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Pranayama beyond the Fundamentals: An In-Depth Guide to Yogic Breathing
by Richard RosenFor serious students of yoga who have an established pranayama practice, this book is a follow-up to Rosen's previous book, The Yoga of Breath. Here he picks up where he left off, offering a selection of traditional yogic techniques for those who wish to deepen their practice of pranayama and their understanding of the ancient wisdom of yoga. Rosen skillfully puts forward an array of awareness disciplines, breathing practices, mudras, and seals, interspersed with anecdotes and quotes from ancient texts. A free audio program available online offers a variety of guided practices so that listeners can create their own pranayama series, with guidance from the author in the appendix. (Download instructions available in the book.)
A pranzo con la dieta Wheat Belly
by Sarah Sophia Giancarlo AvellinoA pranzo con la dieta Wheat Belly Principi essenziali, volume 42 È giunta l'ora di abbandonare la stanchezza e l'apatia a favore di uno stile di vita più sano e più positivo. La longevità, come il benessere generale, è stata associata all'adozione di un sano regime alimentare. Il pranzo di ogni giorno deve prevedere alimenti che diano carburante all'organismo, stimolino gli enzimi della digestione e soddisfino la fame. Prendere la giusta direzione può fare la differenza nelle tue prestazioni al lavoro o a casa. Impara a goderti la vita un po' di più, aumenta la sicurezza in te stesso e adotta uno stile volto al benessere semplicemente modificando cosa assumi quotidianamente. Decidi subito di voler fare la differenza. Se rientri nella categoria dei milioni di persone con una vita frenetica e che ogni giorno consumano al volo pasti ricchi di grano, non devi sentirti solo. Esistono ottime diete e la Wheat Belly è tra le migliori. Sei stufo di sentirti gonfio, rallentato nei movimenti e con lo stomaco in subbuglio? Forse hai solo bisogno di adottare una dieta alimentare appagante e ricca di energia. Prova con il sistema Wheat Belly. Adottare uno stile di vita positivo potrà senz'altro darti cambiamenti notevoli, e non esiste momento migliore di adesso per iniziare con una modifica fondamentale - il tuo pranzo. Il libro di ricette di pranzi Wheat Belly è un vero must per chi desidera ottenere maggiore energia, perdita di peso e un aspetto positivo. Impara ciò che migliaia di persone già sanno benissimo: eliminando determinati ingredienti, come il grano, dal regime alimentare quotidiano rallenterai l'accumulo di grasso, stimolerai le funzioni cerebrali e otterrai grandi soddisfazioni. Non esiste modo migliore per fornire carburante all'organismo che pasteggiare con una delle ricette consigliate in questo libro. Fai spazio ad abitudini sane. Inizi
Prática Mental: Direcionar a Atenção
by Patrícia Pinto Apo HalmyrisUma abordagem prática para o exercício de concentração mental. O autor de "Meditação e Criatividade" está oferecendo um outro buquê de lições sobre técnicas de concentração. Este livro destina-se aos investigadores contemporâneos, mas mantendo os princípios clássicos validados pela experiência.
Pratica mentale: muovere l'attenzione
by Francesca Degani Apo HalmyrisL'autore di "Meditazione e Creatività" offre un'altra serie di lezioni sulle tecniche di concentrazione. Questo libro, dedicato ai ricercatori contemporanei, si attiene tuttavia ai principi classici convalidati dall'esperienza.
Pratos Sem Glúten E Sem Derivados Do Leite
by Amber Richards Pietra AcunhaFazer uma dieta sem glúten e sem laticínios pode ser um verdadeiro desafio, eu sei porque tenho que fazer isso devido a alergias alimentares. Essa é uma coleção de 40 receitas deliciosas que são tanto sem glúten quanto sem laticínios. Há 20 receitas de pratos principais, 10 de sopas e 10 de sobremesas. Elas são muito saborosas e podem vir a ser pilares em seu estilo de vida alimentar.Eu descobri, por acaso, uma alergia ao leite quando pensei estar desenvolvendo artrite. No meu caso, quando cortei os laticínios, fiquei 100% sem dor em apenas 3 semanas. Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar de uma conexão entre artrite e laticínios e, mesmo agora, se eu comer qualquer pedaço de queijo, mesmo que seja pequeno, no dia seguinte minhas juntas doem muito. Se você sofre de artrite, pense em considerar uma dieta sem laticínios por 60 dias e veja como suas dores são afetadas (se forem afetadas). Este livro dá algumas alternativas deliciosas!
Pray. Trust. Ride: Lessons on Surrender from a Cowgirl and a King
by Lisa BoucherPray. Trust. Ride: encourages you to stay in the saddle and ride through life with a looser rein. We live more fully when we can let go— even when all looks bleak and our brains scream, Hang on and do something! Do anything! Fix this! Stop that! The truth is, those problems that strangle our hearts are the sort of problems that we can&’t fix. King Jehoshaphat understood that when he was boxed in by his enemy; at his most vulnerable moment, he leaned on God and let go of the outcome. Using this approach as her guiding principle, Lisa Boucher shares in this helpful guide how to lean on spiritual principles to help people live with less anxiety and strife, and how letting go allows us to accept that we can&’t solve all our problems; we can&’t save others from themselves; we can&’t stop the inevitable from happening. What we can do is let go and trust that God has our backs.
Prayer: How to Pray Effectively from the Science of Mind
by Ernest HolmesCombining the most essential principles about prayer with the dozens of prayers and meditations from Ernest Holmes's classic text, The Science of Mind, this new book, Prayer, is a simple introduction for anyone who wants to learn how to pray effectively. "What does one do when he prays?" writes Holmes. "He talks to God. Where does he talk to God? He talks to God in his own mind, through his own thought or feeling. " .
Prayer, Faith & Healing: Cure Your Body, Heal Your Mind, and Restore Your Soul
by Kenneth Winston Caine Brian Paul KaufmanTap the power of prayer and faith to heal whatever ails you.Prayer and faith can be potent cures for a whole host of emotional and physical problems. Hundreds of scientific studies prove it! But how do you access this hidden strength? Prayer, Faith, and Healing will show you how with:* Advice from more than 160 of America's top religious leaders, counselors, doctors, and scientists* More than 500 tips for handling anger, addiction, depression, divorce, grief, stress, infidelity, financial problems, and over 40 other conditions* Plus, nearly 30 ways to build a more meaningful prayer lifeThe most complete, most compelling advice ever gathered on how to heal yourself with prayer.
Prayer for the Day
by Bbc Radio 4Prayer for the Day brings together 365 selected readings from the much loved, long-running series on BBC Radio 4. The programme, which has been broadcast daily at 5:43am for several decades, and continues to attract over half a million dedicated listeners, comprises a short 2-minute reflection to start your day. These artfully combine traditional forms of prayer and reflection, from a variety of religions and denominations, with contemporary issues and themes that are often relevant to the date on which the programme is broadcast. In keeping with the theme of 'Prayer for the Day', there are 365 reflections in the book, from a vast range of the eminent religious figures and broadcasters who have contributed to the programme over the years. There is a foreword by a prominent figure in the faith community, a short profile of each contributor and an index of contributors. To emphasise the point that the reflections can be used daily, they are ordered by date (i.e. 1st January, 2nd January etc), and each entry is selected on the basis of it being as date-specific as possible. The date of broadcast is underneath each entry, and dates are also marked at the top corners of each page so they can be found easily. The spacious design includes page openers for each month with simple line illustrations. Prayer for the Day is a beautiful and inspirational addition to any bedside table, with religious meditations that both participate in the ecumenical spirit of the 21st century and equip you perfectly for each day's journey.
Prayer for the Day
by Bbc Radio 4Prayer for the Day brings together 365 selected readings from the much loved, long-running series on BBC Radio 4. The programme, which has been broadcast daily at 5:43am for several decades, and continues to attract over half a million dedicated listeners, comprises a short 2-minute reflection to start your day. These artfully combine traditional forms of prayer and reflection, from a variety of religions and denominations, with contemporary issues and themes that are often relevant to the date on which the programme is broadcast. In keeping with the theme of 'Prayer for the Day', there are 365 reflections in the book, from a vast range of the eminent religious figures and broadcasters who have contributed to the programme over the years. There is a foreword by a prominent figure in the faith community, a short profile of each contributor and an index of contributors. To emphasise the point that the reflections can be used daily, they are ordered by date (i.e. 1st January, 2nd January etc), and each entry is selected on the basis of it being as date-specific as possible. The date of broadcast is underneath each entry, and dates are also marked at the top corners of each page so they can be found easily. The spacious design includes page openers for each month with simple line illustrations. Prayer for the Day is a beautiful and inspirational addition to any bedside table, with religious meditations that both participate in the ecumenical spirit of the 21st century and equip you perfectly for each day's journey.
Prayer for the Day
by Bbc Radio 4Prayer for the Day brings together 365 selected readings from the much loved, long-running series on BBC Radio 4. The programme, which has been broadcast daily at 5:43am for several decades, and continues to attract over half a million dedicated listeners, comprises a short 2-minute reflection to start your day. These artfully combine traditional forms of prayer and reflection, from a variety of religions and denominations, with contemporary issues and themes that are often relevant to the date on which the programme is broadcast. In keeping with the theme of 'Prayer for the Day', there are 365 reflections in the book, from a vast range of the eminent religious figures and broadcasters who have contributed to the programme over the years. There is a foreword by a prominent figure in the faith community, a short profile of each contributor and an index of contributors. To emphasise the point that the reflections can be used daily, they are ordered by date (i.e. 1st January, 2nd January etc), and each entry is selected on the basis of it being as date-specific as possible. The date of broadcast is underneath each entry, and dates are also marked at the top corners of each page so they can be found easily. The spacious design includes page openers for each month with simple line illustrations. Prayer for the Day is a beautiful and inspirational addition to any bedside table, with religious meditations that both participate in the ecumenical spirit of the 21st century and equip you perfectly for each day's journey.
Prayer Is Good Medicine: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer
by Larry DosseyPrayer moves into the center stage of Western medicine Prayer Is Good Medicine acts as a modern-day prayer book as well as an ethical touchstone for healers and seekers. Unlike medical practitioners in the East, many physicians in the West argue that the healing power of science is far superior to, and often incompatible with, the healing power of prayer. Yet, physician Dossey, attentive to the ways in which spiritual health affects bodily health, demonstrated in his Healing Words that the capacity of prayer to heal, combined with the capacity of science to heal, is far greater than the healing power of medicine alone. Using evidence from scientific studies regarding the beneficial effects of prayer on health, Dossey has here fashioned a kind of how-to manual for incorporating prayer into the process of healing. After first defining prayer as an attitude of the heart whose content is neither shaped by nor limited to a single religious tradition, Dossey then proceeds to explore the infinite variety of forms that prayer may take. Dossey's holistic vision challenges narrow religious views of prayer as well as conventional medical method of healing.
Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism
by Llewellyn Vaughan-LeeGuiding the reader through the stages of mystical prayer—a way to create a living relationship with the Divine within the heart—this book draws upon Christian and Sufi sources such as St. Teresa of Avila, ‘Attâr, St. John of the Cross, and Rûmî. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee describes the stages of prayer: how prayer is first born of need, but then takes one deep within the heart, into the stages of union and ecstasy. Through mystical prayer, one is drawn into the silence of real communion with God. Here, in the silence within the heart, a meeting and merging takes place that carries one beyond the self into the mystery of divine presence. This exploration delves into the secret of how to pray without ceasing, in which prayer becomes alive within the heart, and includes a chapter on the need to pray for the well-being of the Earth. It brings together the Christian and Sufi mystical traditions and will benefit any practitioner of prayer who is drawn to discover a relationship with God within their heart.
by Sylvia BrowneThese inspiring PRAYERS are taken from Sylvia Browne’s sermons, delivered at her church, Society of Novus Spiritus. In each case, the words were "infused" into her by her spirit guide Francine, and of course, by God. Granted, these words are a passive mode of prayer, yet the goal is to recharge your spiritual battery so that you’ll be able to go out into the world and do God’s work. Read by the author. Includes music by Gary Raffanelli.
Prayers and Devotions
by Peter Canisius Johannes van Li John PaulThis treasury of selected passages from the writings and addresses of perhaps the most impressive leader of the Catholic Church the world has ever known offers, as its editor suggests, "a harvest from the mind and heart of Pope Wojtyla." And so here is a chance for the modern reader, engaged in various daily tasks, to spend a few moments with the Pope each day of the liturgical year, contemplating his reflections on the mystery and the example of Christ; and on the church, man, the family, the lives of the saints, the meaning of holidays, and the place of faith in daily life. His personal concerns as expressed in these passages include such topics as "Sharing with Others," "To Be in Peace," "Consumer Society," "Family Prayer," and "The Great Divine Trial," about the meaning of his near-assassination. Through these pages of calm reflection each day of the year, all will find a moment of peaceful repose from the occupations of life.
Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache
by Alberto Villoldo Brooke Medicine Eagle Maria YracébûrûTeaches the traditional Quero Apache meditative practice of entering the silence--a combination of prayer, meditation, and breathwork--as a path to spiritual healing and enlightenment • Contains 24 prayer wheels from the Quero Apache tradition• Offers easy-to-follow instructions for how to conduct the practice• Provides rare insights into the spiritual philosophies and rituals of the Quero Apache• Written by a living descendant of Apache prophet NochaydelklinneThe Quero Apache Snake Clan, or Tlish Diyan, center their spiritual practice on the daily ceremony of Doowaa-gon’ch-aada, “entering the silence.” A combination of meditation, breathwork, and prayer, Doowaa-gon’ch-aada offers an experiential connection to All That Is from the Earth-based spiritual traditions of indigenous America. When performed properly, this ritual becomes a path to self-realization and transcendence.Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache explains how to establish a personal practice. In addition to 24 prayer wheels, easy-to-follow instructions for the ritual, and accompanying pieces of inspirational artwork, the book includes a rare overview of the spiritual philosophies of the Quero Apache. The author incorporates her own stories and essays into the text in order to share the wisdom she has gained as daughter of the Tlish Diyan, granddaughter and apprentice of Apache holy man Ten Bears, and descendant of the prophet Nochaydelklinne.
Prayers For Healing: 365 Blessings, Poems, & Meditations from Around the World
by Maggie OmanAs recent scientific research shows, the simple act of praying can be emotionally, spiritually, and even physically healing. With Prayers for Healing, Maggie Oman invites readers into the healing space she has created within the pages of this daybook to reap its benefits in times of stress, illness, depression, or spiritual longing. With inspiration from such diverse sources as the Tao Te Ching, the Koran, the Torah, Native American texts, and the Bible, contributors include Thich Nhat Hanh, Wendell Berry, Jack Kornfield, Rumi, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marian Wright Edelman, Martin Luther King, Jr. , and Marianne Williamson, providing comfort and inspiration on the journey toward rejuvenation and renewal.
Prayers for Healing: 365 Blessings, Poems, & Meditations from Around the World
by Maggie Oman ShannonDaily Meditations and Prayers from Around the World “...I hope that people of all faiths as well as those who do not believe in a religion will find inspiration and understanding here that in some way contributes to their own inner peace.” —The Dalai Lama#1 New Release in Buddhism, Sacred WritingsDiscover the power to heal through many meditation and prayer voices. This interfaith book provides insight from various religious and cultural texts that touches on our pain and inspires the healer within all of us to be reminded of hope and faith so that we may live a deeper, more meaningful, and fully self-expressed life.Create a tapestry of comfort and inspiration. Maggie Oman creates a healing space for readers in her deeply spiritual book Prayers for Healing: 365 Blessings, Poems, & Meditations from Around the World. During moments that are filled with despair, illnesses, depression, or spiritual longing, Prayers for Healing draws on the power of wise and healing devotionals for reflection and deep mediation.Embrace physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation.Prayers for Healing demonstrates the transformative nature woven through the power of prayer and wisdom. It draws from a select collection of influential spiritual leaders, philosophers and thinkers of our time that include: The Tao Te Ching, The Koran, The Torah, Native American texts, The Bible, Thich Nhat Hanh, Wendell Berry, ack Kornfield, Rumi, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marian Wright Edelman, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Marianne Williamson. If you have found that works such as Prayers That Bring Healing, Earth Prayers, Prayers of Hope for Caregivers, Prayers for Hard Times, or Prayers for Hope and Healing have brought inspiration into your life, then this book is an invitation to strengthen your inner healer.
Prayers for Hope and Comfort: Reflections, Meditations, and Inspirations (Spirituality Ser.)
by Maggie Oman ShannonIn a world that feels increasingly fragile, people will continue to look for new prayers and new ways to pray. While there are a number of anthologies of prayer available, no book - until now - has attempted to provide a collection that focuses specifically on prayers for a wide range of modern challenges, from the personal to the global. Prayers for Hope and Comfort covers issues facing individuals (illness, addiction); those challenged in relationships (aging parents, divorce); local communities (natural disasters, unemployment); the larger world (poverty, hunger, war); and creation itself (loss of rainforests, species extinction, global warming).Prayers for Hope and Comfort offers readers solace, comfort, and hope, drawing from the wisdom of every era, every major faith and tradition, and the important voices of those who have lived through such experiences themselves. The book contains selections from some of the world's most profound poets and thinkers: David Whyte, Eckhart Tolle, Sister Joan Chittister, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as traditional prayers and verses from every time and place.
Prayers from the Heart: Prayers for help and blessings, prayers of thankfulness and love
by Lorna ByrneLorna Byrne has helped millions of people around the world by calling on them to realise that they each have a guardian angel and by showing them that can ask for help from God and the angels.Lorna is often asked for help on how to ask and how to pray, so in this new book she gives detailed advice and also includes prayers for different occasions.She says: 'Sometimes our prayers are so focussed on asking for things, we forget to listen out for what God, the angels and our love ones are trying to tell us. God always has this abundance of blessings prepared for us, small blessings and great blessings. He wants to give every individual great life-changing blessings, beginning when that individual is born. God will do everything to make it happen, but He will never infringe on an individual's free will, which a good reason for us to engage intelligent conversation with him - listening as well as asking - in prayer.'
Prayers of Manifestation
by Ama RyjilaConnecting with the divine source, asking through the heart and raising consciousness lead to a continuous and stable development of the spiritual self. This collection of inspiring prayers has been written to help the reader heal a specific problem through the power of spiritual growth. Through a sense of 'earning' the results of these connections the achievements become lasting improvements to our lives. This practice will lead to the development of a multi-dimensional heart, giving us insight to make decisions in accordance with higher consciousness, resulting in an ability to master every life situation. This leads to our becoming a more passionate, more understanding, and a more tolerant and loving person. This very practical and inspiring book can help to: Remove blockages Support good health Heal the heart Remove stress Remove negative thoughts Live in joy and happiness
Prayers to the Great Creator
by Julia CameronA must for all fans of The Artist's Way: all four of Julia Cameron's bestselling prayer books in one volume. This beautiful volume features hundreds of prayers, declarations, and affirmations for a peaceful and harmonious life. Intended for daily use as a guiding and comforting reminder of the divine presence in all of our lives, Prayers to the Great Creator includes Cameron's four classic prayer books in one volume: Heart Steps, Blessings, Transitions, and Answered Prayers. Prayers to the Great Creator is the ideal gift for anyone seeking spiritual fulfillment. .
PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Strength, & Discipline
by Janet Holm MchenryChallenge your body. Feed your spirit. Change the world. Ask any Christian woman about her most recent New Year's resolutions, and you'll likely find that exercise regularlyo and pray moreo were at the top of her list. We all long to look and feel our best, to live actively and healthfully. More than that, we desire to connect intimately with our God. Yet physical health and spiritual growth often take a backseat to the urgent demands of grocery shopping and bill paying, time with family and friends, and long hours at the office. It's Time to Exercise Your Prayer Life. Three years ago, author Janet Holm McHenry suffered from depression, weight gain, and exhaustion. Then she began a prayerwalk routine that not only transformed her life but also profoundly impacted the lives of those around her. Learn how you, too, can set out on a journey to increased energy, better health, and greater joyuand experience a rich, full prayer ministry that will have a lasting impact on your loved ones and communityuin PrayerWalk. Prayerwalking makes so much sense, you'll wonder why you haven't been doing it all your life!o uHeather and David Kopp, coauthors of the Praying the Bible series Honest, humorous, and insightful, PrayerWalk will encourage your heart. o uLinda Dillow, author of Intimate Issues
Prayerwalking: Praying on Site with Insight
by Steve Hawthorne Graham KendrickPrayerwalking gives you a practical menu of proven ideas to begin preparing whole cities for spiritual awakening. Biblical insights will build your faith to voice city-size prayers. And the stories and statements of more than one hundred prayerwalking Christians will fire your imagination for your first steps.
The PrayFit Diet
by Eric Velasquez Jimmy Peña Dana Angelo WhiteHARNESS YOUR FAITH TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Jimmy Peña, one of the nation's most sought-after fitness experts, has been trusted by the most prominent names in the entertainment industry, including Tyler Perry, Mario Lopez, and LL Cool J, to help them look and feel their best. His highest calling, however, is transforming the bodies and souls of people all over the country through his powerful combination of faith and fitness called PrayFit. In The PrayFit Diet, Peña offers an easy, effective program--including shopping lists, daily menus, and simple, delicious recipes--to help you lose up to 20 pounds in 33 days. A healthy body, he explains, is not about restriction of either calories or food groups. Instead, it's all about eating in equilibrium--a perfect 33% macronutrient balance of carbs, protein, and fat every day, which will allow you to make dramatic changes to your health and your waistline. The balanced approach of The PrayFit Diet is not only inspired by biblical principles, but it's also supported by today's cutting-edge science, and Peña gives you a plan to shed weight fast and the motivation to keep it off for a lifetime. In The PrayFit Diet, Peña shows us how faith is the most powerful tool we have to conquer all of life's obstacles, and that includes our health. More importantly, God wants you to be at your best, physically and spiritually. By combining perfectly proportioned meals with biblically based motivation, The PrayFit Diet will give you all the tools you need to live a life that will both inspire you and honor the Lord.