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Problem-based Behavioral Science and Psychiatry

by Daniel Alicata Negar Jacobs Anthony Guerrero Melissa Piasecki

In keeping with the growing emphasis on psychiatry in the medical school curriculum, problem-based learning (PBL) offers students a unique patient-centred, multidisciplinary approach to study and the synthesis of knowledge. The new 2nd edition of Problem-Based Behavioral Science and Psychiatry integrates DSM-5 updates and diagnostic criteria, and is fully consistent with PBL models and methods. Building on the strengths of the popular and widely downloaded 1st edition, the 2nd edition is a clinically robust resource for both the medical and the behavioral science student. Over 40 contributors, many themselves graduates of PBL medical schools, apply problem-based learning methods to specific psychiatric disorders, general clinical issues, and bedrock physician skills such as the intake interview and treatment planning. The book's fictional case vignettes illustrated typical patient scenarios, providing real-world context for content areas, and accompanying case diagrams show the relationships between patient behaviour and underlying neurobiological structures. Each student-friendly section ends with helpful review questions. A sampling of the content areas covered: · Childhood development and brain development. · Major psychiatric illnesses, including personality, mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. · Stress, substance abuse, and violence. · Eating, sleep, and sexual disorders. · Coping skills and treatment compliance. · End-of-life care. · PLUS chapters on cultural sensitivity, ethical concerns, and the physician/patient relationship. This book is ideal for first and second year medical students wanting to learn about psychiatry in the exciting context of realistic cases. It also makes an excellent prep/review text for third- and fourth-year medical students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and 2 exams, as well as being suited to graduate students in psychology or clinical social work. Problem-Based Behavioral Science and Psychiatry encourages lifelong learning and helps build the foundation for a lifelong career.

Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum

by Christine Alavi

Problem-based learning places the student at the centre of a process which integrates what is learned in a lecture with what the student actually experiences in practice. The authors of this book use their experience of designing and implementing such a course to offer detailed examples of strategies that work, and show how the approach can be adapted to individual curriculum needs. Including key chapters on facilitation, clinical practice, assessment and evaluation, Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum will be inspiring reading for all those who want to explore and extend their teaching methods and motivate their students to acquire real knowledge with enjoyment.

Problem Behavior Theory and Adolescent Health

by Richard Jessor

This second volume of Richard Jessor's influential works applies his groundbreaking theory to illuminating the psychosocial determinants of adolescent health. Focusing on a range of both health-compromising and health-enhancing behaviors, including problem drinking, marijuana use, risky driving, and early sexual experience as well as regular exercise and healthy diet, these writings advance understanding of the role of health behavior in adolescence and adolescent development. Chapters illustrate the relevance of the theory and of its interdisciplinary approach for research on behavioral health in adolescence and for the design of prevention/intervention programs to promote healthy development. In addition, the book's comparative studies of U. S. and Chinese youth reveal the generality of the theory across societal and national differences. Topics featured in this book include: Alcohol use and problem drinking in adolescent health and development. Psychosocial research on marijuana use. Understanding early initiation of sexual intercourse in adolescence. Smoking behavior in adolescence and young adulthood. Developmental change in risky driving. Healthy eating and regular exercise in adolescent health and development Problem Behavior Theory and Adolescent Health is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, clinicians, and related professionals as well as graduate students in developmental and health psychology, sociology, criminology, criminal justice, public health, and related disciplines.

Problem-Focused Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (Contemporary Endocrinology)

by Pak H. Chung Zev Rosenwaks

In the vast majority of books discussing reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI), the contents are organized and classified by organs and systems. In contrast, this book is problem-based: chapters are sensibly arranged according to the chief complaints from patients presenting at the office. Readers will be guided to formulate the differential diagnoses, select the appropriate evaluation scheme to arrive at the correct diagnosis, and finally decide on the recommended treatment for the particular condition. The range of both male and female REI conditions are presented here, providing the clinician with the tools to sort through the numerous and often similar complaints from patients to reach the best treatment strategy. Discussed here are issues of puberty, menstrual conditions, uterine anomalies, fibroids, endometriosis, male and female infertility, pregnancy loss, menopause and many others. Current diagnostic and treatment guidelines and algorithms for all conditions are included, further streamlining the management process. Written by experts from the Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center of Reproductive Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, a world-renowned group of reproductive physicians, Problem-Focused Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility is an indispensable resource for office-based management of REI conditions.

The Problem of Alzheimer's: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About It

by Jason Karlawish

A definitive and compelling book on one of today's most prevalent illnesses.In 2020, an estimated 5.8 million Americans had Alzheimer’s, and more than half a million died because of the disease and its devastating complications. 16 million caregivers are responsible for paying as much as half of the $226 billion annual costs of their care. As more people live beyond their seventies and eighties, the number of patients will rise to an estimated 13.8 million by 2025. Part case studies, part meditation on the past, present and future of the disease, The Problem of Alzheimer's traces Alzheimer’s from its beginnings to its recognition as a crisis. While it is an unambiguous account of decades of missed opportunities and our health care systems’ failures to take action, it tells the story of the biomedical breakthroughs that may allow Alzheimer’s to finally be prevented and treated by medicine and also presents an argument for how we can live with dementia: the ways patients can reclaim their autonomy and redefine their sense of self, how families can support their loved ones, and the innovative reforms we can make as a society that would give caregivers and patients better quality of life. Rich in science, history, and characters, The Problem of Alzheimer's takes us inside laboratories, patients' homes, caregivers’ support groups, progressive care communities, and Jason Karlawish's own practice at the Penn Memory Center.

The Problem of Health Technology: Policy Implications For Modern Health Care Systems

by Pascale Lehoux

Health technology is a pivotal locus of change and controversy in health care systems, and The Problem of Health Technology offers a comprehensive and novel analysis of the topic. The book illuminates the scientific and policy arguments that are currently deployed in industrialized countries by addressing the perspectives of clinicians, health care managers, scholars, policymakers, patients, and industry. And by establishing a dialogue between two interdisciplinary fields--Health Technology Assessment and Science and Technology Studies--Pascale Lehoux argues for re-centering the debate around social and political questions rather than questions of affordability, thereby developing an alternative framework for thinking about the implications of health technology.

The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions Of Mind And How To Reconcile Them

by Owen Flanagan

Science has always created problems for traditional ways of seeing things, but now the very attributes that make us human--free will, the permanence of personal identity, the existence of the soul--are threatened by the science of the mind. If the mind is the brain, and therefore a physical object subject to deterministic laws, how can we have free will? If most of our thoughts and impulses are unconscious, how can we be morally responsible for what we do? If brains and bodies undergo relentless change, how can our identities be constant? The Problem of the Soul shows the way out of these paradoxes. Framing the conflict in terms of two dominant visions of the mind--the "manifest image" of humanistic philosophy and theology, and the scientific image--Owen Flanagan demonstrates that there is common ground, and that we need not give up our ideas of moral responsibility and personal freedom in order to have an empirically sound view of the human mind. This is a profoundly relevant work of philosophy for the common reader.

Problem Solved: 52 Teen Girl Problems & How To Solve Them

by Alex Hooper-Hodson

Agony Uncle, relationship expert, journalist and blogger, Alex Hooper-Hodson received upwards of 2,000 letters a month from teen boys and girls aged 12-16. All can be related to 52 core issues that affect teenage boys and girls today - from first sexual relationships, dealing with unwanted sexual attention, how to avoid Facebook mistakes, how drink, drugs and online gaming can affect your life - to the social and emotional aspects of family, friends and relationships. Through a 'Problem Page' format Alex explores the key issues that today's teens face.

Problemas de salud (Como hacer... #66)

by Owen Jones

Saludos y gracias por comprar este libro digital titulado Problemas de Salud. Espero que la información que contiene te sea útil y provechosa. La información que encontrarás en este libro digital se centra en varios aspectos relacionados con la salud y el estado físico y está organizada en 18 capítulos de aproximadamente 500-600 palabras. Espero que le resulte de interés a quienes les preocupa mantener una buena salud y apariencia. Como un plus, autorizo a que uses el contenido de este libro en tus propios sitios web, blogs y boletines informativos, aunque es mejor que primero lo parafrasees. También podrás dividir el libro y revender los artículos por separado. De hecho, lo único que no está permitido es la reventa o la cesión del presente libro tal cual se ha recibido. Si tienes algún comentario, comunícate con la empresa que te vendió el libro. Una vez más, muchas gracias por adquirir este libro digital, Saludos cordiales, Owen Jones

Problèmes de santé (Comment faire... #66)

by Owen Jones

Problèmes de santé Conseils sur les problèmes de santé courants J'espère que vous trouverez les informations utiles et rentables. Les informations contenues dans cet ebook sur divers aspects de rester en bonne santé, de bien paraître et des sujets connexes sont organisées en 14 chapitres d'environ 500 à 600 mots chacun. J'espère que cela intéressera ceux qui sont préoccupés par leur forme physique et leur apparence. En prime, je vous accorde la permission d'utiliser le contenu de votre propre site Web ou de vos propres blogs et newsletter, bien qu'il soit préférable de les réécrire dans vos propres mots. Vous pouvez également diviser le livre et revendre les articles. En fait, le seul droit que vous n'avez pas est de revendre ou de donner le livre tel qu'il vous a été livré.

Problemi di Salute (Come fare... #66)

by Owen Jones

Problemi di Salute Ciao e grazie per aver acquistato questo ebook chiamato Problemi di Salute. Spero tu possa trovare le informazioni utili e convenienti, e che queste ti siano d’aiuto. Le informazioni in questo ebook sui vari aspetti del tenersi in salute, avere un buon aspetto ed altri argomenti correlati sono organizzate in 14 capitoli di circa 500-600 parole l’uno. Spero che possa catturare l’interesse di coloro che si preoccupano della loro forma e apparenza fisica. Come bonus aggiuntivo, ti do il permesso di utilizzare questo contenuto sul tuo sito web, o nel tuo blog personale e newsletter, anche se è meglio che tu lo riscriva prima a parole tue. Potresti anche dividere il libro e rivenderne i diversi articoli. In pratica l’unico diritto che non hai è quello di rivendere il libro cosi come ti è stato consegnato. Se hai qualche feedback, sei pregato di rivolgerti alla compagnia dalla quale hai comprato il libro. Puoi trovare piu libri come questo sulla piattaforma dove l'hai acquistato. Ancora grazie per aver acquistato questo ebook, Saluti, Owen Jones

The Problems of Disadvantaged Youth: An Economic Perspective

by Jonathan Gruber

One of the most important public policy issues in the United States is how to improve the life prospects of disadvantaged youth who, in their formative years, face low-quality school systems, poor access to health care, and high-crime environments. The Problems of Disadvantaged Youth includes a broad range of research examining various aspects of disadvantage, and ways of increasing the ability of low-income youths to improve their circumstances later in life. Taking an empirical economics perspective, the nine essays in this volume assess the causal impacts of disadvantage on youth outcomes, and how policy interventions can alleviate those impacts. Each chapter develops a framework to describe the relationship between youths and later life outcomes, addressing such factors as educational opportunity, health, neighborhood crime rates, and employment. This vital book documents the serious short- and long-term negative consequences of childhood disadvantage and provides nuanced evidence of the impact of public policy designed to help needy children.

Problems of Mind: Descartes to Wittgenstein (Routledge Revivals)

by Norman Malcolm

First published in 1972, Problems of Mind begins with a consideration of the view that the human mind is an immaterial thing that does not require corporeal embodiment for its operations. It takes up the conception that "inner experiences" are "strictly identical" with brain processes. The book also deals exclusively with the doctrine called "Logical Behaviourism", which will always possess a compelling attraction for anyone who is perplexed by the psychological concepts, who has become aware of the worthlessness of an appeal to introspection as an account of how we learn those concepts, and who has no inclination to identify mind with brain. The three most plausible theories of mind-body dualism, mind-brain monism, and behaviourism are all rejected, and nothing is set forth as the true theory. Norman Malcolm states that this is 'only a drop in the bucket. It will serve its purpose if it leads the reader into the writings of Wittgenstein, who is easily the most important figure in the philosophy of mind.’ Problems of Mind will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of philosophy of mind, ethics, logic, and philosophy in general.

Problems of the Self

by Bernard Williams

This is a volume of philosophical studies, centred on problems of personal identity and extending to related topics in the philosophy of mind and moral philosophy.

Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET #2014)

by Rahmat Adnan Shariman Ismadi Ismail Norasrudin Sulaiman

The proceeding is a collection of research papers presented at the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology (ICoSSEET2014), a conference dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of sports science, exercise, sports engineering and technology including other areas of sports, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The goal of this conference was to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on the scope of the conference and establishing new collaborations in these areas. The topics of interest are as follows but are not limited to:1. Sports and Exercise Science * Sports Nutrition * Sports Biomechanics * Strength and Conditioning * Motor Learning and Control * Sports Psychology * Sports Coaching * Sports and Exercise Physiology * Sports Medicine and Athletic Trainer * Fitness and Wellness * Exercise Rehabilitation * Adapted Physical Activity / Disability Sport * Physical Education * Dance, Games and Play 2. Sports Engineering and Technology Application * Sports Equipment Mechanics * Athlete Analysis and Measurement * Instrumentation and Measurement in Sports * Fluid Dynamics in Sports * Computational Modeling in Sports 3. Sports Industry and Management * Sports Event * Sports Management * Sports Tourism * Sports Marketing * Sports Ethics and Law * Sports Sociology * Outdoor and Recreation Management * Inclusive Recreation * Leisure

Process Metaphysics and Mutative Life: Sketches of Lived Time (Palgrave Perspectives on Process Philosophy)

by Wahida Khandker

This book provides a survey of key process-philosophical approaches that, in conversation with selected concepts across the biological and physical sciences, help us to think about living processes, or ‘lived time,’ at different scales of functioning. The first part is written from an opening perspective on the question of the differing scales of analysis provided by Alfred North Whitehead. In particular, his interest in questions arising from the quantum mechanical reconciliation with classical mechanics informs the first two chapters that address problematic categorizations of life as variously ‘despotic,’ ‘invasive,’ or as primitive (in the radically more-than-human case of micro-organisms), whose potential recategorization relies on our willingness to acknowledge changes in value depending on the scale at which we view them. The second part of the book concerns methodologies, in the light of works by Henri Bergson, whose intertwining concerns with epistemology and ontology in his theories of mind and life serve as a model for a process philosophy of biology. The chapters focus on techniques used across philosophy and the sciences to visualize processes that are otherwise unavailable to us due to the limitations of our perceptual faculties, no matter how sophisticated the tools for analysis, from microscopes to telescopes, have become. This book concludes with a consideration of the relations between parts and wholes in process, panpsychist, and ecological terms. It revisits the question of ecological balance and the place of human activities in relation to it, with reference to works of Charles Hartshorne and William James.

The Process of Becoming Ill (Routledge Revivals)

by David Robinson

First published in 1971, The Process of Becoming Ill is concerned with how people become ill: not with how people contract diseases but how people come to occupy the social status of ‘sick person’. It is concerned with an analysis of illness behaviour in terms of what it means to be an ill person or a member of the family of an ill person by studying twenty-four families in South Wales. The study was intended to suggest areas of interest for those concerned with the study of illness behaviour which might, at a later date, be looked at in the light of specific questions suitable for more comprehensive enquiry. This book will be of interest to students of medicine, medical sociology, and health care.

The Process of Community Health Education and Promotion

by Eva I. Doyle Susan E. Ward Jody Early

Health education promotes lifestyles and environments that enhance health, wellness, and quality of life for individuals and communities. This goal serves as the cornerstone of The Process of Community Health Education and Promotion, Third Edition. The authors provide readers a comprehensive introduction to the information, perspectives, and competencies they will need to successfully promote health in community, school, workplace, and health care settings. Rooted in an inter-professional paradigm, the importance of collaborative partnerships is explored throughout the text. <p><p>The latest edition sparks critical thinking, discussion, and action by including real-world examples and engaging questions. A strong emphasis on social determinants and their influence shapes the updated section on health equity, which ends with a discussion on essential elements for promoting this universal human right. Special features highlighted throughout this action-oriented book showcase the authors' experiential learning approach. "For Your Information" boxes complement and expand on chapter content. "For Your Application" prompts provide a variety of self-directed or instructor-guided activities. Additionally, appendices include a community assessment project guide and a professional e-portfolio guide, to which many of the activities in the book build toward.

Productividad: Consejos y Atajos de Productividad para Personas Ocupadas

by Lisa Nemur Paola Cuenca

¿Es usted Productivo? ¿Conoce las Reglas de la Productividad? Las personas ocupadas necesitan completar tareas con eficiencia. Necesitan ser inteligentes y lograr sus metas sin perder tiempo. Tienen que conocer sus prioridades. De todo esto se trata este libro. En estas páginas, usted aprenderá: -Los significados de la productividad -Las reglas de la productividad: El principio de Pareto -Las reglas de la productividad: La ley de Parkinson -Cómo la subcontratación puede ayudar en su vida y su negocio -Manejo del tiempo para principiantes -Consejos para evitar la postergación -La importancia de mantener un horario Al saber cómo manejar su tiempo, subcontratar tareas, mantener un horario, y aplicar las reglas de la productividad, tales como el principio 80/20, puede volverse mucho más productivo en sus negocios y su vida personal. ¿Qué está esperando?

Productividad: La Guía Definitiva Para Aumentar Su Productividad Y Formas De Vencer La Dilación

by George Rivas

Este libro le proveerá de estrategias y consejos efectivos para construir hábitos productivos que le moverán de manera consistente hacia sus metas. Cómo funcionan los hábitos, cómo el formar buenos hábitos en unos pocos pasosmo identificar causales y disparadores de malos hábitos, y reemplazarles; los hábitos de las personas exitosas, cómo establecer objetivos y prioridades, cómo detener la procrastinación y el multitareísmo, ¡y mucho más! La productividad de usted se refiere a su producción, o en palabras más simples, en cuánto puede usted producir o dar en un determinado período. Por ejemplo, su productividad en el trabajo se refiere a su eficiencia y contribución a la producción de la compañía. Si su productividad es alta, entonces usted está contribuyendo en gran medida a la producción total de la compañía, pero si usted es ineficiente y su producción es baja, entonces usted no será de mucho beneficio para su compañía. En esta época tecnológica, de teléfonos inteligentes y de artilugios interesantes, es fácil extraviarse y verse usted mismo atascado en el lodo de una carrera de roedores donde los sueños y las pasiones van a morir. Requiere un esfuezo considerable el mantener el curso y hacer que las cosas se hagan. Esto requiere un esfuerzo inquebrantable.

Productivité: Conseils et astuces pour les personnes débordées qui souhaitent augmenter leur productivité

by Line Fachetti Lisa Nemur

Conseils et astuces pour les personnes débordées qui souhaitent augmenter leur productivité Êtes-vous productif ? Connaissez-vous les règles de la productivité ? Les personnes débordées nécessitent de faire les choses de manière efficace. Elles ont besoin de se montrer intelligentes et d’atteindre leurs objectifs sans perdre de temps. Elles doivent connaître leurs priorités. C’est tout l’objet de ce livre. Dans ces pages, vous découvrirez : - La signification de la productivité - Les règles de la productivité : loi de Pareto - Les règles de la productivité : loi de Parkinson - Comment la sous-traitance peut améliorer votre vie et vos affaires - La gestion du temps pour les débutants - Des conseils afin d’éviter la procrastination - L’importance d’avoir un planning et de s’y tenir En sachant gérer votre temps, sous-traiter certaines tâches, vous fixer un planning et appliquer les règles de la productivité, comme le principe 80/20, vous allez pouvoir devenir beaucoup plus productif, aussi bien au travail que dans votre vie personnelle. Qu’attendez-vous ?

Productivity Through Wellness for Live Entertainment and Theatre Technicians: Increasing Productivity, Avoiding Burnout, and Maximizing the Value of An Hour

by Brian MacInnis Smallwood

Productivity Through Wellness for Live Entertainment and Theatre Technicians provides the tools for individuals and organizations to achieve a healthy work–life balance and increase productivity in the production process of live entertainment. Through examination of the limits of the human body, the fundamentals of motivation, and best practices of project management, the reader will develop operational mindfulness and look at new ways to achieve work–life balance. The book explores case studies that show how organizations are promoting work–life balance and reaping the benefits of increased productivity, makes recommendations to reduce burnout and increase productivity among technicians, and discusses how to deal with the various phases of production. An excellent resource for live entertainment technicians, production managers, technical directors, arts managers, managers in live entertainment, and students in Technical Direction and Production Management courses, Productivity Through Wellness for Live Entertainment and Theatre Technicians offers practical solutions to improve the quality of life of employees, reduce the burnout and injuries of overwork, and maximize the value of an hour.

Produtividade: Torne-se um mestre em Gerir o seu Tempo para Aumentar a memória e obter Melhor Produtividade

by Randy Boyd

Este livro contém etapas e estratégias comprovadas de como melhorar sua produtividade, independentemente de você estar trabalhando como buscateiro independente, como empresário ou como funcionário. Este livro também se destina a torná-lo mais produtivo em suas rotinas diárias. Você aprenderá diferentes abordagens holísticas para se tornar mais produtivo em todos os seus esforços, definindo sua mente em suas responsabilidades e objetivos, aumentando sua energia, maximizando seu tempo e informando sobre os hábitos contraproducentes que o tornam menos eficiente em suas tarefas. O livro ajuda você a se tornar uma pessoa sábia e confiante, capaz de lidar com situações para se tornar um sucesso em sua vida cotidiana. É o livro inspirador perfeito para ficar ao seu lado em sua mesa por momentos de procrastinação e dúvida e também é o presente ideal para o empreender em sua vida. Se você pode dizer para si mesmo que está realizando todas as coisas que precisa, não será necessário fazer o download deste livro.

Produttività: Consigli e Spunti sulla Produttività per Gente Impegnata

by S. Casonato Lisa Nemur

Questo libro cerca di chiarire il concetto di produttività ed abbattere i fattori che influenzano negativamente il rendimento sul posto di lavoro. Il mio obiettivo è quello di aiutare i lettori a capire come possono migliorare la loro stessa produttività personale, non solo sul posto di lavoro, ma in tutti gli altri ambiti della vita. Questi sono i principali argomenti trattati in questo eBook: - I significati di produttività - Le regole della produttività: il Principio di Pareto - Le regole della produttività: la Legge di Parkinson - Come imparare a delegare può aiutare la vostra vita e la vostra attività - La gestione del tempo per principianti - Consigli per evitare la procrastinazione - L'importanza di tenere un calendario delle attività

The Profession of Dietetics

by Deborah D. Canter Rebecca DeYoung-Daniels

The Profession of Dietetics, Seventh Edition offers students a complete toolbox of resources for beginning a career in nutrition and dietetics. Using a student-centered approach, this text enables readers to easily navigate the highly competitive and often complex path to personal and professional success in the field. It features a comprehensive history of the profession, a thorough examination of credentialing and education requirements, and an analysis of the profession's future.

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