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Showing 28,551 through 28,575 of 40,339 results

Physiology of Strength

by Dr Theodor Hettinger M. H. Thurlwell Prof. Arthur H. Steinhaus

First published in 1961, “[T]his book is the result of ten years of research and experiment in the problems of muscle strength and muscle training at the Max-Planck-Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie, Dortmund, Germany supplemented by further work at the Lankenau Hospital, Division of Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is provided the present status of these problems, and there is demonstrated how muscle strength may be built and maintained with a minimum of time and effort.“The methods used are adaptable, with suitable modification, to children, to average young people, to athletes in training, to sedentary workers and older persons who wish to maintain bodily strength, and to those who have undergone surgery and need rehabilitation of the muscle structure—in short, to anyone who wishes to develop and maintain good muscle tone.“A strong and well-built body not only has pleasing appearance, it permits the undertaking of arduous physical activities or active sports without undue fatigue, and with real enjoyment.“It is the author’s hope that in this age of fast living and nervous tension, when there often seems neither time nor place for extensive exercise, this book will assist those who wish to maintain bodily strength and fitness—simply, at home, without elaborate equipment—on a do-it-yourself basis. It should prove of special benefit to teachers of physical education and rehabilitation.”—THEODOR HETTINGER, M.D.

The Physique 57(R) Solution: The Groundbreaking 2-Week Plan for a Lean, Beautiful Body

by Tanya Becker Jennifer Maanavi

What if you could achieve your best body starting now? THE PHYSIQUE 57 SOLUTION, celebrity praised and widely loved, is designed to systematically sculpt your muscles to create a lean, beautiful shape. This unique, effective workout combines interval training, isometric exercises, and orthopedic stretches to rapidly and dramatically transform your body. No matter your level of fitness, the Physique 57 technique will keep you challenged, motivated, and entertained.Now combined with a healthy and delicious meal plan, this two-week program will help you get your best body fast. Discover:· Step-by-step, groundbreaking workouts offering major calorie burn· Innovative choreography, including muscle-defining arm exercises, intense seat-and-thigh sequences, and waist-chiseling ab moves· A super-slimming two-week meal plan· A variety of flavorful and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert· Motivating tips to help you reach your goals!Drop pounds, lose up to 10 inches, and transform into the best version of yourself.

Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Cassia (Phytochemical Investigations of Medicinal Plants)

by Brijesh Kumar Vikas Bajpai Vikaskumar Gond Subhashis Pal Naibedya Chattopadhyay

Cassia is an indigenous plant in Africa, Latin America, Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. Several Cassia species are of high commercial and medicinal significance since they are used as spices and in traditional medicines. Currently plants from genus Cassia is in great demand due to their immense medicinal properties. Cassia species have various pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiarthritic, hepatoprotective, antitumor, antifertility, antifungal, antioxidant, antileishmaniatic, antimicrobial, CNS and hypoglycaemic activitiy. Different class of compounds reported from Cassia species are anthraquinones, phenolics, flavonoids, chromenes, terpenes, proanthocyanidins, coumarins, chromones and lignans. The taxonomy and nomenclature of Cassia species are quite complex. It is very difficult to differentiate them due to their overlapping morphological characters and close similarities. This usually leads to misidentification and misinterpretation of the components. Features: Presents collection of Ayurvedic features and scientific evidence of most important medicinal plants of Cassia species Chemical signatures for identification of Cassia species Easy to use analytical procedure for quality control of Cassia species and its products.

The Phytogenic Hormone Solution: Restoring Your Delicate Balance with Compounded Natural Hormones

by Saundra Mckenna

The Phytogenic Hormone Solution is a must-read for women suffering from hormone-related PMS, infertility, irregular cycles, fatigue, weight gain, and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause such as insomnia, headaches, and hot flashes. While conventional hormone replacement therapy can mitigate some of these problems, it is associated with several serious health risks.

Phytomedicine: Research and Development

by Parimelazhagan Thangaraj

Phytomedicine has become more important and gained constant improvement today for the betterment of health. Herbal medicine plays a significant role in the development of new drugs, contrary to the modern medicinal systems. For more than a decade, there has been a drastic improvement in phytomedicine across the world. This growth has reached a higher level in development by pharmaceutical industries everywhere. People have drifted toward herbal medication and practices for their food and health care. Therefore, in order to create abundant interest in the research of phytosciences, this book is one of the better reference tools. The bioactive compounds in plants need to be explored to know the scientific value and therapeutic properties of the medicinal plants against many diseases. This book contains chapters that are relevant to the advanced research in herbal medicines and will enlighten readers to the importance of medicinal plants as daily sources of nutrition and cures for diseases. This book highlights the unique features of the plants that have not been studied so far for their therapeutic potential. To prove the efficacy of medicinal plants, they have to be studied, examined, and scientifically verified. Hence, this book will better serve the researchers working under different aspects of phytomedicine. Features • The information provided through scientific validation is useful to study the pharmacological activity of herbals and their administration in the modern era. • The readers can find clear understanding in the research and development of phytopharmaceutical drugs. • The ideas incorporated in each chapter reveal the knowledge gained in studying the biological activities of the compounds present in the plant, which are indeed most worthy for the development of drugs. • The harvesting of new ideology toward modern scientific technologies that are employed in the field of pharmacological research.

Phytomedicine and Alzheimer’s Disease

by Atanu Bhattacharjee, Akula Ramakrishna, and Magisetty Obulesu

Alzheimer's disease, one of the most rapidly growing neurodegenerative disorders, is characterized by a progressive loss of memory. Despite several advances in the field of medical therapeutics, a viable treatment for Alzheimer's disease would be of great importance. Medicinal plants represent a largely untapped reservoir of natural medicines and potential sources of anti-Alzheimer’s drugs. The structural diversity of their phytoconstituents makes these plants a valuable source of novel lead compounds in the quest for drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease. Based on traditional literature and up-to-date research, various new therapeutically active compounds have been identified from phytoextracts, which could be useful in the treatment of cognitive disorders. Phytomedicine and Alzheimer’s Disease presents information on Mechanistic aspects of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and the role of phytochemicals as restorative agents Understanding the complex biochemical aspects of Alzheimer’s disease Pre-clinical approaches to evaluating drugs to target Alzheimer’s disease Assessing alternative approaches to treating Alzheimer’s disease and the role of alternative medicine to delay the symptomatic progression of this disease Epigenetic changes in Alzheimer’s disease and possible therapeutic or dietary interventions This book serves as an excellent resource for scientific investigators, academics, biochemists, botanists, and alternative medicine practitioners who work to advance the role of phytomedicines in treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Phytopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology of Herbal Plants (Exploring Medicinal Plants)

by Sachidanand Singh Rahul Datta Parul Johri Mala Trivedi

Plant-based drugs play an important role in all cultures and have been crucial in maintaining health and fighting diseases, and by using contemporary methods of biotechnology, plants with explicit chemical compositions are propagated and genetically upgraded for the mining of pharmaceuticals. Phytopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology of Herbal Plants presents the latest advances in the development of transgenic plants, covering phototherapeutics, secondary metabolite production, metabolomics, metabolic engineering, bioinformatics, quality control of herbal plant products, crop improvement using various breeding techniques, tissue culture techniques, and the future of phytopharmaceuticals. Features: Describes developments and applications of phytopharmaceuticals of herbal plants. Highlights the importance of phytopharmaceutical of plants and potential applications in the food and pharma industries. Provides an overview of research on key anticancer drugs to elucidate the biotechnological approaches for their production in cell cultures. Places special emphasis on the biosynthetic pathway mapping and metabolic engineering. Phytopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology of Herbal Plants will be an invaluable resource to academics and researchers associated with plant science, herbal drug manufacturers, and phytochemists.

Phytopharmacy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Herbal Medicinal Products

by Sarah E. Edwards Ines da Costa Rocha Elizabeth M. Williamson Michael Heinrich

<p>Healthcare professionals, including doctors, pharmacists and nurses, are often confronted with patients who use over-the-counter (OTC) herbal medicinal products and food supplements. While taking responsibility for one’s own health and treatment options is encouraged, many patients use these products based on limited (and sometimes inaccurate) information from non-scientific sources, such as the popular press and internet. There is a clear need to offer balanced, well-informed advice to patients, yet a number of studies have shown that, generally, conventionally trained health practitioners consider their knowledge about herbal medicinal products and supplements to be weak. <p>Phytopharmacy fills this knowledge gap, and is intended for use by the busy pharmacist, nurse, or doctor, as well as the ‘expert patient’ and students of pharmacy and herbal medicine. It presents clear, practical and concise monographs on over a hundred popular herbal medicines and plant-based food supplements. <p>An overview of the current regulatory framework is also outlined, notably the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive. This stipulates that only licensed products or registered traditional herbal medicinal products (THRs), which have assured quality and safety, can now legally be sold OTC. Monographs are included of most of the major herbal ingredients found in THRs, and also some plant-based food supplements, which while not strictly medicines, may also have the potential to exert a physiological effect.</p>

Pi Gu Chi Kung: Inner Alchemy Energy Fasting

by Christine Harkness-Giles Mantak Chia

A step-by-step guide to the Taoist fasting practice of Pi Gu • Explains how you do not stop eating with this fasting practice and details the simple pi gu diet • Illustrates the chewing and chi kung practices to accompany pi gu, for natural chi energy production • Reveals how Pi Gu Chi Kung activates the body’s natural healing abilities, accelerates the elimination of toxins, reduces appetite and cravings, and enables you to draw energies from the Earth and Universe Pi gu is an ancient Taoist method of fasting for spiritual and healing purposes. Unlike traditional fasting, you do not need to stop eating when practicing pi gu. Used by ancient Taoist masters during their months or years of solitary retreat in pursuit of enlightenment, the practice centers on a simple diet of fruits, teas, nuts, and eggs paired with special chewing techniques and chi kung exercises. During the pi gu state, the need for food decreases yet the body’s energy levels actually increase. The body gathers chi not from food but from chi kung and the “golden elixir” produced by the pi gu chewing practices. The chi produced through pi gu charges your internal organs, activating the body’s natural healing abilities and enabling you to draw energies from the Earth and Universe. In the pi gu state the body automatically balances itself, the mind is more relaxed, and sleep improves. The pause in normal eating makes the body’s cells more sensitive, accelerating the elimination of toxins. The stomach reduces in size, flattening the belly, eliminating cravings, decreasing appetite, and naturally producing weight loss. The body’s meridians stay open, making it easier to attune to meditation, chi kung, and energies from the cosmos. Providing a step-by-step guide to Pi Gu Chi Kung, Master Mantak Chia and coauthor Christine Harkness-Giles explain the pi gu diet, provide immortality tea recipes, detail the pi gu chewing exercises, and illustrate the corresponding chi kung energy exercises. They also explain the use of pi gu during darkness retreats to enhance spiritual awareness and increase mental powers and wisdom.

Piano dietetico insulino-resistente per i diabetici di tipo 2

by Diana Watson

Chi dice che devi rinunciare ai tuoi cibi preferiti? Controlla il tuo diabete di tipo 2 con deliziose ricette a basso contenuto di zuccheri e ad alto contenuto proteico oggi! Soffri di diabete di tipo 2 ? Hai problemi a mantenere bassi livelli di zucchero nel sangue giorno dopo giorno? Soffri di picchi di glicemia dopo un pasto pesante e hai bisogno di farmaci per stabilizzare le tue condizioni? E, soprattutto, stai cercando una dieta di cui ti puoi fidare per garantire un livello stabile di zucchero nel sangue dopo ogni singolo pasto e allo stesso tempo assaggiare pasti deliziosi e appaganti? Ti presento “Piano dietetico insulino-resistente per i diabetici di tipo 2” - Mangia ciò che ami mentre controlli il tuo diabete. In questo libro imparerai: cosa la dieta insulino-resistente può fare per te; come funziona e come gestire a lungo termine le tue condizioni con un piano dietetico completo; aspettative e obiettivi che dovresti prefiggerti; ricette salutari per colazione, pranzo e cena a basso contenuto di zuccheri; pasti sani che ti aiutano a migliorare la tua salute e avere un corpo più sano. Ecco alcune ricette che so che amerai: frittata di basilico e pomodoro; muffin di noci pecan, carote e banane; scramble di formaggio di capra e verdure; hummus al limone; tabbouleh di quinoa; spiedini di gamberi alla griglia; peperoni ripieni di manzo e riso; hamburger di tacchino grigliato; petti di pollo e salsa all'arancia; salsa di gamberetti e mostarda con dragoncello; e molto altro ancora .... Prendi la tua copia di questo libro oggi e saluta il diabete mangiando cibo salutare una volta per tutte. Scorri verso l'alto e premi il pulsante “Acquista ora” oggi per ottenere la tua copia!

Piano disintossicante di tre giorni con frullati e zuppe

by Geoff Vicky Wells Consuelo Castagnari

Introduzione Grazie per aver acquistato questo libro. Speriamo che possiate trovarlo interessante e possa essere una preziosa giuda per un semplice programma disintossicante. Questo è il secondo libro nella nostra serie creata per coloro che sono scettici del vegetariano. Il primo libro, "Una Guida ai Succhi, Cibo Crudo e Supercibi" è stato il risultato della nostra decisione di cambiare verso uno stile di vita vegetariano ed il nostro desiderio di condividere ciò che avevamo imparato e sperimentato. Sentivamo che il passo successivo nel nostro viaggio sarebbe stato lo sviluppo di un programma disintossicante che avesse funzionato su di noi. Questo libro è il risultato delle nostre ricerche e delle nostre stesse esperienze facendo uso dei metodi proposti in questo libro. La cosa abbastanza stupefacente, benché pensavamo che sarebbe stato difficile, è che abbiamo scoperto che diventare e rimanere vegetariani è stato molto più facile di quanto ci fossimo mai aspettati. Abbiamo avuto la stessa impressione con questo piano disintossicazione di tre giorni - è stato più facile di quanto ci aspettassimo e ne abbiamo raccolto diversi benefici. E così potrete fare voi.

Piante medicinali: Rimanere sani grazie al potere della natura

by Dr Angela Fetzner

Erboristeria - La più antica forma di terapia al mondo Per lungo tempo, i rimedi naturali, in particolare le piante medicinali, sono stati l'unico serbatoio di farmaci per medici e farmacisti. Le piante medicinali servivano anche come materie prime importanti per la produzione di medicinali. Capire, raccogliere e usare le piante medicinali Le piante medicinali si trovano quasi ovunque in natura - sui prati, nella foresta, sul ciglio della strada. Come raccogliere piante medicinali e determinare quali parti della pianta - fiori, foglie, frutti, radici e corteccia - vengono utilizzate, tutto ciò è spiegato in questo libro. Preparati a base di erbe - le piante medicinali possono essere utilizzate in molti modi La forma più semplice di applicazione delle erbe medicinali è la tisana. Tuttavia, ci sono molti usi per le piante medicinali: preparati noti sono, ad esempio, le tinture, gli unguenti, le creme e i bagni terapeutici. Il libro offre una panoramica della preparazione e dell'uso di tali prodotti. I modi d’uso e di applicazione delle più importanti piante medicinali sono descritte in dettaglio. In questa guida sono descritte in dettaglio le piante medicinali più famose e importanti. Spiega quali malattie curano le singole piante e fornisce informazioni interessanti su vecchie usanze, applicazioni dimenticate e risultati scientifici. Ricette: pomate, bagni, olii, marmellate, ecc. Numerose ricette offrono idee e suggerimenti per la produzione di unguenti, bagnoschiuma, per la cucina e per la cura della salute e della bellezza. Vorrei invitarvi ad unirvi a me nel viaggio nel fantastico mondo delle piante medicinali.

Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic (Magic in History)

by Dan Attrell David Porreca

A manual for constructing talismans, mixing magical compounds, summoning planetary spirits, and determining astrological conditions, Picatrix is a cornerstone of Western esotericism. It offers important insights not only into occult practices and beliefs but also into the transmission of magical ideas from antiquity to the present. Dan Attrell and David Porreca’s English translation opens the world of this vital medieval treatise to modern-day scholars and lay readers.The original text, Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm, was compiled in Arabic from over two hundred sources in the latter half of the tenth century. It was translated into Castilian Spanish in the mid-thirteenth century, and shortly thereafter into Latin. Based on David Pingree’s edition of the Latin text, this translation captures the spirit of Picatrix’s role in the European tradition. In the world of Picatrix, we see a seamless integration of practical magic, earnest piety, and traditional philosophy. The detailed introduction considers the text’s reception through multiple iterations and includes an enlightening statistical breakdown of the rituals described in the book.Framed by extensive research on the ancient and medieval context that gave rise to the Latin version of the text, this translation of Picatrix will be an indispensable volume for students and scholars of the history of science, magic, and religion and will fascinate anyone interested in the occult.

Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic (Magic in History)

by Dan Attrell David Porreca

A manual for constructing talismans, mixing magical compounds, summoning planetary spirits, and determining astrological conditions, Picatrix is a cornerstone of Western esotericism. It offers important insights not only into occult practices and beliefs but also into the transmission of magical ideas from antiquity to the present. Dan Attrell and David Porreca’s English translation opens the world of this vital medieval treatise to modern-day scholars and lay readers.The original text, Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm, was compiled in Arabic from over two hundred sources in the latter half of the tenth century. It was translated into Castilian Spanish in the mid-thirteenth century, and shortly thereafter into Latin. Based on David Pingree’s edition of the Latin text, this translation captures the spirit of Picatrix’s role in the European tradition. In the world of Picatrix, we see a seamless integration of practical magic, earnest piety, and traditional philosophy. The detailed introduction considers the text’s reception through multiple iterations and includes an enlightening statistical breakdown of the rituals described in the book.Framed by extensive research on the ancient and medieval context that gave rise to the Latin version of the text, this translation of Picatrix will be an indispensable volume for students and scholars of the history of science, magic, and religion and will fascinate anyone interested in the occult.

Pick Up and Oocyte Management

by Antonio Malvasi Domenico Baldini

This richly illustrated book focuses on one of the specific and crucial steps of the Medically Assisted Procreation techniques that is often overlooked: the oocyte pick-up. Enhanced by a large number of high-quality pictures, this atlas of oocyte retrieval comprehensively describes important aspects such as the setting of the ultrasonic equipment, the choice of needle, the layout of the devices in the room and the technique to be used, which, if not properly handled, can lead to erroneous behaviors. The original and detailed illustrations, mainly microscopic images and explanatory drawings, help readers to better understand how to manage all the phases of the ovarian pick-up and oocyte management. This practical atlas provides a valuable guide for all specialists who want to improve their skills and gain confidence with the MPA techniques.

Pick Your Yoga Practice

by Meagan Mccrary

On the surface it may appear that yoga is yoga is yoga, but take a closer look and you'll discover myriad different yoga systems and lineages. There are dozens of yoga styles to choose from, and while yoga is for everyone, not every style is the perfect fit for every person. But how do you choose between mysterious-sounding names such as Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram, and Kripalu? As Meagan McCrary discovered when she began exploring different classes, finding the right style is essential for establishing a steady yoga practice. Pick Your Yoga Practice is the first book to describe the most prominent yoga styles in depth, including teaching methodology, elements of practice, philosophical and spiritual underpinnings, class structure, physical exertion, and personal attention. Those new to yoga will discover they have options and can confidently attend a class of their choosing, while experienced practitioners will expand their understanding of the vast world of modern yoga, and perhaps find themselves venturing into new territory.

Pickleball For Dummies

by Mo Nard Reine Steel Diana Landau Carl Landau

The game with the funny name was created in the 1960's and is, today, the fastest growing sport in America. We take you through the hows of the game. In true Dummies fashion, the material is easy to understand and appropriate for newbies as well as advanced players. We cover it all from scoring, serving, dinking, places to play, and getting more involved in the community. No need to be intimidated - you've got Dummies on your side of the court to give you all the best tips and tricks from expert authors. If you're in a pickle because you don't know anything about this popular game, Pickleball For Dummies will teach you everything you need to know. Inside: • Learn the rules and stroke fundamentals • Intro to the fun, social aspects of the game • Advanced strategies that will raise an experienced player to next level • Tips for tournament players and club organizers

Pickles and Ice Cream: Gastronomic Delights for Every Pregnancy Craving

by Vicky Jacob-Ebbinghaus Juarez Rodrigues design team Vicky Jacob-Ebbinghaus and Juarez Rodrigues set up their hugely popular website when they started interviewing pregnant women on their strangest cravings.They 'cooked', tasted, rated and photographed each discovery, giving it the look of haute cuisine and a similarly fancy-sounding name. When they posted these creations on their blog, the crowd went wild with reposts and tags. More and more pregnant women submitted their cravings for the 'Vicki and Juarez treatment' and soon media pundits were raving. Pickles and Ice Cream feature 75 almost- never-before-seen recipes, uniquely beautiful (even if their appeal as food might be questionable) photographs of the recipes, along with the stories of the pregnant women who dreamed them up.

Pickles and Ice Cream: A Bizarre Pregnancy Cravings Cookbook

by Juarez Rodriques Vicky Jacob-Ebbinghaus

<P>Wry, humorous, and shockingly beautiful, Pickles and Ice Cream: A Bizarre Pregnancy Cravings Cookbook is a collection of some of the most outlandish things moms-to-be crave. <P>Peculiar recipes like "Oreos and Toothpaste" or "Tomato Soup with M&Ms" are photographed like gourmet meals and accompanied by short stories about the women who craved them. Each dish has also has been tasted and reviewed by the authors so you don't have to!

Pickling, Fermenting & Salad-Making: Vegetables with More Taste & Less Waste

by Alex Elliott-Howery Sabine Spindler

85 Recipes for Enjoying Seasonal Veg! "The latest from Elliott-Howery and Spindler (Cornersmith: Recipes from the Café and Picklery) showcases the popular Australian restaurant&’s approach to fresh, seasonal ingredients with little waste." —Publishers Weekly Preserving, using up, and seasonal eating is the Cornersmith way. Since opening their neighborhood café in 2011, Alex Elliott-Howery and Sabine Spindler have been committed to sustainability, and their recipes always put veggies first. Quick recipes include roasted sweet potato and parsnip topped with feta and walnuts, or make a tabbouleh with leftover veg ahead of time for an autumnal evening. Cornersmith reinvents everyday sides with pickled veggies which can be stored for up to six months. Here, Alex and Sabine share their passion for cooking with minimal waste. In four chapters, one dedicated to each season, Cornersmith shows us the best way to use seasonal produce, before rounding off with three salad dressing, fermenting, and pickling guides and innovative ways to use kitchen scraps, such as using fruit peel to flavor oils. These recipes aren&’t about dieting, instead it is a must have for anyone interested in the food waste management trend, providing a road map for the future of food. Recipes include: Broad Bean & Pea Salad with Freekeh & Yogurt SauceKohlrabi, Radish & Tofu with Miso DressingPickled Asparagus with Garlic & LemonAsparagus & Watercress with Walnut & Orange VinaigrettePink Pickled EggsFried Green Tomatoes with Herbed KefirRhubarb & Red Onion RelishGrilled Pineapple, Sea Salt, Chilli, Mint & ChimichurriOven-Dried Preserved TomatoesFig & Herb Salad with Pearl Couscous, Toasted Hazelnuts & Za&’atarPickled Watermelon RindSummer Leaves, Pickled Stone Fruit, Ricotta & Salted Almonds

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (Dover Occult Ser.)

by A. E. Waite

Long used in telling fortunes and popular today among New Agers, Tarot cards are regarded by many as "the training wheels" on the bicycle of psychic development. Centuries of scientific progress have not diminished the irresistible attraction of gazing at picture cards to see the future and determine one's fate. This book by Arthur Edward Waite, the designer of the most widely known Tarot deck and distinguished scholar of the Kabbalah, is the essential Tarot reference. The pictorial key contains a detailed description of each card in the celebrated 78-card Rider-Waite Tarot deck, along with regular and reversed meanings. Contents describe symbols and secret tradition; the four suits of Tarot, including wands, cups, swords, and pentacles; the recurrence of cards in dealing; an ancient Celtic method of divination; as well as wonderful illustrations of Tarot cards.While the perfect complement to old-style fortune telling, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot also serves to make the Tarot entirely accessible to modern-day readers. It is also the classic guide to the Rider-Waite deck and to Tarot symbolism in general.

The Pictorial Key To The Tarot: A Visual Companion to the Rider Waite Tarot

by A.E. Waite

Picture your fate, forecast your future and transform your fortune An illustrated guide to the world famous Original Rider Waite Tarot - the most popular deck in the world.Unlock the secrets of the tarot with renowned scholar of the occult, A E Waite. Featuring the original card artwork by Pamela Colman Smith, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot is an insightful card-by-card analysis of the 78-card Rider Waite Tarot deck featuring both regular and reverse meanings. This illuminating book is the ultimate guide to mastering the art of tarot.

Picture a Girl

by Jenny Manzer

Addie's mom is good at two things (three, if you count making French toast): surfing and telling stories. Addie and her brother, Billy, live with their mom in a shabby rental cabin in the tourist town of Cedarveil, BC, right off the beach. Their lives are a little different than some—they often visit the food bank, and they don't have a phone or TV. For entertainment, their mom tells them stories before bed...if she's in a good mood, or home at all. Sometimes Mama copes with her depression by drinking; sometimes, she just disappears. When Addie wakes up one Monday, she senses a stillness that tells her Mama's gone again. Addie knows it's up to her to take care of everything until her mom gets back. It's either not let on that anything's amiss or she and Billy will be separated from one another. Once again she makes it through until her mom's return a week later, knowing that she's strong enough to survive alone—but she's hoping this will be the last time. The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

Pieces of Eight (The Frey Saga Series #2)

by Melissa Wright

Nowhere to turn. The story of Frey continues in this, the second book of the series. Frey had lived in a world where humans were fairy tales. A world where she believed she'd been wrongfully accused. All that had changed. <P><P> After revealing her dark history, Frey has no choice in her allies. Her old life is the enemy. She needs their protection. Forced to join with a group of strangers whose pasts seem to intertwine with her own, she struggles to regain her memories and her full power, only to find there is more danger on the other side. Except now, there is no going back.

Piecing the Puzzle: The Genesis of AIDS Research in Africa

by Larry Krotz

In 1979, Dr. Allan Ronald, a specialist in infectious diseases from Canada, and Dr. Herbert Nsanze, head of medical microbiology at University of Nairobi, met through the World Health Organization. Ronald had just completed a successful project that cured a chancroid (genital ulcer) epidemic in Winnipeg and Nsanze asked him to come to Kenya to help with Kenya’s “sexual diseases problem.” That initial invitation led to a groundbreaking international scientific collaboration that would uncover critical pieces in the complex puzzle that became today’s HIV/AIDS pandemic. In Piecing the Puzzle, journalist and documentary filmmaker Larry Krotz chronicles the fascinating history of the pioneering Kenyan, Canadian, Belgian, and American research team that uncovered HIV/AIDS in Kenya, their scientific breakthroughs and setbacks, and their exceptional thirty-year relationship that began a new era of global health collaboration.

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