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At the End of the Day

by Lisl H. Detlefsen

A pitch-perfect story about a busy, exhausted, and loving family dealing with one obstacle after another in the run-up to bedtime, in the spirit of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.At the end of a long day, sometimes it feels as if time will keep stretching endlessly. There are errands to run, homework to do, and toys to be put away. Sometimes it&’s windy, and stormy, or downright boring. But . . . sometimes, with a little patience, the end of the day can be warm and cozy, surprising and exciting, and just right—filled with reasons to be grateful for the day you&’ve had, and to look forward to tomorrow, too.

At the Sign of the Sugared Plum

by Mary Hooper

In June 1665, excited at the prospect of coming to London to work at her sister Sarah's candy shop, teenaged Hannah is unconcerned about rumors of plague until, as the hot summer advances and increasing numbers of people succumb to the disease, she and Sarah find themselves trapped in the city with no means of escape. Historical fiction. Includes a reading group guide at the end.

At Your Command: The First Classic Work by the Visionary Mystic

by Neville

The first work of higher awareness and practical metaphysics by the twentieth-century's groundbreaking visionary, Neville Goddard.In the past decade the visionary work of Neville Goddard (1905-1972) has attained spectacular popularity. A new generation of readers is discovering and testing Neville's core principle: imagining creates reality. In this handsome Cornerstone Edition, readers can now experience Neville's first book from 1939, At Your Command. The book succinctly lays out his teaching with splendor, ease, and total practicality. Neville first classic work now has the dignified and beautiful publication it deserves. As a special bonus, this Cornerstone Edition includes historian Mitch Horowitz's essay on Neville's life and work, "Neville Goddard: A Cosmic Philosopher," which explores the background of Neville's mysterious teacher Abdullah, and considers how his ideas relate to contemporary science.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Atención plena: Meditación para conciliar el sueño rápido y profundo y despertar feliz

by Mirna B. Hornsby

Este libro de Mindfulness contiene pasos y estrategias probados sobre cómo comenzar a vivir la vida al máximo cuando vives la vida en el momento presente! En este libro fácil de seguir y comprender sobre la atención plena, comprenderá fácilmente lo simple que es comenzar a vivir el momento presente con un poco de práctica. Este libro incluye: ✔ El Sendero Óctuple ✔ Las tres verdades universales ✔ Las tres divisiones del budismo ✔ La práctica de la fe budista ✔ Introducción a la meditación ✔ ¿Por qué meditar? Los beneficios de la meditación ✔ Postura de meditación de Vairochana ✔ Respiración consciente ✔ Meditación de atención plena ✔ Dharma ✔ Meditación Zazen (Zen) ✔ Meditación Vipassana: La meditación de la percepción; y ✔ Meditación Lamrim, que incluye varias oraciones para que pruebes Millones de nosotros nos sentimos cansados, estresados ​​y agotados hoy en día, principalmente debido a la forma en que es el mundo y cómo se espera que encajemos en él, así como a las demandas competitivas de nuestro tiempo y atención que parecen no tener fin. Encontrar la paz en medio de este caos puede ser un desafío, pero hay esperanza.

Atención plena: El arte de asociarse con la práctica del mindfulness

by Shirley E. Erickson

Ya sea que busques mejorar tu vida, aprender sobre atención plena y meditación o que busques una introducción a la filosofía budista y de qué manera sus practicantes utilizan la atención plena, también llamada mindfulness, este es el libro que lo incluye todo.

Atención plena: Navegar la vida diara usando la nueva ciencia de la salud y la felicidad

by Lena E. Adams

Es probable que vea el mundo con más paz y compasión cuando termine este libro. Creo firmemente que el guerrero de la paz que le habita despertará con las palabras escondidas en este libro.

Atención plena para niños y adolescentes: Prácticas de mindfulness en la crianza, la salud y la educación

by Marina Lisenberg

Las neurociencias han descubierto que la práctica de mindfulness favorece la disminución de la ansiedad y el estrés e incrementa la concentración. Los padres pueden mejorar la comunicación en el hogar, reducir la conflictividad y contribuir al bienestar. Lo mismo sucede en las aulas o los consultorios. Vivimos acelerados, ansiosos por el futuro o emocionalmente cargados por asuntos del pasado, y el estrés o la insatisfacción nos invaden. Pero con solo prestar atención, ya activamos de forma natural los recursos que nos permiten mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Esto nos posibilita despegarnos de nuestros condicionamientos para observarnos y registrarnos, o para captar a un hijo, un alumno o un paciente tal como son. Estar atentos siempre es cuidar. Integrando el cuerpo y la mente, mindfulness nos entrena en la atención, momento a momento, amorosamente y con curiosidad. Ayuda a que padres, educadores, profesionales de la salud, niños y jóvenes aumenten su capacidad de estar más despejados y conectados. Basada en su experiencia como terapeuta y entrenadora en mindfulness, Marina Lisenberg ofrece en este libro recursos para lidiar con el estrés y el sufrimiento innecesarios. Para que tanto los adultos como los niños y los jóvenes descubran los beneficios de la práctica de la atención plena y puedan elegir libremente la forma de darle sentido y plenitud a su vida.

Ätherische Öle & Aromaöle

by Sherry Styles

Möchten Sie Beschwerden, Entzündungen und Schmerzen endlich loswerden? Schon seit langem werden ätherische Öle zur Behandlung von einer Reihe von Krankheiten wie Schlafstörungen, Angstzuständen, Stress, Akne, Allergien, Erkältungen, Erschöpfung und vielem mehr verwendet! Die Verwendung von ätherischen Ölen hilft auch bei Entzündungen, stärkt das Immunsystem, steigert das Energielevel, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und vieles mehr! Diese Einführung in die Geheimnisse von Aromatherapie-Profis hilft Ihnen, sich gesünder als je zuvor zu fühlen! Mit jahrzehntelang erprobten Strategien zeigt Ihnen dieses E-Book die schnellste und effektivste Möglichkeit, ätherische Öle für Ihr Wohlbefinden zu verwenden! Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden in nur wenigen Wochen steigern können. Nicht nur das, sondern Sie werden buchstäblich jeden einzelnen Aspekt Ihres Lebens verbessern. Möchten Sie wissen, wie andere Menschen mit zu viel Stress umgehen? Lernen auch Sie die Geheimnisse, um glücklicher und gesünder zu werden. Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt Ihnen bewährte Techniken ohne die Verwendung teurer Ergänzungsmittel oder Kurse. Was finden Sie hier? - Heilmittel. - Arten von Ölen. - Stressreduktion. - Mehr Energie. - Besser schlafen. - Alles, was Sie wissen müssen. + VIEL MEHR! Wenn Sie gesünder sein, Beschwerden heilen oder Ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Wohlbefinden verbessern möchten, ist dieser Ratgeber genau das Richtige für Sie. -> Scrollen Sie zum Seitenanfang und klicken Sie auf "In den Warenkorb", um dieses Buch sofort zu kaufen.

Ätherische Öle für Katzen: Rezepte, Anwendung und Unbedenklichkeit von Ätherischen Ölen für Ihre Katze

by The Blokehead

In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, mit welchen Ölen Sie Ihre Katze beruhigen oder ihr beim Entspannen helfen, wie Sie Flöhe oder Zecken bekämpfen, die Haut Ihrer Katzen gesund erhalten und ihre empfindlichen Ohren und Nasen generell pflegen können. Es gibt viele gezielte Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von ätherischen Ölen bei Katzen. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, mit welchen Ölen Sie Ihre Katze beruhigen oder ihr beim Entspannen helfen, wie Sie Flöhe oder Zecken bekämpfen, die Haut Ihrer Katzen gesund erhalten und ihre empfindlichen Ohren und Nasen generell pflegen können. Sie finden auch einige Ölrezepte, mit denen Sie die Umgebung Ihrer Katze desodorieren und Insekten bekämpfen können. Schnappen Sie sich das Buch, um mehr zu erfahren!

Athlete, Not Food Addict

by Ph.D. Daniel Kirschenbaum

8 Steps to Weight Control Power shatters widespread beliefs about the addictive nature of food and offers an empowering method for effective weight loss. Wellspring president Kirschenbaum shows that weight problems are caused primarily by resistant biological forces within us, our culture and a lack of knowledge about how to manage and overcome these challenges. To lose weight permanently, weight control seekers must become "weight controller athletes" and learn to mold their bodies in a healthier direction, just as athletes do.Kirschenbaum provides key steps necessary to maximize one's inner power to control weight. He enables readers to understand the body's resistance to weight loss and helps them learn how to effectively manage food to decrease the body's biological resistance. He asserts the importance of increasing movement, while providing strategies to develop an athlete's power of concentration through focus and self-monitoring logs. Readers will become proficient weight controller athletes and gain the necessary tools for a lifetime of successful weight control.

The Athlete's Book of Home Remedies: 1,001 Doctor-Approved Health Fixes and Injury-Prevention Secrets for a Leaner, F itter, More Athletic Body!

by Jordan Metzl Mike Zimmerman

Identify, treat, and—most important—prevent common debilitating sports injuries and medical conditions. Whether you're a hardcore competitor or a weekend warrior, this book belongs on your shelf. The Athlete's Book of Home Remedies is your go-to resource for safe, effective, do-it-yourself treatments whether you have a strain, sprain, or pain that you've never felt before. When you get hurt, you have fears. You have questions. Ice or heat? Should I see a doctor? Will I need surgery? This book answers those questions and allays those fears. Dr. Jordan Metzl, one of the nation's leading sports medicine physicians, breaks down all the information into easy-to-follow strategies for effective self-treatment—while letting you know in no uncertain terms when you should go see your own doctor, pronto. The book also answers other common training questions like, "What should I eat to fuel my workouts?" and "What exercises can I do to prevent injury and perform at the next level?" Understand: Metzl isn't just a doctor. He's an elite athlete, having completed 9 Ironman triathlons and 29 marathons. He understands the mind of the athlete, how psychologically devastating any injury can be, and what it takes to get you back in your game as quickly and safely as possible. In The Athletes Book of Home Remedies, you'll find: • Eye-popping anatomical illustrations of each injury, detailed symptoms, how the injury happens, and how to fix it • The secret system of the body that you can tap to boost performance and prevent injury • Concussions: What you need to know • The most annoying sports maladies ever—from athlete's foot to side stitches—cured! • The Iron Strength Workouts: Intense, total-body exercise routines for all fitness levels designed to build injury-proof athletes • Two comprehensive eating plans, each with a week's worth of meals engineered to fit the specific nutrition needs for endurance training or strength training • Dozens of sneaky tips for gaining an edge in any sport

The Athlete's Cookbook: A Nutritional Program to Fuel the Body for Peak Performance and Rapid Recovery

by Brett Stewart Corey Irwin

FUEL YOUR FITNESSThis book shows how to perform at the top of your ability by combining its carefully constructed nutrition plan with your personal training and conditioning. Build the ideal diet to power a lean, strong physique with over 100 delicious recipes, like:* Mussels Marinara Spaghetti for Increased Glycogen* Walnut-parmesan Chicken for Maximum Protein* Peanut Butter Crunch Bars for Healthy FatsWith day-by-day meal plans and advice on the best pre and post-workout nutrition, The Athlete's Cookbook details everything you need to maintain energy and build muscle, keeping you at the top of your game.

The Athlete's Fix: A Program for Finding Your Best Foods for Performance and Health

by Pip Taylor

In The Athlete's Fix, registered dietitian Pip Taylor will help you find your problem foods--and the foods that make you feel and perform your best. The Athlete's Fix offers a sensible, 3-step program to identify food intolerances, navigate popular special diets, and develop your own customized clean diet that will support better health and performance. Recent studies show that food intolerances are almost 5 times more prevalant today than in the 1950s; as many as 1 in 6 Americans is estimated to have a food sensitivity. Exercise can make food intolerances even worse for endurance athletes. Food cravings, GI distress, headaches, brain fog--these common reactions can be more than symptoms of a tough workout. They could be caused by the foods you eat. Endurance sports stress the body, often worsening mild food sensitivities and causing symptoms like GI distress, food cravings, and headaches. Many athletes aggressively eliminate foods as a one-size-fits-all solution. These restrictive diets sometimes bring short-term improvements, but they are difficult to maintain and often leave athletes undernourished and underperforming. The Athlete's Fix offers a smarter, fine-tuned approach. Taylor will show how you will benefit most from a diet full of a wide variety of foods. You'll improve your daily diet, cut out common irritants, then add back foods until you feel great enjoying your own personalized clean diet. To help with this transition, The Athlete's Fix offers 50 recipes using easily tolerated foods that support a base functional diet. The Athlete's Fix examines hot issues for athletes like: Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, gluten-free and grain-free diets Lactose intolerance FODMAPs and specific carbohydrate intolerances, including fructose Reactions to food chemicals such as salicylates, amines, and glutamates Inflammatory foods Food sensitivity testing and elimination diets Popular special diet programs like Paleo, Whole30, Dukan, Mediterranean, and Dash Vegetarian, vegan, and raw food diets The Athlete's Fix will help you isolate and identify your food intolerances while enabling you to eat the widest possible variety of healthy foods. Feel better--perform better--with The Athlete's Fix.

The Athlete's Guide to CBD: Treat Pain and Inflammation, Maximize Recovery, and Sleep Better Naturally

by Scott Douglas

A guide to safely and legally using CBD to treat injuries and enhance performance.CBD has officially gone mainstream, but many people are still confused about the uses, effects, legality, and safety of the product--and many have yet to realize the incredible benefits CBD offers active people. In this comprehensive guide, veteran sports author Scott Douglas breaks down the many ways athletes can benefit from using CBD products. CBD can be used as a natural treatment for sports injuries, as a sleep aid and treatment for athletic anxiety, and to maximize recovery from a workout. People of all levels of physical activity will benefit from the guidance in this book, from the lightly active to competitive athletes.The Athlete's Guide to CBD also includes information about the different forms of CBD, what to look for when purchasing the product, and the legal background and future of CBD. With input from leading industry analysts and testimonials from athletes of all levels, The Athlete's Guide to CBD shines a light on this exciting new wellness trend.

The Athlete's Guide to Recovery: Rest, Relax, & Restore for Peak Performance (The Athlete's Guide)

by Rountree Sage

The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery is the first comprehensive, practical exploration of the art and science of athletic rest. If you've hit a wall in your training, maybe it's because your body isn't recovering enough from each workout to become stronger. Hard workouts tear down the body, but rest allows the body to repair and come back stronger than before. Athletes who neglect their recovery will gain little from workouts, risking injury, overtraining, and burn out. The Athlete's Guide to Recovery offers a full exploration of rest and recovery for athletes. In her book, certified triathlon and running coach and pioneering yoga for athletes instructor Sage Rountree will guide you to full recovery and improved performance, revealing how to measure your fatigue and recovery, how much rest you need, and how to make the best use of recovery tools. Drawing on her own experience along with interviews with coaches, trainers, and elite athletes, Rountree details daily recovery techniques, demystifying common aids like ice baths, compression apparel, and supplements. She explains in detail how to employ restorative practices such as massage, meditation, and yoga. You will learn which methods work best and how and when they are most effective. The Athlete's Guide to Recovery explores: • Periodization and overtraining • Ways to measure fatigue and recovery including heart rate tests, heart rate variability, EPOC, and apps • Stress reduction • Sleep, napping, nutrition, hydration, and supplements • Cold and heat like icing, ice baths, saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools, and heating pads • Home remedies including compression wear, creams, and salts • Technological aids like e-stim, ultrasound, Normatec • Massage, self-massage, and foam rolling • Restorative yoga • Meditation and breathing Then you can put these tools and techniques to practice using two comprehensive recovery plans for both short- and long-distance training. This invaluable resource will enable you to maintain that hard-to-find balance between rigorous training and rest so that you can feel great and compete at your highest level.

The Athlete's Gut: The Inside Science of Digestion, Nutrition, and Stomach Distress

by Patrick Wilson

The Athlete’s Gut is an in-depth look at a system that plagues many athletes. This guide offers a much-needed resource for troubleshooting GI problems. The majority of endurance athletes suffer from some kind of gut problem during training and competition. Symptoms like nausea, cramping, bloating, side stitches, and the need to defecate can negatively impact an athlete’s performance. Why are gut problems so common during exercise? And what can athletes do to prevent and manage gut symptoms that occur during training and competition? The Athlete’s Gut makes sense of the complicated gastrointestinal tract and offers solutions to the tummy troubles that keep athletes from enjoying and excelling in their sport. Written by Patrick Wilson, professor of exercise science and registered dietitian, this gut guide for athletes combines the latest research on exercise and the gut with humorous descriptions and relatable stories. Athletes will better understand the inner workings of their own gut and will be equipped to make the needed changes to diet and exercise to perform and feel better.

The Athlete's Palate Cookbook: Renowned Chefs, Delicious Dishes, and the Art of Fueling Up While Eating Well

by Editors of Runner's World Yishane Lee

Fuel Your Workouts with 125 Recipes from All-star Chef-Athletes!Training hard doesn't have to mean fueling workouts with flavorless foods better suited to members of the animal kingdom. Just ask the all-star roster of chefs who contribute to Runner's World magazine's popular monthly column, the Athlete's Palate. For five years, the likes of Bobby Flay, Jacques Torres, Charlie Trotter, Mark Bittman, Dan Barber, Cat Cora and many more have contributed the recipes they use to fuel their runs to the column. Now, in The Athlete's Palate Cookbook - by Yishane Lee and the editors of Runner's World - these dishes along with more than 60 all-new recipes for breakfasts, entrees, soups, salads, sides, desserts, and beverages are presented along side profiles of the chef-athletes who created them. The first of its kind, this gorgeously photographed cookbook includes recipes for:· Walnut and Banana Bran Pancakes from Cat Cora· Marathon Fettuccine with Shrimp in Charred Tomato Sauce from Bobby Flay· Chicken with Quinoa Tabbouleh from Charlie Trotter· And many more sumptuous meals!With healthy and delicious recipes for all phases of training along with labels for quick-and-easy meals, The Athlete's Palate Cookbook is perfect for any runner, cyclist, swimmer, or triathlete who wants to train hard while eating well.

Athletic Aesthetic

by Compiled by Kojo Black Lisa Fox Emerald Vanessa Wu Lexie Bay Malin James

The best athletes must demonstrate dedication and stamina on and off the field, and athletic prowess comes in many forms. From the racetrack to the gymnasium, The Athletic Aesthetic explores the eroticism of sport, as toned and limber athletes prove that they are at the very peak of their performance.

Athletic Development: A Psychological Perspective

by Caroline Heaney; Nichola Kentzer; Ben Oakley

Athletic Development: A Psychological Perspective is an examination of the psychological factors that help or hinder the development of participants in sport. This includes influences such as families, coach-athlete interactions, and transitional episodes on an individual’s pathway in sport. This edited collection of topical chapters shines a unique psychological perspective on the athlete’s development through sport. It explores a range of contemporary themes that influence athlete’s development including: An introduction to athletic development which orientates a holistic, psychological perspective of the athletic development process. Social influences on athletic development, which explores the impact of varied social influences (e.g., coach, family, peers, school) on sports participation and performance from a psychological perspective. Athlete wellbeing, which explores various aspects influencing mental health and welfare as an athlete progresses through their sports career. The book combines key theory with illustrative case studies, to analyse the complexities of athletic development. It takes a critical perspective highlighting some of the debates and controversies in these areas and uses spotlight boxes in each chapter to focus on questions or topics of particular interest. Athletic Development: A Psychological Perspective is a key reader for all students in the fields of sport and exercise psychology, sport coaching, and related sport science subjects.

Athletics (Sporting Skills #2)

by Clive Gifford

Have you been inspired by the 2012 Olympics? Sporting Skills: Athletics is a step by step guide to your favourite athletic disciplines, from sprinting, running and jumping to throwing the javelin, shot put, discus and other events. Take your game to the next level!

Atiyah's Accidents, Compensation and the Law

by Peter Cane

Since publication of the seventh edition of this seminal text, personal injury law has witnessed momentous changes. A major overhaul of the social security system began in 2012 and the Equality Act 2010 significantly modifies anti-discrimination law and its impact on the disabled. But perhaps the most important legal developments have affected the financing and conduct of personal injury claiming and the operation of the claims-management industry. This new edition takes account of all this activity while setting it into a wider and longer perspective. Complaints that Britain is a 'compensation culture' and that the tort system is out of control are explained and assessed and options for further change are explored. Through the turmoil and controversy, the tort system remains a central feature of the legal and social landscape. The book's enduring central argument for its radical reform remains as compelling as ever.

Atkins: Your Guidebook for Living a Low-Carb and Low-Sugar Lifestyle (Atkins #5)

by Colette Heimowitz

Enjoy the benefits of a lower-carb lifestyle on your own terms—including a better keto diet: This is Atkins® your way.For more than forty years, Atkins has used proven scientific research to help millions achieve weight-loss goals and improve their health by controlling carbohydrate consumption. Dr. Atkins actually introduced the concept of &“ketosis&” to the general public in 1972 in his first book, Dr. Atkins&’ Diet Revolution. With this book, you too can live a low-carb and low-sugar lifestyle that&’s as flexible as it is inspiring. A BETTER KETO DIET AND SO MUCH MORE: This all-new Atkins guidebook focuses on eating right—not less—for painless weight management and better overall health. Choose the program that works for you: Atkins&’ classic approach (Atkins 20®), a better keto diet (Atkins 40®), or small changes that lead to big results (Atkins 100™). 100 DELICIOUS WHOLE-FOOD RECIPES: Not only are the recipes in this book low in carbs and sugar, they contain a healthy balance of proteins and healthy fats, and they are nutrient-dense. MEAL PLANS TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS: Six full weeks of meal plans packed with variety, these healthy takes on classic comfort foods offer simple solutions for eating the foods we love in a healthier way. Plus, learn about the Hidden Sugar Effect and how to avoid it, and read real-life tips for creating a low-carb kitchen and for setting achievable goals. You&’ll see how easy it is to eat right—not less—to reach your weight-management goals and achieve optimal health.

The Atkins 100 Eating Solution: Easy, Low-Carb Living for Everyday Wellness

by Colette Heimowitz

From the creators of the original ketogenic, low-carb diet, comes the most accessible and flexible approach to the Atkins diet ever: a simplified lower carb and sugar approach based on solid science. Featuring a foreword by Atkins spokesperson and actor Rob Lowe.The latest science continues to support the many health benefits of a low-carb approach to eating, far beyond just weight loss. Simply reducing your carb and sugar intake by two-thirds over the &“Standard American Diet&” helps avoid the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. While many diet trends can be vague in their approach, The Atkins 100 Eating Solution&’s fan-favorite program provides a clear-cut way to control your carb intake with 100 grams of net carbs a day and shows you how to make delicious and satisfying food choices that lessen their impact on your blood sugar. This personalized approach is a way of eating you can follow for life. With cutting-edge research and delicious recipes—all of which feature fifteen to twenty net carbs—The Atkins 100 Eating Solution provides an exciting and delicious variety of food. You&’ll also discover how the plan can be easily modified to fit in with most ways of eating, including vegetarian, Paleo, Mediterranean and more. For the first time ever, you&’ll even learn how to modify each recipe for the Atkins 40 and Atkins 20 program. This guide is easy to use regardless of food preferences, lifestyle, or cooking abilities. This book is not about following fads or suffering for results; it is a sustainable, delicious program for everyday wellness.

Atkins Diabetes Revolution: The Groundbreaking Approach to Preventing and Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

by Robert C. Atkins Mary C. Vernon Jacqueline A. Eberstein

More than a program for living with diabetes, here is a groundbreaking approach to preventing, treating, and even reversing an American epidemic, based on the science of the doctor who invented the low-carb lifestyle and wrote the #1 New York Times bestseller Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution featuring the Atkins Nutritional Approach™— a celebrity-favorite diet perfect for losing weight before your wedding or to bounce back into shape post-baby, or if you just want to look and feel your best.The statistics are staggering. Thirteen million Americans have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; another 5.2 million don't know that they have it. During the past thirty years the diabetes rate has tripled, and each year about 200,000 people die from complications of the disease. The Centers for Disease Control project that one out of every three children born in the year 2000 will develop the disease. But Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable. Find out how you can avoid becoming a statistic.As a respected physician and pioneer in the field of complementary medicine, Dr. Robert C. Atkins recognized early on that diabetes and obesity are twin epidemics, and that the way to reverse both is to permanently change the way people eat. Yet much of the mainstream medical establishment continues to advocate the treatment of diabetes with insulin and other drugs, while recommending a diet high in carbohydrates including sugar, which raises your blood sugar. What you'll learn from reading Atkins Diabetes Revolution is that rather than correcting your metabolism, such a diet can actually increase your risk of developing diabetes—and heart disease.The Atkins Blood Sugar Control Program (ABSCP) helps you identify the metabolic signposts that indicate trouble long before the onset of Type 2 diabetes so you can stop it in its tracks. If you already have the disease, the ABSCP offers you and your physician a strategy for weight management and blood-sugar control, while minimizing your exposure to drugs.Atkins Diabetes Revolution presents a comprehensive lifestyle program, including diet, exercise, and nutrient supplementation. The book also contains meal plans, recipes, a fitness routine, and case studies. This revolutionary book, a fitting tribute to Dr. Atkins, tackles one of the greatest health challenges you and your family may ever face.

The Atkins Diet and Philosophy

by William Irwin Cynthia Pineo Kerri Mommer Lisa Heldke

The Atkins diet has transformed the lives of millions of people, revolutionizing grocery store shelves, restaurant menus, and dinner-table conversations. But there are questions beyond its efficacy and longevity. Is the Atkins diet a new wrinkle in capitalist exploitation or a twisted expression of negative body images? Is it a symbol of super-masculinity? Has the Atkins diet really been around for centuries under other names? Can it increase intelligence, or cause global warming and melt the polar ice caps? How does Atkins fit into Kant's conception of the moral life, or Rousseau's vision of a kinder, gentler human society? The Atkins Diet and Philosophy wittily explores these and other pressing questions in sixteen entertaining essays. Following the same fun, readable approach as earlier volumes in this series, this book uses philosophy to put the Atkins diet under the microscope, and uses the Atkins diet to teach vital philosophical lessons for life.

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