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Showing 39,276 through 39,300 of 41,724 results

Wear Your Life Well

by Marilu Henner

It's not enough just to live--you have to wear your life well! Learn how in this inspiring guide from New York Times bestselling author and beloved actress Marilu Henner. Ten years after actress Marilu started her bestselling Total Health Makeover series, she's in better shape than ever--at peak health, working with a very active online community at, and celebrating life with her new husband, whom she helped to cure of cancer. Now she's back with an inspiring guide to making your life work for you, whatever your age or condition. Are you happy? Are you living the life you want, or are you living for other people? Are you guided by your own plans or by the design of others? Do you see your life as a daily grind, or are you eager to face each day and every new challenge? Do you get along well with your family, friends, relatives, and coworkers, or do you harbor anger, resentment, or guilt? Are you working toward a dream, or are you daydreaming about not working? In essence, do you Wear Your Life Well? With the verve of a teenager and the wisdom of a sage, Marilu breaks down all the elements in our lives--our minds, our bodies, and the world around us--that can sabotage our progress, and helps us discover the best in ourselves. She pinpoints the often surprising ways we are compromising our lives and offers smart, sensible, healthy alternatives. And Marilu also includes a Booty Camp Life Blitz--a five-day jumpstart that uses the principles in the book in a very specific, directed way to get you a fresh start on the path to optimal wellness. So whether you need a major life change or simply want fresh ideas on improving your life, let Marilu be your cheerleader, muse, and guide.

Wear Your Mask, Baby Shark (Baby Shark)

by John John Bajet

Sing and dance along with Baby Shark, in this catchy tune all about staying healthy and wearing a mask!Sing, dance, and read along as Baby Shark and the whole shark family highlight the importance of mask wearing! Join Baby Shark and his underwater friends as they go on fun adventures all around town, from the soccer game to the grocery store and fun on the playground, staying safe and wearing masks all the way. A fun tool for kids and caregivers alike, this story is an approachable, reassuring way to talk about mask-wearing while singing along to your little one's favorite song. Featuring fun dance moves, an irresistibly catchy tune, and mask-wearing tips from Baby Shark himself, this book is a must-have for every home!

The Web That Has No Weaver

by Ted Kaptchuk

The Web That Has No Weaver is a classic and comprehensive volume that discusses the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Kaptchuk's book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research.

Webster Groves infestata: Vere storie agghiaccianti di fantasmi, riportate con racconti di prima mano

by Patrick Dorsey

Tutti siamo stati terrorizzati da storie agghiaccianti di infestazioni e di morti irrequieti, quegli spiriti che si rifiutano di riposare, rimanendo invece a far parte delle vite dei vivi. Abbiamo letto i racconti, visto i film, e di tanto in tanto ci siamo avvicinati per ascoltare l'esperienza personale di qualcuno con un fantasma. Specialmente quando quel qualcuno vive nella casa accanto. Scopri leggende inquietanti e racconti di prima mano inspiegabili di fantasmi e del soprannaturale in un quartiere forse proprio come il tuo, dove i residenti di una tranquilla comunità di periferia tornano a casa la notte per ritrovare dei passi invisibili; si rassegnano a vedere oggetti che si spostano misteriosamente, scomparendo e riapparendo; vivono con figure spettrali che stanno in agguato; o comunque condividono la loro casa con il soprannaturale. Webster Groves, in Missouri, è uno dei primi sobborghi di St. Louis, un posto il cui passato si estende fino all'epoca Coloniale ed attraversa la Guerra Civile fino al giorno d'oggi. Alcuni di quelli che hanno vissuto quella storia sono evidentemente rimasti...

Webster Groves Mal-assombrada

by Luísa Moderno Rodrigues Patrick Dorsey

Todo mundo já se sentiu inquieto por alguma história assustadora de assombrações e de algum morto sem descanso. Esses espíritos que se recusam a descansar e que continuam a fazer parte da vida das pessoas. Lemos as histórias, assistimos aos filmes e, de vez em quando, nos inclinamos para ouvir a experiência pessoal de alguém com um fantasma. Especialmente quando este alguém mora na casa ao lado. Descubra as histórias horripilantes e os incríveis relatos em primeira mão do fantasmagórico e sobrenatural em uma vizinhança que pode ser bem parecida com a sua. Onde os residentes de uma cidade-dormitório chegam em casa à noite e escutam passos invisíveis; se conformam em ter móveis se movendo, desaparecendo e reaparecendo; convivem com figuras espectrais à espreita e que, de alguma maneira, dividem suas casas com o fantasmagórico e o sobrenatural. A cidade de Webster Groves, no Missouri é um dos primeiros subúrbios residenciais de St. Louis. Um lugar cuja história remonta aos tempos coloniais, passando pela Guerra Civil Americana, até os dias de hoje Alguns dos que viveram nessa época, evidentemente permancem.

Wedding Feng Shui

by Theodora Lau Laura Lau

From your luckiest wedding day to the perfect dress, Wedding Feng Shui will help you plan the ceremony of your dreams! Are you a Dragon with a Tiger fiancÉ? Which of your bridesmaids is your best shopping companion? Will you run into conflicts with your Snake mother-in-law? In Wedding Feng Shui, Chinese horoscope experts Laura Lau and Theodora Lau explain how anyone of any culture can use Eastern wisdom to create a meaningful, beautiful, and personalized wedding. Based on your lunar and solar signs and those of your fiancÉ, wedding party, family, and friends, you'll learn: Which of the twelve animal signs you are-and how it can affect you during the planning process The best and worst tasks for each member of your family and wedding party The perfect dresses, flowers, gemstones, symbols, and more for your sign Your luckiest wedding date, based on your specific marriage combination And there's much more!

Wednesday is for Witch: A Spell a Day for Good Witch Vibes

by Lyra Penrose

Wednesday is for Witch . . . . . . and so is every other day of the year.Awaken your supernatural powers and manifest your dreams into reality with a daily dose of good witch energy. Feel empowered by this book of magical positivity, which offers fun rituals and simple spells for everyday self-care, from a mindfulness charm to help you stay grounded on big days to positive mantras for times when you need a good-mood boost. Whether you want to perform a cleanse for a fresh start, be at one with the nature around you, meditate with the healing power of crystals or simply add a dash of cinnamon to your breakfast for extra zing, this book of spells and spice for everyday good vibes will help you tap into your inner magic whenever you need it.

Wee Warriors and Playtime Patriots: Children’s Military Regalia: Civil War Era through the Vietnam Period

by Nancy Griffith

Wee Warriors & Playtime Patriots engages the reader in a fascinating history of children’s military-inspired fashions – handmade and commercially made replica uniforms, equipage, and toys dating from 1860-1976. An extensive collection of photographs features children in military dress from countries around the world. These touching images of a never-before-chronicled military collectibles field will mesmerize readers. Also included are dozens of nostalgic catalog pages from Sears Roebuck & Co., and Montgomery Ward touting commercially made children’s uniforms that date as far back as 1918. Wee Warriors & Playtime Patriots fills a major gap in the study of nineteenth and twentieth century military clothing styles and is a must, not only for military and patriotic enthusiasts, but for anyone interested in a bit of thought-provoking history.

Weed Mom: The Canna-Curious Woman's Guide to Healthier Relaxation, Happier Parenting, and Chilling TF Out

by Danielle Simone Brand

An essential guide for moms looking to safely and responsibly incorporate cannabis into their daily lives to improve their health, wellness & family life.Weed Mom is an essential guide for women interested in learning more about THC and how to naturally relax, de-stress, and a better partner and parent. This first and only book made just for busy moms is packed with friendly and practical advice, including:The basics of THC and CBDWhat to look for at the dispensaryMicrodosing to boost mood & stay productiveHow to talk about cannabis with family & friendsUnderstanding the potential downsidesUsing cannabis to enhance your sex lifeAnd much moreWhether you are new to the weed game or have experience using cannabis products, this book has something for everyone. You’ll find everything you need to know about taking back your health and wellness, free of stigma.Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book.Praise for Weed Mom“An excellent compendium of cannabis information. If you're curious about how cannabis might fit into your life as a parent, Weed Mom has the answers for you . . . Timely, fun, and educational. It makes a great conversation starter for moms, dads, and anyone else who loves the healing herb!” —Mary Jane Gibson, journalist, actress & host at Weed+Grub“Brand is refreshingly frank about sticky topics like overuse, how to talk to kids about cannabis, and what to do when things go wrong. She also includes an incredibly useful buying guide for those (like me) who feel overwhelmed by the dizzying array of specialized products on the market today.” —Alia Volz, author of Home Baked: My Mom, Marijuana, and the Stoning of San Francisco“Just how Brand becomes one of weed’s most knowledgeable and ardent crusaders is a story you’ll have to follow in the book, but that she’s been to hell and back—with cannabis riding shotgun—makes her wisdom all the more hard-won and reliable. This is an honest, unapologetic book for real women.” —Melinda Misuraca, Project CBD

Weed Witch: The Essential Guide to Cannabis for Magic and Wellness

by Sophie Saint Thomas

Discover and harness the magic of cannabis and get wicked high, in this first-of-its-kind guide to weed in witchcraft. Cannabis and magic are woven together throughout history, and there has never been a better time to embrace your inner weed witch. In this comprehensive guide and spellbook, practicing witch and cannabis writer Sophie Saint Thomas explores the beautiful relationship between the two, offering everything you need to use marijuana in all its forms to awaken your inner magic, enhance your practice, care for your body and soul, and reach your highest self.Weed Witch explores the foundations of witchcraft and a complete cannabis rundown so everyone from beginners to experts on both subjects can blend them safely for optimal harmony. In these pages, you'll learn to use weed to magnify and augment your relationship with astrology, tarot, crystals, moon magic, and much more. The book also contains an exhaustive compendium of stoned spells for love and sex, money and work, protection and healing, and of course, fun.

A Week of Italian Cooking

by Claudio Ruggeri Ludovica Cassano

I decided to write this cookbook after I have noted, for a week, what I ate, all the food that my mother prepared and cooked for me and my sister. I hope to be able to give some advice to all these people who, they've been hearing of Italian cooking, they were curious to know what Italians usually eat everyday.

A Week to Change Your Life: Harness the Power of Your Birthday and the 7-Day Cycle That Rules Your Health

by Dr Olivia Audrey

Renowned naturopathic doctor to the stars shares a &“perfect roadmap&” (Dr. Mike Moreno, New York Times bestselling author of The 17 Day Diet book series) to the life-changing seven-day plan personalized to you and your birthday that can radically improve your health and well-being.Do you regularly get the Monday Blues? Are you always tired on Fridays, even though you want to be excited for the weekend? There may be more to it than just a long work week. Over the course of a week, the human body goes through a cycle of self-regulation. Our energy levels, inflammation levels, capacity to focus, and even our immunity all fluctuate naturally based on this internal seven-day cycle, scientifically known as the circaseptan rhythm. Now, Dr. Olivia Audrey reveals how we can tap into the power of this seven-day cycle to transform our health and overhaul our mind and mood. The key to understanding your own circaseptan rhythm is, remarkably, from the day of the week on which you were born. The birth experience is like a hormonal storm that inflames the body, one that is repeated week after week with an ebb and flow of inflammation and repair that lasts seven days. This cycle has a measurable impact on mood, energy, and all the facets of physical health. Dr. Audrey&’s protocol provides instructions for aligning your health goals with your body&’s natural circaseptan rhythm, unlocking extraordinary benefits. With her accessible writing and actionable advice, Dr. Audrey reveals the secret to harnessing your body&’s natural rhythm in order to heal whatever ails you and boost how you look, feel, and live. This plan can be effective for losing weight, gaining focus, fighting specific diseases, or simply feeling more in tune with your life. A Week to Change Your Life is the ultimate program to &“show us a different way of looking at the problems, reminding us to keep practicing and to feel joy,&” (Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York) so you can create a life of radiant health and energy.

A Week With Gandhi

by Louis Fischer

"Louis Fischer, famous international reporter, was permitted a week in the guest house near Gandhi's headquarters, and daily interviews with the great Indian leader. He kept virtually a stenographic report of his conversations, livened with personal comments, swift pen pictures of Gandhi and his followers, as he encountered them that week last June. One follows the workings of Gandhi's mind, which -- as Fischer says -- is the reason for misapprehension only too often, for Gandhi thinks and speaks simultaneously, and sometimes subsequent statements seem to contradict previous ones, while actually he has simply shared his process of reasoning to a point with his hearers. The most striking evidence of this during Fischer's stay was his expansion of his basic position to indicate that he had, reluctantly, reached a point of accepting the inevitability of India continuing to be a military base for United Nations. He supplemented other much quoted statements, too; for instance, that dealing with him negotiations with Japan, once India was free -- which he said he would like to think possible but realised would not be possible. He and Nehru agree in feeling that religious differences will be merged, once freedom is granted, that Pakistan is only a bargaining card with England, and so on. Exciting reading, as yet another facet of this tragic, complex problem. Fits into pattern with Mitchell and Raman."-Kirkus Reviews

The Weekend: The international bestseller, shortlisted for the Stella Prize 2020

by Charlotte Wood

A #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER One of The Times books of the year: 'Ripples with wit, insight and vitality' 'The Weekend is so great I am struggling to find the words to do it justice... Wood is an agonisingly gifted writer: I am now going to read all her other books!'Marian Keyes'It was refreshing to encounter a novel that so profoundly sympathises with women on the forbidding cusp of being classified as "elderly". Wood ably conveys that older women didn't used to be old, and that the experience of ageing is universally bewildering'Lionel Shriver (Observer, Books of the year) 'Riveting' Elizabeth Day 'A perfect, funny, insightful, novel about women, friendship, and ageing. I loved it'Nina Stibbe 'Authentic, funny, brutally well-observed... As with the novels of Elizabeth Strout or Anne Tyler, these are characters not written to please, but to feel true'The Sunday Times 'Glorious... Charlotte Wood joins the ranks of writers such as Nora Ephron, Penelope Lively and Elizabeth Strout' Guardian'The Weekend triumphantly brings to life the honest, inner lives of women' Independent'A lovely, lively, intelligent, funny book' Tessa Hadley 'One sharp, funny, heartbreaking and gorgeously-written package. I loved it' Paula Hawkins'One of those deceptively compact novels that continues to open doors in your mind long after the last page' Patrick GaleSylvie, Jude, Wendy and Adele have a lifelong friendship of the best kind: loving, practical, frank and steadfast. But when Sylvie dies, the ground shifts dangerously for the remaining three.These women couldn't be more different: Jude, a once-famous restaurateur with a spotless life and a long-standing affair with a married man; Wendy, an acclaimed feminist intellectual; Adele, a former star of the stage, now practically homeless. Struggling to recall exactly why they've remained close all these years, the grieving women gather for one last weekend at Sylvie's old beach house. But fraying tempers, an elderly dog, unwelcome guests and too much wine collide in a storm that brings long-buried hurts to the surface - a storm that will either remind them of the bond they share, or sweep away their friendship for good.

The Weekend Makeover: Get a Brand New Life By Monday Morning

by Jill Martin Dana Ravich

Every woman has at some point felt overwhelmed, overworked, and overtired. She knows she'd feel better if she could just organize her office, get her butt to a yoga class, or finally plan that vacation she's been desperate to take. However, the idea of taking an afternoon or even a few hours for herself seems selfish. Jill Martin and Dana Ravich argue that "me" time is essential to living a more balanced, stress-free life, and show readers how to do this without feeling guilty. Packed with entertaining anecdotes and sprinkled with clever illustrations, Weekend Makeover offers a collection of life-altering makeovers for body, mind, and spirit that can be accomplished in just 48 hours, such as: The Relaxation Makeover, The Romance Makeover, The Clutter Makeover, and the Refrigerator Detox Makeover. Each makeover tackles not only the nitty gritty details (like how to stock one's pantry with nutritious essential or the best ways to get rid of old paperwork), it also guides readers into the right mindset to make the changes stick so that all it takes is one weekend to make, execute, and apply a foolproof plan to get life on track by Monday morning.

Weekend Wonder Detox: Quick Cleanses to Strengthen Your Body and Enhance Your Beauty

by Michelle Schoffro Cook

Detoxify! Cleanse! Avoid processed foods! Detox regimens have never been more popular. But they're not always easy or completely healthy. In fact, many are arduous, lengthy, costly, and minimally effective. Now, natural health and wellness expert Michelle Schoffro Cook offers a new approach to purifying your body. In Dr. Cook's quiz, she helps you pinpoint which areas of your health and body need attention. Then she offers targeted two-day tune-up plans. Sample spa-like weekend itineraries include Health Transformation, Lymphomania, Kidney Flush, Colon Cleanse, Skin Rejuvenation, and Fat Blast. These mini-detoxes help you to reset your natural body chemistry, which can go haywire from environmental toxins and the standard American diet.Each Weekend Wonder Detox plan features delicious, toxin-busting superfoods; gentle herbal remedies; and system-balancing spa therapies that will help you leave lethargy behind, shed excess weight, and reduce skin outbreaks. They'll have you feeling great in a matter of days.

Weekends at Bellevue: Nine Years On The Night Shift At The Psych Er (Playaway Top Adult Picks B Ser.)

by Julie Holland

Julie Holland thought she knew what crazy was. Then she came to Bellevue. New York City's Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the United States, has a tradition of "serving the underserved" that dates back to 1736. For nine eventful years, Dr. Holland was the weekend physician in charge of Bellevue's psychiatric emergency room, a one-woman front line charged with assessing and treating some of the city's most vulnerable and troubled citizens, its forgotten and forsaken, and its criminally insane. Deciding who gets locked up and who gets talked down would be an awesome responsibility for most people. For Julie Holland, it was just another day at the office. In an absorbing memoir laced with humor, Holland provides an unvarnished look at life in the psych ER, recounting stories from her vast case files that are alternately terrifying, tragically comic, and profoundly moving: the serial killer, the naked man barking like a dog in Times Square, the schizophrenic begging for an injection of club soda to quiet the voices in his head, the subway conductor who watched a young woman pushed into the path of his train. As Holland comes to understand, the degree to which someone can lose his or her mind is infinite, and each patient's pain leaves a mark on her as well---as does the cancer battle of a fellow doctor who is both her best friend and her most trusted mentor. Writing with uncommon candor about her life both inside and outside the hospital, her professional struggles, personal relationships, and the therapy sessions that help her crack the hard shell she's formed to keep the pain at bay, Holland supplies not only a page-turner with all the fast-paced immediacy of a TV medical drama but also a fascinating glimpse into the inner lives of doctors who struggle to maintain perspective in a world where sanity is in the eye of the beholder.

The Weekly Meal Plan Cookbook: A 3-Month Kickstart Guide to Healthy Home Cooking

by Kylie Perrotti

Deliciously easy and convenient meal plans to make the stresses of dinner planning disappear!Learn how to utilize common ingredients in new and exciting ways with this how-to guide for conquering the kitchen. The Weekly Meal Plan Cookbook offers three months&’ worth of meal plans with 60 tried-and-true dinner recipes for every night of the week. Comprehensive grocery lists take the guesswork out of grocery shopping and include simple, versatile ingredients that can be used multiple times throughout the week (so you&’ll never have to worry about that big bunch of basil going bad).Your first week&’s meal plan includes:Chicken and Butternut Squash Soup with Crispy Squash SeedsRoasted Pork Tenderloin with Herbed Pearl CouscousVegetarian Lentil Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash and MozzarellaSpicy Turkey Sausage OrecchiettePoached Fish with Roasted VegetablesDiscover more time-saving plans to prep and portion your meals in The Weekly Meal Plan Cookbook, the ultimate guide to cooking healthy, homemade recipes all week long.

Weeknight Fresh & Fast: Simple, Healthy Meals for Every Night of the Week (Williams-Sonoma)

by Kristine Kidd

Easily put delicious, wholesome meals on the table every night of the week with more than 100 recipes for meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetarian dinners. Reflecting author Kristine Kidd&’s practical and flavorful approach to cooking, Weeknight Fast & Fresh offers quick, easy, and healthy dinner ideas for any time of the year, with dozens of choices for poultry, meat, seafood, pasta, egg dishes, soups, stews and more. Using fresh produce as the foundation, Kidd transforms fresh ingredients into delicious dishes: a lemony sauté of chicken cutlets, asparagus, and sugar snaps for spring; quickly grilled lamb chops with chunky peach salsa for summer; a comforting risotto with earthy vegetables and creamy blue cheese for fall; juicy roasted salmon topped with tangy grapefruit and avocado relish for winter. Many recipes are perfect for two people and can easily be scaled up to serve more. Organized by season, chapters open with advice about the fresh ingredients and cooking methods best suited to the time of year. Also included are ideas for quick vegetable sides and fruit desserts as well as advice on stocking the pantry. Clever tips throughout offer enticing ways to round out meals, customize recipes to personal tastes, menu-planning strategies, and helpful ideas for turning leftovers into new suppers later in the week. With this solution-packed title on the shelf, you&’ll have a reliable road map for eating well every night, no matter what the day brings.• Quick weeknight meal ideas for spring, summer, fall, winter• Ideas for rounding out the meal with quick sides and fruit-based desserts • Tips offer time-saving strategies, ideas for using leftovers, and more

Weeknight Gluten Free: Simple, Healthy Meals for Every Night of the Week (Williams-Sonoma)

by Kristine Kidd

A solution-oriented cookbook that offers colorful, nutrient-rich recipes for the gluten-free household—healthy dinner ideas for the busy work week.Weeknight Gluten Free is a road map for cooking and eating healthfully anytime, no matter what the day brings. With valuable advice for a vibrant gluten-free lifestyle, it will help cooks to . . . Fulfill any craving with more than one hundred gluten-free recipes for poultry, seafood, meat, and meatless dinners along with a handful of tempting desserts Customize meals with eight versatile starchy staples and dozens of delicious variations Discover clever tips and strategies for setting up a gluten-free kitchen, building a pantry, turning leftovers into exciting new meals, and more After discovering that she had celiac disease, and facing significant changes to her lifestyle, Kristine Kidd had only one objective: to eat as well as she always had. In Weeknight Gluten Free, she emphasizes quick, flavor-packed meals and transforms easy-to-find fresh ingredients into tempting gluten-free dishes: oven-fried chicken stays crisp on the outside and juicy inside when cloaked with crushed tortilla chips; grilled wild salmon fillets make a filling supper when served atop chickpeas simmered with Moroccan spices; spice-crusted seared steak and peppers simmered in a creamy sauce become enticing, family-friendly tacos when folded into corn tortillas; elbow pasta, made from a mixture of quinoa and corn flours, mingles with cheese, chard, and crisp bread crumbs for a tempting take on macaroni and cheese that no one will guess is gluten free.

Weeknight Paleo: 100+ Easy and Delicious Family-Friendly Meals

by Julie Mayfield Charles Mayfield

The bestselling authors of Paleo Comfort Foods and Quick & Easy Paleo Comfort Foods are back with easy, delicious, quick, family-friendly Paleo recipes for dinner, featuring plenty of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.Here are 100 satisfying Paleo recipes to add variety and keep your family well fed, no matter how hectic or busy your day. For those new to Paleo or in need of a refresher, the Mayfields list the equipment, appliances, and pantry staples you’ll need to set up a Paleo kitchen, and provide prep tips, meal plans, and shopping lists to organize weekly meals. Filled with more than sixty gorgeous color photographs, Weeknight Paleo presents a range of delicious fare, including:Quickfire Meals—dishes that can be prepped, cooked, and served in under 30 minutes, such as Chicken Salad Four Ways, Summer Roll in a Bowl, and Trout in Parchment with Tomatoes and Basil Sauce;One-Dish Meals—less prep and less cleanup with these simple recipes for Oven-Roasted Steaks with Broccoli and Cauliflower, One-Pan Fajitas, and Turkey Cutlets with Stuffing;Family Favorites—top picks from the Mayfield’s own household, such as Chicken Nuggests Redux, Shrimp and Grits, and Wonton-ish Soup;Fix It and Forget It!—meals that can be made in your slow cooker, Instant Pot or Dutch oven like Pork Tinga, Chicken Verde, and Slow Cooker Short Ribs;Get Your Veggies—Carrot Salad, Lime Chipotle Slaw, and other basic salads as well as Mashed Sweet Potatoes with creative variations;Sweets and Treats—recipes to satisfy a celebratory sweet tooth like Lemon Curd Bites, Apple Crisps with Whipped Coconut Cream, and Flourless Chocolate Mini Cakes! Make dinner quick, easy, and appealing with this latest collection of enticing and healthy Paleo meals!

Weeknight Wonders: Delicious, Healthy Dinners in 30 Minutes or Less

by Ellie Krieger

&“Fast and fresh&” recipes from the registered dietician and host of the Food Network&’s Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger (Publishers Weekly). Beloved Food Network and Cooking Channel star Ellie Krieger knows the secret to healthy eating: It has to be delicious. You won&’t eat right if you feel deprived. Weeknight Wonders offers 150 recipes for your favorite foods, as delicious as ever, yet magically reworked without all the fat and cholesterol. Each recipe can be prepared with minimal fuss and simple ingredients, even after a long day at work, in thirty minutes or less! With Parmesan-Crusted Chicken Breasts, Goat Cheese Frittata, no-guilt desserts, and much more, you can stay focused on eating well any day of the week. As Food Network star Melissa D&’Arabian says, this James Beard Award–winning, New York Times–bestselling cookbook author &“proves over and over that healthy is delicious. In Weeknight Wonders, she proves it can be fast, too!&”

Weelicious: 140 Fast, Fresh, and Easy Recipes

by Catherine Mccord

Presents ideas for parents on getting children to enjoy good food and be willing to try new dishes, with a collection of recipes and advice on food shopping and on involving kids in the preparation of their meals.

Weigh Dead: An Iris House B&B Mystery (Iris House B&B Mystery #6)

by Jean Hager

[from the back cover] "A ton of trouble It's March, and Tess Darcy has her hands full, planning both her own June wedding and the renovation to Iris House that will turn her living quarters into a lovely home for herself and Luke. Now she has a house full, and a weighty one at that. Famous aerobics queen Lida Darnell has booked an oversized group of well-heeled fitness wannabes, including radio health know-it-all Dr. Patrice Singleton who's there incognito. Marcia, a recent divorcee with a fascination for UFOs and dancing in the nude is accompanied by her sister Dorinda, who's keeping an eye on her unbalanced sibling. Tubby tycoon Rudy Hansel was tricked into showing up by his gorgeous super-model bride. And the most troublesome fitness follower, Heather Brackland, merciless snoop for The National Scoop, is digging up dirt on her ex-boyfriend--a fitness trainer and now Lida's lover--as well as the rest of the guests...creating a poisonous mix of hungry dieters chewing each other to bits. Tess wants no part of the bickering, but when a loud scream pierces the night air, she rushes outside to discover that someone has turned a fitness retreat into a fatal affair. And with a hefty list of suspects and a slim number of clues, Tess has the mammoth task of figuring out who at her quaint little B & B has turned weight reduction into guest reduction." Her business is running a bed and breakfast, but, again and again she finds herself making murder her business and giving clues to an unappreciative police chief. You'll Enjoy meeting returning and new, colorful characters and collecting evidence with Tess Darcy In the Iris House B&B Mysteries in the Bookshare library including: #1. Blooming Murder, #2. Dead and Buried, #3. Death on the Drunkard's Path, #4. The Last Noel, #5. Sew Deadly and #7. Bride and Doom.

The Weigh Down Diet

by Gwen Shamblin

You can now join the thousands who have discovered a liberating new weight control plan and are turning to God to take away the desire to overeat. The Weigh Down Workshop, a remarkable program which already has thousands of support groups across the country and has gained national attention in media from "A Current Affair" toWoman's Day, is now available as a book. What makes this ground-breaking approach to weight loss so unique is that participants can eat any kind of food-including fats and sweets--and be able to stop in the middle of a candy bar when their stomachs are full. People who have known no end to fullness and who have no control over their late-night binges have learned through the Weigh Down Method that God can remove the seemingly irresistible pull of the pantry and drive-thru restaurants. With this approach, participants can reduce the volume of food they want to one-third of what it used to be and yet still eat with fulfilled satisfaction. Yet this is not a diet like others you've seen. Dieting only increases chewing whereas with the Weigh Down approach, you will chew less food, but more importantly, with God's help-want less food. Quite simply, this approach equals weight loss. Weigh Downgives back hope; hope to dieters who will learn that they are not a failure. Stop torturing yourself. God did not put chocolate or lasagna on earth to torture us--but rather for our enjoyment! Hallelujah!

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