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What All the World's A-Seeking

by Ralph Waldo Trine

Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Trine already knew it.

What Are You Hungry For?

by Deepak Chopra

Basis for the upcoming PBS Special!After promoting this message worldwide for thirty years, bestselling author Deepak Chopra focuses on the huge problem of weight control in America with exciting new concepts. What Are You Hungry For? is the breakthrough book that can bring weight under effortless control by linking it to personal fulfillment in every area of a reader's life. What are you hungry for? Food? Love? Self-esteem? Peace? In this manual for "higher health," based on the latest findings in both mainstream and alternative medicine, Deepak Chopra creates a vision of weight loss based on a deeper awareness of why people overeat - because they are trying to find satisfaction and wind up using food as a substitute for real fulfillment. Repudiating the failed approaches of crash dieting and all forms of deprivation, Chopra's new book aims directly at the problem of finding fulfillment. When that problem is solved, he argues, normal eating falls into place automatically, and the entire system of mind and body achieves what it really desires. "Everyone's life story is complicated, and the best intentions go astray because people find it hard to change," writes Chopra. "Bad habits, like bad memories, stick around stubbornly when we wish they'd go away. But you have a great motivation working for you, which is your desire for happiness. I define happiness as the state of fulfillment, and everyone wants to be fulfilled. If you keep your eye on this, your most basic motivation, then the choices you make come down to a single question: "What am I hungry for?" Your true desire will lead you in the right direction. False desires lead in the wrong direction." Wherever you are in life, this book will help point you in that right direction.

What Are You Laughing at?

by Alice Andre-Clark

Humans are such experts at laughing that we can distinguish a fake laugh from a real one. But why do we laugh?

What Becomes You

by Aaron Raz Link Hilda Raz

“Being a man, like being a woman, is something you have to learn,” Aaron Raz Link remarks. Few would know this better than the coauthor of What Becomes You, who began life as a girl named Sarah and twenty-nine years later began life anew as a gay man. Turning from female to male and from teaching scientist to theatre performer, Link documents the extraordinary medical, social, legal, and personal process involved in a complete identity change. Hilda Raz, a well-known feminist writer and teacher, observes the process as both an “astonished” parent and as a professor who has studied gender issues. All these perspectives come into play in this collaborative memoir, which travels between women’s experience and men’s lives, explores the art and science of changing sex, maps uncharted family values, and journeys through a world transformed by surgery, hormones, love, and... clown school. Combining personal experience and critical analysis, the book is an unusual—and unusually fascinating—reflection on gender, sex, and the art of living.

What Buttosaur Is That? (Andy Griffiths' Butt Series)

by Andy Griffiths

From the New York Times–bestselling author of the Butt Trilogy comes a silly and informative look at prehistoric butt-related life forms.Tyrannosore-arse Rex versus Tricerabutt: Who kicked more butt?Stenchtiles and Farthropods: Which smelled most foul?Exstinktion: How did the buttosaurs get wiped?This book will tell you everything you need to know but were too grossed out to ask about prehistoric butt-related life forms and the complex stenchology of their environment. Never again will you look like a fool when somebody asks, “What buttosaur is that?”A must-have for every kid with a butt!

What Can I Say?: A Kid's Guide to Super-Useful Social Skills to Help You Get Along and Express Yourself; Speak Up, Speak Out, Talk about Hard Things, and Be a Good Friend

by Catherine Newman

Middle school is an essential time to learn and practice social skills, including how to get along with others, talk about hard things, be an ally, and a good friend. In What Can I Say?,Catherine Newman, author of the bestseller How to Be a Person, provides supportive guidance and instruction to help kids establish or and maintain meaningful relationships and effective communication with friends, teachers, family members, and others in their communities. Talking the talk can be tricky, and every page of this super-useful book provides easy, accessible scripts and guidance on the right thing to say in all kinds of situations, from how to be inclusive, listen, give advice, argue, stick up for yourself, and ask for help to how to turn down a date, express sympathy, deal with offensive comments, respond to bullying, and be trustworthy. Humorous, graphic-style illustrations that play our familiar scenarios reenforce Newman's friendly, non-judgmental tone and her commitment to helping kids develop the skills to express themselves clearly while showing empathy, care, and generosity towards others. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

What Can We Learn from Nutrition Impact Evaluations?

by Martha Ainsworth

What Can We Learn from Nutrition Impact Evaluations? High levels of child malnutrition in developing countries contribute to mortality and have long-term consequences for children's cognitive development and earnings as adults. Recent impact evaluations show that many different interventions have had an impact on children's anthropometric outcomes (height, weight, and birth weight), but there is no simple answer to the question "What works?" to address the problem. Similar interventions have widely different results in different settings, owing to differences in local context, the causes and severity of malnutrition, and the capacity for program implementation. Impact evaluations of programs supported by the Bank, which are generally large-scale, complex interventions in low-capacity settings, show equally variable results. The findings confirm that it should not be assumed that an intervention found effective in a randomized medical setting will have the same effects when implemented under field conditions. There are many robust experimental and quasi-experimental methods for assessing impact under difficult circumstances often found in field settings. The relevance and impact of nutrition impact evaluations could be enhanced by collecting data on service delivery, demand-side behavioral outcomes, and implementation processes to better understand the causal chain and what part of the chain is weak, in parallel with impact evaluations. It is also important to understand better the distribution of impacts, particularly among the poor, and to document better the costs and effectiveness of interventions. High levels of child malnutrition in developing countries are contributing to mortality and present long-term consequences for the survivors. An estimated 178 million children under age 5 in developing countries are stunted (low height for age) and 55 million are wasted (low weight for height). Malnutrition makes children more susceptible to illness and strongly affects child mortality. Beyond the mortality risk in the short run, the developmental delays caused by undernutrition affect children's cognitive outcomes and productive potential as adults. Micronutrient deficiencies-vitamin A, iron, zinc, iodine, for example-are also common and have significant consequences. Progress in reducing malnutrition has been slow: More than half of countries are not on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving the share of children who are malnourished (low weight for age) by 2015. The food price and financial crises are making achievement of this goal even more elusive. The World Bank has recently taken steps to expand its support for nutrition in response to the underlying need and the increased urgency due to the crises.

What Color is Your Smoothie?: From Red Berry Roundup to Super Smart Purple Tart--300 Recipes for Vibrant Health

by Britt Allen Brandon

Eating the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables isn't always easy. Even if you do, you still might not be getting the wide range of vitamins and minerals you need. Each color group of fruits and vegetables offers different beneficial effects, so to get these essential nutrients, you have to eat the rainbow! What Color Is Your Smoothie? helps you do just that. Inside, you'll find delicious, easy-to-make recipes, such as: Sparkling Strawberry Smoothie-bright red strawberries are packed with vitamin C. They also contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and belly-filling fiber.Clever Carrots and Spice-orange carrots are full of beta-carotene, which helps prevent cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular diseasePineapple Banana Cream-yellow bananas are rich in carotenoids, which can decrease the likelihood of lung cancerSpicy Spinach Smoothie-dark green veggies contain phytochemicals, which can protect your eyes by keeping your retinas strongBlueberry Blastoff Smoothie-blue and purple foods contain flavonoids, which help prevent short-term memory loss With more than 300 colorful, vitamin-packed smoothies to choose from, you'll blend, smooth, and shake your way to a healthy new you!

What Color Is Your Swimming Pool?: A Homeowner's Guide to Trouble-Free Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub Maintenance

by Alan Sanderfoot

Keep your swimming pool, spa, or hot tub clean and inviting with beautiful sparkling water. Covering all essential maintenance procedures, this easy-to-use guide shows you how to expertly and inexpensively care for your backyard water features. With advice on everything from basic cleaning routines to doing your own repairs, Alan E. Sanderfoot tells you what you need to know about water filtration systems, pumps, motors, heaters, winterizing, and more. Enjoy the pleasures of healthy, crystal-clear water for less money and less trouble! This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

What Demons Can Do to Saints

by Merrill F. Unger

What Did I Do Last Night?: A Drunkard's Tale

by Tom Sykes

When Tom Sykes landed his dream job as the New York Post's bar columnist and nightlife reporter, he turned his long-standing drinking problem into a vocation. His memoir is a funny, thrilling, and ruthlessly honest exhumation of his drinking life and a candid account of his first 90 days without alcohol.Tom traces his alcoholism back to his British boyhood at Eton College, England's oldest and most exclusive boarding school, where the boys had to wear tail suits to class and there was a school pub. He delves into his aristocratic family's well-documented fondness for the bottle and covers his own drinking apprenticeship as a trainee journalist on London's famously alcohol-sodden newspapers.Whether he is getting arrested for drunk driving at the age of 15, climbing naked into his friends' and colleagues' beds, or simply trying to file an emergency front-page update while reeling from a cocktail of Ecstacy and magic mushrooms, Tom takes the reader on an addictive journey into the insanity of intoxication—all too often followed by a mossy tongue, a dull headache, and one burning question: "What the hell did I do last night?"

What Do I Eat Now?

by M.S. Patti Geil R.D. Tami A. Ross

What Do I Eat Now? is the single best resource for people with diabetes to learn how to eat right and eat healthy with diabetes. Each chapter explains a vital concept of diabetes nutrition in easy-to-understand language. "Tell Me What to Eat" meal plans and recipes at the end of each chapter get readers started on a lifetime of healthy eating. Don't waste time trying to figure everything out from scratch when What Do I Eat Now? gives readers a step-by-step plan for understanding how to eat right. Learn as you go by cooking healthy, nutritious, and flavorful diabetic meals!

What Do I Eat Now?: A Step-by-Step Guide to Eating Right with Type 2 Diabetes 2nd Edition

by Tami A. Ross Rdn Ld Cde Mlde Patti B. Geil Fand Faade

Any person diagnosed with diabetes has one simple question: What do I eat now? When diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, doctors typically tell their patients to start eating healthy. But what does that mean? <P><P>If figuring out what to eat seems like taking a test, here's the solution, the American Diabetes Association book, What Do I Eat Now?. Written in clear, concise, and down-to-earth language that takes the mystery out of confusing nutrition recommendations, this indispensable guide can help readers make lasting changes in as little as a month. In only 4 weeks, readers can eat better, improve their diabetes management, and live a healthier lifestyle. With What Do I Eat Now?, readers will be able to: Start off fast - quickly turn their diet around Do It Right - learn what to eat and when Cut to the Chase - follow easy, straightforward advice from diabetes experts Leave Confusion Behind - learn essential nutrition tips everyday For those simply looking to be told what to eat, What Do I Eat Now? has everything needed to take the guesswork out of healthy meal planning. Start eating better today!

What Do We Know About Alien Abduction? (What Do We Know About?)

by Kirsten Mayer Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Are there really aliens visiting Earth to observe and interact with humans?In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have experienced a bizarre night that included extraterrestrials, flying saucers, and a few lost hours during which they could recall very little until they underwent hypnosis. Their mysterious story was just the first of many that have been told by people who have since come forward with their own similar experiences. Although there are thousands of people who claim to have experienced alien abduction, much of the world remains skeptical. Is alien abduction a real phenomenon that has affected people worldwide or just an imagined shared experience? Could the US government be working to cover up these stories? Here are the the facts about what we really know about Alien Abduction.

What Do We Know About the Chupacabra? (What Do We Know About?)

by Pam Pollack Meg Belviso Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Is there really a mysterious, blood-sucking creature called the Chupcabra?Early one morning in 1995, a rancher in Humacao, Puerto Rico, found three of his goats dead. The blood seemed to have been drained from their bodies. As dozens more farm animals were found dead across the island, the fear of the so-called Chupacabra -- the "goat sucker" -- grew. But was a mysterious cryptid really responsible for all of these deaths? And if so, where would it go next? Follow the trail of the Chupacabra in this exciting new title.

What Do We Know About the Kraken? (What Do We Know About?)

by Ben Hubbard Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Is this celebrated sea creature fact, myth, or legend? Find out all we know about the Kraken and its history in this exciting book!Presenting What Do We Know About?, an exciting new extension the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!Sea monsters have a long history in lore and literature. Homer first wrote of them in 700 BCE. What Do We Know About the Kraken? lets curious young readers explore what we actually know about this mysterious sea monster's long history. Dive into the facts behind this massive squid-like creature that was first described using the word "Kraken" in the beginning of the eighteenth century. For centuries, sailors have feared the Kraken, which they believe lurks in the ocean, waiting to pull ships beneath the surface with its powerful tentacles. Several famous writers such as Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Jules Verne have described monsters inspired by the Kraken. In this book, readers will also learn about the real creature that might have inspired the Kraken -- the giant squid.

What Do We Know About the Loch Ness Monster? (What Do We Know About?)

by Steve Korte Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Is the Loch Ness Monster really lurking beneath Scottish waters, or is it just a myth? Find out all that there is to know about the most famous aquatic cryptid! From the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series comes What Do We Know About?, a series that tells the stories of world-famous crytpids, mysteries, and more.Also known as Nessie, this creature of the lake's history dates all the way back to the year 565. Since then, there have been photographs and films that allegedly show proof of the monster's existence. But are they fact or fiction? Learn all about the research, expeditions, and tests that provide clues about the Loch Ness Monster and whether or not it is real in this captivating book for young readers!

What Do We Know About the Mystery of D. B. Cooper? (What Do We Know About?)

by Kirsten Anderson Who HQ

Find out what really happened when a strange man hijacked an airplane in 1971 and then parachuted out of it, never to be seen again. What is the truth behind the mystery of the man who came to be known as D. B. Cooper?On November 24, 1971, an unidentified man hijacked an airplane that was flying from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington. He demanded $200,000 and told a flight attendant that he had weapons. After stopping in Seattle, the hijacker was given the money and he released the attendants. But he demanded that the pilots stay on-board, refuel, and fly him to Mexico City. Just thirty minutes after the plane took off, the man jumped out of the aircraft and parachuted away...never to be seen or heard from again. Did he escape with the money? Did he even survive the jump? Over fifty years later, the FBI still does not know what happened to the man they call "D. B. Cooper." Find out what we do know about one of America's most famous, unsolved mysteries in this book for young readers.

What Do We Know About the Nazca Lines? (What Do We Know About?)

by Ben Hubbard Who HQ

How did the mysterious images high in the Nazca Desert in Peru come to be? Find out the truth about these ancient figures in the soil that can only be fully seen from high above the Nazca plain.Presenting What Do We Know About?, an exciting extension of the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!The Nazca Lines in Peru have mystified people around the world for centuries. The famous figures, sometimes called geoglyphs, include a hummingbird, a spider, a fish, a monkey, a dog, a cat, human-like figures, geometric designs, and more. These amazing images were believed to have been created between 500 B.C.E. and 500 C.E., and no one is quite sure how or why they were created. Some historians believe that they are ancient irrigation systems, but other researchers believe in a more paranormal origin story. Were the Nazca Lines created by ancient cultures thousands of years ago, or could they have been alien landing sites? Find out the truth about the Nazca Lines in this book for young readers.

What Do We Know About the Roswell Incident? (What Do We Know About?)

by Ben Hubbard Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Will we ever learn the truth about what actually landed at Roswell? From the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series comes Where Is?, a series that tells the stories of world-famous landmarks and natural wonders and features a fold-out map!In 1947, an unusual object crashed in the New Mexico desert and was recovered by the Roswell Army Airfield officers. People everywhere began to speculate what the object could be. Could it possibly be a flying saucer? Would that be proof of aliens and life beyond Earth? Even decades later, some people still believe that the Roswell Incident is the most famous UFO sighting ever. Still, those who worked at the airfield insist it was just a weather balloon that had fallen from the sky. Was the Roswell Incident evidence of alien life, a government cover-up, or just a myth? Here are the facts about what we do know about Roswell.

What Do We Know About the Winchester House? (What Do We Know About?)

by Emma Carlson Berne Who HQ

The What Do We Know About? series explores the mysterious, the unknown, and the unexplained. Why was Sarah Winchester's puzzling mansion built with so many mysterious features? And is it truly haunted?In 1884, Sarah Winchester began building a large mansion in Santa Clara County, California. Under Sarah's direction, the house rose to be seven stories high and filled with mysterious features, including stairs that lead to nowhere and windows that look into other interior rooms. The house is more than just oddly designed, however: Many people believe that it is haunted. What made the heiress to the Winchester rifle fortune, an independent woman in many ways ahead of her time, create such an unusual house? Is it really filled with ghosts and spirit energy? Find out more in this nonfiction title about one of America's most famously unexplainable and possibly haunted houses.

What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire

by Daniel Bergner

In What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire, critically acclaimed journalist Daniel Bergne disseminates the latest scientific research and paints an unprecedented portrait of female lust: the triggers, the fantasies, the mind-body connection (and disconnection), the reasons behind the loss of libido, and, most revelatory, that this loss is not inevitable.Bergner asks: Are women actually the less monogamous gender? Do women really crave intimacy and emotional connection? Are women more disposed to sex with strangers and multiple pairings than either science or society have ever let on? And is “the fairer sex” actually more sexually aggressive and anarchic than men?While debunking the myths popularized by evolutionary psychology, Bergner also looks at the future of female sexuality. Pharmaceutical companies are pouring billions of dollars to develop a “Viagra” for women. But will it ever be released? Or are we not yet ready for a world in which women can become aroused at the simple popping of a pill?Insightful and illuminating, What Do Women Want? is a deeper exploration of Daniel Bergner's provocative New York Times Magazine cover story; it will spark dynamic debates and discussions for years to come.

What Doctors Eat: Tips, Recipes, and the Ultimate Eating Plan for Lasting Weight Loss and Perfect Health

by Tasneem Bhatia The Editors of Prevention

The biggest misconception people have about doctors? That they know nothing about food and nutrition. The fact is food has become an important part of medicine. Studies have shown that a healthy diet and other good lifestyle habits can reduce your odds of developing a serious illness by 82 percent!What Doctors Eat brings together the collective dietary wisdom of 65 leading physicians and other health experts. They share the eating, exercise, and stress management advice they give to their patients and follow in their own lives along with their favorite healthy recipes. These dishes are packed with healing foods that are completely delicious.Nutrition expert and holistic physician Tasneem Bhatia, MD, compiled all the dietary advice and delicious recipes into one amazingly powerful 30-day diet plan. What Doctors Eat will help you drop pounds and put you on the road to a lifetime of perfect health. It's like having a healthy eating coach on call 24/7.

What Does It Mean To Be Safe?

by Sandra Salsbury Rana DiOrio

As a young boy and his friends go on an outing to the local river and then return home, they look out for one another, resist peer pressure, and listen to their inner voices to know the right thing to do. Along the way, the boy discovers that each of us is the single best person to protect our precious self, and that there are so many things we can all do to be safe!

What Does That Mean?: Exploring Mind, Meaning, And Mysteries

by Eldon Taylor

Enlightenment is not something that can just be handed to you. The closest thing to it that you can receive are thoughts and questions that can lead you inward in the search for meaning. What Does That Mean? is full of thoughts and questions that do just that. Some insights you may have thought of and then forgotten, and others you may have experienced but simply haven’t appreciated. An old saying asserts that the value of a book is not in what it says but rather in what it does. What Does That Mean? is one of those books that will have a lifetime impact on all who read it. The book squarely faces the many inconsistencies held in our systems of belief, from the sciences to psychic phenomena. Eldon Taylor is willing to speak out without reservation, and without avoiding any so-called sanctities. The result is absolutely thought-provoking at every level, as this work addresses the meaning of life and the ultimate "humanness" of the human being. If you have ever questioned the nature of life, the power of the mind, unexplained events, and other mysteries, you will find this book totally riveting. Throughout these pages, Eldon shares life experiences that will lead you to revelations about your own life. Perhaps this book’s greatest value is that it assists you in remembering who you really are and thereby places you firmly back on the path to personal enlightenment. English writer and poet Joseph Addison, said, "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." If that is the case, then this book is the perfect workout to enrich your thinking. You may not always like what you read, but you will always find the depth of thought wholly provocative.

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