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On Pluto: Inside The Mind Of Alzheimer's

by Lisa Genova Greg O'Brien

This is a book about living with Alzheimer’s, not dying with it. It is a book about hope, faith, and humor—a prescription far more powerful than the conventional medication available today to fight this disease. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the US—and the only one of these diseases on the rise. More than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia; about 35 million people worldwide. Greg O’Brien, an award-winning investigative reporter, has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's and is one of those faceless numbers. Acting on long-term memory and skill coupled with well-developed journalistic grit, O’Brien decided to tackle the disease and his imminent decline by writing frankly about the journey. O’Brien is a master storyteller. His story is naked, wrenching, and soul searching for a generation and their loved ones about to cross the threshold of this death in slow motion. On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s is a trail-blazing roadmap for a generation—both a “how to” for fighting a disease, and a “how not” to give up!

On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's

by Greg O'Brien Lisa Genova

This is a book about living with Alzheimer’s, not dying with it. It is a book about hope, faith, and humor—a prescription far more powerful than the conventional medication available today to fight this disease. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the US—and the only one of these diseases on the rise. More than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia; about 35 million people worldwide. Greg O’Brien, an award-winning investigative reporter, has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's and is one of those faceless numbers. Acting on long-term memory and skill coupled with well-developed journalistic grit, O’Brien decided to tackle the disease and his imminent decline by writing frankly about the journey. O’Brien is a master storyteller. His story is naked, wrenching, and soul searching for a generation and their loved ones about to cross the threshold of this death in slow motion. On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s is a trail-blazing roadmap for a generation—both a “how to” for fighting a disease, and a “how not” to give up!

On Quiet

by Nikki Gemmell

Internationally bestselling author Nikki Gemmell writes on the power of quiet in today's shouty world. Quiet comes as a shock in these troubled times. Quietism means 'devotional contemplation and abandonment of the will ... a calm acceptance of things as they are'. Gemmell makes the case for why quiet is steadily gaining ground in this noisy age: Why we need it now more than ever. How to glean quiet, hold on to it, and work within it.

On Silence: Holding the Voice Hostage (The Palgrave Lacan Series)

by Ed Pluth Cindy Zeiher

This book promotes a Lacanian approach to silence, arguing that Lacanian psychoanalysis is distinctive for putting a high value on both silence and language. Unlike other disciplines and discourses the authors do not treat silence as a mystical-impossible beyond, at the cost of demoting the value of language and thought. Rather than treating silence with awe and wonder, this book puts silence to work, and it does so in order to deal with the inevitable alienation that comes with becoming speaking-beings. This illuminating book will be of great interest to scholars of Lacan and the psychosocial, as well as more broadly to philosophers and linguists alike.

On Sleep

by Fleur Anderson

On Sleep is the story of our love-hate relationship with slumber. Part-time insomniac Fleur Anderson ponders the big questions: Why can't I sleep? Do politicians and other high-fliers ever admit they too are exhausted? Do they get enough sleep to make sensible decisions? Where is society heading, and why did I have that glass of cab sav?

On Smaller Dogs and Larger Life Questions

by Kate Figes

Coming up to her sixtieth birthday, Kate Figes found herself turning to the larger questions of family, love and life's meaning. It is like this author to examine different stages in writing, and her books - from new motherhood and adolescence to coupledom and infidelity - testify to this way of understanding herself and others: so naturally she turned to writing to explore the challenges of becoming sixty. And then - a horrible, and sudden diagnosis of breast cancer which had metastasised.Instead of a gentle journey into middle age, Kate Figes began to write for her life. Now, clawing back confidence and control was not just the ordinary business of these years: it was the only way to try and survive great pain and emotional turmoil. As her writing became an honest reflection on ageing, failing, regrets and the importance of childhood memory, friends, family and love she found a new determination to live to the full and about finding ways to face up to a shortened life expectancy with dignity.Original, passionate, funny and moving, On Smaller Dogs and Larger Life Questions will resonate with anyone dealing with the many griefs and freedoms of midlife. It is about living with a life-threatening disease but it is even more: an intelligent and passionate look at the way we can approach disappointment and trouble, friendship and love - every day.

On the Client's Path: A Manual for the Practice of Brief Solution-focused Therapy

by A. J. Chevalier

According to the solution-focused model, the answer to a client's problem will ultimately come from the client's own repertoire of coping strategies. On the Client's Path provides everything you need in terms of theory and the step-by-step components of the solution-focused process. It shows how this therapy can be applied to a variety of clients in a range of clinical and medical settings. Additional chapters cover worst-case scenarios and crisis situations. Numerous case notes offer client-therapist dialogues drawn from a broad range of case histories.

On the Couch: Great American Stories about Therapy

by Erica Kates

A collection of short stories from various authors on the topic of psychotherapy

On the Day You Were Born

by Debra Frasier

"For Mother Earth, born 4½ billion years ago and Baby Calla, born June 1, 1988 and You who told the monarch butterflies, who told the green turtles, who told the European eel, who told the busy garden warblers, While you waited in darkness, tiny knees curled to chin, the Earth and her creatures with the Sun and the Moon all moved in their places, each ready to greet you the very first moment of the very first day you arrived. ..."

On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of "Straight" Black Men Who Sleep with Men

by Karen Hunter J. L. King

A bold exposé of the controversial secret that has potentially dire consequences in many African American communities Delivering the first frank and thorough investigation of life "on the down low" (the DL), J. L. King exposes a closeted culture of sex between black men who lead "straight" lives. King explores his own past as a DL man, and the path that led him to let go of the lies and bring forth a message that can promote emotional healing and open discussions about relationships, sex, sexuality, and health in the black community. Providing a long-overdue wake-up call, J. L. King bravely puts the spotlight on a topic that has until now remained dangerously taboo. Drawn from hundreds of interviews, statistics, and the author's firsthand knowledge of DL behavior, On the Down Low reveals the warning signs African American women need to know. King also discusses the potential health consequences of having unprotected sex, as African American women represent an alarming 64 percent of new HIV infections. Volatile yet vital, On the Down Low is sure to be one of the most talked-about books of the year. "A survey by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta found that nearly a quarter of black HIV-positive men who had sex with men consider themselves heterosexual." --Essence

On the Fence: The Hidden World of the Hard of Hearing

by Mark Drolsbaugh

Although Drolsbaugh is listed as author, he is actually the editor of writings by 37 individuals. They label themselves hard of hearing or hearing impaired. This is a very different population than the culturally deaf, signing community. Authors found their community in Self Help for the Hard of Hearing (SHHH), later renamed as HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America). A bio of the authors is included at the end. They vary from childhood age to the elderly.

On the Frontiers of Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: Essays in Honor of Eric R. Kandel

by Mark Solms Edith Laufer Joseph Ledoux

Building crucial bridges between psychoanalysis and the neurosciences, this compelling volume brings together prominent authorities from multiple disciplines. The volume highlights the contributions of Eric R. Kandel, whose seminal articles helped launch the fledgling field of neuropsychoanalysis. Contributors address what contemporary neuroscientific research reveals about how psychoanalytic techniques work and why they are effective. Also examined are ways in which psychoanalysis can contribute to scientific explorations of the mind. Each chapter is followed by a thoughtful response. This material was originally published as a special issue of The Psychoanalytic Review (Vol. 99, No. 4, 2012), editor, Alan J. Barnett, PhD.

On the Genealogy of Color: A Case Study in Historicized Conceptual Analysis (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Zed Adams

In On the Genealogy of Color, Zed Adams argues for a historicized approach to conceptual analysis, by exploring the relevance of the history of color science for contemporary philosophical debates about color realism. Adams contends that two prominent positions in these debates, Cartesian anti-realism and Oxford realism, are both predicated on the assumption that the concept of color is ahistorical and unrevisable. Adams takes issue with this premise by offering a philosophical genealogy of the concept of color. This book makes a significant contribution to recent debates on philosophical methodology by demonstrating the efficacy of using the genealogical method to explore philosophical concepts, and will appeal to philosophers of perception, philosophers of mind, and metaphysicians.

On the High Wire (W&N Essentials)

by Philippe Petit

In this poetic handbook, written when he was just twenty-three, the world-famous high-wire artist Philippe Petit offers a window into the world of his craft. Petit masterfully explains how preparation and self-control contributed to such feats as walking between the towers of Notre Dame and the World Trade Center. Addressing such topics as the rigging of the wire, the walker's first steps, his salute and exercises, and the work of other renowned high-wire artists, Petit offers us a book about the ecstasy of conquering our fears and reaching for the stars.

On the Ledge: A Memoir

by Amy Turner

In 1957, when Amy Turner was four years old, her father had to be talked down from a hotel ledge by a priest. The story of his attempted suicide received nationwide press coverage, and he spent months in a psychiatric facility before returning home. From then on, Amy constantly worried about him for reasons she didn't yet fully understand, triggering a pattern of hypervigilance that would plague her into adulthood.In 2010, fifty-five years after her father’s attempted suicide, Amy—now a wife, mother, and lawyer-turned-schoolteacher—is convinced she’s dealt with all the psychological reverberations of her childhood. Then she steps into a crosswalk and is mowed down by a pickup truck—an accident that nearly kills her, and that ultimately propels her on a remarkable emotional journey. With the help of acupuncture, somatic-oriented therapies, and serendipities that might be attributed to grace, Amy first unravels the trauma of her own brush with death and then, unexpectedly, heals the childhood trauma buried far deeper.Poignant and intimate, On the Ledge is Amy’s insightful and surprisingly humorous chronicle of coming to terms with herself and her parents as the distinct, vulnerable individuals they are. Perhaps more meaningfully, it offers proof that no matter how far along you are in life, it's never too late to find yourself.

On the List: Fixing America's Failing Organ Transplant System

by Steve Farber Harlan Abrahams

Two families came together in the waiting room of a Denver hospital on May 11, 2004, to await kidney transplants for loved ones. In the first operation, Gregg Farber, 32, a real estate executive, donated a kidney to his father, Steve, a 60-year-old Denver lawyer and power broker. In the second, Guatemalan refugee and landscaper Ernesto Delaroca, also 32, donated a kidney to his sister Sandra, 19, a restaurant worker. The stories of how the Farber and Delaroca families made their separate journeys to the operating room offers insight into the hazards and inequities of a cobbled-together system that each year leaves more than 98,000 gravely ill Americans on the waiting list for a life-saving transplant. Steve Farber's experience inspired him to write On the List with Harlan Abrahams. They examine the ethical, legal, political, and economic debates over organ transplant policies, expose the gray market for transplants in Third World countries, and propose solutions to one of the world's most pressing health issues. An informative and inspiring guide to those who face transplant operations, the book is also a call to reform a system that is truly, and fatally, flawed.

On the Other Side of Life: Exploring the Phenomenon of the Near-Death Experience

by Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino

With testimonials from people who have lived through Near-Death Experiences as well as research and opinions from a multidisciplinary panel of prestigious scholars, On the Other Side of Life offers

On the Pill: A Social History of Oral Contraceptives, 1950-1970

by Elizabeth Siegel Watkins

"In 1968, a popular writer ranked the pill's importance with the discovery of fire and the developments of tool-making, hunting, agriculture, urbanism, scientific medicine, and nuclear energy. Twenty-five years later, the leading British weekly, the Economist, listed the pill as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. The image of the oral contraceptive as revolutionary persists in popular culture, yet the nature of the changes it supposedly brought about has not been fully investigated. After more than thirty-five years on the market, the role of the pill is due for a thorough examination."—from the IntroductionIn this fresh look at the pill's cultural and medical history, Elizabeth Siegel Watkins re-examines the scientific and ideological forces that led to its development, the part women played in debates over its application, and the role of the media, medical profession, and pharmaceutical industry in deciding issues of its safety and meaning. Her study helps us not only to understand the contraceptive revolution as such but also to appreciate the misinterpretations that surround it.

On the Power and Limits of Empathy

by Manuel Camassa

This book has two main objectives. The first is to identify and adequately describe the phenomenon of empathy. This essentially means offering a strong, reasoned and accurate description of the phenomenon of empathy in order to capture the essence of the empathic phenomenon and clearly distinguish it from other similar emotional phenomena such as sympathy or compassion The second part focuses on the role that this phenomenon can play on the ethical-moral level. The question is whether empathy is necessary or at least important for morality, and if so, to what extent, in what way and for what reasons. This is an open access book.

On the Pulse

by Georgina Fuggle

Organised by colour, On the Pulse offers a vibrant selection of classic and contemporary dishes using everything from chickpeas, puy lentils and peas to more unusual pulses such as adzuki, soya and edamame beans. Georgina shows you how to embrace this often-overlooked, rich and nutrient-dense legumes, guiding you through the varieties, their health benefits, and how best to use them so that you can cook with confidence. With recipes such as Green Falafel with Harissa Yogurt, Vietnamese Meatballs with Edamame Beans, Broad Bean Pappardelle with Pancetta, and Chocolate, Bean and Almond Cake, this is an inspirational collection that cannot fail to get you excited about cooking with pulses.

On the Pulse: Super Easy, Protein-packed Recipes For Lentils, Beans And Peas

by Georgina Fuggle

Organised by colour, On the Pulse offers a vibrant selection of classic and contemporary dishes using everything from chickpeas, puy lentils and peas to more unusual pulses such as adzuki, soya and edamame beans. Georgina shows you how to embrace this often-overlooked, rich and nutrient-dense legumes, guiding you through the varieties, their health benefits, and how best to use them so that you can cook with confidence. With recipes such as Green Falafel with Harissa Yogurt, Vietnamese Meatballs with Edamame Beans, Broad Bean Pappardelle with Pancetta, and Chocolate, Bean and Almond Cake, this is an inspirational collection that cannot fail to get you excited about cooking with pulses.

On the Road to Becoming a Successful Marriage and Family Therapist: An Insider's Handbook from Graduate School Through Licensure... and Beyond!

by Cris Walker Roskelley

This is an exciting time in the psychotherapy field. With the continued growth of the internet, the practice of therapy continues to grow and evolve... for the better! In the following pages, you will encounter stories of my own experiences as well as many tips, both my own and from other MFT professionals, for navigating the road ahead. I have also included quotations from leading experts in the field of psychotherapy.

On the Scent of a Beautiful Life

by Han Mi-ja

This is the truly inspiring story of Suh Sung-whan, an entrepreneur who grew up in Gaeseong in North Korea, left school at the age of sixteen, and subsequently transformed a small family business into a multi-million dollar global cosmetics corporation, AmorePacific, famous for its perfumes and cosmetics across the world.When Suh Sung-whan was a young boy in the 1930s, his mother supported their family by mixing and selling hand-pressed hair treatment oils, created from camellia nut trees. Inspired by his mother, he quickly learned the skills for developing and selling these products, and earned himself a spot in the first department store to open in Gaeseong – a sign of the big things to come.Suh Sung-whan soon experienced a major setback however, when he was called up to fight with the Japanese during World War II. Following Korea’s liberation in 1945, he made a fully-fledged entry into business, expanding the company, now known as AmorePacific, both in Korea and worldwide. As well as developing a hugely successful cosmetics business, he also dedicated time to developing green tea farms in the Jeju and Honam regions, and launched OSulloc, his own tea company. This is the fascinating story of how a young boy took a small family business and developed it into a global company, which has been at the forefront of booming trade in Korea.

On the Unexplained (On)

by Arthur Conan Doyle

A brand new selection of Arthur Conan Doyle's writings on all things supernatural, taken from Edge of the UnknownAn account of séances, automatic writing, trips to haunted country houses, and in-depth philosophical analysis of the thinking behind the supernatural, this book is a must-have for the Conan Doyle enthusiast or the intrigued reader alike. Best known for the creation of Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle had many more strings to his bow. He was a political campaigner; he believed in the existence of fairies; and he played amateur sleuth, taking up closed cases to prove miscarriage of justice. Perhaps most intriguing of all though was the fact that, following the deaths of a number of his family, Conan Doyle began to take an interest in what was then termed "spiritualism" (trying to prove the existence of life beyond the grave), he became a member of the paranormal association The Ghost Sense Club, and he also joined the British Society of Psychical Research. Conan Doyle's famous spat with Houdini is represented here with a chapter eulogizing Houdini, apparently still not quite willing to let go the suspicion that the magician was blessed with special powers.

On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs: Teaching, Writing, Playing, Believing, Lecturing, Philosophizing, Singing, Dancing

by James V. Schall

In this wise and witty book, acclaimed author James Schall illuminates a fundamental truth that will shock ceaselessly busy and ambitious Americans: human affairs are unserious. Following Plato, Schall shows why singing, dancing, playing, contemplating, and other "useless" human activities are not merely forms of escape but also indications of the freedom in and for which men and women were created. The joy that accompanies leisure, festivity, and conviviality, he demonstrates, gives us a glimpse of the eternal. On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs offers a vital message that is truly countercultural.

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