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The New Stone Age: Ideas and Inspiration for Living with Crystals
by Carol WooltonA fashion-forward guide to living well with crystals from the jewelry editor of British Vogue—including guidance and advice from designers, jewelers, and celebrity crystal fans.The New Stone Age guides you through fifteen different types of stones, categorized by color, and teaches you how to stylishly incorporate them into your wardrobe, home, and beyond. Assigning each crystal to a particular ailment of the modern age, whether it&’s self-doubt, travel anxiety, or restlessness, Carol Woolton explains how a simple crystal worn around your neck, tossed in your purse, or sitting next to your computer can help inspire you to make positive changes in your life. Woolton traces the history of crystals, showing how the same quartz that was used as a form of protection in the handles of Egyptian daggers can also be hung near a bedside to help with burnout. Filled with insights, facts, and real-life stories from people who attribute dramatic personal improvements to their crystals, The New Stone Age is a fun and informative idea book for crystal lovers everywhere.
A New Strategy For The War On Cancer: Finally! A New Force Is Entering the Fight and Its Success Depends on Us
by Terry Thompson&“This book makes a well-researched argument for exploring and implementing an integrative approach to cancer treatment.&” —Keith I. Block, MD, author of Life over Cancer The traditional strategy of exclusive conventional cancer treatment has not worked. Integrative oncology that prescribes tested natural, non-pharmaceutical therapies to enhance the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery is the answer. Major medical school cancer centers are researching and practicing this new state-of-the-art strategy, but it is not being accepted by mainstream oncology. It must become acceptable and accessible to all cancer victims if cancer is to ever be defeated. Patients must insist on it and the general public must support it. The objective of A New Strategy for the War On Cancer is to reveal a new approach to the public and to invoke a paradigm shift toward its adoption.
The New Sugar Busters!®: Cut Sugar to Trim Fat
by H. Leighton Steward Morrison C. Bethea Sam S. Andrews Luis A. BalartWIN THE FIGHT AGAINST FAT–THE SUGAR BUSTERS!® WAY When SUGAR BUSTERS! hit the shelves almost five years ago, it quickly became a diet and lifestyle phenomenon. The millions of people across the country on the SUGAR BUSTERS! plan discovered that by simply choosing the correct carbohydrates and lowering their sugar intake, they could shed the pounds they failed to lose with other diets. Now the weight-loss program that swept the nation has been completely revised and updated–incorporating all the newest nutritional findings, health statistics, and scientific studies, and featuring all-new, easy-to-follow recipes and meal plans. Among the wealth of new material in this edition, you’ll find amazing testimonials from men and women who are losing weight and feeling fit the SUGAR BUSTERS! way; frequently asked questions and helpful answers; the latest on diabetes–and how SUGAR BUSTERS! can help prevent it; essential facts on women, weight loss, and nutrition; and new tips, updated charts, and practical exercise suggestions. So arm yourself with thefactsand get thefigureyou’ve always wanted. When it comes to optimal wellness on the SUGAR BUSTERS! program, it’s survival of the fittest–a way of life in which everybodywins! From the Paperback edition.
The New Sugar Busters!(r) Shopper's Guide
by H. Leighton StewardSUGAR BUSTERS!® forever changed the way Americans eat, offering a delicious new approach to diet and health. The SUGAR BUSTERS!® Shopper's Guide soon followed-and made finding SUGAR BUSTERS!®-friendly fare at the grocery store and supermarket a snap. Now, five years later, this revolutionary little guide has been completely revised and updated to include more food selections and more brand names than ever before.Forget measuring, weighing, and counting fat grams and calories. Throw those charts and graphs out the door! Organized like your grocery store, this handy book takes you aisle by aisle, department by department, pointing out exactly what you can and cannot eat, including: * fresh produce * meat * seafood * dairy* deli * bakery/breads * beverages* snacks * prepared foods * condimentsAlso includes essential tips for lite-weight travel and reading food labelsFrom the Paperback edition.
The New Super-Nutrition
by Richard PasswaterFrom the renowned biochemist who created a health revolution with his bestselling Supernutrition in 1975 comes The New Supernutrition. Totally revised and updated, The New Supernutrition focuses on the latest scientific discoveries and offers solutions to the nutrition problems of the nineties. Richard A. Passwater, PhD, is internatinally acclaimed as a leader in research on megavitamins, trace minerals, and other nutrients. In this life-enhancing, health-saving guide, he offers a program of supernutrition talored to your specific needs that can do many things.
The New Superpower for Women: Trust Your Intuition, Predict Dangerous Situations, and Defend Yourself from the Unthinkable
by A. Clara Pistek Steve KardianIt takes only seven seconds for a criminal to pick you as a target. This empowering guide for women to protect themselves and their loved ones, from a self-defense expert and longtime veteran of law enforcement, combines commonsense advice on staying safe with concrete actions on what to do if find yourself in a dangerous situation.Acts of terror. Kidnapping. Cyberstalking. Campus assaults. Getting drugged at a party by a “friend.” One out of four women will be a victim of a crime or assault in her lifetime. Don’t let this be you. In The New Superpower for Women, Steve Kardian, a thirty-year veteran of law enforcement, FBI defense tactics instructor, and an expert on the criminal mind, demonstrates how to become a “hard target” and not a “soft target” by simply trusting your gut. Additionally, he shows how the habits of safety can become an integral part of your daily routine. This guide is your essential resource to understanding how to stay safe in today’s world, whether you’re experiencing unwelcome attention, feel threatened in a large crowd, or are facing online harassment. Kardian shares proven safety tips, shows how to be proactive in identifying potential trouble, and illustrates defense techniques specially created to enhance the physical strengths of a woman. Real-life stories and examples are included to demonstrate what criminals look for in a victim. You will learn how to avoid being targeted and what to do in a confrontation. Be prepared. Know the habits of safety to protect yourself and your loved ones.
A New Synthesis for Solving the Problem of Psychology: Addressing the Enlightenment Gap (Palgrave Studies in the Theory and History of Psychology)
by Gregg HenriquesIn this incisive analysis of academic psychology, Gregg Henriques examines the fragmented nature of the discipline and explains why the field has had enormous difficulty specifying its subject matter and how this has limited its ability to advance our knowledge of the human condition. He traces the origins of the problem of psychology to a deep and profound gap in our knowledge systems that emerged in the context of the scientific Enlightenment.To address this problem, this book introduces a new vision for scientific psychology called mental behaviorism. The approach is anchored to a comprehensive metapsychological framework that integrates insights from physics and cosmic evolution, neuroscience, the cognitive and behavioral sciences, developmental and complex adaptive systems theory, attachment theory, phenomenology, and social constructionist perspectives and is well grounded in the philosophy of science. Building on more than twenty years of work in theoretical psychology and drawing on a wide range of literature, Professor Henriques shows how this new approach to scientific knowledge fills in the gaps of our current understanding of psychology and can allow us to develop a more holistic and sophisticated way to understand animal and human mental behavioral patterns. This work will especially appeal to students and scholars of general psychology and theoretical psychology, as well as to historians and philosophers of science.
New Techniques in Interventional Musculoskeletal Radiology
by Mark E. Schweitzer Jean-Denis LaredoThis reference documents state-of-the-art trends and advancements in the utilization imaging modalities for the analysis of bones and their surrounding soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. Exploring technologies such as ultrasound, MRI, CT, CT arthrography, MR arthrography, and fluoroscopy, this source con
New Territories in Health
by Isabelle PailliartThe third volume in the "Health Information" set, New Territories in Health focuses on the multifaceted spheres of influence or "territories" in the field of health. This book includes nine contributions – based on the analysis of stakeholder logics – that approach the relationships between health and territories. The authors – all specialists – offer original insights, enhanced by in-depth studies, on the multiple forms that this territorialization takes: political and institutional, professional and organizational, public and media.
The New Testosterone Treatment
by William Cane Edward Friedman Dr Paul SavageWritten by the leading authority on hormone receptors and prostate cancer, this reveals the surprising truth about how you can prevent and treat breast cancer, prostate cancer, and Alzheimer's with testosterone and other FDA-approved drugs. For decades, doctors have sought to combat prostate cancer under the mistaken assumption that testosterone fueled its growth. But the latest research into the nature of hormone receptors and therapies using bioidentical instead of synthetic hormones have caused a shift in thinking and new hope for treating this cancer with testosterone. Today the medical profession equates a diagnosis of Alzheimer's with a death sentence. In fact, the only thing doctors do is throw ineffective drugs at it and resign themselves to failure. For the first time, this book explains how testosterone can halt the disease and cure early-stage Alzheimer's. Similar breakthroughs for fighting breast cancer follow close on the heels of these revelations, outlining how the avoidance of synthetic progestins and the use of aromatase inhibitors are crucial tools in prevention and treatment. At the core of this book is the remarkable observation that we experience our highest hormone levels during our teen years-a time of life when there is no breast cancer, prostate cancer, or Alzheimer's. Could bringing hormones back to teen levels be the key to vibrant good health? The answer is a resounding yes. This thoroughly researched guide to the latest biomedical research is must-reading for medical professionals and anyone concerned about their health.
New Thought, or A Modern Religious Approach: The Philosophy of Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
by Martin Alfred LarsonThe renowned historian examines the evolution of the New Thought Movement from its eighteenth-century European roots to twentieth-century America. In this enlightening study, Martin A. Larson presents New Thought as a rebellion against the conventional dogmas of Western religion. He begins with an in-depth look at the work of Emanuel Swedenborg, the philosopher and Christian mystic who was compelled to publish his theological writing anonymously outside his native Sweden. In the United States, however, the Shakers and their predecessors were able to avoid persecution despite setting forth a complete repudiation of traditional Christian doctrine. They achieved this by accepting the Bible as divine revelation while denying its literal meaning. Through the process of Spiritual Interpretation, they supplanted orthodox religion with a totally new system of faith and belief. This work is dedicated to all those seeking truth in a religion that meets the needs of modern life. The author pays special tribute to such forerunners as Michael Servetus, Emanuel Swedenborg, Phineas Quimby, Warren Felt Evans, Horatio W. Dresser, Ralph Waldo Trine, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Charles Fillmore, Ernest S. Holmes, Thomas Troward, Joseph Murphy, and a host of others who have contributed to the movement known as New Thought, a philosophy of health, happiness, and prosperity.
New Thought PA: A Practial Spirituality
by Mary Manin MorrisseyRooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, New Thought, like Science of Mind, is captured by the idea that our thoughts create our lives, not the other way around. <P><P> New Thought: A Practical Spiritualityis the perfect introduction to this exciting, living faith. The book's editor, Mary Manin Morrissey, is a leading New Thoughtminister of the Living Enrichment Center, and the author of the popular Building Your Field of Dreams. In this volume, Morrissey collects brief, powerful essays from today's most popular New Thoughtclergy. Each piece addresses issues you can use right now to improve your life.
New Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids: Revised Edition (New Totally Awesome Series #1)
by Arthur Bochner Rose BochnerJam-packed with up-to-date, easy-to-understand information on every area of money, this smart, useful book—just right for kids age 8–14—makes learning about money fun. A savvy brother and sister team, Arthur and Rose explain a lot about money matters, including:Budgets and savings (great ways to get the stuff you really want!)The basics of stocks, bonds, and other ways of investingCredit cards (“The Plastic Flash”) and borrowingUpdated information on the Internet with useful Web linksOnline investing, Web safety precautionsSaving and paying for collegeAnd much more
New Treatments for Addiction: Behavioral, Ethical, Legal, and Social Questions
by Committee on Immunotherapies Sustained-Release Formulations for Treating Drug AddictionNew and improved therapies to treat and protect against drug dependence and abuse are urgently needed. In the United States alone about 50 million people regularly smoke tobacco and another 5 million are addicted to other drugs. In a given year, millions of these individuals attempt—with or without medical assistance—to quit using drugs, though relapse remains the norm. Furthermore, each year several million teenagers start smoking and nearly as many take illicit drugs for the first time. Research is advancing on promising new means of treating drug addiction using immunotherapies and sustained-release (depot) medications. The aim of this research is to develop medications that can block or significantly attenuate the psychoactive effects of such drugs as cocaine, nicotine, heroin, phencyclidine, and methamphetamine for weeks or months at a time. This represents a fundamentally new therapeutic approach that shows promise for treating drug addiction problems that were difficult to treat in the past. Despite their potential benefits, however, several characteristics of these new methods pose distinct behavioral, ethical, legal, and social challenges that require careful scrutiny. Such issues can be considered unique aspects of safety and efficacy that are fundamentally related to the distinct nature and properties of these new types of medications.
The New Vegan
by Áine CarlinGoing vegan can be a daunting prospect. Many familiar foods and products are out of bounds, and it can be hard to know how to enjoy a healthy, tasty diet. In her new book, top vegan author Aine Carlin guides you through the process of adopting a vegan lifestyle, with tips on what to tell people about your new diet, what you can eat at a restaurant, dealing with cravings and her take on vegan-friendly fashion (in 2015, she was named Most Stylish Vegan by PETA). There are more than 90 tempting recipes carefully tailored to people giving up meat, fish and dairy for the first time, including Jerk-marinated Cauliflower Steaks for a main course and Macadamia and Blueberry Cream Pie for dessert, and there are also delicious selections of raw and gluten-free dishes. Learn how to make your own plant milk, nut cream and even vegan-friendly beauty products. Aine's practical advice, non-judgemental approach and tempting recipes are the perfect tools as you begin your vegan journey.
The New Vegan
by Aine CarlinGoing vegan can be a daunting prospect. Many familiar foods and products are out of bounds, and it can be hard to know how to enjoy a healthy, tasty diet. In her new book, top vegan author Aine Carlin guides you through the process of adopting a vegan lifestyle, with tips on what to tell people about your new diet, what you can eat at a restaurant, dealing with cravings and her take on vegan-friendly fashion (in 2015, she was named Most Stylish Vegan by PETA). There are more than 90 tempting recipes carefully tailored to people giving up meat, fish and dairy for the first time, including Jerk-marinated Cauliflower Steaks for a main course and Macadamia and Blueberry Cream Pie for dessert, and there are also delicious selections of raw and gluten-free dishes. Learn how to make your own plant milk, nut cream and even vegan-friendly beauty products. Aine's practical advice, non-judgemental approach and tempting recipes are the perfect tools as you begin your vegan journey.
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
by Deborah MadisonA revised edition of the landmark, award-winning cookbook from America's leading authority on vegetarian cooking features new recipes and a new introduction by the author. What Julia Child is to French cooking, Deborah Madison is to vegetarian cooking--a demystifier and definitive guide to the subject. After her many years as a teacher and writer, she realized that there was no comprehensive primer for vegetarian cooking, no single book that taught vegetarians basic cooking techniques, how to combine ingredients, and how to present vegetarian dishes with style. Originally published in 1997, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone was both ahead of its time and an instant classic, and has endured as one of the world's most popular vegetarian cookbooks. Featuring 1,400 recipes suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and everyone who loves fresh produce and good food,Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone is as full of practical information as it is inspiring, a treasure from a truly irreplaceable culinary voice.
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
by Deborah MadisonA revised edition of the landmark, award-winning cookbook from America's leading authority on vegetarian cooking features new recipes and a new introduction by the author. What Julia Child is to French cooking, Deborah Madison is to vegetarian cooking--a demystifier and definitive guide to the subject. After her many years as a teacher and writer, she realized that there was no comprehensive primer for vegetarian cooking, no single book that taught vegetarians basic cooking techniques, how to combine ingredients, and how to present vegetarian dishes with style. Originally published in 1997, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone was both ahead of its time and an instant classic, and has endured as one of the world's most popular vegetarian cookbooks. Featuring 1,400 recipes suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and everyone who loves fresh produce and good food,Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone is as full of practical information as it is inspiring, a treasure from a truly irreplaceable culinary voice.
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
by Deborah MadisonA revised edition of the landmark, award-winning cookbook from America's leading authority on vegetarian cooking features new recipes and a new introduction by the author. What Julia Child is to French cooking, Deborah Madison is to vegetarian cooking--a demystifier and definitive guide to the subject. After her many years as a teacher and writer, she realized that there was no comprehensive primer for vegetarian cooking, no single book that taught vegetarians basic cooking techniques, how to combine ingredients, and how to present vegetarian dishes with style. Originally published in 1997, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone was both ahead of its time and an instant classic, and has endured as one of the world's most popular vegetarian cookbooks. Featuring 1,400 recipes suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and everyone who loves fresh produce and good food,Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone is as full of practical information as it is inspiring, a treasure from a truly irreplaceable culinary voice.
New Waves in Philosophy of Mind
by Mark Sprevak Jesper KallestrupPhilosophy of mind is one of the core disciplines in philosophy. The questions that it deals with are profound, vexed and intriguing. This volume of 15 new cutting-edge essays gives young researchers a chance to stir up new ideas. The topics covered include the nature of consciousness, cognition, and action.
A New Way to Age: The Most Cutting-Edge Advances in Antiaging
by Suzanne SomersAt seventy-three years young, #1 New York Times bestselling author and health guru Suzanne Somers has established herself as a leading voice on antiaging. With A New Way to Age, she takes things a step further to present a revolutionary philosophy for a longer and better-quality life—in the form of easy-to understand lessons and doctor interviews that will make you feel like you&’ve just had the best checkup of your life. There is a new way to age. I&’m doing it and it&’s the best decision I&’ve ever made. I love this stage of my life: I have &‘juice,&’ joy, wisdom, and perspective; I have energy, vitality, clearheadedness, and strong bones. Most of us are far too comfortable with the present paradigm of aging, which normalizes pills, nursing homes, and &“the big three&”: heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer&’s disease. But you don&’t have to accept this fate. Now there&’s a new way to grow older—with vibrancy, freedom, confidence, and a rockin&’ libido. This health bible from Suzanne Somers will explain how to stop aging like your parents and embrace cutting-edge techniques such as: balancing nutritional and mineral deficiencies; detoxifying your gut for weight loss; pain management with non-THC cannabis instead of harmful opioids; and much more. Aging well is mainly about the choices you make on a daily basis. It can be a fantastic process if you approach it wisely. After a lifetime of research, Suzanne came to a simple conclusion: what you lose in the aging process must be replaced with natural alternatives. In order to thrive you have to rid your body of chemicals and toxins. Start aging the new way today by joining Suzanne and her trailblazing doctors as they all but unearth the fountain of youth.
A New Way to Bake: Classic Recipes Updated with Better-for-You Ingredients from the Modern Pantry
by Editors of Martha Stewart LivingA must-have for every baker, with 130 recipes featuring bold new flavors and ingredients.Here is the go-to cookbook that definitively ushers the baking pantry beyond white flour and sugar to include natural sweeteners, whole-grain flours, and other better-for-you—and delicious—ingredients. The editors at Martha Stewart Living have explored the distinctive flavors and alluring textures of these healthful foods, and this book shares their very best results.A New Way to Bake has 130 foolproof recipes that showcase the many ways these newly accessible ingredients can transform traditional cookies, pies, cakes, breads, and more. Chocolate chip cookies gain greater depth with earthy farro flour, pancakes become protein powerhouses when made with quinoa, and lemon squares get a wonderfully crumbly crust and subtle nutty flavor thanks to coconut oil. Superfoods are right at home in these baked goods; granola has a dose of crunchy chia seeds, and gluten-free brownies have an extra chocolaty punch from cocoa nibs. With a DIY section for making your own nut butter, yogurt, coconut milk, and other basics, and more than 150 photographs, including step-by-step how-to images, A New Way to Bake is the next-generation home-baking bible.
New Ways of Understanding Autism
by Brigitte Harrisson Lise St-CharlesA new understanding of autism spectrum disorder. The experience of autistic people, real-life stories from parents, and suggested therapeutic approaches are brought together in New Ways of Understanding Autism to provide a realistic sense of autism and to build a sense of hope. Co-authors Brigitte Harrisson and Lise St-Charles, along with Governor General–award winning novelist Kim Thúy, present a new understanding of autism spectrum disorder — one that focuses on putting the needs of the autistic person where they should be: at the centre.
The New Whole30: The Definitive Plan to Transform Your Health, Habits, and Relationship with Food
by Melissa UrbanThe new and improved Whole30 program from #1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa Urban, featuring an updated approach to food freedom, the Original and Plant-Based programs, and over 100 new recipes Do you struggle with cravings, blood sugar regulation, inflammation, fatigue, digestive issues, pain, or other symptoms? The Whole30 can help you discover the foods that are holding you back—in just 30 days. Since 2009, the Whole30 program has helped millions of people radically transform their health, habits, and relationship with food and discover lasting food freedom. Grounded in nutrition and behavior-change science and fifteen years of clinical evidence, the Whole30 program has been praised by countless doctors and dietitians and is supported by thousands of glowing testimonials. Inspired by her community, the newest research, and the ever-changing food landscape, Whole30 co-founder Melissa Urban has expanded the program to be even more accessible, supportive, and effective. In The New Whole30, you&’ll find completely updated rules, language, and success strategies for every phase of your journey. The book now includes two different programs, each with its own guidelines, resources, and recipes: the Original Whole30 (for omnivores) and the Plant-Based Whole30 (for vegans, vegetarians, or anyone exploring a plant-based diet). You&’ll also find more than 100 all-new recipes plus some updated Whole30 favorites, all of which are 100 percent gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, and free of added sugar. In her signature direct and empathetic style, Urban distills more than a decade of expert knowledge and experience into the essential resource for Whole30 alumni and first-timers alike. The New Whole30 is sure to be your ultimate guide to success.
The New Whole30: The Definitive Plan to Transform Your Health, Habits, and Relationship with Food
by Melissa UrbanThe new and improved Whole30 program from #1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa Urban, featuring an updated approach to food freedom, the Original and Plant-Based programs, and over 100 new recipesDo you struggle with cravings, fatigue, digestive issues, pain, or other symptoms? The Whole30 can help you discover the foods that are holding you back—in just 30 days.Since 2009, the Whole30 program has helped millions of people radically transform their health, habits, and relationship with food and discover lasting food freedom. Grounded in nutrition and behavior-change science and fifteen years of clinical evidence, the Whole30 program has been praised by countless doctors and dietitians and is supported by thousands of glowing testimonials.Inspired by her community, the newest research, and the ever-changing food landscape, Whole30 co-founder Melissa Urban has expanded the program to be even more accessible, supportive, and effective. In The New Whole30, you&’ll find completely updated rules, language, and success strategies for every phase of your journey. The book now includes two different programs, each with its own guidelines, resources, and recipes: the Original Whole30 (for omnivores) and the Plant-Based Whole30 (for vegans, vegetarians, or anyone exploring a plant-based diet). You&’ll also find more than 100 all-new recipes plus some updated Whole30 favorites, all of which are 100 percent gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, and free of added sugar.In her signature direct and empathetic style, Urban distills more than a decade of expert knowledge and experience into the essential resource for Whole30 alumni and first-timers alike. The New Whole30 is sure to be your ultimate guide to success.