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by Lucio Tennina

Hoy circula mucha información equivocada acerca de los alimentos. Lucio Tennina, experto médico nutricionista de gran trayectoria y éxito probado, escucha hace años a padres desorientados acerca de la comida con la que alimentan a sus hijos e insiste en que la clave sigue siendo saber para comer. Este libro tiene ese punto de partida. Luego de la lactancia, cuando se amplía la dieta del niño, qué hacemos? Por qué el bebé come verduras hasta el año y medio y luego las detesta? Qué le transmitimos? Qué come mi hijo explica de manera clara qué deben comer los chicos en cada etapa de crecimiento y cómo deben incorporar los alimentos para adecuarlos a los cambios que se van sucediendo en sus cuerpos y a las necesidades que estos conllevan. Incluye menús semanales con un completo equilibrio de nutrientes y viandas escolares aconsejables para cada día de la semana. Al cuidar la salud de nuestros hijos, vamos también a cuidar la propia. Qué come mi hijo es una oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la familia y ayudar a nuestros niños en el desarrollo de una vida sana.

¿Qué comería Jesús?: El programa vital para comer bien, sentirse bien, y vivir más

by Don Colbert

El mercado cristiano está inundado de programas de dieta y ejercicios que dicen ser la forma de vivir y comer "como Dios manda" para tener salud. Si bien algunos están basados en principios bíblicos, y algunos han demostrado ser efectivos para perder peso, ni uno solo nos dice lo que haría Jesús, y mucho menos lo que comería Jesús. En cambio, este amplio plan de comida examina la Biblia y revela lo que sabemos que Jesús comía y lo que por lógica podemos comenzar con confianza. Valiéndose de las investigaciones médicas, ¿Qué comería Jesús? nos enseña y demuestra porque la dieta de Jesús es ideal también para el siglo 21.

¿Qué comes?

by Carolina Fuentes

Basado en la investigación de Carola Fuentes para el conocido programa de televisión ¿Qué comes?, que se estrenó en 2015. Sabemos realmente lo que estamos comiendo? Esa es la pregunta que se planteó Carola Fuentes cuando comenzó a investigar y a hacer entrevistas para su reportaje sobre la alimentación de los chilenos, que se estrenó en 2015 a través de un canal nacional. Así descubrió que, en general, tenemos malos hábitos alimenticios y poca información sobre lo que consumimos y lo que les damos a nuestros hijos. Pero, también, que parte de nuestra desinformación se debe a que la industria alimentaria no quiere que sepamos qué contiene realmente lo que estamos comprando. Capítulo a capítulo descubriremos qué es lo que reamente estamos comiendo y qué efecto tiene en nuestro organismo.

Que el hambre no te devore

by Susan Albers

Domina tu apetito, mejora tu ánimo y tu relación con la comida. Es probable que alguna vez se te haya pasado la hora de comer, así que seguro reconoces esa sensación de estar primero en completa calma a luego convertirte, repentinamente, en una criatura ansiosa e irracional que sólo busca satisfacer, a como dé lugar, ese apetito feroz. Y esto se puede convertir en un círculo vicioso, porque estar hambrientos y enojados al mismo tiempo nos hace propensos a tomar decisiones alimenticias de las que nos arrepentimos enseguida, pues “llenamos la tripa” con lo primero que nos pasa enfrente. Que el hambre no te devore — escrito por la autora bestseller de The New York Times y doctora en Psicología, Susan Albers — es un libro que te ayudará a reconocer correcta y oportunamente tus señales del hambre, a cultivar un mejor entendimiento sobre tu apetito y a crear una relación con la comida mucho más saludable y consciente. Además, incluye45 consejos prácticos para mejorar tu estado de ánimo, recobrar energía y claridad mental, así como para ponerle punto final a ese ciclo tóxico que tanto afecta tu bienestar emocional y psicológico.

Qué hacer cuando: Manual para afrontar los cambios de jóvenes y no tan jóvenes

by Carlos Marco

Una visión personal e íntima sobre la vida, de la mano de Carlos Marco. Un manual para perseguir tus sueños y lograr el éxito personal. ¿Qué hacer cuando... ...te sientes atrapado? ...quieres gustarte por dentro y por fuera? ...necesitas un cambio en tu vida? sabes si eres feliz? La filosofía del cantante Carlos Marco se resume en este manual vital. Un joven con las mismas preocupaciones que tú: el futuro profesional, la soledad, la timidez, el miedo a no encajar... Preocupaciones de cualquiera, compartidas en este libro lleno de consejos prácticos desde su propia experiencia. «Nada es definitivo. Casi nada de lo que hagas condicionará para siempre tu vida. El mundo se mueve, la vida gira, y tú con ella, y lo que ahora ves como algo que jamás podrá cambiar en realidad no es así. Quizás en unos meses, en unos años, o tal vez de un día para otro, puedas levantarte y querrás cambiar el rumbo.»Carlos Marco

¿Qué hay detrás de tu nombre?

by Mabel Iam

Ganador del premio 2003 Latino Literary Hall of Fame como el mejor libro en la categoría de autoayuda Revele los secretos ocultos en su nombre ¿Se imagina lo útil que sería conocer la personalidad, gustos y pasiones de alguien con sólo saber su nombre? Imagine el potencial de este valioso don en el terreno del amor, la amistad o los negocios. ¡Pues no se lo imagine más y póngalo en práctica ahora mismo! Este fabuloso diccionario de los nombres le explica la relación que existe entre nuestro nombre y nuestro destino. Aprenda cómo a través del significado oculto de los nombres, se pueden obtener los datos más relevantes sobre nuestra personalidad, gustos, y pasiones. Esta gran obra le enseña la historia, significado, y correspondencia astrológica de cientos de nombres. Incluyendo el ángel asociado con cada nombre, junto con su número, color, cristal, flor y piedra favoritas. Puntos de venta · Bestseller y ganador del premio 2003 Latino Literary Hall of Fame como el mejor libro en la categoría de autoayuda. · Conozca más sobre usted mismo, su familia o amigos y mejore sus relaciones familiares, sentimentales y de negocios. · Una obra ideal para encontrar el nombre de su futuro bebé. · Ofrece las claves ocultas en la abecedario. · Ofrece el significado de los diferentes nombres de Dios y de la virgen María en Latinoamérica.

Que los hábitos sean tu medicina: Consejos atemporales para optimizar tu salud y prevenir la enfermedad

by Borja Bandera Merchán

«Borja tiene una manera de transmitir, compartir y hacer llegar su conocimiento y experiencia que me gusta: con respeto y humildad»Andrés Iniesta Claves sencillas para optimizar tu salud. Pequeños y poderosos cambios para prevenir la enfermedad y gozar de una longevidad saludable. Este libro actuará en ti como un catalizador que te animará a ponerte en acción para mejorar tu salud. Se trata de un ameno compendio de textos cortos que recoge los principales requisitos atemporales para optimizar tu salud. El doctor Borja Bandera aporta las herramientas necesarias para modificar tu conducta, te hace dueño de las decisiones que afectan a tu bienestar y te involucra en el proceso de recuperación: te empodera. Que los hábitos sean tu medicina, optimista, certero y lleno de energía positiva, ayuda a entender los atajos que conducen al cambio de hábitos para que cuidarte sea placentero. Y es que la soledad puede ser mucho peor que tener el colesterol alto, y la salud es mucho más que tomar medicamentos.

¿Qué me pasa, doctor?

by José Carlos Fuertes Rocañín

A pesar de una intensa labor de divulgación en los últimos años, la enfermedad mental sigue siendo incomprendida: cuando queremos insultar a alguien le llamamos neurótico, hablamos de depresión y la confundimos con la tristeza, a veces hemos detratar con «gente insoportable» y nos ayudaría saber que el problema se debe a que padecen trastornos de la personalidad... Para arrojar luz en este apasionante mundo se ha escrito este libro que, huyendo de tecnicismos innecesarios, pasa revista a estos temas y a otros que, sin ser estrictamente psiquiátricos, hacen sufrir o cuando menos preocupan a muchas personas como son las relaciones con los hijos, los problemas legales del enfermo mental, o la autoestima y la necesidad de autoconocimiento. José Carlos Fuertes Rocañín es especialista en psiquiatría, miembro de varias sociedades científicas, autor y coautor de más de una treintena de libros sobre psiquiatría clínica, estrés laboral, depresión, drogodependencias y otros temas relacionados con la salud mental y con la comunicación en la práctica sanitaria. En la actualidad compagina su consulta privada con la coordinación del Plan Provincial de Drogas y Salud Mental de Burgos y es miembro del consejo asesor del Observatorio Español de Drogas.

Qué puedes esperar cuando estás esperando: 5th edition (What to Expect)

by Heidi Murkoff

America&’s pregnancy bible, newly revised. With over 21 million copies sold, it remains the most trusted resource for those with babies on the way. Full of essential data, practical and easy-to-follow advice, realistic insight, and a great deal of reassuring information, this essential guide presents the latest about prenatal screenings, which medications are safe, and the most current birthing options. Your pregnancy lifestyle gets equal attention, too: diet, coffee drinking, exercise, work, sex, travel, beauty, skin care and more. Have pregnancy symptoms? You will—and you&’ll find answers for them all. Expecting multiples? There is a chapter for you. Expecting to become a dad? This book has you covered, too. With hundreds of questions answered—"How can I eat for two if I&’m too queasy to eat for one?,&” &“Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job?,&” and &“Should we do a gender reveal? What about a 4-D ultrasound?&”—this is the one-stop-shop you&’ve been looking for. La Biblia del Embarazo en las Américas, completamente nuevo y revisado. Con más de 21 millones de ejemplares vendidos, sigue siendo el recurso más confiable para quienes tienen bebés en camino. Repleta de datos imprescindibles, consejos prácticos y fáciles de seguir, reflexiones realistas y una gran cantidad de información tranquilizadora, esta guía esencial presenta lo último sobre los exámenes médicos prenatales, qué medicamentos son seguros y las opciones para dar a luz. También aborda en detalle el estilo de vida de la embarazada: la alimentación, el consumo de café, el ejercicio físico, el trabajo, el sexo, los viajes, la belleza, el cuidado de la piel y más. ¿Tienes síntomas de embarazo desagradables? Encontrarás soluciones para todos ellos. ¿Esperando los múltiples? Hay un capítulo dedicado al tema. ¿Vas a ser papá? Este libro también es para ti. Con cientos de preguntas respondidas—"¿Cómo puedo comer por dos si tengo tantas náuseas que apenas puedo comer para mí misma?,&” &“¿Cuáles son mis derechos en el trabajo?,&” y &“¿Deberíamos dar una fiesta para revelar el sexo del bebé? ¿Debo pedir que me hagan una ecografía 4-D?&”—este libro es la fuente de información que has estado buscando.

Qué Puedes Esperar Cuando Estás Esperando: 4th Edition (What to Expect)

by Heidi Murkoff Sharon Mazel

<P>Announcing the new Spanish-language translation of What to Expect When You're Expecting: 4th Edition, America's pregnancy bible with over 16 million copies in print. Originally published as Que se Puede Esperar Cuando Se Esta Esperando, this new edition is a livelier, less formal, altogether more user-friendly Spanish-language version. <P>Approximately 1 million Hispanic-American women give birth each year. This is a book for the mother-to-be who either doesn't speak English or doesn't feel comfortable with her English; for the doctor who is having trouble communicating with a patient; for the expectant parents at a stressful time when what's most familiar—their first language—is most welcome. The book will be the book to turn to for the broad range of Spanish-speaking Americans in the United States—be they Puerto Ricans in the Northeast, Cuban-Americans in Florida, Mexican-Americans on the west coast, Dominicans, and Spanish-speaking Americans of Spanish, and Central and South American descent.

Que Puedes Esperar en el Primer Ano (What to Expect)

by Heidi Murkoff Sharon Mazel

Announcing the first Spanish-language translation of What to Expect the First Year, the new baby bible with over 10.1 million copies in print. It is the long-awaited follow-up to Que´ Puedes Esperar Cuando Esta´s Esperando, the Spanish-language edition of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. <P>This is the book that every new parent needs to see them through the first year of a baby’s life—specially adapted for the over 1 million Hispanic American moms who give birth each year in the United States. Comprehensive, reassuring, fun to read, easy to flip through, it’s designed for Spanish speakers, as well as for those who feel more comfortable reading in their native language. <P><P>Pediatricians may also find it helpful in communicating with Spanish-speaking parents. The translation is informal and particularly user-friendly, designed to appeal to a wide range of Spanish-speaking Americans in the United States, whether Puerto Rican Americans in the Northeast, Cuban Americans in Florida, Mexican Americans on the West Coast or in the Southwest, Dominicans, or Spanish-speaking Americans of Spanish or Central and South American descent.

¿Qué sabemos sobre el Chupacabras? (¿Qué sabemos?)

by Pam Pollack Meg Belviso Who HQ

La serie "¿Qué sabemos sobre?" explora lo misterioso, lo desconocido y lo inexplicable. ¿Realmente existe una misteriosa criatura chupasangre llamada el Chupacabras?The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Is there really a mysterious, blood-sucking creature called the Chupcabra?Una mañana temprano en 1995, un granjero en Humacao, Puerto Rico, encontró tres de sus cabras muertas. La sangre parecía haber sido drenada de sus cuerpos. A medida que se encontraban docenas de animales de granja muertos en toda la isla, fue creciendo el miedo al llamado Chupacabras. Pero, ¿era realmente una criatura misteriosa la responsable de todas estas muertes? Y si es así, ¿adónde iría luego? Sigue la pista del Chupacabras en este emocionante libro.Early one morning in 1995, a rancher in Humacao, Puerto Rico, found three of his goats dead. The blood seemed to have been drained from their bodies. As dozens more farm animals were found dead across the island, the fear of the so-called Chupacabra -- the "goat sucker" -- grew. But was a mysterious cryptid really responsible for all of these deaths? And if so, where would it go next? Follow the trail of the Chupacabra in this exciting book.

Québec: A Health System Profile (Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles #4)

by Emmanuelle Arpin Lara Gautier Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Québec’s distinctive approach to health and social policy is predicated on its unique social history in Canada, which has allowed it to spearhead many innovations within the Canadian health care landscape, inspiring not only other provinces but also the federal government. Québec: A Health System Profile provides an in-depth, descriptive analysis of Québec’s health care system. The book examines the organization of the health care system, financing mechanisms, health and human resources, infrastructure, and service delivery models and describes the major health care reforms in Québec that have occurred since the start of the twenty-first century. It also offers commentary on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Québec’s health care system throughout. Presenting foundational health services concepts in relation to Québec, along with the complementing socio-historical approach adopted to describe Québec’s unique health care system, the book equips readers with invaluable insights and tools to navigate the complexities of ongoing health care policy challenges and to envision possible solutions forward for Québec’s health care system.

The Queen Charlotte's Hospital Guide to Pregnancy & Birth

by Adriana Hunter Queen Charlotte's Hospital

This book is a practical, sympathetic and complete guide to having a baby - from conception to delivery. Written in association with Britain's leading maternity hospital, it draws on the wide experience of the hospital's doctors and midwives and also contains insightful comments from parents themselves. Organised on a week-by-week basis and illustrated throughout, this comprehensive book shows step-by-step how the baby develops and what changes the mother will experience. It tells you how you may be feeling both phyically and emotionally and when, how to choose the right nutrition and exercise at various times of the pregnancy, how to prepare for the birth and the choices available to you, what to expect during labour and the options for pain relief, care after birth and much more. The very first book of its kind to obtain such a unique endorsement, The Queen Charlotte's Hospital Guide to Pregnancy and Birth answers every question parents might ask and promises to become the definitive book on this important subject.

Queen of Disguises (Dinah Galloway #5)

by Melanie Jackson

Amateur detective and singing sensation Dinah Galloway has enough on her plate without having to worry about being pursued by a vengeful stalker. The red-headed twelve-year-old is in the running to sing in commercials promoting beautiful British Columbia. To clinch the job, Dinah has to get fit at a wellness retreat on Salt Spring Island. Veggies? Exercise? Yech! Grudgingly, though, Dinah admits that her lifestyle could be a little healthier. Off to Salt Spring she goes, along with the two other finalists: one friendly, the other the last word in sulky. Her friends Talbot and Pantelli make their usual disruptive appearances, along with Dinah's ever-anxious mother and cool, elegant sister Madge. Hoping to shed not only pounds but her crazed pursuer, Dinah learns the true meaning of personal best—it truly is how you play the game, not whether you win or lose.

The Queen Of Distraction: How Women With ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus, And Get More Done

by Terry Matlen Sari Solden

Do you rule the realm of disorganization, clutter, and chaos? Are you constantly battling to get things done? Are you ready to give up and toss your day planner into the dungeon (otherwise known as your closet)? If so, you might just be The Queen of Distraction. And whether or not you've been formally diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you probably already know that something's got to give. The Queen of Distraction presents practical skills to help women with ADHD achieve focus and balance in all areas of life, whether it's at home, at work, or in relationships. Psychotherapist Terry Matlen delves into the feminine side of ADHD--the elements of this condition that are particular to women, such as: relationships, skin sensitivities, meal-planning, parenting, and dealing with out-of-control hormones. In addition, the book offers helpful tips and strategies to get your symptoms under control, and outlines a number of effective treatment options for you to pursue. From getting dressed in the morning, to making it to a job interview, to planning dinner--sometimes just getting through the day can be an ordeal for a woman with ADHD. If you've been accused of getting lost in your own world, maybe it's time to make a change. If you're ready to start getting organized and stop leaving your groceries in the car, this book can help. It's more than just a survival guide; it's an ADHD how-to to help you thrive!

Queen of Hearts

by Martha Brooks

Finalist for the Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young People and the IODE Violet Downey Book Award, and an American Library Association Notable Children's Book and a Kirkus Reviews Best Book It's 1941, and Canada is two years into World War II. Meanwhile, in rural Manitoba, fifteen-year-old Marie-Claire Cote begins a war of her own as she and her brother and sister, all stricken with tuberculosis, are taken by their anguished parents to "chase the cure" at nearby Pembina Hills Sanatorium. While her roommate retains a dogged cheerfulness that is both heroic and irritating, Marie-Claire resists with all of her prideful strength while she fights her own illness and tries to seek privacy where there is none. Her father, overwhelmed by fear and guilt, never visits. And her young brother, Luc, who is losing his battle with TB in another wing of the infirmary, sends notes to her penned for him by his nineteen-year-old roommate, Jack Hawkings. This is a story about surviving loss, and finding friendship, and love, in surprising places.

The Queen of Wands: The Story of Pamela Colman Smith, the Artist Behind the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

by Cat Willett

Discover the life, work, and magic of Pamela Colman Smith, the visionary artist behind the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, the most popular and renowned divination deck in the world. With rich imagery, stunning colors, and an iconic place in the realm of divination, the Rider-Waite Tarot is perhaps the best known deck in the world. Seasoned readers and fledgling diviners alike turn to these cards in search of inspiration, understanding, and even a hint at the future. But the story of their origin is less well known, with their brilliant creator's name stripped away from them for decades. Now, for the first time, mystics, art-lovers, and fortune-tellers will uncover the magical story of Pamela Coleman Smith, rendered in full-color illustrations by artist Cat Willett, and inspired by the work of Pamela herself. From a childhood spent between the United Kingdom and Jamaica, to early artistic success in New York, to involvement in the secret occult society Order of the Golden Dawn, Pamela -- or Pixie, as she was known to many -- had a life full of enchanted inspiration and profound hardship. Through it all, her art acted as a guiding force, culminating in her custom illustrations for the deck that would become the Rider-Waite Tarot. Though she received little money and almost no credit for her contributions to the magical realm in her lifetime, Pixie's impact on tarot, divination, and the worlds of mysticism and the arts have reverberated for nearly 150 years, and her story serves as an enchanted spark. Depicted in whimsical, full-color detail, with interludes tying Pamela to the resurgence of modern magic and the world of tarot throughout, this singular work is a must-read for witches, creatives, and activists.

The Queen V: Everything You Need to Know About Sex, Intimacy & Down There Health Care

by Jackie Walters

The beloved OB-GYN and star of Bravo’s Married to Medicine reveals the twelve principles behind a happy and healthy vagina—and other lady parts.After twenty years of private obstetrics and gynecological practice, there’s nothing Dr. Jackie Walters hasn’t seen. And now, in her new book, the widely-adored OB-GYN invites you to put your feet in the stirrups and investigate. Whether she’s covering libido, contraceptives, labiaplasty, or fertility, Dr. Jackie educates readers with her characteristic grace and pragmatism. Both funny and informative, she brings you on a quest through the female reproductive system—answering all the burning (and itching, and smelling . . .) questions you’ve always been afraid to ask.Dr. Jackie knows that every woman is different, and she’s designed a reading experience that’s tailor-made for each individual. After taking a fun quiz to uncover your own vaginal personality (V.P.), you’ll embark upon an eye-opening journey of self-discovery. Are you a Mary Jane, a Sanctified Snatch, or a Notorious V.A.G.? What’s the shape of your vaginal flower—rosebud, tulip, or carnation? Dr. Jackie reveals the answer and doles out advice so personal you’ll feel like you’re in the office talking to her.For every time you’ve been draped in a paper gown and too embarrassed to ask that question, Dr. Jackie has you covered. Her book is a woman’s guide to self-awareness that will educate, entertain, and empower others to achieve vaginal liberation. It’s a must-read for anyone who owns (or loves) a vagina.“OBGYN Walters, aka the Queen V, delivers a humorous, no-holds-barred lowdown on sex and lady parts . . . Packed with facts, figures, and yes, fun, it’s empowering.” —Booklist

Queer Activism in South African Education: Disrupting Cis(hetero)normativity in Schools (Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education)

by Dennis A. Francis

Offering a vital, critical contribution to debates on gender, sexuality and schooling in South Africa, this book highlights how South African educational practices, discourses and structures normalize cisheteronormativity, along with how these are resisted within schools and through contemporary forms of activism. Not only does it add fresh insights to the existing research literature on gender, sexualities and schooling, it also underscores the valuable contributions of queer and transgender social movements, which have made influential legislative, teaching, learning and support contributions to education. Drawing on ethnographic research with queer and transgender activists, teachers, school managers, parents and school attending youth, the book provides everyday real-life quotes and observations offering a deeply critical contribution to the debates on gender and sexualities, education and activism. Using spatial and affect theories, it troubles the assumptions that frame this field of research to make a novel contribution to the national and international literature and research. The book provides research-based insights for thinking about and calls for informed action to challenging cisheteronormativity within and beyond schools.

Queer Astrology for Men: An Astrological Guide for Gay Men

by Jill Dearman

A hilariously and startlingly insightful astrology guide for gay men.Jill Dearman is a breakthrough astrologer for our time. No one has approached the stars with her sass and class ever before! Her guide to astrology for gay men is lively, revealing-- and naughty!Sections include: in life, in bed, how to seduce him, doing him and dating him, how to last over the long haul, how to get rid of him, and the three faces of each sign.And a complete compatibility profile of each astrological combination.

Queer Astrology for Women

by Jill Dearman

A hilariously irreverent and startlingly insightful astrology guide for lesbians.Jill Dearman is a breakthrough astrologer for our time. No one has approached the stars with her sass and class ever before! Her guide to astrology for lesbians is lively, revealing--and naughty!Sections include: in life, in bed, how to seduce her, doing her and dating her, how to last over the long haul, how to get rid of her, and the three faces of each sign.How to get rid of an Aquarius woman: Ms. Aquarius will pack her bags soon after you start invading her personal space and drowning her in too much nonstop and irrational cemotion. Ms. Aquarius hates to feel trapped, so if you slowly take away all her freedoms, you will be watching her walk out the door faster than you can sing "This is the dawning of the..."The Cancer woman is intensely emotiona...and her moods change with the tides. Not that you can every completely figure her out. Would you dare to assume you could understand the sea or fully absorb or comprehend a beautiful piece of music? Or course not, you silly lesbian. So don't patronize this lovely woman.But getting rid of a Cancer woman: Please don't be a cad and pull off the old "I'm going out for a pack of cigarettes (or a bag of Kitty Litter)" and never come back routine. She'll have your mother sitting with her and holding her hand, worrying, before you've made it past the border.And a complete compatibility profile of each astrological combination:Take Aries and Cancer: The best par? They can be fiercely loyal and protective of each other. The worst part? They instinctively know how to hurt each other's feelings and often do, in a most brutal way. Ms. Aries, ruled by fire strikes quickly and forcefully and without thinking. "Don't each that doughnut! It'll make you fat!" Ms Cancer, ruled by water, knows how to create a mood of subtle emotional torture. "I don't feel like being touched...No, I don't want to be alone. Can't we just sit together in the same room and not talk and not touch and not make such a big deal about it?"

Queer Cheer: Activities, Advice, and Affirmations for LGBTQ+ Teens

by Eric Rosswood Jodie Anders

Self-Acceptance and Identity Affirmations for LGBT+ Teens (Ages 12-18)#1 New Release in LGBTQ+ Issues, Maturing, and Civil and Human RightsA positive affirmations book with invaluable information for all queer teensInspirational and motivational quotes and information. Queer Cheer provides advice and words of wisdom encouraging teens to find—and keep—their inner rainbow. Covering topics relevant to lgbt+ teens today, this instructional book includes everything ranging from bullies and discrimination to acceptance and advocating change.Illustrated words of encouragement from a friend. Authors Eric Rosswood and Jodie Anders know what it’s like to be a teen struggling with identity and societal norms. That’s why they’re fighting to counter the negativity facing queer teens now and in the future. Queer Cheer includes many teen voices offering tips, advice, related firsthand experiences, and other valuable knowledge.Inside Queer Cheer, find:Affirmations and words of wisdom focusing on areas specific to LGBT+ teensThought-provoking questions that lead to self-acceptance and encourage positive changeIllustrations and doodles that inspire, empower, and strengthen the hearts and minds of queer teensReaders of LGBTQIA+ books for young adults such as This Book Is Gay, All Boys Aren’t Blue, or The ABC’s of LGBT+ will love Queer Cheer. Also don’t miss this multi-award-winning author’s other books including Journey to Parenthood, We Make It Better, and The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads.

Queer Conception: The Complete Fertility Guide for Queer and Trans Parents-to-Be

by Kristin Liam Kali

Making a baby through love and science? Get the guidance you need to navigate the conception process with confidence and ease.&“[A] a well-researched, deeply comprehensive (and readable!) guide to building a queer family in a way that works for you.&” —Emily Oster, author of Expecting BetterThe only evidence-based, up-to-date fertility guide for queer people from an experienced health care provider, this is also the first to be transgender inclusive and body-positive. Here, queer prospective parents will find sound advice for navigating complex medical, social and financial decisions. Trusted fertility midwife Kristin Kali walks you through the baby-making process: creating a timeline; fertile health for every body; preconception tests; identifying ovulation; donors, gamete banks, and surrogacy; methods of insemination including IUI, IVF and reciprocal IVF; navigating early pregnancy; and preparing for infant feeding, including lactation induction for trans women and nongestational parents. This book is for all LGBTQ+ readers interested in creating family through pregnancy: anyone who identifies as queer, lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, trans and nonbinary people, couples, single parents by choice, poly families, and coparents. It&’s an antidote to a culture and medical system that all too often centers heterosexual couples experiencing infertility while overlooking our unique needs. It also contains sidebars with guidance for reproductive healthcare professionals.&“This life-changing book is equal parts practical handbook and sensitively written resource. Highly recommended!&”—Toni Weschler, MPH, author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility

A Queer Dharma: Yoga and Meditations for Liberation

by Jacoby Ballard

Queer critique, queer practice: embodied teachings for healing from trauma and social injustice.Jacoby Ballard provides an empowering and affirming guide to embodied healing through yoga and the dharma, grounded in the brilliance, resilience, and lived experiences of queer folks.Part I deconstructs the ways mainstream yoga perpetuates queer- and transphobia and other systemic oppressions, exploring the intersections of yoga, capitalism, cultural appropriation, and sexual violence. Ballard also addresses the trauma--complex, vicarious, historical, and collective--perpetuated against queer communities. In response, he offers tools for self-compassion, tonglen, lovingkindness, and grounding, and helps readers explore questions like: • What is trauma? How is it a product of injustice--and how can healing it create justice? • The world won't stop being homo- and transphobic, so how do I encounter that in a way that does the least harm? • How do we love what is uniquely trans about us? • What are affinity groups, and why do we need them?In part II, Ballard offers a queer-centered, fully embodied, and equity-rooted practice with meditations, practices, and sequences for processing and healing from trauma individually and in community. He explains concepts like lovingkindness, letting go, compassion, joy, forgiveness, and equanimity through a queer lens, and pairs each with corresponding meditations, practices, and beautiful line drawings of queer bodies.Enhanced with stories from Ballard's personal practice and professional experience teaching yoga in schools, prisons, conferences, and his weekly Queer and Trans Yoga class, A Queer Dharma is a guidebook, reclamation, and unapologetically queer heart offering for true healing and transformation.

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