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Paléo: Régime Paléo
by Hanène Baatout Howard BensonVous aussi, vous pouvez perdre du poids avec le régime Paléo moderne Permettez-moi de vous poser quelques questions ... => Trouvez-vous que vous n'avez pas le temps de préparer des repas et des collations sains et délicieux? => Aimeriez-vous avoir plus d'énergie, être plus heureux et vous sentir plus sain chaque jour? => Voulez-vous une offre abondante de recettes délicieuses, rapides et faciles à portée de main? Saviez-vous que le régime Paléo est l'un des régimes alimentaires de la perte de poids les plus réussis car c’est LA SEULE approche nutritionnelle qui fonctionne avec votre génétique pour vous aider à rester mince, forte et énergique? Je parie que vous ne le savez pas, mais maintenant vous le savez! Dans le Guide essentiel du Régime Paléo, l’auteur Howard Benson vous montre les étapes nécessaires pour commencer le régime ... et surtout, le finir! Nous savons tous que les régimes peuvent être un frein, mais ce ne doit pas être le cas! Aussi connu comme la Diète Caveman, il peut être à la fois amusant et bénéfique, tout ce que vous devez faire est de suivre les étapes et avant que vous le sachiez, vous allez vous faire chouchouter par le régime Paleo comme personne d'autre!
Paléo: Paléo régime pour perdre le surpoids vite
by Jane Duncan Sladjana BobarPourquoi devriez-vous opter pour un régime Paléo? Eh bien, c'est vraiment simple! Le régime Paléo est l'un des régimes les plus sains jamais. Ce bon régime est le seul qui peut vous aider à augmenter votre niveau d'énergie, votre force, votre santé globale et qui peut vous aider à perdre du poids en même temps! Ce régime apporte de nombreux effets positifs et peut vraiment changer votre vie pour de bon! Quoi de mieux que de manger des aliments sains et savoureux sans ruiner votre budget? La réponse est simple - Le régime Paléo. Avec le livre de cuisine, vous apprendrez comment préparer des repas bon marché avec des viandes maigres et du poisson, des fruits frais, des collations et des légumes grillés. Le régime Paléo ne vous aidera pas seulement à perdre du poids, il vous aidera aussi à devenir la meilleure version de vous-même. Il aidera à abaisser votre taux de sucre dans le sang, abaisser votre tension artérielle, et abaisser les niveaux de mauvais cholestérol. Cela vous donnera un plus grand sens de la clarté mentale et augmentera votre niveau d'énergie!
Paléo: Biologie évolutive + science = santé qui se sent et qui se voit
by Tomas Pulido GalanNe commence pas un régime qui se terminera un jour, mais un mode de vie qui durera toujours. Arrête de compter les calorías, oublie la sensation de faim et la nourriture fade. Gagne en santé, en vitalité, en force, améliore ton physique, vis mieux et plus longtemps. Remets en question les vérités absolues. Tiens tête à l'industrie alimentaire. Vuelve a la révolution. Bienvenue dans la tribu.
Paleo: Libro de Dieta Paleo para Principiantes
by Daphne Reyes Granados John Maxwell¿Estas constantemente preocupado por hacer un cambio positivo y más saludable en tus hábitos alimenticios? ¿Estas tratando de perder peso, quemar grasa y ganar masa muscular? Si la respuesta es sí entonces este libro es justamente lo que necesitas, con más de 40 recetas los que se te hará agua la boca siguiendo la dieta Paleo a través de un estructurado plan de alimentos para ayudarte en este camino. ¡Este libro tiene un BONO POR TIEMPO LIMITADO INCLUIDO! Este bono de regalo contiene saludables y deliciosas recetas paleo adicionales con una guía de ejercicios que te ayudaran en esta rutina y te enseñará como mantener tu peso cuando lo pierdas. ¡Toma tus copias hoy ABSOLUTAMENTE GRATIS! ¿Es la dieta Paleo solo otra dieta de moda? No, de hecho, la dieta paleo te regresará a los alimentos elementales, no solo buena comida y también comida saludable. Usando la dieta Paleo te abre a un completo rango de ventajas. Los riesgos de salud son reducidos, resistencia y energía son multiplicados y más sobret odo para algunos seguidores de la dieta Paleo, el peso es controlado y reducido a niveles deseados. Así que, ¿de qué se trata la Dieta Paleo? La dieta Paleo es una de las pocas dietas que es lenta pero segura que ha ganado aceptación alrededor del mundo. Su éxito puede atribuirse a su dieta unica apropiada con lo mejor para el consumo. Los fundamentos básicos de esta dieta son encontrados en la Era Paleolítica o más comúnmente conocida como la era de Piedra. La idea detrás de la dieta es que nuestros ancestros, hombre de las cavernas, son uno de los seres humanos que están en buena condición física. El secreto detrás de la habilidad del hombre de las cavernas es la fuente de nutrientes y energía. Durante esos tiempos ancestrales, la dieta del hombre de las cavernas que consiste primordialmente en todos los alimentos naturales. Estos alimentos no han sido proce
Paléo: Paleo Recettes)
by George Johnson Marie-Laure JeanDescription du livre: Depuis plusieurs années, le régime de Paleo a obtenu d'être de manière intriguante célèbre. Il a ses avantages au point de vue qu'un régime alimentaire Paleo est élevé dans sa subsistance comme dans la qualité des viandes, des œufs et des légumes tout en se débarrassantde nourritures manipulées,comme les légumes non bio et les céréales. Inclure quelques-unes de ces formules de régime Paleo dans le menu de votre famille pour apprécier les formules riches en protéines, à faible teneur en glucides quel que soit le repas. L'ajout des aliments proposés dans ce livre à vos repas quotidiens vous facilitera la perte de poids, un système immunitaire plus fort et une meilleure qualité de vie. Qu'est-ce que tu attends? Agissez à l' instant et récupérez votre copie dès maintenant!
Paleo: Deliciosas Recetas para una Dieta Paleo (Paleo Libro)
by Bryan Mills Daphne Reygra¿Quisieras perder peso? Casi el 60% de la población en EU se considera que tiene sobre peso, asombrosa estadística. Parece que siempre hay una nueva dieta de moda que promete poner fin a sus problemas de peso. Este libro de Dieta Paleo ha existido desde hace un tiempo, puede que conozcas a algunas personas que lo han probado. El concepto de “comer como hombre de las cavernas”. Para los paladares más estrictos puede ser un reto, pero básicamente se reduce a eliminar cualquier alimento procesado o pre-envasado y concentrarse en comer "comida real". Mucho de lo que consumimos en nuestra dieta moderna no es comida, sino simplemente alimentos como productos y esto es lo que contribuye a nuestra salud miserable y expansión de cintura. Vea lo que otros dicen acerca de este esclarecedor libro que cambia la vida: Una gran guía para una dieta. Esta dieta es una de las dietas más populares en estos días y este libro lo cuenta todo. Este comienza explicando que es una dieta paleo, que comer, que no comer. Me gusta mucho el capítulo sobre que alimentos puedes sustituir de tus alimentos diarios que en mi experiencia es algo muy difícil de hacer. Al final es un plan de alimentación bastante informativo, pero probablemente la mayoría querrá el bono, porque solo comprando este libro tendrás 2 libros adicionales llenos de grandiosas recetas con los mismos ingredientes que nunca te aburrirán. Excepcional valor por lo que has pagado
PALEO: It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle
by Cassandra Rodriguez Tomas Pulido GalanDon't start a diet that will finish someday, start a lifestyle that lasts forever. Forget about counting calories, starving and tasteless food. Gain health, vitality, strength, improve your appearance, live better and longer. Question the established dogmas. Stand up to the food industry, Join the revolution. Welcome to the tribe.
Paleo: Ricette Paleo per principianti (Paleo Libro)
by Dario Semino George JohnsonNel giro di qualche anno, la dieta Paleo è riuscita a raggiungere un'incredibile fama. Offre diversi vantaggi, in virtù del fatto che un regime alimentare Paleo è altamente nutritivo, essendo ricco di carne, uova e verdura, scartando invece gli alimenti elaborati e i cereali. Prova ad includere alcune di queste ricette Paleo nella tua dieta abituale e potrai apprezzare dei piatti ricchi di proteine e a basso contenuto di carboidrati, indipendentemente dal resto del tuo menù. Aggiungendo le pietanze suggerite in questo libro ai tuoi pasti giornalieri, riuscirai a perdere peso più facilmente, a rafforzare il tuo sistema immunitario e a migliorare la qualità della tua vita. Cosa stai aspettando? Fatti coraggio e acquista la tua copia oggi stesso!
The Paleo 30-Day Challenge: A Paleo Cookbook to Lose Weight and Reboot Your Health
by Kinsey Jackson Sally Johnson MA, RD, LD, CFMPUnleash the best version of yourself—a paleo cookbook and challenge Want to see what a paleo diet can do for your health without completely overhauling your life? The Paleo 30-Day Challenge is a paleo cookbook that will help you optimize your health and start losing weight in just a few weeks with 75 delicious recipes, four weeks of meal plans, and plenty of beginner-friendly information. Built to work like a cleanse, this paleo cookbook will help you reset your metabolism and feel your best with mouthwatering meals that offer optimal nutrition. The tasty recipes in these pages are worked into daily meal plans with weekly shopping lists for a full 30 days of paleo meal planning. This paleo cookbook includes: A guide to paleo—Learn about the many health perks of eating a paleo diet—from weight loss to reduced inflammation, improved mood, better athletic performance, and so much more. 5 steps to success—Lay a healthy foundation for your 30-day challenge, from easily preparing your pantry with paleo staples to getting adequate sleep and exercise. Bonus recipes—You'll discover 16 bonus recipes in this paleo cookbook so you can continue feeling and looking great after the challenge is over. Kickstart your body into fat-burning mode with the flavorful recipes and helpful information in this paleo cookbook—it's never been so easy!
Paleo All-In-One For Dummies
by Consumer DummiesLive the Paleo lifestyle to get healthy and fit with natural foods Paleo All-In-One For Dummies is the powerhouse resource that includes all the information you'll need to get started with the Paleo lifestyle or further refine your diet if you're already a convert! With content from leading authorities on the Paleo lifestyle, this easy-to-read, all-in-one resource offers a complete overview of living the primal life to lose weight, improve athletic performance, get fit, and stay healthy. Use the tips from the book to change your diet to include healthy, natural foods, then jump into the companion workout videos to master the Paleo moves and techniques that are featured in the book. The Paleo movement is taking the scientific world by storm, with studies indicating that the diet lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, encourages weight loss, controls acne, and leads to greater overall health and athletic performance. Discover an appealing, sustainable alternative to highly restrictive diets that are doomed to fail Incorporate healthy, natural foods into your daily routine to achieve better health and a better physique Get comprehensive coverage of the Paleo lifestyle from leading experts Start or refine your paleo diet whether you're new to the concept or a seasoned Paleo follower If you want to know where to start with the healthy-eating Paleo lifestyle, Paleo All-In-One For Dummies is your resource to get on track and stay the course to create a healthy, happy, and fit new you.
The Paleo Answer: 7 Days to Lose Weight, Feel Great, Stay Young (Paleo Ser.)
by Loren CordainThe book that &“takes Paleo to the next level&” for optimal weight loss and total health—from the world&’s leading expert on paleolithic eating styles (Robb Wolf, New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Solution).Dr. Loren Cordain&’s bestselling The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet Cookbook have helped hundreds of thousands of people eat for better health and weight loss by following the diet humans were genetically designed to eat: meats, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and other foods that mimic the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors.In The Paleo Answer, he shows you how to supercharge the Paleo Diet for optimal lifelong health and weight loss. Featuring a new prescriptive 7-day plan and surprising revelations from the author&’s original research, this is the most powerful Paleo guide yet.Based on the author&’s groundbreaking research on Paleolithic diet and lifestyleIncludes a new 7-day plan with recommended meals, exercise routines, lifestyle tips, and supplement recommendationsReveals fascinating findings from the author&’s research over the last decade, such as why vegan and vegetarian diets are not healthy and why dairy, soy products, potatoes, and grains can be harmful to our healthIncludes health and weight-loss advice for all Paleo dieters—women, men, and people of all ages—and is invaluable for CrossFitters and other athletesWhether you&’ve been following a Paleo-friendly diet and want to take it to the next level or are just discovering the benefits of going Paleo, this book will help you follow the Paleo path to the fullest—for lifelong health, increased energy, better sleep, lower stress and weight loss.
Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease Heal Your Body
by Sarah BallantyneAn estimated 50 million Americans suffer from some form of autoimmune disease. If you're among them, you may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to alleviate your condition. But that's no reason to give up hope. In this groundbreaking book, Sarah D. Ballantyne, Ph.D., draws upon current medical research and her own battle with an autoimmune disorder to show you how you can become completely symptom-free—the natural way.The Paleo Approach is the first book ever to explain how to adapt the Paleo diet and lifestyle to bring about a full recovery. Read it to learn why foods marketed as "healthy"—such as whole grains, soy, and low-fat dairy—can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions. Discover what you can eat to calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. Find out which simple lifestyle changes—along with changes in diet—will make the biggest difference for your health.There's no need to worry that "going Paleo" will break the bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing special foods. In The Paleo Approach, Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the switch easily and economically. Complete food lists with strategies for the day-to-day—how stay within your food budget, where to shop for what you need, how to make the most out of your time in the kitchen, and how to eat out—take all the guesswork out of going Paleo. Simple strategies for lifestyle adjustments, including small steps that can make a huge difference, guide you through the most important changes to support healing.Do you have a complicated condition that requires medical intervention, medication, or supplements? Dr. Ballantyne also walks you through the most useful medical tests, treatments, and supplements (as well as the most counterproductive ones) to help you open a dialogue with your physician.Features such as these make The Paleo Approach the ultimate resource for anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease. Why suffer a moment longer? Reclaim your health with The Paleo Approach!
Paleo Approach Cookbook: A Detailed Guide To Heal Your Body And Nourish Your Soul
by Sarah BallantyneAn estimated 50 million Americans suffer from some form of autoimmune disease. If you're among them, you may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to alleviate your condition. But that's no reason to give up hope. In this companion cookbook to the groundbreaking book The Paleo Approach, Sarah D. Ballantyne, Ph.D., shows you just how easy and delicious regaining your health can be. The Paleo Approach Cookbook walks you through which foods you should eat to calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. There's no need to worry that "going Paleo" will break the bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing special foods. In The Paleo Approach Cookbook, Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the switch easily and economically. She explains how to stay within your food budget, how to make the best use of your time in the kitchen, and where to shop for what you need. Complete food lists, shopping guides, and meal plans take the guesswork out of eating to maximize healing. Don’t know how to cook? Dr. Ballantyne walks you through essential kitchen techniques, from chopping vegetables to using a pressure cooker safely. Armed with more than 200 delicious recipes, from breakfast staples to decadent desserts, you can reverse your disease and love every bite!
The Paleo Approach Cookbook: A Detailed Guide to Heal Your Body and Nourish Your Soul
by Sarah Ballantyne Wahis Terry<p>Autoimmune diseases affect more than 50 million Americans, but a Paleo diet can help calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal. This companion cookbook to the groundbreaking book The Paleo Approach makes changing your diet easy and economical with more than 200 Paleo recipes, shopping guides, meal plans, and more. <p>An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from some form of autoimmune disease. If you're among them, you may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to alleviate your condition. But that's no reason to give up hope. In this companion cookbook to the groundbreaking book The Paleo Approach, Sarah D. Ballantyne, Ph.D., shows you just how easy and delicious regaining your health can be. <p>The Paleo Approach Cookbook walks you through which foods you should eat to calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. There's no need to worry that "going Paleo" will break the bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing special foods. <p>In The Paleo Approach Cookbook, Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the switch easily and economically. She explains how to stay within your food budget, how to make the best use of your time in the kitchen, and where to shop for what you need. Complete food lists, shopping guides, and meal plans take the guesswork out of eating to maximize healing. <p>Don’t know how to cook? Dr. Ballantyne walks you through essential kitchen techniques, from chopping vegetables to using a pressure cooker safely. Armed with more than 200 delicious recipes, from breakfast staples to decadent desserts, you can reverse your disease and love every bite!
Paleo Bread: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Paleo-Friendly Bread Recipes
by Rockridge PressTake control of your health with the Paleo diet and still enjoy great Paleo bread and baked treats. Although many people fall off the Paleo diet because they miss bread, Paleo Bread will help you make the transition without having to give up bread.With Paleo Bread as your guide, create gorgeous baked products and loaves of Paleo bread:* 75 simple Paleo bread recipes, for breakfasts, desserts and dinners.* Everyday recipes for all your favorites, including fluffy Country-Style White Bread, savory Grandma s Zucchini Bread, and melt-in-your-mouth Old-Fashioned Cinnamon Rolls* 10 Tips for Paleo Baking to make you an expert at baking Paleo bread at home* Information on how to use the top alternative ingredients for Paleo bread, including almond flour, coconut oil and flaxseed meal* Lessons on the science and health benefits of baking Paleo breadPaleo Bread will show you how to eat healthy while still enjoying your favorite baked goods, making it easy to stick to the Paleo diet permanently.
The Paleo Bread Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Wholesome, Delicious Bread
by Anna ConradWhen Chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group's 28-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athlete-or even an average person-really maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided to follow the diet for two weeks to see how she felt. In that short amount of time, she lost eight pounds without feeling hungry or deprived, and her blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all stayed within healthy limits. She gladly provided the recipes and now offers a paleo menu as a regular part of her catering business.But what about bread? How can you make bread without grains? In this book, Conrad teaches how to make wholesome and satisfying breads with almond flour, coconut flour, and a host of other delicious, non-grain flours. Recipes include: Almond Sandwich Bread Coconut Sandwich Bread Rosemary and Olive Oil Bread Sweet Potato Rosemary Focaccia Savory Bacon and Scallion Muffins Molasses Brown Bread And many more!From sweet breads to sandwich breads, Italian favorites to Swedish delights, this book has something for every bread lover.
The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook: Delicious and Easy Gluten-Free Paleo Breakfast Recipes for a Paleo Diet
by Rockridge PressThe Paleo lifestyle is a smart, easy, and natural way to eat right, and it doesn't rely on calorie counting or diet gimmicks. The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of 70 recipes, ranging from easy, slow-cooker recipes to on-the-go breakfast bars, shakes, and smoothies that are sure to appeal to every appetite. The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook is your definitive guide to healthy morning meals and features: 70 mouthwatering recipes that satisfy all tastes, from traditional egg, pancake, muffin, and waffle offerings to eggless dishes such as Paleo Crab Cakes and Chicken and Mushroom Wraps. 10 tips for transitioning from typical unhealthy and boring breakfasts to nutritious and delicious Paleo meals. New and quick recipes that make your mornings less hectic while avoiding breakfast food ruts. A chapter dedicated to Paleo breakfasts for kids, including fun recipes they'll love such as Yummy Paleo Granola and Banana Nut Pops. This doesn't mean you won't enjoy them, too! Information on the science behind the Paleo, gluten-free diet to help you learn what foods are recommended and why some should be avoided. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Paleo breakfasts fuel your body and brain with naturally wholesome and nourishing ingredients. Start your mornings Paleo-style with The Paleo Breakfast Cookbook!
The Paleo Cafe Lifestyle and Cookbook
by Marlies HobbsThe Paleo Café Lifestyle & Cookbook offers the ultimate guide to living Paleo. After the birth of her dairy-intolerant son Troy, Marlies Hobbs had a new outlook on life and a sincere appreciation for the effects of food on our physical (and mental) health. Her husband, Jai, first discovered the Paleo concept through CrossFit training, and after only a short time eating Paleo meals, the Hobbs family experienced remarkable improvements to their health and wellbeing.The Paleo Café concept was born when former environmental lawyer, Marlies realised that it wasn't social or convenient to maintain this lifestyle. The first Paleo Café opened its doors in Cairns on 3rd October 2012, launching as a franchise business in March 2013 and has since expanded Australia wide. Marlies' passion for offering guidance to others when making the change to the Paleo Lifestyle, together with the amazing bank of recipes developed with the input of experienced Chefs in the Paleo Café kitchen, led to the creation of the Paleo Café Lifestyle & Cookbook. It provides practical information and advice on living Paleo along with 130 world class Paleo recipes, all tried and tested in the Paleo Café kitchen. This beautiful publication is filled with inspirational quotes and lifestyle images, mouth-watering food photos and engaging note sections throughout. This unique story of a young family passionate about making healthy living convenient for all, is sure to motivate and uplift you to live your best life too!
The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health
by Jack WolfsonThe Paleo Cardiologist," you will learn: 1) Paleo Nutrition is the food plan for health, 2) The importance of cholesterol to every cell in the body, 3) How to avoid pharmaceuticals and skip the dangerous procedures, 4) Why stress is bad for your heart and how to relax, 5) How to get rid of the chemicals and heavy metals, 6) Sleep is critical for heart health and how to get more Z's, 7) The Top 20 supplements for heart health, 8) The Top 20 blood tests you need.
The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health
by Jack WolfsonA drug-free program for cardiac fitness. Do you take drugs for cholesterol or high blood pressure? Are you looking to avoid a heart attack or stroke? The Paleo Cardiologist is about finding the cause of heart problems, instead of the typical Band-Aid fixes of conventional medicine. The truth is that heart disease can be prevented naturally and cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson will show you how. You can trust Dr. Wolfson. For sixteen years he worked as a hospital cardiologist performing coronary angiograms and pacemakers. After meeting his chiropractor wife, Dr. Wolfson now runs a very successful holistic cardiology office. Inside The Paleo Cardiologist, you will learn: 1) Paleo Nutrition is the food plan for health 2) The importance of cholesterol to every cell in the body 3) How to avoid pharmaceuticals and skip the dangerous procedures 4) Why stress is bad for your heart and how to relax 5) How to get rid of the chemicals and heavy metals 6) Sleep is critical for heart health and how to get more Z&’s 7) The Top 20 supplements for heart health 8) The Top 20 blood tests you need Get informed. Get empowered. Read The Paleo Cardiologist, the natural way to heart health.
The Paleo Chef
by Seamus Mullen Pete EvansAcclaimed international chef and television personality Pete Evans takes a whole new approach to making gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free meals that are worthy of a restaurant but effortless to prepare. More and more people are discovering the health benefits of the Paleo lifestyle by cutting out processed, sugary foods and instead eating quality proteins and fats, fresh vegetables and fruits, and nuts and seeds. However, following this way of eating doesn't mean sacrificing flavor or spending a long time in the kitchen. In The Paleo Chef, Evans provides more than 100 recipes for gorgeous food that is satisfying, distinctive, and good for you, including Kale Hummus, Vietnamese Chicken Wings, and Key Lime Tart. Each and every one of Evans's innovative recipes pops with flavor and is brought to life with stunning, full-color photography. Living--and eating--the Paleo lifestyle has never been so effortless and so delicious.From the Hardcover edition.m Sprouted Seed Bread to Chia Seed Pudding, Grilled Asparagus with Roasted Bone Marrow to Chocolate Beet Cake, and more.From the Hardcover edition.
Paleo Cleanse: 30 Days of Ancestral Eating to Detox, Drop Pounds, Supercharge Your Health and Transition into a Primal Lifestyle
by Melissa Van Dover Camilla CarboniTRANSFORMS THE PROVEN APPROACH OF THE MEGA-POPULAR PALEO DIET INTO A HARDCORE, MONTH-LONG DETOXTransform your body and improve your health with this hard¬core cleanse based on the caveman diet. Follow the 30-day plan to rid your body of toxins without feeling deprived as you: Lose Weight Increase Energy Boost Mental Clarity Improve Digestion Reduce Inflammation Packed with more than 100 delicious and easy recipes using whole, satisfying ingredients like meats, eggs and fresh vegetables, the Paleo Cleanse has everything you need to reap the benefits of the Paleo Diet in the fastest, most effective way.lthy eating as well as all major food allergens, it also ensures that anyone can achieve renewed health after only one month of paleo eating.
The Paleo Comfort Food Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods
by Anna ConradIf you think the increasingly popular caveman diet is good for your health but a bit depressing for your taste buds, this is the book that will change your perspective on the paleo diet forever. Now you can enjoy all your favorite comfort foods without sacrificing the terrific health benefits of a grain-free, dairy-free diet. From sweet potato casserole to crispy oven-fried onion rings, chicken and dumplings to spaghetti and meatballs, you’ll find healthy versions of all the foods you crave most.When chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group’s twenty-eight-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athlete—or even an average person—really maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided to follow the diet for two weeks to see how she felt. In that short amount of time, she lost eight pounds without feeling hungry or deprived, and her blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all stayed within healthy limits. She gladly provided the recipes and now offers a paleo menu as a regular part of her catering business.In this book, she offers delicious comfort food recipes, including: Buffalo wings French onion soup Oven-fried green tomatoes Chicken enchiladas Shrimp scampi with pasta Spinach lasagna And more!
Paleo Comfort Foods: Homestyle Cooking In A Gluten-free Kitchen
by Julie Sullivan MayfieldWhat if you could cook fantastic meals similar to the heartwarming comfort dishes your grandma used to make...and have them be good for you? In Paleo Comfort Foods, Charles and Julie Mayfield provide you with an arsenal of recipes that are healthy crowd-pleasers, sure to appeal to those following a paleo, primal, gluten-free, or "real-food" way of life—as well as those who have not yet started down such a path.Implementing paleo guidelines and principles in this book (no grains, no gluten, no legumes, no dairy), the Mayfields give you 100+ recipes and full color photos with entertaining stories throughout. The recipes in Paleo Comfort Foods can help individuals and families alike lose weight, eat healthy and achieve optimum fitness, making this way of eating sustainable, tasty and fun.
The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods
by Anna ConradIf you think the increasingly popular caveman diet is good for your health but a bit depressing for your taste buds, this is the book that will change your perspective on the paleo diet forever. Now you can enjoy all your favorite comfort foods without sacrificing the terrific health benefits of a grain-free, dairy-free diet.When Chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group's 28-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athlete-or even an average person-really maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided to follow the diet for two weeks to see how she felt. In that short amount of time, she lost eight pounds without feeling hungry or deprived, and her blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all stayed within healthy limits. She gladly provided the recipes and now offers a paleo menu as a regular part of her catering business. In this book, she offers delicious comfort food recipes, including: Chicken Pot Pie Creamed Spinach Meatloaf Rueben Sandwich Shrimp Bisque Spaghetti Carbonara And more!