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by Marley Gibson

Hayley Matthews is determined to be the best cheerleader she can. She works hardand pushes herself 110% all the time.Then Hayley finds a lump on her leg. The diagnosis is cancer. The prognosis isunclear. She could lose her leg. Or maybe her life.At first Haley is scared, terrified. In an instant, everything she's worked for seemsout of reach. But Haley is strong. She's going to fight this disease. She will not let ittake her life or her dreams.

Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists: The Gender Politics of Food Contamination after Fukushima

by Aya Hirata Kimura

Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster in 2011 many concerned citizens--particularly mothers--were unconvinced by the Japanese government's assurances that the country's food supply was safe. They took matters into their own hands, collecting their own scientific data that revealed radiation-contaminated food. In Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists Aya Hirata Kimura shows how, instead of being praised for their concern about their communities' health and safety, they faced stiff social sanctions, which dismissed their results by attributing them to the work of irrational and rumor-spreading women who lacked scientific knowledge. These citizen scientists were unsuccessful at gaining political traction, as they were constrained by neoliberal and traditional gender ideologies that dictated how private citizens--especially women--should act. By highlighting the challenges these citizen scientists faced, Kimura provides insights into the complicated relationship between science, foodways, gender, and politics in post-Fukushima Japan and beyond.

Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography

by Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sherer Paula J. Visconti E. Russell Ritenour Kelli Haynes

Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 7th Edition makes it easy to understand both basic and complex concepts in radiation protection, biology, and physics. Concise coverage promotes the safe use of ionizing radiation in all imaging modalities, including the effects of radiation on humans at the cellular and systemic levels, regulatory and advisory limits for human exposure to radiation, and the implementation of radiation safety practices for patients and personnel. This edition includes NEW content on the impact of radiation levels during the nuclear power plant crisis that followed the 2011 earthquake/tsunami in Japan. From an author team led by well-known radiation protection expert Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sherer, this text has consistently helped students perform well on the ARRT exam! Convenient, easy-to-use features include chapter outlines and objectives, highlighting of key terms, and bulleted summaries and review questions to enhance comprehension and retention. Clear and concise writing style covers complex concepts in radiation protection, biology, and physics in a building-block approach from basic to more complex concepts. Review questions are included at the end of chapters to assess your comprehension, with answers on the Evolve companion website. Coverage of historical radiological disasters includes photos and text on Hiroshoma, Chernobyl, and Three-Mile Island. UPDATED! NCRP and ICRP content includes guidelines, regulations, and radiation quantities and units, explaining the effects of low-level ionizing radiation, demonstrating the link between radiation and cancer and other diseases, and providing the regulatory perspective needed for practice. NEW! Discussion of Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) covers the radiation dosimetry quantity defined by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to monitor and control human exposure to ionizing radiation.

Radical: The Science, Culture, and History of Breast Cancer in America

by Kate Pickert

The science, culture and history of breast cancer as told by a reporter who survived it As a health-care journalist, Kate Pickert knew the emotional highs and lows of medical treatment well -- but always from a distance, through the stories of her subjects. That is, until she was unexpectedly diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer at the age of 35. As she underwent more than a year of treatment, Pickert realized that the popular understanding of breast care in America bears little resemblance to the experiences of today's patients and the rapidly changing science designed to save their lives. After using her journalistic skills to navigate her own care, Pickert embarked on a quest to understand the cultural, scientific and historical forces shaping the lives of breast-cancer patients in the modern age.Breast cancer is one of history's most prolific killers. Despite billions spent on research and treatments, it remains one of the deadliest diseases facing women today. From the forests of the Pacific Northwest to an operating suite in Los Angeles to the epicenter of pink-ribbon advocacy in Dallas, Pickert reports on the turning points and people responsible for the progress that has been made against breast cancer and documents the challenges of defeating a disease that strikes one in eight American women and has helped shape the country's medical culture.Drawing on interviews with doctors, economists, researchers, advocates and patients, as well as on journal entries and recordings collected over the author's treatment, Radical puts the story of breast cancer into context, and shows how modern treatments represent a long overdue shift in the way doctors approach cancer -- and disease -- itself.

Radical Acts of Love: How we find hope at the end of life

by Janie Brown

A deeply moving and ultimately uplifting exploration of our last great challenge.In this profound and moving book, oncology nurse Janie Brown recounts twenty conversations she has had with the dying, including people close to her. Each conversation uncovers a different perspective on, and experience of death, while at the same time exploring its universalities. Offering extremely sensitive and wise insight into our final moments, Brown shows practical ways to facilitate the shift from feeling helpless about death to feeling hopeful; from fear to acceptance; from feeling disconnected and alone, to becoming part of the wider, collective story of our mortality.As Janie Brown writes, "Most people now under sixty have never seen a person die, and so have become deeply fearful about death, their own and the deaths of their beloved others. They have had no role models to show them how to care for a dying person, and therefore no confidence in being able to do so. My hope is that the baby boomer cohort who pushed for the return of the midwives to de-medicalize birth will also be instrumental in reclaiming the death process. This book is my contribution to the re-empowerment of all of us to take charge of our lives and our deaths, remembering that we know how to die, just as we knew how to come into this world. We also know how to heal, and to settle our lives as best we can, before we die. In my view, this is the greatest gift we could give our loved ones: to be prepared and open and accepting when the time comes for us to leave this world."

Radical Beauty: How to Transform Yourself from the Inside Out

by Kimberly Snyder Deepak Chopra

Feel more beautiful, healthy, and energized than you have in years! Now, a revolutionary new way of helping you realize the true beauty that is your birthright! Deepak Chopra, a leading pioneer of integrative medicine and New York Times bestselling author of What Are You Hungry For?, and Kimberly Snyder, a Hollywood superstar nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author of The Beauty Detox Solution, offer an exciting and practical program to help transform you from the inside out. Through six pillars of healthy living that focus on internal and external nourishment, sleep, living naturally, avoiding excessive stress, and better understanding the relationship between emotions and inflammatory foods, the authors offer practical tips, tools, innovative routines, and foods that will allow you to achieve your highest potential of beauty and health. Here is the latest information on foods to support your metabolism and how to best promote circulation of beauty-boosting nutrients; the use of the most effective skin-care ingredients coupled with traditional Ayurvedic medicine; and how to work with your skin to balance your nervous system, thus slowing aging. Further, Chopra and Snyder will show you how positive emotion-based living and peace foster natural and timeless beauty. All of this comes together to help you in developing a more healthy body and mind, increasing your natural glow, magnetic presence, and radiant vitality.With powerful DIY home skin care and beauty remedies and treatments to address everything from acne to dry skin and wrinkles, techniques to promote your natural beauty by syncing with the power of rhythms found in nature, strategic dietary tips, and delicious recipes, Radical Beauty will help you feel more confident, achieve more beautifully smooth illuminating skin, healthy hair, bright eyes, and--perhaps best of all--the ability to tap into and be in touch with the true beauty that is already within you.

Radical Botany: Plants and Speculative Fiction

by Natania Meeker Antónia Szabari

Radical Botany excavates a tradition in which plants participate in the effort to imagine new worlds and envision new futures. Modernity, the book claims, is defined by the idea of all life as vegetal. Meeker and Szabari argue that the recognition of plants’ liveliness and animation, as a result of scientific discoveries from the seventeenth century to today, has mobilized speculative creation in fiction, cinema, and art. Plants complement and challenge notions of human life. Radical Botany traces the implications of the speculative mobilization of plants for feminism, queer studies, and posthumanist thought. If, as Michael Foucault has argued, the notion of the human was born at a particular historical moment and is now nearing its end, Radical Botany reveals that this origin and endpoint are deeply informed by vegetality as a form of pre- and posthuman subjectivity. The trajectory of speculative fiction which this book traces offers insights into the human relationship to animate matter and the technological mediations through which we enter into contact with the material world. Plants profoundly shape human experience, from early modern absolutist societies to late capitalism’s manipulations of life and the onset of climate change and attendant mass extinction.A major intervention in critical plant studies, Radical Botany reveals the centuries-long history by which science and the arts have combined to posit plants as the model for all animate life and thereby envision a different future for the cosmos.

Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN

by Tara Brach

One of the most beloved and trusted mindfulness teachers in America offers a lifeline for difficult times: the RAIN meditation, which awakens our courage and heartTara Brach is an in-the-trenches teacher whose work counters today's ever-increasing onslaught of news, conflict, demands, and anxieties--stresses that leave us rushing around on auto-pilot and cut off from the presence and creativity that give our lives meaning.In this heartfelt and deeply practical book, she offers an antidote: an easy-to-learn four-step meditation that quickly loosens the grip of difficult emotions and limiting beliefs. Each step in the meditation practice (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) is brought to life by memorable stories shared by Tara and her students as they deal with feelings of overwhelm, loss, and self-aversion, with painful relationships, and past trauma--and as they discover step-by-step the sources of love, forgiveness, compassion, and deep wisdom alive within all of us.

Radical Contentment: The Power of Radical Contentment

by Alan Cohen

In a world where fear, crisis and insufficiency dominate the media and many personal lives, the notion of claiming contentment may seem fantastic or even heretical. Yet finding sufficiency right where you stand may be the answer to a world obsessed with lack. In his warm, down-to-earth, and believable style, Alan Cohen offers fresh, unique, and uplifting angles on coming to peace with what is before you. He shows you how to turn mundane situations into opportunities to gain wisdom, power and happiness that does not depend on other people or conditions. Peppered with many true-life anecdotes and inspiring examples, Radical Contentment embraces the desire for change and improvement as part of the journey. Sometimes getting fed up with situations that are not working delivers the impetus to create better ones. You will be moved, illuminated, and tickled to find that what you seek may already be within your grasp and surely within your potential. If contentment is radical, then this book may well spur a revolution of wellbeing!

Radical Healership: How to Build a Values-Driven Healing Practice in a Profit-Driven World

by Laura Mae Northrup

The countercultural healer&’s guide for building a sustainable and values-driven practice: work toward your purpose, grow your client base, and thrive with integrity in an unjust capitalist system. The time for healing—and the time to be a healer—is now.Therapist Laura Mae Northrup navigates the complexities of being a healer today—and shows how you can stay true to your calling in a world built from systems that were designed to extract, oppress, and exploit.Addressing fundamental tensions that arise for practicing healers working in a late-stage capitalist culture, Northrup shares how to: • Maintain your ethical framework even while prioritizing financial stability • Market and brand your practice authentically, without resorting to fear-based tactics • Recognize the unconscious biases and unexamined motivations you unintentionally bring to work • Honor your limits within a culture that valorizes overwork and perpetuates burnout • Prioritize your emotional needs and spiritual goals—and honor their place in your healing practice Structured in accessible, to-the-point chapters with practical writing and reflection prompts, Northrup offers an authentic, spiritually grounded approach to healership, going much deeper than the promise of a million-dollar practice or a minimum-effort game plan.Written for healers of all modalities—including radical therapists, functional practitioners, reiki workers, bodyworkers, and healers who have been sidelined, underfunded, underresearched, or delegitimized within a Western capitalist framework—this book offers a nuanced, political, and social-justice informed guide to building the practice you want—and thriving as the healer you were born to be.

Radical Hope: 10 Key Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases

by Kelly Turner Tracy White

Real-life stories from survivors of cancer and other diseases who have used the 9 key factors from the New York Times best-selling Radical Remission, with updated research and a tenth key factor revealed.Following the publication of the New York Times best-selling Radical Remission, researcher Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D., has collected hundreds of new cases of radical remissions--from cancer and now also other diseases--from across the globe. In Radical Hope, Turner explores the real-life application of the Radical Remission principles and the people who have chosen to take this journey.Each chapter shares a survivor's in-depth story and their use of one of the ten key Radical Remission healing factors. Turner provides updated scientific research and new tips for each factor, and unveils a tenth key factor for integration into your healing approach. Male and female, young and old, these survivors recognize that by taking ownership of their approach to healing, they are giving themselves the best chance for a longer and healthier life, with the ultimate goal of achieving remission.With warmth, realness, and a true sense of hope, Turner shines the spotlight on the pure strength of the human spirit and offers steadfast support and guidance for making the unique and individual decisions that lead to a powerful journey of healing.

Radical Longevity: The Powerful Plan to Sharpen Your Brain, Strengthen Your Body, and Reverse the Symptoms of Aging

by Ann Louise Gittleman

Welcome to a Radical new view of aging – one that defies conventional wisdom and redefines the aging process with resilience, vitality and grace. You&’ll discover the most advanced program that staves off the effects of aging, which includes how to release a lifetime of accumulated toxins and deficiencies—and how to correct and reverse their effects with targeted foods, critical lifestyle tweaks, peptides and signaling molecules for cellular regeneration.With her trademark no-nonsense style, Ann Louise Gittleman champions a paradigm shift in which your biology is not your biography. By utilizing epigenetics to slow and reverse many of the most worrisome aging conditions, you can preserve your &“youth span&” and enhance your immunity, heart, brain, muscles, joints, skin, and hair. You can even revitalize your sex drive!Based on decades of experience and research in breakthrough age- defying and restorative medicine, Radical Longevity will forever change what you think you know about aging. Inside you&’ll discover: The most essential vitamins, minerals and hormones to reclaim youthful immunity The transformative Radical Longevity Power Plan and 5 Day Radical Reset to soothe the gut and revitalize the liverHow to manipulate your metabolismThe Cinderella mineral to help prevent memory loss and reverse Alzheimer&’sHow to make your body produce up to fifty percent more &“Youth Defying Stem Cells&” The #1 brain-aging hazard hiding in your home, and how to activate your best self-defenseThe unexpected &“forbidden&” food that makes your skin, joints, eyes, arteries, and brain feel years younger and much more…Radical Longevity casts a big and bold new vision of aging that will give you freedom from accepting the limitations that growing older once meant. Look more youthful, feel more agile, and think more clearly as you enter the Radical new era of healthy aging!

Radical Love: From Separation to Connection with the Earth, Each Other, and Ourselves

by Satish Kumar

To see peace in our lifetimes, we have to practice love.This is the radical message of this inspirational book of pithy advice from environmental activist Satish Kumar, which helps us find ways to love ourselves, others, and all beings on planet Earth—even those we may find unlovable.Satish Kumar is well known for his epic walk for world peace in his youth in the 1960s from India to the nuclear capitals of Moscow, Paris, London, and Washington, DC. Wherever he traveled, he found that human beings were capable of a love that could overcome hatred and division. Settling down in the UK, he married his wife, June Mitchell, and founded eco-university Schumacher College in Devon, eventually becoming a leading figure in the UK green movement.Radical Love distills the author's lifetime of experience as a lover, parent, activist, and educator into simple lessons on transforming our time of ecological crisis, conflict, and scarcity into one in which we experience harmony with nature, safety, and abundance. It is an exploration of the transformative power of love in all its forms, from romantic love to love for one's family and community to love for the planet and all beings. Kumar's approach is founded on simplicity (including the Jain principle of aparigraha), generosity, and continuous learning. Like an unfolding metta meditation, the book expands our notions of love to its most sublime universal state and makes a great gift to share with those we love.

Radical Medicine: Cutting-Edge Natural Therapies That Treat the Root Causes of Disease

by Louisa L. Williams

A “radical” approach to holistic healing that examines the root causes and cures for ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer, and heart attacks • Offers cutting-edge detoxification and draining therapies to address the tremendous chemical onslaught of modern life • Explains the profound health problems caused by dental amalgams, vaccinations, antibiotics, cosmetics With the historic use of toxic mercury amalgam fillings, excessive courses of antibiotics, damaging childhood vaccines, and the many industrial pollutants and chemicals that have been spread into our air, water, and food over the past century, general holistic health guidelines are simply no longer adequate for most people. Only through radical measures--that is, getting to the true root or underlying cause of disease--can effective healing occur. In Radical Medicine, naturopathic physician Louisa Williams describes how to treat these and other modern-day “obstacles to cure,” in order to ensure against future degenerative disease and achieve the optimal health that is our birthright. Examining the many health problems triggered by dental amalgams and poor dentistry, Dr. Williams explains that our teeth are focal points for health issues that arise elsewhere in the body. She explores the impact of vaccinations, the excessive use of antibiotics, and the chemical-laden products used as health and beauty aids--which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, heart attacks, and breast and other cancers--and provides information on cutting-edge detoxification treatments as well as drainage and nutritional therapies. A practical guide for practitioners and patients alike, Radical Medicine offers a wealth of holistic, natural therapies for overcoming what is poisoning us and our world so we can achieve optimal health and well-being.

Radical Metabolism: A powerful plan to blast fat and reignite your energy in just 21 days

by Ann Louise Gittleman

'I deeply respect and honour the work of Ann Louise Gittleman, whom I consider as a teacher, as well as what she has done to bring intelligence to the world of nutrition.' Dr Mark HymanEat your way to a faster metabolism, easier weight loss and better health - from New York Times bestselling author and health pioneer Ann Louise Gittleman.One reason many diets fail is that they don't correct the shutdown of key fat-burning tissues in the body: brown fat, muscle and the microbiome. Each of these prefers a specific type of food for optimal function and this expert book tells you exactly how to fuel them.Radical Metabolism will shake up your long-held beliefs and assumptions about what is healthy, especially when it comes to diet. However, this isn't just about weight loss - this is about putting the brakes on ageing, gaining the tools necessary to dodge age-related illness and staying energised for life. The book is divided into three sections: The first section lays out the scientific basis for the Radical Metabolism plan so that you can understand the rationale behind the programme. Discover the five radical rules for rescuing your metabolism, the forgotten but powerful role bile plays in the body's slimming systems and the hero ingredients that are key to lasting weight loss. The second section is the eating diet plan. It starts off with the 4-Day Radical Intensive Cleanse, a simple juicing-and-souping detox plan designed to give your liver and gallbladder a rest before the main programme. The 21-Day Radical Reboot will teach you how to reawaken and retrain your metabolism to build a lasting and lean body. The third section expands the menu with a collection of 49 recipes (anglicised for UK readers) and provides a maintenance plan and additional guidance for staying on track for life.An easy-to-follow programme with the nutritional and scientific research to back it up, this book offers simple strategies that produce radical results.REAP THE BENEFITS OF A RADICAL METABOLISM: - Lasting weight loss - Greater energy - Balanced mood - Healthier skin - Protection against health problems, such as type II diabetes and gallbladder issues

Radical Metabolism: A Powerful New Plan to Blast Fat and Reignite Your Energy in Just 21 Days

by Ann Louise Gittleman

The award-winning New York Times bestselling author of the New Fat Flush series is back with a foolproof way to melt fat faster than everGo beyond Keto and Paleo with Radical Metabolism, which reveals the secrets to reviving a sluggish over-40 metabolism--secrets that work even faster if you're in your 20s and 30s, or you suffer from thyroid issues. No matter your age, if you're a "slow loser" who wants to speed off stubborn pounds and keep those pounds off for good, then this book is for you.Inside Radical Metabolism you'll discover which "forbidden fats," forgotten flavors, and fat-busting beverages you must eat and drink in order to supercharge your metabolism--making weight loss easier than ever before. But weight loss is just the beginning. With this easy-to-follow program you'll also enjoy greater energy, balanced mood, healthier skin, and protection against autoimmunity, gallbladder issues, type II diabetes, and other devastating health problems.A breeze to use, the Radical Metabolism program consists of: a 4-day Radical Intensive Cleanse designed to rest your digestive tract and detoxify your bodya 21-Day Radical Reboot where you'll learn exactly what combinations of foods to eat for results you can feel and seea Maintenance Plan for a radically healthy lifeWith menu plans, 50 sumptuous recipes, an extensive resource section, Radical Metabolism has everything you need to say supercharge your metabolism and transform your body into a fat-burning dynamo in just 21 days.

Radical Metabolism: A powerful plan to blast fat and reignite your energy in just 21 days

by Ann Louise Gittleman

Eat your way to a faster metabolism, easier weight loss and better health with a diet revolution from a leading health pioneer.Radical Metabolism has everything you need to say supercharge your metabolism and transform your body into a fat-burning dynamo in just 21 days.Go beyond Keto and Paleo with Radical Metabolism, which is the new program from trailblazer and New York Times bestselling author Ann Louise Gittleman revealing the secrets to rejuvenating a sluggish metabolism. No matter your age, if you want to shed those stubborn pounds then this book is for you.Gittleman exposes which forbidden fats, forgotten flavours and fat-busting beverages you must eat and drink in order to kick-start your metabolism - making weight loss easier than ever before. But weight loss is just the beginning. With this easy-to-follow program, you'll have more energy, balanced moods, glowing skin and protection against autoimmunity, gallbladder issues, type II diabetes and other devastating health problems.Including a 4-Day Radical Intensive Cleanse plan and a 21-Day Reboot and Maintenance plan, this book has everything you need to supercharge your metabolism and transform your body in just 21 days.'I deeply respect and honor the work of Ann Louise Gittleman, whom I consider as a teacher, as well as what she has done to bring intelligence to the world of nutrition.' Mark Hyman, MD(P)2018 Hachette Audio

Radical Nature: The Soul of Matter

by Christian De Quincey

An exploration of consciousness in all matter--from quantum to cosmos • Outlines theories of consciousness in ancient and modern philosophy from before Plato to Alfred North Whitehead • Reveals the importance of understanding mind-in-matter for our relationships with the environment, with other people, even with ourselves Are rocks conscious? Do animals or plants have souls? Can trees feel pleasure or pain? Where in the great unfolding of life did consciousness first appear? How we answer such questions can dramatically affect the way we live our lives, how we treat the world of nature, and even how we relate to our own bodies. In this new edition of the award-winning Radical Nature, Christian de Quincey explores the “hard problem” of philosophy--how mind and matter are related--and proposes a radical and surprising answer: that matter itself tingles with consciousness at the deepest level. It’s there in the cells of every living creature, even in molecules and atoms. Tracing the lineage of this idea through Western philosophy and science, he shows that it has a very noble history--from before Plato to Alfred North Whitehead. He reveals that the way to God is through nature and that understanding how body and soul fit together has surprising consequences for our relationships with our environment, with other people, and even with ourselves.

Radical Optimism: Practical Spirituality in an Uncertain World

by Beatrice Bruteau

The pioneering spiritual scholar discusses how to find genuine optimism in times of crisis by contemplating the ultimate reality of God.Dr. Beatrice Bruteau was an inspiration to some of the most influential spiritual thinkers of our time. With a background in Vedanta, Catholic contemplation, and the natural sciences, she developed a broadly inclusive, interspiritual vision of human reality. In Radical Optimism she shines new light on the deepest truth we can know about ourselves: each of us is one with God, here and now. In a series of essays exploring the concepts of Leisure, Stillness, and Meditation—as well as examining the distinctions between the Finite and the Infinite and Sin and Salvation—Bruteau offers a path to recognizing our own unity with God. She provides a blueprint for understanding it, knowing the happiness it brings, and cultivating a contemplative consciousness amid the hectic uncertainty of daily life.

Radical Passion: Sacred Love and Wisdom in Action

by Andrew Harvey

This culmination of award-winning author Andrew Harvey's life's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action. According to Harvey, we are in a massive global crisis reflected by a mass media addicted to violence and trivialization at a moment when what the world actually needs is profound inspiration, a return to the heart-centered way of the Divine Feminine, the words of the mystics throughout the ages, and the cultivation of the nonviolent philosophies of Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, and the Dalai Lama. Harvey's concepts of radical passion and sacred activism fly in the face of restraint, of pessimism, of denial, of all that is inhumane, fusing the mystic's passion for God with the activist's passion for justice and for healing the division between heaven and earth, heart and will, body and soul, prayer and action. Sacred activism asks that we engage deeply on a personal, spiritual, and political level so as to become a fully empowered, fully active, and contemplative humanity that can turn tragedy into grace, and desolation into the opportunity to build and co-create a new world. Unlike many spiritual books, Radical Passion does not veil the dark with artificial hope. It explores the catastrophes of our current times and celebrates the ecstatic hope and divinity that is possible--right now and in the future.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Radical Path of Somatic Dharma: Radiant Body, Radiant Mind

by Will Johnson

• Shares practices to show how sitting meditation can be reconnected to lived, bodily experience and help you rediscover your natural somatic radiance• Explores how the modern thought-focused frame of mind introduces patterns of holding and tension into our bodies• Draws on techniques from the Buddhist, Sufi, and somatic wisdom traditions as well as insights from the author&’s own teachers and collaborators, including Ida Rolf and Judith AstonThe modern practice of seated meditation is in serious need of reformation. What began as a living, vibrant, and felt practice—the primary practice of the Buddhist path to spiritual realization—has painted itself into a corner of frozen stillness, divorced from lived, bodily experience.Presenting an accessible and deeply felt guide to sitting meditation as an active exploration, Will Johnson offers a revitalized understanding of this essential spiritual practice through deeper connection with the body. Johnson argues that the thought-focused mode of consciousness of modern rigid seated meditation introduces patterns of holding and tension into our bodies and virtually guarantees that awakening will not occur. He explains how our focus on thought, rather than embodied experience, results in a numbing of our connection to our physical self and the dimming of the body&’s natural somatic radiance, which in turn leads to the nagging presence of chronic pain, a general sense of malaise, and the inability to get comfortable in our own bodies.However, this &“consciousness of separation&” can be overcome. Johnson presents a wide range of practices, including 14 meditations, to support the awakening of breath and presence in the body, drawing on techniques from Buddhist, Sufi, and somatic wisdom traditions as well as methods from his studies with Ida Rolf and Judith Aston.Through the radical path of conscious sitting, Johnson shows how to transform your sitting meditation practice into a fully natural mudra of greater grace from which radiance will naturally flow. As the egoic perspective is dissolved, and chronic pain and discomfort are lessened, practitioners begin to feel a new, enlightened, bodily radiance—what Johnson calls &“The Great Wide Open.&”

Radical Radiance: 12 Weeks of Self-Love Rituals to Manifest Abundance, Beauty, and Joy

by Angela Jia Kim

Radical Radiance is an innovative self-care program that allows you to hone your inner and outer beauty with twelve simple rituals based in Korean skin care regimens, from the founder and CEO of Savor Beauty + Spa, Angela Jia Kim.We can all think of someone who radiates beauty, vibrancy, and confidence that emanates from a lit-from-within quality. But what exactly is this irresistible magnetism, and how can you develop it within yourself to manifest all the abundance, beauty, and joy that you not only crave, but deserve? In this customizable 12-week self-care program, Angela Jia Kim teaches you how to nourish your inner and outer glow so your radiance shines from every pore of your being. Drawing upon her Korean beauty heritage and decades of experience as a former concert pianist and founder of Savor Beauty, she reveals how your skin and soul have a lot in common—they both need purification, detoxification, exfoliation, and nourishment. Within, you will find: - A profound self-love practice: how to treat your skin “like the most expensive silk on Earth,” as Angela’s mom would say, which sets a deep foundational lesson for how to treat your soul- Over 50 simple-yet-powerful self-care prompts, purposeful plans, and radiance rituals.- Real-life stories to inspire you to become a magnetic manifesting force by restoring self-worth, awakening feminine energy, and connecting with your Higher Self. Radical Radiance teaches you how to illuminate your authentic beauty and transform your life for radiance, magic, and happiness.

Radical Recovery: Extraordinary Healing with Oxygen & Light after Chemo and Radiation

by Edna Ness

Life as you know it is over. Cancer has taken charge, and you have less than a month to live. You have a massive tumor so large that surgery is not an option. Chemotherapy and radiation is your only hope to obliterate the tumor and save your life. Two painful, dark months later you are so grateful to be alive, but now your entire body is annihilated. You are burned and blistered inside and out from the radiation. You&’re dehydrated and the pain is more than you can bare. You are on heavy opiates and your life has become a nightmare. You have no real guidance on how to rebuild your damaged body, either physically or emotionally. You are deeply depressed and wonder if life is even worth living. You are filled with fear that you will never heal and are desperate for a glimmer of hope.Edna Ness feels your pain. Having worked in the healing arts for over 15 years, she was suddenly faced with her biggest challenge yet. Her husband was diagnosed with a monster tumor in the base of his tongue that literally began choking him overnight. With only a week to live, he would endure radical radiation and chemotherapy that thankfully saved his life but left him with extreme collateral damage. With gratitude in her heart and a warrior-like spirit, she tells their story and how she developed a strategy to help him recover quickly and more completely. In Radical Recovery, Edna reveals her approach to helping others restore their health with hyperbaric oxygen, light therapy, and other natural remedies.

Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World

by Andrew Harvey Carolyn Baker

• Explores how Sacred Activism--specifically, creative, wise, sacredly inspired action--offers an antidote to the crises facing our world• Reveals how to uncover and sustain joy and how to use it as fuel for continuing Sacred Activism in dangerous times• Includes practical maps of the dark night process and of the four-part path to transfiguration drawn from the secret depths of the mystical traditionsPresenting a manual for navigating humanity&’s collective dark night, Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker explore potential antidotes, drawn from mystical traditions and Sacred Activism, to help us find inspiration and take action in the face of the daunting challenges to our world. Offering a deep discussion of our global dark night in terms of the Kali Yuga, the authors examine the dangers of a growing constellation of intractable crises--authoritarianism both in America and abroad, climate change, economic inequality, social upheaval, and spiritual malaise. They then explore the antidotes to these crises: Sacred Activism--specifically, creative, wise, sacredly inspired action--and a profound understanding of our evolutionary ordeal and its potentialities. Examining the power of joy to help enact personal and planetary transformation, they explain how joy, or ananda, is a force all mystical traditions recognize as the essence of the Divine. They reveal how to uncover and sustain joy in ourselves and how to use joy as fuel for continuing Sacred Activism in dangerous times. Drawing on the visionary teachings of mystics such as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo, the authors show how the global dark night is part of an evolutionary mutation process and how its very intensity makes it the potential seedbed of a new embodied, divine humanity. They offer practical maps of the crises, of the shadows that this global dark night is casting, and of the four-part path to transfiguration drawn from mystical traditions. Sharing a vision of a new and focused global moment of love in action, the authors reveal that apocalypse is not inevitable--if enough people awaken to the extraordinary possibilities of Sacred Activism.

Radical Remedies: An Herbalist's Guide to Empowered Self-Care

by Brittany Ducham

A modern, approachable holistic health guide that focuses on physical, emotional, and mental well-being.Radical Remedies urges readers to take an active concern for their overall health and well-being by reconnecting with nature and honoring their own emotional history and experience. Focusing on twenty-five of the most nourishing herbs, this book shows how they can be used to remedy stress, depression, and insomnia, soothe tension in the body, and comfort a broken heart. With insights on gut health, emotional balance, and the importance of whole foods, readers will discover practices and strategies to survive and thrive every day. Learn to make recipes like Ashwagandha Chai, Sacred Spark Infusion, Lemon Balm and Orange Peel Honey, and Banish the Blues Tincture or follow instructions for a Honey Mallow Soothing Face Mask or a Gotu Kola Rose Facial Oil. While balance or vitality is never achieved through a singular act or quick fix, this guide details a deep well of practices and self-care that can aid you in the toughest of times.

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