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O Poder do Pensamento Positivo: Como Aliviar seu Estresse e Mudar sua Vida
by Yuri Siraque Poppi EdwardsVocê descobrirá nestas páginas a importância de pensar positivo e encontrará dicas de como superar hábitos negativos, além de estratégias para melhorar sua vida no âmbito pessoal. E o mais importante: encontrará um ponto de entrada para sua transição para uma vida melhor.
O Protesto Revolucionário dos sutiãs: queimá-los ou não
by MadhurondaEste livro apresenta um caso de 1968, a revolução feminista radical de queima de itens femininos como sutiã etc em fogo puro. Ele abrange vários aspectos da roupa feminina sutiã, mostrando que representa o respeito e o embeleamento de mulheres e detalha o protesto feminino durante o show miss America de 1968, concurso onde a mensagem é difundida sobre a liberdade feminina e autonomia das regras ditadas pelo bastião masculino desde os velhos tempos. Por fim, o livro apresenta apoio progressivo para as mulheres para alcançar maior grau de liberdade e não apenas uma questão singular sobre sutiãs e oposição. Percebe-se que, em geral, as mulheres precisam alcançar sua importância e autoridade com o tempo.
O que é esta tal de ioga? Tudo o que você necessita saber para começar a praticar: Tudo O Que Você Necessita Saber Para Começar A Praticar
by Gopal A.Professor e divulgador de ioga há mais de 15 anos por meio de aulas, livros e de seu blog Yoga em Casa, Gopal traz para o leitor em “O que é essa tal de ioga?” os principais conceitos que envolvem esta prática e os benefícios que a ioga proporciona para pessoas de qualquer idade. No livro, o autor destaca a importância da atividade no combate às doenças modernas, como estresse e depressão, para uma melhor qualidade de vida. Gopal desmitifica antigos conceitos sobre a ioga e mostra as diferenças em relação aos esportes, sempre utilizando uma linguagem leve e bem-humorada. O livro é de fácil leitura, agradável e indicado para os leitores que querem dar os primeiros passos no conhecimento desta atividade milenar, que vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço no ocidente.
O Saptamana In Bucataria Italiana
by Claudio Ruggeri M. LaviniaAm decis sa scriu aceasta carte de bucate dupa ce am luat notite ,timp de o saptamana ,din ceea ce mancasem ,toate acele feluri pe care mama le-a gatit pentru mine si sora mea .Sper sa pot da un sfat tuturor acelor persoane care, aud despre bucataria italiana si sunt curiosi ce anume mananca italienii zilnic .
O Segundo Jó: Uma coleção de histórias e lembranças
by Aruna Chhantyal 'Mimosa'O Segundo Jó é uma coleção de histórias cristãs e lembranças da autora baseado em fatos reais de sua vida. "Meus escritos podem não ganhar uma alma para Cristo, mas eu acredito que darão força à fé de quem os ler. Amém!"
O universo nos teus olhos
by Jennifer NivenO amor verdadeiro é como o universo: não tem fim. Da autora de Fala-me de um dia perfeito chega-nos uma história tocante de superação e esperança. Por vezes, conhecemos alguém que nos transforma e que muda tudo. Libby Strout, outrora a rapariga mais gorda da América, conseguiu finalmente juntar os pedaços do coração destroçado pela morte da mãe e está pronta para voltar a viver. Ultrapassou a dor, o luto, a humilhação. Superou-se e transformou-se e o que mais deseja é ser a rapariga que consegue ser tudo o que quer. No entanto, o resto do liceu não parece partilhar deste entusiasmo de Libby. Não parecem sequer perceber quanto mudou... Jack Masselin é o típico rapaz popular do liceu: bonito, charmoso, sempre com o comentário certo na hora certa. No entanto, o gosto que tem em perceber a mecânica dos objetos, em reconstruir e transformar todas as coisas que encontra, não lhe serve de muito na sua incapacidade para reconhecer caras. Jack tem prosopagnosia, e todos à sua volta, familiares e amigos incluídos, lhe parecem desconhecidos e são, para ele, um autêntico quebra-cabeças. Quando o destino junta Libby e Jack naquilo que aparenta ser um castigo injusto, a solidão que cada um sente dá lugar a sentimentos muito diferentes... Uma história de superação e de um amor verdadeiro e invulgar que nos devolve a esperança no mundo, em nós e no outro. Os elogios da crítica: «O universo nos teus olhos é muito mais do que a história de duas almas apaixonadas. Fala da necessidade universal de sermos compreendidos. E é por isso que é um livro tão excepcional.»Teen Vogue «Niven explora, com grande seriedade, a questão da identidade e da auto-aceitação e traça um caminho para superar as adversidades.»School Library«Uma história envolvente e viciante.»VOYA «Niven traz-nos uma história honesta de amizade, confiança, força e identidade. A não perder.»Buzzfeed.com «Libby e Jack vão saltar das páginas diretamente para o teu coração. Uma história de amor ímpar.»Justine Magazine«Esta história encontrará eco em todos os leitores que sentem dificuldade em amar-se a si mesmos.»Kirkus «Para leitores que procuram histórias de amor fora dos estereótipos.»Booklist «O universo nos teus olhos é um romance sobre a perda, o amor, a coragem, a bondade, e, acima de tudo, é um romance de esperança.»Nerdy Book Club«Niven criou duas personagens inesquecíveis e um romance que nos deixa de coração apertado.» Publishers Weekly
The O2 Diet: The Cutting Edge Antioxidant-Based Program That Will Make You Healthy, Thin, and Beautiful
by Keri GlassmanKick-start weight loss and boost beauty with an easy 4-day cleanse and a delicious 4-week antioxidant-based program from CBS's The Early Show nutrition contributor.In The O2 Diet, nutritionist Keri Glassman translates cutting-edge science into an easy-to-do program that will leave dieters energetic, healthy, and beautiful--inside and out. Glassman shows how dieters can--and should--indulge in foods like Caramelized Pear and Pecan French Toast and Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce and actually lose weight! For once, it's not about counting calories or restricting what one eats; it's about eating more of the right things.The diet is based on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale, a calculus developed by the USDA that measures how well a food protects against free radicals, the culprits behind many forms of cancer, heart disease, and symptoms of aging. Research demonstrates that eating a high-ORAC diet increases the antioxidant power of human blood 10 to 25 percent, strengthening memory and cognition, preventing cancer and heart disease, improving skin, and aiding in weight loss.The O2 Cleanse kicks things off, maximizing weight loss, inspiring confidence, and delivering immediate results. The 4-week plan builds on initial success and includes simple guidelines for pampering and stress reduction that are proven to enhance weight loss. Plus it gives dieters real-world options for eating out and recipes that allow them to indulge at home with treats such as Chocolate-Covered Pecans and Sangria. This simple program is a positive, empowering new way to approach eating that will leave readers slim, sated and beautiful.
Oahu Trails
by Kathy MoreyThis guide to 45 great hikes on Oahu includes 2 new trips in the inland rainforests of Kailua and Waimanalo. Explore the beaches, cliffs, and rainforests, and learn about native plants, Hawaiian history, and local mythology.
The Oak Island Mystery: The Secret of the World's Greatest Treasure Hunt
by Lionel Fanthorpe Patricia FanthorpeThe Oak Island mystery has been the world’s greatest and strangest treasure hunt, and after years of research the authors have finally solved the sinister with an answer that is challenging, controversial, and disturbing. In 1795 three boys discovered the top of an ancient shaft on uninhabited Oak Island in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. The boys began to dig, and what they uncovered started the world’s greatest and strangest treasure hunt but nobody knows what the treasure is. Two hundred years of courage, back-breaking effort, ingenuity, and engineering skills have failed to retrieve what is concealed there. Theories of what the treasure could be include Captain Kidd’s bloodstained pirate gold, an army payroll left by the French or British military engineers, priceless ancient manuscripts, the body of an Arif or other religious refugee leader, or the lost treasure of the Templars. The Oak Island curse prophesies that the treasure will not be found until seven men are dead and the last oak has fallen. That last oak has already gone, and six treasure hunters have been killed. After years of research, the authors have finally solved the sinister riddle of Oak Island, but their answer is challenging, controversial, and disturbing. Something beyond price still lies waiting in the labyrinth.
Oak Island Obsession: The Restall Story
by Lee LambAs Bob and Mildred Lee, they amazed audiences with their death-defying motorcycle act. In reality they were Bob and Mildred Restall, parents of three, who balanced their glamorous show-business career with a happy, stable home life. In October 1959, the Restalls embarked on the ultimate family adventure, as Bob led his family to the east coast of Canada to dig for the famous treasure of Oak Island. For nearly six years they lived without telephone, hydro, or running water while newspapers and magazines chronicled their attempts to solve the mystery of the Money Pit. On August 17, 1965, their quest ended in tragedy when four men died. This biography, compiled by their daughter, includes material written by each family member. Lyrical descriptions of nature, amusing anecdotes, details of the dig, and numerous photographs help to tell the story. This book is a must for Oak Island enthusiasts.
The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome: Completely Revised and Updated
by Barbara L. Kirby Patricia Romanowski BasheAsperger Syndrome has become an increasingly common disorder. One in 300 individuals may have AS--exhibiting characteristics such as average to high intelligence, obsessive behavior, intense special interests, and difficulty dealing with everyday social situations--and it is now more prevalent than childhood cancer and Down's syndrome.As the mother of a boy diagnosed with AS in 1994, Barbara Kirby found scant resources and support. She developed the internationally renowned OASIS (Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support) Web site in 1995 to help other parents find the information they need. She teamed up with Patricia Romanowski Bashe, now co-owner of OASIS and herself the mother of a son with AS, to write The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome, which has become the standout authority in the field and a must-have for this growing audience.Now Bashe and Kirby have crafted a fully revised edition of this comprehensive resource for parents, teachers, therapists, and anyone who knows or works with someone with AS. In addition to discussing what AS looks like and how parents can guide their unique child through the social, emotional, and intellectual challenges of growing up, this edition includes new developments made in AS research over the past four years, new thinking on diagnosis and evaluation, the latest approaches to medication and social skills development, and tips on navigating the maze of interventions, therapies, and special education. The authors know firsthand the joys and frustrations of raising children with AS, and they share their own experiences as well as those of dozens of parents facing the same issues. Filled with practical information and emotional support, this is the most complete and authoritative guide available. Whether your child has been diagnosed or troubling symptoms are just becoming apparent, this book will point you in the right direction as you face the particular challenges of loving and raising a child with Asperger Syndrome.From the Hardcover edition.
An Oasis in Time: How a Day of Rest Can Save Your Life
by Marilyn PaulThere is a surprising way out of the frenzy, that always-being-behind feeling, and the endless to-do list.Now more than ever, people are seeking a reprieve from the constant pressure to achieve, produce, and consume. While many turn to sporadic bouts of mindfulness and meditation, organizational change specialist Marilyn Paul offers a complementary solution that is as radical as it is ancient. In her new book An Oasis in Time, Paul focuses on the profound benefits of taking a modern-day Sabbath each week for deep rest and nourishing renewal. The energy, perspective, creativity, sense of well-being, and yes, increased productivity that ensue are lifesaving.Drawing on Sabbath tradition, contemporary research, and interviews with scores of busy people, Paul shows that it is possible to introduce these practices regardless of your religious beliefs. Starting with just an hour or two, you can carve out the time from your packed schedule, design your weekly oasis experience, and most importantly, change your mind-set so you can enjoy the pleasure of regularly slowing down and savoring life every week. From surrounding yourself with nature to practicing rituals for beginning and ending oasis time to implementing strategies for connecting with friends and family, self, and source, you will discover practical ways to step off the treadmill and into timeless refreshment on your way to a calmer, richer, more fulfilling life.
Obesity: A Reference Handbook
by Judith S. Stern Alexandra KazaksIn this reference, Stern and Kazaks, nutrition researchers at the U. of California, Davis, present information on the topic of obesity, including why people gain weight, why they succeed or fail in losing it, and who they believe is responsible. They cover its history, treatments, the controversy over whether it is a disease, healthy weight management, medications, herbs and supplements, surgery, the influence of food advertising, childhood obesity, and recent increases in obesity, and provide short biographies of key individuals, excerpts from documents, and an annotated list of resources and organizations.
Obesity and Fertility
by Emily S. JungheimThis book outlines the current understanding of how obesity affects female reproductive function across the lifespan. Topics include physiology of the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy, best practices in the delivery of contraceptive and prenatal care and healthcare policy that weighs the evidence in appropriate balance with principles that respect women's rights. Special attention is devoted to the idea that obesity's adverse effects are likely trans-generational; that is, children born to obese mothers are at increased risk for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. Patients and their physicians need to be aware of the additional risks obesity confers in pregnancy and outline a plan of care that includes counseling preconceptionally, antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum in order to decrease morbidity. Obesity and Fertility provides advice for reproductive medicine physicians and gynecologists to help guide obese patients toward improved reproductive health and outcomes.
Obesity (Biographies of Disease)
by Jennifer Petrelli Kathleen Y. Wolin Jennifer M. PetrelliWhat makes obesity a disease instead of just a matter of overeating? What are the genetic and environmental factors behind it? What new breakthroughs are being developing to combat it?
The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss
by Timothy Noakes Dr Jason FungEverything you believe about how to lose weight is wrong. Weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones-in everyone-and only by understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting weight loss.In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps, a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels, Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight-for good.
The Obesity Epidemic: Why Diets and Exercise Don't Work—and What Does
by Robyn ToomathWhy modern life makes it almost impossible for people to lose weight and keep it off.In a world where charlatans promise to fix the alarming obesity epidemic with a silver-bullet diet or trendy new exercise program, Robyn Toomath, a physician and realist, steps out of the fray to deliver some tough news: it’s really hard to lose weight. Dispelling common myths and telling provocative truths about weight gain—and loss—The Obesity Epidemic is an engaging investigation into the complicated factors that lead to obesity. While genes certainly play a part, Toomath argues, more people are fat than ever before because most of us consume significantly more calories than we did 30 years ago. But why? The answer, she asserts, is the commodification of food created by junk food advertising coupled with urbanization, globalization, and trade agreements. And while government, advertisers, gyms, and the weight loss industry keep pushing solutions that science shows do not work—from extreme exercise regimens and fad dieting to prohibitively expensive surgeries, pills, and misguided education campaigns—Toomath outlines what just might make a difference in terms of helping people truly control their weight.Drawing on the latest research and her twenty years of working with overweight patients, Dr. Toomath argues that even strongly determined people who are offered appealing incentives typically cannot lose weight permanently. Instead of demonizing people by treating weight as an issue of personal or even moral responsibility, Dr. Toomath makes it clear that nothing will change until we make it easy, not all but impossible, for people to eat healthily. Raising important questions about obesity, Toomath sidesteps the standard sound bites and puts an end to the myth of personal responsibility for body size by focusing on the environment all around us.
Obesity: A Kinesiology Perspective (Routledge Research in Physical Activity and Health)
by Roy J. ShephardThere have been many books written on the subject of obesity, but most have approached the topic from the standpoint of the nutritionist, concluding from the somewhat fallacious evidence of changes in body mass that exercise has little place in the prevention or the treatment of obesity. This new volume, written by an exercise physiologist, approaches the topic through a thoughtful lens, suggesting that regular physical activity plays an important role in preventing the development of obesity, is a valuable adjunct therapy in the treatment of the established condition, and makes a solid contribution to the maintenance of weight loss once target weights have been achieved. In addition to detailing evidence that supports such a conclusion, the text offers a unique perspective on obesity over the ages. It evaluates methods of determining body fat content that are appropriate to field and epidemiological studies, and it looks at the timing and aetiology of the recent obesity epidemic. It also considers the diseases associated with obesity and the resultant medical costs, attempting to disentangle the respective contributions of a sedentary lifestyle and the resultant accumulation of fat to the observed patterns of ill-health. Other sections of the text suggest that adipose tissue has important functions beyond the passive storage of energy, and looks critically at the excuse of "bad genes" that some people plead to explain their excessive body weight. Obesity: A Kinesiologist’s Perspective should thus provide helpful information and be a key resource for students and researchers alike in bariatrics, kinesiology and nutrition as well as the related disciplines.
Obesity Medicine Made Easy
by Ananda ChatterjeeObesity is a complex disease, and this brief resource offers a comprehensive review of the most recent evidence on the multitude of ways to help treat this condition. Practically oriented for the reader to understand and easily apply the knowledge to patients, it specifically focuses on the lifestyle medicine approach to obesity management. This means applying the science of nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress with the help of cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing skills, positive psychology, and the circadian rhythm. This approach is combined with information on anti-obesity medications and bariatric surgery in a concise manner, immensely useful for the busy clinician. Key Features:• Captures the attention of the readers through a concise, lucid style of text and its organization.• Offers clarity on a common yet complex topic to physicians, dieticians, nurse practitioners and healthcare providers, leading to a change in practice and helping patients improve their weight which would impact underlying medical conditions.• Includes a comprehensive approach to management which combines the importance of medication, lifestyle habits and behavioural change.
The Obesity Myth: Why America's Obsession with Weight is Hazardous to Your Health
by Paul CamposThe Obesity Myth should be required reading for every health professional in America. I believe any open-minded person who reads this book will conclude that we have been duped by a pack of self-serving lies.
The Obesity Myth
by Paul CamposIs your weight hazardous to your health? According to public-health authorities, 65 percent of us are overweight. Every day, we are bombarded with dire warnings about America's "obesity epidemic." Close to half of the adult population is dieting, obsessed with achieving an arbitrary "ideal weight." Yet studies show that a moderately active larger person is likely to be far healthier (and to live longer) than someone who is thin but sedentary. And contrary to what the fifty-billion-dollar-per-year weight-loss industry would have us believe medical science has not yet come up with a way to make people thin. After years spent scrutinizing medical studies and interviewing leading doctors, scientists, eating- disorder specialists, and psychiatrists, Professor Paul Campos is here to lead the backlash against weight hysteria--and to show that we can safeguard our health without obsessing about the numbers on the scale. But The Obesity Myth is not just a compelling argument, grounded in the latest scientific research; it's also a provocative, wry exposé of the culture that feeds on our self-defeating war on fat. Campos will show: How the nation's most prestigious and trusted media sources consistently misinform the public about obesity What the movie industry's love affair with the "fat suit" tells us about the relationship between racial- and body-based prejudice in America How the skinny elite--with their "supersized" lifestyles and gas-guzzling SUVs--project their anxieties about overconsumption on the poorer and heavier underclass How weight-loss mania fueled the impeachment of Bill Clinton In this paradigm-busting read, Professor Campos challenges the conventional wisdom regarding the medical, political, and cultural meaning of weight and brings a rational and compelling new voice to America's increasingly irrational weight debate.
The Obesity Paradox
by Carl J. LavieMost of us think that longevity hinges on maintaining a normal Body Mass Index. But research conducted over the last decade hit the media in January with explosive news: Overweight and even moderately obese people with certain chronic diseases#151;from heart disease to cancer#151; often live longer and fare better than normalweight individuals with the same ailments. In this groundbreaking book, Carl Lavie, MD, reveals the science behind the obesity paradox and shows us how to achieve maximum health rather than minimum weight. Lavie not only explains how extra fat provides additional fuel to help fight illness, he also argues that we’ve gotten so used to framing health issues in terms of obesity that we overlook other potential causes of disease. Picking up where the bestseller Fat Chance left off, The Obesity Paradox will change the conversation about fat#151;and what it means to be healthy.
Obesity Prevention and Treatment: A Practical Guide (Lifestyle Medicine)
by James M. Rippe John P. ForeytThe World Health Organization estimates that there are 2.1 billion individuals with obesity globally. Nearly three quarters of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. The average individual with obesity cuts ten years off their life expectancy, yet less than 40% of physicians routinely counsel individuals concerning the adverse health consequences of obesity. Obesity Prevention and Treatment: A Practical Guide equips healthcare practitioners to include effective weight management counselling in the daily practice of medicine. Written by lifestyle medicine pioneer and cardiologist, Dr. James Rippe and obesity expert Dr. John Foreyt, this book provides evidence-based discussions of obesity and its metabolic consequences. A volume in the Lifestyle Medicine Series, it provides evidence-based information about the prevention and treatment of obesity through lifestyle measures, such as regular physical activity and sound nutrition, as well as the use of new medications or bariatric surgery available to assist in weight management. Provides a framework and practical strategies to assist practitioners in safe and effective treatments of obesity. Contains information explaining the relationship between obesity and increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, and other chronic conditions. Chapters begin with bulleted key points and conclude with a list of Clinical Applications. Written for practitioners at all levels, this user-friendly, evidence-based book on obesity prevention and treatment will be valuable to practitioners in general medicine or subspecialty practices.
Obesity Prevention for Children: A Program for Toddlers & Preschoolers
by Alvin Eden Sari GreavesThe Definitive Program for Maintaining Healthy Weight for ChildrenObesity Prevention for Children is the definitive guide for parents and caregivers to put their children on the path to a happy and a healthy life, protected against childhood and adult obesity. Written by Dr. Alvin N. Eden, a well-known pediatrician and authority on childhood nutrition and obesity together with expertly crafted recipes and meal plans provided by Sari Greaves, Obesity Prevention for Children is a practical and authoritative resource for parents and caregivers.A child's early years are critical. Both in terms of forming lifelong healthy habits and proactive mindsets, the decisions that parents make for their children today will continue to shape them for the rest of their lives. By focusing on these early years, Obesity Prevention for Children puts the knowledge in your hands--the power to positively affect your children's health and well-being for years to come.From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less And Exercise More But Still Struggle To Lose Weight
by Kristin Loberg Bruce BlumbergAn eye-opening account of the landmark research into the hidden chemicals that are endangering our health and keeping us fatBeing overweight is not just the result of too many cheeseburgers or not enough exercise. According to leading-edge science, there are silent saboteurs in our daily lives that contribute greatly to our obesity epidemic: obesogens. These weight-inducing offenders, most of which are chemicals, disrupt our hormonal systems, alter how we create and store fat, and change how we respond to dietary choices. Because they are largely unregulated, obesogens lurk all around us-in food, furniture, plastic products such as water bottles and food storage containers, and other surprising exposure points. Even worse: research has shown that the effects of some obesogens can be passed on to future generations by irreversibly interfering with the expression of our genes. The good news is we can protect ourselves by becoming more informed consumers. In THE OBESOGEN EFFECT, Dr. Bruce Blumberg describes how obesogens work, reveals where they are found, and offers a practical three-step solution for reducing exposures. He explains why one size does not fit all in a weight loss program, what hides in our household goods, and how we should shop for items we buy every day-from vegetables and meats to canned soup as well as household cleaners, air fresheners, and personal care products. THE OBESOGEN EFFECT is an urgent call to action to protect your body, clean up your life, and set a straight course for better health.