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Noções Básicas para um Estilo de Vida Vegano e Saudável Como Viver Sem Carne e Sem Laticínios
by Lewis Haas Arthur de Lima SilvaUm Guia Simples para Veganos Principiantes – Aprenda como o veganismo pode transformar sua vida HOJE! "Noções Básicas para um Estilo de Vida Vegano e Saudável" é um guia que vai lhe trazer felicidade e saúde ao longo da vida. Se você for um vegano novato inseguro, um vegetariano em cima do muro ou um onívoro veg-curious, esse livro vai eliminar suas dúvidas. Você vai descobrir que pode obter bastante proteína, se encaixar em qualquer evento social, aprender a amar espinafre e apreciar pizzas, nachos, brownies e mais—sem absolutamente nenhum produto animal. Até mesmo veganos experientes podem descobrir algumas dicas novas! O veganismo não é só mais um plano alimentar popular, e o mundo está começando a entender o porquê. O veganismo é útil para aqueles que desejam viver uma vida mais saudável, perder peso, reduzir os riscos de doenças crônicas e muito mais. Uma dieta livre de produtos de origem animal também significa viver uma vida mais verde e mudar o mundo para melhor — um prato de cada vez. No entanto, uma das maiores razões para se tornar vegano é acabar com o antiético abate de animais para consumo humano. Um Estilo de Vida Vegano e Saudável - Tenha uma Dieta livre de Carne e Laticínios
The Nocturnal Brain: Nightmares, Neuroscience, and the Secret World of Sleep
by Dr. Guy LeschzinerA renowned neurologist shares the true stories of people unable to get a good night’s rest in The Nocturnal Brain: Nightmares, Neuroscience, and the Secret World of Sleep, a fascinating exploration of the symptoms and syndromes behind sleep disorders.For Dr. Guy Leschziner’s patients, there is no rest for the weary in mind and body. Insomnia, narcolepsy, night terrors, apnea, and sleepwalking are just a sampling of conditions afflicting sufferers who cannot sleep—and their experiences in trying are the stuff of nightmares. Demoniac hallucinations frighten people into paralysis. Restless legs rock both the sleepless and their sleeping partners with unpredictable and uncontrollable kicking. Out-of-sync circadian rhythms confuse the natural body clock’s days and nights.Then there are the extreme cases. A woman in a state of deep sleep who gets dressed, unlocks her car, and drives for several miles before returning to bed. The man who has spent decades cleaning out kitchens while “sleep-eating.” The teenager prone to the serious, yet unfortunately nicknamed Sleeping Beauty Syndrome stuck in a cycle of excessive unconsciousness, binge eating, and uncharacteristic displays of aggression and hypersexuality while awake.With compassionate stories of his patients and their conditions, Dr. Leschziner illustrates the neuroscience behind our sleeping minds, revealing the many biological and psychological factors necessary in getting the rest that will not only maintain our physical and mental health, but improve our cognitive abilities and overall happiness.
The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience
by Dr Guy Leschziner‘With my job on Today, I have become obsessed with sleep. The Nocturnal Brain interweaves bizarre real life stories with cutting edge neurological science in the true tradition of Oliver Sacks. A fascinating read.’ – Martha Kearney, BBC Radio 4What happens to our brain at night? Are we really fully asleep and if so how is it that some individuals end up doing what they do? Or can it be the case that perhaps the brain never fully goes to sleep and that in some individuals there is a disconnect between the sleeping part of their brain and the active part of their brain so that the two become confused? Does this happen to all of us in varying degrees and can the reverse be the case too – so that some individuals are actually asleep during the day while appearing to be awake?!In this ground-breaking book, Dr Guy Leschziner takes us on a fascinating journey through the nocturnal brain to illustrate the neuroscience behind nightmares, night terrors and sleep walking.
Noe: A Father-Son Song of Love, Life, Illness, and Death
by Phil WolfsonWritten with clarity and grace, this memoir of an adolescent boy's four-year struggle with leukemia, his untimely death at sixteen, and the aftermath is presented from three perspectives. Using journals and recollection, Noe's father Phil Wolfson recalls the events chronologically. His son's chemotherapy journal offers a stricken teenager's private view of illness, his wrestling with such enormous stress while striving to live within the framework of "normal" expectations for adolescence. The third perspective derives from the author's realization that his intimate relationship with Noe continues after death. Channeling his son's spirit, the author writes in his place, sharing with readers a near-adult view of living with illness and losing the battle to survive it. Noe reveals the inner world of familial love and discord, Noe's own remarkable coping, and the extraordinary stress Noe's illness had on his younger brother. It describes the quest for emotional and spiritual support through therapy, contact with renowned alternative healers, and the use of the drug MDMA for enhancing relationships. With poignant descriptions of an assisted dying process, Noe moves beyond a model of bereavement to offer a reminder of love's transcendence.
Noi Theerkkum Yogasanangal
by Ra. ManivasagamThis book, on the importance of Yoga for a healthy life, asserts the yogic exercise as a cure or remedy to relieve from diseases. Understanding Yoga, Pranayama, Surya Namaskar, Yoga Sleep, Yogasanas for certain ailments are some of the contents of this book.
A Noite Da Colonoscopia - Uma História De Terror (Mais Ou Menos)
by Dan Alatorre“Colonoscopia? De repente fazes 50 anos e do nada eles querem enfiar uma câmara de TV pela tua extremidade traseira acima. Fantástico.”Estas são as reflexões humorísticas de um gajo a começar a ficar um pouco mais velho e a ser realista sobre o assunto, tentando divertir-se na vida, dando um bom exemplo à sua filha de 3 anos de idade, e viver de acordo com as expectativas de si próprio e ao mesmo tempo manter uma visão bem-humorada sobre a vida.A bata do hospital que não fecha na parte de trás? A enfermeira que não lhe contou tudo o que ele precisava de saber sobre laxantes?Um dentista que usa os pés como alavanca para fazer uma extração de dente? Apenas mais um dia!Acompanha e ri connosco conforme avançamos nesta estrada de interação familiar e lições de vida à medida que aprendemos sobre a Noite da Colonoscopia!
NOLS Wilderness Medicine (Sixth Edition)
by Tod SchimelpfenigThe sixth edition of the best-selling NOLS Wilderness Medicine includes all the key first-aid information that made previous editions so valuable, now updated throughout with the latest medical recommendations. This guide is used on NOLS courses to train outdoor leaders to prevent, recognize, and treat common medical problems and to stabilize severely ill or injured patients for evacuation. A vital resource for outdoor enthusiasts, this book covers fundamental topics in first aid from the unique perspective of NOLS. <p><p> This book covers fundamental topics in first aid, including patient assessment, shock, soft tissue injury, burns, fractures and dislocations, and chest, head, and abdominal injury. It explains how to handle environmental problems posed by heat, cold, water, altitude, and poisonous plants and animals. <p> Also discussed are issues related to expedition medicine as well as leadership, teamwork, and communication for rescue groups. While risk can be minimized through good judgment, skills, and experience, being prepared for emergencies in the wild is an essential component of good outdoor leadership.
Nomaste: The Mindful Plant-Based Kitchen
by Miranda MooreNamaste: a respectful greeting frequently used at the end of a yoga session; “I bow to the divine in you”Nom-aste: a respectful prayer of thanks for delicious, nutritious and just plain yummy foodLooking after our well-being and eating tasty, nourishing food go hand in hand. This beautifully illustrated book celebrates mindful cooking and eating, teaching you how to bring the principles of yoga and mindfulness into your kitchen. From ahimsa (non-violence) and Ayurveda (food as medicine) to the art of making your own bread, you’ll learn how to give your body what it really needs in order to flourish, and how to nurture a healthy, positive attitude toward food. The 60 wholesome, plant-based recipes inside will add vitality to your daily life and leave you filled with good food and gratitude.
Nomaste: The Mindful Plant-Based Kitchen
by Miranda MooreNamaste: a respectful greeting frequently used at the end of a yoga session; “I bow to the divine in you”Nom-aste: a respectful prayer of thanks for delicious, nutritious and just plain yummy foodLooking after our well-being and eating tasty, nourishing food go hand in hand. This beautifully illustrated book celebrates mindful cooking and eating, teaching you how to bring the principles of yoga and mindfulness into your kitchen. From ahimsa (non-violence) and Ayurveda (food as medicine) to the art of making your own bread, you’ll learn how to give your body what it really needs in order to flourish, and how to nurture a healthy, positive attitude toward food. The 60 wholesome, plant-based recipes inside will add vitality to your daily life and leave you filled with good food and gratitude.
Nombres & signos zodiacales
by Chiara Bertrand* La palabra es el mágico don que distingue al ser humano del resto de animales: no tener una palabra, un «nombre», es casi como no existir, o existir de una manera indefinida, incompleta. * Una operación tan delicada como la elección de un nombre para un bebé que está a punto de nacer se convierte, a veces, en motivo de discusión o está sometida a «exigencias» familiares, que imponen nombres anticuados destinados a ser odiados por sus destinatarios o que acaban deformados en extraños diminutivos. * Dar un nombre, sin embargo, es y debe ser un acto creativo, porque el propio nombre es un augurio, un presagio. El nombre es el primer regalo que se hace al hijo; así pues, conviene escogerlo bien, de modo que pueda ser desvelado con alegría y reconocimiento, y no ocultado con vergonzoso embarazo. * Este libro habla de nombres y de su significado, y también de la astrología, y ofrece las informaciones esenciales de cada signo zodiacal «formato niño» acompañado de sus correspondientes ascendentes (además incluye una sencilla guía para saber calcular el de su pequeño)
Non-Heart-Beating Organ Transplantation: Medical and Ethical Issues in Procurement
by Roger HerdmanNon-heart-beating donors (individuals whose deaths are determined by cessation of heart and respiratory function rather than loss of whole brain function) could potentially be of major importance in reducing the gap between the demand for and available supply of organs for transplantation. Prompted by questions concerning the medical management of such donors--specifically, whether interventions undertaken to enhance the supply and quality of potentially transplantable organs (i.e. the use of anticoagulants and vasodilators) were in the best interests of the donor patient--the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services asked the Institute of Medicine to examine from scientific and ethical points of view "alternative medical approaches that can be used to maximize the availability of organs from [a] donor [in an end-of-life situation] without violating prevailing ethical norms...."This book examines transplantation supply and demand, historical and modern conceptions of non-heart-beating donors, and organ procurement organizations and transplant program policies, and contains recommendations concerning the principles and ethical issues surrounding the topic.
Non-thermal Processing of Foods
by O. P. ChauhanThis book presents the latest developments in the area of non-thermal preservation of foods and covers various topics such as high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field processing, pulsed light processing, ozone processing, electron beam processing, pulsed magnetic field, ultrasonics, and plasma processing. Non-thermal Processing of Foods discusses the use of non-thermal processing on commodities such as fruits and vegetables, cereal products, meat, fish and poultry, and milk and milk products. <P><P>Features: <li>Provides latest information regarding the use of non-thermal processing of food products <li>Provides information about most of the non-thermal technologies available for food processing <li>Covers food products such as fruits and vegetables, cereal products, meat, fish and poultry, and milk and milk products <li>Discusses the packaging requirements for foods processed with non-thermal techniques <P><P>The effects of non-thermal processing on vital food components, enzymes and microorganisms is also discussed. Safety aspects and packaging requirements for non-thermal processed foods are also presented. Rounding out coverage of this technology are chapters that cover commercialization, regulatory issues and consumer acceptance of foods processed with non-thermal techniques. The future trends of non-thermal processing are also investigated. <P><P>Food scientists and food engineers, food regulatory agencies, food industry personnel and academia (including graduate students) will find valuable information in this book. Food product developers and food processors will also benefit from this book.
The Non-Toxic Avenger
by Deanna DukeMost of us turn a blind eye to the startling array of chemicals lurking in everything from shampoo to baby bottles to the money in our wallets, choosing to believe that government agencies ensure the safety of the products we wear, use, ingest, and breathe in daily. Yet the standards for product safety in North America lag far behind those of other countries. We frequently hear that a substance we've relied on for years turns out to have serious effects on our health, the environment, or both. After coming to terms with the fact that the autism and cancer which had impacted her family were most likely the result of environmental toxins, author Deanna Duke undertook a mission to dramatically reduce her family's chemical exposure. She committed to drastically reducing the levels of all known chemicals in both her home and work environments, using the help of body burden testing to see what effect, if any, she was able to have on the level of toxins in her body. Follow Deanna's journey as she uncovers how insidious and invasive environmental toxins are. Learn about your day-to-day chemical exposure, the implications for your health, and what you can do about it. And find out whether the author's quest is mission impossible, or whether she is ultimately able to improve her family's health by taking steps towards leading a chemical-free life. Deanna L. Duke is an environmental writer, urban homesteader, and author of the highly acclaimed environmental blog The Crunchy Chicken.
Non voglio stare senza cellulare!: Libro per bambini – Martin riceve il suo primo telefono (Non voglio...! #6)
by A. P. HernándezMartin vuole un cellulare. Tutti i suoi compagni di classe hanno un cellulare, tutti i suoi maestri hanno un cellulare e anche i suoi genitori hanno un cellulare. Quindi, perché lui non può avere un cellulare? Martin prende una decisione: deve convincere i suoi genitori a comprargliene uno. E così si impegna per meritarselo. Alla fine, Martin ce la fa e ottiene il suo primo telefono. Tuttavia, ciò che Martin non immagina è che la sua vita cambierà completamente... Un libro per bambini raccomandato a partire dagli 8 - 9 anni. Con questo libro, i bambini saranno in grado di riflettere sull'importanza di fare un uso moderato e responsabile del cellulare.
Noncommunicable Diseases: A Compendium
by Nick Banatvala and Pascal BovetNoncommunicable Diseases: A Compendium introduces readers to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – what they are, their burden, their determinants and how they can be prevented and controlled. Focusing on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory disease and their five shared main risk factors (tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and air pollution) as defined by the United Nations, this book provides a synopsis of one of the world’s biggest challenges of the 21st century. NCDs prematurely claim the lives of millions of people across the world every year, with untold suffering to hundreds of millions more, trapping many people in poverty and curtailing economic growth and sustainable development. While resources between and within countries largely differ, the key principles of surveillance, prevention and management apply to all countries, as does the need to focus resources on the most cost-effective and affordable interventions and the need for strong political will, sufficient resources, and sustained and broad partnerships. This compendium consists of 59 short and accessible chapters in six sections: (i) describing and measuring the burden and impact of NCDs; (ii) the burden, epidemiology and priority interventions for individual NCDs; (iii) social determinants and risk factors for NCDs and priority interventions; (iv) global policy; (v) cross-cutting issues; and (vi) stakeholder action. Drawing on the expertise of a large and diverse team of internationally renowned policy and academic experts, the book describes the key epidemiologic features of NCDs and evidence-based interventions in a concise manner that will be useful for policymakers across all parts of society, as well as for public health and clinical practitioners.
Noncompliant Mom \ Mamá desobediente: Una mirada feminista a la maternidad
by Esther Vivas¿Es posible ser mamá y feminista al mismo tiempo? ¿Hay alguna salida al dilema «carrera vs. familia»? Si hemos elegido se madres, ¿hasta que punto podemos decidir sobre nuestra maternidad?En Mamá desobediente, la periodista, socióloga y madre feminista, Esther Vivas aborda éstas y otras interrogantes cuando explora la maternidad con emancipación y sin imposiciones. Con un tono fresco pero riguroso, respaldado en una investigación rigurosa y en la experiencia personal de la autora, este libro trata los asuntos menos frecuentados sobre la maternidad, como la infertilidad, el embarazo, el parto, la violencia obstétrica y la lactancia. Ofrece también una guía y herramientas factibles para quienes deseen emprender este recorrido desde una postura diferente.El enfoque de Vivas es fresco y refleja la necesidad que hay, entre las generaciones jóvenes, de opiniones disruptivas, realistas y políticas sobre la maternidad y la paternidad, alejadas de la excesiva idealización que ignora sus obstáculos y retos, y los limita a ser tratados exclusivamente como un asunto privado. En los últimos años, éste se ha convertido en un tema recurrente en la literatura en lengua española, sobre todo en la nueva ola de escritoras latinoamericanas, pero sigue siendo un terreno inexplorado en los géneros de no ficción.———Is it possible to be a mother and a feminist at the same time? Is there a way out of the "career vs. family" dilemma? If we have chosen to be mothers, to what extent can we decide about our motherhood?In Mamá desobediente, the Spanish journalist, sociologist, and feminist mom Esther Vivas tackles these and other interrogations, exploring maternity in an emancipating way and without impositions. With a fresh but rigorous note, underpinned in deep research and author’s personal experience, this book addresses commonly neglected issues surrounding maternity, such as infertility, pregnancy, childbirth, obstetric violence, and breastfeeding, and offers guidance and actionable tools for those who desire to embark in this journey from a different standpoint. Vivas’ approach feels fresh and reflects the appetite amongst younger generations for disruptive, realistic, and political takes on maternity and parenting, removed from the idealization and over-romanticization that put aside its hitches and challenges, and confine them as exclusively private matters. In the last years, this has become a recurrent topic in Spanish-language literature, especially at the new wave of Latin American women writers, but remains a largely unexplored path in non-fiction.
A None's Story: Searching for Meaning Inside Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam
by Corinna NicolaouThe rising population known as "nones" for its members' lack of religious affiliation is changing American society, politics, and culture. Many nones believe in God and even visit places of worship, but they do not identify with a specific faith or belong to a spiritual community. Corinna Nicolaou is a none, and in this layered narrative, she describes what it is like for her and thousands of others to live without religion or to be spiritual without committing to a specific faith.Nicolaou tours America's major traditional religions to see what, if anything, one might lack without God. She moves through Christianity's denominations, learning their tenets and worshiping alongside their followers. She travels to Los Angeles to immerse herself in Judaism, Berkeley to educate herself about Buddhism, and Dallas and Washington, D.C., to familiarize herself with Islam. She explores what light they can shed on the fears and failings of her past, and these encounters prove the significant role religion still plays in modern life. They also exemplify the vibrant relationship between religion and American culture and the enduring value it provides to immigrants and outsiders. Though she remains a devout none, Nicolaou's experiences reveal points of contact between the religious and the unaffiliated, suggesting that nones may be radically revising the practice of faith in contemporary times.
Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model: The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy
by Ian Renshaw Keith Davids Daniel Newcombe Will Roberts Jia Yi Chow Geert Savelsbergh James RuddThis book offers an ecological conceptualisation of physical literacy. Re-embracing our ancestry as hunter gatherers we gain a new appreciation and understanding of the importance of play, not only in terms of how children learn, but also in showing us as educators how we can lay the foundations for lifelong physical activity. The concept of physical literacy has been recognised and understood throughout history by different communities across the globe. Today, as governments grapple with the multiple challenges of urban life in the 21st century, we can learn from our forebears how to put play at the centre of children’s learning in order to build a more enduring physically active society. This book examines contemporary pedagogical approaches, such as constraints-led teaching, nonlinear pedagogy and the athletic skills model, which are underpinned by the theoretical framework of Ecological Dynamics. It is suggested that through careful design, these models, aimed at children, as well as young athletes, can (i) encourage play and facilitate physical activity and motor learning in children of different ages, providing them with the foundational skills needed for leading active lives; and (ii), develop young athletes in elite sports programmes in an ethical, enriching and supportive manner. Through this text, scientists, academics and practitioners in the sub-disciplines of motor learning and motor development, physical education, sports pedagogy and physical activity and exercise domains will better understand how to design programmes that encourage play and thereby develop the movement skills, self-regulating capacities, motivation and proficiency of people, so that they can move skilfully, effectively and efficiently while negotiating changes throughout the human lifespan.
Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model: The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy
by James Rudd Ian Renshaw Geert Savelsbergh Jia Yi Chow Will Roberts Daniel Newcombe Keith DavidsThis book offers an ecological conceptualisation of physical literacy. Re-embracing our ancestry as hunter gatherers we gain a new appreciation and understanding of the importance of play, not only in terms of how children learn, but also in showing us as educators how we can lay the foundations for lifelong physical activity. The concept of physical literacy has been recognised and understood throughout history by different communities across the globe. Today, as governments grapple with the multiple challenges of urban life in the 21st century, we can learn from our forebears how to put play at the centre of children’s learning in order to build a more enduring physically active society. This book examines contemporary pedagogical approaches, such as constraints-led teaching, nonlinear pedagogy and the athletic skills model, which are underpinned by the theoretical framework of Ecological Dynamics. It is suggested that through careful design, these models, aimed at children, as well as young athletes, can (i) encourage play and facilitate physical activity and motor learning in children of different ages, providing them with the foundational skills needed for leading active lives; and (ii), develop young athletes in elite sports programmes in an ethical, enriching and supportive manner. Through this text, scientists, academics and practitioners in the sub-disciplines of motor learning and motor development, physical education, sports pedagogy and physical activity and exercise domains will better understand how to design programmes that encourage play and thereby develop the movement skills, self-regulating capacities, motivation and proficiency of people, so that they can move skilfully, effectively and efficiently while negotiating changes throughout the human lifespan.
The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women
by Dawn DaisDawn Dais hated running. And it didn't like her much, either. Her fitness routine consisted of avoiding the stairs in her own house, because who really has the energy to climb stairs? It was with this exercise philosophy firmly in place that she set off to complete a marathon.The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women is a fun training manual for women who don't believe that running is their biological destiny but who dream of crossing the finish line nonetheless. Revised in 2013, it now includes a new chapter on using technology as a training aid.Dais's book features a realistic training schedule and is chock-full of how-to's, quizzes, and funny observations, which she felt were lacking in the guides she had consulted. She also integrates entries from her journal, sharing everything would-be marathoners need to know about the gear, the blisters, the early morning workouts, the late-night carb binges, and-most important of all-the amazing rewards.Anyone can do a marathon. This book just makes the experience a little more bearable and a lot more fun.
The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training
by Dawn DaisAnyone can run a marathon. Dawn Dais makes it a little more bearable -- and a lot more fun Dawn Dais hated running. And it didn't like her much, either. Her fitness routine consisted of avoiding the stairs in her own house, because who really has the energy to climb stairs? It was with this exercise philosophy firmly in place that she set off to complete a marathon. The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women is the ideal training manual for women who don't believe that running is their biological destiny but who dream of crossing the finish line nonetheless. Nonrunners offers a realistic training schedule and is chock-full of how-to's and funny observations, which she felt were lacking in the guides she had consulted. She also integrates entries from her journal, sharing everything would-be marathoners need to know about the gear, the blisters, the early morning workouts, the late-night carb binges, and most important of all, the amazing rewards. Running may not seem like a friendly endeavor, but with Dawn Dais, you can tame the beast and hit the marathon trail.
Nonsurgical Lip and Eye Rejuvenation Techniques
by Antonella Tosti Maria Pia Padova Gabriella FabbrociniThis book offers clinical physicians and plastic surgeons a detailed and comprehensive overview of the nonsurgical techniques used for rejuvenation of the lips and eyes. A key aim is to provide practical guidelines for patient selection in order to optimize the choice of treatment in different circumstances. These guidelines will assist in ensuring that the selected rejuvenation technique and the number of applications are appropriate to the specific disorder being treated, thereby maximizing benefits and minimizing side effects. The book explains pretreatment evaluation and describes a wide variety of rejuvenation techniques, including the use of hyaluronic acid fillers, botulinum toxins, skin needling, chemical peels, radiofrequency, ultrasound, and fractional lasers (ablative and nonablative). Contraindications to and complications of the various treatments are clearly identified. A notable feature is the emphasis placed on the role of combined treatments and how they can work in a complementary way to deliver optimal outcomes. The integrated, less invasive approach to periorbital and lip rejuvenation described here by acknowledged experts in the field will enable practitioners to choose with confidence the best aesthetic procedures and innovative tools for their patients.
The Noodle Cookbook: 101 healthy and delicious noodle recipes for happy eating
by Damien LeeTasty noodle bowls, real quick.From Shanghai 'Yum Cha' Noodles, Mr Lee's Cracking Katsu and Bamboo Buckwheat Noodles to Tonkotsu Pork Noodles and Cantonese Wanton Soup, The Noodle Cookbook has a recipe for every craving, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten free friendly options. Get to know your noodles with an essential store-cupboard section, notes on health-boosting 'hero ingredients' and healthy swap ins for your favourite Asian condiments.With tasty dishes from Vietnam to China, The Noodle Cookbook will spice up your meals and satisfy those instant noodle cravings.No worries, eat happy!
Noodle Head
by Jonathan KebbeDOPED UP AND LOCKED UP - OR FREE?Marcus King - Noodle Head to his friends - is coming to the end of his six-month stint at the Dovedale Home for Young Offenders. He's settled down and he's taking his meds - even if they do dull his senses and leave him unable to think straight. Still, the staff seem to think that's what an overactive, excitable boy needs - just a good dose of Kalmasol. He's even managed to make some pretty good friends amongst all the wild and difficult boys at the home. Ratso, Shelly and Ravi are a pretty odd gang but they do stick together. But everything goes wrong during Hare and Hounds - a torturous and cruel chase game the boys are forced to play. Marcus is back in trouble again. Now he's stuck at Dovedale for another stint - and who knows when they'll let him out now? A day out with their favourite teacher, Miss Wonderland sends Marcus's situation spiralling even lower - now only a drastic solution will do...
Noodle Helps Gabriel Say Goodbye (Helper Hounds)
by Caryn RivadeneiraAfter losing her first two forever homes, Noodle the goldendoodle knows all about the sadness of goodbyes. But in her new home with Andrea and as an official Helper Hound, Noodle helps Gabriel deal with the loss of his grandfather and to discover that our loved ones can be found in the little things all around us even when they're gone.