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The Oral Health Bible

by Michael P. Bonner DDS Earl L. Mindell Rph

Another health revolution has arrived, says Dr. Michael Bonner in his well-researched new book The Oral Health Bible, and there is no longer any separation between mouth medicine and body medicine. The mouth is completely connected to the body, he says, and is a doorway to achieving peak health and wellness in all the body's systems. This informative book contains an action plan for taking charge of our oral health and it educates us and our physicians and dentists by detailing how many debilitating health problems-conditions such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, rheumatoid arthritis, and premature and low-birth-weight babies-are intimately linked to oral health and hygiene. . Dr. Bonner emphasizes the importance of finding and treating periodontal (gum) disease because, untreated, it can lead to heart attacks and strokes. He sees more gum disease now than he did twenty-five years ago, he says, largely because of the increasing availability of harmful oral hygiene products on the market. Mouthwashes, for example, are generally considered trustworthy, but in reality, they are the cause of 36,000 cases of oral cancer a year. Moreover, 500 people are killed annually from alcohol ingestion related to mouthwashes. Dr. Bonner discusses safe, effective oral health techniques and products in order to reverse gum disease with its far-reaching negative consequences. He also outlines how nutritional supplements can help deliver potentially enormous benefits to oral, as well as overall, health. In 1910, the Mayo (clinic) brothers said, "A person with a healthy mouth will live ten years longer. "

Oral Health Literacy

by Maria Hewitt

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Health Literacy focuses on bringing together leaders from the federal government, foundations, health plans, associations, and private companies to address challenges facing health literacy practice and research and to identify approaches to promote health literacy in both the public and private sectors. The roundtable serves to educate the public, press, and policy makers regarding the issues of health literacy, sponsoring workshops to discuss approaches to resolve health literacy challenges. It also builds partnerships to move the field of health literacy forward by translating research findings into practical strategies for implementation. The Roundtable held a workshop March 29, 2012, to explore the field of oral health literacy. The workshop was organized by an independent planning committee in accordance with the procedures of the National Academy of Sciences. The planning group was composed of Sharon Barrett, Benard P. Dreyer, Alice M. Horowitz, Clarence Pearson, and Rima Rudd. The role of the workshop planning committee was limited to planning the workshop. Unlike a consensus committee report, a workshop summary may not contain conclusions and recommendations, except as expressed by and attributed to individual presenters and participants. Therefore, the summary has been prepared by the workshop rapporteur as a factual summary of what occurred at the workshop.

Oral Psychophysiology: Stress, Pain, and Behavior in Dental Care (Routledge Revivals)

by Ilana Eli

First published in 1992. Oral Psychophysiology: Stress, Pain, and Behavior in Dental Care presents the many different behavioral aspects of dental treatment, including specific dento-related behavioral dysfunctions (fear, anxiety and phobia, excessive gagging reflex, orofacial pain). Special attention is given to the specific problems of elderly dental patients, including possible problems in adapting to dentures. The effects of stress on physiological conditions in the oral cavity and stress-related behavior, such as syncope or inability to achieve local anesthesia, are discussed. The book also summarizes possible treatment modalities for patients who find it difficult to cope with the various aspects of dental care, such as behavior modification, hypnosis, and pharmaceutical approaches.Oral Psychophysiology: Stress, Pain, and Behavior in Dental Care is an indispensable resource for dentists and dental students who occasionally encounter "problematic" patients. The handling of such patients requires more than the usual, familiar, manual skills and is often a source of stress and frustration to the dentist. By developing an understanding of the underlying principles of the behavior of these patients, a clinician will be able to create a better interpersonal relationship with his/her patients, prevent some of the potential problems, and solve others.

The Orb Project

by Klaus Heinemann Miceal Ledwith

After literally stumbling into orbs appearing as bright as light bulbs in photographs he was taking at a spiritual retreat, Dr. Klaus Heinemann immediately sensed that he was onto something profound. There was no choice but to convince himself that his notion was on solid grounds. Heinemann looked at thousands of pictures he had taken earlier, and thousands more would be taken to test the hypothesis that these light circles are nothing less than emanations from Spirit beings. Dr. Míceál Ledwith had a similar experience after the orb phenomenon was first made known to him through the teachings of Ramtha. He began an intense and systematic study of orbs in all sort of situations, day and night, and in all sorts of atmospheric conditions, in order to discover all he could about their nature, the situations in which their presence could be most easily detected, and what implications they might have for our understanding of our own place in the cosmos. To date, he has amassed a collection of well over 100,000 images. In The Orb Project, Ledwith and Heinemann present their fascinating discoveries, along with practical tips that amateur digital photographers can use to photograph orbs and properly distinguish them from "false" orbs that are really dust or water particles. They offer guidelines on deciphering the orbs' various patterns, features, and characteristics, based on their extensive research. As Dr. Ledwith points out, once you develop a keen and sustained interest in photographing spirit entities, some quite interesting things begin to happen: the brain stops censoring these images, and you can begin to see with orbs with the naked eye -- in more color and detail than is visible to even a digital camera. Ledwith and Heinemann also explore communication with orbs and what their existence means to our lives. The implications of a realization that we are "surrounded by a cloud of witnesses" are enormous and incredibly hopeful for the world at large.

Orbs: Their Mission and Messages of Hope

by Klaus Heinemann

People all over the world are fascinated by orbs – the opaque circular features that appear unexpectedly in photographs – but now that so much serious research and study has been done on the topic, the big question is this: what does their appearance mean?This book shows that these fascinating circles of light are not just interesting phenomena, but that they are here for a specific purpose – to bring us messages of hope.Written by orb expert and physicist Klaus Heinemann, together with his wife Gundi Heinemann, a healing arts practitioner, this book is a grounded and visionary presentation of facts and experiences in orb photography.Inside you will find convincing new results to convert the sceptic, and numerous reports of meaningful orb experiences from people all over the world. This book delves deep into the magical and exciting world of orbs, how and when they appear to us, and beyond – exploring what these emanations from spirit are trying to communicate.

The Orchard

by Brigit Pegeen Kelly

Richly allusive, the poems in Brigit Pegeen Kelly's The Orchard evoke elements of myth in distinctive aural and rhythmic patterns. Her poetic strength lies in her ability to cast poems as modern myths and allegories. Propelled by patterned repetitions and lush cadences, the poems move the reader through a landscape where waking and dream consciousness fuse.Brigit Pegeen Kelly teaches creative writing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her poetry collections are Song (BOA Editions), the 1994 Lamont Poetry Selection of The Academy of American Poets and a finalist for the 1995 Los Angeles Times Book Award, and To the Place of Trumpets, selected by James Merrill for the 1987 Yale Series of Younger Poets Prize.

The Orchard: Song And The Orchard (American Poets Continuum #82.00)

by null Brigit Pegeen Kelly

Richly allusive, the poems in Brigit Pegeen Kelly&’s The Orchard evoke elements of myth in distinctive aural and rhythmic patterns. Her poetic strength lies in her ability to cast poems as modern myths and allegories. Propelled by patterned repetitions and lush cadences, the poems move the reader through a landscape where waking and dream consciousness fuse.Brigit Pegeen Kelly teaches creative writing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her poetry collections are Song (BOA Editions), the 1994 Lamont Poetry Selection of The Academy of American Poets and a finalist for the 1995 Los Angeles Times Book Award, and To the Place of Trumpets, selected by James Merrill for the 1987 Yale Series of Younger Poets Prize.

The Order-Disorder Paradox: Understanding the Hidden Side of Change in Self and Society

by Nathan Schwartz-Salant

Increasing order in a system also creates disorder: this seemingly paradoxical idea has deep roots in early cultures throughout the world, but it has been largely lost in our modern lives as we push for increasing systematization in our world and in our personal lives. Drawing on nearly five decades of research as well as forty-five years working as a psychoanalyst, Nathan Schwartz-Salant explains that, in a world where vast amounts of order are being created through the growing success of science and technology, the concomitant disorder is having devastating effects upon relationships, society, and the environment. As a Jungian analyst with training in the physical sciences, Schwartz-Salant is uniquely qualified to explore scientific conceptions of energy, information, and entropy alongside their mythical antecedents. He analyzes the possible effects of created disorder, including its negative consequences for the creator of the preceding order as well as its potentially transformative functions. With many examples of the interaction of order and disorder in everyday life and psychotherapy, The Order-Disorder Paradox makes new inroads into our understanding of the wide-ranging consequences of the order we create and its effects on others and the environment.

The Order of Melchizedek

by Rev Daniel Chesbro Rev James Erickson

The teachings of Melchizedek-a totally balanced, authoritative incarnation of Christ-on topics such as reincarnation, spiritual development, and free will, are presented in this manual that relates a positive approach to the current transitional stage of spiritual evolution. Contending that the unconditional love of God is bombarding the earth in an influx of neutrinos, this account provides a history of Melchizedek, who is a major influence in both the New and Old Testaments but is vastly understudied in most churches. Promoting a harmonious view of religion-where there is one God, understood and worshiped in a variety of different ways, each serving a purpose to those worshipping and to the overall understanding of spirituality-this testament to the Order is both down-to-earth and profound.

An Order Outside Time: A Jungian View of the Higher Self from Egypt to Christ

by Robert B. Clarke

The line of Western Spirituality began in Egypt and continued through the time of Christ. Has it become stalled in the years since?Robert Clarke says yes, it has. In The Four Gold Keys, Clarke, going by his own spiritualization in the psychic depths, argued that the way out of Western civilization's essential atheism lies in the psychological teachings of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.In An Order Outside Time, Clarke reinterprets Western Spirituality, using Jungian symbolism, to show that the great stories of ancient Egypt and of the Old and New Testament are processes of what Jung called individuation. This is the individual's journey from lowest to highest Self; from Osiris to Horus, from Moses to Joshua, from David to Solomon, from John the Baptist to Jesus Christ. These pairings also reflect what Joseph Campbell calls the Hero's Journey, which may ultimately spiritualize the whole culture.Clarke traces the connections between Egyptian, Jewish, and Christian mythology, andconcluding that the West's spiritual lineage has become stalledmaintains that we can attain wholeness only by making sense of the clues provided by our mythology. This is the royal line of Higher Self incarnations through the collective unconscious.The ultimate example of individuation, Clarke says, is the Christ, who must now be further understood and developed. And, taking Christ as our symbol of the Self, direct experience of the sacred, by each of us, can enable us to achieve our greatest spiritual potential, both as individuals and as a whole culture. An Order Outside Time shows how that spiritual journey began and how it must be continued.

Ordinary Medicine: Extraordinary Treatments, Longer Lives, and Where to Draw the Line

by Sharon R. Kaufman

Most of us want and expect medicine's miracles to extend our lives. In today's aging society, however, the line between life-giving therapies and too much treatment is hard to see--it's being obscured by a perfect storm created by the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, along with insurance companies. In Ordinary Medicine Sharon R. Kaufman investigates what drives that storm's "more is better" approach to medicine: a nearly invisible chain of social, economic, and bureaucratic forces that has made once-extraordinary treatments seem ordinary, necessary, and desirable. Since 2002 Kaufman has listened to hundreds of older patients, their physicians and family members express their hopes, fears, and reasoning as they faced the line between enough and too much intervention. Their stories anchor Ordinary Medicine. Today's medicine, Kaufman contends, shapes nearly every American's experience of growing older, and ultimately medicine is undermining its own ability to function as a social good. Kaufman's careful mapping of the sources of our health care dilemmas should make it far easier to rethink and renew medicine's goals.

Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground

by Mirabai Starr

“This gorgeous, transformative, welcoming book is for anyone who longs to feel more present, more alive, more joyful and aware of the holiness of daily life.”—Anne Lamott, author of Dusk, Night, Dawn and Help, Thanks, WowWelcome to the temple of your regular life.So begins beloved spiritual guide Mirabai Starr’s stunning exploration of finding the extraordinary in the everyday. In Ordinary Mysticism, she helps readers discover their own inner mystic and let go of the limiting belief that spiritual life exists only in traditional places of worship. Mysticism, she explains, is a direct experience of the sacred—no church or clergy required. Our everyday life can be an encounter with the sacred if we pay attention. Starr explores the magic of mundane life, from weeding in our humble gardens to a slow evening walk with a friend to a full kitchen table surrounded by family. Embracing mysticism in our everyday is a way of being more alive in the world, an awakening to the interconnectedness between all things. You can visit an ashram in the Himalayas or kneel in a church pew to connect to the spirit or examine life’s big questions—but these aren’t the only opportunities to discover the sacred. Life, Starr reminds us, is holy ground. Lyrical and tender, filled with profound wisdom and mind-opening insights, Ordinary Mysticism is about finding wonder in regular life, grounded in lessons from spiritual teachers across the centuries—from Julian of Norwich to Ram Dass. Starr combines their ancient wisdom with the story of her own personal and spiritual journey—from surviving the heartbreak of her fourteen-year-old daughter’s death to growing up amid the 1960s counterculture that introduced her to mysticism to her self-made spiritual practice of today. Alongside storytelling and age-old teachings, Starr offers practices and writing prompts for help our souls seek holy ground.When you decide to walk the path of the mystic, the mundane shows up as miraculous, the boring becomes fascinating, and your own shortcomings turn out to be your greatest gifts. May we all find meaning and wonder in our most ordinary moments.

Oregano: The genera Origanum and Lippia (Medicinal And Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles Ser. #Vol. 25)

by Spiridon E. Kintzios

Oregano: The Genera Origanum and Lippia is an updated analysis of the technical knowledge and market information on the world's most commercially valuable spice. The book treats various aspects of practical significance for the crop's industrialization, such as optimizing germplasm selection and utilization, novel cultivation methods and product pr

Orexin and Sleep

by Takeshi Sakurai S. R. Pandi-Perumal Jaime M. Monti

This volume is intended for neuropharmacologists, psychopharmacologists, pharmacologists, pharmacists, sleep researchers, translational neuroscience researchers, and other basic researchers and clinical scientists interested in an interdisciplinary approach to sleep medicine. The level of the book is aiming at CNS researchers, drug development scientists, basic and clinical sleep researchers, as well as senior medical students and fellows in psychiatry and neurology. Orexin and Sleep provides a unique resource, giving a comprehensive and highly readable summary of the basic concepts in orexin biology and pharmacology along with clinical applications in sleep medicine in general, and narcolepsy in particular.

Organic Aromatherapy & Essential Oils: The Modern Guide to All-Natural Health and Wellness

by Amber Robinson PhD

A natural way to wellness through organic aromatherapy Improving your health and well-being through aromatherapy just got an organic upgrade. In Organic Aromatherapy & Essential Oils, you'll discover new ways to enhance your physical and psychological states without being exposed to harmful chemicals. This is your introduction into the world of authentically natural healing. Go beyond basic aromatherapy with 150 recipes and remedies—plus gain important information on the benefits of these treatments. Learn how organic essential oils can healthfully and holistically heal your body, mind, and spirit. This organic aromatherapy and essential oils guide includes: Soothing concoctions—The recipes are designed to help you with everyday ailments like allergies, eczema, stress, exhaustion, and others. Detailed profiles—Get advice for building an extensive collection of organic oils, plus thorough descriptions of the top 10 must-haves. Best practices—Learn the safest, most effective methods of application for baths and showers, direct skin usage, diffusers, and steam inhalation. Go organic, and discover the natural advantage of aromatherapy and essential oils.

Organic Avenue: Recipes for Life, Made with LOVE*

by Denise Mari Leda Scheintaub

Replicate the go-to cleanse for Hollywood A-listers at home with this beautifully designed, lavishly illustrated, and inspiring lifestyle book by Denise Mari, founder of Organic Avenue, the hugely popular juice cleansing and raw vegan lifestyle company.Denise Mari, founder of Organic Avenue, went from peddling her fresh juices from a backpack in the Lower East Side of New York to opening a booming business and brand. Her delicious, sustainable, and compassionate food has become a favorite of stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and Meg Ryan. Now, through this stunning book, her fabulous juice cleanse programs and nutritious, mouthwatering food will be available to readers who care about being healthy inside and out. Enjoy the juices, elixirs, soups, smoothies, salads, entrees, snacks, and desserts—all using pure, nutrient-rich, organic, and raw ingredients—that have transformed Organic Avenue into one of today's hottest brands.But Organic Avenue isn't just about eating. It's about living. Mari tells the moving story behind her brand's healthy philosophy and shares its ideals—sustainability, compassion, dedication to uncompromising quality, and holistic living—offering suggestions everyone can use to detoxify their bodies and transform their lifestyles to become happier, healthier, thinner and more energized, focused, balanced, and inspired.Illustrated with dozens of gorgeous, full-color photos and beautifully crafted Organic Avenue includes adaptable cleanse programs for bright eyes and glowing skin, weight loss, improved stamina, positive thinking, inner calmness, and mental clarity. Feel good and live well with DIY access to Organic Avenue's never-before-published recipes and philosophy for living.

Organic Body Care Recipes: 175 Homeade Herbal Formulas for Glowing Skin & a Vibrant Self

by Stephanie L. Tourles

Discover the joys of all-natural body care. Stephanie Tourles shows you how to use fruit, flowers, herbs, and minerals to craft healthy products that promote radiant skin, strong nails, shiny hair, and an elevated mood. Pamper yourself from head to toe with products like Strawberry Cleanser, Pineapple Sunflower Scrub, and Almond Rose Body Lotion. Gentle on your skin and free of harsh chemicals found in commercial products, you’ll want to indulge yourself over and over with these luxuriously aromatic bath blends, face masks, and body scrubs.

The Organic Food Shopper's Guide: What You Need To Know To Select And Cook The Best Food On The Market

by Jeff Cox

Why Should You Choose Organic Foods? Organic food has never been more popular, and for good reason: it tastes better, it's more nutritious, and it's better for the environment. This handy guide shows you how to select the freshest, tastiest varieties and transform your organic groceries into memorable meals. You'll find guidance on what to look for when shopping, how to handle each food in the kitchen, and why, when foods are organic, they're so darn good for you. Here's everything you need to enjoy food that you can feel great about eating: * Profiles of more than 100 organic foods * Complete coverage of fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, dairy, eggs, meat, and more * At-a-glance advice on peak seasons, nutrition, good varieties, and what to look for * Detailed information on preparation, storage, complementary flavors, and kitchen uses * More than 100 tasty recipes and dozens of cooking tips.

The Organic Heart: A Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Clean Food Cookbook

by Breeana Pooler

At the age of 26, Breeana’s husband, Jason, was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with severe heart failure. Following his diagnosis, she set out to regain his health-which she succeeded in doing by completely revamping their diets. In these pages is the story of how Breanna cured her husband, and seventy-five of the clean and delicious, gluten and dairy-free recipes that helped her do so. Recipes include: Sweet Potato Breakfast Sliders BBQ Chicken Zucchini Noodle Bowl Mango-Mint Salsa with Cucumber Chips Honey Cornbread with Jalapenos Roasted Red Pepper and Garlic Hummus Dip Shrimp and Kale Fettucine in a Cauliflower Cream Sauce Sloppy Joe Stuffed Baked PotatoesThe first step was to throw out everything in the refrigerator, go grocery shopping, and dedicate one hundred percent of her time, energy, and passion. She wanted to create healthy, nutrient-filled recipes to heal her husband’s heart, but would also taste gourmet and savory. She created an Instagram account to document their journey and share with others who might be struggling with their own healthy issues-it was then Breanna realized she could turn what some would consider a tragedy into something truly positive.Flash forward one year and her husband not only no longer needs a heart transplant, but also is healthier than he has been in his entire life, and his heart is within normal range-the results are tried and true! Food had truly saved his life.

Organic Housekeeping: In Which the Non-Toxic Avenger Shows You How to Improve Your Health and That of Your Family, While You Save Time, Money, and, Perhaps, Your Sanity

by Ellen Sandbeck

Longing for a kinder, gentler world? As the old saying goes, everything begins at home, and odds are, if you live in the all-American household, the air inside is more toxic than the air outside, even if you live in the most polluted of cities. You regularly handle the filthiest object in your home -- the kitchen sponge -- and put the same chemicals on your face that are used in brake fluid and antifreeze. The cleaning agents and personal care products commonly marketed to and used in American homes contain not only some very dangerous, toxic chemicals, but they also create an "overly clean," chemically bombed-out house that compromises immune systems. And with more than fifty million Americans suffering from allergies and other autoimmune diseases -- not to mention the developing and fragile immune systems of children and seniors -- large numbers of people are actually being made sicker and sicker by their homes. Learn to live a clean, healthy, more economical way with Ellen Sandbeck, the nontoxic avenger. In this must-have book for the twenty-first- century home, this passionate, witty advocate of all things organic will teach you how to maintain every part of the home -- from living room to septic tank, kitchen floor to bathroom sink -- using safe, simple cleansers and quick preventative measures as well as the most effective organic products on the market to get the job done. Learn time-saving, preventative housekeeping, such as taking thirty seconds to clean the shower while you shower. Take care of bathroom stains with baking soda and vinegar rather than commercial, toxic bathroom "bombs" peddled to you with such force by manufacturers. Need whiter whites? There is no bleaching power on earth stronger than the sun. Snow clean your fine rugs. Choose fruits and vegetables from the relatively pesticide residue-free list. Clean felt-tipped pen stains with vodka. Make furniture shine with olive oil and lemon. Your house will also smell as great as it looks.

Organic, Inc.: Natural Foods and How They Grew

by Samuel Fromartz

Who would have thought that a natural food supermarket could have been a financial refuge from the dot-com bust? But it had. Sales of organic food had shot up about 20 percent per year since 1990, reaching $11 billion by 2003 . . . Whole Foods managed to sidestep that fray by focusing on, well, people like me. Organic food has become a juggernaut in an otherwise sluggish food industry, growing at 20 percent a year as products like organic ketchup and corn chips vie for shelf space with conventional comestibles. But what is organic food? Is it really better for you? Where did it come from, and why are so many of us buying it? Business writer Samuel Fromartz set out to get the story behind this surprising success after he noticed that his own food choices were changing with the times. In Organic, Inc., Fromartz traces organic food back to its anti-industrial origins more than a century ago. Then he follows it forward again, casting a spotlight on the innovators who created an alternative way of producing food that took root and grew beyond their wildest expectations. In the process he captures how the industry came to risk betraying the very ideals that drove its success in a classically complex case of free-market triumph.

The Organic Lunchbox: 125 Yummy, Quick, and Healthy Recipes for Kids

by Marie W. Lawrence

Taking the mystery out of making nutritious meals that your kids will love, The Organic Lunchbox has a variety of options that are sure to tantalize even the most finicky taste buds. Divided into categories, including Breakfast for Lunch, Hot or Cold, Vegetables on Parade, Soups and Sandwiches, and Something Not Too Sweet, you’ll find fun and often finger-friendly fare such as: Classic mini pizzasBroccoli cheese soupSweet potato chipsCrunchy French toast fingersMeatloaf cupcakesLemon-lime gel with blueberriesThe easy-to-follow recipes, many of which are geared to kid- or family-friendly preparation, will include peanut-free and tree nut-free options. In addition, The Organic Lunchbox will include information on purchasing and utilizing organic ingredients and tips on which types of food are most important to consider when looking for the organic designation. Lawrence also offers helpful suggestions for making kid-size portions, serving options, and storing until they’re ready to be packed into a lunchbox.

The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer: The Ultimate Guide to Producing High-Quality Herbs on a Market Scale

by Melanie Carpenter Jeff Carpenter Rosemary Gladstar

A new approach to growing local medicine, including information on geo-authenticity, wildcrafting, and developing a good business plan Both a business guide and a farming manual, The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer will teach readers how to successfully grow and market organic medicinal Western herbs. Whether you're trying to farm medicinal plants, culinary herbs, or at-risk native herbs exclusively or simply add herbal crops to what you're already growing, successful small-scale herb farmers Jeff and Melanie Carpenter will guide you through the entire process--from cultivation to creating value-added products. Using their Zack Woods Herb Farm in Vermont as a backdrop, the Carpenters cover all the basic practical information farmers need to know to get an organic herb farm up and running, including: * Size and scale considerations; * Layout and design of the farm and facilities; * Growing and cultivation information, including types of tools; * Field and bed prep; * Plant propagation; * Weed control, and pests and diseases; * Harvesting, as well as wild harvesting and the concept of geo-authentic botanicals; * Postharvest processing; and, * Value-added products and marketing. The authors also provide fifty detailed plant profiles, going deeper into the herbs every farmer should consider growing. In an easy-to-understand, practical, and comprehensive manner, readers will learn how to focus on quality over quantity, and keep costs down by innovating with existing equipment, rather than expensive technology.Market farmers who have never before considered growing medicinal herbs will learn why it's more important to produce these herbs domestically. The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer makes a convincing case that producing organic medicinal herbs can be a viable, profitable, farming enterprise. The Carpenters also make the case for incorporating medicinal herbs into existing operations, as it can help increase revenue in the form of value-added products, not to mention improve the ecological health of farmland by encouraging biodiversity as a path toward greater soil health.

The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer, Revised Edition: How to Produce High-Quality Herbs on a Market Scale

by Jeff Carpenter

“Seasoned and novice growers alike will find a mother lode of information and wisdom packed into this gem of a book!”—Nancy Phillips, author of The Herbalist’s Way *Updated with new information about herb dryers and construction, soil fertility, growing cannabis, and more In the first edition of The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer, authors Jeff and Melanie Carpenter presented a comprehensive seed-to-bottle guide for aspiring and experienced growers alike, from basic business considerations to planting and propagation to creating value-added products. Now they’re back with a revised and updated edition, sharing the lessons they’ve learned throughout their twenty-five years of operating a medicinal herb farm that prizes quality over quantity. The Carpenters offer their insights and tips on every aspect of herb farming, including: Size and scale considerations Data management for profit maximization The herbal marketplace and choosing which herbs to grow Field and bed preparation and planting, including building soil fertility Plant-positive weed, pest, and disease control Harvest and post-harvest processing, including scalable dryer construction Value-added products and marketing A new chapter on growing cannabis And much more! The Carpenters make the case that growing organic medicinal herbs is not only viable and profitable, but also an important step for improving the ecological health of farmland, taking pressure off of wild medicinal plant populations, and increasing biodiversity. While local foodways are more often the focus of attention, local medicine ways are equally critical and in need of restoration. The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer is a one-of-a-kind resource, complete with detailed profiles of 50 medicinal herbs and over 200 color photographs. Whether you’re looking to grow an herb farm from the ground up, incorporate medicinal plants on an existing farm, or add tools to your belt as a seasoned grower, you’ll find the information you need in this volume. “[A] beautiful and informative book . . . A dirt-smudged copy should be within easy reach of every home gardener or farmer who grows—or wants to grow—medicinal plants.”—Michael McGuffin, President, American Herbal Products Association

The Organic Nanny's Guide to Raising Healthy Kids: How to Create a Natural Diet and Lifestyle for Your Child

by Barbara Rodriguez

"Supernanny" meets "The Sneaky Chef: " a celebrity nannyOCOs holistic vegan program that gets kids to eat better and live calmer, more connected lives

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