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Reincarnation, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)
by Jass Godly Krys GodlyA practical guide on how to access information about our previous lives.From ancient roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Greek philosophy to more modern conceptions of rebirth found in popular culture, the notion that the soul can be reborn is a prevalent belief that continues to fascinate. That fascination inevitably results in a number of questions, including: How does our day-to-day life impact our future existences? Who were we before we were born? How do we find out about our previous incarnations?This practical guide attempts to answer these questions and much more. The Godlys provide step-by-step instructions for accessing information about our previous lives and explore the four main methods of learning about past lives: · Recession· Psychic readings· Regression· Spontaneous recallThey also explore how reincarnation can help us to understand re-occurrences of relationships, lingering memories, and even health problems.This is a refreshing and simple introduction to a topic that has intrigued seers, sages, and mystics for centuries. It entertains, enlightens, and informs.
Los Reinos de los Ángeles en la Tierra
by Doreen VirtueSince the publication of her best-selling book Earth Angels (more than 80,000 copies sold), Doreen Virtue presented workshops about these lightworkers to several international audiences, which yielded additional information about the various realms that these beings originate from. In addition to the "core realms" that Doreen discussed in the first book (Incarnated Angels, Incarnated Elementals, Star People, and Wise Ones), some new realms have been discovered. In Realms of the Earth Angels, Doreen discusses the original Earth Angels book, plus gives updated descriptions about the new realms, which include Mystic Angels (half-angel, half-wise one); Leprechauns (half-elemental, half-wise one); Merpeople; Knights; and more. As with the original book, you, the reader, can take an expanded quiz to help you recognize your own realm. Each realm has its own chapter, with Earth Angel characteristics, suggestions, advice, and case studies.
Reinvent Your Personal Safety: 3 Keys to Successful Self-Protection for Women
by Matt TamasIn Reinvent Your Personal Safety, Matt Tamas takes women through a proactive approach to personal safety, one that isn’t about honing technical moves or perfecting technique, but more about showing them how to work with their own body and mind, considering realistic scenarios, and training them to take appropriate action. Matt’s job, as a personal safety coach, is to not only give women the tools to fight back during an assault, but also to help them prevent themselves from being assaulted in the first place. The right action to take is often in advance of a likely violent encounter in order to avoid it altogether. The best way to protect one’s self is avoiding the situation in which she is forced to defend herself. Reinvent Your Personal Safety talks about the different ways this is possible, as well as about the best way to handle one’s self when violent confrontation simply cannot be avoided. This is for the high-school girl, for the grandmother, for the young professional, for the working mother – anyone who is willing to overcome their limiting beliefs about what they’re capable of and key into what self-protection is really about. In reality, knowledge of the appropriate action to take in any given situation is worth scores more than athleticism.
Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma
by Deepak ChopraTRASCIENDE LOS OBSTÁCULOS QUE AFECTAN A TU CUERPO Y A TU ESPÍRITU 15 años después de su gran clásico Cuerpos sin edad, mentes sin tiempo, Deepak Chopra revisa el "milagro olvidado"--la capacidad infinita de renovación y cambio del ser humano. "Tu cuerpo físico es una ficción" nos dice Chopra. Cada célula está compuesta de dos elementos básicos: conciencia y energía. Aquí aprenderás a aprovechar esos elementos para cambiar los patrones de energía distorsionados que son la causa de las enfermedades y el envejecimiento. Pero la transformación no trata solo del cuerpo; debe incorporar también el alma. El alma --aparentemente invisible, distante, y apartada del mundo material-- en realidad crea al cuerpo. Y solo al llegar a ella alcanzarás tu máximo potencial, y conseguirás mayor percepción, inteligencia y creatividad en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma ofrece 10 pasos --cinco para el cuerpo y cinco para el alma-- que nos llevarán a la auto transformación. Con su estilo claro y accesible, Chopra nos invita a vivir con él los milagros que suceden cuando conectamos el cuerpo directamente a los maravillosos misterios que dan sentido y significado a la vida-- directamente al alma.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Reinvented Lives: Women at Sixty: A Celebration
by Charles Handy Elizabeth HandyTwenty-eight women, ranging from Anita Roddick and Prue Leith to less well-known names, write their own personal stories which are accompanied by Elizabeth Handy's black and white photographs and an introductory essay by Charles Handy. This generation of women is entering the sixties more healthy, more educated and more energetic than most of their mothers. The subjects in this book provide the models for what has become, for the first time, a new age for many women. Released from most of the cares and responsibilities that accompany midlife for women, they are free to reinvent themselves, to give more time to their career or calling, or to luxuriate in the serenity and friendships that few had time for in the past. Some enter new relationships, some start new careers or go back to study, some find that their work is only now reaching its peak. Many have survived traumas and tragedies, but 'the past is just the prologue' as one of them explains.
Reinventing American Health Care: How the Affordable Care Act will Improve our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone System
by Ezekiel EmanuelThe definitive story of American health care today-its causes, consequences, and confusionsIn March 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. It was the most extensive reform of America's health care system since at least the creation of Medicare in 1965, and maybe ever. The ACA was controversial and highly political, and the law faced legal challenges reaching all the way to the Supreme Court; it even precipitated a government shutdown. It was a signature piece of legislation for President Obama's first term, and also a ball and chain for his second.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, a professor of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania who also served as a special adviser to the White House on health care reform, has written a brilliant diagnostic explanation of why health care in America has become such a divisive social issue, how money and medicine have their own-quite distinct-American story, and why reform has bedeviled presidents of the left and right for more than one hundred years.Emanuel also explains exactly how the ACA reforms are reshaping the health care system now. He forecasts the future, identifying six mega trends in health that will determine the market for health care to 2020 and beyond. His predictions are bold, provocative, and uniquely well-informed. Health care-one of America's largest employment sectors, with an economy the size of the GDP of France-has never had a more comprehensive or authoritative interpreter.
Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing
by Larry DosseyLarry Dossey forever changed our understanding of the healing process with his phenomenal New York Times bestseller, Healing Words. Now the man considered on of the pioneers of mind/body medicine provides the scientific and medical proof that the spiritual dimension works in therapeutic treatment, exploding the boundaries of the healing arts with his most powerful book yet.
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You
by Deepak ChopraFifteen years after his #1 New York Times bestseller, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra revisits "the forgotten miracle"-the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. You cannot take advantage of this miracle, Chopra says, unless you are willing to completely reinvent your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic, flowing process. "Your physical body is a fiction," Chopra contends. Every cell is made up of two invisible ingredients: awareness and energy.Using Chopra's ten steps to wholeness, you can harness those basic elements to change the distorted energy patterns that are the root cause of aging, infirmity, and disease.Transformation can't stop with the body, however; it must involve the soul. The soul-seemingly invisible, aloof, and apart from the material world-actually creates the body. Only by going to the level of the soul will you access your full potential, bringing more intelligence, creativity, and awareness into every aspect of your life.Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul delivers ten breakthroughs-five for the body, five for the soul-that lead to self-transformation. In clear, accessible terms, Chopra shows us how to commit ourselves to deeper awareness, focus on relationships instead of consumption, embrace every day as a new world, and transcend the obstacles that afflict body and mind.Deepak Chopra has inspired millions with his profound teachings over the years. His bestselling books have explored the mind/body connection and the power of spirit. With his latest book, he invites you to experience with him the miracles that unfold when we connect the body directly to the awesome mysteries that give life meaning-directly to the soul. When you have completed this journey, after reinventing your body and resurrecting your soul, the ecstasy of true wholeness becomes possible for the very first time.From the Hardcover edition.
Reizdarmbeschwerden lindern für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Matthias RobertJeder fünfte Deutsche leidet unter Reizdarmbeschwerden. Vielleicht auch Sie? Dieses Buch verspricht Linderung bei Durchfall oder Verstopfungen, Blähungen und Schmerzen. Der Internist und Ernährungsmediziner Dr. Matthias Robert beschreibt, was sich hinter dem Reizdarmsyndrom verbirgt, welche so gar nicht reizenden Symptome es mit sich bringt und welche Untersuchungen Ihr Arzt bei Ihnen durchführt, um die Diagnose stellen und andere Erkrankungen ausschließen zu können. Er erklärt, wie das komplexe Organ Darm funktioniert, wie eng Bauch und Hirn verbunden sind und warum deshalb Psyche und Stress eine so große Rolle beim Reizdarmsyndrom spielen. Vor allem aber setzt er sich mit den verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Therapie auseinander und stellt eine ganze Reihe von Möglichkeiten vor, wie Sie Ihre Beschwerden lindern können: Ernährungsumstellung und Entspannung, Medikamente und alternative Heilmethoden. Damit endlich Ruhe in Ihrem Bauch einkehrt.
The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability
by Susan WendellWho should be identified as disabled? Is disability biomedical, social or both? What causes disability and what could "cure" it? Are scientific efforts to eliminate disabling physical conditions morally justified? Susan Wendell has lived with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) since 1985. In The Rejected Body, she connects her own experience of illness to feminist theory and the literature of disability. The Rejected Body argues that feminist theorizing has been skewed toward non-disabled experience, and that the knowledge of people with disabilities must be integrated into feminist ethics, discussions of bodily life, and the criticism of the cognitive and social authority of medicine. Wendell provides a remarkable look at how cultural attitudes towards the body contribute to the stigma of disability and to widespread unwillingness to accept and provide for the body's inevitable weakness.
The Rejuvenation Solution: Age in Reverse--7 Proven Medical Breakthroughs That Prevent Disease and Make You Feel Years Younger
by Robert WillixBe healthy, strong, and vital at any age with 7 proven discoveries that stop accelerated aging. Anyone can remain strong, flexible, and full of energy at every age with this comprehensive blueprint that controls and reverses the 7 major causes of aging by working on them synergistically.While aging is inevitable, physical, mental, and spiritual decline doesn't have to be. With a focus on prevention instead of prescriptions, of empowering the patient to discover the body's own healing intellect, Dr. Willix offers a comprehensive plan that will completely revamp your health, making you look and feel years younger no matter what your age. Dr. Robert Willix Jr. M.D., a board-certified cardiovascular surgeon from the University of Michigan Medical Center, pioneered open heart surgery in South Dakota in 1977. An avid athlete who competed in the Ironman World Championship, he spent his life researching the root causes of aging and integrative medical techniques that would halt the aging process in its tracks. Knowing that once his patients reached his surgery suite it was often too late to radically change their course, he left his surgical career behind to become a leading expert on natural healing techniques. While many physicians may not even know these latest developments, he distills cutting-edge research from many disciplines so that anyone can age-proof their health with these 7 keys: Geroprotectors: These are the next-generation antioxidants—learn how to harness them through foods and supplements. Inflammabots. Body-wide inflammation is known to be the source of nearly all diseases of aging, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Learn how to control inflammation for the long haul. Hormone-Peptide Connection. Avoid age-related hormone decline by maintaining this delicate balance. Telomerase Activators. Telomerase is The Energizer Bunny enzyme that keeps cells youthful. Discover how to keep your telomerase functioning optimally. The Muscle of Youth. Exercise is one the best anti-aging medicines of this century if done correctly. Don't waste hours on a machine—learn how to rev up the powerful anti-aging gene known as FOXO. Rejuvenation Nutrition. Rejuvenate your body from the inside out in visible and in medically measurable ways. Age-Defying Stress Management. Learn how proper relaxation helps produce antioxidants, lowers the damage from oxidation, and lengthens telomeres. You are in the driver's seat when it comes to your health--you can accelerate aging or you can put these habits into practice and decelerate aging starting today, enjoying abundant health and the many benefits it brings for many years to come.
Rejuvenece: Con los consejos de la Dra. Isabel Fernández Dominguez
by Isabel FernándezConsejos y cuidados de salud para la mujer de hoy. Rejuvenece pretende ser una práctica guía de cómo estar y sentirnos jóvenes desde la prevención, siguiendo una alimentación equilibrada, natural, consciente y un estilo de vida saludable. Es una mirada a nuestro cuerpo físico y las posibles causas de enfermedad; sin olvidar que nuestro estado mental y emocional puede afectar gravemente a la salud. <P><P>Es un punto de reflexión sobre la vida y cómo nos afecta, para que aprendas a interpretar los mensajes de tu cuerpo y a manejar todos tus recursos para mantenerte joven y lleno de energía sea cual sea tu edad. Este libro te ofrece soluciones basadas en la medicina natural y las más novedosas terapias alternativas, y desmitifica tópicos relacionados con la alimentación, siempre apoyado en estudios recientes contrastados y en evidencias científicas. Con su lectura aprenderás a conquistar la salud desde un punto de vista holístico, en el que se trata al individuo en su conjunto, es decir, con sus tres cuerpos: el físico, el mental y el emocional; complementando la medicina natural con terapias naturales y descubriendo los secretos de la alimentación y de su papel preventivo y fundamental en el tratamiento de las enfermedades. <P><P>También te ayudará a estar presente en la vida: este libro es un resumen de las cosas bellas que nos rodean y un punto de reflexión sobre lo que nos envejece, lo que nos quita la energía de vivir, sea por factores externos como por las toxinas psicológicas que nos hacen disminuir poco a poco de vitalidad. Porque mantener o prolongar la juventud con salud es el deseo de todo el mundo.
Rejuvenece en la cocina: Recetas para ganar salud, alegría y vitalidad
by Samar YordeSi tu meta es mantenerte joven, lograr un peso saludable, alejar las enfermedades o tener energía... recuerda que todo comienza con los alimentos que consumes. Empieza a vivir cada día haciendo lo correcto, lo que es saludable para tu cuerpo y justo para ti. Hoy puedes dar el primer paso que te llevará al cuerpo y a la vida que siempre soñaste tener. En Rejuvenece en la cocina, Samar Yorde te enseña recetas deliciosas, te lleva de compras y te da consejos prácticos para sentirte como nunca antes y recuperar tu energía vital. Con una alimentación adecuada... Mejorará tu salud " Controlarás la ansiedad " Vencerás las adicciones " Dormirás mejor " Perderás peso " Lucirás más joven " Ganarás energía y vitalidad " Sentirás alegría " Aumentará tu autoestima " Alargarás tu vida
Relacionamentos Tóxicos: Reconhecendo & Aprendendo A Consertá-Los Ou Descartá-Los
by Ana Claudia Antunes Sarah GoldbergRelacionamentos tóxicos o destroem mentalmente. Leia este livro para saber se você está em um e o que fazer para corrigir tanto o relacionamento tóxico ou deixá-lo completamenteÉ um fato triste que homens e mulheres em todos os lugares estão envolvidos em relacionamentos tóxicos e alguns deles podem até mesmo levar à violência doméstica. É um fato triste que as pessoas abusadas nessas relações permaneçam nelas e continuem a se machucar. Muitas vezes a pessoa abusada nem sequer percebe que se encontra em um relacionamento tóxico!Este livro vai lhe ensinar como reconhecer um relacionamento tóxico e se você estiver em um relacionamento tóxico ele vai ensiná-lo a "corrigi-lo ou esquecê-lo"!Neste livro, você vai aprender:1. Os fatores que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de uma relação tóxica2. As repercussões negativas de ficar em um relacionamento tóxico3. Como "consertar ou esquecer" um relacionamento tóxico4. Como se recuperar de estar em um relacionamento tóxico, uma vez que você está fora dele5. E muito maisNinguém precisa ficar em um relacionamento tóxico. Se você pensa que pode estar em um relacionamento tóxico, compre este livro hoje e comece a se libertar da dor desse relacionamento tóxico.
Relaciones Tóxicas - Reconócelas Y Aprende A Solucionarlas O A Olvidarlas
by Sara Del Cueto Sarah GoldbergLas relaciones tóxicas pueden destrozarte mentalmente. Lee este libro para descubrir si estás inmersa en una y qué debes hacer para poder solucionarla o bien, para dejarla atrás para siempre.Es muy triste saber que hombres y mujeres de todo el mundo viven relaciones tóxicas, y que algunas de estas desembocarán en violencia doméstica. Y es aún más triste saber que las víctimas de los abusos de estas relaciones, siguen viviéndolas desde dentro y siguen sufriendo. Lo peor es que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la persona que sufre los abusos ni siquiera es consciente de que vive atrapada en una relación tóxica.Este libro te enseñará a reconocer una relación tóxica y, si la tuya lo es, te explicará cómo arreglarla u olvidarla.En este libro descubrirás:1. Factores que llevan al desarrollo de una relación tóxica.2. Repercusiones negativas de verse inmerso en una relación tóxica.3. Cómo arreglar u olvidar una relación tóxica.4. Cómo sobreponerse a una relación tóxica una vez la has dejado atrás.5. Y mucho más.Nadie necesita una relación tóxica en su vida. Si crees que puedes estar viviendo una, compra este libro hoy mismo y empieza a liberarte del dolor de esa relación tóxica.
Relájate Para Perder Peso
by Vanesa Alvarez Ortiz Melissa MartinCómo perder libras sin dietas exigentes, trucos ni píldoras peligrosas, usando el poder de la alimentación razonable, el agua, el oxígeno y la psicología de la imagen personal Ya contaste calorías. Te atiborraste de proteínas y después de carbohidratos. Hiciste la dieta del pomelo, la del chocolate y la de la banana. Corriste horas alrededor de la manzana. Fuiste a reuniones semanales. Gastaste dinero en costosas máquinas de ejercicios. Bebiste galones de batidos. Consumiste miles de píldoras. Comiste cientos de barras de reemplazo de comidas. Mantuviste un registro diario o un blog sobre tu pérdida de peso. Compraste platos pequeños para que tus porciones parezcan grandes. Desperdiciaste miles de dólares en alimentos especiales. Te engrapaste las orejas. Sin embargo, sigues teniendo sobrepeso. Quizás perdiste algunas libras, pero las recuperaste y engordaste más. Este es el momento para dejar de esforzarte tanto para perder peso y adelgazar de una manera más fácil. Relájate para perder peso. Es la única forma de hacerlo. Sin correr cientos de millas. Sin saltar todo el día con un DVD aeróbico. Sin dietas tediosas. Sin comprar alimentos especiales. Sin contar calorías. Sin pelear contra tus antojos. Ya no te estreses por tu peso. Relájate y deja que tu cuerpo delgado sea libre.
Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors (Second Edition)
by Dennis M. Donovan G. Alan MarlattGrounded in research and illustrated with clinical vignettes, these papers demonstrate various ways to help people maintain abstinence or harm reduction treatment goals and to handle setbacks. They review such therapeutic techniques as cognitive restructuring, imagery, relapse rehearsal, and mindfulness meditation. This second edition features new coverage of stimulants, opiates, cannabis, "club drugs," gambling, and sexually risky behaviors. A new chapters addresses ethnocultural issues in relapse prevention. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Relating Experience: Stories from Health and Social Care
by Caroline Malone Liz Forbat Martin Robb Janet Seden<p>This reader provides a diverse selection of accounts of interpersonal communication and relationships in the context of health and social care. Most of the contributions are personal narratives by people using or working in care services; the majority are contemporary and many have been written especially for this anthology. <p>The book also includes other kinds of accounts, including attempts to encapsulate in fictional, poetic and visual form something of the nature of encounters in the context of care. There are sections on changing relationships, the way things happen, the physical context of care, difficult encounters, and working together, as well as cross-cutting themes such as power and diversity. <p>Relating Experience is an essential resource for students of social work, nursing, health and social policy, and for all involved in health and social care services, whether as professionals, carers or service users.</p>
Relational Mindfulness: A Handbook for Deepening Our Connections with Ourselves, Each Other, and the Planet
by Deborah Eden TullA guidebook on how to embody compassionate awareness in all of our relationships —with self, one another, our planet, in an age of global uncertainty.We all struggle at times with how to bring meditation off the cushion and into the beautiful, dynamic, and messy realm of relationship. At a time when humanity seems to have forgotten our inherent interrelatedness, this book offers an inspiring set of principles and practices for deepening intimacy and remembering the interconnection that is our birthright. Eden Tull interweaves heartfelt personal stories, sharing her journey from seven years as a monastic in a silent Zen Monastery to living and teaching in the megatropolis of Los Angeles and beyond, with teachings and mindful inquiry to help the reader connect personally with the principles of Relational Mindfulness. In a voice that is transparent, vulnerable, and brave, Tull shares possibilities for integrating mindfulness In gentle yet powerful tone, she covers topics ranging from balance and personal sustainability to sexuality to conscious consumerism. Relational Mindfulness is based on the simple understanding that the most subtle form of love is attention. While a revolution usually means to evolve and change, this shift is actually a return to a simple and sacred understanding we seem to have forgotten—one we can only remember when we are present.
Relative Age Effects in Sport: International Perspectives (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)
by Jess C. Dixon Sean Horton Laura Chittle Joe BakerIndividual achievement in sport is often constrained by an athlete’s age relative to the peers with whom they participate. A common practice within sport and educational domains is to group youth based on their chronological ages to help promote equal competition, age appropriate instruction, and ensure participant safety. While well intended, such grouping practices can often advantage relatively older children, while disadvantaging those who are relatively younger within the same age cohort. These phenomena are known as Relative Age Effects (RAEs). Relative Age Effects in Sport: International Perspectives includes chapters from internationally recognized scholars who have examined RAEs from different perspectives (e.g., sport, mental health and wellbeing, youth development). This new volume assists in communicating and mobilizing knowledge and research about RAEs, focusing on developing feasible and attractive solutions that capture the attention of practitioners and policy makers from sport governing bodies and creating a resource that is accessible to professionals within the sport and academic communities. Relative Age Effects in Sport: International Perspectives is key reading for academics and researchers in the fields of athlete development, talent identification, coaching education, health and wellbeing, mental health and related disciplines, whilst also of interest to sport industry professionals such as coaches and policy makers.
Relatively Indolent but Relentless: A Cancer Treatment Journal
by Matt FreedmanFrom October 3 to November 28, 2012, noted artist Matt Freedman underwent radiation and chemotherapy at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, for treatment of adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare cancer that had spread from his tongue to his neck to his lungs by the time it was discovered. This is the funny, moving, courageous, and witty journal he kept during that time, in comics and words, of his thirty-five-day course of treatment.
Relax: 50 Meditations (Reference to Go)
by Duncan BairdA volume of fifty meditation exercises with beautiful illustrations designed to ease and refresh an exhausted mind.These days in the quest to calm the body, mind, and soul, finding the time to relax can be a real challenge. This handy volume features a series of meditations that can be used at any time. Drawn from Eastern and Western traditions, each one combines a brief text with an inspirational image.By envisioning rays of dappled sunlight through the petals of a flower, the Lotus Blossom meditation teaches not to forget the spiritual side amidst the frantic pace of modern life, while the Yin and Yang card focuses on the strength found in a glimmer of hope that flickers in darkness. On a hillside, in the backyard, or even at the office, Relax can teach anyone the art of letting go.
Relax and Be Aware: Mindfulness Meditations for Clarity, Confidence, and Wisdom
by Sayadaw U Tejaniya Doug McGillA lucid, practical guide to develop relaxation, awareness, mental clarity, and spiritual insight in your daily life.Since mindfulness is known to be so physically, mentally, and spiritually beneficial, why not practice it right now? Why not in every moment? Burmese Buddhist master Sayadaw U Tejaniya writes that we can indeed practice in this way, and the key is not forceful effort but rather a continuous gentle remembering of our intention to renew our awareness. Thirty-one short chapters--"A Month of Daily Life Meditations"--show precisely how to build a daily life meditation practice that steadily develops relaxation, refreshment, and enlightenment. "The right time to meditate is all day long, from the moment we wake up and open our eyes, until the moment we fall asleep at night," writes U Tejaniya. "If you are practicing correctly with right effort, it will definitely bring peace and joy."
Relax and Renew
by Judith Hanson LasaterWhether you have five minutes or an hour, taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well. This book presents nurturing physical postures and breathing techniques called restorative yoga. When practiced regularly, they will help you to: • Heal the effects of chronic stress • Recover from illness or injury • Balance energy and quiet the mindWith clear instructions and photographs, Relax and Renew gently guides the experienced practitioner and enthusiastic beginner—regardless of age, flexibility, or strength—in techniques that will ease your way through this hectic world. The first book devoted exclusively to restorative yoga, Relax and Renew offers: • A general restorative sequence • Programs for back pain, headaches, insomnia, jet lag, and breathing problems • A special section for women during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause • Routines for when time is limited, including one for the office • Practical suggestions that help you prevent stress and live more fully in the present moment
Relax And Unwind With Yoga: Teach Yourself
by Swami SaradanandaRelax and Unwind with Yoga is designed to help you reap the full benefits of yoga for practical and emotional wellbeing by following a daily routine that doesn't require a huge amount of commitment. Ideal for the beginner with no previous experience, it outlines all the basic/key exercises (asanas) you will need in addition to giving you information on how, where and when to practice them. There is plenty of insight into the philosophical background of yoga and helpful tips on diet and lifestyle. Supporting materials, including a practice diary, will allow you to record your progress, while a list of teachers and sources for taking it further will be useful to all those who wish to deepen their practice. NOT GOT MUCH TIME? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. AUTHOR INSIGHTS Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience. TEST YOURSELF Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGE Extra online articles at www.teachyourself.com to give you a richer understanding of how to get on TV. FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBER Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. TRY THIS Innovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.