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Precessional Time and the Evolution of Consciousness: How Stories Create the World
by Richard HeathHow stories enable us to identify the inner spiritual aspects within our material world and participate in the evolution of human consciousness foretold by ancient myths • Reveals the heightened creativity necessary and available during a precessional shift between ages • Identifies where and how cosmic energies of consciousness and creativity can be found using principles developed by G. I. Gurdjieff and John G. Bennett • Explores how myths, megaliths, language, and cave art enabled narratives shaped by sacred proportion All of culture can be said to be made up of stories. In fact it is stories, more than language, tools, or intellect, that make us human. Our Neolithic and Megalithic ancestors recognized this and stored, within their mythic narratives, an understanding of how sky changes evoke changes in consciousness as human cultures progress through each Zodiacal Age of the precessional cycle. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, it is time to recognize the profound power of stories to give our world meaning. Exploring how ancient myths, megalithic structures, the formation of language, and even prehistoric cave art are narratives shaped by sacred proportion, Richard Heath explains that stories enable us to identify the inner spiritual aspects within our material world and participate in the evolution of human consciousness. He reveals how the precessional myth of the hero’s journey to steal fire from heaven describes a necessary search for new cultural modes that occurs at the end of an Age as the dominant culture begins to falter--and how the massive information bubble created by our modern world, while drowning us in meaningless narratives, also contains the components for an evolutionary shift in consciousness. Presenting key principles advanced by G. I. Gurdjieff and John Bennett to help us awaken to the continuing evolution of our consciousness, Heath shows how to access the spiritual intelligence and heightened creativity available during the galactic alignment of the current “twilight” between two precessional ages.
Precious And The Boo Hag
by Onawumi Jean Moss Patricia C. Mckissack Kyrsten BrookerWhen Precious is left home alone with a stomachache, she's got nothing but a warning from Mama -- "Don't let nothing or nobody into this house" -- to keep her company. You see, "nothing or nobody" could turn out to be something awful: the Boo Hag! The Boo Hag's got a voice that rumbles like thunder and hair that shoots out like lightning. And she can disguise herself to look like anything. So when the Boo Hag comes calling, will Precious be clever enough to outwit even the trickiest trickster? Here's an oh-so-funny -- and not-too-scary -- story from Newbery Honor-winning author Patricia C. McKissack and Onawumi Jean Moss.
Precious Babies: Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting after Infertility
by Kate BrianInfertility never leaves you no matter what the outcome is - it does shape you and it shapes the way you bring your children up.One in six couples finds it difficult to conceive, and many thousands of babies are born in the UK every year as a result of fertility treatment. For women who finally have that long-awaited positive pregnancy test, the expectation is that they will now be the same as any other pregnant woman. The reality is that the experience of infertility continues to resonate during pregnancy, birth and often long afterwards. Packed with case histories and informed by expert advice, this is the first book to address the specific practical and emotional issues experienced by women who have struggled to become pregnant and provides much-needed reassurance and support.Contents include: The long-awaited positive result; Pregnancy; Birth; The early days; Postnatal depression; Family life; Trying again; An only child; More than one (twins etc); The teenage years and beyond; Donor families; Miscarriage.
Precious Babies: Pregnancy, birth and parenting after infertility
by Kate BrianInfertility never leaves you no matter what the outcome is - it does shape you and it shapes the way you bring your children up.One in six couples finds it difficult to conceive, and many thousands of babies are born in the UK every year as a result of fertility treatment. For women who finally have that long-awaited positive pregnancy test, the expectation is that they will now be the same as any other pregnant woman. The reality is that the experience of infertility continues to resonate during pregnancy, birth and often long afterwards. Packed with case histories and informed by expert advice, this is the first book to address the specific practical and emotional issues experienced by women who have struggled to become pregnant and provides much-needed reassurance and support.Contents include: The long-awaited positive result; Pregnancy; Birth; The early days; Postnatal depression; Family life; Trying again; An only child; More than one (twins etc); The teenage years and beyond; Donor families; Miscarriage.
The Precious Blood of Jesus
by Kenneth E. HaginDiscusses the significance of the Blood of Jesus and how the shed blood of Jesus frees from sin.
The Precious Dreadful: A Novel
by Steven ParlatoCombining romance and humor with elements of the paranormal, this is a profound novel about one teenage girl’s decision to redefine her life in the wake of supernatural events. <P><P>Teddi Alder is just trying to figure out her life. When she joins SUMMERTEENS, a library writing group, she’s only looking to keep herself busy, not go digging around in her subconscious. But as she writes, disturbing memories of her lost childhood friend Corey bubble to the surface, and Teddi begins to question everything: her friendship with her BFF Willa, how much her mom really knows, and even her own memories. <P><P> Teddi fears she’s losing her grip on reality—as evidenced by that mysterious ghost-girl who emerges from the park pool one night, the one who won’t leave Teddi alone. To top it all off, she finds herself juggling two guys with potential, a quirky new boy named Joy and her handsome barista crush Aidan, who has some issues of his own. As the summer unfolds, Teddi is determined to get to the bottom of everything—her feelings, the mysterious ghost-girl, and the memories of Corey that refuse to be ignored.
Precision Community Health: Four Innovations for Well-being
by Bechara ChoucairWhen Bechara Choucair was a young doctor, he learned an important lesson: treating a patient for hypothermia does little good if she has to spend the next night out in the freezing cold. As health commissioner of Chicago, he was determined to address the societal causes of disease and focus the city's resources on its most vulnerable populations. That targeted approach has led to dramatic successes, such as lowering rates of smoking, teen pregnancy, breast cancer mortalities, and other serious ills.In Precision Community Health, Choucair shows how those successes can be replicated and expanded around the country. The key is to use advanced technologies to identify which populations are most at risk for specific health threats and avert crises before they begin. Big data makes precision community health possible. But in our increasingly complex world, we also need new strategies for developing effective coalitions, media campaigns, and policies. This book showcases four innovations that move public health departments away from simply dispensing medical care and toward supporting communities to achieve true well-being.The approach Choucair pioneered in Chicago requires broadening our thinking about what constitutes public health. It is not simply about access to a doctor, but access to decent housing, jobs, parks, food, and social support. It also means acknowledging that a one-size-fits-all strategy may exacerbate inequities. By focusing on those most in need, we create an agenda that is simultaneously more impactful and more achievable. The result is a wholesale change in the way public health is practiced and in the well-being of all our communities.
Precognition and Retrocognition
by E. Douglas DeanPrecognition is the hardest aspect of parapsychology for us to understand yet the easiest to experience and to test scientifically in the laboratory. Retrocognition occurs but is reported much more rarely. Hundreds of studies have been made of spontaneous precognition experiences and of controlled experiments in the laboratory. The use of modern electronic instruments has confirmed this. Even dreams have been shown to come true in the laboratory. This essay, chapter 6 from Psychic Exploration, studies precognition and retrocognition. The full volume of Psychic Exploration can be purchased as an ebook or paperback version from all major online retailers and at cosimobooks.com.
Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages from Your Future
by Eric Wargo• Outlines a set of clear principles to help guide dreamworkers, illustrated through real precognitive dream experiences • Shows how to detect precognitive dreams through their characteristic features, explaining how dreams relate to memory and why dreams about future experiences are often symbolic or distorted • Explores the mind-blowing implications of precognition for our lives, including how our present thoughts actually shape--or shaped--our past Once only the stuff of science fiction, evidence has grown that precognition--glimpses of your future in dreams and visions and being influenced subtly in waking life by what is to come--is real. Your future thoughts and feelings shape who you are now. And your present thoughts and feelings shape--or shaped--your past. In this accessible exploration of precognition, precognitive dreamwork, and a radically new biographical sensibility, the Long Self, that precognition awakens us to, Eric Wargo shows how dreamworkers can play the role of citizen scientists, adding to our understanding of this fascinating, almost unexplored dimension of human life. Wargo outlines a set of clear principles to guide dreamworkers, each illustrated through real dreamers&’ experiences. Drawing on psychoanalysis and contemporary sleep science, he explores how precognition relates to memory, explaining why dreams of future experiences are often distorted and what those distortions probably mean. He discusses never-before-described dream features, including &“time gimmicks&” (symbols hinting at time distortion) and &“calendrical resonance&” (the tendency of dreams to foretell experiences exactly a year or years later). He describes why an understanding of precognition augments Jung&’s theory of synchronicity by highlighting our own role in producing meaningful coincidences in our waking lives. He also shows how precognition manifests in other states of consciousness like lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences, trance states, sleep paralysis, meditation, and hypnagogia. We are at a major turning point in science&’s understanding of time, causality, and the self. We are more than who we think we are from moment to moment--we are our past, present, and future simultaneously. When we understand this, a dream journal becomes a personal time machine, with mind-blowing discoveries in store for the traveler.
Prediabetes: Your Lifestyle Reset to Stop Prediabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses
by Jill WeisenbergerPrediabetes can be scary, but it's also an opportunity—an opportunity to "reset," improve your health, and get yourself in better shape than ever. Learning you have prediabetes is scary, but it comes with a silver lining: It means you've caught the condition just in time, before it's too late. Your best chance to reverse prediabetes starts now. Prediabetes: A Complete Guide, Second Edition reveals to you in detail what these actions are and empowers you to find the healthy eating and lifestyle changes that work best for you to help you achieve your health goals. This new, updated edition of the original, reader-approved guide includes even more proven tools to make healthy eating easier than ever—including simple tips for foolproof meal planning, plus even more tasty recipes and meal ideas to cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time. This comprehensive guide leads you through dozens of concrete steps you can take to reverse prediabetes, reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases. You&’ll learn to: Identify your risks for developing type 2 diabetes Set personalized and meaningful behavioral goals Eat for weight loss and greater insulin sensitivity Tweak your favorite recipes to include wholesome foods Start or improve upon an exercise plan Reduce sedentary time Organize and track your progress with tools included in the book Taking an individualized approach to your lifestyle &“reset,&” it allows you to choose your own path to wellness, and maintain a healthful lifestyle so that you can feel better than you have in years.
The Prediabetes Action Plan and Cookbook: A Simple Guide to Getting Healthy and Reversing Prediabetes
by Cheryl MussattoA powerful action plan and cookbook for reversing prediabetes and recovering your health.Today is a fresh start. Today you make a small change that can make a big difference in your life. Today you start reversing your prediabetes diagnosis. Let this book be your guide.The Prediabetes Action Plan and Cookbook is your strategy for kick-starting a healthier lifestyle and preventing prediabetes from turning into diabetes. From resetting your diet with a 2-week meal plan to introducing exercise and other healthy habits into your life, this cookbook gives you the tools and recipes you need to take control of your health and life.The Prediabetes Action Plan and Cookbook includes:Prediabetes explained—Learn how nutrients affect blood sugar levels and get practical info on how to decipher nutritional labels and control portions.2-week meal and activity plan—Get started off right with an easy-to-follow whole-health plan for cooking nutritious meals and incorporating beneficial routines and activities.75 delicious recipes—Healthy meets hearty (and happy) with recipes that everyone can enjoy like Spinach and Cheese Quiche, Baked Parmesan-Crusted Halibut, Carrot Cake, and so much more.You know you have to make changes—The Prediabetes Action Plan and Cookbook gives you the information and support you need to help make it happen.
Prediabetes Diet and Action Plan: A Guide to Reverse Prediabetes and Start New Healthy Habits
by Alice FigueroaReclaim your health with a lifestyle guide and plant-based meal plan for managing prediabetesThe changes to your life that come with a prediabetes diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but this prediabetes diet plan makes those changes easier. You'll learn how to make reasonable adjustments to your diet and stay motivated to move your body, calm your mind, and manage prediabetes through mindful eating and plant-based nutrition.An overview of prediabetes—This prediabetes diet plan includes information about how prediabetes develops, the risk factors, and how this book can help.Comprehensive guidance—Build a healthier life with a prediabetes diet plan that covers exercise and mental health, along with 50 recipes and a detailed two-week meal plan.Trackers and tools—Use the lists, meal plan, and goal charts to keep track of your nutrition, especially when grocery shopping or dining out.Take control of your health in manageable steps with the ultimate prediabetes diet plan.
The Prediabetes Diet Plan: How to Reverse Prediabetes and Prevent Diabetes through Healthy Eating and Exercise
by Hillary WrightA practical, empowering guide to managing and reversing prediabetes through diet and exercise, from a registered dietitian. Affecting 96 million Americans, prediabetes often develops into full-blown type 2 diabetes, one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Increasingly diagnosed by doctors, prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are elevated, but not yet high enough to be labeled diabetes. While diabetes cannot be cured, prediabetes can be reversed, so it is critical to take action at an early stage. In straightforward, jargon-free language, The Prediabetes Diet Plan explains insulin resistance (the underlying cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes) and offers a comprehensive strategy of diet and lifestyle change, which has been proven more effective than medication. With sections on meal planning, grocery shopping, dining out, supplements, and exercise, this book empowers you to make healthier everyday choices that can effect real change on your insulin levels and overall well-being.
Prediabetes For Dummies
by Alan L. RubinAccessible information on the causes, health risks, and treatment of prediabetes If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with prediabetes - a heightened level of glucose, and/or impaired glucose tolerance - the time to act is now. Prediabetes For Dummies examines the signs and symptoms of this potential precursor to diabetes and offers up-to-date information about treatment. It provides clear, practical advice on steps you can take to minimize the risk of serious health consequences. This plain-English guide shows you how to stop prediabetes in its tracks and prevent it from progressing to diabetes. You'll learn how to recognize the symptoms of this often-undiagnosed condition, and what to do if you think you may be prediabetic. You'll also discover how simple lifestyle changes, such as changes in your diet and moderate exercise, can put the brakes on prediabetes and even reverse the condition. Offers clear explanations of prediabetes causes, health risks, and treatment Includes the latest advances in the use of diabetes medications to treat prediabetes Provides diet suggestions, meal plans, and exercise tips Contains helpful suggestions for friends and family members who want to support a loved one with prediabetes While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be prevented if prediabetes is diagnosed and treated early. Packed with valuable information for patients of all ages, Prediabetes For Dummies is an important resource for taking control of this dangerous condition.
Prediabetes Wake-Up Call: A Personal Road Map to Prevent Diabetes
by Beth Ann Roybal Petro RoybalA guide to reversing a prediabetes diagnosis through nutrition, exercise and stress reduction in order to prevent diabetes.With prediabetes at epidemic levels, millions of people are being told by their doctor to take personal action now, before it’s too late. Prediabetes Wake-Up Call provides the newly diagnosed patient with detailed information about the threat of type 2 diabetes while explaining the lifestyle changes that will lower the risk of prediabetes developing into diabetes. Prediabetes Wake-Up Call describes the facts about diabetes and includes assessment checklists and charts to help readers identify areas of relative risk. Then the author details specific strategies to address each risk factor, including weight management, exercise, and food choices, plus less-obvious strategies such as formulating new attitudes towards healthy living. Written for a lay reader, Prediabetes Wake-Up Call offers guidance, sets goals, and provides the reassurance necessary for readers to start getting healthier today.
The Prediabetes Weight Loss Solution: Reverse Your Diagnosis and Reclaim Your Health
by Manuel VillacortaReduce your risk of diabetes with this complete weight loss plan Healthy lifestyle changes can slow and even reverse prediabetes—but adopting a new food and exercise regimen can feel overwhelming. This guide makes it easy, with expert advice and encouraging words to help you cook and eat to lose weight, optimize your health, and reduce your risk of developing diabetes.Prediabetes basics—Learn everything you need to know about prediabetes nutrition, plus tips for building a healthier lifestyle through sustainable daily habits and manageable goals.Easy and delicious recipes—Dig into 50 tasty, prediabetes-friendly meals that are made with familiar ingredients and simple steps, so any home cook can put them together in no time.A 2-week meal plan—Kick off this weight loss solution with a detailed meal plan that breaks down exactly what to eat for the first 14 days, along with suggestions for exercise, hydration, and sleep.Take charge of your prediabetes with The Prediabetes Weight Loss Solution.
Predicciones 2012: El horóscopo para todo el año. Con hechizos para el amor, el dinero y contra las
by Jimena La TorreEl universo nos tiene reservado un plan secreto para vivirlo plenamente.El secreto es saber lo que en verdad queremos para que todo se vuelvasencillo y maravilloso. Jimena La Torre adelanta no solo que llegaremos a fin de año -contra losvaticinios que anunciaban el fin del mundo- sino que además nos compensacon toda la información mes a mes y signo a signo.Tauro será el signo del año y explica cómo cada movimiento planetarioinfluye sobre los doce signos de la gran fauna zodiacal. Fiel a suestilo como astróloga, siempre positiva, carismática y desenfadada,Jimena brinda además algunos secretos para realizar hechizos ygenerosamente enseña a leer las cartas del tarot para que cada uno puedatirarse su carta de la suerte y hacerse dueño desu propio destino.
Predicciones 2013 El año de géminis: En busca del alma gemela. Compatibilidades de pareja
by Jimena La TorreEl horóscopo para todo el año y compatibilidades en el amor y de pareja,signo por signo. ¿Cuál será el gran cambio del 2013? La inversión de los polos masculinoy femenino. Por eso, es un año para activar el impulso de amar, de ir abuscar y encontrar, al fin, la pareja ideal.Jimena La Torre está decidida a que en el año de Géminis todosencuentren su alma gemela. Júpiter arranca en el signo de los gemelos ynos da la esperanza de que podamos conocer a nuestra otra mitad. Claroque para eso primero tenemos que conocernos a nosotros mismos.Este libro cuenta cuáles son las características y necesidades de cadasigno a la hora de amar y de relacionarse con los otros. Será unmaterial de consulta permanente sobre los vínculos de pareja.Un texto al que acudir cada vez que conozcan a alguien y tengan queenfrentarse con el lado más difícil de esa persona. Las compatibilidadesse manifiestan entre mujer-hombre, hombre-mujer, mujer-mujer y hombre-hombre y para todo tipo de conexión amorosa.
Predicciones 2018: El año de Escorpio. Superá tus fobias y Teoría del doble
by Jimena La TorreLas predicciones 2018 de Jimena La Torre para todos los signos, en el año de Escorpio. Jimena La Torre, una de las astrólogas más importantes de la Argentina, te cuenta cómo será el 2018 en el amor, el dinero y el trabajo según cada signo. Además: la carta de la suerte, los días favorables, consejos mágicos para que se cumplan tus pedidos, la teoría del doble y cómo emplearla para encaminar tu vida. Un libro diferente donde cada uno de los integrantes del Zodíaco tiene un capítulo especial. Y como el Ave Fénix es el símbolo del 2018, Jimena incluye también una guía que te ayudará a superar las fobias y renacer de las cenizas.
Predicciones 2019: El año de Sagitario
by Jimena La TorreEl año de Sagitario nos invita al disfrute. Todos los signos tendrán su energía optimizada durante 2019. Será un año para aprovechar, Júpiter entra en Sagitario y serán meses para sentirnos más libres, administrar nuestra alegría y oxigenarnos con este aire fresco que nos ofrece el Zodíaco. En Predicciones 2019, Jimena La Torre te brinda herramientas sencillas para aprovechar al máximo la fuerza positiva de este año, alcanzar momentos de felicidad plena, viajar y aprender. A Sagitario le encantan las nuevas filosofías, por eso este libro te ofrece, además del horóscopo diario, una descripción de las terapias alternativas que tienen el perfil más adecuado para cada signo. Día por día, mes por mes y signo por signo, podrás armar tu propia agenda astral energética y ver todo con la luz del Universo a tu favor.
Predicciones 2020: El año de Capricornio
by Jimena La TorreComenzamos a transitar un cambio de década: 2020, el año de Capricornio. Este libro te brinda el horóscopo mes por mes para todos los signos, tus días favorables, las fechas especiales y consejos para la fortuna especial. Los astros nos brindan la oportunidad de activar las transformaciones que venimos postergando, de cara a un verdadero cambio de Era. Será un tiempo de energía positiva para lograr metas que antes nos parecían imposibles. Capricornio es el Todopoderoso del zodíaco y nos ayudará a encontrar el sentido de nuestra misión y nuestro legado en esta nueva etapa. Además del horóscopo mes a mes para todos los signos, Jimena te advierte sobre tus días favorables y las fechas especiales, y te enseña a celebrar tu no-cumpleaños, porque en astrología los opuestos se unen por el bien común.
Predictive Astrology, a new discovery in the transits reading
by Antares StanislasAntares Stanislas does not only give courses, astrology consultations and card readings, but also, in the past years, has dedicate himself to the investigation of new reading methods, which he has wrote about in several publications. In this text, the author introduces his new investigation and the inherent discovery of predictive astrology. A new method of astrological analysis with the aim of adding this to the unequivocal method of traditional astrological prediction. The methodological aim of the author is to give another tool to astrologists to help them carry out their predictions correctly. The method is described in a simple manner and illustrated with 26 real graphs and requires the reader to have basic knowledge of astrology. Antares Stanislas Site: http://astroamore2000.altervista.org
The Preemie Parents' Companion: The Essential Guide to Caring for Your Premature Baby in the Hospital, at Home, and Through the First Years
by Susan L. Madden“This book helps parents to meet the high needs of the premature baby and thereby enjoy the unique rewards of this special type of parenting.” —from the foreword by William Sears, M.D. author of The Birth Book and The Baby BookA comprehensive guide for parents of preemies, from birth and care in the NICU, to how to hold a preemie, deal with feeding issues, growth, health, learning and development. Includes real life stories from parents of preemies and lots of day to day tips.
Pregnancy: An Infographic Guide
by Claire PlimmerPregnancy can be bewildering for new parents-to-be: your life is about to change forever and the amount of information out there can be overwhelming. But fear not: this pictorial guide, packed with accessible and stylish infographics, will give you all the essential facts as well as a healthy dose of quirky trivia.