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El sinsentido común

by Borja Vilaseca

Un libro para todas aquellas personas que están despertando y se han quitado la careta, dejando de creer en el sistema para empezar a creer en sí mismos. Este libro aborda desde una perspectiva psicológica, filosófica, económica y ecológica la influencia que tiene la sociedad sobre el individuo. Y explica de forma sencilla, cercana y amena el modo en que cada uno de nosotros podemos liberarnos de las cadenas mentales que nos impiden ser libres y tomar las riendas de nuestra vida. Está compuesto por tres partes: 1) El viejo paradigma, en el que se hace una radiografía de la sociedad actual, profundizando acerca de por qué en general la mayoría lleva un estilo de vida prefabricado, perpetuando así el orden social establecido. 2) El cambio de paradigma, en la que se introducen claves de autoconocimiento para cuestionar el sistema de creencias con el que fuimos condicionados y poder así descubrir nuestra propia forma de vivir la vida. 3) El nuevo paradigma, en la que se describe como son, piensan y actúan las personas que ya han cambiado de mentalidad, cosechando resultados mucho más satisfactorios en las diferentes dimensiones de su existencia. Este libro se dirige a una minoría emergente en nuestra sociedad. Está escrito para todas aquellas personas que están despertando. A quienes han abandonado la queja, la culpa y el victimismo. A quienes se han dado cuenta de que nada sirve salir con la pancarta a protestar para que cambien las cosas. A quienes se han dado cuenta de que es hora de que cada uno de nosotros seamos el cambio que queremos ver en este mundo. A quienes forman parte de una revolución pacífica y silenciosa, aprendiendo a valerse por sí mismos emocional y económicamente. A quienes ya no tienen miedo de salir de su zona de comodidad y se están atreviendo a seguir los dictados de su corazón. A quienes aspiran a seguir su propio camino en la vida, siendo libres de la sociedad dentro de la sociedad. A quienes aspiran a vivir una vida plena y con sentido. A quienes quieren conocerse a sí mismos y descubrir su verdadero propósito de su vida. Y a quienes, en definitiva, se han quitado la careta, dejando de creer en el sistema para empezar a creer en sí mismos. A todos vosotros está dedicado. «Dos caminos divergían en un bosque, y tomé el menos transitado. Aquella decisión marcó la diferencia en mi vida.»Robert Frost

Sintoniza el biocampo humano: Sanación con terapia de sonido vibracional

by Eileen Day McKusick

Una guía de los conceptos básicos para sintonizar el biocampo mediante diapasones para eliminar el trauma almacenado en el campo de energía humano• Proporciona un mapa preciso del biocampo energético que rodea el cuerpo • Muestra dónde se almacenan las emociones, los recuerdos, los traumas y el dolor • Detalla cómo limpiar un trauma almacenado en el biocampo con diapasón Apenas Eileen McKusick comenzó a ofrecer terapia de sonido en su práctica descubrió que podía usar diapasones para localizar perturbaciones en el campo de energía que rodeaba a cada uno de sus clientes. Pasar los diapasones por estas áreas corrigió los sonidos vibratorios distorsionados y ofreció un alivio constante, predecible e inmediato del dolor, ansiedad, insomnio, migrañas, depresión, fibromialgia, trastornos digestivos y multitud de otros padecimientos. Más de 20 años después, McKusick ha desarrollado su método de curación con sonido, al que llama Biofield Tuning, y un mapa del biocampo con las ubicaciones precisas donde se almacenan emociones, recuerdos, dolencias y traumas específicos. En este libro, McKusick explica los conceptos básicos de la práctica de Biofield Tuning con ilustraciones de su mapa de anatomía de biocampos. Ella detalla cómo usar los diapasones para encontrar y eliminar el dolor o trauma almacenados en el biocampo y revela cómo los principios tradicionales y las ubicaciones de los chakras corresponden con sus descubrimientos. Al explorar la ciencia detrás de la sintonización del biocampo, McKusick examina la naturaleza del sonido y la energía y explica cómo las experiencias de trauma producen &“oscilaciones patológicas&” en el biocampo, lo que causa una ruptura del orden, estructura y función en el cuerpo. Gracias a una perspectiva revolucionaria sobre la mente, la energía, la memoria y el trauma, esta guía de McKusick ofrece nuevas vías de curación para trabajadores de la energía, terapeutas de masaje, sanadores de sonido y para los que buscan superar enfermedades crónicas y liberarse de los traumas de su pasado.

Sintonizarse con la existencia: Una propuesta para un nuevo comienzo

by Osho

Un libro imprescindible sobre la visión de Osho para promover el cambio que la humanidad necesita Las grandes ideas a las que se aferró la humanidad en el pasado -el matrimonio, el poder, la moral- han sido cuestionadas. Ante esta época de profundos cambios, Osho nos presenta sin embargo una visión positiva del ser humano y el futuro. Es momento de construir una sociedad nueva, que solo se logrará con un salto cuántico en la conciencia de los individuos. Este libro, en el que Osho se detiene en el despertar de la conciencia y las cualidades del hombre nuevo, además de dedicar una mirada renovada a cuestiones de siempre, como el amor, la familia o el dinero, es un compendio de las claves fundamentales de la propuesta del gran maestro del siglo XXI para una nueva humanidad y un acercamiento valioso a su poderosa visión de una sociedad de seres humanos amorosos, conscientes y verdaderamente libres a través dela meditación. «No hay necesidad de cambiar el mundo, basta que cambies tú y el mundo comenzará a cambiar.» OSHO

The Sinus Cure: 7 Simple Steps to Relieve Sinusitis and Other Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions

by Debra Fulghum Bruce Murray Grossan

AT LAST--THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE FOR SINUS SUFFERERS! If you're one of the thirty-eight million who endure from sinus problems, you know the debilitating effects this condition can bring--from pounding headaches, runny nose, and chronic fatigue to asthma, halitosis, even serious lung disease and meningitis. The good news is that sinus disease can be dramatically alleviated and permanently reversed. Now, after years of research, interviews, and personal and professional experience, Debra Fulghum Bruce and Murray Grossan, M. D. , share cures from the top healthcare specialists and patients . . . cures that really work. In clear, authoritative language, The Sinus Cure explains how you can easily design a highly effective 7-step sinus healing program to help you get a long-lasting grip on your own particular symptoms. Inside you'll discover - Alternative and complementary healing options--homeopathy, herbs, t'ai chi, yoga, and other ancient and New Age strategies - The foods that trigger sinusitis--and the ones that soothe it - Nutritional and natural supplements that reduce swelling and inflammation - Proven methods for clearing the air you breathe of dust mites, mold, damp, and other allergens - Effective sinus hygiene, including the wonder of nasal irrigators - Exercises that can act as a decongestant - Helpful (and not-so-helpful) prescription or over-the-counter medications - The startling truth about sinus surgery - How to combine the most effective medical and natural treatments to end your sinus symptoms Although further medical research is needed to completely eradicate sinusitis, the treatments and medications described here, most without any side effects, will greatly reduce or end your sinus problems. So breathe easy. Relief is here! From the Trade Paperback edition.

Sinus Relief Now

by Josephson Jordan S.

Dr. Josephson's unique five-step program combines the best practices from traditional and alternative medicine to bring relief to the millions who suffer from respiratory problems. Recent research shows that many respiratory diseases are more related than previously thought. Their common, underlying cause is what Dr. Josephson terms "Chronic Airway-Digestive Inflammatory Disease" (CAID). His groundbreaking, proven approach will provide real relief from sinus disease, allergies, asthma, sinus infections, sinus headaches, bronchitis, ear infections, snoring, sleep apnea, GERD, and the acute mold epidemic. Sinus Relief Now will show how to: Maintain proper sinus care Remove mold and other irritants from the home, office, and car Follow a sinus-friendly nutrition program Find the right medications and treatments Experience total-body health .

Sinus Survival

by Robert S. Ivker

Sinus Survival provides crucial guidance and information on such topics as: - how to select over-the-counter drugs that won't do more harm than good; -how to learn simple exercises that can aid sinus drainage; and- how dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly relieve sinus and respiratory disease.

Sipping Skinny: Drink Away the Pounds

by Cherie Calbom

Adding juices and smoothies to your diet can help you lose weight and improve your health. (A recent study at China Medical University showed that drinking a glass of tomato juice each day helped twenty-five women lose weight.) But replacing a meal or two each day can dramatically speed weight loss. You can make a meal-replacement smoothie or choose a glass of fresh juice. Or you can sip bone broth for a meal or two, or a day or two and watch the pounds melt away. Other drinks that will help you lose weight include apple cider, electrolyte replacers, teas, flavored water, lemon juice, and honey with water. Until now people have focused primarily on one beverage for weight loss. I encourage you to look at all of them and their potential as weight-loss helpers. Why be limited to one type of drink? Why not try them all for an interesting time &“sipping skinny&”?FEATURES AND BENEFITS:No expensive meals to buy. Save money while you make healthy choices.No complicated diet plan. Just sip your way to losing weight.No more boredom with juice, smoothies, or bone broth. Drink them all! Change it up!This book is unique because the author brings all the beverage options together under one cover.

The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation Into Channeling and Spirit Guides

by Joe Fisher

Mediumship dates back to the Greek Oracles and beyond, but millennia later nobody yet knows for certain what transpires when a medium enters a deep trance. Today, the practice of channeling spirit guides through hypnotized mediums is hotly debated. This strange phenomenon is either dismissed as a dubious parlor trick, or regarded as a form of communication between this world and the next. Many view "the guides" as a source of love and wisdom...but are they?For five years, Joe Fisher painstakingly investigated the claims of channelers and the mysterious voices that speak through them. The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts is his gripping journey into a realm of darkness and deception.

Siren's Dance: My Marriage to a Borderline

by Anthony Walker

The author mixes his personal experience with medical information about borderline personality disorder

Siren's Feast

by Nancy Mehagian

Set against the backdrop of the late sixties and early seventies, Nancy Mehagian's delicious memoir tells the tale of a young woman who heeded the siren's call to a life of freedom and romanceA first-generation Armenian-American whose family narrowly escaped genocide, Nancy Mehagian, the rebellious daughter, left behind the safety and security of suburban life for an unforgettable adventure that would find her establishing the first vegetarian restaurant on the Spanish island of Ibiza, having an affair with a Bedouin gypsy during a stint as a cabaret dancer in Syria, and, through a series of mishaps, incarcerated for sixteen months in a London prison (along with her newborn baby), where she managed--even there--to pioneer a healthy way of eating. A breathtaking, sensual, and page-turning chronicle that whisks you along the author's lifelong path to spiritual enrichment, Siren's Feast: An Edible Odyssey is a story that captures a colorful era and features over forty recipes as delectable as the journey itself.

The Sirtfood Diet

by Aidan Goggins Glen Matten

Discover the international diet sensation that will help you lose seven pounds in seven days while experiencing lasting energy and eating all the foods you love.Over the past few years, fasting has become a popular diet option. Studies show that fasting—whether through moderate calorie restriction every day or the more severe but less frequent intermittent fasting—can help people lose about thirteen to fourteen pounds in six months and reduce their risk of developing disease. When we fast, our body’s energy stores activate what is known as sirtuins, or the “skinny gene,” and many positive changes ensue. Fat storage is switched off, and our body stops its normal growth processes and goes into “survival” mode. Fat burning is stimulated and the genes involved in the repair and rejuvenation of our cells are turned on—which all results to weight loss and improved resistance to disease. But if not done correctly, fasting can lead to hunger, irritability, fatigue, and loss of muscle. Enter Sirtfoods: a newly discovered group of foods that is revolutionizing healthy eating. Ranging from chocolate and red wine to garlic and walnuts, sirtfoods are particularly rich in special nutrients that help us activate the same skinny genes in our bodies that fasting triggers. Nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten have created The Sirtfood Diet to help you effectively lose weight and improve your resistance to disease, while still giving you incredible energy and glowing health.


by Aidan Goggins Glen Matten

THE OFFICIAL, ORIGINAL SIRTFOOD DIET THAT WILL HELP YOU LOSE 7LBS IN JUST 7 DAYS!Switch on your body's fat-burning powers, supercharge weight loss, gain energy and help stave off disease with this easy-to-follow diet developed by the experts in nutritional medicine who proved the impact of Sirtfoods.Dark chocolate, coffee, kale - these are all foods that activate sirtuins and switch on the so-called 'skinny gene' pathways in the body. These are the same pathways more commonly activated by fasting and exercise - meaning they help the body to burn fat, increase muscle and improve health.Based on trials that showed an increase in lean muscle, as well as consistent weight loss of 7lbs over the course of just one week, The Sirtfood Diet is revolutionizing sports nutrition and healthy eating.Written by the nutritional experts behind those trials, and the only book rooted in their scientific research, The Sirtfood Diet gives you:- a simple, healthy way of eating for weight loss- inspirational case studies- delicious, easy-to-make recipes- a maintenance plan for prolonged successTV chef Lorraine Pascale, heavyweight champion boxer David Haye, model Jodie Kidd and The America's Cup team team GB leader Sir Ben Ainslie have all discovered the secret power of Sirtfoods. The Sirtfood Diet is a diet of inclusion not exclusion, and Sirtfoods are widely available and affordable for all. This is a diet that encourages you to pick up your knife and fork, and enjoy eating delicious healthy food while seeing the health and weight-loss benefits. Pioneers of the 'modern day medicine movement', advocating the need to complement medical intervention with nutrition and lifestyle changes, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten both hold Master's Degrees in Nutritional Medicine and are recognized authorities on nutrition and @glenmatten


by Aidan Goggins Glen Matten

THE OFFICIAL RECIPE BOOK TO BESTSELLING ORIGINAL THE SIRTFOOD DIET. Over 100 more delicious SIRTFOOD recipes to help you lose up to 7lbs in 7 days and stay lean and healthy for life!'The weight loss phenomenon' Times'The plan that will change the way you do healthy eating' Red Jumpstart your way to better health with over 100 tried-and-tested recipes from the bestselling authors of The Sirtfood Diet. This easy-to-use recipe book combines the latest nutritional advice with an essential meal plan to help you lose weight and feel great. Revolutionising the way we eat, through their scientifically researched plan for health and weight loss, nutritional medicine experts Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten show how these sirtuin-activating recipes will switch on our body's fat-burning powers to supercharge weight loss, improve energy levels, and promote amazing health. These recipes are brimming with flavour and include the official top 20 Sirtfoods, such as kale, parsley, strawberries, buckwheat, walnuts, turmeric, dark chocolate, and even coffee! With a flexible meal plan adjustable to your routine, budget and diet, and containing nutritional advice and tips throughout, this is the essential recipe book to make sure every meal you cook is SIRTified. Pioneers of the 'modern day medicine movement', advocating the need to complement medical intervention with nutrition and lifestyle changes, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten both hold Master's Degrees in Nutritional Medicine and are recognized authorities on nutrition and health.Recipes created with the help of Chef Mark McCulloch, a professional chef for 25 years who is passionate about creating healthy food without compromising on flavour.'The diet for people who actually like to cook and eat.... it's like having your own personal nutritionist' Times'I'm eating like a king these days thanks to the Sirtfood Diet' Conor McGregor, UFC World Champion 'A non-faddy diet that offers incredible health benefits and weight loss. I'm a huge fan!' Lorraine Pascale, BBC TV chef and food writer'A revelation to my diet, introducing Sirtfoods has allowed me to attain a body composition and wellbeing previously unimaginable' David Haye, Heavyweight Champion Boxer @glenmatten


by G.S.S.

This health guide on Kidney is an interesting narrative explaining all that everyone should know about an important human organ. The contents include Kidney failure, Clinical Tests, Transplantation, Precautions, Enemies of Kidney, Cancer on Kidney, Infections, Dialysis, Alert for younger generations, Swelling of Prostate glands and Questions and Answers.

The Sistah's Rules

by Denene Millner

The Rules? Puhleeze! Any real black woman can tell you that when it comes to African-American men, The Rules is about as good as Monopoly money in Macy's. Waiting three days to return a brother's phone call will get a black woman nothing more than a warm spot on the couch by herself with an empty bag of corn chips and the remote.A sister needs her own special set of rules for finding a brother even when it seems that there just aren't that many good ones to go around. Millner says they are out there but sistahs need to drop their materialistic, brother-in-the white-Benz fantasies and pick up the right vibes for finding a genuine brother who's worth keeping around. The Sistahs' Rules gives black women commonsense guidelines for landing in a healthy relationship with a makes-your-toes-curl brother, including: Get to know his mama, get to know him Use what you got to get what you want Girlfriends are everything, but they don't know it all With warm stories and practical advice from black mamas and papas who've been there and done that, and sistahs and brothers in the mix, The Sistahs' Rules is a sassy, hip, step-by-step guide to finding Brother Mr. Right and having fun in the process.

Sister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist

by R. H. Stavis Sarah Durand

One woman alone has the power to destroy our demonsWe may not be able to see them, but they’re always there. Smoke and shadows, ghoulish features or lifelike forms, there are the demons, or what Rachel Stavis calls “entities,” that float around us, or even attach themselves to our bodies, feeding off our fears and our negative energy. As the world’s only nondenominational exorcist, Rachel has found herself at the crux of the spiritual crossroads of thousands of clients—all of whom she’s been able to save by ridding them of their spiritual baggage, and getting at the root causes of their low frequency at the same time. Stavis realized her gift as young child, but for years she pushed it away, wishing for it to disappear as her mother dismissed it as a call for attention, the lies of a schoolgirl. After years of denying her gift for communicating with the spirit world, she fearlessly turned what she once regarded as a curse into a blessing to help those in need. Stavis has cleansed thousands of tormented people, from small children to musicians, politicians, and everyone in between, quietly performing her work in obscurity, until now. In Sister of Darkness, Rachel Stavis takes us on a journey into an unseen world, describes the diverse range of entities that surround us, the Spirit Guides and Ancient Ancestors that come to her aid to reveal the root causes of your pain, and what you can do to protect yourself from creating a hospitable environment. A unique look at demonology removed from religious dogma, Sister of Darkness is the true story of Rachel’s journey to becoming an exorcist. Chronicling some of her most extreme and interesting cleansings, the hows and the whys of what she does, and stories of danger and of triumph, Stavis creates a world that is at times frightening, eye-opening, and utterly enthralling.

Sister Wit: Devotions for Women

by Jacqueline Jakes

Featuring a combination of powerful devotions and inspirational quotes for meditation, this book addresses all the trials and triumphs that encompass a woman's life. Jacqueline Jakes explores four areas of life--struggles and troubles, virtues, encouragement, and inspiration--and the ways in which they affect us. She draws upon childhood lessons, insights she learned while coping with a life-threatening illness, and the general wisdom of the ages, challenging us to make the most of our lives.

Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete

by Joan Steidinger

Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete tells the stories of all kinds of female athletes in a variety of sports. Their natural tendency to use talking as a primary form of communication is essential to their experiences and successes in sports. Women and girls tend to have BFFs, collaborate during periods of stress, express empathy for one another, worry about themselves and others, and desire to have fun in sports, which makes their experiences of sports and competition different from their male counterparts. Female strengths are grounded in both mind and body, and they take these strengths onto the court, field, and track. There are now dozens of studies showing how the female brain and hormones operate quite differently than those of men. This book reveals the ways in which these differences confirm that intense emotions about relationships are part of the sporting life for female competitors. Joan Steidinger uses real stories to show that women and girls compete at very high

Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women To Grrls Gone Wild

by Deborah Siegel

Contrary to clichés about the end of feminism, Deborah Siegel argues that younger women are reliving the battles of its past, and reinventing it--with a vengeance. From feminist blogging to the popularity of the WNBA, girl culture is on the rise. A lively and compelling look back at the framing of one of the most contentious social movements of our time, Sisterhood, Interrupted exposes the key issues still at stake, outlining how a twenty-first century feminist can reconcile the personal with the political and combat long-standing inequalities that continue today.

Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery

by Bell Hooks

In "Sisters of the Yam", Hooks examines how the emotional health of black women is wounded by daily assaults of racism and sexism. Exploring such central life issues as work, beauty, trauma, addiction, eroticism and estrangement from nature, Hooks shares numerous strategies for self-recovery and healing. She also shows how black women can empower themselves and effectively struggle against racism, sexism and consumer capitalism.

Sistrsic92 (Meg)

by Cheryl Dellasega

Meg blogs about her perfect big sister, who has a big problem with food. As she tries to attract a boyfriend and deal with her beautiful but troubled half-sister, artistically talented high school sophomore Meg records her thoughts and feelings in a blog--accessible only to her three closest friends.

Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World

by Shelly Tygielski

An empowering treatise on propelling profound social change by going inward, from a mindfulness teacher and activist who has turned personal practice into movements The practice of mindfulness is most often touted for its profound mind, body, and spirit benefits. Shelly Tygielski here shows that mindfulness can also be a powerful tool for spurring transformative collective action. In a winning combination of memoir, manifesto, and how-to, Tygielski shares her evolution from a Jerusalem-born child of traditional Sephardic Orthodox parents to a middle-class American suburban youth who questioned her faith to a young executive in corporate America. As she used self-help practices to heal from chronic health issues and a messy divorce, she had an epiphany: finding true health and peace is not a solo endeavor but one that lives in connection with others. Tygielski considers herself an unlikely meditator, activist, and teacher. But in that way she is uniquely qualified to speak to all today who wonder, &“What can I do?&” or &“Will my actions even make a difference?&” Tygielski&’s work began as &“me&” work and transformed into &“we&” work. In Sit Down to Rise Up, she shows that this is possible for all of us.

Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World

by Shelly Tygielski

In Sit Down to Rise Up, mindfulness teacher and activist Shelly Tygielski shares her transformative journey of radical self-care and mutual aid, illuminating how these practices can ignite powerful social change and personal empowerment. Through stories and practical guidance, she demonstrates the profound impact of showing up for yourself and your community. This book is a blueprint for anyone seeking to cultivate resilience, compassion, and a sense of purpose in a fractured world. Discover how small acts of kindness can create ripple effects that lead to broader movements for justice and equity and how, despite the challenges we face, we should never lose hope or lose faith in humanity. Join Shelly in exploring how every human life matters and how together, we can rise up to build a better future.

Sit Like a Buddha

by Lodro Rinzler

How to meditate--a concise, pocket-size guide that tells you everything you need to know, from the best-selling author of The Buddha Walks into a Bar. . . This is the ultimate go-to guide for learning how to meditate. It contains all the instructions you'll need to get started in a remarkably short space, but it also shows you how to make meditation practice a permanent part of your life, infusing it with wisdom and compassion as you go about your day. And it's instruction in the voice of the meditation teacher the young spiritual-but-not-religious crowd have come to trust: Lodro Rinzler, a young Buddhist teacher who speaks to the twenty- and thirty-something crowd in a way that has made his first book, The Buddha Walks into a Bar. . . , a best seller. Lodro begins by challening you to understand why you want to meditate in the first place, then, after the basic instructions, he shows how to prioritize your practice among your other daily activities and make it the center of all of them. He then shows you how to bring the wisdom and insight gained from meditation into all aspects of life.

Sit to Get Fit: Change the way you sit in 28 days for health, energy and longevity

by Suzy Reading

We live increasingly sedentary lives and our lifestyle has radically changed in terms of how we work and naturally move throughout our day. While we all know about the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health, what we're not so attuned to are the damaging effects of just how we sit - at our desks, scrolling on our phones, in the car or even on our bicycles.But it doesn't have to be this way. By making small changes to our everyday sitting behaviour, we can experience increased energy, confidence, optimism and openness.Featuring a practical 28 day plan to transform your relationship with sitting, how long you sit at a time, how to add simple breath work and movement into your day and restorative moves for the end of the day.Sit up, sit better and reap the benefits.

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