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Numerología: Con Tantra, Ayurveda, y Astrología

by Harish Johari

Harish Johari es especialista en Tantra y experto en las tradiciones hindús del Ayurveda y la Astrología. Aquí nos presenta el primer sistema de numerología que cambia los valores numéricos, los datos astrológicos y el análisis del tipo corporal. Mediante sencillos cáalucos, Johari explica cómo determinar nuestro número psíquico (que representa la auto-imagen), el número de destino (que pertenece al karma y a cómo nos perciben los demás) y el número del nombre (que se refiere a la vida profesional y social). Muestra cómo estos números revelan la información de nuestra personalidad, temperamento, inteligencia, talento, sexualidad, espiritualidad finanzas y salud. Se dedica toda una sección a cada número, sus atributos, planeta, deidad y mantra correspondientes. También se dan recomendaciones, basadas en los números dominantes, respecto a los periodos fuertes y débiles del día o año, los colores favorables y las piedras preciosas que se recomiendan comprar, además de las meditaciones a practicar para obtener salud y prosperidad.

Numerología: Conceptos Básicos de Numerología sobre Como Divertirse con los Números

by Cornell P. Jones

Este libro es un manual útil que le mostrará qué es la numerología, cómo calcular su número de Trayectoria de Vida, el significado detrás de cada número y cómo trabajar con números, así como los errores más comunes que cometen los principiantes y más. En este libro usted aprenderá: Qué es la numerología Como crear su carta de nacimiento Los significados de la numerología Que son los números maestros Que le pueden decir los números acerca de usted ¡Y mucho más! “Este libro me hizo comprenderme mucho mejor, había cosas sobre mi número de destino que empataban tan bien con mis experiencias de vida… Estoy determinado a aprender más acerca de los números. ¡Gracias!” Si usted siente curiosidad sobre los números y qué significan, este libro es para usted.

Numerología: Comprende la información Divina que transmiten los números

by Bernadine B. Lazo

Nuestros módulos fáciles de aprender incluyen: La Historia de la Numerología Introducción a la numerología . Tu número de cumpleaños . Calcular el camino de su vida . Tu año personal. Tríada de números. Resumen final y autoevaluaciones . Acreditación ¡Y mucho más! Este curso está dirigido a aquellos que deseen ampliar sus conocimientos de Numerología o establecer o ampliar su negocio de terapias utilizando la Numerología. La razón para elegir ciertos números puede ser mucho más profunda de lo que imaginas y este curso te muestra cómo usar la numerología para que beneficie tu vida.

Numerología: Auto expresión genuina con el poder de los números

by Angie B. Smith

¿Por qué la numerología? ¿Por qué los números del destino? ¿Qué tiene que ver contigo? ¡Todo! La numerología es la ciencia antigua de decodificar el simbolismo detrás de los números. Todo comienza con tu fecha de nacimiento y varias combinaciones luego tienes tu Número de Destino. Aquí hay solo una vista previa de lo que hay adentro ... .Una conmovedora historia de cómo una niña normal encontró su camino hacia la felicidad espiritual. .Cómo interpretar su propio Número de Destino con Numerología .Por qué conectarse con seres espirituales superiores es más fácil de lo que piensas ¡Y mucho, mucho más!

Numerología: autoexpresión genuina a través del poder de los números

by Dona J. Porter

La numerología es uno de esos temas que surge una vez en una luna azul, y cuando lo hace, la mayoría de la gente no tiene ni idea de qué es o cómo usarlo. El estudio de los números para explicar ciertos eventos es realmente fascinante. Se han hecho varias predicciones utilizando la numerología y se han hecho realidad. Lo que aprenderá en el interior: •- Que es la numerologia •- Por qué deberías aprender sobre numerología •- Cómo implementar la numerología en tu vida •- Casos pasados de numerología y predicciones realizadas con ella. •- ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Si está buscando aprender una nueva habilidad, o si solo quiere aprender algo divertido y fácil de entender, ¡este es el libro perfecto para usted! ¡Este libro profundiza en gran información sobre la numerología para que pueda sentirse seguro de su comprensión cuando haya terminado!

Numerología del Feng Shui para vivir mejor

by Claudia Elena Roldan

Todo lo que debes saber de la numerología del Feng Shui para activar el amor, la abundancia económica y la prosperidad en tu vida. La numerología del Feng Shui es una tradición milenaria que se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para muchas personas y las ha ayudado a alcanzar la plenitud en sus vidas. La autora del best-seller Feng Shui para vivir mejor, comparte por primera vez este conocimiento mediante ejercicios y consejos prácticos. Entre muchas otras cosas, el lector encontrará en este libro: #Recomendaciones para encontrar la estabilidad en el amor. #Recomendaciones para tomar decisiones financieras acertadas. #Recomendaciones para conseguir el trabajo ideal y alcanzar el éxito profesional. # Rituales para fomentar la abundancia.

Numerología: Descubre tu destino con números (Guía fácil de Numerología para principiantes)

by Steven E. Gore

El autor da vida a esto para las personas que desean comprender y reconocer conceptos como los Caminos de Vida y los Números Maestros, y la manifestación del potencial humano, con una nueva perspectiva para traer el primer flujo de comprensión al fascinante y poderoso mundo de la Numerología. Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos incluyen: Numerología 101 .La tabla de numerología básica .El camino de Vida .Tu número de logro y año personal .Cómo la numerología cambiará tu vida La numerología simplemente definida es usar la fecha de nacimiento y el nombre completo de un individuo para desbloquear el arte y el control de su vida ... y cosas desconocidas, como características y eventos de la vida. Sus raíces se remontan a miles de años y se encuentran en la mayoría de las culturas a lo largo de la historia.

Numerología. Esenciales de la Numerología: El significado mágico de los números

by John A. McCue

¿Qué determina realmente nuestro destino? ¿Es el mañana un misterio o se puede predecir con alguna información básica sobre usted? Verá a muchos burlándose y regañando la práctica de la numerología y la astrología al desacreditarla como sin sentido, pero ¿por qué debería arriesgarse? Si existe la posibilidad de que simplemente su fecha de nacimiento pueda predecir detalles simples sobre su futuro, ¿por qué no intentarlo? Y si lo desea, este audiolibro es lo que está buscando. Dentro de Esenciales de la Numerología: El significado mágico de los números, descubrirá: Qué es la numerología y cómo funciona la numerología Cómo leer una tabla de numerología Lo que significan los números de destino, alma, personalidad, cumpleaños, madurez y nombre actual Qué significan los diferentes números de años y cómo se conecta todo ¡Y mucho más! La astrología y la numerología tienen como objetivo enseñarle cómo los signos del zodíaco, las casas y los gráficos influyen en quién es usted, qué lo impulsa y cómo usar el conocimiento que le brinda el universo para vivir la vida de sus sueños y finalmente convertirse en su verdadero y auténtico yo.

Numerología: Un Libro Para Simplificar El Estudio De La Numerología

by Richard E. Grantt

Si está buscando aprender una nueva habilidad, o si solo quiere aprender algo divertido y fácil de entender, ¡este es el libro perfecto para usted! ¡Este libro profundiza en gran información sobre la numerología para que pueda sentirse seguro de su comprensión cuando haya terminado! Aquí hay solo una vista previa de lo que hay dentro ... La historia de la numerología. Comenzar con la numerología. Su número de cumpleaños. Cálculo de la trayectoria de su vida. Su año personal. Triados números. Resumen final y autoevaluaciones. Acreditación. ¡Y mucho más! La numerología que encontrará en este libro será simplista y fácil de seguir, ya que es para principiantes, pero le animo a buscar en Internet diferentes ecuaciones que pueda usar para diferentes situaciones. ¡Hay mucha información disponible si estás interesado en los secretos que los números tienen que contarnos!

Numerology: Discover Your Future, Life Purpose and Destiny from Your Birth Date and Name

by Michelle Buchanan

Discover what your date of birth and your name say about your life purpose, and how they can help you make informed decisions about your life.Michelle Buchanan began studying numerology 27 years ago after her life was turned around by a reading she received. She now helps others transform their lives through the wisdom of this ancient system. In this book, she explains how numerology can provide insight into who you are, why you're here and where you're going. This book will teach you how to calculate your numbers and how they can help you to:- Uncover your pre-chosen destiny and life purpose- Forecast and plan your future- Discover your strengths, challenges, life lessons and potential- Choose a suitable career, relationship and place of residence- Plan important life events such as a marriage, job change, house move or trip

Numerology: The Only Book You'll Ever Need (Plain And Simple Ser.)

by Anne Christie

Using numerology to learn more about yourself and your future doesn’t require any psychic ability, mathematical skills, or even any special equipment. The information is based on a series of numbers and by following systems that date back to the Greek mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras and the Hebrew Kabbalah, you’ll learn the basics of how to use numbers to explain your life.

Numerology: The Key To Your Inner Self

by Hans Decoz Tom Monte

A guide to numerology and how to learn about your numbers and how to study the numbers of others.

Numerology: Your Personal Guide for Life

by Sonia Ducie

The ancient practice of numerology offers us insight and guidance for dealing with the modern world. Internationally recognized numerology expert Sonia Ducie Dip explains how each of us has numbers that dramatically impact our lives. By breaking down the numbers in our birthdates and our names, we can determine our key numbers. Dip provides simple strategies for turning these numbers to our advantage in our careers, at home, and in our relationships with loved ones. Further, she explains how numerology can help us become more intuitive, aware of our subconscious, and in tune with our place in the world.

Numerology: The Complete Guide, Volume 1

by Matthew O. Goodwin

This book describes how you can use the numbers in your name, birthdate and other things to analyze your personality and give you personal insights.

Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

by Harish Johari

For the first time, a Tantric scholar and expert in the Hindu traditions of Ayurveda and astrology presents a system of numerology that combines numerical calculations, astrological data, and an analysis of body type. He illustrates the Vedic Square and the visual patterns that can be derived from it, casting a revealing light on the more esoteric interpretations of numbers and their relationship to one another. Recommendations are given regarding strong and weak periods of day or year, favorable colors and precious stones to be worn, and meditations and mantras to be practiced for health and prosperity. Explains how to determine the psychic number, name number, and destiny number; how these numbers relate to each of the nine planets, and how they apply to every aspect of life--including personality, temperament, intelligence, talents, sexuality, spirituality, finances, travel, and health.

Numerology: The Secret of Numbers (Ancient Wisdom for the New Age)

by Greg Russell

This introductory guide to the mystical power and meaning of numbers show you how to unlock the secrets of your name, birth date, and more. Numerology is an ancient practice that reveals the hidden power, meaning, and wisdom of numbers and offers guidance in our daily lives. Delving into the significance of the numbers from one to nine, this book explains how to use numerology to discover more about yourself, your relationships, and your career possibilities. It also demonstrates how numerology relates to other ancient systems, including tarot, I Ching, and both western and eastern astrology. Here you will learn how to derive significant numbers from your birth date and name. These numbers provide insight into your psychic attributes, destiny, and even sexual attraction and marriageability. Each number is covered in detail, including how it affects one&’s interests and desires.

Numerology: Make Predictions and Decisions Based on the Power of Numbers (Idiot's Guides)

by Jean Simpson

Widespread interest in numerology never seems to wane, but there are still plenty of people who want to know how to use numbers to learn more about themselves and to make predictions for the future. Idiot's Guides: Numerology is an easy-to-understand reference that explains Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalah, Chinese, and other systems. It offers step-by-step instructions for calculating and interpreting the various types of numbers, including the Destiny, Soul, Personality, and Life Path numbers, as well Pinnacles and Challenges. Idiot's Guides: Numerology also includes a succinct, but detailed, worksheet for calculating and capturing all of the various personal numbers.

Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Power of Numbers

by Jean Simpson

Widespread interest in numerology never seems to wane, but there are still plenty of people who want to know how to use numbers to learn more about themselves and to make predictions for the future. Idiot's Guides: Numerology is an easy-to-understand reference that explains Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalah, Chinese, and other systems. It offers step-by-step instructions for calculating and interpreting the various types of numbers, including the Destiny, Soul, Personality, and Life Path numbers, as well Pinnacles and Challenges. Idiot's Guides: Numerology also includes a succinct, but detailed, worksheet for calculating and capturing all of the various personal numbers.

Numerology: Numbers and Their Influence

by RoseMaree Templeton

The Art of Witch moves beyond bells, whistles, tools and potions, and enters a new era of spiritual mastery for the modern age. Fiona Horne bypasses the old-school rules and traditions and shows you how to learn and grow with the times. This is the guide for the structure-less, and rule book for the revolutionaries. New ways are embraced with the old; what it really means to be a modern Witch is revealed; how to practise authentic Witchcraft now to live a deeply fulfilled life is explained. The Art of Witch is a manifesto – a code of ethics and principles – partnered with revealing real-life anecdotes explaining how to anchor the magickal theory in everyday life. Live your most magickal life Master the art of true transformation Perfect the craft of Witches&’ resilience Know the Witch you are Trust the magick inside you. 'So on the pulse point of modern witchcraft that it is frightening' Tonya Brown – Editor, Witch Way Magazine.

Numerology and the Divine Triangle

by Faith Javane Dusty Bunker

Numerology and the Divine Triangle is a seminal and all-encompassing text that presents a complete introduction to the esoteric field of numerology. This authoritative work is divided into two parts, each with its own unique offerings. Part I serves as a comprehensive introduction to the subject, providing readers with a thorough foundation in the principles of numerology. Part II features extensive delineations of each of the numbers from 1 to 78. What sets this book apart is its pioneering approach to synthesizing numerology, astrology, and Tarot symbolism, presented here for the first time in book form. Each number is explained in terms of its personal number vibrations temporary number vibrations astrological correspondences Tarot symbolism, with each of the Tarot cards illustrated to aid comprehension. Numerology and the Divine Triangle is a groundbreaking work that will set the standard for all future books on the subject. Its comprehensive and insightful content, coupled with its innovative approach, make it an essential resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of numerology, Tarot, and astrology.

Numerology and Your Future: The Predictive Power of Numbers

by Dusty Bunker

People who succeed do so not only because they are determined but because they know when to take action! In this updated, revised, and rewritten 2nd edition, Dusty Bunker will help you predict your future and identify trends around the world through personal cycles and numbers. Find out the importance of timing and how you can use number cycles to plan what’s ahead and prosper in unbelievable ways. In a stroke of divine comparison, you’ll find the accuracy of the predictions Dusty made in 1979 for the 1980 decade. She then discusses the events of the following three decades: 1990s, 2000s, 2010s. In addition, she reveals the trends for the 2020s—what she calls “A Decade of Privacy due to Burnout: Ransomware, the Internet, Social Media, Deepfake, Facebook, Politics, Robocalls, and Sex.” And . . . for the first time, she unveils a repeating cycle that will occur in the 2020 decade that suggests three major world-shifting events. In this perfect companion to her major work Numerology and the Divine Triangle, take a revealing and uplifting journey of personal discovery to spiritual awareness. You’ll find that timing is the key to success in love, money, fame, and happiness!

Numerology for Decoding Behavior: Your Personal Numbers at Work, with Family, and in Relationships

by Michael Brill

Using numerology to reveal behavior patterns in order to work through them • Shows how to find anyone’s personal challenges and greatest strengths • Presents simple numeric exercises that use the first vowel and first consonant of a name and the birth month and day • Reveals how this method of numerology can be applied by managers, educators, health professionals, sales people, and parents Numbers and letters are the blueprints of our lives. By studying the patterns they create--whether it’s a name, an address, or a date--we can learn more about ourselves, others, and how to best interact with those around us. Providing simple numeric exercises that use only the first vowel and first consonant of a person’s name and their birth month and day, Michael Brill shows how to identify anyone’s reactive and proactive behavior patterns--along with their underlying causes--to prevent and resolve interpersonal issues as well as recognize and change our own negative personal tendencies. Combining numerology with psychology, he explains the connection between the first name and behavior at work, the middle name and social-emotional patterns in relationships, and the last name and family dynamics. Illustrating how this information can be applied by managers, educators, health professionals, sales people, and parents, he reveals how to find anyone’s personal challenges and greatest strengths through their Achievement Number as well as how to use this number for a more accurate understanding of an individual’s behavior patterns. Offering extensive examples, interpretations, and exercises, he reveals how recognizing these facets of our behavior is the first step to working through our negative patterns and effecting personal transformation.

Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life

by Michael Brill

A unique approach to using numerology to identify life challenges and karmic lessons to heal emotional and physical problems• Provides a clear method for identifying challenges specific to your birthday and name• Details 185 health conditions and how to address the causes using numerology--from addictions and Alzheimer’s disease to thyroid problems, heart failure, and cancer• Offers guidance in understanding universal abandonment issues and how these affect our behaviorIn Numerology for Healing, Michael Brill combines numerology with psychology, quantum physics, and the concepts of gematria and reincarnation to create a unique approach to healing emotional and physical problems based on life challenges and karmic lessons. Humans suffer from a profound sense of abandonment when the soul is decanted from the Universal Oneness into the confines of a personality. Brill explains how this sense of abandonment manifests itself in two principal types of behavior: people work to be loved and appreciated for who they are, or they try to control and micromanage their lives and relationships so that nothing goes wrong. Both of these behavior patterns are exhausting physically, emotionally, and mentally and are clear catalysts for illness.Brill details 185 physical and mental health conditions and shows how to identify and treat the causes--from addictions and Alzheimer’s disease to thyroid problems, heart failure, and cancer. For instance, he reveals that, in general, illnesses beginning with the letter “A” (acne and alcoholism) have issues of self-esteem as one of the basic causes, whereas illnesses beginning with letter “G” (gallstones and glaucoma) are associated with a need to be in control, in relationships or at work. By using the numerology of your birth date and name, Numerology for Healing makes it easy to identify your positive and negative tendencies and characteristics and to use them as the key to achieving a healthier life.

Numerology for Your Family

by RoseMaree Templeton

Beautiful to behold and sacred throughout time, flowers hold powerful nature magick, entwined with the rhythms of the Earth. Work with flowers to create your own powerful and divine spells for the change, support and inspiration you seek in life, love and happiness. Along with 60 sacred flower spells from Cheralyn Darcey&’s personal nature grimoire, The Book of Flower Spells includes spellcasting and spellcrafting basics, information on magickal gardening and supply sourcing and includes dedicated lessons on how to write and cast your own spells. To complete your treasury of flower nature magick, a beautifully illustrated personal grimoire journal section is provided to keep your own bespoke flower spells.

The Numerology Guidebook: Uncover Your Destiny And The Blueprint Of Your Life

by Michelle Buchanan

Numerology is the ancient metaphysical science of numbers where your name and date of birth reveal the blueprint of your life. The Numerology Guidebook will uncover your destiny and life purpose, along with your future potential, in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Whether you’re looking to choose your ideal partner or career, a business name, or your wedding day, numerologist Michelle Buchanan will show you how.Numerology is the ultimate tool for self-love and understanding that will help you improve your relationships with others and yourself. If you’re interested in parenting or manifesting "by the numbers"—or you simply need help deciding whether to use your maiden or married name after marriage or divorce—this is the perfect book for you. It will teach you everything you need to know about forecasting major life events, such as when to get married (or end a relationship), have children, change jobs, move, focus on your finances, travel, study, or work on your personal and spiritual development. Whether you’re curious about house numbers or pet numbers, or in search of a life of happiness and meaning, the ancient science of numbers will assist you on your journey!

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