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Queering Reproduction: Achieving Pregnancy in the Age of Technoscience

by Laura Mamo

Originally developed to help heterosexual couples, fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization and sperm donation have provided lesbians with new methods for achieving pregnancy during the past two decades. Queering Reproduction is an important sociological analysis of lesbians' use of these medical fertility treatments. Drawing on in-depth interviews with lesbians who have been or are seeking to become pregnant, Laura Mamo describes how reproduction has become an intensely medicalized process for lesbians, who are transformed into fertility patients not (or not only) because of their physical conditions but because of their sexual identities. Mamo argues that this medicalization of reproduction has begun to shape queer subjectivities in both productive and troubling ways, destabilizing the assumed link between heterosexuality and parenthood while also reinforcing traditional, heteronormative ideals about motherhood and the imperative to reproduce. Mamo provides an overview of a shift within some lesbian communities from low-tech methods of self-insemination to a reliance on outside medical intervention and fertility treatments. Reflecting on the issues facing lesbians who become parents through assisted reproductive technologies, Mamo explores questions about the legal rights of co-parents, concerns about the genetic risks of choosing an anonymous sperm donor, and the ways decisions to become parents affect sexual and political identities. In doing so, she investigates how lesbians navigate the medical system with its requisite range of fertility treatments, diagnostic categories, and treatment trajectories. Combining moving narratives and insightful analysis, Queering Reproduction reveals how medical technology reconfigures social formations, individual subjectivity, and notions of kinship.

Quel est votre but dans la vie ? Secrets et techniques pour faire ce que vous voulez vraiment

by Eloïse Testu John P. Baumgarten

Découvrez comment vous fixer des buts bien définis et réalistes. Adoptez le bon état d'esprit et le succès est à votre portée ! Ce livre, facile à lire, s'adresse à tous ceux qui veulent avancer dans la vie. Il donne des conseils concrets, immédiatement applicables.

Quelle joie de vivre: Le secret por réaliser vos rêves avec la Loi d'Attraction

by Mafalda Lempicka

Dans ce livre, j'expliquerai tout ce que j'ai appris sur la Loi de l'Attraction, cette merveilleuse loi qui fonctionne, que nous la connaissions ou non, et avec laquelle nous pouvons travailler consciemment pour rendre notre vie meilleure, pour vivre PLEINEMENT, ce qui est notre destin

Quello che É - Una scorciatoia all' Altro Mondo

by Sri Lotte Bruno Landis

Reminescenze zen, sufi, taoiste, della corrente advaita del vedanta, del monacato contemplativo cristiano, del misticismo renano e degli eremiti filocalici; sí, tutti questi aromi sono presenti nelle pagine di questo breve messaggio. Pitagorismo, un po’ di neoplatonismo e buddismo primitivo, non possono essere negati nel loro messaggio. Condimenti esseni e qualcosa dei misteri orfici vengono alla superficie, e inoltre si troveranno terminologie moderne relative alla tecnologia scientifica e biologica. Si potrebbe supporre che un ecletticismo tale possa provocare una confusione poco digeribile. Invece non é cosí. Il testo abbonda in chiarezza, sintesi e premura per raggiungere il nocciolo della questione. Se qualche paragrafo dovesse rimanere difficile ad una prima lettura, basterá rileggerlo perché diventi trasparente. Il testo richiede solo un poco di attenzione: ció che dice é semplicemente quello che dice. Peró, cosa dice il testo circa “QUELLO”? Dice che stiamo vivendo in maniera erronea, assolutamente sbagliata. Che non siamo quello che crediamo e sembriamo essere. Che non esiste la morte e neppure la materia. Che l”altro mondo” si interseca con questo e che é il solo Reale. Non dice solamente questo ma indica anche, con una precisione da chirurgo, quello che si puó “fare” per vivere lá, nella vera casa, che in fondo non é che “qui”. Se aggiungo altro, finisce che la prefazione diventa piú lunga dl libro, cosa che comunque faccio nell’aggiungere commenti e note alla fine di ogni capitolo. Spero che tutto ció non pregiudichi il messagio vero e proprio. L’autore preferisce rimanere anonimo: sostiene che porre il suo nome sarebbe come aggiudicarsi un titolo che non gli spetta. Questo non perché si pensi che le parole gli siano state sussurrate da qualche divinitá o per avere un canale diretto con i misteri akasici, invece perché riconosce que “QUELLO” gli é capitato, cosí

Quema tu dieta: Pierde grasa y mejora tu rendimiento con rigor y ciencia

by Ismael Galancho

Pierde grasa y gana salud con un método efectivo y riguroso basado en la alimentación flexible. ¿Por qué engordamos? ¿Por qué antes culpábamos a las grasas y ahora a los carbohidratos? ¿Por qué fracasan las dietas? ¿Por qué nos estancamos? Ismael Galancho desmitifica creencias sobre nutrición basadas en la cultura de la dieta y ofrece un plan para la pérdida de grasa que responde y se adapta a las necesidades individuales de cada cual, con objetivos factibles y mayor flexibilidad, frente a enfoques rígidos como la dieta cetogénica, la dieta paleo o el real food. Tras una larga trayectoria trabajando con deportistas de élite, Ismael demuestra que no existe una dieta válida para todos y para todo. La clave del éxito es diseñar un programa personalizado que te ayude a desarrollar hábitos duraderos y mantener así tus objetivos a largo plazo.Quema tu dieta fomenta una relación saludable con la comida y ofrece mayor libertad en la elección de alimentos. Con esta guía, la pérdida de peso se convertirá por fin en una meta alcanzable y, lo que es más importante, sostenible en el tiempo. Reseñas:«Con Ismael he aprendido muchísimo sobre nutrición, y eso para un jugador profesional es muy importante. Mis objetivos eran tener una alimentación sana y no perder masa muscular, y conseguí justo lo que quería. Ismael te hace ver cosas que uno solo no puede ver».Luis Suárez, jugador de fútbol profesional«Mi experiencia con Ismael fue un aprendizaje continuo. Mi meta era verme mejor físicamente, pero también llevar una alimentación más saludable y entender el significado de una buena nutrición. En su libro Quema tu dieta plasma de manera excelente su conocimiento y experiencia en este campo. Lo recomiendo al cien por cien».Antonela Roccuzzo, modelo y empresaria«En un mundo repleto de mensajes contradictorios y falsas creencias, Ismael nos ayuda a entender la realidad de la nutrición y el entrenamiento y, sobre todo, a aplicarla de manera práctica en la vida diaria. Con rigor, pero con sencillez».Marcos Vázquez, creador de Fitness Revolucionario«Una lectura amena y rigurosa. Vas a entender de una vez por todas que en nutrición no existen soluciones universales».Borja Bandera, médico especialista en Endocrinología y Nutrición «Como es habitual en él, Ismael logra traducir información científica a un idioma fácil y de aplicación inmediata. En este nuevo libro continúa con su obsesivo énfasis en comunicar conocimientos verificados en círculos académicos y probados en la práctica cotidiana. Una guía necesaria para todo aquel que ambicione optimizar su salud, su aspecto físico o su rendimiento deportivo».Francis Holways, nutricionista deportivo «Ismael ha conseguido algo realmente complicado con este libro: transmitir conocimientos científicos avanzados a la persona de a pie. Su trabajo en el campo de la nutrición, conocido por todo el mundo, es una fuente fiable de la cual aprender».Sergio Espinar, nutricionista deportivo «Basándose en evidencia científica, Ismael hace simple lo complejo y sorprende tras cada página devorada. Solo puedo añadir que ojalá hubiese llegado antes a mis manos, para recomedarlo a mis deportistas y pacientes como lectura obligatoria».Juanjo Moreno, preparador físico y fisioterapeuta de Carlos Alcaraz

Quémalo: (The Burn--Spanish-language Edition)

by Haylie Pomroy

Elige tu quema Quema I: 3 días ¿Tus calcetines dejan marcas alrededor de tus tobillos? ¿Tienes ojeras o bolsas en los ojos? ¿Has notado que la grasa se acumula alrededor de tu espalda baja y comienza a apretarte el pantalón? ¿Tus extremidades se duermen? ¿Te ves pálido? ¿Estás deshidratado aunque sigues tomando agua?


by Haylie Pomroy

Elige tu quema Quema I: 3 días ¿Tus calcetines dejan marcas alrededor de tus tobillos? ¿Tienes ojeras o bolsas en los ojos? ¿Has notado que la grasa se acumula alrededor de tu espalda baja y comienza a apretarte el pantalón? ¿Tus extremidades se duermen? ¿Te ves pálido? ¿Estás deshidratado aunque sigues tomando agua? Quema D: 5 días ¿Te inflamas después de comer? ¿Te estriñes, tienes episodios de diarrea o alternas entre ambos? ¿Tus reservas de grasa se sienten duras y densas? ¿Tienes neblina mental y fatiga? ¿Tu piel se resquebraja, o parece arrugada y vieja? ¿Tu lengua tiene una capa blanca encima? Quema H: 10 días ¿Tu cabello está seco y crispado? ¿Pierdes cabello en la parte de arriba de tu cabeza, o te crece en lugares extraños, como tu barbilla? ¿Tu aumento de peso ha sido rápido y parece imposible deshacerte de esos kilos de más? ¿Tu libido está desaparecida? ¿Te sientes enojado, irritable o sensible? ¿Tu colesterol está alto? Así que si estás estancado, quémalo. Si llegaste a una meseta, quémalo. Si quieres pérdida de peso estratégica, quémalo. Si quieres arrancar una dieta con fuerza, quémalo. Si retienes líquidos y estás inflamado, quémalo. Si tienes gases y problemas digestivos, quémalo. Si tienes problemas hormonales, por el amor de Dios, ¡QUÉMALO!

Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration

by Dana Cohen Gina Bria

Chronic headaches...brain fog...fatigue...weight gain...insomnia...gut pain...autoimmune conditions. We may think these and other all-too-common modern maladies are due to gluten intake or too much sugar or too little exercise. But there is another missing piece to the health puzzle: Proper hydration. Yes, even in this era of Poland Spring many of us are dehydrated due to moisture lacking diets, artificial environments, medications, and over-dependence on water as our only source of hydration. For this reason, that new diet or exercise plan may fail because our body doesn't have enough moisture to support it.Quench presents a wellness routine that can reverse all of that, based on breakthrough new science in the field of hydration. Readers will be surprised to learn that drinking too much water can flush out vital nutrients and electrolytes. Here is where "gel water" comes in: the water from plants (like cucumber, berries, aloe), which our bodies are designed to truly absorb right down to the cellular level. In fact, Ms. Bria's work as an anthropologist led her to the realization that desert people stay hydrated almost exclusively from what they eat, including gel plants like cactus.Based on groundbreaking science from the University of Washington's Pollack Water Lab and other research, Quench offers a five-day jump start plan: hydrating meal plans and the heart of the program, smoothies and elixirs using the most hydrating and nutrient-packed plants. Another unique feature of their approach is micro-movements-small, simple movements you can make a few times a day that will move water through your fascia, the connective tissue responsible for hydrating our bodies. You will experience more energy, focus, and better digestion within five days...then move onto the lifetime plan for continued improvements, even elimination of symptoms.

Qué puedes esperar en el primer año

by Heidi Murkoff

Translated for the American Spanish-speaking market, the latest edition of What to Expect the First Year, Heidi Murkoff's trusted guide to parenting a newborn through the first year, with every milestone and every question answered. The Spanish-language translation of What to Expect the First Year, the baby bible with over 11 million copies in print, this is the right book for a huge audience. Close to one million Spanish-speaking women give birth in the United States every year, and this is the lively, comprehensive, and reassuring guide that these families need. It is written for readers who either don&’t speak English or feel uncertain about their English-language skills; and it is for the pediatrician who is having trouble communicating with their patients. With the trademark month-by-month format that allows parents to take the potentially overwhelming first year one step at a time, Primer Año is packed with even more practical tips, realistic advice, and relatable, accessible information than before. Updates include: Information on COVID and vaccines, including breastfeeding and developmental concerns. Baby care fundamentals—crib and sleep safety, feeding, vitamin supplements—are revised to reflect the most recent guidelines. Breastfeeding gets more coverage, from getting started to keeping it going. Hot-button topics: attachment parenting, sleep training, early potty learning (elimination communication), baby-led weaning, and green parenting (from cloth diapers to nontoxic furniture). A chapter on buying for baby helps parents navigate today's gamut of baby products, nursery items, and gear. Plus tips on preparing homemade baby food, the latest recommendations on starting solids, research on the impact of screen time, and &“For Parents&” boxes that focus on mom&’s and dad&’s needs.

Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest

by Denise Linn Meadow Linn

For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and to reach self-knowledge. These extraordinary mystical odysseys into nature provided insight, healing, and life direction. They were powerful acts that could change a person forever. With the passing of time, this ancient rite has almost been lost. Therefore, very few people truly understand what forces motivate their life and shape their destiny. International lecturer and healer Denise Linn draws on her Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create an , eclectic but carefully crafted spiritual program for anyone wishing to venture on their own retreat. After helping you choose the Quest that is right for you-from a group Quest in the wilderness to a day of silence at home, from a personal Guided Quest to a solitary Garden Quest-this practical, engaging book will show you how to Discover your life's purpose

Quest: A Guide For Creating Your Own Vision Quest

by Denise Linn Meadow Linn

For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and attain self-knowledge. Now international lecturer and healer Denise Linn and Meadow Linn draw on their Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create a carefully crafted spiritual program for anyone wishing to venture on a retreat or create a uniquely personal Quest of his or her own. This practical, engaging book will show you how to: • Discover your life’s purpose • Find mystery at the core of your life • Release limiting beliefs about yourself • Call for a vision • Harness the power of the Sacred Circle • Confront and free yourself from fears • Heal emotional wounds • Develop peace of mindThis book gives you the necessary tools to prepare for a Vision Quest that will take you to the center of your soul.

The Quest for Drug Control: Politics and Federal Policy in a Period of Increasing Substance Abuse, 1963-1981

by David F. Musto Pamela Korsmeyer

Between 1960 and 1980 various administrations attempted to deal with a rising tide of illicit drug use that was unprecedented in U. S. history. This valuable book provides a close look at the politics and bureaucracy of drug control policy during those years, showing how they changed during the presidencies of Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter and how much current federal drug-control policies owe to those earlier efforts. David F. Musto, M. D. , and Pamela Korsmeyer base their analysis on a unique collection of 5,000 pages of White House documents from the period, all of which are included on a searchable CD-ROM that accompanies the book. These documents reveal the intense debates that took place over drug policy. They show, for example, that staffers and cabinet officers who were charged with narcotics policy were often influenced by the cultural currents of their times, and when the public reacted in an extreme fashion to rising drug use, officials were disinclined to adopt modified policies that might have been more realistic. Musto and Korsmeyer's investigation into the decision-making processes that shaped past drug control efforts in the United States provides essential background as creative approaches to the drug problem are sought for the future.

Quest for Eternal Sunshine: A Holocaust Survivor's Journey from Darkness to Light

by Mendek Rubin Myra Goodman

Quest for Eternal Sunshine chronicles the triumphant, true story of Mendek Rubin, a brilliant inventor who overcame both the trauma of the Holocaust and decades of unrelenting depression to live a life of deep peace and boundless joy.Born into a Hassidic Jewish family in Poland in 1924, Mendek grew up surrounded by extreme anti-Semitism. Armed with an ingenious mind, he survived three horrific years in Nazi slave-labor concentration camps while virtually his entire family was murdered in Auschwitz. After arriving in America in 1946—despite having no money or professional skills—his inventions helped revolutionize both the jewelry and packaged-salad industries. Remarkably, Mendek also applied his ingenuity to his own psyche, developing innovative ways to heal his heart and end his emotional suffering.After Mendek died in 2012, his daughter, Myra Goodman, found an unfinished manuscript in which he&’d revealed the intimate details of his healing journey. Quest for Eternal Sunshine—the extraordinary result of a posthumous father-daughter collaboration—tells Mendek&’s whole story and is filled with eye-opening revelations, effective self-healing techniques, and profound wisdom that have the power to transform the way we live our lives.An inspirational biography of a Holocaust survivor overcoming depression and PTSD. An essential new addition to Jewish Holocaust history.

The Quest for Sexual Health: How an Elusive Ideal Has Transformed Science, Politics, and Everyday Life

by Steven Epstein

Offering an entryway into the distinctive worlds of sexual health and a window onto their spillover effects, sociologist Steven Epstein traces the development of the concept and parses the debates that swirl around it. Since the 1970s, health professionals, researchers, governments, advocacy groups, and commercial interests have invested in the pursuit of something called "sexual health." Under this expansive banner, a wide array of programs have been launched, organizations founded, initiatives funded, products sold—and yet, no book before this one asks: What does it mean to be sexually healthy? When did people conceive of a form of health called sexual health? And how did it become the gateway to addressing a host of social harms and the reimagining of private desires and public dreams? Conjoining "sexual" with "health" changes both terms: it alters how we conceive of sexuality and transforms what it means to be healthy, prompting new expectations of what medicine can provide. Yet the ideal of achieving sexual health remains elusive and open-ended, and the benefits and costs of promoting it are unevenly distributed across genders, races, and sexual identities. Rather than a thing apart, sexual health is intertwined with nearly every conceivable topical debate—from sexual dysfunction to sexual violence, from reproductive freedom to the practicalities of sexual contact in a pandemic. In this book Steven Epstein analyzes the rise, proliferation, uptake, and sprawling consequences of sexual health activities, offering critical tools to assess those consequences, expand capacities for collective decision making, and identify pathways that promote social justice.

The Quest Of The Overself: The classic work on how to achieve serenity of mind

by P Brunton Paul Brunton

'By far the safest and most rational exposition of Eastern metaphysics and the practice of mental discipline that I have read.' SpectatorThe Quest of the Overself shows Western readers how to achieve serenity of mind, control of thought and desire, and the power to use higher forces by means of simple exercises. These include breathing and visualisation as well as mental control through meditation. These ideas, which the author gained by extensive travel in India, are as relevant to us today as they were when first published in 1937. Paul Brunton was a British philosopher, mystic and traveler. He left a successful journalistic career to live among yogis and holy men and studied a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric spiritual traditions. As he explains in the still fresh and fascinating The Quest of the Overself, meditation and the quest for inner peace are by no means exclusively for monks and hermits but also support those living everyday, active lives in the West.

Question Authority; Think for Yourself

by Mark James Estren Beverly A. Potter

We have freedom of speech but we're afraid to speak. Our lives have become subjected to PC tyranny-a constant fear of "offending" someone. We think that we are independent and that it is the other guy who is influenced, brain washed, duped, persuaded. We feel like we think for ourselves. How can we "feel" otherwise? There's no way to know because countless influences and interactions have molded us.We're members of various groups-circles of friends, family, professional groups, hobby group, and workplace groups. Groups have a way of developing a view that it imposes with a kind of group-think. We want to belong, to be liked and included so go along and get along. We don't make waves by questioning. If we have a different view, we keep it to ourselves. Why rock the boat?Thinking for yourself is not so easy. When encountering an argument to a long held opinion or a wild idea, we use critical thinking to evaluate it, as we were taught to do in school. The problem is that critical thinking is critical. It focuses our thinking on the negative-what doesn't work, what's wrong with the idea-and encourages my-side thinking where we evaluate evidence in a way that favors our beliefs and entraps us into closed-mindedness. Thinking for yourself requires open-mindedness. Open-mindedness is being receptive and, when the issue is important, calls for actively searching for evidence against your beliefs.Thinking is not driven by answers but by questions. Every intellectual field is born out of a cluster of questions to which answers are needed. Had no questions been asked by those who laid the foundation for a field - for example, Physics or Biology - the field would never have been developed.We define tasks, express problems and delineate issues with questions. Answers signal an end point and stop thought, except when an answer generates a further question.Timothy Leary said, "to think for yourself you must question authority". To think, you must question. To think through or rethink anything, one must ask questions that stimulate thought. The quality of your questions determines the quality of your thinking.Thinking begins within some content when questions are generated. No questions equals no understanding. To engage in thinking through your content you must stimulate your thinking with questions that lead to further questions.Our own opinions is one authority we should frequently question. Times change. We change. Perspectives and values change. Book explores how opinions and values we held in the past need periodic evaluation and challenge. Independent thinkers evolve and need to shed the shackles of old views and opinions.Ridicule is the strongest weapon for pressing us to conform. It is a kind of bait that if you go for it will entrap you in an argument you can't win and leave you looking ridiculous and deflated. Question Authority; Think for Yourself offers techniques, with examples, of how to deflect attacks, side-tracks, and put-downs.If you've bitten your tongue and later wished you'd spoken up and not been cowed into silence by a mocking co-worker when you revealed a "politically incorrect" viewpoint, you'll find much of interest in Question Authority; Think for Yourself .

Questions and Answers on The Science of Mind

by Ernest Holmes Alberta Smith

More than 300 solutions to real-life situations from the creator of the Science of Mind philosophy. Ernest Holmes's Science of Mind philosophy has reached millions of students, through his books and the hundreds of spiritual centers across the United States and Canada. His main text, The Science of Mind, has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and continues to ship more than 10,000 copies each year. Now comes a reissue of one of Holmes's most user-friendly works: Questions and Answers on the Science of Mind. Designed to be used as a guidebook, it contains spiritual answers to more than three hundred of life's most important and puzzling questions on topics such as: how to deal with specific health challenges; what to do when experiencing a lack of finances; how to eliminate fear, stress, or distress of any kind; the nature of God; the existence of evil; the role of fate; what to do in times of despair or fear; how to overcome resentment; how to break bad habits; and much more. .

Questions for the Final FFICM Structured Oral Examination

by Kate Flavin Clare Morkane Sarah Marsh

This is the first book developed specifically for the Final FFICM structured oral examination. It is written by two senior trainees who have recently passed the exam and is edited by a consultant intensivist with a special interest in education. The book is designed in the style of the SOE, and provides model answers which include summaries of the relevant evidence to guide trainees in their preparation for the exam. The 91 topics and questions therein are drawn from previous exam sittings, and are expanded further to ensure each topic is covered in detail. This text is a valuable revision aid to those studying for the Final FFICM, and will also prove useful to trainees revising for the Final FRCA, as it covers popular ICM topics that often come up in the anaesthetic fellowship exams.

Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others

by Gyula Klima

This volume features essays that explore the insights of the 14th-century Parisian nominalist philosopher, John Buridan. It serves as a companion to the Latin text edition and annotated English translation of his question-commentary on Aristotle's On the Soul. The contributors survey Buridan's work both in its own historical-theoretical context and in relation to contemporary issues. The essays come in three main sections, which correspond to the three books of Buridan's Questions. Coverage first deals with the classification of the science of the soul within the system of Aristotelian sciences, and surveys the main issues within it. The next section examines the metaphysics of the soul. It considers Buridan's peculiar version of Aristotelian hylomorphism in dealing with the problem of what kind of entity the soul (in particular, the human soul) is, and what powers and actions it has, on the basis of which we can approach the question of its essence. The volume concludes with a look at Buridan's doctrine of the nature and functions of the human intellect. Coverage in this section includes the problem of self-knowledge in Buridan's theory, Buridan's answer to the traditional medieval problem concerning the primary object of the intellect, and his unique treatment of logical problems in psychological contexts.

Quick and Easy 5-Ingredient Cookbook: 30-Minute Recipes to Get Started in the Kitchen

by Eileen Kelly

Give your home-cooked meals a 5-ingredient makeover with this easy cookbook You don't need to be a professional chef with a pantry full of hard-to-find items and complicated recipe instructions to whip up something mouthwatering. With the Quick and Easy 5-Ingredient Cookbook, you can execute 60 tasty, healthy recipes in 30 minutes or less using minimal ingredients. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks—and discover time-saving strategies, equipment suggestions, and tips on how to run an efficient kitchen—in this easy cookbook. Infuse amazing flavor in your dishes with a homemade spice blend or sauce that uses five ingredients or less! This easy cookbook includes: 60 in 30—All 60 enticing recipes can be made in a half-hour or less. Mix it up—Try delicious variations in Master Recipes like Cheesy Pesto Flatbread and Mini Cheesecakes that will inspire you to experiment in the kitchen. S-I-M-P-L-E—This is the perfect, easy cookbook for both newcomers and experienced home cooks to make good meals every day. Find out how effortless making appetizing food can be with this easy cookbook!

The Quick and Easy College Cookbook: 300 Healthy, Low-Cost Meals that Fit Your Budget and Schedule

by Adams Media

300 quick, easy, and cheap recipes! College life is busy. While the dining hall or takeout can be convenient, these shortcuts can take a toll on your maxed-out bank account, not to mention your waistline. The Quick and Easy College Cookbook will help you create delicious and healthy recipes in a flash! With low-cost ingredients that still have high nutritional value, you're sure to love cooking up these recipes. The best part? No experience or fully equipped kitchen required! You'll find 300 recipes that range from hearty breakfasts to healthy study-session snacks to fuel an all-nighter. Even first-time cooks will succeed, with the help of a glossary of cooking terms and checklists of essential kitchen equipment and pantry staples. With hundreds of student favorites, like Huevos Rancheros, Korean Spicy Pork Tacos, and Peanut Butter Cups, this cookbook is required reading for any student who likes healthy home cooking.

The Quick and Easy IBS Relief Cookbook: Over 120 Low-FODMAP Recipes to Soothe Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

by Karen Frazier

Easy, stress-free meals to manage your IBS.You can stop worrying about what to eat thanks to The Quick & Easy IBS Relief Cookbook. Designed to make an IBS-friendly diet as simple and straightforward as possible, this cookbook focuses on easy-to-fix meals that taste great and are easy on your gut. Rediscover the joy of eating with recipes for tasty dishes like Fried Eggs with Potato Hash, Parmesan Baked Zucchini, Sirloin Chimichurri, and Peanut Butter Cookies.Newly diagnosed with IBS? Just looking for more information? The Quick & Easy IBS Relief Cookbook is full of helpful guides. Learn about all 4 types of IBS, what FODMAPs are, and more.The Quick & Easy IBS Relief Cookbook includes:120 low-FODMAP recipes—Help control your IBS with recipes that avoid FODMAPs—a type of carbohydrate that may trigger gastrointestinal distress.Limited ingredients, quick prep—Take the stress out of sticking to your IBS-friendly diet with recipes that feature 5 or less ingredients, 30-minute cook times, and more.Simple, straightforward guidance—Learn how to pick the right foods with easy-to-read charts, tricks for identifying problem foods, and advice for all 4 types of IBS.Discover how simple (and tasty) feeling better can be with The Quick and Easy IBS Relief Cookbook.

Quick and Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food: 150 Down-home Recipes Packed With Flavor, Not Calories

by Alicia C. Simpson

At last, vegan food that packs a heaping helping of comfort without the extra calories! Alicia C. Simpson, the master of vegan comfort food, is back again with food that’s crave-worthy and conscience-friendly: 150 satisfying, flavorful, all-new recipes to enjoy from breakfast to dinner and anytime in between. However you define “comfort food,” Alicia’s got you covered with down-home Southern standards, Tex-Mex fiesta favorites, backyard BBQ fare, ole-fashioned one-dish meals, riffs on classic takeout—and a few surprises destined to become new standbys: Baked Hush Puppies • Hoppin’ John • Sweet Potato Salad • Meatball Soup • Carolina BBQ Sammich • Chik’n Pot Pie • Kung Pao Tofu • Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce • Butter Rum Pound Cake • Ooey Gooeys • Mexican Hot Cocoa • and more! Every recipe includes detailed nutritional data on calories, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and more. Plus, suggested daily menus, ranging from 1,400 to 2,000 calories, make it easier than ever to start cooking food that’s good—in every sense of the word!

Quick and Easy Medical Terminology (6th Edition)

by Peggy C. Leonard

Make learning medical terminology faster and more fun with Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 6th Edition! Featuring CDs with interactive games and audio pronunciations, this book helps you begin reading, writing, and speaking medical terms in the shortest time possible. Small chunks of information are always followed immediately by exercises, so students will be learning "every minute!" The many puzzles, activities, and games make it easier to understand and remember terminology. Written in a clear, conversational style by Peggy C. Leonard, MT, MEd, this book gives you the tools to communicate effectively in the health care environment. A companion CD reinforces learning with fun, interactive exercises, including medical reports and Hear It/Spell It exercises. Two audio CDs let you listen to correct pronunciations of medical terms and encourage you to pronounce each term aloud. A flexible, body systems organization lets you go through the material in any order after completing the orientation chapters, making it easy to coordinate your study with other courses such as anatomy and physiology. The programmed learning approach presents content in small blocks called 'frames' that allow you to learn the content and get immediate feedback on your progress before proceeding. Diverse learning styles are accommodated by a wide variety of exercises -- labeling diagrams, writing terms, choosing pronunciation accents, recognizing misspelled terms, matching word parts, interpreting terms within health reports, and categorizing terms. Unique! A conversational writing style makes the book more readable and enjoyable. Unique! Thorough explanations of terms help you understand and remember the material by presenting terminology in a medical context. A consistent format to body systems chapters uses categories to simplify the learning of terms, with each chapter including function; structure; diseases, disorders, and diagnostic terms; and surgical and therapeutic interventions. Healthcare reports and case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to real-life situations. A review of anatomy and physiology at the beginning of each body systems chapter provides a context for understanding the medical terminology. Drug information is integrated into the body systems chapters, with detailed information on specific drugs on CD. Caution boxes alert you to confusing terms. Spanish translations of key terms are listed in each chapter to help you communicate with Hispanic patients; glossaries are included in the appendix. Comprehensive end-of-chapter reviews correspond to the learning objectives at the beginning of the chapter. A bookmark includes a quick-reference guide to pronouncing terms plus a list of pronunciation symbols. A companion Evolve website includes study tips, electronic flashcards, Body Spectrum coloring pages, an English/Spanish glossary, learning activities that include Spanish term exercises, updates, and links to related sites. More short exercises include Find the Clue and Connections puzzles, letting you check your learning more often and stay on track. Procedures and terminology updates keep you current with new technologies and terms you'll encounter in the workplace. Quick Tips in the margins add essential information and interesting, fun facts. Games add fun and competition to exercises on the companion CD. More medical reports with exercises are included on the CD, allowing you to use terms in real-life situations.

Quick and Easy Without the Calories: Low-Calorie Recipes, Cheats and Ideas for Every Day

by Justine Pattison

Quick and easy low-cal recipes that make losing weight as easy as 1-2-3.Take all the hassle out of cooking your favourite food with this collection of recipes that embrace speedy, delicious low-cal cooking. In the Without The Calories series, bestselling recipe writer Justine Pattison's introduces readers to her 123 Plan which provides an easy-to-follow approach to your daily meals. Each calorie-counted recipe has been triple tested, with tips and ideas to enhance your low-cal cooking experience, plus additional nutritional information to suit any diet regime.

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