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A Primer of Drug Action: A Comprehensive Guide to the Actions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psychoactive Drugs (11th edition)
by Robert M. JulienA definitive guide to the pharmacology of drugs that affect the mind and behavior with over 40% new research citations. A clearer and current presentation on the mechanisms of drug action, etiologies of major psychological disorders, rationales for drug treatment, and the uses of psychopharmacology in patient care.
A Primer of Drug Action: A Concise Nontechnical Guide to the Actions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psychoactive Drugs
by Robert M. JulienSince 1975, Robert Julien's A Primer of Drug Action has been the definitive guide to the effects of psychoactive drugs on the brain and on behavior. Now fully updated, this popular guide continues to lead the way through a rapidly changing field, providing readers with a clear, contemporary, and objective look at every drug and medication that either positively or adversely affects brain function. This edition includes important new information on:-Herbal medications-Drug therapy for behavioral and anxiety disorders-Clinical practice guidelines for treating psychological disorders-Depression and the action of antidepressant drugs-The use of newer anticonvulsants in the treatment of bipolar disorder, pain syndromes, and behavioral disorders-Drug therapy for children, adolescents and the elderly-"New generation" antipsychotic agentsAuthoritative, comprehensive, and suitable for those with little background in biology, A Primer of Drug Action is an indispensable source of information for anyone interested in drug use, abuse, and education.
A Primer on Multiple Intelligences
by Sarhan M. Musa Matthew N. SadikuThis book provides an introduction to nineteen popular multiple intelligences. Part One discusses general intelligence, psychological testing, naturalistic intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and cultural intelligence. Part Two tackles machine intelligence, the development of artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and digital intelligence, or the ability for humans to adapt to a digital environment. Finally, Part Three discusses the role of intelligence in business development, using technology to augment intelligence, abstract thinking, swarm and animal intelligence, military intelligence, and musical intelligence. A Primer on Multiple Intelligences is a must-read for graduate students or scholars considering researching cognition, perception, motivation, and artificial intelligence. It will also be of use to those in social psychology, computer science, and pedagogy. It is as a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the multifaceted study of intelligence.
Primero dormir, después soñar: Un libro para el insomnio
by Néstor Sánchez Bernardo OrtínEn este libro aprenderás no solo a mejorar tu sueño, sino también a convertirlo en una experiencia agradable y placentera. Dormir forma parte de un conjunto de procesos corporales -como el hambre, la sed o las digestiones- que tienen lugar de manera espontánea. Digamos que tú no decides que ocurran, sencillamente, suceden. Por eso, cuando nos esforzamos en dormir, como una obligación o un mandato, muchas veces acabamos boicoteando el proceso.Juntos desandaremos el camino que te ha llevado de una mala noche a un problema de insomnio, con un protocolo tranquilo y efectivo. Durante el camino aprenderás más sobre todo lo que ocurre durante la noche y qué hace el cuerpo para dormirse y para mantenerse despierto. Te maravillará lo sabio que es y te convencerás de que puedes confiar en él. Además, te presentaremos algunas claves para interpretar nuestros sueños. Soñamos historias que muchas veces nos mandan mensajes para afrontar los problemas de la vida cotidiana. Así cumpliremos con el título de este libro: «primero dormir y después soñar». Por ese orden.
Primero, los niños: Memorias de una cirujano desde las fronteras de la medicina pediátrica
by Kurt Newman«Un libro conmovedor para cualquiera que desee comprender las bellezas y los misterios de la salud infantil» WALTER ISAACSON autor de los bestseller Steve Jobs. La biografía y Einstein. Su vida y su universo Cualquiera que haya visto a un niño recuperarse de una herida o de un hueso roto sabe que están hechos para sanar. Y en esta apasionante colección de memorias, el doctor Kurt Newman, líder de la cirugía pediátrica en Estados Unidos, recupera los episodios más extraordinarios de su carrera para mostrarnos la importancia de tratar a los niños como algo más que adultos miniatura. ¿Por qué es importante la atención pediátrica especializada?, ¿cómo pueden contribuir los padres a la recuperación de sus hijos?, ¿qué lecciones debemos aprender sobre la capacidad de sanar de niños y adolescentes? Éstas son algunas de las cuestiones abordadas por el doctor Newman, quien no sólo narra los hitos de la pediatría a lo largo de treinta años de práctica médica, sino que, a través de emotivos relatos y de sus pequeños y heroicos protagonistas, ofrece lecciones de ética profesional y humildad a los futuros profesionales de la medicina. Sin lugar a dudas, Primero, los niños es un libro profundamente humano, capaz de convencernos de que todavía hay mucho que podemos aprender de nuestros niños. «Escribir este libro es una verdadera labor de amor: por la medicina pediátrica, por los valientes niños y sus familias que me inspiran cada día, y por los mentores y amigos que me han guiado a lo largo de mi carrera» DOCTOR KURT NEWMAN
Los primeros sobrevivientes del Alzheimer: La historia de los pacientes que recuperaron su esperanza y su vida
by Dr. Dale BredesenLas historias de los pacientes que recuperaron su esperanza y su vida Muchas personas conocen a un sobreviviente de cáncer, pero nadie podría decir que ha conocido a uno de Alzheimer... hasta ahora. En sus primeros dos libros el doctor Dale E. Bredesen compartió con sus lectores el revolucionario tratamiento quesigue cambiando vidas y que ha logrado revertir el deterioro cognitivo y la demencia. Ahora, en Los primeros sobrevivientes del Alzheimer son los pacientes de este programa quienes hablan de sus increíbles resultados y nos cuentan sus historias de éxito.Estos relatos en primera persona detallan con honestidad el miedo, la lucha y la victoria final de cada paciente. Describen vívidamente cómo es tener Alzheimer, y profundizan en cómo cada uno hizo que el programa funcionara: los retos y los avances que los motivaron a continuar. Estas personas no solo han sobrevivido, han redescubierto la vida: su corazón es pleno, sus relaciones son satisfactorias y sus labores, significativas. Este libro dará una esperanza sin precedente a los pacientes y a sus familias. «Más allá de la validación científica de su programa, Bredesen nos revela la profundidad de las historias de aquellas personas valientes y pioneras que eligieron formar parte de su tratamiento […]. Aunque fue un reto para ellos y para sus familias, recibieron la recompensa de la recuperación.» DoctorDAVID PERLMUTTER, autor bestseller de The New York Times, Cerebro de pan y Purifica tu cerebro
Primo Levi and Ka-Tzetnik: The Map and the Territory
by Yochai AtariaThis book is about Primo Levi and Ka-Tzetnik, both Auschwitz survivors and central figures in the shaping of Holocaust memory, who dedicated their lives to bearing witness and writing about the concentration camps, seeking, in particular, to give voice to those who did not return. The two writers are generally treated as complete opposites: Levi level-headed and self-aware, Ka-Tzetnik caught up in repeating the traumatic past. In this book I show how fundamentally mistaken this approach is, and how the similarity between them is, in fact, far greater than it may seem. While Levi draws the map, Ka-Tzetnik reveals the territory itself, and, taken together, they offer a better understanding of the human experience of the camps. This book explores their writing and their lives up to their deaths—Ka-Tzetnik of old age and Levi by his own hand—offering new explanations of Levi’s suicide, little understood to this day.
Primordial Alchemy & Modern Religion
by Rodney BlackhirstOf all the traditional sciences it is alchemy--based as it is in metallurgy--that is directly concerned with the coming of the industrial order. In alchemical terms, modern man lives in the Ferric Age and his state is best analogized to the properties of the metal iron: hard, cold, unbending, but quick to succumb to corrosion and rust. The great ancient wisdom traditions of the world all anticipated this present age, for it was already implicit in the technological and other changes that brought on the dawn of history. These ancient traditions--dismissed as childish superstitions by the scientist--contain ideas essential to the self-understanding that contemporary man so desperately needs. This is the central contention of the writings brought together in Primordial Alchemy & Modern Religion. Drawing upon many unexpected sources--especially Plato and the ancient Greeks--these wide-ranging, generous essays provide timely reiterations of ancient alchemical traditions and trace some pivotal themes that have continued in the theology and symbolism of the modern religions. This work restores some important keys for the recovery of a lost heritage of primordial wisdom, offering fresh perspectives on aspects of the Western and Islamic alchemical traditions in particular, and at the same time exploring the most distant roots of the modern impasse. There are many hidden treasures to be unearthed in this eclectic collection. From astrology and alchemy to horticulture and architecture, these essays demonstrate Rodney Blackhirst's concern with the reawakening of the scientia sacra. This collection challenges us to understand the symbolic language of these sacred sciences. With this understanding we commence the alchemical transformation that returns us to our primordial state. -- Dr. Tim Smith, editor, Eye of the Heart
Prince George and the Royal Potty (Prince George #2)
by Caryl HartThe perfect potty training book for little princes and princesses everywhere. Prince George wants to go on adventures, but his nappy keeps getting in the way! It must be time for the prince to use the Royal Potty. But will George ever get the hang of it?This royally funny rhyming adventure will help little ones discover that life without nappies is fun!From award-winning author Caryl Hart and bestselling illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson.
Prince Siddhartha
by Jonathan Landaw Janet BrookeThis is the story of Prince Siddhartha and how he became Buddha, the Awakened One. Lyrical verse and beautiful full-color illustrations depict each major life event in Siddhartha's development. His message of nonviolence, loving-kindness, and unselfishness is vitally necessary for today's--and tomorrow's--children. A story made for the telling--open this tale to a child and shore up the possibility of a bright and loving future!
The Princes of India and Nepal
by Sir William BartonThe Princes of India and Nepal by Sir William Barton offers an engaging and insightful exploration of the lives, governance, and influence of the princely rulers of India and Nepal during the British colonial period. Drawing from his experience as a British colonial administrator, Barton provides a rare glimpse into the political, social, and cultural roles these regional monarchs played within their respective states and their relationships with the British Empire.The book examines the complexities of princely rule across the Indian subcontinent, highlighting how these rulers managed their territories and navigated the challenges of maintaining sovereignty while also aligning with British interests. Barton covers the diversity among the princely states, ranging from powerful kingdoms with vast armies to smaller principalities with deep cultural traditions. His analysis provides insights into the personal lives of the princes, their courtly customs, and their role as custodians of regional identities.Barton also reflects on the challenges these rulers faced in the 19th and 20th centuries, as the forces of modernization, nationalism, and political reform began to reshape India. Through vivid portraits of various princes, he illustrates the balancing act they performed—embracing progress while preserving traditions. The book extends beyond India to include Nepal, where Barton explores the unique cultural and political dynamics between the mountain kingdom and both British India and China.The Princes of India and Nepal is a valuable resource for readers interested in the history of South Asia, colonial relations, and the complexities of leadership in a time of rapid change. Barton’s detailed research and firsthand experience provide a nuanced account of the personalities and politics of these regional leaders, capturing a world on the brink of transformation that culminated in the end of colonial rule and the emergence of modern nation-states.
Princess Party Cookbook
by Annabel KarmelEvery little girl dreams of being a princess . . . And there's nothing a princess likes more than throwing a party! This enchanting new book allows you to indulge the princess in your little girl with recipes and ideas designed to feed her imagination and encourage her participation in the kitchen. From Fairy Finger Sandwiches and Rice Krispies Hearts to Emerald Pizza, Ruby-Glazed Chicken, and Gelatin Gems, these are magical, delicious dishes fit for a royal banquet. You'll be able to celebrate every occasion in style, with Snowflake Cupcakes for the holidays, Pretzel Broomsticks for Halloween, and Tropical Smoothies for the beach. Filled with ideas for creating themed invitations and table settings, plus tips for making jewelry, gifts, and decorations, this is truly the indispensable guide to the perfect princess party!
Los principales ejercicios realizados con peso corporal
by The Blokehead¿No tienes tiempo de ir al gimnasio? A continuación te proponemos una serie con los mejores ejercicios con peso corporal que podrás realizar en casa sin ningún problema y que te ayudarán a alcanzar un pleno estado de forma.
Principalities and Powers: The World Of The Occult
by John Warwick MontgomeryA fascinating look at the paranormal, the supernatural, and the hidden things, including prophecy, divination, poltergeist, cabala, extra-sensory perception, fairies, ghosts, astrology, and other bizarre phenomena.
El principito se pone la corbata: Una Fábula Sobre Crecimiento Personal Para Redescubrir Lo Que De Verdad Importa
by Borja VilasecaUn libro que cambiará tu manera de vivir el trabajo. Una historia que revolucionará tu forma de concebir las empresas. Un personaje inolvidable que transformará tu visión de la vida para siempre. Esta fábula basada en hechos reales narra la historia de Pablo Príncipe, un joven inconformista y visionario que tras padecer una crisis existencial descubre su propósito de vida. Después de regresar de un viaje épico por Madagascar, se convierte en el nuevo responsable de personas y valores de una empresa marcada por el conflicto y el sufrimiento. Y nada más llegar, imparte un curso de crecimiento personal para desarrollar el potencial, el talento y la creatividad de todos los trabajadores. Enseguida se encuentra con un muro de hormigón: la resistencia al cambio del consultor jefe, el iracundo Ignacio Iranzo. A partir de ahí, se libra una lucha de poder entre ambos, un pulso entre lo viejo y lo nuevo, el cual pone en jaque el necesario proceso de transformación cultural de la organización. A su vez, Príncipe intentará inspirar al presidente de la compañía, el miedoso Jordi Amorós, para que haga algo revolucionario: conseguir que el objetivo de la empresa no sea el afán de lucro, sino crear riqueza de forma íntegra y ética, ganando dinero como resultado. «El mundo entero se aparta cuando ve pasar a uno hombre que sabe hacia dónde va.»ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY
Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education (4th edition)
by Randall R. Cottrell James T. Girvan James F. MckenzieThe Fourth Edition of Principles and Foundations connects you to research, resources and practitioners in health education while providing a solid foundation in the history, philosophy, theory, and ethics of health education. This book is intended for those interested in learning the basics of health promotion and education.
Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness
by Werner W. K. Hoeger Sharon A. Hoeger Amber L. Fawson Cherie I. HoegerFor this 15th edition of Principles and Labs for Fitness & Wellness,the authors have reinvigorated the design to provide a modern and visually stimulating layout throughout the text and have developed and sourced many new figures, graphs, informational boxes, and photos in each chapter. Throughout the text, the authors have made substantial changes with the focus of finding new ways to help students understand and achieve a wellness way of life. Many chapters have been rethought and reorganized with new headings and enhanced introductory text. All chapters have been revised and updated according to recent advances and recommendations in the field, including information reported in the literature and at professional health, fitness, and sports medicine conferences.
Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness
by Werner W. K. Hoeger Sharon A. Hoeger Andrew D. Meteer Cherie I. HoegerNow in an updated 16th Edition, the market-leading PRINCIPLES AND LABS FOR FITNESS AND WELLNESS drives students toward personal goals while inspiring them to help others reach theirs. Connecting the dots between fitness, health and happiness, this book makes living an active lifestyle a reality by offering behavior modification techniques, sensible approaches and practical ways to incorporate changes into everyday routines. Friendly language and high quality visuals support the wellness mindset, while features such as "FAQs," "Personal Profiles" and "Behavior Modification Planning” highlight important practices that transform bodies and minds. Designed to inspire interest in fitness careers, this book also empowers readers to create a personal exercise program, make solid nutrition choices and lead an active lifestyle.
Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness (10th Edition)
by Sharon A. Hoeger Werner W. K. HoegerTurn active learning into active living with PRINCIPLES AND LABS FOR FITNESS AND WELLNESS, Tenth Edition. This book takes a personalized approach that guides you through the development of an attainable and enjoyable fitness and wellness program. Featuring over 150 pieces of art, this book gives you the necessary motivation and techniques for health and fitness, from nutrition and stress management to flexibility and strength. Perforated laboratory worksheets found at the end of each chapter help you analyze and understand concepts, and move to the next state of behavioral modification. With Hoeger/Hoeger, you'll soon learn how to take control of your personal health and lifestyle habits so you can make a constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and realize your highest potential for well being.
Principles and Practice of Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery
by Peter SlingerPrinciples and Practice of Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery will serve as an updated comprehensive review covering not only the recent advances, but also topics that haven't been covered in previously published texts: extracorporeal ventilatory support, new advances in chest imaging modalities, lung isolation with a difficult airway, pulmonary thrombo-endarterectomy, and chronic post-thoracotomy pain. Additionally, the book features clinical case discussions at the end of each clinical chapter as well as tables comprising detailed anesthetic management.
Principles and Practice of Botanicals as an Integrative Therapy (Clinical Pharmacognosy Ser.)
by Anne Hume Katherine Kelly OrrThe purpose of this book is to focus on major considerations in the clinical use of botanicals as an integrated therapy in current health care. The book uses an organ system approach to presenting clinical evidence on the use of botanicals for common conditions. The chapters include brief sections on background and pharmacognosy, preparation and do
Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation
by Sheila GodfreyWritten for the practising electrolysist and student 'The Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation' covers all aspects of electro-epilation and takes into account recent changes and advances in training and technology during the past decade. This new edition brings these changes into focus. Topics covered in the third edition of this book include: * improved standards of training * the Blend technique of electro-epilation * the development of pre-sterilized disposable needles * training * health and safety at work.A knowledge of endocrinology, the structure and growth cycle of hair, the skin, hygiene, electricity and basic first aid is essential to an understanding of why hair growth occurs, and this problem - which causes distress to very many people - can be treated both safely and efficiently. The book covers all these topics, and also gives advance on how to set up your own practice.
Principles and Practice of Geriatric Sleep Medicine
by Jaime M. Monti Andrew A. Monjan S. R. Pandi-PerumalSleep disorders cause considerable morbidity and distress in the aging population. By highlighting the clinical diagnosis and management of sleep disorders, this volume provides a valuable resource for all those involved in health care of older individuals. The changes in sleep patterns that occur during normal aging are described, followed by authoritative chapters on the presentation of various age-related sleep disorders. The book deals with the range of therapeutic measures available for managing these disorders and gives insight to potential areas of research that have emerged in the last few years, such as the study of circadian rhythms in later life, sleep patterns associated with co-morbidities and the use of quality-of-life measurement tools to determine sleep quality as we age. This volume is relevant to sleep disorders specialists, psychiatrists, geriatricians and gerontologists, and any professionals and researchers working in the interdisciplinary areas of sleep and aging.
Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling
by Darcy L. Harris Howard R. WinokuerThis core, introductory textbook for undergraduate and graduate level courses is the first volume to combine the knowledge and skills of counseling psychology with current theory and research in grief and bereavement. It is grounded in the belief that grief counseling is distinct from other therapeutic issues because grief is an adaptive response rather than a form of pathology. The book describes the unique aspects of grief as a normal response to loss, and views the goal of counseling bereaved individuals as one of facilitating the unfolding of the healthy and adaptive aspects of the process as it manifests itself within each client. Grief is considered a response to losses that are both death- and non-death-related; and psychological, physical, social, economical and practical experiences of grief are addressed. <p><p> The text introduces various theories of bereavement and examines different therapeutic modalities that can be used in the context of grief and loss. Specific counseling practices that facilitate successful interventions are discussed, particularly that of "presence," considered by the authors to be the primary therapeutic stance when working with bereaved individuals. The text also addresses grief counseling with special populations, ethical issues, and self-care concerns for counselors. Case studies, discussion and reflection questions, and suggested additional resources are included in each chapter.
Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling
by Howard R. Winokuer Darcy L. HarrisThis core, introductory textbook for undergraduate and graduate level courses is the first volume to combine the knowledge and skills of counseling psychology with current theory and research in grief and bereavement. It is grounded in the belief that grief counseling is distinct from other therapeutic issues because grief is an adaptive response rather than a form of pathology. The book describes the unique aspects of grief as a normal response to loss, and views the goal of counseling bereaved individuals as one of facilitating the unfolding of the healthy and adaptive aspects of the process as it manifests itself within each client. Grief is considered a response to losses that are both death- and non-death-related; and psychological, physical, social, economical and practical experiences of grief are addressed. The text introduces various theories of bereavement and examines different therapeutic modalities that can be used in the context of grief and loss. Specific counseling practices that facilitate successful interventions are discussed, particularly that of "presence," considered by the authors to be the primary therapeutic stance when working with bereaved individuals. The text also addresses grief counseling with special populations, ethical issues, and self-care concerns for counselors. Case studies, discussion and reflection questions, and suggested additional resources are included in each chapter.