have battered the psychology of the men who fight. Now he turns his attention to the Odyssey, Homer's classic story of a soldier's homecoming, to illuminate the real problems faced by combat veterans reentering civilian society. <p>Drawing on his years of experience working with Vietnam veterans, Shay illustrates how the Odyssey can be read as a metaphor for the pitfalls that trap many veterans on the road back to civilian life. He also explains how veterans recover, and advocates changes to American military practice that will protect future servicemen and servicewomen while increasing their fighting power. <p>The Odyssey, Shay argues, offers explicit portrayals of behavior common among returning soldiers in our own culture -- danger-seeking, womanizing, explosive violence, drug abuse, visitation by the dead, obsession, vagrancy, and homelessness. Supporting his reading with examples from his fifteen-year practice treating Vietnam combat veterans, Shay shows how Odysseus's mistrustfulness, his lies, and his constant need to conceal his thoughts and emotions foreshadow the experiences of many of today's veterans. Throughout, Homer strengthens our understanding of what a combat veteran must overcome to return to and flourish in civilian life, just as the heartbreaking stories of the veterans Shay treats give us a new understanding of one of the world's greatest classics. <p>With a foreword by Vietnam veteran U.S. Senators John McCain and Max Cleland, representing bipartisan support for what Dr. Shay is trying to accomplish, <i>Odysseus in America</i> is an impassioned and cogent plea to renovate American military institutions -- and a brilliant rereading of Homer's epic. </p>

Odyssey of Ashes: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Letting Go

by Cheryl Krauter

Odyssey of Ashes: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Letting Go begins with the sudden death of Cheryl Krauter&’s spouse. Five months later, in a stroke of irony and magic, her husband wins a long-desired guided fly fishing trip in a raffle—and Cheryl decides to go in his place, fulfilling a promise to scatter his ashes by a trout stream. Part I of this memoir is an account of the first year after Cheryl&’s husband&’s death, where she becomes an explorer in the infinite stream of grief and loss, a time traveler between the darkness of sorrow and the light of daily life. Part II concludes with stories of the poignant and humorous adventures she had during the ensuing year. Tying it all together and woven throughout is Cheryl&’s account of the creation of an altar assembled during the three-day ritual of Los Días de los Muertos. Poetic and mythological, Odyssey of Ashes is a raw story of loss and the deep transformation that traveling through darkness and returning to light can bring.

Oestrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve Women’s Well-Being and Lengthen Their Lives - Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer

by Avrum Bluming MD Carol Tavris PhD

'I believe it is an ethical imperative for all clinicians who treat women in menopause or women with breast cancer to alert their patients to this book' Michael Baum, MD, Professor Emeritus of Surgery and visiting professor of Medical Humanities, University College London'A thorough, careful and unbiased assessment . . . This extremely valuable message deserves to be widely disseminated' Lord Turnberg, former President of the Royal College of PhysiciansA compelling defence of hormone replacement therapy, exposing the faulty science behind its fall from prominence and empowering readers to make informed decisions about their health. For years, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was hailed as a miracle. Study after study showed that HRT, if initiated at the onset of menopause, could ease symptoms ranging from hot flushes to memory loss; reduce the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and some cancers; and even extend a woman's overall life expectancy. But when a large study by the Women's Health Initiative announced results showing an uptick in breast cancer among women taking HRT, the winds shifted abruptly, and HRT, officially deemed a carcinogen, was abandoned.Now, sixteen years after HRT was left for dead, Dr Bluming, a medical oncologist, and Dr Tavris, a social psychologist, track its strange history and present a compelling case for its resurrection. They investigate what led the public - and much of the medical establishment - to accept the Women's Health Initiative's often exaggerated claims, while also providing a fuller picture of the science that supports HRT. A sobering and revelatory read, Oestrogen Matters sets the record straight on this beneficial treatment and provides an empowering path to wellness for women everywhere.

Of Beards and Men: The Revealing History of Facial Hair

by Christopher Oldstone-Moore

Beards—they’re all the rage these days. Take a look around: from hip urbanites to rustic outdoorsmen, well-groomed metrosexuals to post-season hockey players, facial hair is everywhere. The New York Times traces this hairy trend to Big Apple hipsters circa 2005 and reports that today some New Yorkers pay thousands of dollars for facial hair transplants to disguise patchy, juvenile beards. And in 2014, blogger Nicki Daniels excoriated bearded hipsters for turning a symbol of manliness and power into a flimsy fashion statement. The beard, she said, has turned into the padded bra of masculinity.Of Beards and Men makes the case that today’s bearded renaissance is part of a centuries-long cycle in which facial hairstyles have varied in response to changing ideals of masculinity. Christopher Oldstone-Moore explains that the clean-shaven face has been the default style throughout Western history—see Alexander the Great’s beardless face, for example, as the Greek heroic ideal. But the primacy of razors has been challenged over the years by four great bearded movements, beginning with Hadrian in the second century and stretching to today’s bristled resurgence. The clean-shaven face today, Oldstone-Moore says, has come to signify a virtuous and sociable man, whereas the beard marks someone as self-reliant and unconventional. History, then, has established specific meanings for facial hair, which both inspire and constrain a man’s choices in how he presents himself to the world. This fascinating and erudite history of facial hair cracks the masculine hair code, shedding light on the choices men make as they shape the hair on their faces. Oldstone-Moore adeptly lays to rest common misperceptions about beards and vividly illustrates the connection between grooming, identity, culture, and masculinity. To a surprising degree, we find, the history of men is written on their faces.

Of Beasts and Beauty: Gender, Race, and Identity in Colombia

by Michael Edward Stanfield

All societies around the world and through time value beauty highly. Tracing the evolutions of the Colombian standards of beauty since 1845, Michael Edward Stanfield explores their significance to and symbiotic relationship with violence and inequality in the country. Arguing that beauty holds not only social power but also economic and political power, he positions it as a pacific and inclusive influence in a country “ripped apart by violence, private armies, seizures of land, and abuse of governmental authority, one hoping that female beauty could save it from the ravages of the male beast. ” One specific means of obscuring those harsh realities is the beauty pageant, of which Colombia has over 300 per year. Stanfield investigates the ways in which these pageants reveal the effects of European modernity and notions of ethnicity on Colombian women, and how beauty for Colombians has become an external representation of order and morality that can counter the pathological effects of violence, inequality, and exclusion in their country.

Of Medicines and Markets: Intellectual Property and Human Rights in the Free Trade Era

by Angelina Snodgrass Godoy

Central American countries have long defined health as a human right. But in recent years regional trade agreements have ushered in aggressive intellectual property reforms, undermining this conception. Questions of IP and health provisions are pivotal to both human rights advocacy and "free" trade policy, and as this book chronicles, complex political battles have developed across the region. Looking at events in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Guatemala, Angelina Godoy argues that human rights advocates need to approach intellectual property law as more than simply a roster of regulations. IP represents the cutting edge of a global tendency to value all things in market terms: Life forms—from plants to human genetic sequences—are rendered commodities, and substances necessary to sustain life—medicines—are restricted to insure corporate profits. If we argue only over the terms of IP protection without confronting the underlying logic governing our trade agreements, then human rights advocates will lose even when they win.

Of This Much I'm Sure: A Memoir

by Nadine Kenney Johnstone

At twenty-two, Chicagoan Nadine Kenney is thrilled to meet her future husband, Jamie, while vacationing in Florida. After a whirlwind, long-distance romance, Nadine leaves her friends, family, and city to join Jamie in suburban Massachusetts. Once married, they begin trying for a baby without knowing how hard that road will become. Nadine soon faces the little-known horrors of IVF when a procedure causes severe internal bleeding, and she wakes up from emergency surgery with a six-inch scar instead of a baby bump. In the difficult year that follows, anxiety and additional failed fertility treatments threaten her new marriage and her mental state. By some saving grace, she eventually becomes pregnant naturally, but the horrors are not over: her son is diagnosed with potentially terminal kidney complications. Ultimately, Nadine learns that in an unpredictable life, the only thing she can be sure of is the healing power of hope.

Off The Rag: lesbians writing on menopause

by Lee Lynch Akia Woods

Most books about menopause are either medically based or heterosexually focussed. This volume has many short pieces written by lesbians, about menopause from a lesbian perspective. It was published in 1996, but is still [a] valid and excellent resource. A large bibliography is included.

Off the Grid (Orca Soundings)

by Lesley Choyce

Sixteen-year-old Cody was born and raised "off the grid" deep in the wilderness by idealistic parents. When his father becomes seriously ill, the family is forced to move into the city so he can get treatment. Attending high school for the first time, Cody is an oddity and has a hard time adjusting. He finds unlikely allies in DeMarco, an inner-city kid, and Ernest, a philosophical homeless man, and he begins a tentative friendship with Alexis. When he comes to DeMarco's defense in an altercation at school, Cody finds himself in trouble with the police. A second confrontation puts Cody in more trouble with the cops, and he is convinced he must escape to the family homestead or be arrested. But Cody is torn between fleeing the city or staying with his ailing father and facing whatever consequences come his way.

Off the Hook: Coping with Addiction (Routledge Revivals)

by Helen Bethune

First published in 1985, Off the Hook describes all the signs and symptoms of drug addiction, alcoholism or compulsive gambling in teenagers, but more importantly suggests constructive ways parents can help. Teenage disorder, and especially addiction, can cause serious family damage. Fear, guilt and shame can paralyse effective action and even make matters worse. Helen Bethune, drawing on research among recovered addicts, troubled teenagers and suffering families, throws new light on this problem. There is hope, and there are positive steps which parents can take to help their children towards recovery. This book is highly informative and essential reading not only for the afflicted but for all parents fearful of the prevalence of drugs among youngsters today, and for teachers and social workers at every level.

Off to the Races

by Peter C. Sessler Nilda Sessler

Discusses sport car racing and how it differs from other kinds of auto racing and describes various sport cars.

Off We Go!

by Beverley Abramson

The natural state of toddlers and young children is motion, and Beverley Abramson’s splendid photographs are an appreciation of the many ways in which we can move. Children spin and whirl, run, jump, and climb through the seasons in photographs that beg for discussion and storytelling.Whether it is flying a kite or kicking a ball, skipping on the grass or riding a tricycle, Beverley Abramson has captured kids experiencing the sheer pleasure of exploring the world through movement. Best of all, it is an invitation to get children to discover the fun of physical play.

Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement

by Janet Adler

The exploration of the direct experience of healing and of the divine through the witnessing of movement becoming conscious. • Uses sample sessions and descriptive theory to explain the discipline. • Based on the author's 35 years of movement work. Offering from the Conscious Body reveals both the theory and practice of a unique body-based process that is cathartic, creative, healing, and mystical--as presented by Janet Adler, the presiding voice in the field. This Western awareness practice encourages the individual to experience the evolving relationship with oneself, another, the collective, and the divine through the natural impulses of conscious movement, compassionate witnessing, and clear articulation of experience. Through the vivid examples taken from her own practice, Adler demonstrates that physical movement can invite direct experience of spiritual truths. The reader is led through the multiple layers within the discipline--moving and witnessing in dyads and then groups, in the presence of a witnessing teacher--to develop a comprehensive and experiential understanding of this innovative way of work. Designed for professionals and laypersons interested in psychology, bodywork, mystic traditions, or personal transformation, the discipline of Authentic Movement is at the cutting edge of emerging Western healing practices.

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