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Prude: Lessons I Learned When My Fiancé Filmed Porn

by Emily Southwood

In a culture obsessed with sex, the era of Dad's Playboy is long gone. Today, endless free porn is a click away and full-frontal photos appear on sites as accessible as Twitter, yet many couples struggle with the underlying issues of pornography.Emily Southwood considered herself to be sexually liberal-until her fiancé landed a job filming porn for a network reality TV show and her whole world changed overnight. Once confident in her relationship, she suddenly felt jealous, insecure, and obsessively comparative to the porn stars her fiancé was around everyday. She was forced to confront feelings she didn't even know she had: about the treatment of women in the porn industry, the hush-hush attitude toward women watching pornography, and the unrealistic expectations about sex that are often propagated by porn.Prude is a humorous memoir that explores why there is so little communication about porn in relationships. Southwood tells the story of her transformation from feeling sexually liberal-minded to realizing she had issues with porn and the industry her fiancé was a part of. She reveals her bizarre journey to conquer her discomfort around porn-and how she ends up finding herself (and ultimately fixing her relationship for good) along the way.

Prurito da cani - Una guida ai rimedi naturali per cani con problemi cutanei

by Laura Albini Julie Massoni

Il tuo cane si gratta? Ne hai abbastanza di andare dal veterinario per ricevere cure che danno sollievo solo temporaneamente, dovendo poi tornare ogni volta per fargli fare iniezioni e prescrivere compresse? Ti preoccupano gli effetti collaterali che questi farmaci potrebbero avere sul tuo cane a lungo termine? Questo libro ti illustrerà come aiutare il tuo cane utilizzando terapie naturali, non soltanto per eliminare il prurito, nella maggior parte dei casi, ma anche per migliorare la sua salute generale. Impara a conoscere alternative sicure e naturali ai farmaci, trattamenti antipulci naturali e i benefici dell'utilizzo di erbe medicinali, rimedi omeopatici, essenze floreali e integratori alimentari, unitamente a una dieta salutare e scopri come tutto ciò possa aiutare il tuo cane a risolvere il "temuto" prurito. Troverai informazioni riguardo ai disturbi più comuni che causano prurito, dalle allergie alle infezioni da lieviti, e tutto quello che c'è in mezzo. Se al tuo cane è stata diagnosticata un'allergia o la rogna, impara quali accorgimenti puoi adottare per risolvere il problema utilizzando i metodi naturali illustrati in questo libro. Se, invece, al tuo cane non è stato diagnosticato un disturbo specifico, ma si gratta costantemente o passa ore a leccarsi le zampe, le informazioni contenute in questo libro ti aiuteranno a capire da cosa potrebbe essere causato il prurito. Impara ad aiutare il tuo cane in modo naturale e senza spendere una fortuna. Come naturopata per animali vedo molti cani con problemi cutanei e negli ultimi 20 anni sono riuscita ad aiutare molti di essi utilizzando i metodi naturali illustrati in questo libro. Spero quindi che possano essere di aiuto anche per il tuo cane.

Pseudoscience And The Paranormal

by Terence Hines

Television, the movies, and computer games fill the minds of their viewers with a daily staple of fantasy, from tales of UFO landings, haunted houses, and communication with the dead to claims of miraculous cures by gifted healers or breakthrough treatments by means of fringe medicine. The paranormal is so ubiquitous in one form of entertainment or another that many people easily lose sight of the distinction between the real and the imaginary, or they never learn to make the distinction in the first place. In this thorough review of pseudoscience and the paranormal in contemporary life, psychologist Terence Hines teaches readers how to carefully evaluate all such claims in terms of scientific evidence. Hines devotes separate chapters to psychics; life after death; parapsychology; astrology; UFOs; ancient astronauts, cosmic collisions, and the Bermuda Triangle; faith healing; and more. New to this second edition are extended sections on psychoanalysis and pseudopsychologies, especially recovered memory therapy, satanic ritual abuse, facilitated communication, and other questionable psychotherapies. There are also new chapters on alternative medicine, which is now marketed in our drug stores, and on environmental pseudoscience, with special emphasis on the evidence that certain technologies like cell phones or environmental agents like asbestos cause cancer. Finally, Hines discusses the psychological causes for belief in the paranormal despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This valuable, highly interesting, and completely accessible analysis critiques the whole range of current paranormal claims.

Psi and Psychiatry

by Montague Ullman

This essay, chapter 10 of Psychic Exploration, traces the close connection that has always existed between medical psychology and psychic research. The full volume of Psychic Exploration can be purchased as an ebook or paperback version from all major online retailers and at

Psi-Conducive States of Awareness

by Charles Honorton

Until recently, little systematic research has been directed toward examining the role of subjective state of awareness factors in psychic func­tioning. In this essay, chapter 27 of Psychic Exploration, recent experimental studies are described involving the elicitation of ESP through dreams, hypnosis, and meditation-type procedures. The full volume of Psychic Exploration can be purchased as an ebook or paperback version from all major online retailers and at

PSI Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program

by Jim Marrs

"In PSI Spies, Jim Marrs has provided the original report on the U.S. Army's use of psychic remote viewing as an intelligence tool." —Whitley Strieber Learn the Truth About Our Military's Psychic SoldiersPSI Spiestakes you behind the scenes of the U.S. Army's formerly top-secret remote viewing unit to see how the military has used this psychic ability as a tool and a weapon. Even though remote viewing was developed by various tax-supported government agencies, including the CIA, most Americans have never heard of this faculty. In the 1970s, with the support of Congress, the Army formed a small unit of remote viewers to spy for America. These soldiers/psychic spies gained penetrating knowledge about a wide variety of subjects. They were consulted to stop a Soviet plot to kill President Ronald Reagan. They mentally prowled the halls of the Kremlin. They probed Iraq's hidden weapons sites in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War. From insights into our future to the continuing mysteries of UFOs and crop circles, no subject has been immune to the military remote viewers—America's Psi Spies. And now, in this book, you can also find tips on how to remote view on your own.

PSICO-ONCOLOGIA - Ajuda psicológica para pacientes com câncer

by Juan Moises de la Serna KATIA ALVES LIMA BUFFOLO

Este e-book aborda a problemática do câncer sob o ponto de vista psicológico, e neste segmento de estudo está centrada a Psico-Oncologia. Reúne as pesquisas mais recentes relacionadas a esta área, de modo que o paciente e seus familiares podem conhecer as últimas descobertas sobre os aspectos psicológicos em relação ao aparecimento, cuidados e tratamento de câncer. Trata-se de um e-book de consulta para ajudar a colocar em perspectiva a doença que se converteu em uma das mais comuns da atualidade.

Psicoestética: Más allá de la belleza personal en la época de la imagocracia

by Vicent Davó

Descubre en este libro cómo sacar el máximo partido a tu imagen, descubrir tus inquietudes y proyectar tu aspiración en la vida. <P><P>Gracias a este libro, Más allá de la belleza personal en la época de la imagocracia, comprenderás los detalles que componen la imagen y lo que contribuye al éxito de muchas personas. Al aplicar el método de la ciencia psicoestética, conocerás las sensaciones que te dan un peinado cuando te favorece, te actualiza, te cae bien y dan relieve a tu personalidad. <P><P>La psicoestética demuestra que los artificios como el vestido, el peinado, el maquillaje, el perfume o las joyas, nos ayudan a encontrar el equilibrio entre el fondo y la forma, y a coordinar nuestra figura con el ambiente. Estas connotaciones que nos dan la imagen a la personalidad nos llevan al éxito y transcendencia en la vida. <P><P>Con este libro aumentarás el carisma, al entrenar la expresividad que te va revelando el espejo. Descubrirás la belleza de la mirada, la seducción del tono de la voz, la intencionalidad del gesto y la presentación de la figura. Esto te dará una imagen más atractiva y una personalidad actual y singularizada. «La Psicoestética nos descubre la belleza allí donde la naturaleza no la dotó.» Vicent Davó

La Psicología de Dios: Una visión psicológica de los conceptos teológicos

by Dr Eric J. Kolb

El Dr. Eric J. Kolb intenta responder las más profundas interrogantes que vinculan a la Psicología con la Religión, compartiendo su aprendizaje como científico y, sobre todo, las enseñanzas que pudo recoger a partir del diagnóstico de una enfermedad crónica que limitó sus capacidades físicas. Desde la óptica científica, plasma su conocimiento sobre los procesos emocionales, los modelos de desarrollo de diferentes autores como Freud y Piaget, para llegar al Modelo de desarrollo divino a partir del análisis del hombre bíblico en sus diferentes etapas. El rigor científico exhaustivo utilizado a través de toda la obra, no es obstáculo para mantener en todo momento un diálogo sincero, cálido y directo con el lector. Un libro para todos aquellos que busquen entender el propósito del sufrimiento y el sentido de la vida.

Psicología de la Salud

by Connor Whiteley

¿Cuán eficaces son los programas de promoción de la salud? ¿Existen explicaciones sociales para los problemas de salud? ¿Cuál es el modelo biopsicológico de salud y bienestar? Estas son sólo algunas de las preguntas interesantes e importantes que exploraremos en este libro mientras exploramos qué es la psicología de la salud y cómo nos afecta. Así que, únanse a mí mientras exploramos juntos el fascinante mundo de la psicología de la salud en este libro con un tono de conversación intrigante que claramente desglosa y evalúa críticamente conceptos y teorías para que todos puedan disfrutar de las maravillas de la psicología.... ¡y no tengan un dolor de cabeza al final!

Psicologia do Sono

by Juan Moises de la Serna Pietro Fernandes de Faria

Nesse ebook se aborda a importância do sonho, especialmente para a saúde mental, assim como se contemplam os problemas que acarreta a insônia, e o mais importante, se mostram as últimas técnicas para superá-la. Todos em algum momento da vida tiveram problemas que “levaram para a cama” os quais não os deixaram dormir. Nesse ebook se trata de oferecer de forma simples os resultados das últimas investigações sobre esse tema para que possa aprender a melhorar a qualidade de seu sono e com isso ter uma vida mais plena. Um ebook que busca definitivamente que possa dormir placidamente suas 8 horas de sono diárias.

PsicOncologia: Aiuto psicologico per pazienti con Cancro

by Juan Moises de la Serna Z. Dub

Questo e-book affronta il tema del cancro da un punto di vista psicologico, soffermandosi sull’importanza della PsicOncologia. A tal proposito offriamo le ultime ricerche associate a tale area, in modo che il paziente e i suoi familiari possano conoscere le ultime scoperte in relazione agli aspetti psicologici riguardo all’insorgenza, mantenimento e trattamento del cancro. Un e-book di consultazione che aiuta a inquadrare la malattia diventata una delle più diffuse in tutto il mondo.

The Psilocybin Connection: Psychedelics, the Transformation of Consciousness, and Evolution on the Planet-- An Integral Approach

by Jahan Khamsehzadeh

A comprehensive guide to psilocybin mushrooms and their impact on our psychology, biology, and social development.How—and why—do psychedelics exist? Did psilocybin catalyze our early human ancestors&’ social evolution? And how can an integral understanding of psychedelics quite literally change the world? In an ambitious and comprehensive look at psilocybin—and an inside look at how humanity co-evolved alongside "magic" mushrooms—Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD, explores our historical and ancestral relationship to psychedelics and presents new and exciting research about what psilocybin can mean for us today. Separated into three sections—Present, Past, and Future—The Psilocybin Connection advances our understanding of psychedelics in unexpected and original ways. Khamsehzadeh shares compelling research that suggests how naturally occurring psychedelics may have played an essential role in humanity's social, cultural, and linguistic evolution. Supported by archaeological evidence, neuroscience, and academic studies, he explores how mushrooms gave rise to art and expression, impacted spiritual experiences, and even spurred human brain development. Blending the most comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of psilocybin research with stories of his own and others' psychedelic awakenings, Khamsehzadeh moves our understanding of the psychedelic mushroom forward toward a fresh, hopeful, and exciting future.

The Psilocybin Handbook for Women: How Magic Mushrooms, Psychedelic Therapy, and Microdosing Can Benefit Your Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health

by Jennifer Chesak

Check out the premier resource for women interested in harnessing the power of psilocybin, AKA magic mushrooms—from how to microdose and trip sit (yes, that's a thing) to understanding the latest psychedelic research—all in a decidedly bro-free format.If you&’re looking for mushroom mansplaining, you&’ve come to the wrong book. The Psilocybin Handbook for Women is a resource for everyone, although it features information specific to those assigned female at birth—because psychedelics may have different effects and applications across the sexes. This informative guidebook is packed full with everything you need to know about psilocybin, including its history, potential medicinal and recreational benefits, the latest evidence-based research, how to microdose and trip sit, and more. With The Psilocybin Handbook for Women, you&’ll also get the answers to some of your most pressing questions, like: Does psilocybin affect women differently? Does it matter where I am in my cycle when I use psilocybin? Can psilocybin help with menstrual migraines, endometriosis, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder? Will psilocybin boost my sex life? Do hormones have an impact on the entourage effect? What the heck is the entourage effect? And more! Whether you&’re a newbie or a seasoned psychonaut, this research-backed guide will help you successfully navigate the world of magic mushrooms.

The Psilocybin Solution: The Role of Sacred Mushrooms in the Quest for Meaning

by Graham Hancock Simon G. Powell

How psilocybin mushrooms facilitate a direct link to the wisdom of Nature and the meaning of life • Examines the neurochemistry underlying the visionary psilocybin experience • Explains how sacred mushrooms help restore our connection to the natural intelligence of Nature • Reviews the research on psilocybin’s ability to dispel anxiety in the terminally ill and its helpful effects on obsessive-compulsive disorder It has been more than 50 years since sacred mushrooms were plucked from the shamanic backwaters of Mexico and presented to the modern world by R. Gordon Wasson. After sparking the psychedelic era of the 1960s, however, the divine mushroom returned underground from whence it mysteriously originated. Yet today, the mushroom’s extraordinary influence is once again being felt by large numbers of people, due to the discovery of hundreds of wild psilocybin species growing across the globe. In The Psilocybin Solution, Simon G. Powell traces the history of the sacred psilocybin mushroom and discusses the shamanic visionary effects it can induce. Detailing how psilocybin acts as a profound enhancer of consciousness and reviewing the research performed by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), Johns Hopkins University, and the Heffter Research Institute on psilocybin’s ability to dispel anxiety in the terminally ill and its helpful effects on obsessive-compulsive disorder, he examines the neurochemistry, psychology, and spirituality underlying the visionary psilocybin experience, revealing the interface where physical brain and conscious mind meet. Showing that the existence of life and the functioning of mind are the result of a naturally intelligent, self-organizing Universe, he explains how sacred mushrooms provide a direct link to the wisdom of Nature and the meaning of life.

Psilocybin Therapy: Understanding How to Use Nature's Psychedelics for Mental Health

by Dr. JJ Pursell

Discover a new path to self-discovery and healing with this timely exploration of the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin mushrooms. In Psilocybin Therapy, Dr. JJ Pursell explores the next frontier in mental health: the therapeutic use of psilocybin mushrooms and related psychedelics. Readers will learn about the chemical makeup of mushrooms and what makes them powerful, the history of the fungi, the thought leaders in the movement, and the impact of psilocybin on the brain. Additional chapters explore how to use psilocybin with a facilitator, how psychedelics can help users work through deep psychological issues, what microdosing means, and how to assess potential risks. Pursell weaves her personal experience with psilocybin as both a user and a facilitator throughout the text. The result is a relatable, accessible, and helpful guide for those seeking a new form of self-discovery and healing.

Psionic Medicine: The Study and Treatment of the Causative Factors in Illness

by J H Reyner

Psionic Medicine heralds the dawn of a new era in medical practice, with health-maintaining and curative potentials that are a significant addition to the repertory of treatment developed in biochemical medicine.In Psionic Medicine the critical factor is not chemistry and surgical intervention - though such methods remain indicated in some cases - but subtle 'informational' inputs that affect the patient's biofield.The book in the hands of the reader provides a remarkably clear and concise overview of what psionic medicine is, how it works, and why it deserves the kind of attention that presently only molecular and genetics-based breakthroughs are accorded. It merits serious and urgent attention by the general lay public and the medical professionals alike.

Psíquico: O Guia de Desenvolvimento de Psíquico para fortalecer suas Habilidades Psíquicas

by Jen Solis Thayller Weverton Barp

Desbloqueie suas habilidades psíquicas hoje Você sabia que você nasceu com habilidades psíquicas? Sim, todos nós somos psíquicos, porém essas habilidades ficam suprimidas até a hora que conseguimos descobrir-las. Você gostaria de aprender os segredos para usar essas habilidades? Você pode chegar ao seu real potencial com a informação correta, guia, treinamento e experiência. Descubra todas suas forças e do que você é capaz com o treinamento psíquico apropriado. Todos nós temos potencial para sermos especiais. Esse livro contêm poderosas informações, dicas e conselhos que vão ajudar você a desenvolver habilidades psíquicas especiais. Nesse livro, eu irei mostrar como refinar sua intuição, como você pode escutar verdadeiramente o seu subconsciente ou o "eu interior", conectar com a natureza, aprimorar a consciência, como abrir o seu terceiro olho, como você pode chegar a uma consciência superior e muito mais. Eu contarei sobre a aura humana e como nós podemos lê-la, sobre o simbolismo, e irei lhe mostrar passos fáceis para fortalecer suas habilidades psíquicas. Descubra a felicidade de desbloquear suas habilidades psíquicas naturais. O desenvolvimento psíquico não é apenas sobre algumas habilidades especiais. Você irá aprender a acreditar no próprio julgamento, construir sua auto estima e auto consciência , maximizar sua habilidade criativa, aumentar a clareza, uma vida cheia de propósitos que você pode usar para ajudar os outros, e atingir um profundo senso de relaxamento e paz. Existem vários benefícios de aprender sobre o ser psíquico. Esse é o seu primeiro passo para uma nova vida, uma vida de muitas mudanças. Com as páginas desse livro, você encontrará a resposta para essas questões e mais. Algumas questões e tópicos discutidos: •Entenda suas habilidades psíquicas •Lista de todas as capacidades psíquicas •O Sub

The Psoas Solution: The Practitioner's Guide to Rehabilitation, Corrective Exercise, and Training for Improved Function

by Evan Osar

The first book to comprehensively discuss the function of the psoas in posture, movement, and exercise, The Psoas Solution identifies the functional anatomy, biomechanics, and motor control of the psoas and its role in core and hip stabilization. Integrating research with clinical experience, Evan Osar identifies the psoas's role on the hip, pelvis, and low back and demonstrates how to incorporate the psoas into functional movement patterns including squatting, lunging, and bending. The Psoas Solution includes corrective and functional exercise progressions for improving and integrating the psoas into daily activities. Health and fitness professionals will find this a valuable resource full of applicable strategies and exercises to incorporate into current rehabilitation or training programs. Abundantly illustrated with full-color images throughout, this book also provides most complete review on the relevant research on the psoas available.For years the psoas has been a muscle mired in controversy. It has been linked to common postural and movement dysfunction including anterior pelvic tilt, hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine, and low back pain. Strategies to improve posture and reduce pain have primarily involved stretching the psoas and strengthening its antagonist, the glutes. However, recent clinical research has revealed that the psoas is much more than a simple hip flexor and plays an integral role in both posture and movement. This professional treatment manual for health care practitioners and students gives an overview of the ways that non-optimal use of the psoas can affect breathing, posture, and movement. It outlines specific treatment strategies that enable patients to develop awareness and utilization of the psoas muscle to achieve three-dimensional breathing and improve balance and body mechanics.

Psoas Strength and Flexibility: Core Workouts to Increase Mobility, Reduce Injuries and End Back Pain

by Pamela Ellgen

A COMPLETE GUIDE TO PREVENTING BACK AND HIP INJURIES BY STRENGTHENING THE MUSCLE GROUP CONNECTING YOUR UPPER AND LOWER BODYConnecting the lower spine to the hips and legs, a strong and flexible psoas muscle is vital for everyday movements like walking, bending and reaching, as well as athletic endeavors like jumping for a ball, holding a yoga pose and swinging a golf club. With targeted information and exercises, this book's step-by-step program guarantees you'll transforms this vulnerable muscle, including: *Develop a powerful core End back pain Increase range of motion Improve posture Prevent strains and injuries Packed with 100s of step-by-step photos and clear, concise instructions, Psoas Strength and Flexibility features workouts for toning the muscle as well as rehabbing from injury. And each program is based on simple matwork exercises that require minimal or no equipment.rward daily exercises use only minimal equipment like a foam roller or a sturdy wall and each movement is accompanied by detailed step-by-step photos that ensure you do the exercise effectively.

The Psoriasis AIP Cookbook: Recipes to Improve Skin Health with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

by Chelsea Lye

Healing recipes to help relieve psoriasisDiscover how simple dietary changes can ease inflammation and reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) certified coach Chelsea Lye knows exactly what it's like to deal with the discomfort caused by autoimmune disorders—and how food can help. Drawing on both her personal and professional experience, she has created this straightforward guide and cookbook that makes the AIP diet accessible to anyone.This book demonstrates how to effectively identify and eliminate potentially problematic ingredients in an effort to help reduce psoriasis flare-ups. Start things off with a two-week introductory plan or jump straight into creating personalized menus with this cookbook's full range of flavorful, nutrient-rich recipes.This AIP cookbook features:Psoriasis explained—Learn all about what psoriasis is, what causes it, and how diet can make symptoms better or worse.A proven approach—Try an effective diet that works by strategically removing common inflammatory ingredients and carefully reintroducing them to identify specific sensitivities.Satisfying recipes—Enjoy health-conscious eating with help from great-tasting recipes, like rich and creamy Healing Seafood Chowder or tantalizingly sweet Honey-Glazed Pineapple.Put an end to psoriasis symptoms with this easy-to-follow AIP cookbook.

Psoriasis Cookbook + Meal Plan: A Complete Guide to Relief With 75 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

by Kellie Blake

Soothe skin and relieve inflammation with nourishing mealsDiscover how the power of food can help manage chronic psoriasis with this cookbook and meal plan. For those who have just been diagnosed or have been coping with psoriasis for some time, these healthy meal plans and easy-prep recipes make it simple to start relieving symptoms from the inside out.Smart food choices—Learn all about how food can affect psoriasis and which dietary changes can help address its root causes.Psoriasis diet plans—Get started with four weekly meal plans, designed to bring relief by removing common dietary triggers.Wholesome recipes—Explore recipes made with easy-to-find ingredients, plus information about the nutrients found in each dish and their healing qualities.Fight skin inflammation naturally through a nutritious diet with the Psoriasis Cookbook and Meal Plan.

The Psoriasis Cure: A Drug-Free Guide to Stopping and Reversing the Symptoms of Psoriasis

by Lisa Levan

The Psoriasis Cure details author Lisa LeVan's drug-free therapy for eliminating both the symptoms and root causes of psoriasis. The book begins with a clear explanation of exactly what psoriasis is and what its possible causes are. It then examines how today's commonly prescribed treatments for psoriasis may adversely affect you health. The book goes on to provide you with guidelines for LeVan's complete program. This book does not offer a quick fix for psoriasis. What The Psoriasis Cure does provide is a commonsense approach that, if followed, will help you rid your body of this condition with virtually no harmful side effects. Isn't it time to take control of your psoriasis? With The Psoriasis Cure in hand, you can.

The Psoriasis Diet Cookbook: Easy, Healthy Recipes to Soothe Your Symptoms

by Kellie Blake

A delicious dietary approach to soothing psoriasisThe standard processed and refined American diet has been shown to contribute to and even exacerbate symptoms of psoriasis. If you are dealing with this complex condition, The Psoriasis Diet Cookbook is filled with simple, stress-free recipes like Blueberry-Spinach Salad and Black Bean Burgers that allow you to reprioritize health and enjoy your food.Each recipe includes a label for quick reference, making menu selections and cooking easier. The Psoriasis Diet Cookbook is based on maximizing whole, savory ingredients and minimizing the intake of triggering foods to restore gut health and reduce irritation. Use these delectable, anti-inflammatory techniques as a valuable tool in your toolbox for pacifying the symptoms of psoriasis.Inside this soothing diet cookbook you'll find:More than skin deep—Learn about the autoimmune condition with lifestyle habits, lists of healthy foods to eat, and ones that can directly cause inflammation.Attention to details—Nutritional info at the recipe level—including Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Nightshade-Free, Vegetarian, and Vegan labels—makes menu selections and cooking easier.Fast and easy—Accessible ingredients and comprehensive instructions will make meal preparation one less thing you need to worry about.Discover one of the most powerful, yet simple, weapons in the fight against psoriasis—nutrition—with this informative cookbook.

The Psoriasis Handbook: A Definitive Guide to the Causes,Symptoms and all the Latest Treatments

by Lewis , Jenny With The Psoriasis Association

Psoriasis is a common and sometimes painful skin condition affecting more than 1. 5 million people in Britain. Brought to most people's attention in Dennis Potter's THE SINGING DETECTIVE, it can vary in severity from simply being a mild nuisance to being so bad that the sufferer has to be admitted to hospital. With no known longterm cure, this comprehensive guide seeks to give practical help to all age groups, describes the different types of psoriasis and lists the possible causes. Following the style established by Jenny Lewis's three previous titles, THE PSORIASIS HANDBOOK contains invaluable case histories showing how individuals cope with psoriasis, as well as the various treatments available. Packed with essential information, THE PSORIASIS HANDBOOK is THE guide for suffers, friends and relations.

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