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Simply Sugar Free: Delicious Sugar-free Recipes For Healthier Eating Every Day

by Susanna Booth

In Britain, the average person consumes 700 grams - or 140 teaspoons - of sugar each week. Eating too much sugar can be as harmful to your health as drinking alcohol or smoking, as it can lead to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and tooth decay, amongst other health problems.With more than 100 recipes, Simply Sugar Free offers sweet and simple dishes using healthier alternatives to refined sugar. Instead of loading your food with refined white sugar, why not use stevia, fruit or honey to sweeten up your dishes?Featuring tips and tricks to help you wipe out the white stuff, the recipes range from everyday snacks and treats to more indulgent dishes for entertaining guests, and you can even satisfy your sweet tooth with a dessert that isn't overloaded with sugar! From Roquefort & pear muffins, Strawberry scones and Banana bread to Chocolate chip ice cream, Pineapple meringue pie and Red velvet cake, each recipe uses a sweet alternative to refined sugar - without compromising on taste.

Simply Sustainable Beauty: 30 Recipes to Create Your New Head to Toe Zero-Waste Beauty Routine

by Emilie Woodger Smith

Simply Sustainable Beauty is a collection of easy to follow recipes for you to create your fresh, head to toe zero waste beauty routine. Learn how to make everything from exfoliating scrubs to body butter, face wash bars to dry shampoo, Emilie’s amazing natural deodorant recipe and everything in between. This book is full of simple recipes using sustainable, environmentally friendly ingredients to give you naturally beautiful skin.

The SimplyRaw Kitchen

by Natasha Kyssa

The road to good health through proper diet and nutrition can lead down many paths; you may ask yourself, should I go vegan? Follow a gluten-free regimen? Should I eat raw or cooked foods? Natasha Kyssa offers all that and more in this inspiring collection of mostly raw, whole-foods recipes that will improve your health, no matter what your age. Natasha is a former international fashion model who transformed her unhealthy lifestyle by turning to raw foods almost twenty-five years ago; she is now a raw foods consultant and restaurateur who also runs marathons in her spare time. Natasha promotes a balanced, flexible diet designed for individual constitutions and based on fresh plant foods-gluten-free, toxin-free, and simply delicious. Her regimen also takes into consideration older folks and others who cannot tolerate an all-raw diet by including cooked foods. It's a cookbook and lifestyle guide to be shared between generations, much like Natasha and her mother, who contributes vegan versions of central European classics like borscht, mushroom goulash, cabbage rolls, and lovage dumplings. Other recipes include raw soups, cakes, and puddings, as well as a raw Pad Thai and spaghetti bolognese.Spend some time in Natasha's kitchen; it will transform your life!Natasha Kyssa runs SimplyRaw, a healthy lifestyles consulting company, and SimplyRaw Express, a vegan restaurant in Ottawa, Ontario. Her first book, The SimplyRaw Living Foods Detox Manual, was published in 2009.

The SimplyRaw Living Foods Detox Manual

by Natasha Kyssa

The modern world is a toxic place, and we've all become less healthy because of it, whether it is from the air that we breathe or the foods that we eat. Natasha Kyssa is a raw foods chef and lifestyle coach, and her company SimplyRaw helps people improve their health and well-being by integrating simple, natural-based guidelines into their current lifestyles. This informative and useful manual outlines Natasha's twenty-eight-day detox program, which includes only raw and "living" foods (i.e., those that have been lightly steamed). It is a gentle, effective method to cleanse the body of toxins and to provide optimal nourishment for healing. The author believes that we can heal ourselves naturally to mend the damage done to our bodies due to unhealthy environments and improper food choices. Raw diets have become all the rage lately, and Natasha believes that proper digestion, essential for one's health and vitality, can be greatly improved by an all-raw diet. This manual, which includes 135 recipes as well as plenty of guidelines and background information, follows a proven approach to better health, natural weight loss, increased vitality, and healthy lifestyle changes.

SimWars Simulation Case Book: Emergency Medicine

by Lisa Jacobson Md Yasuharu Okuda Steven A. Godwin Yasuharu Okuda

The SimWars Simulation Case Book: Emergency Medicine enables novice simulation operators to quickly and effectively run simulation cases, which have been established at national SimWars events, for their respective programs and departments. Developed by leading emergency medicine simulation experts, this definitive collection of 46 cases includes topics intended to supplement UME and GME training, meet ACGME core competency requirements, and challenge the expert emergency physician in critical decision making, procedural skills, ethical issues, teamwork and communication skills. The use of simulation to gain and maintain skills in healthcare has become critical to the delivery of the curricula in medical schools, nursing schools, residency programs, and hospital-based practice. Specialty boards, such as the American Board of Anesthesiology, now require simulation training as part of the Maintenance of Certification. Studies have shown that one of the main barriers to implementing simulation is the lack of trained simulation instructors and instructor time.

Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling: An Integrative Paradigm

by Mark R. Mcminn

Sin. Grace. Christian Counseling. How do these fit together? In Christian theology sin and grace are intrinsically interconnected. Teacher and counselor Mark McMinn believes that Christian counseling, then, must also take account of both human sin and God's grace. For both sin and grace are distorted whenever one is emphasized without the other. McMinn, noting his own tendencies and the temptation to stereotype different Christian approaches to counseling along this theological divide, aims to help all those preparing for or currently serving in the helping professions. Expounding the proper relationship of sin and grace, McMinn shows how the full truth of the Christian gospel works itself out in the functional, structural and relational domains of an integrative model of psychotherapy.

Sin azúcar ni mantequilla: Los mejores dulces que uno pueda imaginar

by Miriam García

Todo lo que necesitas aprender para preparar platos dulces sin caer en el azúcar ni en las grasas insanas. Miriam García, responsable del blog El invitado de invierno, fotógrafa y redactora culinaria, te enseña cómo hacer dulces con edulcorantes o endulzantes naturales y ligeros para que reduzcas tu ingesta de azúcar y mantequilla sin perder un ápice de sabor ni de placer. En este libro encontrarás una serie de recetas inéditas, acompañadas de fotos de la propia autora: galletas, bizcochos, tartas de frutas, helados, bollería y dulces para desayunos. La base teórica te ayudará a sacarle el máximo provecho a los ingredientes saludables y a hacer las mejores elaboraciones sin que te remuerda la conciencia.

Sin dieta para siempre

by Gabriela Uriarte

Gabriela Uriarte, una de las dietistas-nutricionistas más influyentes de España, ofrece en este libro sus trucos para que tires la báscula, te olvides de las dietas y cambies tus hábitos alimentarios con comida real. Sin dieta para siempre es una guía tan completa como única en la que encontrarás consejos para hacer tu compra de comida real, pautas para leer etiquetas y distinguir entre un buen procesado y un ultraprocesado, estrategias para sobrevivir a las comilonas sociales y ejemplos para planificar tus menús semanales. Pero también descubrirás 33 recetas sencillas y saludables para desayunos, snacks, comidas y cenas, que te darán ideas y te ayudarán a organizarte mejor en la cocina. «Estas recomendaciones son el producto de años de consulta. Constituyen una manera diferente de hacer las cosas, de dejar de hacer dieta y de aprender a comer. Un enfoque práctico que te ayudará a hacer el día a día más sencillo y, sobre todo, más saludable.»Gabriela Uriarte, creadora de @gu_nutricion

Sin miedo: El método comprobado para superar la ansiedad, las obsesiones, la hipocondría y cualquier temor irracional

by Rafael Santandreu

«Sin miedo» es el método definitivo. Cualquiera puede ponerlo en práctica siguiendo las instrucciones y, claro está, sin necesidad de tomar fármacos. Prepárate para convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo: una persona libre, poderosa y feliz. ¿Es posible vivir sin miedo? Por supuesto. Cientos de miles de personas han reconfigurado su cerebro gracias a este método, avalado por centenares de estudios científicos. Cuatro pasos claros y concisos nos permitirán superar completamente hasta los miedos más agudos: - Ataques de ansiedad o pánico. - Obsesiones (TOC). - Hipocondría. - Timidez. - O cualquier otro temor irracional.


by Kunal Narayan Uniyal Natalie

Sin respuesta, sé que es un tipo bastante inusual de título para un libro de poemas, salvo algunos artículos. Antes de decir algo más sobre mi libro, me gustaría decir algo sobre mí y mi proceso de pensamiento. Nacido y criado en Dehradun, siempre he compartido una estrecha afinidad con la naturaleza. Solía ​​amar, todavía lo hago, observando la naturaleza y reflexionando sobre cómo puede ser amorosa y cruel al mismo tiempo. Crecí con mis pensamientos y tomé la vela, un trabajo que me encajaba perfectamente. Mi mente errante ahora tenía más por qué reflexionar. A menudo he estado solo en la cubierta de mi barco, sintiendo las vibraciones de un océano subiendo por debajo y viendo el cielo cambiar sus colores y su estado de ánimo sin ninguna indicación. A veces me he asustado .... Desconcertado ... hipnotizado ... de una vez. Respeto la naturaleza en todos sus aspectos ... su benevolencia ... su furia ... sus colores ... su quietud ... su brusquedad ... su imprevisibilidad ... todo! Entonces yo nos miro ... me refiero a los seres humanos ... somos los más superiores ... los más inteligentes ... el más progresivo de todos los seres vivos y sin embargo, el más miserable de todas las criaturas vivas, siempre y cuando estamos envueltos en el falso ego y la ignorancia. La naturaleza tiene sus leyes fijadas y no discrimina. Somos nosotros quienes dibujamos lo que llamamos mala suerte. Cito a Cassius de Julius Ceaser "culpa, querido Brutus no está en nuestras estrellas, sino en nosotros mismos, que somos subordinados ..." Todo lo que se requiere es una visión de nosotros mismos y la fe en la providencia divina. Aquí está el quid de mi libro "sin respuesta". Sin respuesta se trata de encontrar las respuestas que estaban profundamente ocultas en el corazón de nuestros corazones, pero no lo descubrimos a medida que estamos cubiertos de niebla de ego y deseos. Sin respuesta se trata de revelar esas respuestas. No ficción novela poética cum se b

Sin trigo, gracias: Dile adiós al trigo, pierde peso y come de forma saludable (Guias Visuales Ser.)

by William Davis

¿Sabías que comiendo dos rebanadas de cualquier tipo de pan de trigo puedes incrementar tu nivel de glucosa en sangre más que con dos cucharadas soperas de azúcar puro? Sin trigo, gracias es una mirada provocadora y distinta de cómo, eliminando de nuestra dieta el trigo -a menudo considerado saludable por ser un cereal-, podemos perder peso y prevenir una amplia gama de problemas de salud. Basándose en décadas de estudios clínicos con extraordinarios resultados, el cardiólogo William Davis observó que cientos de pacientes a los que había recetado regímenes sin trigo mejoraban notablemente su salud y decidió escribir un libro que revelara los efectos dañinos de este ingrediente tan común en nuestra dieta. Una dieta sin trigo se asocia a beneficios físicos importantes: - Pérdida de peso significativa en los primeros meses. - Alivio y mejora de la diabetes tipo 2. - Mejora de los problemas intestinales, como la colitis ulcerosa y la celiaquía. - Mejora notables de los niveles de colesterol y LDL. - Mayor densidad ósea y mejora de la osteoporosis. - Mejora de enfermedades de la piel como la psoriasis, úlceras bucales o pérdida de cabello. - Reducción de la inflamación y el dolor causados por la artritis reumatoide. De fácil lectura y cuidadosamente documentado, este libro te ofrece una nueva perspectiva más crítica sobre el trigo que comemos en la actualidad que cambiará drásticamente tu modo de pensar.

Since Strangling Isn't an Option: Common Problems and Uncommon Solutions

by Sandra A. Crowe

Do certain people have you gritting your teeth, biting your tongue, and (metaphorically, at least) banging your head against the wall? Do you feel like you're expending too much energy either engaging in conflict or desperately trying to avoid it? There really are better, easier ways to deal with difficult people. This refreshing, realistic guide, with revealing selfquizzes and engaging exercises included, will provide you with real solutions to the oftentimes "unreal" problems. YOU'LL LEARN ABOUT ... · why dealing with a difficult person doesn't have to ruin your day · the habits that cause continued conflict-and the techniques that can turn things around · how developing an "attitude of gratitude" helps smooth the way · your own power in shaping relationships (it can make a bigger difference than you think!) · snakes and lizards, donkeys and hyenas: specific advice for specific personality types With mindfulness, compassion, and common sense, it is possible to deal successfully with difficult people. And with enough practice of the principles in this book-and a healthy dose of patience-you might even get to like them. "Dealing with difficult people is an unavoidable fact of life in our fast-moving, competitive society. This book shows you how to defuse the negative aspects of another's behavior and be more effective in every situation." -Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement

Sindrome da Fatica Cronica (CFS-ME) Guida al Trattamento

by Erica Verrillo

Questo riferimento unico nel suo genere, ora completamente rivisitato e aggiornato, comprende oltre 100 trattamenti efficaci, dagli antivirali alle vitamine, oltre a sedi di specialisti e cliniche, informazioni per l'ordine via Internet e contatti di organizzazioni CFS / ME nazionali, locali e internazionali. Le sezioni nuove ed estese comprendono protocolli medici e ricerche sulle cause e i meccanismi della malattia, tutti scritti in un linguaggio conciso e di facile comprensione. Ogni aspetto della malattia viene accuratamente esaminato, dalla diagnosi a una discussione approfondita dei sintomi, dalle terapie tradizionali a quelle alternative fino alle strategie di coping essenziali. La nuova edizione contiene capitoli per coloro che affrontano molteplici sensibilità chimiche e restrizioni dietetiche, oltre a una sezione ampliata su bambini e adolescenti con CFS / ME. Sindrome da stanchezza cronica: una guida al trattamento, seconda edizione, rimane la guida di riferimento più completa su questa malattia.


by Erica Verrillo Sueli Zardo

Essas informações exclusivas – agora completamente revisadas e atualizadas – incluem mais de 100 tratamentos eficazes, desde antivirais até vitaminas, bem como locais de especialistas e clínicas, informações para comprar pela Internet e organizações nacionais, locais e internacionais sobre a SFC/EM. Seções novas e ampliadas incluem protocolos e pesquisas de médicos sobre as causas e mecanismos da doença, todos escritos em linguagem concisa e fácil de entender. Cada aspecto da doença é examinado detalhadamente, do diagnóstico a uma discussão profunda dos sintomas, de terapias tradicionais à alternativas até estratégias essenciais para lidar com a doença. A nova edição contém capítulos para pessoas lidando com sensibilidades a vários produtos químicos e restrições alimentares, bem como uma seção ampliada sobre crianças e adolescentes com a SFC/EM. Síndrome da Fadiga Crônica: Um Guia de Tratamento, segunda edição, ainda é o guia de referência mais completo sobre essa doença.

Singapore's Ageing Population: Managing Healthcare and End-of-Life Decisions (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

by Wing-Cheong Chan

A rapidly ageing population is the most significant demographic issue confronting Singapore in our lifetime. This has created new and increasing demands on Singapore's healthcare system and on the families of the older adults. The challenge is in providing a system of care that is humane, effective and sustainable financially. This requires coordination between state funded providers, the family and the community. This book offers a multi-disciplinary perspective by researchers from various disciplines such as medicine, sociology, anthropology and law on managing healthcare and end-of-life decisions in Singapore. Providing information and suggestions for better policy formulation towards the aged, this book is an invaluable resource for policy makers, serivce practitioners and scholars working on Asian gerontology.

The Singing Creek Where The Willows Grow: The Mystical Nature Diary Of Opal Whiteley

by Opal Whiteley Benjamin Hoff

Long before environmental consciousness became popular, a young nature writer named Opal Whitely captured America's heart. Opal's childhood diary, published in 1902, became an immediate bestseller, one of the most talked-about books of its time. Wistful, funny, and wise, it was described by an admirer as "the revelation of the of a feminine Peter Pan of the Oregon wilderness-so innocent, so intimate, so haunting, that I should not know where in all literature to look for a counterpart." But the diary soon fell into disgrace. Condemning it as an adult-written hoax, skeptics stirred a scandal that drove the book into obscurity and shattered the frail spirit of its author. Discovering the diary by chance, bestselling author Benjamin Hoff set out to solve the longstanding mystery of its origin. His biography of Opal that accompanies the diary provides fascinating proof that the document is indeed authentic-the work of a magically gifted child, America's forgotten interpreter of nature.

Singing To The Plants: A Guide To Mestizo Shamanism In The Upper Amazon

by Stephan V. Beyer

In the Upper Amazon, mestizos are the Spanish-speaking descendants of Hispanic colonizers and the indigenous peoples of the jungle. Some mestizos have migrated to Amazon towns and cities, such as Iquitos and Pucallpa; most remain in small villages. They have retained features of a folk Catholicism and traditional Hispanic medicine, and have incorporated much of the religious tradition of the Amazon, especially its healing, sorcery, shamanism, and the use of potent plant hallucinogens, including ayahuasca. The result is a uniquely eclectic shamanist culture that continues to fascinate outsiders with its brilliant visionary art. Ayahuasca shamanism is now part of global culture. Once the terrain of anthropologists, it is now the subject of novels and spiritual memoirs, while ayahuasca shamans perform their healing rituals in Ontario and Wisconsin. Singing to the Plants sets forth just what this shamanism is about--what happens at an ayahuasca healing ceremony, how the apprentice shaman forms a spiritual relationship with the healing plant spirits, how sorcerers inflict the harm that the shaman heals, and the ways that plants are used in healing, love magic, and sorcery.

Singing with the Sirens: Overcoming the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Exploitation

by Stacey Bell Ellyn Bell

Numerous women in our culture have experienced shame, degradation, and despair as a result of having been sexually traumatized early in life. Some of these women end up in unhappy marriages or abusive relationships; some fall prey to a variety of addictions, silently or publicly; and some find themselves working in the sex industry. And for many survivors, their situations—and the situations that have brought them there—are secrets that have no voice. In Singing with the Sirens, experts Ellyn Bell and Stacey Bell address the long term complex trauma that results from the sexual abuse and exploitation of girls and young women, drawing on their personal and professional experiences to explore the link between the sexual abuse of children, issues of attachment and safety, and the commercial exploitation of young people. But this is not strictly a scholarly book or a memoir of personal experience; rather, the authors address this problem from a perspective of self-realization and transformation, taking the reader on a journey through mythological tales toward finding healing from within. Poetic, hopeful, and powerful, Singing with the Sirens is a call for wounded women everywhere to reclaim their own truth, spirit, and to sing with their authentic voice.

Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice

by Rosanna Hertz

Hertz offers an account of women who choose to have children outside of marriage, revealing why some have taken this unorthodox path and how they have managed to make single parenthood work for them.

A Single Door: Social Work with the Families of Disabled Children (Routledge Library Editions: Children and Disability #Vol. 8)

by Caroline Glendinning

First published in 1986, this study explores the increased public concern with policies of ‘community care’ and their effects on informal carers, at that time. It looks at the widespread evidence that one particular group of informal carers- parents looking after their severely disabled child- lack information, advice and a co-ordinated pattern of supporting services. The author, who carried out research on disabled children and their families for a number of years, describes in detail a low-cost experimental project in which specialist social workers set out to remedy these shortcomings. Drawing on the results of this particular study, the author argues strongly for widespread assignment of ‘key’ social workers to this and other groups of informal carers. Despite being written in the mid-1980s, this book discusses topic that will still be of interest and use today.

Single Mothers In International Context: Mothers Or Workers?

by Simon Duncan Rosalind Edwards

Single mothers caring for dependent children are an important and increasing population in industrialized countries. In some, single mothers are seen primarily as mothers and few have paid work; in others, they are regarded as workers and most have paid work; and sometimes they are seen as an uneasy combination of the two with varying proportions taking up paid work.; This edited collection explores these variations, focusing on the interaction between dominant discourses around single motherhood, state policies towards single mothers, the structure of the labour market at national and local levels, and neighbourhood supports and constraints.

The Single-Neuron Theory

by Steven Sevush

This book presents an engaging account of a provocative new theory which explores how our brain generates conscious experience and where this occurs. It suggests that conscious experience happens not at the whole brain level but at the level of individual nerve cells. The notion that the brain as a whole is sentient is an illusion created by the exquisite organization of the individually conscious neurons. Despite appearances to the contrary, conscious behavior that seems to be the product of a single macroscopic mind is actually the integrated output of a chorus of microscopic minds, each associated with an individual neuron. The result is a theory that revolutionizes our conception of who and what we are.

Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue

by Danielle Ofri

In a series of fifteen essays, Ofri traces her evolution as a physician, from frightened medical student to confident senior resident. Her training is conducted at Bellevue in Manhattan, where she treats a vast cross-section of society. Each essay focuses on her treatment of and interactions with a particular patient, and shows her emotional growth as well as her acquisition of medical knowledge. In the course of the book Ofri struggles to come to terms with her own helplessness before the inevitability of death.

Singular Reference: A Descriptivist Perspective

by Francesco Orilia

Singular reference is the relation that a singular term has to a corresponding individual. For example, "Obama" singularly refer to the current US president. Descriptivism holds that all singular terms refer by means of a concept associated to the term. The current trend is against this. This book explains in detail (mainly for newcomers) why anti-descriptivism became dominant in spite of its weaknesses and (for experts) how these weaknesses can be overcome by appropriately reviving descriptivism.

Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh

by Matthew Fox

Visionary theologian and award-winning author Matthew Fox challenges traditional perceptions of good and evil by offering a new theology that lays the groundwork for a more enlightened treatment of ourselves, one another, and all of nature. In this revised edition with a luminous foreword by Deepak Chopra and a new preface that brings the book up to date with the cataclysmic events of the new millennium, Fox illustrates how, contrary to mainstream church doctrine, flesh is the grounding of spirit. Fox argues that our culture has concentrated far too much on transgressions of the flesh while failing to take into account its sacredness. Artfully weaving together the wisdom of East and West, he considers Thomas Aquinas's definition of sin as "misdirected love" and applies parallels between the Eastern teachings of the seven chakras and the Western teachings of the seven capital sins. Fox explains how the chakras teach us to direct the love-energies we all possess and proposes seven positive precepts for living a full and spirited life. He invites us to change the way we think about sin and asserts that we can combat and transform evil through love, generosity, letting go, and creativity. Crafting a blueprint for social change, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh points the way toward a deeper and more compassionate way to live while eloquently revealing the means to confront evil both within and without. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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