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Omega Balance: Nutritional Power for a Happier, Healthier Life (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
by Anthony John HulbertLearn how to live a happier and healthier life by finding the right balance of omega fatty acids in your diet.Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential in the human diet. In Omega Balance, noted scientist Anthony J. Hulbert explains how the balance between these fatty acids in the human food chain has changed over the last half-century and the very serious negative health impacts this imbalance has created. An imbalance of these omega fats contributes to increased rates of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, asthma, as well as cancer and a variety of other inflammatory diseases. Omega balance is also important for normal brain function, and an imbalance in these fatty acids is associated with depression, mood disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. Hulbert provides extensive information on the omega balance of different foods and discusses fascinating details about human evolution, dietary changes throughout history, the effect of diet on human development and physiological processes, and more. He investigates the paleo diet of our ancestors and describes the dramatic changes that have accompanied the increased ultra-processing of modern foods. Omega Balance is an essential guide to understanding a significant problem in our modern food chain and will make us rethink the food we eat.
The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Based on the Diet of the Island of Crete
by Artemis P. Simopoulos Jo RobinsonThe medically proven diet that restores your body's essential nutritional balance"Good fats"--essential fatty acids--influence every aspect of our being, from the beating of our hearts to our ability to learn to remember. There are two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs), omega-6 and omega-3. The problem with our modern diet is that it contains far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. This hidden imbalance makes us more vulnerable to heart disease, cancer, obesity, autoimmmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, and depression.The Omega Diet is a natural, time-tested diet that balances the essential fatty acids in your diet. It is packed with delicious food that contain the "good" fats, including real salad dressing, cheese, eggs, fish--even the occasional chocolate dessert--and an abundance of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes.The Omega Diet provides:seven simple dietary guidelines for optimal physical and mental healtha concise guide to the foods you need to restore your body's nutritional balancea diet plan that lets you eat fat as you lose fatfifty delicious recipes that are quick and easy to preparea comprehensive three-week menu to help you get started
The Omega-Factor: Promoting Health, Preventing Premature Aging and Reducing the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death
by Robert Fried Richard CarltonOmega-3 fatty acids can limit the inflammation that is the underlying cause of many severe diseases of modern civilization, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The Omega-Factor: Promoting Health, Preventing Premature Aging and Reducing the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death presents information on the mechanisms whereby inflammation damages organs and the blood vessels serving them, as well as the hard science on the mechanisms by which the omega-3 fatty acids protect those tissues. It also features peer-reviewed evidence from clinical trials on these topics. The book gives cutting-edge information from state-of-the-art developments such as the test that can be done to measure the omega-3 status of one’s own tissues, the “Omega-3 Index”, which can give many years of early warning so that one can take preventive steps and decrease the odds of a heart attack, stroke or kidney disease. It explains why a Mediterranean diet plan rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is protective, and it features a six-day meal plan with recipes that will improve body levels of omega-3s. This book helps readers understand the differences between various sources of omega-3 fatty acids, namely flaxseed vs fish oil vs algae-derived oils. Features • Provides evidence-based information on why blood vessels require omega-3 fatty acids to maintain health • Details best sources of the various fatty acids, including plant-based sources • Includes “at-home tests” to assess cardiovascular status • Presents literature on how to improve chances of avoiding heart attacks, peripheral arterial disease, strokes, kidney disease and Type 2 diabetes The Omega-Factor: Promoting Health, Preventing Premature Aging and Reducing the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death is an essential resource for healthcare professionals, clinicians and dietitians, as well as for the reader who aims to achieve the goal of a much longer health-span, not just a longer lifespan.
The Omega Rx Zone
by Barry SearsThe Next Generation of the Zone!Dr. Barry Sears is one of the world's most trusted voices on health, diet, and nutrition. Over the past decade, millions of people worldwide have followed his prescriptions for healthy living through his bestselling books. He introduced the world to the Zone, a state of improved hormonal control that has helped a generation of people lose excess body fat, reverse the aging process, and fight heart disease and diabetes.In The Omega Rx Zone, Dr. Sears reveals a revolutionary new technological advance that helps treat chronic disease, improves athletic performance, and more. Never before available to the public, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil has the potential to make you a more emotionally stable, healthier person by allowing your brain to work at peak efficiency and controlling the hormonal responses that ultimately govern your body and mind. Drawing upon his own research as well as recently published studies, Dr. Sears shares new understanding of heart disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, Type 2 diabetes, infertility, and multiple sclerosis. Used in conjunction with the Zone program, these findings can help you to:Increase brain vitality and longevityMaximize physical performance Lose weight--and keep it offReverse chronic disease
The Omega Rx Zone
by Barry SearsThe Next Generation of the Zone! Dr. Barry Sears is one of the world's most trusted voices on health, diet, and nutrition. Over the past decade, millions of people worldwide have followed his prescriptions for healthy living through his bestselling books. He introduced the world to the Zone, a state of improved hormonal control that has helped a generation of people lose excess body fat, reverse the aging process, and fight heart disease and diabetes. In The Omega Rx Zone, Dr. Sears reveals a revolutionary new technological advance that helps treat chronic disease, improves athletic performance, and more. Never before available to the public, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil has the potential to make you a more emotionally stable, healthier person by allowing your brain to work at peak efficiency and controlling the hormonal responses that ultimately govern your body and mind. Drawing upon his own research as well as recently published studies, Dr. Sears shares new understanding of heart disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, Type 2 diabetes, infertility, and multiple sclerosis. Used in conjunction with the Zone program, these findings can help you to: Increase brain vitality and longevity Maximize physical performance Lose weight-and keep it off Reverse chronic disease
Omeopatia per il raffreddore
by Dr Johannes SchönIl raffreddore è un male fastidioso, ma può essere trattato bene con rimedi omeopatici. I bambini, in particolare, sono molto grati, per gli approcci terapeutici naturali. Con l'aiuto di adeguati rimedi omeopatici, l'organismo viene sostenuto nei suoi poteri di autoguarigione, invece di combattere i sintomi dell'influenza, come avviene nella medicina tradizionale con antidolorifici, antipiretici e antibiotici. In questo libro troverete tutto ciò che vi serve, per il trattamento di raffreddori e sintomi influenzali come febbre, rinite, tosse e mal di gola: una selezione dei più importanti rimedi omeopatici, sali di Schüssler e semplici rimedi casalinghi.
Omeopatia per neonati
by Dr Johannes SchönMolti disturbi infantili possono essere trattati in modo semplice e naturale con l'omeopatia. In questo libro troverete consigli pratici sul trattamento omeopatico sui seguenti argomenti: nascita, allattamento, mastite, rigurgiti e vomito, crampi addominali e flatulenze, pianto cronico del lattante, diarrea, costipazione, problemi di dentizione, eruzioni cutanee, crosta lattea, dermatite da pannolino, nei, febbre, raffreddore e tosse.
OMG It's Twins!: Get Your Twins to Their First Birthday Without Losing Your Mind
by Alison PerryYou’re having twins – don’t panic!There’s little that will prepare you for the moment you hear the words: “You’re having twins!” You might feel shocked, delighted, scared, horrified, amused – or a mixture of all of the above. As a twin mum herself, award-winning parenting blogger and podcaster Alison Perry has first-hand experience with the emotional rollercoaster of having two babies at once. This warm, reassuring book will guide you from the moment you find out, through the pregnancy, birth and beyond. Combining expert advice from midwives, psychotherapists, nutritionists, parenting experts and breastfeeding specialists and more with Alison’s own experiences, as well as relatable anecdotes from other twin mums, it addresses topics including accepting your changing body, the logistics of feeding two babies, and wondering whether you will ever sleep again (answer: yes, you will!).Filled with gorgeous illustrations and easy to digest chapters, this is the perfect gift for anyone who is expecting, or has just welcomed, two little bundles of joy.
Omics Studies of Medicinal Plants (Exploring Medicinal Plants)
by Altaf Ahmad Ambreen AsifHerbal drugs play a pivotal role in modern medicine and pharmaceutical care; however, only limited biotechnology applications have been seen in medicinal plants. Revolutions in high-throughput approaches emphasize omics approaches, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. A volume in the Exploring Medicinal Plants series, this book provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of breakthroughs in high-throughput approaches for the research of medicinal plants. Exploring the principles and applications of omics technologies, this book is essential for those working on or are involved in the modern research of medicinal and aromatic plants. There is also a strong focus on practical implications of these technologies through exploring the safety aspects and conservation strategies of various plants. From informative discussions on the latest research to a holistic evaluation of their potential applications, this book appeals to students, researchers and professionals working with medicinal and aromatic plants, as well as healthcare professionals interested in the area.
OMM Organizarte by Mela M.: Ordená tu casa y simplificá tu vida
by Melanie MelhemMelanie Melhem, organizadora profesional, propone una guía práctica para llevar una existencia liviana, en la que el orden y la organización no se conviertan en una obsesión, sino en un hábito que nos brinde más calidad de vida, armonía y placer visual. La organización es el camino hacia una vida más simple, pero para ordenar es necesario soltar, y eso es algo que nos cuesta mucho. Hay personas que conservan guías telefónicas o volantes de deliveries con números que están a un par de clicks en internet. En los cajones de la cocina suele haber utensilios rotos. En los placares, demasiadas prendas de ropa que ya no usamos. Y los juguetes de los chicos se adueñan de la casa. Entonces el problema no es la falta de espacio, sino el exceso de cosas. ¿De qué sirve una biblioteca con libros que no vamos a leer? ¿Por cuánto tiempo hay que archivar las facturas de luz y de gas? ¿Por qué, de pronto, tenemos la alacena llena de productos vencidos? ¿Para qué guardamos cincuenta collares si siempre usamos los mismos tres? ¿Cómo conviene organizar el lugar de trabajo? ¿Y armar una valija? ¿Cómo inculcarles la costumbre del orden a los chicos sin volverlos locos? Hoy las casas son más chicas que hace cincuenta años, por eso debemos ser conscientes y responsables acerca de los elementos que acumulamos. La house planner argentina Melanie Melhem propone varios consejos aplicados al mundo occidental para llevar una existencia más liviana. Y para que el orden y la organización no se conviertan en una obsesión, sino en un hábito que nos brinde una mayor calidad de vida.
The Omni Diet: The Revolutionary 70% Plant + 30% Protein Program To Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, Fight Inflammation, And Change Your Life Forever
by Tana Amen“The Omni Diet cuts through the confusion about what to eat and gives America a roadmap to good food and good health all at once.” —Mark Hyman, MD, New York Times–bestselling authorBy the time she had reached her mid-thirties, Tana Amen had battled severe digestive issues, recurrent infections and, most devastatingly, thyroid cancer. Doctors ascribed her poor health to genetics, bad luck, and a family history of obesity and heart disease. But even when Tana committed to a standard fitness and eating regimen, her health failed to improve. That’s when she realized that she needed to make a real change. She needed to figure out how to improve her health . . . for good.The Omni Diet is the culmination of a decade-long quest by Tana Amen to study the relationship between food and the body, and to understand how proper nutrition not only impacts weight loss, but actually holds the key to reversing chronic disease, decreasing inflammation, healing the body, and dramatically improving quality of life.An easy-to-follow plan based on a 70/30 plant-to-protein model and distilled into a lean six-week program, the Omni Diet provides an abundance of illness-fighting nutrients to keep the brain sharp and muscles and organs functioning at peak condition. The balance of 70% plant-based foods and 30% protein restores energy, slashes risk of disease, optimizes brain and hormone functioning, produces dramatic weight loss, and promotes health from the inside out.With delicious and satisfying recipes, easy-to-follow exercises, and important advice and tips, you will see results—in your weight and overall health—immediately. Follow this revolutionary, paradigm-shifting plan and experience its life-changing results as you unleash the healing power of food.
Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation
by John PaynePrimarily concerned with communicating the four principles of creation, this book centers around the idea that the creative aspect of the universe is a natural part of our being.
The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars
by Alfred Lambremont WebreA tour through the new science of the Omniverse, its spiritual and physical dimensions, and its incalculable intelligent civilizations • Reveals the key travel and communication technologies of the Omniverse: time travel, teleportation, and telepathy • Unveils newly disclosed state secrets about these technologies, about the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and about a secret colony and life on Mars • Explains through science how souls are holographic fragments of God and how they help create planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes in the multiverse We are all citizens of the Omniverse, the overarching matrix of energy, spirit, and intelligence that encompasses all that exists: all universes within the multiverse as well as the spiritual dimensions centered on the divine Source that many call God. In this scientific guide to the Omniverse, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals startling replicable evidence about extraterrestrial and extra-universal life, the intelligent civilizations created by souls in the afterlife, top-secret alien technology, and the existence of a secret base as well as life on Mars. The author explains how our souls are holographic fragments of God/Source and how souls and Source are co-creating planets and galaxies as virtual realities for soul development. He addresses Grey alien control over soul reincarnation and also sheds light on the presence of invisible hyperdimensional controllers known as the Archons, who feed off negative energy. Revealing the key technologies of the Omniverse, the author explains how hyperdimensional civilizations communicate telepathically, teleport interdimensionally, and travel through time. He unveils newly disclosed state secrets about government possession of these technologies, the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and the secret Mars colony whose permanent security personnel is age-reversed and shot back through time to their specific space-time origin points--with their memories blocked. Integrating science and spirituality, this map of the dimensions of the Omniverse sounds the call for scientific inquiry into the holographic origins of the soul, the potential of time travel, and our role as divine co-creators with Source.
The Omnivore's Dilemma
by Michael PollanThe New York Times bestseller that's changing America's diet is now perfect for younger readers"What's for dinner?" seemed like a simple question--until journalist and supermarket detective Michael Pollan delved behind the scenes. <P><P>From fast food and big organic to small farms and old-fashioned hunting and gathering, this young readers' adaptation of Pollan's famous food-chain exploration encourages kids to consider the personal and global health implications of their food choices. <P>In a smart, compelling format with updated facts, plenty of photos, graphs, and visuals, as well as a new afterword and backmatter, The Omnivore's Dilemma serves up a bold message to the generation that needs it most: It's time to take charge of our national eating habits--and it starts with you.
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
by Michael PollanWhat shall we have for dinner? For omnivores like ourselves, this simple question has always posed a dilemma: When you can eat just about anything nature (or the supermarket) has to offer, deciding what you should eat will inevitably stir anxiety, especially when some of the foods on offer might shorten your life. Today, buffeted by one food fad after another, America is suffering from what can only be described as a national eating disorder. The omnivore's dilemma has returned with a vengeance, as the cornucopia of the modern American supermarket and fast-food outlet confronts us with a bewildering and treacherous food landscape. What's at stake in our eating choices is not only our own and our children's health, but the health of the environment that sustains life on earth. The Omnivores Dilemma is a groundbreaking book in which one of America's most fascinating, original, and elegant writers turns his own omnivorous mind to the seemingly straightforward question of what we should have for dinner. The question has confronted us since man discovered fire, but, according to Michael Pollan, the bestselling author of The Botany of Desire, how we answer it today, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, may well determine our very survival as a species. Should we eat a fast-food hamburger? Something organic? Or perhaps something we hunt, gather, or grow ourselves? To find out, Pollan follows each of the food chains that sustain us industrial food, organic or alternative food, and food we forage ourselves from the source to a final meal, and in the process develops a definitive account of the American way of eating. His absorbing narrative takes us from Iowa cornfields to food-science laboratories, from feedlots and fast-food restaurants.
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
by Michael PollanOne of the New York Times Book Review's Ten Best Books of the Year Winner of the James Beard Award Author of #1 New York Times Bestsellers In Defense of Food and Food Rules <P><P>What should we have for dinner? Ten years ago, Michael Pollan confronted us with this seemingly simple question and, with The Omnivore’s Dilemma, his brilliant and eye-opening exploration of our food choices, demonstrated that how we answer it today may determine not only our health but our survival as a species. <P>In the years since, Pollan’s revolutionary examination has changed the way Americans think about food. <P>Bringing wide attention to the little-known but vitally important dimensions of food and agriculture in America, Pollan launched a national conversation about what we eat and the profound consequences that even the simplest everyday food choices have on both ourselves and the natural world. <P>Ten years later, The Omnivore’s Dilemma continues to transform the way Americans think about the politics, perils, and pleasures of eating.
The Omnivorous Mind: Our Evolving Relationship with Food
by John S. AllenIn this gustatory tour of human history, Allen suggests that the everyday activity of eating offers deep insights into our cultural and biological heritage. Beginning with the diets of our earliest ancestors, he explores eating's role in our evolving brain before considering our contemporary dinner plates and the preoccupations of foodies.
On a Dollar a Day: One Couple's Unlikely Adventures in Eating in America
by Christopher Greenslate Kerri LeonardWhat happens when two high school teachers get fed up with their soaring grocery bills and decide to try to feed themselves on one dollar each, per day? Authors Kerri Leonard and Christopher Greenslate describe how they did it--and also include sections about eating on a little more than $4 a day, as well as on the actual costs of eating a healthy diet.On a Dollar a Day also includes fascinating facts about the way our food gets to the table and the hidden costs--both personal and financial--along the way: How food companies "short size" packages so that you pay more for less food? Why one tablespoon of salad dressing costs as much as a whole orange? How grocery stores auction off foods past their "sell by" dates? Why processed foods have a higher markup than fresh foods? Why it takes so long for food prices to drop, even after fuel and shipping costs go down? How 36 million Americans have limited food options, even during a national obesity epidemic?
On Becoming a Healer: The Journey from Patient Care to Caring about Your Patients
by Saul J. WeinerAn invaluable guide to becoming a competent and compassionate physician.Medical students and physicians-in-training embark on a long journey that, although steeped in scientific learning and technical skill building, includes little guidance on the emotional and interpersonal dimensions of becoming a healer. Written for anyone in the health care community who hopes to grow emotionally and cognitively in the way they interact with patients, On Becoming a Healer explains how to foster doctor-patient relationships that are mutually nourishing. Dr. Saul J. Weiner, a physician-educator, argues that joy in medicine requires more than idealistic aspirations—it demands a capacity to see past the "otherness" that separates the well from the sick, the professional in a white coat from the disheveled patient in a hospital gown. Weiner scrutinizes the medical school indoctrination process and explains how it molds the physician's mindset into that of a task completer rather than a thoughtful professional. Taking a personal approach, Weiner describes his own journey to becoming an internist and pediatrician while offering concrete advice on how to take stock of your current development as a physician, how to openly and fully engage with patients, and how to establish clear boundaries that help defuse emotionally charged situations. Readers will learn how to counter judgmentalism, how to make medical decisions that take into account the whole patient, and how to incorporate the organizing principle of healing into their practice. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion to help personalize the lessons for individual learners.
On Becoming a Teen Mom: Life before Pregnancy
by Timothy Black Mary Patrice ErdmansIn 2013, New York City launched a public education campaign with posters of frowning or crying children saying such things as "I’m twice as likely not to graduate high school because you had me as a teen” and "Honestly, Mom, chances are he won’t stay with you. ” Campaigns like this support a public narrative that portrays teen mothers as threatening the moral order, bankrupting state coffers, and causing high rates of poverty, incarceration, and school dropout. These efforts demonize teen mothers but tell us nothing about their lives before they became pregnant. In this myth-shattering book, the authors tell the life stories of 108 brown, white, and black teen mothers, exposing the problems in their lives often overlooked in pregnancy prevention campaigns. Some stories are tragic and painful, marked by sexual abuse, partner violence, and school failure. Others depict "girl next door" characters whose unintended pregnancies lay bare insidious gender disparities. Offering a fresh perspective on the links between teen births and social inequalities, this book demonstrates how the intersecting hierarchies of gender, race, and class shape the biographies of young mothers.
On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician
by Catherine MaccounMany regard alchemy as a metaphor for inner transformation. But this is only half the story. According to Catherine MacCoun, alchemy is no mere metaphor. It's real magic. Transforming the inner world is, for the alchemist, a way to transform the outer world. Through studying the principles of alchemy, we can achieve extraordinary effects from ordinary actions by understanding how the world really works. We can perceive the hidden connections between the spiritual and the material worlds. Knowledge of these connections enables us to influence external phenomena through the powers of heart and mind alone. Yet alchemy is not, like some forms of magic, the exercise of mind over matter. It is the art of taking what already exists--whatever presents itself--and transmuting the harmful into the helpful, the useless into the valuable.On Becoming an Alchemist initiates us into these secrets, showing us how to think, perceive, and operate as an alchemist. It offers practical advice and exercises that will help the modern magician to: * Understand and apply basic principles of alchemy * Transmute setbacks, failures, and losses into sources of magical power * Navigate one's inner world with poise, confidence, and common sense * Intuitively show up in the right place at the right time to benefit from magical coincidences * Discover the potentials latent in any situation by awakening subtle perceptionTo learn more about the author Catherine MacCoun go to www.hermeticist.com.
On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research
by Institute of MedicineThe scientific research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Scientists trust that the results reported by others are valid. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists to describe the world accurately and without bias. But this trust will endure only if the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct. On Being a Scientist was designed to supplement the informal lessons in ethics provided by research supervisors and mentors. The book describes the ethical foundations of scientific practices and some of the personal and professional issues that researchers encounter in their work. It applies to all forms of research--whether in academic, industrial, or governmental settings-and to all scientific disciplines. This third edition of On Being a Scientist reflects developments since the publication of the original edition in 1989 and a second edition in 1995. A continuing feature of this edition is the inclusion of a number of hypothetical scenarios offering guidance in thinking about and discussing these scenarios. On Being a Scientist is aimed primarily at graduate students and beginning researchers, but its lessons apply to all scientists at all stages of their scientific careers.
On Being and Cognition: Ordinatio 1.3 (Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies)
by null John Duns ScotusIn On Being and Cognition, the first complete translation into English of a pivotal text in the history of philosophy and theology, Scotus addresses fundamental issues concerning the limits of human knowledge and the nature of cognition by developing his doctrine of the univocity of being, refuting skepticism and analyzing the way the intellect and the object cooperate in generating actual knowledge in the case of abstractive cognition. Throughout the work Scotus is in discussion with important theologians of his time, such as Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, and Godfrey of Fontaines. Anyone interested in the pertinent philosophical problems will find in this book the highly sophisticated and subtle answers of a giant in the history of thought.
On Being Human: A Memoir of Waking Up, Living Real, and Listening Hard
by Jennifer PastiloffAn inspirational memoir about how Jennifer Pastiloff's years of waitressing taught her to seek out unexpected beauty, how hearing loss taught her to listen fiercely, how being vulnerable allowed her to find love, and how imperfections can lead to a life full of wild happiness. Centered around the touchstone stories Jen tells in her popular workshops, On Being Human is the story of how a starved person grew into the exuberant woman she was meant to be all along by battling the demons within and winning. Jen did not intend to become a yoga teacher, but when she was given the opportunity to host her own retreats, she left her thirteen-year waitressing job and said “yes,” despite crippling fears of her inexperience and her own potential. After years of feeling depressed, anxious, and hopeless, in a life that seemed to have no escape, she healed her own heart by caring for others. She has learned to fiercely listen despite being nearly deaf, to banish shame attached to a body mass index, and to rebuild a family after the debilitating loss of her father when she was eight. Through her journey, Jen conveys the experience most of us are missing in our lives: being heard and being told, “I got you.” Exuberant, triumphantly messy, and brave, On Being Human is a celebration of happiness and self-realization over darkness and doubt. Her complicated yet imperfectly perfect life path is an inspiration to live outside the box and to reject the all-too-common belief of “I am not enough.” Jen will help readers find, accept, and embrace their own vulnerability, bravery, and humanness.
On Being Sarah
by Lino Saffioti Elizabeth HelfmanSarah Bennett is a lot like other girls her age: She has a loving family yet she longs to get out into the world and "try her wings." Sarah is different from other girls, though. She was born with cerebral palsy, which prevents her from walking and talking. In spite of her physical difficulties, Sarah speaks out, with the help of a symbol board attached to her wheelchair.