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Showing 33,826 through 33,850 of 40,492 results

¿Sos celíaco?

by Daniel Guasco

Es el primer libro técnico gastronómico para celíacos en nuestro país,realizado en su totalidad por profesionales uruguayos. Es el resultadode un trabajo multidisciplinario que trata la enfermedad desde variasópticas, además de brindarnos las deliciosas 101 recetas del autor. La celíaca es, hoy por hoy, una enfermedad poco conocida por el conjuntode la población uruguaya, cuyo diagnóstico suele generar en las personasafectadas y sus familiares una gran incertidumbre debido a la falta deinformación.Llegó el tiempo de desterrar el mito de que esta enfermedad podríaimpedir a los celíacos vivir y gozar de una vida plena.Hoy sabemos que todo esto era producto de nuestra imaginación,desconocimiento y miedos, que es posible llevar una alimentaciónvariada, saludable y completa siguiendo la dieta libre de gluten.En este libro van a encontrar muchísimas soluciones para enfrentar eldesafío de cómo cocinar si se es celíaco. Fue pensado para que puedandisfrutar de los mismos sabores, olores, aromas, texturas y calidad queofrece la cocina con gluten.Es el primer libro técnico gastronómico para celíacos en nuestro país,realizado en su totalidad por profesionales uruguayos. Es el resultadode un trabajo multidisciplinario que trata la enfermedad desde variasópticas, además de brindarnos las deliciosas 101 recetas del autor. Sergio Puglia Es el primer libro técnico gastronómico para celíacos en nuestro país,realizado en su totalidad por profesionales uruguayos. Es el resultadode un trabajo multidisciplinario que trata la enfermedad desde variasópticas, además de brindarnos las deliciosas 101 recetas del autor. La celíaca es, hoy por hoy, una enfermedad poco conocida por el conjuntode la población uruguaya, cuyo diagnóstico suele generar en las personasafectadas y sus familiares una gran incertidumbre debido a la falta deinformación.Llegó el tiempo de desterrar el mito de que esta enfermedad podríaimpedir a los celíacos vivir y gozar de una vida plena.Hoy sabemos que todo esto era producto de nuestra imaginación,desconocimiento y miedos, que es posible llevar una alimentaciónvariada, saludable y completa siguiendo la dieta libre de gluten.En este libro van a encontrar muchísimas soluciones para enfrentar eldesafío de cómo cocinar si se es celíaco. Fue pensado para que puedandisfrutar de los mismos sabores, olores, aromas, texturas y calidad queofrece la cocina con gluten.Es el primer libro técnico gastronómico para celíacos en nuestro país,realizado en su totalidad por profesionales uruguayos. Es el resultadode un trabajo multidisciplinario que trata la enfermedad desde variasópticas, además de brindarnos las deliciosas 101 recetas del autor. Sergio Puglia Es el primer libro técnico gastronómico para celíacos en nuestro país,realizado en su totalidad por profesionales uruguayos. Es el resultadode un trabajo multidisciplinario que trata la enfermedad desde variasópticas, además de brindarnos las deliciosas 101 recetas del autor. La celíaca es, hoy por hoy, una enfermedad poco conocida por el conjuntode la población uruguaya, cuyo diagnóstico suele generar en las personasafectadas y sus familiares una gran incertidumbre debido a la falta deinformación.Llegó el tiempo de desterrar el mito de que esta enfermedad podríaimpedir a los celíacos vivir y gozar de una vida plena.Hoy sabemos que todo esto era producto de nuestra imaginación,desconocimiento y miedos, que es posible llevar una alimentaciónvariada, saludable y completa siguiendo la dieta libre de gluten.En este libro van a encontrar muchísimas soluciones para enfrentar eldesafío de cómo cocinar si se es celíaco. Fue pensado para que puedandisfrutar de los mismos sabores, olor

SOS for Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression (Second Edition)

by Lynn Clark

SOS is intended for both adults and older teens who desire to achieve increased self-knowledge and greater control over their unpleasant emotions and teaches principles and self-help methods from the cognitive behaviour therapy perspective.

SOS microbios: Cómo nuestro abuso de los antibióticos aviva las plagas modernas

by Martin J. Blaser

¿Cómo está el consumo abusivo de antibióticos avivando la aparición y la propagación de plagas modernas? En este libro, el doctor Blaser nos invita a explorar el enmarañado universo del microbioma humano, en el que las bacterias y las células humanas llevan cientos de miles de años coexistiendo en una armoniosa simbiosis responsable del equilibrio y la salud de nuestro cuerpo. Hoy, nuestra desmesurada dependencia de los antibióticos está comprometiendo este Edén imperceptible al ojo humano. El abuso de estos medicamentos amenaza con la extinción de nuestros irremplazables microbios, situación que conlleva gravísimas consecuencias para la salud: obesidad, asma, diabetes e incluso la aparición de determinados tipos de cáncer. A lo largo de estas páginas, el doctor Blaser nos presenta los diversos laboratorios y estudios que investigan estas cuestiones y nos convierte en testigos de sus inquietantes hallazgos. SOS microbios es un análisis de extrema urgencia de los efectos perjudiciales del abuso de antibióticos que no solo aporta un gran número de pruebas irrefutables, sino que también brinda consejos para evitar problemas de salud nefastos para el futuro. Reseñas:«El peso de los datos en que se sustentan las advertencias del doctor Blaser sobre los antibióticos es abrumador.»The New York Times «A diferencia de algunos libros sobre medicina y microbios, el doctor Blaser no despierta temores a enfermedades exóticas o superbacterias pandémicas resistentes a todos los medicamentos conocidos. Se centra en una preocupación más simple pero más profunda: el daño que la vida moderna inflige en la gran cantidad de microbios que, incluso las personas sanas, albergamos en todo momento.»The Wall Street Journal «Accesible y desafiante, proporciona un estímulo con el que sondear el dogma existente.»Science «¿Por qué tienes sobrepeso? ¿Por qué tu hijo tiene asma? Según el doctor Martin J. Blaser, todo ello se debe a que a nuestros cuerpos les faltan bacterias imprescindibles. Garantizo a los lectores que después de leer este libro estarán de acuerdo con él.»Laurie Garrett, premio Pulitzer y autora de Ebola. Story of an Outbreak «Un impactante análisis de una de las formas de vida dominantes del planeta Tierra.»Publishers Weekly «Una obra maestra sobre salud preventiva.»Booklist

Soul: A Modern Guide to Evolving in a Conscious Universe

by Lara van Zuydam

The primeval intelligence of the human soul and the ecosystem within which it operates have long remained secret, their deeper mysteries overlooked, obfuscated, or simply misunderstood. In Soul: A Modern Guide to Evolving in a Conscious Universe, Lara van Zuydam clarifies and democratizes key esoteric information by unpacking the concept of the human soul at a granular level and explaining how it interacts with the other spiritual layers that make up a human being. • The book comprehensively and concretely introduces the soul, from describing what it is to why it is currently housed in a human body, and explains the purpose of incarnation in a challenging world • It explains the distinction between the soul and the notion of "spirit," our connection to antiquity, and our deeper connection to the Source • It discusses how the modern fixation on angels and other benevolent beings has cultivated a skewed perception, and that penetrating the mysteries without invoking the necessary protections isn&’t always safe • The author draws on her own experiences, the philosophical landscape articulated by the ancients, and also explores some of the more abstruse concepts discussed by influential mystic Alice A. Bailey This powerful work explores, simplifies, and clarifies the fascinating concept of the soul and why it is important to develop self-awareness. Touching on deep topics such as death, reincarnation, and the nature of evil, it reaches beyond the light to explain how we can optimize our humanity on the journey toward self-actualization.

Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind #20)

by Marcelo D. Boeri Yasuhira Y. Kanayama Jorge Mittelmann

This book offers new insights into the workings of the human soul and the philosophical conception of the mind in Ancient Greece. It collects essays that deal with different but interconnected aspects of that unified picture of our mental life shared by all Ancient philosophers who thought of the soul as an immaterial substance. The papers present theoretical discussions on moral and psychological issues ranging from Socrates to Aristotle, and beyond, in connection with modern psychology. Coverage includes moral learning and the fruitfulness of punishment, human motivation, emotions as psychic phenomena, and more. Some of these topics directly stemmed from the Socratic dialectical experience and its tragic outcome, whereas others found their way through a complex history of refinements, disputes, and internal critique. The contributors present the gradual unfolding of these central themes through a close inspection of the relevant Ancient texts. They deliver a wide-ranging survey of some central and mutually related topics. In the process, readers will learn new approaches to Platonic and Aristotelian psychology and action theory. This book will appeal to graduate students and researchers in Ancient philosophy. Any scholar with a general interest in the history of ideas will also find it a valuable resource.

Soul Awakening Practice: Prayer, Contemplation and Action

by James O'Dea Lynne Mctaggart

This is a prayer book for evolutionaries and activists, for deep ecologists, for spiritual seekers engaged in passionate renewal and for all those thirsty for a spiritually coherent worldview. The Soul Awakening Prayer is a repeated mantra. With repetition it reveals a spiritual universe of both power and beauty. Written by James O’Dea, the former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and member of the Evolutionary Leaders Group. The Soul Awakening Prayer not only includes the prayer itself but a section on the power of payer as well as expanded contemplative line-by-line reflections and explanations by James. To provide varying perspectives on this new world view there are commentaries by key luminaries from science, cosmology, evolutionary theory, Yoga, Sufism and indigenous wisdom. Offering a map that integrates ancient wisdom, modern science and psychology and the moral imperative for spiritual engagement in individual and societal transformation. The Soul Awakening Prayer reveals a deeply coherent worldview. Be receptive and allow the prayer to illuminate each insight and experience your own unique journey of awakening.

Soul Breathing

by Carrie L'Esperance

An exploration of the multidimensional interplay between body, mind, and spirit• Identifies the frequencies that support life and the dissonant frequencies incompatible with life, such as the imbalances of EMFs• Explains how to cultivate higher consciousness by building a strong light body• Includes techniques and exercises for psychic cleansing, physical and emotional detox, chakra and aura strengthening, and oracular dreamingCivilization has reached a critical threshold in time unlike any other. Whether life continues to evolve or devolve depends upon our ability to reach higher states of consciousness en masse. This requires calling upon the transformative power of the soul--a power not handed to us, but earned. We are living proof that the physical and spiritual realms of existence work together in unity. Yet for many of us our natural soul light and inner spiritual intuition are suppressed due to the distractions of day-to-day living and the electromagnetic pollution of our screen-filled technological world.In this exploration of the multidimensional interplay between the body, mind, and spirit, Carrie L’Esperance reveals how we can restore the flow of spiritual light in everyday living through the art of self-mastery. She explains how technology has severely reduced humanity’s natural abilities and spiritual power. She shows how EMFs and wi-fi toast our energetic bodily systems and suppress our immune systems, blocking the ethereal frequencies of light and suppressing our creative intuition and higher powers. Detailing the spiritual bio-geometry of light and the holographic principle, she explores how the cells of our bodies receive light’s deeper vibratory frequencies to support conscious evolution and soul development as well as explaining near-death and out-of-body experiences. She identifies the dissonant energies that endanger mind/body health and reveals new advances in brain science that allow us to transcend the malign influences that hamper human evolution. She provides exercises and techniques for spiritual alignment and receptivity, including psychic cleansing, physical and emotional detox, chakra and aura strengthening, and oracular dreaming.Preparing us for the new cosmology and the greater community of worlds that is being revealed, L’Esperance shows that when we are properly connected with our soul’s intelligence and cultivate the reception of higher frequencies of consciousness, then we are able to soul breathe, to absorb more pranic energy, the electromagnetic force and cosmic radiation that is the sustaining element of all life and consciousness.

The Soul Connection: How to access your higher powers and discover your true self

by Anne Jones

In THE SOUL CONNECTION, healer Anne Jones helps you to connect with your soul and access your divine powers. You will be filled with the most powerful and uplifting energy, which will allow love and joy to flow through you and be present in everything you do. You will be able to: * Heal the soul wounds that block your ability to live your life fully * Feel the sense of the divine spark that is your core essence * Release the imprints of the past that inhibit you * Learn to live in joy and allow yourself to be happy * Remember who your really are THE SOUL CONNECTION is the perfect book for everyone who is searching for meaning and belonging in their lives.

The Soul Connection: How to access your higher powers and discover your true self

by Anne Jones

In THE SOUL CONNECTION, healer Anne Jones helps you to connect with your soul and access your divine powers. You will be filled with the most powerful and uplifting energy, which will allow love and joy to flow through you and be present in everything you do. You will be able to:* Heal the soul wounds that block your ability to live your life fully* Feel the sense of the divine spark that is your core essence* Release the imprints of the past that inhibit you * Learn to live in joy and allow yourself to be happy* Remember who your really areTHE SOUL CONNECTION is the perfect book for everyone who is searching for meaning and belonging in their lives.

Soul Contracts: Find Harmony and Unlock Your Brilliance

by Danielle MacKinnon

Stop worrying and start living. This entirely new approach to life helps you recognize and release hidden barriers in your soul that are blocking the way to true happiness and success.How many times have you wondered why, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t keep a relationship? Can’t stay healthy? Can’t make enough money? Can’t find happiness? Have you ever stopped to think—perhaps there is some other force at work? In Soul Contracts, intuitive coach and consultant Danielle MacKinnon helps you recognize and release the energetic barriers lodged deep in your soul, called soul contracts. Born out of despair, fear, pain, or anger, a soul contract is an unconscious promise that you’ve made with yourself in the past that is now hindering your ability to move forward in life. Through a five-step process, you can identify, master, and release these hidden blocks, and thus unlock your greatest potential. Don’t let anything stand in the way of living the life you deserve. Soul Contracts can help you eliminate these barriers and start living a brilliant, happy, and prosperous life.

Soul Dog: A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals

by Elena Mannes Robert Thurman

An exploration of animal spirituality and the ability of animals to communicate with humans even in the afterlife • Chronicles the author’s profound relationship with her dog, Brio, his ability to read her mind and emotions, and the messages she received from him after his death • Shares the author’s research with animal communicators, psychics, and scientists specializing in animal intelligence such as Rupert Sheldrake • Explores animals’ thoughts and feelings, interspecies communication and telepathy, animal souls and the afterlife, and animal reincarnation • Paper with French flaps Looking for companionship after a near-fatal car crash, Elena Mannes, an award-winning television journalist and producer, decided to get her first dog. But what she found with her dog Brio shook the foundations of her physical and spiritual worlds, sending her on a quest to discover the nature of his spiritual origins and to contemplate and seek out the possibility of interspecies communication--even after death. Soon after bringing her puppy home, Mannes realized that the master-companion relationship would not be possible with Brio, who quickly showed that he had a mind--and a spirit--of his own. A healer Mannes visited immediately focused on Brio, exclaiming that he was an old soul. Mannes’s growing curiosity about the intelligence, emotions, and consciousness of Brio and other dogs led her to contact an animal psychic in California who described, with amazing accuracy, Brio’s favorite walks and the author’s apartment from the dog’s point of view. Motivated by her experience, Mannes produced a filmed segment with Diane Sawyer featuring the same psychic, who described Sawyer’s country house and her dog’s favorite spots in the yard. Mannes’s skeptical journalist background compelled her to investigate further. She delved into the world of animal communicators, psychics, and scientists studying animal intelligence, including Rupert Sheldrake, to find answers to her multiplying questions: Do animals have thoughts and feelings? Consciousness? Souls? Is interspecies communication possible? Can animals reincarnate? Spanning the entire life and afterlife of Brio, including his last days and his messages to the author after he passed on, this book also explores Mannes’ investigations into the spiritual life of animals, offering a new understanding of the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Mannes invites readers to move beyond the owner-pet relationship and shows us how to see animals as thinking, feeling, spiritual beings whose connections with us extend far beyond life and death.

Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness

by Nicholas Humphrey

How is consciousness possible? What biological purpose does it serve? And why do we value it so highly? In Soul Dust, the psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, a leading figure in consciousness research, proposes a startling new theory. Consciousness, he argues, is nothing less than a magical-mystery show that we stage for ourselves inside our own heads. This self-made show lights up the world for us and makes us feel special and transcendent. Thus consciousness paves the way for spirituality, and allows us, as human beings, to reap the rewards, and anxieties, of living in what Humphrey calls the "soul niche." Tightly argued, intellectually gripping, and a joy to read, Soul Dust provides answers to the deepest questions. It shows how the problem of consciousness merges with questions that obsess us all--how life should be lived and the fear of death. Resting firmly on neuroscience and evolutionary theory, and drawing a wealth of insights from philosophy and literature, Soul Dust is an uncompromising yet life-affirming work--one that never loses sight of the majesty and wonder of consciousness.

Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness

by Nicholas Humphrey

How is consciousness possible? What biological purpose does it serve? And why do we value it so highly? In Soul Dust, the psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, a leading figure in consciousness research, proposes a startling new theory. Consciousness, he argues, is nothing less than a magical-mystery show that we stage for ourselves inside our own heads. This self-made show lights up the world for us and makes us feel special and transcendent. Thus consciousness paves the way for spirituality, and allows us, as human beings, to reap the rewards, and anxieties, of living in what Humphrey calls the "soul niche." Tightly argued, intellectually gripping, and a joy to read, Soul Dust provides answers to the deepest questions. It shows how the problem of consciousness merges with questions that obsess us all--how life should be lived and the fear of death. Resting firmly on neuroscience and evolutionary theory, and drawing a wealth of insights from philosophy and literature, Soul Dust is an uncompromising yet life-affirming work--one that never loses sight of the majesty and wonder of consciousness.

Soul Food Love

by Alice Randall Caroline Randall Williams

A mother-daughter duo reclaims and redefines soul food by mining the traditions of four generations of black women and creating 80 healthy recipes to help everyone live longer and stronger. In May 2012, bestselling author Alice Randall penned an op-ed in the New York Times titled "Black Women and Fat," chronicling her quest to be "the last fat black woman" in her family. She turned to her daughter, Caroline Randall Williams, for help. Together they overhauled the way they cook and eat, translating recipes and traditions handed down by generations of black women into easy, affordable, and healthful--yet still indulgent--dishes, such as Peanut Chicken Stew, Red Bean and Brown Rice Creole Salad, Fiery Green Beans, and Sinless Sweet Potato Pie. Soul Food Love relates the authors' fascinating family history (which mirrors that of much of black America in the twentieth century), explores the often fraught relationship African-American women have had with food, and forges a powerful new way forward that honors their cultural and culinary heritage. This is what the strong black kitchen looks like in the twenty-first century.From the Hardcover edition.

Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies

by Zhi Gang Sha

Millions of people on Mother Earth are suffering from sicknesses in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Millions of people have limited or no access to healthcare. They want solutions.Millions of people are searching for spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform their physical lives and spiritual lives. The key to physical life includes good health, good relationships, and flourishing finances. The key to soul life is to reach soul enlightenment.Master Sha's Soul Healing Miracles teaches and empowers humanity to create soul healing miracles. Readers will learn sacred wisdom and apply practical techniques. Everyone can create his or her own soul healing miracles.For the first time, The Source Ling Guang (Soul Light) Calligraphy will be offered in a book. These Source Calligraphies carry matter, energy, and soul of The Source, which can transform the matter, energy, and soul of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.This book also reveals The Source Meditation and Source Mantras which are the absolute sacred way for healing, rejuvenation, prolonging life, and transforming all life.The message of Soul Healing Miracles is:I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of my life.You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of your life.Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all life of humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes.

Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions: The Hidden Keys to a Deeper Animal-Human Connection

by Tammy Billups

A guide to understanding the profound connection in animal/human relationships and its potential for mutual healing • Explains the unspoken connection between people and their animal companions and how they share the same energetic patterns and emotional wounds • Outlines specific behavioral traits and physical issues that animals may exhibit as they mirror their caregiver’s emotional state of being • Explores holistic modalities humans can employ, such as energy therapy, to promote healing in animals and ultimately themselves The animals we attract in our lives reflect us in many ways. Our connections with them run deeply, down to the soul level. Just like us, they are also on a journey to evolve their soul through their relationships and experiences, and each has deeply spiritual messages for us and intentions for our personal growth. In this book, Tammy Billups invites you to explore and deepen this profound relationship, showing how you can co-evolve along with your animal companions, experience unconditional love, and, ultimately, enact healing for both animal and caregiver. Offering a soulful and bioenergetic perspective on decoding our animals’ actions, behaviors, and physical issues, Billups explains how our animal companions share our energetic patterns and emotional wounds, revealing issues in our own lives that may be hidden or suppressed. She identifies the five core emotional wounds in animals and the ways in which they manifest, outlining specific behavioral traits and physical issues animals may exhibit as they mirror our emotional states. She explains how to connect with them on a profound level so we can grasp their needs more clearly and learn what they have to teach us. She also provides guidance to help your animals heal the emotional wounds and traumas that create their anxiety, stress behaviors, aggression, and fears. The author details a three-step process to help you through decisions you will make on your pets’ behalf and explains how, when a person works on healing a core emotional issue in their life--abandonment for example--it helps the animal release this same issue and the corresponding negative behaviors as well. She also shows how extremely receptive animals are to energy work, holistic healing, and spiritual practices, explaining how these methods unlock emotional barriers and enable both person and animal to heal and reach their highest potential in conscious evolution. Providing tools to identify our animals’ messages more quickly, the author shows how our pets’ higher purpose is to help people understand themselves.

Soul Journey through the Tarot: Key to a Complete Spiritual Practice

by John Sandbach

Integrating numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, and the contemplative life• Connects the traditional, symbolic, psychological, alchemical, astrological, and numerological meanings of each of the 78 cards of the Tarot to its deepest meaning, the one closest to its spiritual core • Reveals how the Tarot offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, including numerology, astrology, psychology, and Kabbalistic wisdom • Details how to use the Tarot to calculate the numerological value of names, words, and dates, including birthdays, to reveal their metaphysical significance As John Sandbach illuminates in depth, the Tarot is a portal to realms of wisdom. It not only can provide deep insight through traditional readings but also offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, each interrelated through numbers and the ways the systems are worked with to reveal cosmic truths. In this guide, Sandbach explores the deep interconnected meanings of each of the 78 cards of the Tarot and explains how to work with the cards for spiritual healing and growth as well as to synergistically learn other methods of spiritual insight, in particular numerology and astrology. Connecting the traditional, symbolic, psychological, alchemical, astrological, and numerological meanings of each card to its deepest meaning, the one closest to its spiritual core, he shows how exploring the interconnected meanings of the cards allows you to understand the Tarot as an integrated whole and enables you to provide insightful and deeply intuitive readings. He explains how every card is connected to the Tree of Life, an ancient Kabbalistic diagram of the universe, and details how to use the Tarot to calculate the numerological value of names, words, and dates, including birthdays, to reveal their metaphysical significance. He explores the connections between alternative rulerships for the cards and how they allow you to understand astrology at a deeper level. He also demonstrates several types of card layouts that can be used to perform readings for yourself or others, and he provides instructions for Tarot Contemplations to access deeper meanings of the cards. By journeying through the nexus of wisdom connections within each card, you not only are simultaneously learning the ancient wisdom of numerology and astrology, but also opening access to your own inner wisdom.

Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose: A Channeled Guide To Why You Are Here

by Sonia Choquette

Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose is a book channeled by Sonia Choquette’s spirit teacher guides, The Three Bishops, as well as Joachim and the Emissaries of the Third Ray. These highly evolved and loving guides work specifically to bring about understanding, direction, and support to all souls so that we may learn to become the creative masters of the life that we’re intended to have on Earth. The guides state that Earth is "soul school," and that we’re here to master 22 basic soul lessons in order to fulfill our purpose. Each lesson is laid out in such a way that anyone—on any level—will be ready to follow the instructions. The guides make it very clear in this book that the timing to learn our soul lessons, open our hearts, and raise our vibration on the Earth plane is now. Negative occurrences will worsen if our energy doesn’t shift and elevate to a more loving plane. We have no time to waste!

Soul Machine: The Invention of the Modern Mind

by George Makari

A brilliant and comprehensive history of the creation of the modern Western mind. Soul Machine takes us back to the origins of modernity, a time when a crisis in religious authority and the scientific revolution led to searching questions about the nature of human inner life. This is the story of how a new concept—the mind—emerged as a potential solution, one that was part soul and part machine, but fully neither. In this groundbreaking work, award-winning historian George Makari shows how writers, philosophers, physicians, and anatomists worked to construct notions of the mind as not an ethereal thing, but a natural one. From the ascent of Oliver Cromwell to the fall of Napoleon, seminal thinkers like Hobbes, Locke, Diderot, and Kant worked alongside often-forgotten brain specialists, physiologists, and alienists in the hopes of mapping the inner world. Conducted in a cauldron of political turmoil, these frequently shocking, always embattled efforts would give rise to psychiatry, mind sciences such as phrenology, and radically new visions of the self. Further, they would be crucial to the establishment of secular ethics and political liberalism. Boldly original, wide-ranging, and brilliantly synthetic, Soul Machine gives us a masterful, new account of the making of the modern Western mind.

Soul Magic: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Mystics

by Arizona Bell Morgan Garza

Centuries of spiritual practice and self-care at your fingertips If you have ever hungered for a more meaningful or satisfying life journey, this comprehensive collection of all things spirit-nourishing is your soul’s true companion. Soul Magic is a treasure trove of centuries-old secrets and ancient wisdom to enrich your life, guide your choices, and heal your mind, body, and soul. Whether it’s aligning your career moves with the phases of the moon, dropping the baggage you’re carrying from a past life, programming a crystal to find love, or designating a meditation spot in your home, you’ll find plenty of empowering and pragmatic “now age” uses for age-old traditions. Guided by beautiful imagery and clear explanations from real experts in alternative practices, you will discover how to: • maximize the life-changing power of crystals, herbs, and essential oils • unblock your seven chakras and bring harmony to your whole self • use tarot cards to heighten your awareness and steer you toward your best future • observe a full day of rest and reflection no matter how busy your life may be • progress beyond traditional thinking to find true peace and satisfaction Anyone with a soul that’s yearning for some magic will find solace and answers in this comprehensive field guide to the human spirit.

Soul Mates: Magical and mysterious ways to find true love

by Jenny Smedley

In her work as an international columnist and psychic advisor, the most common question Jenny Smedley is asked is: How can I find my soul mate? Now, for the first time, she will unravel the mysteries behind this most sought after state - that of being in love with the right person and making it last - and explore what magical and mystical means there are to help nature along, including colour, aura, spells, astrology, numerology and asking your angels to help. Providing practical, accessible advice on all soul mate situations, Soul Mates will show the reader not only how to find their soul mate, but also offer practical advice on maintaining the most important relationships in our lives.

Soul Mates: Magical and mysterious ways to find true love

by Jenny Smedley

Bestselling author and columnist Jenny Smedley reveals the secrets to finding your soul mateHave you ever wondered who your soul mate is and how to find them, or whether you have one at all?The answers to these questions are much more complex than you think. In Soul Mates, international columnist and psychic advisor Jenny Smedley will unravel the mysteries behind this most sought-after state - that of being in love with the right person and making it last - to help you avoid any potential pitfalls in your quest to find your soul mate.Providing practical, accessible advice on all soul-mate situations, Soul Mates will help you to:- Differentiate between the various types of soul mates you might encounter and help you to understand why they are in your life- Recognise the signs that will lead you to your soul mate- Attract soul mates into your life using the power of auras, spells, numerology, crystals and astrology- Mend your heart if you've already had it broken so that you can get going on your journey to real love

Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint For Abundant Health And Energy

by Dawson Church

The cutting edge of medicine today is not to be found in invasive therapies like drugs and surgeries. It is in the disciplines that used to be regarded as "soft" medicine: prayer, intention, energy healing, acupressure, and similar therapies. Overwhelming evidence from hundreds of scientific studies are showing that these safe, non-invasive approaches are often more effective, sometimes many times more effective, than conventional medicine.Two of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Norman Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and world-famous neurosurgeon, and Dr. Dawson Church, one of the foremost writers and researchers in vibrational healing, and the editor or author of many books on the subject, explain the fundamentals of energy medicine, its many applications to common ailments, and the latest scientific research.

Soul Medicine: Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimage

by Edward Tick

An in-depth look at ancient Greek practices for profound, lasting healing• Explores hidden soul-healing practices including dream incubation and interpretation as well as sacred pilgrimage• Examines how dreams, visions, and other non-normative events reveal the conditions needed to restore the soul and facilitate healing• Includes successful healing techniques, practices, and case studies to reveal how healings are achieved with these methodsThe modern practice of medicine and psychology grew out of the ancient Greek healing tradition, said to be founded by Asklepios, god of healing and dreams. For two thousand years the system spread all over the Mediterranean world and planted the roots of Western medicine and psychology by offering ritual and holistic practices that recognized that healing begins at the soul level. Yet, since that time, the spiritually based practices were cast aside, leaving behind only the scientific medical techniques that dominate health care today. Resurrecting and restoring the sacred, mythological, and cultural origins of medicine and psychotherapy, Edward Tick, Ph.D., explores the soul-healing practices missing in our contemporary health systems. He looks at the dream incubation tradition of Asklepios, sacred theater of Dionysos, oracle gifting of Apollo, special practices of warriors, and their roots in Neolithic shamanism and indigenous traditions. Demonstrating the ritual use of dreams, visions, oracles, synchronicities, and pilgrimage for healing and connecting to the transpersonal and divine, he explains how dream incubation is a technique in which you plant a seed for a specific healing or growth goal.Using both ancient wisdom and modern depth psychology alongside stories of healings from his more than 25 years of guiding Vietnam veterans on Greek pilgrimages, Tick explores how we all can use ancient healing philosophies and practices to achieve holistic healing today. He examines the interaction between mind and body (psyche and soma) and between physical illness and the soul to heal PTSD and trauma. He explains the art of making accurate and holistic interpretations of signs, symbols, and symptoms to determine what they reveal about the soul. Showing how dreams and other transpersonal experiences are essential components of soul medicine, the author reveals how restoration of the soul facilitates true healing.

Soul, Mind and Brain from Descartes to Cognitive Science: A Critical History

by Paolo Pecere

This interdisciplinary book ties the historical work of Descartes to his successors through current research and critical overviews on the neuroscience of consciousness, the brain, and cognition. This text is the first historical survey to focus on the cohesions and discontinuities between historical and contemporary thinkers working in philosophy, physiology, psychology, and neuroscience.The book introduces and analyzes early discussions of consciousness, such as: metaphysical alternatives to scientific explanations of consciousness and its connection to brain activity; claims about the possibilities and limits of neuroscientific accounts of consciousness and cognition; and the proposition of a “non-reductive naturalism” concerning phenomenal consciousness and rationality. The author assesses the contributions of early philosophers and scientists on brain, consciousness and cognition, among them: Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Newton, Haller, Kant, Fechner, Helmholtz and du Bois-Reymond. The work of these pioneers is related to that of modern researchers in physiology, psychology, neuroscience and philosophy of mind, including: Freud, Hilary Putnam, Herbert Feigl, Gerald Edelman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Daniel Dennett and David Chalmers, amongst others. This text appeals to researchers and advanced students in the field.

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