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Showing 27,901 through 27,925 of 41,211 results

Opposite Sides of the Bed: A Lively Guide to the Differences Between Women and Men

by Cris Evatt

Opposite Sides of the Bed, formerly titled He & She, explores the sociological, physiological, "and psychological differences between women and men, cites supporting studies, offers suggestions on how to cope and tells you where to go for further reading. Fascinating facts from the most up-to-date research on gender differences Sixty-eight percent of men like the way they look naked; only 22 percent of women do. Women smile more than men, especially when delivering bad news. Women use more adjectives such as wonderful, more diminutives such as cute and more euphemisms. Men are more sensitive to stress. One alcoholic drink for women has about the same effect as two for men. Women cry about five times as much as men; a male hormone may actually suppress tears.

Oppskrifter: Ren mat (Kokebok)

by Peter Simmons Grete Helene Moen

Hva er ren mat? Ren mat betyr i bunn og grunn ordentlig mat, også kalt sunn mat. Sunn mat kommer rett fra bonden og er ubearbeidet. Den er selve motsatsen til gatekjøkkenmat og ferdigmat. Når du spiser ren mat, gir du kroppen den næringen den trenger for å fungere ordentlig og bli mer motstandsdyktig mot sykdommer. Dessuten vil du se mye sunnere ut og få mer energi. I likhet med andre gode vaner krever et rent kosthold at du gjør noen forandringer i livsstilen din. Hver av disse forandringene bidrar til at du spiser ren mat mer jevnlig... Vil du få bedre helse og gå ned i vekt? Det kan du klare med et rent kosthold! Ren mat gir deg bedre helse, styrker immunforsvaret, bidrar til at du tenker klarere, gir deg friskere hud og hår og bedre fordøyelse. Det eneste som kreves er noen få, enkle endringer av kosten. Dette kostholdet er enkelt, gir langvarige resultater og er personlig tilfredsstillende. Tiden er inne for en forandring. Og tiden er inne for et større velvære! Tatt i betraktning hvor mye av maten man får kjøpt i dag som er bearbeidet, er det ikke rart at det er så vanskelig å spise sunt. Med oppskrifter på ren mat har du imidlertid det alternativet kroppen ønsker seg. Når du først har begynt, vil du kjenne hvilken forskjell det gjør med ren mat. Noen av de gjennomgripende forandringene du garantert vil oppleve: Økt energinivå og vitalitet. Raskere tap av kroppsfett. Bedre konsentrasjon. Lavere blodsukker og kolesterol. Bedre hormonbalanse. Bedre søvn. Mindre angst og stress. Sammenlign et rent kosthold med å trykke på en knapp som nullstiller den generelle helsen og matvanene dine. Takk for at du gir meg anledningen til å vise deg hvordan du skal bruke dette kostholdet til å få bedre helse på ulike områder. Last ned nå for å lese mer!!!

Optimal Detox: How to Cleanse Your Body of Colloidal and Crystalline Toxins

by Christopher Vasey

A practical guide to identifying and targeting toxins with the most appropriate and effective detox methods • Reveals the two main types of toxins: colloidal, which affect circulation and organ function, and crystalline, which cause tissue damage and pain • Explains the toxins behind specific illnesses and which of the 5 excretory organs--liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, or skin--should be stimulated for optimal detox • Details how specific foods can produce these toxins and trigger illnesses The lasting benefits of detoxification and internal cleanses are becoming well-known and accepted—in part, because these practices are more vital than ever for optimal health and longevity and in the fight against environmental and dietary toxins. Christopher Vasey shows how accumulation of toxins is the primary cause of illness and how the key to successful detoxification is identifying the type of toxin--either colloidal or crystalline--polluting your biological terrain. He explains how colloidal toxins hinder circulation and organ function, while crystals move around the body damaging tissues and causing lesions and pain. Left unchecked, the two forms can combine to create “stones”--such as gallstones or kidney stones. Beyond finding the cause of an illness, the most important reason to correctly diagnose your type of toxin is to ensure you choose the most effective method of detoxification and stimulate the appropriate excretory organ--liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, or skin. For example, a person seeking to purge his system of crystals should increase his fluid intake to stimulate the kidneys not encourage bile production, because crystals cannot be expelled via the liver. With clear, practical instructions and guidance, Vasey explains how to identify which type of toxin is triggering your illness and which medicinal herbs, hydrotherapy techniques, or nutritional options are the best choice for each specific condition or combination of ailments. He reveals which foods produce colloidal and crystalline toxins and should therefore be avoided. This targeted method of detoxification enables each of us to cleanse our bodies of accumulated toxins safely, accurately, and successfully.

Optimal Digestive Health: A Complete Guide

by Nancy Faass Trent W. Nichols

A comprehensive and integrative approach to achieving digestive health using mainstream, complementary, and alternative therapies• Offers complete information on herbal and homeopathic remedies, supplements, diets, medical tests, and environmental toxin reduction• Includes a step-by-step diet to help readers moderate their carbohydrate intake and balance blood sugar levels• Contains effective therapies for 30 digestive disorders, from candida to ulcersAccording to the National Institutes of Health, more than 90 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders. Drawing on the expertise of 25 practitioners, Optimal Digestive Health explores the symptoms, possible causes, medical testing, and effective treatments for 30 digestive disorders, from candida and colitis to ulcers. In addition, the authors explain the role digestion plays in many other health conditions, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, mood swings, immune function, and skin problems. They provide clear information on detoxification, food allergies, and environmental factors, as well as meditation, qigong, and yoga. A step-by-step diet is offered to help readers moderate their carbohydrate intake and balance their blood sugar--keys to health and weight loss. Optimal Digestive Health demystifies the use of herbal therapies, acupuncture, biofeedback, and Ayurveda in the treatment of digestive disorders, pairing the best of mainstream medicine and complementary therapies with intelligent self-care for an integrated patient-centered approach to healing.

The Optimal Health Revolution: How Inflammation Is the Root Cause of the Biggest Killers and How the Cutting-Edge Science of Nutrigenomics Can Transform Your Long-term Health

by Duke Johnson

Cutting-edge science is coming to a startling realization. The bulk of our most lethal diseases have a common underlying cause: persistent inflammation, an over-active reaction of our natural immune system function resulting in cell and tissue destruction. This persistent inflammation is triggered by our industrial lifestyles, including exposure to chemicals, synthetic food ingredients, pollution and processed foods. "Researchers are linking inflammation to an ever-wider array of chronic illnesses," reports Newsweek's Anne Underwood. "Suddenly medical puzzles seem to be fitting together, such as why hypertension puts patients at increased risk of Alzheimer's, or why rheumatoid-arthritis sufferers have higher rates of sudden cardiac death. They're all connected on some fundamental level." But inflammation, and the risks of chronic diseases it brings, can be managed. Lifestyle and nutritional change is part of the answer. But the other part of the answer lies with ground-breaking information from the newest field of science—nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is the science of how your genes interact with nutrients. It is the study of how DNA and the genetic code affect a person's need for certain nutrients and help maintain optimal health throughout life. The Optimal Health Revolution combines leading-edge science — including 600 scientific references — with an easy to read, conversational writing style that make this critical information accessible to every reader. Relevant to both the researcher and medical doctor interested in the latest science and the casual reader looking to improve his or her health, The Optimal Health Revolution makes a critical contribution to our understanding of health.

Optimal Muscle Performance and Recovery

by Edmund Burke

Now in a revised and expanded second edition, Optimal Muscle Recovery is a valuable training guide-a must-have for serious endurance athletes or anyone looking to train harder and recover faster. Author Ed Burke is one of the country's leading exercise physiologists, having worked with professional athletes such as runner Frank Shorter and Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong. His recovery program, called the R4 System, is nothing short of revolutionary and has been touted as "breakthrough" research by leaders in athletics. New material includes recovery for the masters and strength athlete; the importance of sleep and nutrition in recovery; and the latest on supplements and sports drinks to aid in replenishment.

The Optimistic Child

by Martin E. P. Seligman Karen Reivich Lisa Jaycox Jane Gillham

The optimistic child : a proven program to safeguard children against depression and build lifelong resilience.

Optimists Die First

by Susin Nielsen

Award-winning author Susin Nielsen has written a laugh-out-loud and heartrending novel for fans of Robyn Schneider’s Extraordinary Means and Cammie McGovern’s Say What You Will. Beware: Life ahead. Sixteen-year-old Petula de Wilde is anything but wild. A former crafting fiend with a happy life, Petula shut herself off from the world after a family tragedy. She sees danger in all the ordinary things, like crossing the street, a bug bite, or a germy handshake. She knows: life is out to get you. The worst part of her week is her comically lame mandatory art therapy class with a small group of fellow misfits. Then a new boy, Jacob, appears at school and in her therapy group. He seems so normal and confident, though he has a prosthetic arm; and soon he teams up with Petula on a hilarious project, gradually inspiring her to let go of some of her fears. But as the two grow closer, a hidden truth behind why he’s in the group could derail them, unless Petula takes a huge risk. . .

Optimists Die First

by Susin Nielsen

This touching, hilarious tragi-comedy by award-winning author Susin Nielsen proves: Life is out to get you. But so is love. A quirky alternative to the "sick lit" genre for YA readers. Petula's funny, and a crafting genius, but no social star at high school, and it doesn't help that she's isolated herself after her adored toddler sister died. Petula feels responsible for this death, though her parents say it was a tragic accident. No one's fault. Now, Petula sees danger everywhere: every activity and every bite of food could kill you. Then a new boy, Jacob, joins Petula's group in the school's lame art therapy program; he has a prosthetic arm and darkness behind his sunny surface. Petula and Jacob become friends, then, something more. But a secret behind why he's in the group could derail them. A heartbreaking yet humorous first YA from award-winning author Susin Nielsen, Optimists Die First continues Susin's tradition of creating memorable characters and genre-bending narratives.

Optimiza tu metabolismo

by Jillian Michaels

¿No consigues bajar de peso por más que te ejercites o por menos que comas? ¿Cansado de hacer dietas? ¿Has perdido y ganado las mismas cinco, diez o quince libras una y otra vez? Entonces, ¡detente! Has estropeado tu sistema endocrino y tu metabolismo con dietas yo-yo y alimentos no nutritivos y llenos de químicos hasta tal punto en el que la pérdida de peso resulta imposible. Millones de personas se encuentran en esta frustrante posición y Jillian Michaels también ha estado allí. Después de años de ejercicios y torturantes dietas, se dio cuenta de que tenía que existir una manera más sencilla y efectiva de estar sana y conservar la figura. ¡Y sí la hay! Todo se resume en entrenar tus hormonas para que quemen --y no almacenen-- la grasa.En Optimiza tu metabolismo, Jillian ha reunido su propia experiencia con diecisiete años de investigación y su trabajo con importantes médicos y nutricionistas para ofrecernos un simple plan en tres fases para acelerar aquellas hormonas que te ayudan a perder peso y eliminar las hormonas que almacenan grasas. Jillian ha diseñado esta dieta para que sea sencilla, con listas de alimentos, planes de comidas y recursos en línea que te ayudarán a maximizar la quema de grasas y a alcanzar tu salud y peso óptimos. En Optimiza tu metabolismo Jillian Michaels, la popular entrenadora del programa de televisión The Biggest Loser nos ofrece un plan en tres pasos donde aprenderás a: * Retirar antinutrientes y toxinas, los cuales hacen más lento tu metabolismo. * Recuperar alimentos integrales y naturales a tu dieta que acelerarán a las hormonas que queman grasas. * Reequilibrar tus hormonas a través del sueño, del manejo del estrés y del ejercicio. Este sencillo plan te ayudará a alcanzar y mantener tu mejor salud y peso. Te verás bien y te sentirás bien, este verano y el resto de tu vida. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Optimiza tu metabolismo

by Jillian Michaels

¿No consigues bajar de peso por más que te ejercites o por menos que comas? ¿Cansado de hacer dietas? ¿Has perdido y ganado las mismas cinco, diez o quince libras una y otra vez? Entonces, ¡detente! Has estropeado tu sistema endocrino y tu metabolismo con dietas yo-yo y alimentos no nutritivos y llenos de químicos hasta tal punto en el que la pérdida de peso resulta imposible. Millones de personas se encuentran en esta frustrante posición y Jillian Michaels también ha estado allí. Después de años de ejercicios y torturantes dietas, se dio cuenta de que tenía que existir una manera más sencilla y efectiva de estar sana y conservar la figura. ¡Y sí la hay! Todo se resume en entrenar tus hormonas para que quemen --y no almacenen-- la grasa.En Optimiza tu metabolismo, Jillian ha reunido su propia experiencia con diecisiete años de investigación y su trabajo con importantes médicos y nutricionistas para ofrecernos un simple plan en tres fases para acelerar aquellas hormonas que te ayudan a perder peso y eliminar las hormonas que almacenan grasas. Jillian ha diseñado esta dieta para que sea sencilla, con listas de alimentos, planes de comidas y recursos en línea que te ayudarán a maximizar la quema de grasas y a alcanzar tu salud y peso óptimos. En Optimiza tu metabolismo Jillian Michaels, la popular entrenadora del programa de televisión The Biggest Loser nos ofrece un plan en tres pasos donde aprenderás a: * Retirar antinutrientes y toxinas, los cuales hacen más lento tu metabolismo. * Recuperar alimentos integrales y naturales a tu dieta que acelerarán a las hormonas que queman grasas. * Reequilibrar tus hormonas a través del sueño, del manejo del estrés y del ejercicio. Este sencillo plan te ayudará a alcanzar y mantener tu mejor salud y peso. Te verás bien y te sentirás bien, este verano y el resto de tu vida. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Optimiza tu metabolismo

by Jillian Michaels

¿No consigues bajar de peso por más que te ejercites o por menos que comas? ¿Cansado de hacer dietas? ¿Has perdido y ganado las mismas cinco, diez o quince libras una y otra vez? Entonces, ¡detente! Has estropeado tu sistema endocrino y tu metabolismo con dietas yo-yo y alimentos no nutritivos y llenos de químicos hasta tal punto en el que la pérdida de peso resulta imposible. Millones de personas se encuentran en esta frustrante posición y Jillian Michaels también ha estado allí. Después de años de ejercicios y torturantes dietas, se dio cuenta de que tenía que existir una manera más sencilla y efectiva de estar sana y conservar la figura. ¡Y sí la hay! Todo se resume en entrenar tus hormonas para que quemen --y no almacenen-- la grasa.En Optimiza tu metabolismo, Jillian ha reunido su propia experiencia con diecisiete años de investigación y su trabajo con importantes médicos y nutricionistas para ofrecernos un simple plan en tres fases para acelerar aquellas hormonas que te ayudan a perder peso y eliminar las hormonas que almacenan grasas. Jillian ha diseñado esta dieta para que sea sencilla, con listas de alimentos, planes de comidas y recursos en línea que te ayudarán a maximizar la quema de grasas y a alcanzar tu salud y peso óptimos. En Optimiza tu metabolismo Jillian Michaels, la popular entrenadora del programa de televisión The Biggest Loser nos ofrece un plan en tres pasos donde aprenderás a: * Retirar antinutrientes y toxinas, los cuales hacen más lento tu metabolismo. * Recuperar alimentos integrales y naturales a tu dieta que acelerarán a las hormonas que queman grasas. * Reequilibrar tus hormonas a través del sueño, del manejo del estrés y del ejercicio. Este sencillo plan te ayudará a alcanzar y mantener tu mejor salud y peso. Te verás bien y te sentirás bien, este verano y el resto de tu vida. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Optimiza tu metabolismo: Los Tres Secretos Dietéticos Para Equilibrar Tus Hormonas De Manera Natural Y Obtener Un Cuerpo Atractivo Y Saludable

by Jillian Michaels

¿No consigues bajar de peso por más que te ejercites o por menos que comas? ¿Cansado de hacer dietas? ¿Has perdido y ganado las mismas cinco, diez o quince libras una y otra vez? Entonces, ¡detente! Has estropeado tu sistema endocrino y tu metabolismo con dietas yo-yo y alimentos no nutritivos y llenos de químicos hasta tal punto en el que la pérdida de peso resulta imposible. Millones de personas se encuentran en esta frustrante posición y Jillian Michaels también ha estado allí. Después de años de ejercicios y torturantes dietas, se dio cuenta de que tenía que existir una manera más sencilla y efectiva de estar sana y conservar la figura. ¡Y sí la hay! Todo se resume en entrenar tus hormonas para que quemen y no almacenen la grasa. En Optimiza tu metabolismo, Jillian ha reunido su propia experiencia con diecisiete años de investigación y su trabajo con importantes médicos y nutricionistas para ofrecernos un simple plan en tres fases para acelerar aquellas hormonas que te ayudan a perder peso y eliminar las hormonas que almacenan grasas. Jillian ha diseñado esta dieta para que sea sencilla, con listas de alimentos, planes de comidas y recursos en línea que te ayudarán a maximizar la quema de grasas y a alcanzar tu salud y peso óptimos. En Optimiza tu metabolismo Jillian Michaels, la popular entrenadora del programa de televisión The Biggest Loser nos ofrece un plan en tres pasos donde aprenderás a: Retirar antinutrientes y toxinas, los cuales hacen más lento tu metabolismo. Recuperar alimentos integrales y naturales a tu dieta que acelerarán a las hormonas que queman grasas. Reequilibrar tus hormonas a través del sueño, del manejo del estrés y del ejercicio. Este sencillo plan te ayudará a alcanzar y mantener tu mejor salud y peso. Te verás bien y te sentirás bien, este verano y el resto de tu vida.

Optimizing Metabolic Status for the Hospitalized Patient: The Role of Macro- and Micronutrition on Disease Management

by Michael M. Rothkopf, MD, FACP, FACN Jennifer C. Johnson

This book is a guide for clinicians seeking to use metabolic approaches in the care of hospitalized patients. Since a nutritional component exists for practically any disease process managed, it is important to properly address the macro- and micronutrient issues that can help facilitate a favourable clinical outcome. Metabolic medicine is a newly recognized speciality that applies proven nutritional approaches to support hospitalized patients within existing standards of care. Optimizing Metabolic Status for the Hospitalized Patient: The Role of Macro- and Micronutrition on Disease Management addresses the gap of nutrition knowledge among physicians who generally care for patients without addressing the nutritional and metabolic perspective. Features: · State-of-the-art guidelines for practicing metabolic medicine in the hospital setting. · “Hands on” guide for day-to-day metabolic management of hospitalized patients. · Personal insights from one of the field’s leading practitioners, drawing upon decades of experience. · Historical reviews of key scientific developments. This book is written by Dr Michael M. Rothkopf, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers/New Jersey Medical School. Dr Rothkopf founded the Metabolic Medicine Center at Morristown Medical Center and is the current Metabolic Medicine Consultant for the Heart Transplant, Lung Transplant, Cardiac Surgery and Wound Care Programs at RWJBH/Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. This book is directed at the physician level of hospital care. It provides value to a broad range of physicians regardless of their medical specialty or subspecialty. It will also be useful for medical students and resident physicians in training as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants working in hospital settings.

Optimizing Physical Performance During Fasting and Dietary Restriction: Implications for Athletes and Sports Medicine

by Ezdine Bouhlel Roy J. Shephard

Optimizing Physical Performance During Fasting and Dietary Restriction examines the effects of sustained fasting and food restrictions on metabolism and physical performance in athletes. It provides broad coverage including both religious and non-religious fasting and dietary restrictions.This practical and evidence-based guide outlines recent find

Optimum Healing: A Practical Guide to Finding Holistic Health/Inner Peace

by Craig Brown

OPTIMUM HEALING is an essential guide to everyone interested in what good health really means - and how to encourage it. Through case histories which mirror the lives of ordinary people everywhere, Dr Craig Brown shows that physical illness is often the expression of a deeper emotional and spiritual problem. He explains that five negative attributes underly all illness: anger, depression, guilt, attachment and worry, and that unless these are released, as one physical symptom is cured, so another will inevitably occur. In this highly readable book, Dr Brown offers practical suggestions, excercises and ideas to help you: *Confront and release your own negative attributes *Find a balance between your body, mind and spirit *Establish harmony with your environment *Discover your own path to optimum healing and inner peace

Optimum Health: A Natural Lifesaving Prescription for Your Body and Mind

by Stephen T. Sinatra

Nowyoucan achieve optimum health. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Stephen Sinatra shows us how we can take control of our health through the latest findings of mind-body medicine. As a leading cardiologist and psychotherapist, Dr. Sinatra is a uniquely qualified expert in the field. Dr. Sinatra's well-balanced, totally natural program of nutritional, emotional, and physical strategies can dramatically improve the quality of your life and help you live longer. Eight simple rules for optimum health--they could save your life The insulin-resistance epidemic and the Great Fat Debate The myth, fact, and fiction of cholesterol Discover the heart-healing secrets of the Mediterranean diet Coenzyme Q10: a miracle vitamin for heart health A natural approach to healing arthritis Dr. Sinatra's natural cholesterol-lowering formula Recipes for preventive medicine Dr. Sinatra's antiaging prescription And much more!

Optimum Health the Paleo Way: A 28-Day Plan to Adopt the Paleo Lifestyle With A Diet Designed to Help You Get Healthy and Feel Great

by Claire Yates

Eating the Paleo way is not about becoming a caveman! Instead, its all about listening to your body, getting back to a more natural, seasonal way of eating, nourishing your body with tasty whole foods, and living a more balanced lifestyle. Along the way, youll automatically consume far less sugar, avoid preservatives and processed foods, and throw away the calorie counter.In Optimum Health the Paleo Way, Paleo nutritionist Claire Yates explains clearly why unhealthiness is on the increase and how the Paleo lifestyle (not diet) can help. Claire sets out the key aspects of the Paleo lifestyle, including the importance of food as medicine, and the truth about fats, carbs, protein, and fiber. She then takes you through the 28-day reset meal plan before including more than 100 delicious Paleo recipes that will get you feeling great while eating some of the tastiest food of your life!Optimum Health the Paleo Way will help you:Boost your energy.Eliminate sugar cravings.Reduce your use of processed foods.Find your ideal weight.Develop an eating plan that works for you.Sleep better and feel great!

Optimum Nutrition (Idiot's Guides)

by Chef Stephanie Green

Good overall health always starts with a foundation of good nutrition. However, being bombarded by conflicting nutritional reports, ever-changing confusing nutritional findings, and the latest diets can make it hard to understand how to achieve your optimum nutrition. Idiot&’s Guides®: Optimum Nutrition gives you everything you need to know about nutrients, understanding how they react in your body, and the best way to achieve nutritional benefits. This book covers:* The fundamental basics of nutrition. * Definitions of good/bad fats, good/bad carbs, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and phytonutrients, and how they are used in your body. * The mind/brain/body connection and how nutrition is linked to mental health. * The truth about controversial foods and conflicting nutritional information. * How to understand food labels and nutritional terms, key grocery marketing terms, and genetically modified foods. * Making wise food choices when eating at home or out. * Inclusion of water, fiber, grains, supplements, and super foods. * Popular diets and how they work (low-carb, paleo, plant-based, Mediterranean, glycemic index, raw food). * Food allergies versus food intolerances and how to eat with them.

Optimum Nutrition Before, During And After Pregnancy: The Definitive Guide to Having a Healthy Pregnancy

by Patrick Holford Susannah Lawson

This book is the essential guide to nutrition for women who are either planning to conceive, are pregnant or have given birth. It will also help women who are having difficulty conceiving or taking their baby to term. Top nutritionist Patrick Holford and Foresight practitioner Susannah Lawson start with a pre-conception nutrition checklist, moving on to cover nutrition in pregnancy, complete with diet and meal plans, and follow up with useful advice about your own nutrition in early parenthood - from beating the baby blues to how to produce the best-quality milk. The final section deals with optimum nutrition for babies and young children, with information about weaning, prevention of allergies and the ideal diet for a healthy child. Discover top nutritional advice that will help you to achieve maximum fertility and good health, prevent birth defects, avoid sickness and other pregnancy problems, prevent allergies in your baby, feed your baby in the best way possible, and much more.

Optimum Nutrition Before, During And After Pregnancy: The definitive guide to having a healthy pregnancy

by Susannah Lawson Patrick Holford BSc, DipION, FBA

This book is the essential guide to nutrition for women who are either planning to conceive, are pregnant or have given birth. It will also help women who are having difficulty conceiving or taking their baby to term. Top nutritionist Patrick Holford and Foresight practitioner Susannah Lawson start with a pre-conception nutrition checklist, moving on to cover nutrition in pregnancy, complete with diet and meal plans, and follow up with useful advice about your own nutrition in early parenthood - from beating the baby blues to how to produce the best-quality milk. The final section deals with optimum nutrition for babies and young children, with information about weaning, prevention of allergies and the ideal diet for a healthy child. Discover top nutritional advice that will help you to achieve maximum fertility and good health, prevent birth defects, avoid sickness and other pregnancy problems, prevent allergies in your baby, feed your baby in the best way possible, and much more.

The Optimum Nutrition Bible: The Book You Have To Read If Your Care About Your Health

by Patrick Holford

COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED TO INCLUDE THE LATEST CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH. The best-selling Optimum Nutrition Bible has revolutionised health. It explains how, by giving yourself the best possible intake of nutrients, to allow your body to be as healthy as it possibly can. This revised and updated edition shows you: What a well balanced diet really means; How to boost your immune system; How to increase your energy and fitness levels; How to prevent cancer and turn back the ageing clock; How to avoid heart disease and lower your blood pressure without drugs; Why the wrong fats can kill and the right fats can heal; How to increase your IQ, memory and mental performance; Includes new charts and six new chapters, on Stimulants, Water, Eating right for your blood type, Detox, Homocysteine and Toxic Minerals.

Optimum Nutrition For The Mind

by Patrick Holford

OPTIMUM NUTRITION FOR THE MIND is the classic guide to improving your mood, boosting your memory, sharpening your mind and solving mental health problems through nutrition. The book outlines breakthrough discoveries on how specific essential fats, vitamins and minerals can improve depression and anxiety; discusses the effects of stress, alcohol and exercise on mental health; gives details of new discoveries in the treatment of autism and schizophrenia; and provides concrete and well-researched guidance for those with mental health difficulties. With a questionnaire-based method to work out your own nutritional programme for improving your mood, mind and memory this book is essential reading for anyone wanting to stay in top mental health throughout life, free from depression, memory decline and other common mental health problems.

Optimum Nutrition for Vegans: How to be healthy and optimally nourished on a plant-based diet

by Patrick Holford BSc, DipION, FBA

We know that a plant-based, vegan diet is healthy. But how easy is it to incorporate it into our lifestyle? Are there any other steps that need to be taken to ensure our body is getting the nutrients it needs?In Optimum Nutrition for Vegans, Patrick Holford, bestselling author of over 25 health books, shows you how to achieve optimum nutrition while following a vegan diet. This book features 100 delicious, easy recipes that will nourish your body and your brain. Patrick will also show you how to ensure you are getting enough protein and brain fats, control your sugar and energy, and other other steps that need to be taken for overall health for vegans.Whether you already follow a plant-based lifestyle or you simply want to incorporate more meat, dairy and egg-free meals into your week, Optimum Nutrition for Vegans will be your guide for overall health.

Optimum Nutrition for Vegans: How to be healthy and optimally nourished on a plant-based diet

by Patrick Holford

We know that a plant-based, vegan diet is healthy. But how easy is it to incorporate it into our lifestyle? Are there any other steps that need to be taken to ensure our body is getting the nutrients it needs?In Optimum Nutrition for Vegans, Patrick Holford, bestselling author of over 25 health books, shows you how to achieve optimum nutrition while following a vegan diet. This book features 100 delicious, easy recipes that will nourish your body and your brain. Patrick will also show you how to ensure you are getting enough protein and brain fats, control your sugar and energy, and other other steps that need to be taken for overall health for vegans.Whether you already follow a plant-based lifestyle or you simply want to incorporate more meat, dairy and egg-free meals into your week, Optimum Nutrition for Vegans will be your guide for overall health.

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