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Psychology as the Defender of Modernity: The Different Functions of Psychology in Modernity (essentials)
by Christoph KlotterPeople in Germany have an indifferent to poor relationship with our society. In fact, modernity, i.e. the last 200 years, has given the population historically unprecedented progress: democracy, human rights, social security systems, nutritive abundance. Yet this is little appreciated. This may be due to the fact that, in Diderot's sense, we have to prove ourselves permanently, that is, we live in a meritocracy that produces suffering. However, totalitarian ideologies have also emerged and been implemented in modernity, for which modernity is also responsible. This essential shows that psychology, on closer inspection, turns out to be the defender of the good parts of modernity.
Psychology for Living: Adjustment, Growth, and Behavior Today (10th Edition)
by Steven J. Kirsh Eastwood Atwater Karen Grover DuffyPsychology For Living is intended for readers interested in applying psychological insights and principles to their own lives as a way of achieving a better understanding of themselves and of living more effectively. To this end, we have included material from the major perspectives of psychology, including the psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic viewpoints. Since a well-rounded text cuts across several branches of psychology, we have included contributions from clinical, personality, social, and develop¬mental psychology, as well as from the important fields of cognitive, biological, and health psychology. Throughout the book, we've presented differing views on the same issue, along with questions that are designed to stimulate readers' critical thinking.
Psychology From Inquiry to Understanding, Third Edition
by Scott O. Lilienfeld Steven Jay Lynn Laura L. Namy Nancy J. WoolfProvides students with the tools they need to go from inquiry to understanding.<P> Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding, 3/e provides the framework students need to go from inquiry to understanding by continuously modeling the application of the six key principles of scientific thinking. The text teaches students how to test their assumptions, and motivates them to use scientific thinking skills to better understand the field of psychology and the world around them.<P> MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Lilienfeld / Lynn / Namy / Woolf program. Key learning applications include writing assessment, MyPsychLab video series, and simulations.<P> This text is available in a variety of formats – digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson’s MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.<P> Teaching & Learning Experience<P> This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience -- for you and your students. Here's how:<P> * Personalize Learning – MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program. It helps students prepare for class and instructor gauge individual and class performance.<P> * Improve Critical Thinking – Numbered learning objectives and section summaries help readers build critical thinking and study skills.<P> * Engage Students – Visual activities, such as labeling of figures and completion of summary tables, help students review key concepts.<P> * Explore Research – “Apply Your Scientific Thinking Skills” questions are tied to outside research assignments.<P> * Support Instructors – Support Instructors—A full set of supplements, including MyPsychLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need.<P>
Psychology In Everyday Life, 2nd Edition
by David G. MyersCarried by the author's acclaimed empathetic voice, Psychology in Everyday Life is David Myers' most inviting text to date. This book represents a breakthrough in the interplay of text and visuals, yet, as always, provides a rich source of scientific insights into the lives we live. Any student, regardless of age or background, will find it a text that speaks directly to him or her, and will embrace it not just for its grade-raising potential, but for its revelations about what makes a person a stronger student, a more tuned-in friend or partner, a more effective worker, or a wiser parent.
Psychology (Ninth Edition, In Modules)
by David G. MyersThis ninth edition of Psychology, Ninth Edition in Modules is so much improved over the previous work. Changes include: * some 1300 new research citations representing the most exciting and important new discoveries in our field, * organizational changes based on changes in the field (for example, the heavily revised Consciousness unit, which now follows The Biology of Mind unit and is titled Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind to reflect the dual processing and cognitive neuroscience themes), * fine-tuned writing with countless small and large improvements in the way concepts are presented, supported by the input and creative ideas of hundreds of contributing instructors and students, and from my longtime editors, * a sharp new art program and new pedagogy that teaches more effectively, * continually improving coverage of cultural and gender diversity issues, and * 44 fewer pages.
The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain
by Robert L. SolsoHow did the human brain evolve so that consciousness of art could develop? In The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, Robert Solso describes how a consciousness that evolved for other purposes perceives and creates art.
The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence (The Psychology of Everything)
by Tony PrescottWhat is Artificial Intelligence? How will AI impact society? Is AI more powerful than human intelligence?The Psychology of AI explores all aspects of the psychology–AI relationship, asking how closely AI can resemble humans, and whether this means they could have some form of self-awareness. It considers how AI systems have been modelled on human intelligence and the similarities between brains and computers, along with the current limitations of AI and how these could be overcome in the future. It also looks at how people interact with AI in their everyday lives, exploring some of the ethical and societal risks, such as bias in AI algorithms, and the consequences for our long-term future if AIs do surpass humans in important ways.As AI continues to break new milestones, The Psychology of AI answers key questions about what it really means to be human, and how AI will impact our lives in every way, now and into the future.
The Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, Science and Our Day-to-Day Lives
by Gay Watson, Stephen Batchelor and Guy ClaxtonThe Buddhist view of the mind - how it works, how it goes wrong, how to put it right - is increasingly being recognised as profound and highly practical by scientists, counsellors and other professionals. In The Psychology of Awakening, this powerful vision of human nature, and its implications for personal and social life, are for the first time brought to a wider audience by some of those most influential in exploring its potential for the way we live today. These include: David Brazier Jon Kabat Zinn Francisco Varela Joy Manne Geshe Thubten Jinpa Mark Epstein Gay Watson Maura Sills Guy Claxton Stephen Batchelor Deeply relevant, accessible and authoritative, The Psychology of Awakening will be of interest to all those who wish to understand the workings of their minds a little better and who are also seeking new ways of mastering the challenges - personal, professional and cultural with which modern life confronts us all.
The Psychology of Chronic Illness: The Healing Work of Patients, Therapists, and Families
by Robert ShumanWith the onset of chronic illness, an individual and family’s world, previously taken for granted, is often undone. The actual and potential losses from illness impact family, friends, physicians, therapists, nurses, and others in profound and unexpected ways. Through his own honest, personal account and the testimony of others, Robert Shuman takes us inside the illness experience to help us better grasp the daily inner lives of the ailing person and his or her family. As our aging population lives longer, chronic illness touches more and more of us. Whether as patient or parent, nurse or spouse, colleague or therapist, we need to have greater knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of chronic illness. Robert Shuman maps out the many dimensions of illness and invites the reader to explore its challenging terrain in a way that provides opportunities for self-discovery and reflection. In lyrical prose, he opens up new ways of thinking about the psychology of illness and healing. He suggests, for example, that illness symptoms can have a generative effect on a person’s imaginative and creative possibilities, and that the socially despised events of illness and disability offer new ways of being once sought through the work of religion. Drawing on the fields of behavioral and family medicine, medical anthropology and sociology, moral and bioethical philosophies, and family, existential, cognitive, Jungian, and archetypal psychotherapies, among others, The Psychology of Chronic Illness raises provocative questions for the professional caregiver as well as for those living with illness and disability. This book will help anyone touched by illness, personally or professionally, to support those living with chronic illnesses and disabilities; to cope with multiple impacts on work, relationships, social roles, individual dreams, and disappointments; to listen to and voice suffering and fears, grief and anger, questions of values and moral doubts; and to acknowledge loss and mourning as a “common ground” that we all share. This book offers specific resources to the caregiver and aids the professional in his or her ethical obligation to give. Moreover, Shuman’s voice is one of compassion, reminding us how to hold on to or recover hope, meaning, and morale during times of affliction and distress.
The Psychology of Consciousness: Theory and Practice
by Hashim Talib Hashim Athanasios AlexiouThis book talks about the levels of consciousness and their roles in controlling our life and behaviour. The consciousness has a main role in learning human to behave and to live in all life’s situation and ages. This book clarifies these situations in details and the laws that make this system work properly. It provides many solutions and suggestions to control ourselves and our minds and put them in the right way. This book explains many of our behaviours depending on the psychology and the role of the consciousness in the psychiatry, how to treat diseases and mental disorders and how to improve the mental health as well. This subject is not well discussed and detailed in literature so there is a need to give this topic its role in the psychology and in scientific literature too. This book is targeting the consciousness’ levels and the role of these levels in our life and behaviours, so it divides the roles among them as appropriate and in the right way and then the humans can recognize which part is more important than the other and on what they should focus.
Psychology of Disability (2nd edition)
by Carolyn L. Vash Nancy M. CreweThe latest edition, 20 years after the first, incorporates the many changes that have occurred in disability-related language, legislation, technology, and research. Its two sections focus first on the disability experience a chronicle of what it's like to be disabled and how objective and subjective experiences affect the basic functions of living, working, and playing and then on interventions a response to the problems and sources of psychological pain exposed by the discussions in the first section. Vash (a writer and consulting psychologist in Altadena, Calif. ) and Crewe (Michigan State U. ) see their work as both a textbook or collateral reading source for those studying the psychological aspects of disability, and a general resource for rehabilitation professionals.
Psychology of Eating: From Biology to Culture to Policy
by Emily Crews Splane Neil E. Rowland Anaya MitraThe Psychology of Eating is the essential multidisciplinary introduction to the psychology of eating, looking at the biological, genetic, developmental, and social determinants of how humans find and assimilate food.Thoroughly revised and updated, this new, third edition brings multifaceted expertise to the topic of normal and dysfunctional food intake, juxtaposing ‘normal’ eating, eating in environments of food scarcity, and the phenomenon of ‘abnormal’ eating prevalent in many modern-day developed societies. The book includes some discussion of eating disorders but takes a much broader approach to the psychology of eating. Key updates in this edition include: A new discussion of food allergies. A fully updated chapter on eating disorders, which includes discussion of binge-eating. Greater focus on junk food addition and updated information on epigenetics and the microbiome Featuring student-friendly materials such as learning objectives, talking points, glossaries, and self-assessment questions, this book is essential reading for students of psychology, eating behavior, or health sciences. It will also be useful reading for professionals in health psychology and anyone supporting those with eating disorders and obesity.
Psychology of Eating: From Biology to Culture to Policy
by Emily Splane Neil Rowland Anaya MitraThe Psychology of Eating is the essential multi-disciplinary introduction to the psychology of eating, looking at the biological, genetic, developmental, and social determinants of how humans find and assimilate food. Thoroughly revised and updated, the new edition brings multi-faceted expertise to the topic of normal and dysfunctional food intake, juxtaposing "normal" eating, eating in environments of food scarcity, and the phenomenon of "abnormal" eating prevalent in many modern-day developed societies. Eating disorders are not a focus, but also emerge from, this approach. Key features include: A new expanded section considering the roles of business and government in creating and potentially solving the issue of "abnormal" eating Learning objectives, talking points, and end-of-chapter glossaries Chapter-by-chapter self-assessment questions. With questions of food production, food choice, and environmental sustainability becoming more critical in an increasingly populated world, this is crucial reading for undergraduate courses in Psychology and other disciplines with a holistic and critical thinking approach to the psychology of food intake.
Psychology of Health: Applications of Psychology for Health Professionals
by Beth AlderFirst published in 1999. Now this popular textbook has been substantially revised and updated to include: Cutting edge research and data; Twelve chapters - ideal for term/semester teaching; Summaries of psychology theory, clearly explained; Involving and thought-provoking activities and projects; Awareness of the treatment of illness and health issues; Exercises which improve the student's therapeutic skills, making it easier to cope with professional demands and personal pressures. Psychology of Health is aimed at health professional students. Students with no prior experience in the subject will gain valuable knowledge. Relevant courses include nursing, physiotherapy. occupational therapy. speech therapy. podiatry and dietetics.
The Psychology of Human Sexuality
by Justin J. LehmillerThis book offers a comprehensive overview of human sexual behavior from a biopsychosocial perspective.
The Psychology of Human Sexuality
by Justin J. Lehmiller<p>The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Psychology of Human Sexuality explores the roles that biology, psychology, and the social and cultural context play in shaping human sexual behavior. The author – a noted authority on the topic and an affiliate of the acclaimed Kinsey Institute - puts the spotlight on the most recent research and theory on human sexuality, with an emphasis on psychology. <p>The text presents the major theoretical perspectives on human sexuality, and details the vast diversity of sexual attitudes and behaviors that exist in the modern world. The author also reviews the history of sexology and explores its unique methods and ethical considerations. Overall, this important and comprehensive text provides readers with a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the science of sex and the amazing complexity of human sexuality.</p>
The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach
by Rod A. MartinResearch on humor is carried out in a number of areas in psychology, including the cognitive (What makes something funny?), developmental (when do we develop a sense of humor?), and social (how is humor used in social interactions?) Although there is enough interest in the area to have spawned several societies, the literature is dispersed in a number of primary journals, with little in the way of integration of the material into a book. Dr. Martin is one of the best known researchers in the area, and his research goes across subdisciplines in psychology to be of wide appeal. This is a singly authored monograph that provides in one source, a summary of information researchers might wish to know about research into the psychology of humor. The material is scholarly, but the presentation of the material is suitable for people unfamiliar with the subject-making the book suitable for use for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on the psychology of humor-which have not had a textbook source
The Psychology of Melancholy
by Mortimer OstowDescribes the symptoms of depression and the subconscious steps victims often take to stave it off.
The Psychology of Menopause (The Psychology of Everything)
by null Marie PercivalWhat physical and psychological changes can I expect when going through the menopause? How can I protect my well-being during menopause? How can I ensure a good menopause experience?The Psychology of Menopause provides a useful and positive guide to understanding the psychological, social, and sexual changes that occur during and following menopause. Going beyond hot flushes and HRT, it focuses on how to enhance psychological well-being by looking at the science behind women's lived experiences of perimenopause and postmenopause. The book explores key psychological issues during this transition, such as the risk factors associated with mood and anxiety, the changing social and personal roles for women in midlife, the impact on relationships, and the reasons for brain fog.By putting women’s psychological well-being at the heart of this stage of life, The Psychology of Menopause provides a much-needed examination into the psychological, social, cultural, and interpersonal aspects of the transition into and beyond menopause.
Psychology of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
by Ryan E. Rhodes Heather A. Hausenblas Amanda L. RebarWritten for the upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level courses in exercise psychology and behavioral physical activity, Psychology of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, Second Edition focuses on the psychological effects of physical activity in a diverse array of populations. It emphasizes how physical activity needs to be paired with a reduction in sedentary behavior in order to achieve overall health. With a focus on both the psychology of exercise and sedentary behavior, this first-of-its kind text provides readers with the latest research in both areas, including coverage of sleep, pain, and delayed gratification. This text also applies a critical lens to foundational theories and incorporates applications and interventions throughout.
The Psychology of Running (The Psychology of Everything)
by Noel Brick Stuart HollidayWhy do people run? How can I improve my running performance? Will running help me feel better? The Psychology of Running provides a unique insight into why running is such a popular form of exercise and competition. From evolutionary perspectives on why humans have needed to run and how our bodies have adapted for this function, to discussing evidence-based interventions that can improve running performance, the book delves into the psychological motivations and benefits of running. The book also considers ways in which running can be used for social change and life skill development, highlighting how such a simple activity can have benefits for our physical and mental health. Providing proven psychological strategies and techniques to help improve running performance and boost our individual self-belief, The Psychology of Running shows us how we can enjoy running, no matter our age or ability.
The Psychology of Slow Living: Rediscovering a Happier Pace of Life
by Elliot CohenThis fascinating book explores the concept of slow living, offering a philosophical and psychological exploration of the need for a slower pace of life. It advocates for reclaiming and rediscovering more natural and human ways of being.In a digital age, which is dominated by an increasingly tyrannical trinity of speed, efficiency and productivity, the author challenges the pernicious ideal of instant gratification, perpetuated by modern consumer culture. This book examines alternative ways of being through re-examining the Wisdom Traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism and Judaism through an ongoing and engaging dialogue with psychology and psychotherapy, including insights from environmental psychology, ecopsychology and cyberpsychology. The book argues against the trend for personal responsibility, adaptability and resilience, and the idea that stress is the ‘new normal'. Instead, it proposes a radical shift in paradigm, promoting not for collectively rising up and overthrowing this system but for communally sitting down and reimagining.The Psychology of Slow Living is a unique exploration of the benefits of the slow living movement and taps into contemporary debates around the way we should be living our lives, making it an ideal resource for students and academics in psychology, philosophy and the social sciences, as well as individuals interested in alternative lifestyles and spirituality.
The Psychology of Stupidity
by Jean-Francois Marmion Liesl Schillinger"We need books like this one." --Steven PinkerAt last, stupidity explained! And by some of the world's smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James, and Ryan Holiday.And so I proclaim, o idiots of every stripe and morons of all kinds, this is your moment of glory: this book speaks only to you. But you will not recognize yourselves...Stupidity is all around us, from the coworker who won't stop hitting "reply all" to the former high school classmate posting conspiracy theories on Facebook. But in order to vanquish it, we must first understand it. In The Psychology of Stupidity, some of the world's leading psychologists and thinkers--including a Nobel Prize winner and bestselling authors--will show you... • why smart people sometimes believe in utter nonsense; • how our lazy brains cause us to make the wrong decisions; • why trying to debate fools is a trap; • how media manipulation and Internet overstimulation make us dumber; • why the stupidest people don't think they're stupid.The wisdom and wit of these experts are a balm for our aggrieved souls and a beacon of hope in a world of morons.
The Psychology of the Body (LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series)
by Elliot Greene Barbara Goodrich-DunnThe Psychology of the Body provides massage therapists, bodyworkers, and other professionals who use contact with the body with a greater understanding of the psychological issues that can arise from using touch in their therapy sessions. This new edition continues to provide a crucial basis of knowledge for students, recent grads, and experienced therapists alike regarding the emotional impact of effective therapy. The book describes the connection between the body and the mind, how touch affects this connection, the client's emotional reaction and release, and how to respond to the client in an appropriate manner. With a new, more colorful layout, this new edition has 50% more content and has been fully revised to address the latest science around this topic. For instructors, prepare your students to appropriately identify, understand, and respond appropriately to all aspects of the therapeutic relationship, including the phenomenon of emotional release, dealing with boundaries, effective interpersonal communications, and a body-based approach to ethics. Furthermore, in-text features aim to help students apply their learning to actual practice. Teaching resources like power point presentations, lesson plans, and tests with answer keys are available.
The Psychology of the Child
by Jean Piaget Barbel InhelderPiaget’s influence on psychology has been profound. His pathbreaking investigations and theories of cognitive development have set child psychology moving in entirely new directions. His bold speculations have provided the inspiration for the work of others. His studies have been the subject of many books and countless articles. And, significantly, his influence has spread to other disciplines and is having an ever-growing impact on the general culture at large.Here Jean Piaget, with the assistance of his long-time collaborator Bärbel Inhelder, offers a definitive presentation of the developmental psychology he has elaborated over the last forty years. This comprehensive synthesis traces each stage of the child’s cognitive development, over the entire period of childhood, from infancy to adolescence.