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The Wisdom of Your Face: Change Your Life With Chinese Face Reading!

by Jean Haner

What if you could tell, just by looking at others, how they tend to think, feel, and behave? What if your partner’s face revealed the best way to resolve any conflicts between you? And what if you could discover in your own face the wisdom that you need in order to be the best you you can be? Based on the same ancient foundation as acupuncture and Chinese medicine, face reading has been in the "research and development" phase for over 3,000 years. When translated to make it meaningful for our Western lives, it’s a powerful source of wisdom that we can all access. Chinese face reading shows you how to live your life in alignment with your own natural flow, find the life path that gives you joy, attract relationships that nurture you, and most of all, enable you to feel compassion for yourself and others. This book will forever change how you see yourself . . . and all the people in your life!

The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-Given Purpose and Power of Your Emotions

by Marc Alan Schelske

Christians believe many myths about emotions: Emotions lead you astray. Emotions aren’t spiritual. And the biggest myth: God is not emotional. The truth is emotions are a God-given source of wisdom when we know how to interpret them. Marc Alan Schelske explores: How to notice our emotions and hear their truthBrain research that gives unexpected insight into emotions’ purposeWhy denying our emotions hurts couples, families, and even the churchWhy no one can mature spiritually without maturing emotionally The Wisdom of Your Heart provides a path for listening to the spiritual insights that your emotions offer every day.

The Wisdom Paradox

by Elkhonon Goldberg

The Wisdom Paradox explores the aging of the mind from a unique, positive perspective. In an era of increasing fears about mental deterioration, world-renowned neuropsychologist Elkhonon Goldberg provides startling new evidence that though the brain diminishes in some tasks as it ages, it gains in many ways. Most notably, it increases in what he terms "wisdom": the ability to draw upon knowledge and experience gained over a lifetime to make quick and effective decisions. Goldberg delves into the machinery of the mind, separating memory into two distinct types: singular (knowledge of a particular incident or fact) and generic (recognition of broader patterns). As the brain ages, the ability to use singular memory declines, but generic memory is unaffected-and its importance grows. As an individual accumulates generic memory, the brain can increasingly rely upon these stored patterns to solve problems effortlessly and instantaneously. Goldberg investigates the neurobiology of wisdom, and draws on historical examples of artists and leaders whose greatest achievements were realized late in life.

The Wisdom Principles: A Handbook of Timeless Truths and Timely Wisdom

by Ervin Laszlo

"By opening this Handbook for wise thinking and living, you open the door to your new identity, because across the threshold there is only the lightness of Being, and infinity in all directions."—Deepak ChopraIn The Wisdom Principles, Dr. Ervin Laszlo, authority in the fields of new science, consciousness, and spirituality, bridges the chasm between our understanding of science and the truths of spirituality, bringing an essential and timely message of wisdom to the world. Laszlo offers readers principles of empowerment that will guide the choices they make for years to come and will allow them to move confidently toward a better future.This book is the distillation of Laszlo’s sixty plus years spent delving into the mysteries of science and a lifetime of keen spiritual insight. The nuggets of timely wisdom offered in The Wisdom Principles, and the timeless truths revealed on its pages, are a precious resource for wise thinking and living. As we stand at a crossroads of civilization there has never been a greater need for them than today. Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden are among the renowned thought-leaders who lend their voices to Laszlo’s work, framing the book and underscoring the power of its life-changing principles.

The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions

by Alberto Villoldo

Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel--a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel--its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions--South, West, North, and East--each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.

Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge: The Living Libraries and Healers of Megalithic Culture

by Graham Phillips

Reveals how Stonehenge was an extraordinary astronomical calendar used in the cultivation of ingredients for long-forgotten botanical cures • Explores how Stonehenge and other stone circles were ancient healing sanctuaries and celestial calculators for the preparation of natural medicines • Explains how the megalithic priesthood--and their successors, the Druids--developed astonishing memory techniques to preserve knowledge over generations • Draws upon the very latest discoveries from recent archaeological excavations and overlooked historical source material Stonehenge is just one of thousands of stone circles erected throughout Britain and Ireland for over three millennia from 3,000 BC on. How did this building tradition survive for so long, over such a large area and with such complexity and uniformity, when the people of the British Isles lived in separate, isolated communities and left no evidence of a central leadership or obvious communication network? Graham Phillips argues that these stone circles are evidence of an astonishing system of healthcare and preservation of ancient medical knowledge that held together a society scattered across the British Isles. With stones aligned to the sun, moon, and certain stars, these ancient monuments enabled the precise timings necessary for the cultivation of medicinal plants. He explains how the megalithic priesthood possessed medical knowledge well beyond their time and may even have discovered a cure for cancer. Furthermore, because they had no form of writing, the megalithic people developed phenomenal memory techniques to preserve their knowledge over many generations, resulting in a class of wisdomkeepers that were not only healers but the living libraries of their culture. Drawing upon the latest discoveries from recent archaeological excavations and overlooked historical source material, Phillips reveals that the megalithic culture survived far longer than previously thought and that the people who held it together were an enigmatic shamanic sect ultimately called the Druids. Uncovering the secrets of ancient megalithic culture and the purpose of their enigmatic stone circles, Phillips contends that all the evidence has now been gathered to unlock the secrets encoded in the stones--and perhaps discover remedies for diseases still uncured by modern medicine today.

A Wise Birth: Bringing Together the Best of Natural Childbirth and Modern Medicine

by Penny Armstrong Sheryl Feldman

The authors explore the issues that influence the way women give birth: technology, psychology, culture, medications and history. They demonstrate that most hospitals aren't designed to bring out the wisdom of the body at birth and reveal how to find a setting that will help make your child's birth a healthy and powerful experience.

The Wise Child: A Spiritual Guide to Nurturing Your Child's Intuition

by Sonia Choquette

"Connecting to our intuition unites us with both our soul and the soul of the Universe, Divine Spirit. It takes away our fearful sense of isolation and inadequacy. It replaces fear with a sense of spiritual direction and safety. The world becomes friendly, nonadversarial, and welcoming. Life becomes joyful, amusing, generous, and abundant. This is the divine plan. The intuitive life is one of confidence, inner peace, and creative expression. What better gift to ourselves and our children?" How can I help my children to thrive and prosper? How can I ensure that they will not become unhappy and frustrated as I have been? These are the questions that inspired Sonia Choquette to write this profound and accessible book explaining--through spiritual principles, modern-day parables, and practical exercises--how even busy parents can help children connect to their own source of divine guidance.

The Wise Earth Speaks to your Spirit: 52 Lessons to Find your Soul Voice through Journal Writing

by Janell Moon

A heartfelt combination of spiritual discovery, environmental observations, and journal writing, "The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit" offers readers a 52-week cycle of themed essays and related questions about the natural world. Entries on night and sky and parakeets, wind and mud and rain, snakes and tea and thistle, among others. In addition to folklore, myths, stories, and symbols connected to each theme, Janell Moon includes inspirational quotes from well-known writers -- among them E. B. White, Ursula K. LeGuin, Gertrude Stein, and Mother Theresa -- and shares her original poetry and personal experiences with the natural world. As she writes in the introduction, "It is my wish that through the telling of these stories, and the deepening of your own connections through your writing, that you will better enjoy a rainbow or a tree with angel's wings in a storm. "

Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging

by Alexandra Pope Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

A trailblazing guide to menopause, filled with nourishing wisdom and practical advice to help you thrive as your empowered, confident self.It's time to redefine menopause. This pivotal time of life is often mistakenly viewed as a health crisis that is &‘suffered from&’ or &‘coped with&’, and misinformation and myths around menopause can leave you feeling ignored and misunderstood.Wise Power is the radical new story of menopause – illuminating its power and potential. Pioneers of the menstruality revolution and the founders of Red School, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer explain how to embrace menopause as a sacred rite of passage, an initiation that grows your authority, steeps you in purpose and awakens you to great power and wisdom. They show you how to:· prepare for menopause through each life stage, from menarche to your final menstrual cycles· make sense of what you&’re experiencing during perimenopause· recognize and accept when you enter menopause, and trust that a meaningful process is at work· navigate the five phases of menopause and receive their unique gifts· embrace the rhythms of your postmenopause life, unlock your true potential and step onto your path of power and leadershipWritten with humour, fierce tenderness and practicality, Wise Power restores the dignity of menopause, guiding you home to yourself – to a sense of belonging.

Wise Secrets of Aloha: Learn and Live the Sacred Art of Lomilomi

by Harry Uhane Jim Garnette Arledge

A guide to the indigenous healing modality of Lomilomi from a native Hawaiian shaman, includes practical exercises for mental and physical wellness.Harry Uhane Jim is one of the last Kahuna of Lomilomi, Keeper of the Deep Mysteries of authentic Hawaiian esoterica. He shares the secrets of this ancient oral tradition with readers for the first time in Wise Secrets of Aloha.Recognizing that the world is in great peril, Kahuna Harry was blessed by the Halau Guardians who instructed him to share the true teachings and tools of Lomilomi for the practice of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. He writes: “Now is the time to share aloha with humanity. ‘Aloha’ means the Breath of God is in our Presence. It is time to reveal the profound Lomilomi secrets of the kahunas for personal and planetary peace.”Wise Secrets of Aloha is as simple as it is profound, as contemporary as it is ancient. It is true to Hawaiian esoteric teachings and available to all who bring the right attitude. Aloha calls. Listen in—the splash of waves, in the breeze—the air is filled with aloha. All the abundance, joy, and freedom from old wounds readers have ever yearned for can be found by adopting the aloha spirit.

The Wise Woman's Guide to Your Healthiest Pregnancy and Birth: From Preconception to Postpartum

by Patricia Ladis

A fresh, new pregnancy guide—the first complete functional medicine book—offering women and their partners a comprehensive approach to maintain and enhance health and wellness before, during, and after pregnancy.The Wise Woman&’s Guide to Your Healthiest Pregnancy and Birth combines the expertise of top-tier physical therapist Patricia Ladis—who works with superstar athletes, professional dancers, and celebrities—with Dr. Anita Sadaty, a highly regarded holistic ob-gyn with a celebrity clientele. Together, they have devised a six-step protocol beginning the six months before conception continuing forty days post-birth and beyond, incorporating holistic principles that encourage optimal wellness for mother, partner, and baby. Whether they are in their 20&’s, 30&’s or 40&’s, this book empowers readers to be in tune with their bodies during all stages of pregnancy, and is the first book by a functional medicine dream-team aligning medical and structural body issues to avoid such potential pregnancy outcomes as osteoporosis, sciatica, pelvic prolapse, structural weakness, and postpartum depression. Each of the six stages organizes Ladis and Sadaty&’s holistic principles into five easy-to-follow aspects: Body, Movement, Breathing, Nourishment, and Wisdom. They include practical applications such as foods to help reduce internal inflammation, specific exercises—with instructive photos—in each stage, breathing techniques to lower stress, and &“pearls of wisdom&” backed by science exploring a multicultural history of this special time in a woman&’s life. For the first time, a pregnancy guide considers the importance of choices you make six months prior to conception, and the effect on genes. When both members of a couple are calm, fit, and well-nourished, the latest science suggests that together they are less likely to pass on negative genes to a child.

A Wisewoman's Guide to Spells, Ritual, and Goddess Lore

by Elizabeth Brooke

This remarkable guide to goddess wisdom, spells, rituals and recipes includes such topics as Goddess worship, past and present, A brief history of witchcraft, Starcraft and the moon, Festivals and the wheel of the year, How to create rituals, Ethics in witchcraft, Spellcraft, Developing psychic skills, Divination-the tarot, Herbal lore and medicine, astrology, and women's mysteries.

The Wish: How to make your dreams come true

by Angela Donovan

No matter who you are or where you've come from, you have your own special dreams. But how can you make your dreams come true? How do you find that special job, person, or place where you can thrive? And how do you know what you wish for is right for you? How can you be sure it won't end up delivering more of the same, or making life worse? The Wishanswers these questions and more.Dreams require imagination, intention and passion. They also require a lot of energy to give them lift-off. The Wish shows you how to boost your life energy so your wishes have enough impetus needed to happen. Learn how to let go self-doubt, and use your words and thoughts in powerful new ways.What makes The Wish so amazing that it also gives you the tools uncover the real you. Discover how to read the big picture and make sense of the detail. Find out which dreams are in your best interest and those that are not. Learn how to locate, recognise and overcome your deepest fears. Uncover your unique passions and talents, and find out how they can deliver the life you long for. Discover your heart/soul connection and what it reveals about your true destiny. Learn how to create genuinely good vibes around you that will draw great people and situations your way with ease. Find out why giving is essential to creating an abundant life.It seems miraculous this wisdom has emerged at a time when so many are fearful and hold little hope for their future. The thing about The Wish is that it takes care of all your anxiety and shreds it. In its place it puts strength, hope, and peace of mind. And it shows you how to build on these qualities to make your dreams come true.

A Wish Can Change Your Life: How to Use the Ancient Wisdom of Kabbalah to Make Your Dreams Come True

by Gahl Sasson Steve Weinstein

Engaging, innovative, and fresh, Gahl Sasson's approach to Kabbalah—the ancient teachings of Jewish mysticism—integrates mythology, scholarship, and practical exercises for seekers of both material and spiritual gratification.Based on his popular Tree of Life workshops, which incorporate meditation, dreams, and real-life synchronicities with myths, rituals, and philosophies from around the world, A Wish Can Change Your Life provides a universal path to finding and embracing all of life's riches.

Wishcraft: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Magickal Manifesting for the Modern Witch

by Sakura Fox

Simple, accessible spells and rituals for the modern woman who wants to stop wishing for a better life and start magically manifesting it - right now.Have you ever blown out the candles on a birthday cake and made a wish? Or tossed a coin into a fountain and crossed your fingers? You probably didn't know it, but you were practicing WishCraft.Within this book, you'll find spells, rituals and recipes to make all of your dreams come true, including to attract more money, boost your luck, deflect negativity, heal an illness or ailment, bring harmony and balance, draw down the power of the Moon, cleanse the energy around you, increase your psychic awareness, recall your dreams, pass an exam or test, reignite your passion, attract love, heal your heart, bring health and happiness... and more!Deep down in your heart you've always known that there's magick inside you... we all do! WishCraft will show you how to start manifesting amazing changes in your life with a little help from the Cosmos.

Wishes and Worries: Coping with a Parent Who Drinks Too Much Alcohol (Coping #2)

by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Children of parents who drink too much alcohol are affected in many ways. They may experience anger, fear, confusion, and guilt. This reassuring book, written by professionals, offers information in the form of a story about one family&’s struggle. When Dad&’s drinking ruins a birthday party, everyone wishes that he would just stop. If only wishing could fix the problem! Wishes and Worries is an excellent way to open a discussion between adult and child. It provides straightforward answers to common questions. Why does my parent drink? Will I drink too much, too? What can I do to help? Is it my fault? The book also includes important information for parents, teachers, and professionals. Wishes and Worries is an excellent resource for children affected by adult problems.

Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering The Art Of Manifesting

by Wayne W. Dyer

This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact.Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible —and "all things" means that nothing is left out.By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being.From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes —all of them —can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.This book will help you See —with a capital S —that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination!


by Elizabeth Harper

If you could make one wish and you knew it would be granted, what would you wish for? Think about it. Visualize it. In Wishing, author Elizabeth Harper provides the tools and wisdom necessary to manifest each and every wish made. Using the basic concepts of the law of attraction, a step-by-step wish process outlines how wishes manifest, why some go unfulfilled, and how you can best realize your wishing potential in all aspects of your life. From wishing the train would come on time to yearning for those six precious little numbers in the lottery that will irrevocably change your life, we all make multiple wishes during the day with the hope some will come true. Wishing's "wish sense" is a time-tested, magical formula for successfully manifesting your heart's desires and a proven way to get the results everyone wants.

Wishwork: A 21 Day Journey: Make a Wish, Do the Work, and Watch It Come True

by Alexa Fischer

#1 New Release in Miracles and New Thought - Make Your Greatest Wish Come TrueReaders of The Miracle Morning, The Untethered Soul and The Universe Has Your Back will love Wishwork.What is your greatest wish? Do you want a new job? An influx of new clients? Zero credit card debt? A strong, healthy body? A passionate, exciting marriage? More free-time to relax in your backyard with a great book? You don't need a miracle to make your wish a reality. With Wishwork, you will visualize your #1 wish, write it down, focus on it, and take action for 21 days in a row to make your wish come true.Work for your wish: Alexa Fischer (TV and film actress, entrepreneur, and founder of Wishbeads, a fast-growing jewelry company) is your guide on this 21-day journey. You’ll complete simple daily action steps and record your experiences, feeling your positivity and optimism grow with each passing day. Wishwork gently reminds readers that wishes don’t just magically come true without any effort whatsoever—you’ve got to put in some work!Wishwork will motivate you to get off the couch, turn off Netflix, get moving, cultivate a positive mindset, and make your #1 wish come true—while keeping the process fun and uplifting, not daunting. Life's too short to wait on the universe to grant your wishes. Alexa will walk you through simple but life changing steps to grant them yourself!Make a wishDo the workWatch it come trueTo learn more, check out!

Wissenschaft und Willensfreiheit: Was Max Planck und andere Forschende herausfanden

by Stephan Schleim

Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir selbst und frei. Oder nicht? Für unser Menschenbild ist wenig so bedeutend wie die Erfahrung, sich selbst unter Kontrolle zu haben. Doch was sagen Philosophie und Wissenschaft hierzu?Schon lange vor der Diskussion der Willensfreiheit in der Hirnforschung war man sich dieses Problems bewusst. Stephan Schleim nimmt hier den Vortrag des bedeutenden Physikers und Nobelpreisträgers Max Planck aus den 1930er Jahren zum Anlass, das Thema neu zu beleuchten. Dabei steht im Fokus, wie unsere tatsächlichen Entscheidungen in Alltagssituationen beeinflusst werden. Damit hebt sich das Sachbuch von anderen Veröffentlichungen ab, die nur Laborexperimente mit begrenzter Aussagekraft behandeln.Der Autor erklärt das Problem aus den Perspektiven von Psychologie, Neurowissenschaften, Philosophie, Rechtswissenschaften und Physik. Am Anfang werden Grundlagen vermittelt: Was hat es mit der Diskussion von Determinismus/Indeterminismus auf sich? Welche Begriffe von Willensfreiheit gibt es in der Philosophie? Wie werden Entscheidungen in der Psychologie untersucht?Nach Analyse der einschlägigen Forschung bespricht Stephan Schleim, Assoziierter Professor für Theoretische Psychologie, die praktische Dimension des Problems. Wie und warum machen wir Menschen für ihre Entscheidungen verantwortlich? Wie funktionieren Strafrecht und Moral? Und vor allem: Wie werden wir unbewusst beeinflusst und welche Möglichkeiten haben wir, damit umzugehen?

Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic.

by Lisa Lister

A witch is a wise woman, a healer. Yet for so long the word "witch" has had negative connotations. In this book, third generation hereditary witch Lisa Lister explains the history behind witchcraft, why identifying as a healer in past centuries led women to be burned at the stake, and why the witch is reawakening in women across the world today. All women are witches, and when they connect to source, trust their intuition, and use their magic, they can make medicine to heal themselves and the world. This book is a re-telling of Herstory, an overview of the different schools of witchcraft and the core principles and practices within them. Discover ancient wisdom made relevant for modern witches: •The wheel of the year, the sabbats, the cycles of the moon. •Tools to enhance your intuition, including oracle cards and dowsing, so that you can make decisions quickly and comfortably. •Understanding the ancient use of the word "medicine". •How to work with herbs, crystals, and power animals so that you have support in your spiritual work. •How to build and use a home altar to focus your intentions and align you with seasonal cycles, the moon cycles, and your own intentions for growth. •Cleanse, purify, and create sacred space. •Work with the elements to achieve deep connection with the world around you.In addition, Lisa teaches personal, hands-on rituals and spells from her family lineage of gypsy witch magic to help you heal, manifest, and rediscover your powers. Above all, Lisa shows that we really are "the granddaughters of the witches that they couldn't burn".

A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic

by Marian Green

Many witches do not belong to covens but follow a different, solo branch of our magical heritage, the path of the story-book wizard, the wise woman, the hermit, the folk healer, the druid or the shaman. Working alone, they can connect deeply with nature, talk to the trees, follow the patterns of the sun and moon, and feel the changing energies of the year's turning cycle. Anyone can learn something of their magical powers. The ancient arts and spells are there to be rediscovered, given patience, common sense and a longing to know. You can heal yourself, gain peace from stress and find ways of coping with the turmoils of modern life. You can also do good for others, learn to heal with herbs, see into the future and recover the treasures of wisdom from the past. This book shows you where to start.

Witch Crafting

by Phyllis Curott

Phyllis Curott’s first book,Book of Shadows, was an inspirational, spiritual memoir that chronicled her journey from Ivy League-educated, New York City attorney to Wiccan High Priestess. By inviting readers of all faiths to share in her own personal transformation, Phyllis debunked many of the myths surrounding Wicca and revealed it for what it really is: a spiritual movement whose tenets of Goddess worship and reverence for Nature were a great deal more accessible and familiar than she’d ever expected. InWitch Crafting, Phyllis digs deep into the practices and principles of Witchcraft to provide a comprehensive guidebook that anyone "novices and seasoned practitioners alike" can use to incorporate the beauty and power ofWicca into their own daily lives. Far from being just another mechanical spell book,Witch Craftingis the first book to offer readers not only the how-to of Witchcraft, but also thewhy-to, explaining the profound spiritual tenets behind Wiccan techniques. Filled with both traditional and innovative shamanic practices, Phyllis also provides an empowering new definition of magic andreexamines the ethics under which Witchcraft is practiced, offering a groundbreaking alternative to the Threefold Law. With enchanting stories from Curott’s own experiences,Witch Craftingwill also teach you how to: • Master the secret arts of effective spellcasting • Create sacred space and personal rituals • Perform divinations for spiritual insight and earthly success • Tap into the power of altered states, such as dreaming, meditation, prayer, and trance • Keep a magical journal and create your own Book of Shadows ·Keep a magical Rich with detailed advice for making magic, working with Nature, and finding the Divine within, as well as thought-provoking evaluations of this remarkable spirituality,Witch Craftingis the special volume that you’ve been searching for. Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing Witchcraft for years, whether you worship in a coven or on your own,Witch Craftingis the ideal handbook for you, or anyone seeking to unlock the divine power that makes real magic happen and experience the ecstasy, energy, and gifts of the Universe more fully.

The Witch in Every Woman

by Laurie Cabot

Create the life you seek. . . discover a pathway to the powers within.All women possess the primal courage and strength of the Witch. In this breakthrough, life-altering new book, Laurie Cabot brings more than forty years of experience as a spiritual counselor and practicing Witch to cultivate and celebrate the secret, magical side of every woman's nature. Unfolding the wit and wisdom of ancient Celtic tales, as well as many stories of her own making, Laurie shows you how ancient truths can empower you during many of life's dark moments and lead you on a path of success and personal fulfillment. Through story, ritual activity, and spiritual communion, you will learn how to use your instinctual nature to achieve your goals and feel energized, strong, and capable in your daily life.Explore how to: Increase sexuality and bring into your life, and heart, the love you long for Uncover hidden strengths and overcome fear Protect yourself and loved ones from physical harm, deception, or betrayal Retrieve your inborn talent to heal ailments and diagnose disease Unleash creativity Enhance communication skills Sharpen your intuition about others and the world around you Enjoy healthy, productive dreams

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