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Planning A Baby?: How to Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy and Give Your Baby the Best Possible Start

by Dr Sarah Brewer

Planning a Baby? is all about giving your baby the best possible start in life. By taking maximum care of your health in the six important months before your new child is even conceived, you can optimise the chances of having a healthy baby. The first few weeks of gestation are critical. Research has shown that undernourishment during this time - often before the mother is even aware she is pregnant - can affect the baby a long way into the future. It is linked with the subsequent development of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes in middle age.In this completely updated and revised edition, Dr Sarah Brewer provides the latest groundbreaking research and gives advice on:-Contraceptive advances-Lifestyle and factors that affect early pregnancy-Conception itself - the myths and the facts-Which vitamins and minerals are needed, including the use of folic acid-Advice for vegetarians-Sperm health-An overview of the causes of miscarriageThis book aims to give potential parents all the tools they require before embarking on one of life's greatest adventures - conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Planning For Life: Involving Adults with Learning Disabilities in Service Planning

by Liam Concannon

This book traces the development of services for people with disabilities and discusses how much things have really changed for today's 'service users' since the days of asylums. It also assesses whether the policy of involvement, such as that outlined in Valuing People, is achievable in practice or simply places unrealistic burdens on professionals and service users.Based on findings from original research and interviews, the author argues that involving people with learning disabilities in service planning is difficult to achieve successfully and is currently, to a large extent, tokenistic. This area of challenging practice and emotive debate is brought to life by the voices of service providers, carers and the service users themselves, and illustrates the realities of working with people with learning disabilities.Planning for Life is valuable and informative for students of social work, social care and social policy, and will be enlightening reading for those working with adults with learning disabilities, in policy and in practice.

Planning For Uncertainty: Living Wills and Other Advance Directives for You and Your Family (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by David John Doukas William Reichel

A practical guide to documenting your decisions and preferences in case of incapacitating illness.It won’t happen to me.I’m too busy to worry about a living will.My family will know what to do.No one wants to plan for incapacitating illness or death. But to spare loved ones from needless emotional suffering, or even legal battles, people of all ages need to document and communicate clear decisions about the final details of their lives while they are healthy and have time to fully consider their own values and preferences.Here, Drs. David Doukas and William Reichel help individuals make decisions and communicate their wishes to health care providers and family members and other loved ones. They use a question-and-answer format to guide readers through the process—emphasizing the crucial connection between values and treatment preferences. They explain advance directives and the health care decision-making process, including the values history, family covenants, proxies, and proxy negation. The appendix includes resources and web links for learning about advance directive requirements and obtaining legal forms in all fifty states.This practical guide helps people navigate the intimidating but important process of thinking about, and planning for, an uncertain future.

Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs

by James F. McKenzie Brad L Neiger Rosemary Thackeray

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs, Eighth Edition provides students with a comprehensive overview of the practical and theoretical skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings. The Eighth Edition incorporates a straightforward, step-by-step format to make concepts clear and the full process of health promotion planning understandable. This edition features updated information throughout, including the most current Responsibilities, Competencies and Subcompetencies (NCHEC & SOPHE, 2020), the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession (CNHEO, 2020), a Report of the Joint Committee on Health Education and Promotion Terminology, and a new set of goals and objectives for the nation -- Healthy People 2030.

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer

by Rosemary Thackeray James McKenzie Brad Neiger

It provides students with a comprehensive overview of the practical and theoretical skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings. The features updated information throughout, including the new Responsibilities and Competencies generated from the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis–2015 (HESPA-2015), and reflects the latest trends in the field.

Planning in Health Promotion Work: An Empowerment Model

by Roar Amdam

Community development, planning and partnerships have become important terms in health promotion but, up until now, debate around these concepts have been discussed more in planning science than in public health literature. Roar Amdam draws on theories and new empirical evidence from local, regional and international planning and public health in order to develop a new model for health promotion: empowerment planning. Much health promotion planning has focused on top-down approaches, and while efforts to be participative are made, it is often without having a clear understanding of how community empowerment can be accommodated within health promotion programs. Amdam’s innovative concept combines top-down and bottom-up approaches to enable people to take more responsibility for their own health and for individual and collective capacity building. Planning in Health Promotion Work is suitable for all students and researchers of health promotion and health planning and development, whilst the numerous applied examples make it an invaluable resource for policymakers and practitioners working in public health.

Planning, Markets and Hospitals

by John Mohan

Improving access to hospital services has been a goal of public policy in Britain for over seventy years, but the means by which this goal is to be attained have changed significantly over time. Drawing substantially on original research, lanning, Markets and Hospitals represents a systematic attempt to access the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of planning and coordination of hospital development.The period covered includes: services prior to 1948; wartime hospital policy; the successes and failures of the mixed economy of health care in the inter-war period; the national hospital plan of 1962 and ultimately the market based reforms of 1991 and the changes since.This book makes a fresh contribution to enduring debates about planning and regulation of health care, about the governance of welfare services and about the appropriate role for voluntary, commercial and charitable provision of services. It reinterprets previous histories of hospital policy and questions whether current policies will reconcile competing goals of equity and choice.

Planning Parenthood: Strategies for Success in Fertility Assistance, Adoption, and Surrogacy

by Rebecca A. Clark Gloria Richard-Davis Jill Hayes Michelle Murphy Katherine Pucheu Theall

Planning to become a parent is a profound experience, at times agonizing, hopeful, stressful, and joyous. Not everyone is able to become pregnant, however. When the journey to parenthood proves challenging, Planning Parenthood will guide prospective parents through the complicated mazes of assisted reproduction and adoption.Specialist authors first describe fertility assistance, surrogacy, and adoption, clearly outlining the requirements of each strategy. They compare the medical, emotional, financial, and legal investments and risks involved with each of these options. Then they introduce the issues that people will need to consider when deciding which path to parenthood is best for them. Along the way these experts offer encouragement for changing course under any number of circumstances. Supporting the detailed information in this book are personal stories of the often long, winding, and emotional road to parenthood—from in vitro fertilization to egg donation to surrogacy to adoption. Armed with professional knowledge and inspired by the experiences of others who have gone before them, prospective parents will be informed and reassured by this unique resource.

Plano de Treino Abdominal em Pé de 15 Minutos

by Makoto Yamamoto Dale L. Roberts

Perca a barriguinha se exercitando por apenas 15 minutos! E se você pudesse perder entre cinco a dez vezes mais peso eliminando a gordura indesejada da barriga? E se eu disser que você não precisa se cansar com horas de exercícios só para perder pouco ou nenhum peso? E se você pudesse ter mais tempo no dia para ler, passar tempo com a família ou relaxar? Autor de doze livros renomadíssimos sobre saúde e fitness, Dale L. Roberts apresenta seu plano de treino com dez exercícios abdominais em pé que dura menos de 15 minutos. Após quase uma década desenvolvendo exercícios de qualidade que maximizam o tempo, Roberts responde à pergunta: quais são os segredos para se livrar da barriguinha sem ter que trabalhar incansavelmente por horas? Neste livro, você vai aprender: • a eliminar aquele pedaço de bolo ou aquela coxinha a mais no abdômen; • por que não é preciso rolar no chão para ter uma barriga tanquinho; • um programa abdominal de quinze minutos para realizar a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar; • que não é preciso nenhum equipamento para fortalecer o core; • por que em pé é mais eficaz para a perda de gordura do que deitado; • dados científicos que mostram que ficar em pé aumenta a expectativa de vida; • várias outras dicas para obter o máximo de qualquer treino ou plano de exercícios; • exercícios abdominais rápidos para que você possa curtir a vida; • dicas e técnicas para aplicar na sua rotina de exercícios atual; • a ganhar uma oferta gratuita exclusiva: o relatório “As Dez Melhores Ferramentas de Fitness Para Obter mais Resultados no Menor Tempo”; • e muito mais! Não perca mais tempo; compre este livro agora e finalmente elimine essa gordura da barriga de uma vez por todas! Clique em “Comprar” agora no topo desta página!

Plant a Geranium in Your Cranium

by Barbara Johnson

Best-selling humorist Barbara Johnson is back - and getting back to her roots - with a candid look at life and discovering joy in the midst of trials, including her own unexpected battle with cancer.

The Plant-Based Alkaline Diet: 75 Whole-Food Recipes for Lifelong Health

by Jenn Jodouin

Balance your body and improve your health with a plant-based alkaline diet Eating a plant-based diet rich in alkaline foods can boost your energy, reduce inflammation, and help you feel your best. Written by advanced holistic nutritionist Jenn Jodouin, this guide is filled with expert guidance and nourishing recipes to kick-start your plant-based alkaline diet and get you on the path to optimal health. Plant-based alkaline diet basics—Discover a detailed introduction to this healthy way of eating, including an overview of the nutritional science, key principles and guidelines, and foods to eat and avoid. Everything you need to succeed—Dive into the plant-based alkaline diet with a 7-day meal plan, advice for living a balanced lifestyle, and tips for getting the most out of each recipe. 75 flavorful recipes—Enjoy delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—plus snacks, treats, beverages, and even vegan staple foods like Alkaline Hot Sauce and Plant-Based Caesar Dressing. Adopt an alkaline diet for better overall well-being—this plant-based cookbook shows you how.

The Plant-Based Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook: Delicious Whole-Food Recipes to Reduce Inflammation and Promote Health

by Linda Tyler

Reduce the systemic inflammation that hampers your health with this inspired collection of plant-based recipes! Systemic inflammation can play a dangerous role in chronic diseases, many types of cancer, and even weight gain. The good news is that eating a plant-based diet is especially helpful for calming the immune system. The Plant-Based Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook delivers eighty plant-based recipes centered around foods known to fight against inflammation: ginger, turmeric, berries, garlic, citrus, and high-fiber foods such as legumes and whole grains. Linda Tyler, the Gracious Vegan, draws inspiration from classic dishes and global cuisines, adding creative twists and ensuring a whole-food approach without highly processed ingredients. This book's recipes cover all meals and a delicious array of flavors, including: Breakfast grains, smoothies, hashes, scrambles, and beverages Main dishes and salads centered on vegetables, grains, and legumes Filling soups and stews Tasty desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth And so much more! Easy-to-follow recipes, meal-planning ideas, and make-ahead tips combine to make eating more plants, especially anti-inflammatory superstars, feasible and delicious.

The Plant-Based Athlete: A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance

by Matt Frazier Robert Cheeke

The only research-based guide for connecting a plant-based diet with peak athletic performance, featuring interviews with professional athletes who've made the switch from meat to plants.The Plant-Based Athlete by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke reveals the incontrovertible proof that the human body does not need meat, eggs, or dairy to be strong. Instead, research shows that a consciously calibrated plant-based diet offers the greatest possible recovery times, cell oxidation, injury prevention, and restorative sleep, and allows athletes to train more effectively, with better results.However, committing to a plant-based diet as an elite athlete, first-time marathoner, or weekend warrior isn't as simple as swapping vegetables for meat. Even the slightest food adjustments can impact performance. That's why Matt Frazier, founder of No Meat Athlete, and Robert Cheeke, founder of Vegan Bodybuilding, wrote this groundbreaking book, to guide those interested in making this important shift in how to do so with the best, most transformative results.The Plant-Based Athlete offers readers:A persuasive body of evidence for adopting a plant-based lifestyle, with key information about how macronutrients, micronutrients, and calories fuel a body running on plant foodsAn entire chapter devoted to protein - why plant sources of protein are preferable over meat, and how plant protein can be used to increase strength, muscle mass, and power60+ delicious and nutritious plant-based recipes, including Veggie Burger Patties, Garden Meatballs, Summer Pasta Salad, Vegan Mac & Cheese, French Toast, Acai Bowl, and a High-Energy SmoothieInsights from winning plant-based athletes in nearly every sport including champion ultrarunners Rich Roll and Scott Jurek; former NFL player David Carter; champion boxers Yuri Foreman, Unsal Arik, Cam Awesome, and Vanessa Espinoza; and Olympic-level swimmers, cyclists, figure skaters, sprinters, and more.A Day in the Life of a Plant-Based Athlete - examples of what, when, and how different athletes eat to fuel their varied workoutsAn instant classic and mainstay on health and fitness shelves everywhere, The Plant-Based Athlete is the ultimate invitation for joining the growing community of athletes who use plants to power their workouts and their every day.

The Plant-Based Baby and Toddler: Your Complete Feeding Guide for 6 months to 3 years

by Alexandra Caspero Whitney English

An accessible guide for vegan, vegetarian, or veg-curious parents from the dietitian duo behind online community Plant-Based Juniors®--includes a bonus chapter on feeding infants up to six months!More of us are turning to plant-focused diets for our health and the health of the environment. But there haven't been reliable, evidence-based resources out there for a new generation of compassionate, conscientious parents--until now. The Plant-Based Baby and Toddler is your go-to resource, offering easy-to-digest nutritional facts and guidelines that aren't available elsewhere, with a special focus on the most important period of a child's life when it comes to developing good eating habits: infancy and toddlerhood.Whitney and Alex discuss: • the PB3 plate: a visual guide to structuring meals that are nutritionally balanced--1/3 fruits and vegetables; 1/3 legumes, nuts and seeds; and 1/3 grains and starches--and easy to adapt for the entire family • how to meet needs for critical nutrients such as iron • a primer on both traditional purees and the baby-led weaning/feeding approach • strategies for dealing with challenges such as picky eaters • sorting fact from fiction when it comes to nondairy milks and other substitutes • 50+ plant-based recipes created specifically for stages from first bites to age threeAs dietitians and moms, Whitney and Alex pored over nutrition journals and called on the experts to learn how to provide their babies with the best diet possible. They found that plant-based diets are associated with a reduced risk of obesity, decreased cholesterol levels, and increased fruit and vegetable intake; in short, not only are they safe for kids, they're pretty freaking awesome.

Plant-Based Beauty: The Essential Guide to Detoxing Your Beauty Routine

by Jess Arnaudin

The essential guide to detoxing your beauty routine.Plant-based beauty is part of a growing global movement that is not just about the food we eat but the choices we make when it comes to what we wear and the beauty products we use. We are more aware than ever that our personal actions have an effect both on our own levels of wellness and the health of the world around us.Plant-Based Beauty is a practical companion to your daily routine, helping you to truly understand the ingredients you are putting on your skin and replacing them with self-care rituals to look forward to. Jess Arnaudin helps to de-code the language, myths and science surrounding natural ingredients and shares recipes and her favourite beauty foods as part of her philosophy of 'Inside Out Beauty'.

Plant-Based Beauty: The Essential Guide to Detoxing Your Beauty Routine

by Jess Arnaudin

The essential guide to detoxing your beauty routine.Plant-based beauty is part of a growing global movement that is not just about the food we eat but the choices we make when it comes to what we wear and the beauty products we use. We are more aware than ever that our personal actions have an effect both on our own levels of wellness and the health of the world around us.Plant-Based Beauty is a practical companion to your daily routine, helping you to truly understand the ingredients you are putting on your skin and replacing them with self-care rituals to look forward to. Jess Arnaudin helps to de-code the language, myths and science surrounding natural ingredients and shares recipes and her favourite beauty foods as part of her philosophy of 'Inside Out Beauty'.

Plant-Based Cookbook: Good for Your Heart, Your Health, and Your Life; 200 Whole-food Recipes

by Trish Sebben-Krupka

Transitioning to a plant-based diet can be easy, fuss-free, and the ultimate way to transform your health.Plant-Based Cookbook includes 200 satisfying and delicious meatless, dairy-free recipes—plus everything you need to know to begin eating a plant-based diet.The health benefits of a plant-based diet are at your fingertips in this all-inclusive cookbook with 200 hearty vegetarian and vegan recipes, from basics such as stocks and sauces to appetizers, meatless mains, bakes and casseroles, grains and pasta, tofu, tempeh, and seitan, desserts, and more.The Plant-Based Cookbook also provides:• Nutritional information;• Tags for gluten-free, nut-free, and soy-free recipes;• How to make your favorite recipes meat-free;• Best sources of plant-based protein;• Cooking techniques and tools; and• Advice for the newbie on easy-to-make plant-based cooking.Whether by choice or by a doctor's orders, you will get all of the information you need in the Plant-Based Cookbook to make satisfying meals—without the meat and dairy!

The Plant Based Cookbook for Women: Simple, Healthy Recipes to Increase Energy and Balance Hormones

by Shannon Leparski

Balance your hormones and increase energy naturally with these delicious vegan and gluten-free recipes!This plant-based cookbook features 80+ recipes with nutrients and ingredients that will help you look and feel your best at any time of the month. Women's physical and emotional needs fluctuate as they flow through their hormonal cycle. That's why this specialty cookbook provides nutritious and delicious meals for each of your body's four phases (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal) so you can make sure you get the nutrients you need to improve your hormonal function and overall health.Whether you are seeking a fertility diet or aiming to achieve natural hormone balance, The Plant-Based Cookbook for Women gives you the tools and information you need to eat healthier and improve your quality of life starting today.Recipes Include: • Breakfast: Blackberry Compote Chocolate Oatmeal and Sweet Potato Pancakes • Lunch: Crunchy Spring Roll in a Bowl and "Cheesy" Bean and Veggie Quesadillas • Dinner: Spicy Kung Pao Beets and Chickpea Pot Pie Soup • Snacks: Pumpkin Hummus and Superfood Snack Bars • Desserts: Banana Bonbons and Pineapple Green Juice Ice Pops *Note: While the recipes in this book were created with women in mind, they include all-natural ingredients that are healthy for everyone, regardless of age and gender!

Plant-Based Cooking for Two: 80 Deliciously Easy Whole-Food Recipes

by Sara Speckels

Eat smarter with healthy, plant-based meals perfectly portioned for two Going plant-based can be a fun and easy way to prepare and share meals together while embracing a healthy lifestyle. Plant-Based Cooking for Two makes it easy to create quick and delicious dishes, designed to fit your budget and reduce processed ingredients. The precise portions also help eliminate leftovers and food waste. Go beyond other cooking-for-two cookbooks with: Plant-based diet 101—Discover the multiple, science-backed benefits of eating whole foods, as well as how best to sustain the plant-based diet with a partner. Meal planning tips—Make the most of your fresh ingredients with practical meal prep guidance and shopping tips that will save you time and money at the grocery store. Healthy, easy recipes—Find delectable, plant-based entrees, snacks, and even desserts, packed with nutrients and minimal amounts of salt, oil, and refined sugars. Enjoy cooking and eating healthy meals together with this easy plant-based cookbook.

Plant Based Cooking Made Easy: Over 100 Recipes

by Jill Dalton Jeffrey Dalton

From the creators of the popular YouTube channel The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show comes this timely and comprehensive cookbook! Plant Based Cooking Made Easy features over 100 life-saving, whole food plant-based recipes that are gluten-free, refined sugar & oil free, low in sodium, and full of scrumptious flavors.Modern cutting-edge nutritional research has clearly identified the whole food plant-based diet as the single most potent force for recovering and sustaining human health. Only a diet rich in a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, mushrooms, nuts, berries, and seeds—and which is free of highly processed foods, laden with preservatives, refined oils, sugar, and salt—has the power to reverse many of the leading chronic diseases the world faces today, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood, autoimmune disorders, and more.Jeffrey and Jill Dalton share the story of their own 23 year journey to plant-based transformation, one which not only empowered them to reverse their chronic health issues but also inspired them to create The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show—and now this cookbook! Drawing on their many years of experience with plant-based cooking, they spell out in detail all the appliances and preparations needed to set up your own kitchen for plant-based success.With over 100 recipes based on the best available plant-based nutritional research, Plant Based Cooking Made Easy covers all the bases, offering wholesome takes on everything from common comfort foods like hot dogs, macaroni & cheese, pizza, waffles, brownies, and double stuff Oreo cake, to international favorites like massaman curry, West African peanut sauce, sweet potato flatbread, mushroom bourguignon, tikka masala, hummingbird cake and more.Learn to easily make tasty gluten-free breads, muffins, cakes, pies, and cookies as well as plant-based cheeses and ice creams, salad dressings, and hummus, all in the comfort of your own kitchen. And if you should happen to get stuck, each recipe has a corresponding step-by-step video, easily accessible with a QR code scanner on your mobile device.With this cookbook as your ultimate guide, it has never been easier to make the life-changing switch to a plant-based diet. Soon to become an essential cookbook in healthy kitchens around the world, Plant Based Cooking Made Easy is your key to finally finding your own path to better health.

The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook: 125+ Nourishing Recipes to Satisfy Every Taste Bud

by Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN

A delectable plant-based cookbook and eating guide for preventing and managing diabetes and pre-diabetes from award-winning cookbook author and registered dietitian Jackie Newgent.Diabetes is an epidemic in the United States. More than 11 percent of the population is living with diabetes, and 38 percent of U.S. adults have prediabetes. Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and lower-limb amputation. Recent research has also shown a connection between diabetes and dementia, hearing loss, and some forms of cancer. Experts point to diet as a key component in preventing and treating diabetes and prediabetes—particularly one featuring fruits and vegetables. That&’s where The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook comes in, helping people with diabetes—or at risk for developing it—enjoy more plants. The key word is &“enjoy.&” Here, Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN, an award-winning cookbook author and classically-trained chef, offers 100 percent plant-based recipes that are full of flavor with fresh, modern appeal. At the same time, the dishes appeal to all eaters, not just vegetarians. The book is packed with more than 125 recipes, plenty of hearty main dishes, tasty menus, and hundreds of helpful tips. Following today&’s current nutrition therapy guidelines, readers can follow a flexible plan without being overly focused on calories, carb-counting, or other strict macronutrient or micronutrient parameters. People with diabetes and prediabetes—and their families and friends—will benefit from the deliciousness The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook brings to the table, and the good health it brings to their lives!

Plant-Based Diet Cookbook For Dummies

by Sebestyen

Live longer, live healthier, and feel amazing with a plant-based diet A plant-based diet has been proved to be a healthy and balanced alternative to diets that include meat. Even more importantly, it can be absolutely delicious and fun! In Plant-Based Diet Cookbook For Dummies you'll get all the recipes you need to guide you through a durable lifestyle change that will boost your energy, lower inflammation, encourage a healthy weight, and reduce your risk of disease. With over 100 foolproof and engaging recipes, this life-changing book will help you: Get started from scratch with a plant-based diet that will save you money and time Discover new recipes and grocery shopping techniques that keep your fridge stocked with healthy, delicious food Learn how to navigate restaurants and social gatherings while maintaining your new lifestyle So, if you've been wondering if it's time to make a change to your diet and lifestyle, why not give the plant-based diet a try?

Plant-Based Diet For Dummies

by Marni Wasserman

Get healthy, lose weight, and feel great on a plant-based dietThe benefits of a plant-based diet have been publicized far and wide, and you can no longer deny it--you're fully ready to experience the health benefits of this lifestyle. Plant-Based Diet For Dummies has been created to help even the most stubborn carnivores adapt to and even learn to find joy in a plant-based diet. Besides providing useful tips, delicious recipes, and meal ideas, this lively resource discusses all you have to gain from adopting healthier eating habits, including a decreased risk for cancer, a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, a lower cholesterol count and blood pressure, and a lower risk, and prevention, of diabetes. A meat-free lifestyle has many benefits for your body, and author Marni Wasserman takes you on a journey of discovery into the exciting world of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods.A plant-based diet, while similar to vegetarian and vegan diets, is different in that it allows an individual to experience the benefits of vegetarianism without focusing on the politics of a meat-free lifestyle. This book takes the mystery out of adopting better food habits and making better meal choices. It shows you how to stock your kitchen, cook fantastic meals, and discover the wealth of delicious ingredients at your fingertips.Discusses how to improve energy, lower cholesterol, and protect the body's cells, all through better diet optionsIncludes more than 40 mouthwatering recipes and sample menu plansGives specific advice and instructions for athletes, those battling illnesses, expectant parents, seniors, and childrenCovers which plant foods are good sources of fat, protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiberGet healthy, lose weight, and feel great on a plant-based diet.

Plant-Based Diet in 30 Days: A Cookbook and Meal Plan for an Easy Transition to the Plant Based Diet

by Sara Tercero

Transition to a fully plant-based diet in just one month It's possible to successfully transition to a plant-based diet in just 30 days with help from this complete plant-based diet cookbook. You'll kick-start a new way of eating with a 4-week meal plan, shopping lists, and easy recipes that are so delicious you won't even miss meat and dairy. What sets this whole food plant-based cookbook apart from other vegetarian cookbooks: Beginner-friendly—Learn everything you need to know to make the transition to a plant-based diet simple, satisfying, and healthy. You'll get a plant-based primer, tips for stocking your kitchen, and more. An easy-to-use layout—Each week is laid out with full menus, shopping lists, and cooking tips. Easy-to-make recipes—Whip up mouthwatering recipes that feature a variety of flavorful ingredients. Each recipe includes prep times and key nutritional information. Take the guesswork out of transitioning to a plant-based diet with the Plant-Based Diet in 30 Days.

Plant-Based Diet in 30 Minutes: 100 Fast & Easy Recipes for Busy People

by Ally Lazare

Fresh and flavorful plant based cooking in 30 minutesAfter a busy day, it may seem easier to reach for a takeout menu instead of planning for and cooking a healthy meal from scratch. This plant based diet cookbook will show you how simple it can be to prepare delicious, balanced, plant based recipes made with fresh, whole foods—all in 30 minutes or less.Plant based cooking basics—Explore the health benefits of a plant based diet and the essential kitchen tools and top ingredients you'll need for cooking.100 Quick and easy recipes—Make 30-minute cooking even easier with some recipes requiring only one pot, 5 ingredients, or minimal prep time.Cost- and time-saving tips—Stock your plant based diet kitchen affordably with tips on buying in bulk, recipes for homemade staples, and meal prep advice.Serve up vibrant and delicious recipes that can be ready faster than delivery with The Plant Based Diet in 30 Minutes.

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