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The Pleasure Plan: One Woman's Search for Sexual Healing
by Laura ZamBased on popular essays in New York Times&’ Modern Love and Salon, as well as an Off-Broadway one-person play, The Pleasure Plan is a sexual healing odyssey, a manifesto for women to claim pleasure as a priority, and a love story all at once.Fifty percent of adult women have some form of sexual dysfunction at some point of their lives, preventing them from enjoying vibrant, soul-satisfying sex. Such was the case with Laura Zam, who suffered the blame, shame, and embarrassment of feeling bedroom broken. For her, delving between the sheets meant physical pain, zero desire, and emotional scars from being molested in her early years. However, in her late forties, after meeting and marrying the love of her life, Zam was determined to finally fix her sensual self. This is her brave and bawdy plan to triage her flaccid romantic life, stepping into a void where intimacy, self-love, and playfulness could be experienced--the full monty of Eros that had been missing from her existence. The Pleasure Plan is what happened when she decided to challenge her hopelessness. In partnership with her initially reluctant husband, she visited 15 healers and tried 30 pleasure-enhancing methods: from dilators and dildos, to hypnosis and hosting a sex brunch, to cleansing chakras, to making love to her husband in front of a geriatric Tantric goddess. Packed with humor, heart, and a healthy dose of prescriptive advice, this book chronicles Zam&’s insight as she confronts many issues—from mismatched libidos to female erection enlightenment. Throughout this journey, she and her husband grow as individuals and as a couple, both in and out of the bedroom. Fearlessly honest and full of inspiration, Zam peels back the layers—or covers—and exposes her foibles, insecurities, and eventual wisdom as she excavates past traumas, accepts and embraces her worth, and claims her right to be completely alive. Today, Laura works as a sexuality educator, wellness coach, and speaker helping other women who suffer from sexual dysfunction, the effects of trauma, or those who would simply like more pleasure (of all kinds) in their lives. She also consults with health care providers so they may better assist their clients in achieving sexual well-being. While The Pleasure Plan is Zam&’s personal narrative, it demystifies pervasive taboos, encouraging women to make pleasure a priority, while teaching them how to claim (or reclaim) the power of their sexual selves. It also shows men how they can support their partners in this #Metoo era. Healthy, sultry intimacy is a right; it is time for women to learn—through glorious trial and error—how to embrace the sensual side of themselves. . . exuberantly and unabashedly.
The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light
by Barbara Hand Clow Brian SwimmeNoted astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow channels the voice of Satya, a Pleiadian goddess. Satya describes the huge cosmic drama taking place simultaneously in nine dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater. The Pleiadians are a group of enlightened beings who believe that the end of the Mayan Calendar will signal a critical leap in human evolution; the Pleiadians will be there to guide us for that leap. This shift is the coming Age of Light, and the entry of our solar system into the Photon Band and the Age of Aquarius.
Pleiadian Earth Energy Astrology: Charting the Spirals of Consciousness
by Pia Orleane Cullen Baird Smith LaarkmaaDiscover how to navigate the spiral energy patterns of the Universe for spiritual advancement and conscious evolution • Explains how the cycles of the 13 spirals of Universal energy and the 20 spirals of Earth energy interact on each calendar day as well as provides a Pleiadian perspective on how they influence us and the events in our lives • Offers practical examples of how you can consciously use the energies prevalent on a given day to your personal, spiritual benefit • Shares cosmic wisdom teachings from the Pleiadian group known as Laarkmaa Modern science has finally confirmed an essential component of the Pleiadian teachings: Our Universe is not linear; it moves in spirals. Human evolution also unfolds in spirals, rather than the linear progression we call “progress.” Sharing the cosmic wisdom teachings they have received from the Pleiadian group known as Laarkmaa, authors Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith reveal a new system of Pleiadian-Earth energy astrology centered on the spiraling and interconnected movement of Universal and Earth energies, rather than on time, and explain how this new wave of Pleiadian wisdom can support human evolution. The authors identify two major spiral patterns that influence us: the 13 spirals of Universal energy that reflect cosmic laws and cosmic truth and the 20 spirals of Earth energy that reflect how humans experience themselves, each other, and their environment. They explain the dominant energy of each of the 13 Universal energy spirals and how they cycle in 13-day periods. They detail how these 13 Universal energy spirals interact with the cycles of the 20 Earth energy spirals on each calendar day, providing a hundred-year ephemeris and a Pleiadian perspective with which to understand the events in your life. Offering practical examples, they show how you can consciously use the energies prevalent on a given calendar day to your personal, spiritual advantage. Providing a map to transcend all systems that no longer serve us, freeing us to become the enlightened cosmic beings we truly are, the authors show how, with the wisdom of the Pleiadian-Earth energy system, we can each discover our specific gifts, work through the challenges of our own shadows, and individually and collectively evolve into a higher vibrational species.
The Pleiadian House of Initiation: A Journey through the Rooms of the Wisdomkeepers
by Barbara Hand Clow Mary T. BebenA step-by-step tour through our spiritual home in the Pleiades • Recounts the author’s spiritual trials to reach the highest levels of her soul’s celestial mansion and her encounters with immortal wisdom teachers such as White Buffalo Woman, Taliesin, Mother Mary, and Grandmother Spider • Includes lessons to help jettison fear and jealousy so we can continue our ascension to higher consciousness • Offers a prophetic glimpse into the future of life on Earth, how our planet is the key to conscious evolution, and humanity’s divine role as Keepers of Earth Inviting each of us to discover our spiritual home in the higher realms, Mary Beben provides a visionary tour of the celestial mansion of her family in the Pleiades, a home she inhabited prior to this incarnation on Earth. She explains how transitioning into materiality causes each of us to forget our starry origins, yet it is still possible to remember our Pleiadian heritage and divine reasons for choosing to manifest on Earth. Beben details her initiatic journey as she rediscovered the beautiful rooms on each floor of her Pleiadian house and learned to ascend to higher consciousness while remaining lovingly rooted in the Earth. She recounts her trials to reach the higher levels of the building and her encounters with immortal wisdomkeepers such as White Buffalo Woman, Taliesin, Mother Mary, and Grandmother Spider. Embedded throughout her story are lessons to help each of us jettison psychological baggage like fear and jealousy so we can continue our ascension and fulfill our Pleiadian birthright. Beben explains how her journey offers a prophetic glimpse into the future of life on Earth as well as the key to opening the heart to the higher realms of existence. She shows how ascension will not mean departing Earth but will place our Earthen reality in perspective and help solve problems that seem insurmountable from this dimension. In rediscovering the celestial origins of our souls, we recognize not only the Earth as the key to conscious evolution but also our role as the Keepers of Earth, the planet celebrated throughout the universe on which each of us is fortunate to have chosen incarnation.
Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution
by Amorah Quan YinThe Pleiadian Emissaries of Light provide this fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. This wider history of our solar system restores the long-forgotten connection of humankind with Venus, Mars, Maldek, and Earth. The truth about our ancient past is uncovered, helping us to remember the experiences that have caused us to function dualistically, and guiding us toward karmic wholeness as unified and divine beings.
Pleiadian Principles for Living: A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating With the Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times
by Christine DayA manual for channeling extraterrestrial guidance for personal and spiritual growth during these difficult times on Earth (includes meditations).The Pleiadians call this time the New Dawning, a time for us to renounce our fear-based, three-dimensional illusions and consciously align with the new fourth- and fifth-dimensional energies that are anchoring on our planet.Are you ready?How can we live by Pleiadian principles and use them to assist us in our enlightenment process? This second major title channeled by Christine Day is a spiritual but practical roadmap that will show you how to navigate through these challenging, changing times, to understand the roles presaged by our conscious choice. With the clarity offered by Pleiadian Principles for Living, you will learn:To understand the current changes facing Earth and what is to comeTo activate pre-agreements made to support us in our missionHow to use tools and sacred sounds that provide opportunities to work with the energetic matrix of crop circles, providing knowledge and activationsHow to use step-by-step tools for harnessing the energy of the Earth’s natural forces through telepathic communion and communication with the Spiritual realms and all energetic alliances within the UniversePleiadian Principles for Living offers unique access to a wide variety of online audio files, featuring unlimited journeys of light initiations to support all readers in their individual awakening and evolution to their Spiritual home.
Pleiadian Soul Healing: Light Messages for Cosmic Freedom
by Pavlina KlemmA guide to recovering your soul and healing the karmic past• Provides high-vibration number sequences, visualizations, and exercises to help retrieve lost soul parts, dissolve artificially encoded consciousness programs, repair your DNA, and amplify the vibration of love• Describes the energetic changes happening on Earth and how they affect us• Explains how to remember your Pleiadian essence, which will help you activate and strengthen your healing abilities and live out your higher purposeSpeaking through healer and channel Pavlina Klemm, the higher beings known as the Pleiadians share healing wisdom to assist humanity as we ascend into the light-filled dimensions of consciousness. In this high-vibration book, the Pleiadians describe the radical energetic changes currently happening on Earth and how they affect us. They also share how the manipulation of humanity in the past can be healed and our lost soul parts recovered.Through their messages, the Pleiadians describe how, due to the ongoing influx of Cosmic Light to planet Earth, processing and healing the karmic situation of humanity as a whole is now possible. They explore the healing of the natural feminine and masculine power, with a focus on nurturing all souls, families, and children in the world, and offer exercises to amplify the vibration of love.Detailing the spiritual, genetic, and karmic manipulation that humanity has endured over the millennia, the Pleiadians offer sacred number sequences and visualizations to support you in dissolving artificially encoded consciousness programs as well as releasing negativities from your soul, mind, body, and energy body. They explain how to retrieve lost soul parts, reprogram yourself to tune in to light energy, and heal, regenerate, and protect your DNA by bringing the inner light back to your cells and connecting with the Divine Source. The Pleiadians also explore how to remember your Pleiadian soul parts, which will help you activate and strengthen your healing abilities and live out your higher purpose in this incarnation.An illuminating and practical guide to healing at the soul level and beyond, Pleiadian Soul Healing also includes introductions from the members of the Pleiadian Ambassador Group behind the wisdom transmissions, who each offer loving support for our spiritual growth as well as positive glimpses of the peaceful, light-filled future to come.
The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba
by Amorah Quan YinThe Pleiadian Tantric Workbook assists you with healing relationships. This sequel to The Pleiadian Workbook teaches advanced cellular clearing to heal the male/female split, and, with specific exercises and techniques practical for everyday life, shows you how to activate and clear kundalini and sexual channels through tantra.
The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka
by Amorah Quan YinThe Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our "Ka Channels," which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.
Pleine Conscience: La Pleine Conscience Et La Résilience Face À La Peur en Période Difficile
by Lee J. WilliamsCet ouvrage vous initiera aux usages bouddhistes et vous expliquera comment développer la pleine conscience pour renforcer votre esprit. Les différents styles de méditation pris pour exemple vous permettront d’atteindre l’équilibre dans votre vie. Vous apprendrez : Ce qu’est la pleine conscience et quels sont ses nombreux avantages. Comment l’absence de pleine conscience vous prive d’être entièrement présent dans une situation donnée et impacte négativement votre mode de vie. Comment évaluer votre niveau d’attention afin de déterminer le travail que vous devez faire. Comment créer des habitudes positives et les mettre en pratique via divers exercices de pleine conscience. La vie que l’on mène de nos jours est très stressante pour de nombreuses personnes. Il est grand temps de s’attaquer à cette souffrance à la racine, plutôt que d’essayer de la camoufler avec des médicaments. Les recherches scientifiques ont largement démontré le pouvoir de la méditation de pleine conscience, c’est pourquoi les médecins l’intègrent de plus en plus souvent dans les soins qu’ils dispensent.
Plenish: Plant-based juices and meal plans to power your goals
by Kara RosenThe follow-up to the international bestseller Plenish: Juices to boost, cleanse & heal.
Plenish: Juices to boost, cleanse & heal
by Kara RosenYou are what you eat, and consuming fresh, raw juices is a delicious way to flood your body with nutrients, cleanse your system and cure your ills. Plenish shows you how to make over 40 juice blends, detox with a cleanse programme, heal your body naturally, fuel your system, fight disease, promote mind and body wellness, and lose weight in the process. From the Thai Melon Brightener to the Greenie Mary, each recipe will help your body to detox and rejuvenate, so that you can thrive.
Plenitud mental: Guía de meditaciones esenciales para reducir el estrés
by Mario L. EslingerLa plenitud mental ayuda a las personas a aceptar sus emociones y experiencias dolorosas. Ayuda a las personas a obtener una perspectiva sobre los pensamientos manipuladores, contraproducentes e irracionales. Ayuda a aliviar una serie de problemas de salud mental, incluido el abuso de sustancias, la depresión, los conflictos de pareja, el trastorno alimentario, el trastorno de ansiedad y el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. •Descubrirá cómo la atención plena le ayuda a: •.Deshacerse de los pensamientos negativos •.Preparar su mente para los problemas •.Dejarse inspirar por el asombro Este libro contiene consejos y estrategias que le ayudarán a practicar la plenitud mental en su vida diaria. Aprenderá a practicar la plenitud mental a través de la meditación. También aprenderá a incorporar técnicas de plenitud mental en sus tareas diarias.
Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Robust Year of Eating Locally
by Alisa Smith J. B. MacKinnonLike many great adventures, the 100-mile diet began with a memorable feast. Stranded in their off-the-grid summer cottage in the Canadian wilderness with unexpected guests, Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon turned to the land around them. They caught a trout, picked mushrooms, and mulled apples from an abandoned orchard with rose hips in wine. The meal was truly satisfying; every ingredient had a story, a direct line they could trace from the soil to their forks. The experience raised a question: Was it possible to eat this way in their everyday lives?Back in the city, they began to research the origins of the items that stocked the shelves of their local supermarket. They were shocked to discover that a typical ingredient in a North American meal travels roughly the distance between Boulder, Colorado, and New York City before it reaches the plate. Like so many people, Smith and MacKinnon were trying to live more lightly on the planet; meanwhile, their “SUV diet” was producing greenhouse gases and smog at an unparalleled rate. So they decided on an experiment: For one year they would eat only food produced within 100 miles of their Vancouver home.It wouldn’t be easy. Stepping outside the industrial food system, Smith and MacKinnon found themselves relying on World War II–era cookbooks and maverick farmers who refused to play by the rules of a global economy. What began as a struggle slowly transformed into one of the deepest pleasures of their lives. For the first time they felt connected to the people and the places that sustain them.For Smith and MacKinnon, the 100-mile diet became a journey whose destination was, simply, home. From the satisfaction of pulling their own crop of garlic out of the earth to pitched battles over canning tomatoes, Plenty is about eating locally and thinking globally. The authors’ food-focused experiment questions globalization, monoculture, the oil economy, environmental collapse, and the tattering threads of community. Thought-provoking and inspiring, Plenty offers more than a way of eating. In the end, it’s a new way of looking at the world.From the Hardcover edition.
Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally
by Alisa Smith J. B. MackinnonLike many great adventures, the 100-mile diet began with a memorable feast. Stranded in their off-the-grid summer cottage in the Canadian wilderness with unexpected guests, Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon turned to the land around them. They caught a trout, picked mushrooms, and mulled apples from an abandoned orchard with rose hips in wine. The meal was truly satisfying; every ingredient had a story, a direct line they could trace from the soil to their forks. The experience raised a question: Was it possible to eat this way in their everyday lives? Back in the city, they began to research the origins of the items that stocked the shelves of their local supermarket. They were shocked to discover that a typical ingredient in a North American meal travels roughly the distance between Boulder, Colorado, and New York City before it reaches the plate. Like so many people, Smith and MacKinnon were trying to live more lightly on the planet; meanwhile, their diet was producing greenhouse gases and smog at an unparalleled rate. So they decided on an experiment: For one year they would eat only food produced within 100 miles of their Vancouver home. It wouldn't be easy. Stepping outside the industrial food system, Smith and MacKinnon found themselves relying on World War II-era cookbooks and maverick farmers who refused to play by the rules of a global economy. What began as a struggle slowly transformed into one of the deepest pleasures of their lives. For the first time they felt connected to the people and the places that sustain them. For Smith and MacKinnon, the 100-mile diet became a journey whose destination was, simply, home. From the satisfaction of pulling their own crop of garlic out of the earth to pitched battles over canning tomatoes, Plenty is about eating locally and thinking globally. The authors' food-focused experiment questions globalization, monoculture, the oil economy, environmental collapse, and the tattering threads of community. Thought-provoking and inspiring, Plenty offers more than a way of eating. In the end, it's a new way of looking at the world.
by Alisa Smith J.B. MacKinnonThe remarkable, amusing and inspiring adventures of a Canadian couple who make a year-long attempt to eat foods grown and produced within a 100-mile radius of their apartment. When Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon learned that the average ingredient in a North American meal travels 1,500 miles from farm to plate, they decided to launch a simple experiment to reconnect with the people and places that produced what they ate. For one year, they would only consume food that came from within a 100-mile radius of their Vancouver apartment. The 100-Mile Diet was born. The couple’s discoveries sometimes shook their resolve. It would be a year without sugar, Cheerios, olive oil, rice, Pizza Pops, beer, and much, much more. Yet local eating has turned out to be a life lesson in pleasures that are always close at hand. They met the revolutionary farmers and modern-day hunter-gatherers who are changing the way we think about food. They got personal with issues ranging from global economics to biodiversity. They called on the wisdom of grandmothers, and immersed themselves in the seasons. They discovered a host of new flavours, from gooseberry wine to sunchokes to turnip sandwiches, foods that they never would have guessed were on their doorstep. The 100-Mile Diet struck a deeper chord than anyone could have predicted, attracting media and grassroots interest that spanned the globe. The100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eatingtells the full story, from the insights to the kitchen disasters, as the authors transform from megamart shoppers to self-sufficient urban pioneers. The 100-Mile Diet is a pathway home for anybody, anywhere. Call me naive, but I never knew that flour would be struck from our 100-Mile Diet. Wheat products are just so ubiquitous, “the staff of life,” that I had hazily imagined the stuff must be grown everywhere. But of course: I had never seen a field of wheat anywhere close to Vancouver, and my mental images of late-afternoon light falling on golden fields of grain were all from my childhood on the Canadian prairies. What I was able to find was Anita’s Organic Grain & Flour Mill, about 60 miles up the Fraser River valley. I called, and learned that Anita’s nearest grain suppliers were at least 800 miles away by road. She sounded sorry for me. Would it be a year until I tasted a pie? —FromThe 100-Mile Diet
Pliability for Runners: The Breakthrough Method to Stay Injury-Free, Get Stronger and Run Faster
by Joseph McConkeyA breakthrough book that redefines running performance and injury prevention.Pliability is the key to running injury free and outperforming the competition. Each year there are 50-60 million people in the US that run regularly, with over 50% of them suffering a running injury. Pliability (the loosening, softening and relaxing of muscles) is in the midst of a major 'movement' in the realm of professional sports, physical therapy and health/fitness to help offset these kinds of injuries. Written by an exercise physiologist and coach at the Boston Running Center, Pliability for Runners outlines what pliability is, why it is important and how to improve one own's pliability safely and effectively specifically for runners. The book addresses issues for all levels of runners from recreational to professional athletes and help increase flexibility and strength.
PLN: técnicas simples para aumentar a sua confiança e comportamento.
by Andy FirestoneEste livro revela o que você experimentará em terapia. Explica como a terapia pode ajudá-lo a se recuperar de situações dolorosas, enfrentar desafios e ganhar coragem e liberdade para fazer mudanças. Isso lhe dará esperança e a promessa de possibilidades em amor, trabalho e autoestima. Também lhe mostraremos o processo chamado de Now State (ou também chamado de Hakalau do Havaí), permite que você permaneça em exteriorização consciente de suas energias e esteja ciente do grupo e das informações que obtém deles. É um guia de fácil leitura, desmembra os processos e princípios da PNL, por vezes complicados, em uma linguagem simples que qualquer pessoa pode entender e aplicá-los rapidamente. Se estiver interessado em ter uma melhor compreensão de como a PNL pode ajudá-lo a alcançar o sucesso desejado.
Plum: Gratifying Vegan Dishes from Seattle's Plum Bistro
by Makini HowellPlum Bistro, Seattle's wildly popular vegan restaurant, is known for its delicious and innovative vegan recipes using local ingredients. Sure to please both vegans and meat-eaters, this cookbook features Plum's flavorful, comforting dishes for brunch, soups, salads, entrées, desserts, and more. This photo-filled book features 60 recipes, including Pesto Plum Pizza, Good Old-Fashioned French Toast, Barbecue Oyster-Mushroom Sliders, Fresh Blueberry Shortcake, homemade vegan pasta, and more. Bring home delicious vegan cuisine with the Plum cookbook!
The Pluralist Right to Health Care: A Framework and Case Study
by Michael DaSilvaHealth rights are a common but controversial legal phenomenon. Every country is signatory to a treaty that incorporates health rights, yet existing health rights do not fit easily into the traditional "claim right" model, and questions remain over how to theoretically incorporate health rights into domestic systems. The Pluralist Right to Health Care addresses this incongruity between theory and practice with an account of the right to health care that is both philosophically and practically sound. Utilizing a pluralist framework, Michael Da Silva argues that the right to health care is best understood as a set of claims to related ends: the goods necessary for a dignified existence, procedural fairness in determining what other goods to provide and in the provision of goods, and a functioning health care system. Through philosophical reasoning, analysis of relevant international human rights law, and a close study of the Canadian case, The Pluralist Right to Health Care provides crucial insight into the potential of law and policy to improve health care systems in Canada and beyond.
A Pluralist’s Guide to Solving Molyneux’s Problem (Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy)
by Brian GlenneyThis book presents a novel pluralist strategy for answering Molyneux’s 300+-year-old conundrum: Would a person, born blind but given sight, identify a shape previously known only by their touch? The author interweaves historical scholarship with contemporary philosophical work and empirical research on animal, infant, and adult human perception.The author argues that we need a new approach to Molyneux’s problem because we do not know what the problem is really about, and it is untestable because a Molyneux subject cannot be physically realized. He criticizes Molyneux’s question for its simplistic taxonomy of "the blind" that groups significant individual differences into a singular ontology. Research in the cognitive sciences confirms that various kinds of blindness can co-occur, such as ocular, cortical, and psychological blindness. Therefore, the author adopts an explanatory pluralism for answering Molyneux’s problem, which includes no, yes, and "no answer" answers according to the domain of inquiry being used. This account provides a research-based answer to a long-standing problem using previously unheeded insights particularly from animal crossmodal perception studies to retell a more complex story of perception: its levels of explanation and integration.A Pluralist’s Guide to Solving Molyneux’s Problem will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in comparative psychology, epistemology, history of philosophy, philosophy of perception.
Plus One: The Numerology of Relationships
by Carmen HarraNumbers are the language of the universe. Spirit speaks to us through our divine DNA, reminding us of our higher nature and revealing the full scope of our destiny. Plus One: The Numerology of Relationships examines how numbers manifest in a love relationship. It aligns an archetype with each life path number so that readers can fully understand strengths, weaknesses, inclinations, and commitment obstacles that may occur between partners. Harmful tendencies are identified so that archetypal limitations can be broken and devotion achieved. The compatibility between every combination of life path numbers is analyzed, weaving psychology through each numerological match in detail and granting readers awareness about the type of relationship they can expect to have with their love interest. It discloses an innovative method to determine whether past-life karma is at play between partners and how to resolve it. Decode the mystery of human relationships through the power of numbers and finally discover the truth.
Plus or Minus: Keeping Your Life, Faith, and Love Together Through Infertility
by Matt Appling Cheri ApplingInfertility—a long and quiet war...Matt and Cheri Appling couldn&’t get pregnant. One minus sign after another cast them into a long season of trying, failing, waiting, and hoping—into the wilderness where faith grew tired before it got stronger. And in that wilderness they wrote this book. A blend of story, reflection, and lament, Plus or Minus is the chronicle of three couples warring with infertility. It depicts life, faith, and love amidst the ebb and flow of gain and loss. Amidst empty nurseries and quiet hallways, another baby shower for someone else. As you journey with the Applings and their friends, you will learn to cope when dreams and reality collide. You will learn to cling to God&’s real promises even as you long for gifts he may not give. You will see marriage in sickness and in health and witness strength in weakness. You will see what it means to live fruitfully amidst barrenness and to be thankful in every season.This book provides solace for those battling infertility and a window into their pain for those who aren&’t. Poetic and raw, Plus or Minus is a portrait of faith in the trenches of infertility.
Plus or Minus: Keeping Your Life, Faith, and Love Together Through Infertility
by Matt Appling Cheri ApplingInfertility—a long and quiet war...Matt and Cheri Appling couldn&’t get pregnant. One minus sign after another cast them into a long season of trying, failing, waiting, and hoping—into the wilderness where faith grew tired before it got stronger. And in that wilderness they wrote this book. A blend of story, reflection, and lament, Plus or Minus is the chronicle of three couples warring with infertility. It depicts life, faith, and love amidst the ebb and flow of gain and loss. Amidst empty nurseries and quiet hallways, another baby shower for someone else. As you journey with the Applings and their friends, you will learn to cope when dreams and reality collide. You will learn to cling to God&’s real promises even as you long for gifts he may not give. You will see marriage in sickness and in health and witness strength in weakness. You will see what it means to live fruitfully amidst barrenness and to be thankful in every season.This book provides solace for those battling infertility and a window into their pain for those who aren&’t. Poetic and raw, Plus or Minus is a portrait of faith in the trenches of infertility.
by Rob Brezsny Robert Kelly Dana Wilde Richard C. Hoagland Richard GrossingerEncompassing astronomy, mythology, psychology, and astrology, Pluto offers a wealth of knowledge about our most famous dwarf planet. First observed in 1930 and once defined as the ninth and final planet in our solar system, Pluto and its discovery and reclassification throw a unique light on how we generate meaning in science and culture. This anthology, timed to appear in concordance with NASA's New Horizons's approach to Pluto in July 2015, shows that while the astronomical Pluto may be little more than an ordinary escaped moon or tiny Kuiper Belt object, it is a powerful hyperobject, for its mythological and cultural effigies on Earth incubate deep unconscious seeds of the human psyche. Certain astronomical features pertain to Pluto in terms of its distance from the Sun, coldness, and barrenness. These also inform its mythology and astrology as befitting a planet named after the God of the Underworld. Among the issues central to this collection are the meanings of darkness, loss, grief, inner transformation, rebirth, reincarnation, and karmic revelation, all of which are associated with the astrology of Pluto. Pluto also embodies the meaning of true wealth as being nonmaterial essence instead of property, conventional accolades, ego identity, achievement. It is the marker of negative capability. Table of ContentsDana Wilde: Pluto on the Borderlands; Richard Grossinger: Pluto and The Kuiper Belt; Richard C. Hoagland: New Horizon ... for a Lost Horizon; J. F. Martel: Pluto and the Death of God; James Hillman: Hades; Fritz Bruhubner: The Mythology and Astrology of Pluto; Thomas Frick: Old Horizons; John D. Shershin: The Inquisition of Pluto; Stephan David Hewitt: Pluto and the Restoration of Soul; Jim Tibbetts: Our Lady of Pluto, the Planet of Purification; Shelli Jankowski-Smith: Love Song for Pluto; Robert Kelly: Pluto; Dinesh Raghavendra: Falling in Love with a Plutonian; Steve Luttrell: Dostoevsky's PlutoPhilip Wohlstetter: Ten Things I'd Like to Find on Pluto; Jonathan Lethem: Ten Things I'd Like to Find on Pluto; Robert Sardello: Ten Things I'd Like to Find on Pluto; Ross Hamilton: Ten Things I'd Like to Find on Pluto; Robert Phoenix: My Father Pluto; Ellias Lonsdale: Pluto is the Reason We Have a Chance; Rob Brezsny: Pluto: Planet of WealthFrom the Trade Paperback edition.